'1 MCA ftt ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1016. Daily Democrat r. p. ntj mm Entered at the postoffice at Albany, - Oregon, a second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues days and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER , SUBSCRIPTION RATES . DaUy elivsred by carrier, $4.00 per year ia advam e, . otherwise 40c per snoata. Sf .nail, at end of year 3.50 3.00 Bf Died ia advance, per year . - SWrai-Weekly At end ef yew ... Wajgjd H advance, one yr...- .CLASSIFIED RATES ; le per word for first publication; y4e per word thereafter, payable in ad vance Mnnmain cnargc ot ac In orderiim changes of address, sub scribers should always (Hve old as yi nrw adores. BBtftMfeted in 1865. WEDNESDAY, HAY 10. 1916. . NATIONAL HIGHWAYS. Secretary of War Baker . was re cently requested for an opinion on the Shields-Small bill providing for a preliminary investigation and report on a system of national highways.' His reply is characteristic of the manner in which he goes to the bot tom of things, and suggestive of big possibilities in the future: ; "If congress desires to enter upon the construction of a system of na tional highways, the general features of the plan presented in the bill are, . in my judgment, admirably adapted to' produce the facts - necessary for such a consideration. It proceeds up on the safe and wise business princi- : pies of preliminary examination and report, thus giving congress full in formation collected by trained men and the data so collected forms a def inite and essential basis on which to found conclusions as to what extent, if any, and under what conditions the federal government shall embark up on such a project . "It includes also the sound princi ples of central control, thus insuring standard and uniform results for all sections of the country, and on com mitting expenditure to officers di rectly accountable to the federal gov ernment, and alive to the fact that the largest possible outcome for the mon ey placed in their hands is expected of them. ', V?'' . V: '; "In addition to the advantages of the intelligent way of going at the matter, and of the uniform and eco nomical results to be expected from the method in which appropriations are to be applied, the plan .makes possible a special military advantage in time of war through the fact that officers of the corps of engineers, on whom, in war time, the work of map ping out the theatre of operations and constructing roads therein, de pend, would have a-wide knowledge of onr national communications, and a valuable, practical experience in road construction. While all of the officers of the corps receive thorough theoretical instruction in the road making art, opportunities are now : lacking for giving them the practical experience essential to a quick and ready grasp of the emergencies which would arise at the outbreak of hos- tilities. . .. . '.' ' Toir these reasons, if congress de cides to embark upon a project of this character, there will be many advan tages in conducting the work under the engineering corps of the United States army. "With reference to the sum pro posed for defraying expenses, the in- formation available in the department is insufficient to permit a positive ex pression of views as to whether $250, 000 will suffice to prepare a complete preliminary plan for the whole Unit ed States or not. The recent high way work for various states has pro vided a considerable mileage which will be available for connection be- ' tween principal centers. It has been Computed, however, that the .total length of roads in the United States is ' something over 2,000,000 miles, and . considering the wide extent of the na , tional domain, and the fact that in so many instances alternative routes be tween centers are available, it will be seen that the plan involves the con sideration of thousands of miles of .highways. The sum mentioned, how ever, will doubtless permit the prep aration of preliminary plans for a large proportion of the principal routes. ' Speedily, skillfully, economically, is he City Auto Transfer way. al7tf adv o ' . Careful attention given to all jew elry repairing at Kreamers new srore. - ; : o25tf adv Dr. Stone's Heart Drops cures heaves. Price $1; for sals by all drug MISFITS Joe Cannon, just eighty, lays his young age to smoking stogies and cussing a little. Later when he has to answer for his cussedness it will not be as much of a joke. '"'.. Of course this Cymric biz. had to pop up just when smooth sailing was observed. The probability is that the sub. ma rine had not yet received the new or ders. What's the matter? More bank re sources in Or. than ever before. Saw mills all a hurrying. But well, you say the rest. When Casey went to the bat will be a tame affair compared with when Logan went to the bat. If all the fool speeches made around were individualized an insane asylum would look like a college compared with the result It would take a genius to guess what's- under a Mexican hat down along the border. A prominent resident of Dublin is one Richard Crocker, a former cele brated N. Y. grafter. This is such a fast age a man hardly has time to dot his i's, and Misfits is thinking of changing his name to Nuten. The traditional flea is a turtle com pared with Vea. Stolen for Friday. "Crooks!" "Robber!" "He was safe a mile!" "Oh, you thief!" "How much do they pay ya?" "Lynch him!" . "You wait until after this game!" When We Were Boys. Where is the slang of yesteryear? Those words and phrases gay,' That formerly assailed our ears, Are seldom heard today. "Shoo fly; don't bother me," "Johnny, get your gun," Save Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parkers' Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, lnd sell en a low margin Low rent to ae mean more profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W.E.PARKER HACK PARKER 4t and Lyon street ST. NATIONAL DANK HOW SECURE ARK TOUR INSURANCE POLI CIES, deeds, mortgages, jewslry, heirlooms, will and private sorreepondence from fire, burglars or prying eyse? HOW SERIOUSLY WOULD TOU BE INCON TENIXNCED if they should be lost or destroyed? WOULDN'T IT BE WORTH $1.00 A YEAR to know they are absolutely safe ia oar modern safe deposit valats? A ' IV JY ore! Portland Rom Queen GOOD FOR Natae Organization This ooupeo will eoeai eae vets) when properly filled eat and seat te PertUsd Rose Kestival Contest Department, Northwestern Natl, Bank Building.. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. :. "Ah, there stay there," "Well, how are' you son?" "Red head white horse," "Go and soak your head," "Come, now! Stick-in-the-mud!" "Your boots are full, of lead." "Hold your horses, cully," "Don't yon get too fly," "Over the left," "you're a dude," "Wait till the clouds go by." Alas, the slang of yesteryear, Like much that's old "gives up the gnost, Displaced by something worse. ' Boston Globe. County trips at reasonable rates. City Auto Transfer. a!7tf SETTING HENS WANTED Small ish tame setters, healthy and with no vermin. Linn Ringneck Ranch, one-half mile south of Hackle-.nan's Grove, Lebanon road. m4-18 Order your silo material from the Albany Lumber Co. Sawmill now run ning. Both phones. m4tf SLADWOOD See E. R. CUMMINGS Big first slab, extra good quality, al so 2nd growth fir slab made of peeled timber. Same as last year. Office phones' Bell 143-Ji Home 117i Res. phones: Bell 350: Home 146. THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones The Albany Bakery Wi Deliver to Any Part of the "- Oty 115-119 B. 3rd Street Bell 500 Party R Home 419 H. FIRCHAU CO. Money ST. SAVINGS DANK Festival 1916 Contest ONE VOTE DRESSMAKING First class dress making, reasonable prices. Mrs. M. R. .Bochmer, 424yi West First St. Bell phone 5J0-Y. " ui3june 3 Expert watch and deck repairing at Kreamera Jewelry More. o25tf adv Pianos moved with greatest of care. City Auto Transfer. adv 17-tf : . o Daily Democrat by Carrier. t4 Year. I examine the eyea to deter mine the error of refraction and from this perscription I have the glasses accurately made by a manufacturing optician. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist GEO. G. BINGHAM, ' Republican candidate for circuit judge. Linn and Marion counties. At Republican pri maries. May 19, 1916. . . . Will endeavor to ascertain what the law is, and apply it to the facts in each particular case. 'Impartial justice to all." sdr a20tf A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St. Albany, Ore. VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Street FISHER, RRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertsking Psrlors. 3rd and Broadalbiu aj-a LADY ATTENDANT - Both Phones. WE WANT YOUR WOOL M. SENDERS & CO. Open Saturday Evenings. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of S. F. Magnetic Heal ing. Consultation Free Bell phone 109-J Home phoneI2 Over Albany State Wank Rooms 1-2 734 Lyon St. . 2185 Home Phone 1 We are at your service for Meats and Fish D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM . First Street AH ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, . Well located. See Dr. A. STARK lJIH CZl Good Vs Op ) at Right ff&t A full line of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our prompt service and cour teous treatment will merit your trade. Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS, Prop. Both Phones SI 112 W. let St. . Fortmiller Bros. Funcr.il Directors' Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. I-ady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MUX and CREAM X Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill T The Safe Way start a Checking Account with this bank and deposit frequent ly checks held before deposit ing are sometimes returned un paid marked, "No funds." Pay local bills with your own checks use our Drafts or Ex change for those at a distance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK ft CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon TRY the ALBANY DAIRY for sanitary milk and whipping crenm. We invite you to visit and inspect our dairy. Bell phone 15-F-41. A. P. MISH LER, Prop. NEW RUGS MADE F?-" YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N, W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell pkone 377-R; Home 81 HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended le. Office J. A. HOWARD. 32S W. 1st St. Bell 166-R; Home 68. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Before and after, 456-Y Bell; K-544 Home. Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. 333 West First St, Albsny, Oregon. A QUALITY STORE . We sell the bestat lowest prices Watch Repairing F. G. Will Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hainrae'. Hotel Building Home Comfort Is greatly Increased by decorating your walls and ceilings with dainty, rtlstlc wall paper. Wall Paper of this kind la not expensive If our chaaed from us. It la easy to select patterns dainty and artistic from our well selected stock. Won't you let ut show you early while our stock Is unbroken? We extend you a meat hearty Invitation to tee our samples and will do our best te make you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCREKV LU3UNESS Ol 1 C 0 I C I C fl WANT DIRECTORY ULnUuiriLU ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR BLMRR'C OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms i, 7, 9, 10, Cusiek Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the csuse ia removed. Chiropractic sdjuslmeuts remove the cause. Belt 138J Home 1J80 DR. OEO. J. KENAOY Chiropractic Physician Examination Free Suits 401-2, Nations! Bsnk Bldg. DR. g. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor MRS. RUSSELL Ladies' Masaeuse Moorfield cabinet stesm baths in connectiou with adjustiugs and treat ments, rcstorss health. Bell 1I6-R Horns 1461 LAWYERS. Z. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law V'l-2 New First National Dank build 'iig, Albany, Oregon. L G. LF.WF.LI.ING Attorney at law Notary public Albany, Oregon. WKATHERFORD 4 WEATHER FORD, i Lawyers, Albany, Ore. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE P.. F. SOX Resl Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans Ciiy wsrrauts bought snd told. Room No. I, second floor. First Savings Bank building, Albany. Orrgos B. M. PAYNE Farsa lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Flrr insursnce. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albsny, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT fl room house; bsth. Located on Fourth and Hill. Thone Home 2251. Stf FOR RENT Four room apartment. Inquire of Burggraf, US 2nd St. f24 tf FOR RENT Leaving the city. Will rent a furnished o-room modern hoase. Csll 1013 S. Calapeoia. Home phone 3141. m22tf WAREHOUSE FOR RENT On all Rys and boat transportation, one ' block from First National bsnk, by month or term. See Fish ft Hodg es, owners. mS-10 FOR RENT Office rooms in the Will-Stark building on First street. Light, roomy snd comfortable. Call at F. G. Will's, Jeweler, a7tf FOR RENT For cash, SO acres In Santiam bottom miles north ef .Lebanon. 25 acres cultivstion, in cluding 8 seres newly grubbed lsnd, besides 5 acres bearing orchard and garden spot. Balance timber pas ture with running wster. Address B. B. Daughton, Lebanon R. 1, Phone Lebanon Farmers 24X. RANCH FOR RENT Have 300 ac re goat ranch. All fenced. Will raat or take goats on shares. 104 W 3rd FOR RINT Faraiesied eat rood ettege. laqelre at sVM See til Jef ferson St. stems pkeae BVsek 4128. salStf FOR 8ALE I K. L. STIFF ft SON -'15 u 217 Lyon St. I New and Second Hand Ooods I Bought and Sold. addition. Short distance from Cen tral and high schools. Both phones. T. P. ilacklcman. a24ui24 FOR SALE OR EXCHAtvtWt A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for rky property or good farm land. Roesa 1149. II6tf FOR SALE Light reorfrti aaromo. bite. First class coadision. Recent ly overhauled. Address "fteedeter' care Democrat. eitf FOR SALE On account of sickness I offer my stock o fgen. dry goods and groceries, located at IMuinrir r, Or, lor sale. Fine location. Partic ulars on application. Address O. K Holdrcilge, Shedil, R. F, D. mi i FOR SALIC Nice range, good sise, in nice condition. Call at 921 W. 10th St, or phone Bell 467-Y. m4-6 FOR SALE 3 II. P. Stover gasoline engine and small feed grimier, $75. Ldrul outfit for furm use. Inquire at Democrat. m6-V FOR SALE l'ierce-Arrow automo bile, 1910 mode!, Good running con dition, $.1X1. W. S. Weaver. m6-9 FOR SALE OR TRAIJU A Califor- nia bungalow on easy terms. See J .11. Naali, 723 Chamber of Com merce Building, Portland, Or, or call 426-R City. m6.o WnCBtLLAMOOOa ROOMS FOR RENT F. G. Will. mltf LOST or STOLEN Bay mare, W. 950 or 1000 pounds, scar on loft bind foot. Age 10 years. In good shape. Notify St. Charles Hotel. WOODSAWING By R. B. Tower, successor of Ed., Holland. Office with Dugan ft Denny. Bell 394-J; Home 394. SHOES REPAIRED Ladies' soles put on 50c; men's soles put oa for 75c. Burns, Shoe Doctor, opposite post office. s!9inl9 d Itsw WANTBD. WEAVING-Cariest aad ruga, ia sstiafsctory maaaer. Pkeas l-Y. Uianie Smith. ffleV WANTS WORK-I.edy waate work by day or hear. Heme pkeas, 34N. SM WORK WANTED Aleae with five children, went work ef sag. Mad. Will ge oat or briag it kesae. SM E. First St. WORK WA NTED Womsa wsnts wsihing to do at home or will work by the day. Csll Home pkone 315 WORK WANTED Will ge out or take work home. Lace enrtains a specislty. 25c per eeir.. Bell ,196-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf' 0 Money to Loan, to the following amounts: $10,044, $5,000, $3,000, $2,000, $1,00. This is lo cal money and want good all purpose arm mortgage security. Gill on J V. PIPE, 203. W. 2nd St. dly wk HOtf WHY let your grass go to wate when you can get milch cows or young stock of HUB BRYANT on time? Turn your fsed into money. RaatJ EarUU for Baugesa la asms leaade, etay aye- fefaWp MBfls"' fesf aVHaV atasHsVMMal wrftisa In the stxongast eld toe companies, Call on J. V. Pipe, gists. .. a2tf LOTS FOR SALE The Kpaallne