7 PAAB TWO ALBANY DAILY DHMOCRAT, TUESDAY, APRIL U, I91U. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the pastoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day, Semi-weekly published Tues day and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per yeai in advance, otherwise 40c per month. Ij .ail, at end of year ,,. 3.50 i f mail in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year $ 1 Si" When paid in advance, one yr 1.25 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; Vie per word thereafter, payable in ad vancc. Minimum cnargc or -jc in ordering etianges of address, sub scribers should always si've old ap wrl as new address. Established in 1865. TUESDAY. APRIL U. 1916. IP ROOSEVELT'S NOMINATED. Should Roosevelt be nominated by the Republicans there will arise one of the most interesting political situa tions in the history of the United States. For three or four years, since the establishment of the Moose party the Republican papeis of the country ' have had difficulty in getting together strong enough language to express their hatred for him. The big stick they have used makes the big stick of Roosevelt look like a twig. They have given his measure over and over lagain, and then, repeated it.. Then bgain, Roosevelt stands for war, and has been chafing under the policy of President Wilson. Had he been presi dent there would have been war with Germany over A year ago. His poli cies have been ones mixed with con ceit and buncombe, according to the Republican paper, Should he be nomi nated it will take an enormous amount of pepsin to swallow the dose. CALAPOOIA SONG. For the classic Calapooia, I've a song; " Let me sing hallelujah Where it's waters rush along. I would ever wander, By the stream; Mysteries of life to ponder. Where its wayward currents gleam. Where the nodding hazels cluster, In sleep, There is sadness in the luster Of the waters still and deep; But the rapids gladden Into sound Where the foamy torrents madden. Plunging o'er the stubborn ground. Type thou art, O Calapooia, Of our life; Now we shout our hallelujah, Dreaming not of pain or strife; In a moment sorrow Stills the song; Hope discerns no happy morrow, Sadly moves the stream along. But the tide is ever gliding. Fast or slow. And the current no abiding In its certain course may know. To the silent places. Rapids rush; Shallows cast aside their graces. Weary of the lasting hush. And the steady river motion, Day by day, Crystal waters to the ocean Bears unceasingly away. Life is 'but a river, Loud or low, Which at length is merged forever With the solemn ocean's flow. When the poet's grave is thickly Over-grown, When a hundred ages quickly . Speed into the dim unknown; By the Calapooia Flowing still, i Bards shall raise the hallelujah, Taught them by the purling rill. For all motion is eternal, Sure as fate; Earth speeds on her course diurnal And life enters life, elate. Bards forever roaming By the stream, . Restless ever in the gloaming, Thrilled and filled by beauty's dream. Fare-thee-well, O Calapooia, Fare-thee-well; But the spirit's hallelujah Tempers sorrow's sounding knell. 'Life is but a river, Loud or low, Which at length is merged forever With the solemn ocean's flow. By Everett Earl Stanard, Browns Ville, Oregon. Careful attention given to all jew airy repairing at Krearner'a new score. o25tf adv MISFITS Made of lamp black, oil and one or two other cheap things, the price of printer's ink has gone up about 50 per tent. Not a single thing in it comes from Europe, or is affected by the war. The makers, though, are getting into the swim for an enormously in creased profit. Everybody is going crazy on the road to wealth avenue. Arbitrarily manufacturers are rais ing cain and prices. Bet the devil has a grin a mile wide. Down in Chico, Calif., the people tire slaughtering the rep. of Rev. Slaughter, estcrday he was hung in effigy, while the rev. gentleman was preaching on faith with a pretty flow er in his buttonhole. ' Whether guilty or not there is a 3)ig lesson in the case. Everybody ought to live lives above suspicion. The minister absolutely has to if he would keep his job. Perhaps the standard should be the same. The pub He, though, fixes its own standard in things. Theory is often a lame horse when it comes to riding a storm of public opinion. The papers all know how Villa could have been caught at once. When a boy someone told Misfits how to catch a swallow. It was to put wait on his tail. Soon after he saw a swallow sticking his tail out of a nest up under the eaves of a building. Get ting a long stick with a square end he put some salt on it and proceeded to reach the pole up high enough to scatter the salt on the swallow's tail, but made a poor job if it, and didn't get the swallow. Some people spend their lives try ing to throw salt on the tails of swal lows, and their bank account looks like this: 000000. Nothing like oractical lessons to teach one how to hold a rudder. Another wail from the Bethlehem Steel Co. is headed: "Should the gov ernment destroy private armor mak ing industries?" Wouldn't that jar a mountain. The trouble for years is that the gov. has been building up these colos sal monopolies, and if destroyed it is not the gov. that does it. Schwab, Carnegie and a few other steel and otherwise men, owe their enormous wealth mostly to the gov. Bankrupt Notice. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Willard L. lin iram, bankrupt. Case No. 3724 in bankruptcy. To the creditors ot wiliara l.. in zram of Harrisburg, in the County of Linn and district aforesaid, a DanK- rupt: . Notice is hereby given that on the ith day of April. A. D.. 1916, the said Willard L. Ingram was duly adjudged i bankrupt: and that the first meet ing of hie reditors will be held at Al bany. Linn County, Oregon, in said district in the office of the undersign ed referee in the rirst National Bank building, on Friday the 21st day of Anril. A. D.. 1916. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and ymacsnclitither B A N Y qreI ST. SAVINGS DANK Portland Rose Queen GOOD FOR Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Department, 337 Northwestern Nat'l., Bank Building. Coupons must ba neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, this April 10. W16. C. C. BRYANT, Referee. Jewelry repairing ol all kinds i Kreamer'a new store. o25tf adv FOR RENT Furnished six room cottage. Inquire at 333 South Jef ferson St. Home phone Black 4128. m22tf RANCH FOR RENT Have 300 ac re goat ranch. All fenced. Will rent or take goats on shares. 104 W 3rd FOR RENT Four furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on first floor. 630 W. 7th, a7-13 FOR RENT Office rooms in the Will-Stark building on First street. Light, roomy and comfortable. Call at F. G. Will's, Jeweler, atf WANTED Man to do repair work and painting. Wages to be applied .on rent of nice 6 room house. Bath, lavatory, full ' basement, garden ground and nice fruit. Come at once. Anna Tush, 726 Hill St. a7-13 Expert watch and clock repairing at Kreamers Jewelry tore. o25tf adv City Treasurer's Notice. The undersigned as city treasurer of Albany, Oregon, has funds on hand to and will pay General Fund War rants Nos. 20 to 1S3 Inc. of the issue of 1914. Interest will cease with date of this notice, April 5, 1916. H. B. CUSICK, 3-10-11 City Treasurer. Money to Loan. In the following amounts: $10,000, $5,000, $3,000, $2,000, $1,000. This is lo cal money and want good all purpose arm mertgage security. Call on J V. PIPE. 203 W. 2nd St. dly wk ilOtf PACIFIC JUNK SHOP 2i and Baker Wholesale and retail dealer in Hide, pelts, rubber, metal s, ma chinery, pip, sacks, rage, and aacond-hand tools. Will (ire highest retail price for all kinds of metals, rubber, hides, and rags, according to quantity. Square dealing, honest methods, our aiotto. B. ROQOWAY. Prop. BeU phone M5-R Home 2227 The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part of the 115-119 H. 3rd Street Bell 560 Party R Home 410 H. FTRCHAU CO. LIMB and SULPHUR SPRAY. Solatia sulphur spray, time, pow dered salphitr, Utah, Nevada aaa Oregon lead platter, ground lime rock, garden and field seed. Feed, Flour. M. SENDERS & CO. VIERECK'S BATHS Fhrst-dftM Workmen Only Cot. Pint and Ellsworth Stmts ST. NATIONAL DANK Young Men and Women Wh et the banking habit early in life will not be found in want in old age. Festival 1916 Contest ONE VOTE Impounded Dog. Notice is hereby given that in ac cordance with Ordinance No. 834, of the city of Albany, I have impounded Ihe following described dog: Black and white male cur. Unless claimed or redeemed Ivy the owner or custodian thereof on or be fore the 11 th day of April, 1910, said dog will be humanely kilted. The date of the expiration of this notice i stlie 11th dav of April, 1910. CHARLEY MALLARD, rouudmaster. WORK WANTED By competent woman. Will also do nursing at rea sonable price. Mrs. C. Frazier, Home phoae 3141, j27tf Daily Democrat ay Carrier. M Year Safety Razor Blades RESHARPENED 30c a dozen any make FRED DAWSON'S DRUG STORE GUARANTEE Every edge made better than new. Your OWN blades back STERILIZED. Work done by Sanitery Sharpening Co. Edge Experts Berkeley, Cal. Straight razors ro-edged 3Sc E. L. STIFF ft SON 215 to 217 Lyon St. New and Second Hand Goods Bovght and Sold. I Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Harume! Hotel Building For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated. Well located. See Dr. A. STARK Good Sunday Chicken Dinner at the COTTAGE 25c A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St. Albany, Ore. TRY the ALBANY DAIRY for sanitary milk and whipping cream. We invite you to visit and inspect our dairy. Bell phone 15-F-41. A. P. MISH LER, Prop. We make a specialty of friendship, engagement, and wedding rings. F. M. FRENCH & SON Jewelers and Engravers Lest You Forget Every $1 purchase at the Ideal Grocery counts 50 votes in the Orange Peal Contest. Good bone cured bacon 17o per lb. Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS, Prop. Both Phones 56 212 W. lut St. Real Estate for Sale Bargain In farm lands, city prop arty; money ta loan. Insurance written in the strongest old line caBinanlea. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Bath phones. l.adv Assistant Golden Rale Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill When Another Man steps Into your position because yoa're grown old what are you going to live on, if you have saved nothing? Hundreds of men ore quietly depositing part of their salary at 4 par cant interest, at our Savings Department, getting ready for such a day I Why not you? CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190.000.00 J. W. CUSICK 4 CO.. Bankers Albany, Oregon Jones Book Store SuliKnptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. 333 Vest First St, Albany, Oregon. FISHER. BRADEN A CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Brosdalbin. LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones A QUALITY STORE Wa sell the bestat lowest prices Watch Repairing F. G. Will 200 CATTLE for sale on easy terms, cows and heifers coming fresh; steers and yearlings. If you have feed, it will pay you to milk or get growth of young stuff. H. BRYANT. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of B. F. Magnetic Heal ing. Consultation Pree. . BeU phone 109- Home phoael2 Over Albany State Sank Rooms 1-2 714 Lyon St. 2115 Home Phone MILL CITY BARGAIN. Why not desl with ownar nd save the middle man profit? 1 save Z4 ac res right in the town of Mill City, Oreaon..iown has lai ee uionthlr oar roll, four daily trains, churches and schools, high school just across the street from my townsite. One 7 room house, one 3-room house, Urge barn, henhouse, etc. Best soft wstor at each house. Large apriug on plica. Land level, fine young orchard of about 7 acres hvs snd six year old wuitar ap pies. 1 will sell st a br.rgain with pert dowa, '5 yaars oa bsl. Im mediate possession; titles perfect and not one dollar against my property. tall or address. I. E. RAY, m24a24 Mill City, Ore Home Comfort is gieatly Increased by decorating your walls and ceilings with dainty, artistic wall paper. Wall Paper of tills kind Is not expensive H pur chased from us. It is easy to select patterns dainty and artiattc from our well selected stock, Won't you let us show you early while our stock la unbroken? We extend you a most hearty Invitation to see our samples and will do our best to make you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists Particular people who wish something distinctive In glasses are ordering Crooks Lenses in "Varsity" Boston Leaf or Lar gnette mountings. K. C. MEADE. Optometrist STETTER'S 10K GROCKRIl.S ANI) CROCKK.R V Dsily Democrat by Carrier, 14 Year. DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR BLMER C. OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature cauuot cure a disease unless be eansa is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. Bell 13IJ Home 1380 DR. GEO. J. KENAGY Chiropractic Physician Examination i'rce Suits 401-2, National Dank Bid . DR. S. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor 1-2-3 Schmilt Bldg. Phone, Bell 1S6-R; Home 1461. Lady attendant. Examinations free. LAWYER3. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Lsw Jul -2 New First N ition.il Bank build Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWF.LLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany, Oregon. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. REAL E8TATE ft IN8URANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants bought and sold. Room No. 1, second floor, First Savings Bunk building, Albanv. Oregon. B. M. PAYNE Fam lands and city property for sale, Real estate loans Fire insurance. , Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. J. P. EMMETT, 201 First Nst'l Bank Bldg. Fire sad Auto Insurance Time tested, strongest mutual and old line companies. FOR . SALE POTATO ICS FOR SALE Early and bite seed and table; will also buy small lots of potatoes. Residence 906 East Sixth St. II nine phone 4105. J ,D, Kllis. a5-ll FOt S-AUI OS IXCaTAMsV-A M aailliea tinker etsins as ateasriae ceaotr far city areierlr ar sme farm land. Home 1144. - MCtf FOR SALE Light roadster autome- bile. First class condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Rawdater" care Democrat. atf I MK IIEHT U.UiKI) GOODS I CKOCERIES, PRODUCE uil FRUITS at PARKER'S "The Sin nl Qualify" 136 lyon Si. Until Phones We are at your service for Meats and Fish I). E. NERKRGALL MKAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE FURNISHERS New and second hand aosoda, Have moved ta lad and aWker. FOR SAI.F.-One 1-year-old llol.tein bull $75; one llolsiriii grade heiler, 2 years old, at $45; beardleis seed barley, $28 per ton, ;0c per ts.hel; Kinney seed wheat $1 per bushel; limited atmiunt number 2 clover red cheap. C. K Widiuer, R. I). 4; Home phone 2538. (23 d&s.itf CALVES. PIGS-Order. taken for Tillamook calves, Darham, Hoi Jtein and Gucruiey heifers snd bulls. I wish to buy about fifty weaned pigt. six weeks old. good condition. C. B. Winn, Albanv. Or. ml5al5 FOR RENT. FtK KF.NT 6 room house; bath. Located on Fourth ami Hill. Phone Home 2251. B5tf FOR RENT For cash. SO acre, in Sanliain bottom 4V, miles north of Lebanon. 25 acres cultivation, its -clud'ng 8 acres newly grubbed land, briides 5 acres bearing orchard and garden spot. Balance timber pas lure with running water. Address B. B. Dsughton, Lebsnon R. I, Phone Lebsnon Fsrmers 24X. - FOR RENT Lesvlng the city. Will rent a furnished 6-room modern house. Call 1013 S. Calapooia. Home phone 3141. m22tf FOR RENT Four room apartmeat. Inquire of Burggraf, 118 2nd St. f24 tf UfDCEIXAMEOUG. WORK WANTED Alone with five childrea, went work af any kind. Will go aut or bring it home. 123 E. First St. WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Hell 596-J. or 323 K. 2nd. a4tf FOR RENT OR SALE A lot of cul tivating tund adjoining Albany, suit able for onts or potatoes. AIko stock farm for sale or rent. Also house and lot on installments; also fine residence lots for sale at $5 or $10 per month; also for rent, house keeping rooms furnished and unfur nished, phone or write Geo. W. Wright, Albany, Oregon. alOtf WANTED. WANTS WORK Lady wants work by dsy ar kuur. Heme phone, 3489, 29tf WEAVING Carpets and rugs, In satisfactory manner. Phone 339-Y. Minnie Smith. ftttf HORSE WANTED For farm and wood work, In good condition and relinbtc. Between 12 and 1300 lbs. F. E. Way, Albany, R. 4. Home phone 6501. a8-ll 4 "j i