nE TWO AtBANV DAILY DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY, APRIL 27,1918. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues tlays and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 per year ia advance, otherwise 40c per month. t and. at end of year 3 SO By oj.iil in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year $1 SO. When paid in advance, one yr l.Zj CLASSIFIED RATES 1c per word for first publication; He per word thereafter, payable in ad- In ordering changes of address, sub scriber! should always ptve old as weU n$ new address. Established in 1865. THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1916. THE METHODISTS. The coming general conference of the M. E. church at Saratoga, N. Y to convene May 1 and last for four weeks, which will be attended by a couple of Albany people, one as a delegate, is of general interest. This delegated body of over eishl hundred ministers and laymen in equal numbers meets every four years to review the work of the church and to revise and add to its legislation. The General Conference is made up of delegates from the one hundred and thirty-three Annual Conferences, the Annual Conference being the working unit of Methodism. The first General Conference of American Methodism was held in Bal timore, Maryland, in 1792, at which all preachers in full membership of an Annual Conference were eligible. The first delegated General Conference was held in New York City, May 1 22, 1812. At this Conference the first Episcopal address, an utterance which his become of increasing importance, was delivered . This Episcopal ad dress is now accepted as the official declaration of the church on import ant theological, administrative, and social problems. At tie General Con ference held in New York City in 1844, the agitation over slave-holding became so acute as to result in plans for separation between that sec tion of the church in the North and the section in the South. The Metho dist Episcopal church, South, was or ganized in Louisville, Kentucky, May 1, 1845. . Methodism began in America with the arrival of Philip Embury and Barbara Heck, Irish immigrants, who were enthusiastic in the propaganda of their faith. John Wesley, who was the founder of Methodism in England, remained at the head of American 'Methodism until the Revolutionary War severed relationships between England and the United States. All of the- preachers witlr the exception of Francis Asbury returned across the sea, whereupon, September 1, 1784, John Wesley ordained Dr. Thomas Coke to be superintendent or bishop of the Methodist societies of the Unit ed States of America. There arc now twenty bishops and seven missionary bishops serving the Methodist Epis copal church throughout the world. The former are elected by General Conference and located for periods of . four yeacrs each in cities which arc designated Episcopal residences. The latter are elected by General Confer ence for continuous service in specific fields. .The Methodist Episcopal church was organized at Baltimore, Mary land, at the so-called Christmas Con ference, December 24, 1784, to Janu ary 2, 1785 At that time there were 104 preachers and 18,000 communi cants. There are now over 15,000 preachers and 4,033,123 members. In the early days of the Methodist church the salary of a preacher was $64. If married, he received the sim ' ilar amount for his wife, with $16 for each child under six and $22 for each child between six and eleven years. Among the important matters that will come before the General Con ference at Saratoga Springs are the questions concerning organic union '-with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which has been under discus sion with both of these important branches of Methodism for some time; the question whether the church shall elect Bishops for races and lan guages; the election of bishops to take the places of those who have died during the last four years and those who will retire from active service 'automatically by reason of this scs- sion being nearest to their seventy third birthday; the election of editors for the church press, which includes the Methodist Review, the numerous weekly Christian Advocates, the Ep worth Herald, and the Sunday School publications of the church; the elec tion of corresponding secretaries for such church boards as the board of foreign missions, tlic board of home missions and church extension, the Frcedmen's Aid Society, the board of education, the board of Sunday Schools, etc.; the election of publish ing agents of the Methodist Book Concern, ere. MISFITS The name of the Portland Beavers should be changed to Mud Turtles. They should send for Doug Hamil ton to pitch for them. The manner ia which prohibition is affecting Washington is shown in the Pacific Telephone's record at Tacoma Since the first of the year. 35 st.itions were added in January and 34 in Feb ruary. It was thought March would surpass this, the record not yet being made up. Before the company were tearful of the results. Some one says there was more busi ness in Albany twenty years ago than now. Let's see. Twenty years ago the deposits of the First National Bank were $307, 000, with total resources of $324,000. Now they are approximately three times that. Those of the Cusick bank have also increased that much and we have two more banks. Then the post office receipts were between $8,000 and $9,000. Now almost three times as much. These are splendid indications of the business of a city. Things are quiet just now, but isn't it probable that the total business of Handy Electric Radiators For Baby's Comfort The extra heat required for baby's bath when he is being dressed or undressed is most conveniently supplied by an electric radiator. Electric heaters radiate a luxurious warmth without od ors, fumes or products of combustion and are perfectly adapted to the needs of elderly people as well as children. See them today at your dealers. Oregon Power Co. "Reliable Service" Telephones 15 366 West Second St. Save Money Both country and city people will savs money by trading at Parkers' Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest pries for eggs and produce, and sell on a low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. PARKER MACK PARKER 4th and Lyon street ' ST. NATIONAL DANK A HOW SECURE ARE YOUR INSURANCE POLI CIES, deeds, mortgages, jewelry, heirlooms, will and private correspondence from fire, burglars or prying eyes? HOW SERIOUSLY WOULD YOU BE INCON VENIENCED if they should be lost or destroyed? , WOULDN'T IT BE WORTH $1.00 A YEAR to know they are absolutely safe in our modern safe deposit valuts? B A N Y ore ST. SAVINGS DANK the city from all sources is two or three times that of twenty years ago. Laugh It Off. Are you worsted in a fight? '.nugh it off. Aic you cheated of your right? Laugh it off. Don't make tr.-vgedy of trifles, Don't shoot butterflies with rifles Laugh it off. Does your work get into kinks? Laugh it off. Are you near all sorts of brinks?- Laugh it off. If it's sanity your after. There's no receipt like laughter -..Laugh it off. Century. Speaking of education; Students do well to go just as far rs they can. The best college education is none too good. It means success in life, when backed by judgment. So' far as morals and religion arc concerned, though, it is very doubt ful if it conduces to the advancement of cither. There is a big screw loose in insti tutions of learning that do not seek to build up character as well as In tellect. The crying need of the day is char acter, and the highest type of charac ter is the real Christian character. The trouble with the world today :s the amount of spurious articles afloat. County trips at reasonable rates. City Auto Transfer. al7tf MORE MEN THAN WOMEN HAVE APPENDICITIS Surgeons state men nrc slightly more subject to appendicitis than wo men. Albany people should know that a few doses of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., us mixed in Adler-i-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This mixture removes such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler-i-ka is surprising. The Wood worth Drug Co. Speedily, skillfully, economically, is he City Auto Transfer way. a!7tf adv The Albany Bakery Wt Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-139 E. 3rd Street Bell $60 Partv U Home 419 H. ;. FIRCHAU CO. GEO. G. BINGHAM. Republican candidate for circuit judge, l.iuu and Marion counties. At Republican pri maries. May 19, 1916 Will endeavor to ascertain what the law is, and apply it to the facts in each particular case. "Impartial justice to all." adv a20tf A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 33 W. First 9t. Albany. Ore. VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. Fint and Ellsworth Street FISHER, BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors. 3rd and Broadalbin. jj LADY ATTENDANT Both Phsnei E. L. STIFF & SON 215 to 217 Lyon St. New and Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold. WE WANT YOUR WOOL M. SENDERS b CO. Open Saturday Evenings. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of S. F. Magnetic Heal ing. Consultation Free. Bell phone 109-J Home phonel2 Over Albany Stale Bank Rooms 1-2 734 Lyon St. 2ISS Home Phene Good Sunday Chicken Dinner at the COTTAGE 25c For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Wei! located. See Dr. A. STARK Only u few more days of the ORANGl. PEAL CONTEST Every $1 purchase at the Ideal Grocery cotaiits 200 votes We huvo the best in the lino of Eats Ideal Grocery II. A. STEARNS, Prop. Both Phones 58 212 W. 1st St. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Ruiltliii(, Albany, Or. Dntti phoncv Lidy Ai.ttunt Golden Rule Dairy MUX and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill The Safe Way start a Checking Account with this bank and deposit frequent lychecks held before deposit ing are sometimes returned un paid marked, "No funds." .. . Pay local bills with your own checks use our Drafts or Ex change for those at a distance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $40,000.00 J. W. CUSICK A CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon TRY the ALBANY DAIRY for sanitary milk snd whipping cream. We invite you to visit and inspect our dairy. Bell Phone 1S-F-41. A. P. MISH. i I.K K, Prop. NEW RUGS MADE VVm YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO., Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Office J. A. HOWARD, 325 W. 1st St. Bell 166-R; Home 68. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Before and after, 456-Y Bell; K-544 Home. Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Msg arincs and periodicals. 333 Went First St., Albany, Oregon. A QUALITY STORE We sail the beatat lowest prieei Watch Repairing F. G. Will Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hnmmcl Hotel Building Home Comfort Is gieatly Increased by decorating your walls and codings with dainty, artistic wall paper. Wall Paper of this kind Is not expensive If pur chased from us. It ia easy to select pnttorns dainty and artistic from our well selected stock. Won't you let us show you early while our stock is unbroken? We extend you a most hearty Invitation to set our samples and will do our best to niaka you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists L J'-IU... -.I-i.J . Particular people who wish something distinctive in glasses 10 ordering Crooks Lenses in "Varsity" Boston Leaf or Lar gnette mountings. E. C. MEADK, Optometrist STEITER'S FOR CROCKRirS AND CROCRKR Y DsU Democrst by Carrier, 14 Year. BUSINESS HI I Q C I C I C fl WANT DIRECTORY ULnUulHLU ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. CIPE Chiropractor, Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unlets he cause is removed. Chiropractic tdjuttments remove the csuse. Bell I38J Home I3H0 DR. GEO. J. KENACY Chiropractic Physician Examination Free Suits 401-2, National Bank Bid. DR. S. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor MRS. RUSSELL Ladies' Masseuse Modified cabinet stenm hatha in connection with adjusting! and treat ments, restores health. Bell 186-R Home 1461 LAWYERS. Z. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law .111-2 New First National Bnk build ing. Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWEt.I.ING Attorney at law Notary puhlit Albapy. Oregon. WP' ATM KR FORD & WEATHER. FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. REAL E8TATE ft INSURANCE e. r, sax Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First Nstional Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans Ciiy warrants bought and sold. Room No. 1, second floor, First Savings B:iuk burlfTlng. Albany. Oregon B. M PAYNE Fasm leads and city property for sale. Resl estate loans Fire insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 6 room house; bath, located on F'ourth and Hill, Phone Home 2251. aatf FOR RENT Four room osjortment. Inquire of Burggraf, lit 2ud St. f24 tf FOR RENT Losving the eity. Will tent a furnished i-room modern house. Call 1013 S. Calapooia. Home phone 3141. m22tf FOR RENT Office rooms in the 1IIK BRUT DAKIC1) GOODS C. II O C K Kl KS. P RO I ) 1 1 C K und FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign o( Oualiiy" 136 Si. Bulb Phones Wo arc at your service for Meats and Fish 1). E. NERKUGALL MKAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE PUltNISrlBRS New and second hanel goods. Havs moved ts tod ana aVtlier. WISCRU-AJWIOIIS. Will Stark building on First street. Light, roomy and comfortable. Call at G. Will's. Jeweler, s7t( FOR RENT For cash, 50 seres m Saatiain bottom 4Vi milts north of Lebanon. 25 acres cultivation, in cluding S seres newly grubbed Isnd. besides S seres Wearing orcbsrd and garden spot. Balsact limber pas ture with running water. Address I. B. Dsughton, l.ebsnoii R. I, Phone Lebanon Farmers '24X. RANCH FOR KENT Have 3H) ac re ranch. All fenced. Will rent or take goats on shares. 104 W 3rd FOR 9ALE FOR SALE Sole leather, 3 cents a pound, good fur sole and pump lea ther. Burns. Shoe Doctor. Opposite P. Q Albany. alOd ft tw ml9 FOR SAI.K-Ono l-yoar-old H slalom hull $75; one Holsleia grade Wife, 2 years old. at H5; beardless seed barley, 28 per tea, 70c per hoi; . Kinney seed wheat $1 per hnahelj limited amount number 2 tlover red ekeap. C. R Widmir, R. D. 4; Heme prions 2531. 123 dtu.ttf FOR SALE OR EXCiiANUh A 10 ' million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143. flOtf FOR SALE Light roadster automo bile. First class condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" rare I rtinH-rar s5i f WANTED. WANTED Man d w;rc , work on dairy. Apply J. ., I Inward, Home phone 6S, Bell phone Itio-K. a2(ilf WEAVING Carpets and rugs, in satisfactory manner. Phone 339-Y. Minnie Smith. (28tf WORK WANTED By competent woman. Will also do nursing at rea sonable price. Mrs. C. Fr.uicr, Home phone 3141. j27tf WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour. Home phone, 3489. n29tf WORK WANTED Alone with five children, want work nf any kind. Will go out or bring It home. 823 E. First St. WORK WANTED Woman wants washing to do at home or will work by the day. Call Home phone 2165 WORK WANTED-Will"g7 out or Hake work home. Lace curtains a specially. 25c per pair. Bell 59fi-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf