PAGE FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, MONDAY, APRIL 10. 1916. New Waists and Middies Styles that are perfect fitting and good to look upon MIDDIES $1.25 each, in all white, or black and white trimmed. IMPORTED PONGEE WAISTS- WHITE CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS STRIPED CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS ... STRIPES or CHECKS in TAFFETA WAISTS . FLOOD'S 334 West FARM LANDS FOR RENT Two tracts near Albany, one of 35 acres, one of 25 acres, rental cash or share; for particulars see Fish & Hodges. Albany. Ore. nlO-16 HUB THEATRE TODAY ONLY The Last CI, ance to See "Race Suicide" The large crowd that saw this b"j production last evening pro nounced it one of the best that has been shown in Albany. O Remember a Two-Hour Show O Matinee 5c and 10c; SPECIAL 10 VOTES Watch for "CAMILLE," the big Shubert production. THURSDAY A1TD FRIDAY. P & RED FEATHER f PRE.SENT TtfE'DAINTY IDOL J-,s . V 'T Drama of Jdyllic CRantC mmm r-XAiLi tr'. e WITH '''V "THE MAN Sr.F.NP PPnM "TUT CWn flVCACT MUTUAL MASTER PICTURE Rolfe Theatre tonight LINGERIE WAISTS at 95c each, in plain and fancy voiles, and lace cloth. $2.50 ea. $3.50 ea. $3.75 ea. $4.50 ea. STORE First Sr. FOR SALE Modern 5 room bunga low, including furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, stationary tubs and cement basement, full lot, $2300. $800 down, balance to suit. Apply Democrat office. alOtf REELS O Evening 5c and 15c IN THE CONTEST PMOTO PLAYS OFTHUCREU WV BVtS IN WHITE VWM 9 ' TUF r.i MADE By AMCRJCAN and To-rsday. G. A. HAD SHOOT, SQUAD OUT ON 0. E. RANGE Some Good Scores Made the Four Shoots at Dif ferent Ranges. in A squad of the Coast Artillery, of this city, yesterday had a shoot at the range in the O. E. pit east of the city, making some fairly good scores. The following are the averages for the four shoots, at .300 yards, 500 yards. AX) yards rapid and AX) yards rapid, out of a possible 50, for .hose who qualified with a score of 32 or more: Capt. R. R. Knox 41 2-4. His best was 46 for 500 yards, lowest 35 for 300 yards. Mcch. I.. L. McGce 41 2-5. Ilest 47 for 200 yards rapid, lowest 35 for '300 yards . Private Jas. Setchfield 41 1-2. Best. 43 for 300 yards rapid, lowest. 40 for '200 yards rapid. Trivate Louis A. Jones W 1-5. Best, 43 at 200 and 300 rapid. Lowest, 39 at 300 yards. Private Ellsworth Kay 35 1-2 Highest 40 at 200 and 300 rapid. Low est 2S at 500 rasds. Bycrs 33 3-4. Best. 36 at 300 rapid: lowest, 29 at 500 yards. Otto LaGrange-J3 1-4. Highest, 37 at 300 yards, lowest. 31 at 300 rap id. Chester A. Crouch 32 1-2 Best 34 at 300 yards: others 32. NEW ANTHEM FOR NATION IS PROPOSED IN HOUSE BILL First Sines Forty-sixth Congress. 1&5Q0 Prii. Offered by Elks. A One, stirring and blgh sounding anthem has been Introduced bito the bouse by Representative Dyer of St Louis, who has asked that congress adopt the resolution containing the Orma Hawley In "Race Pacific Junk Shop 2d and BAKER Wholesale and retail HIDES, PELTS, RUBBER, METALS, MACHINERY, PIPE, SACKS, RAGS, and SECOND-HAND TOOLS. Will give retail prices as follows: For scrap rubber S l-2c, brass 8c to 10c, copper 12c to 15c. For 25 to fO pounds, l-2c will be added; also from 50 to 75 pounds and 75 to 100 pounds, and all other metal goods. Green hides 12 l-2c; solid green 14c; rags 75c to $1.50 per hundred. Square dealing, honest methods our motto. t Ed. ROGOWAY, Prop. BELL PHONE 345-R HOME 2227 verses ux n n:ilnnul hymn. Tlio Intro (luctloii of this poetry us n Joint resolu tion, according to Joel Grtl.vson, tho walking encyclopedia of the bouse document room, Is tho llrst since. ltep- resenintlvo 8. V. Downey of Wyoming startled tho l ort.v-nl.vtli congress with a SiH) ,ago epic. ltcptvscutntlvo Dyer's proposed an them Is the effort of Henry MoKueu Jones of 81. I-oula to win tho 2,500 prlio offered by tho Klks for a national anthem Hint congress will accept. The last verse of the resolution reads; Give us peace by upright arbitration. No ueuth ilcallnir shut to be hurled, Put If forced lino wir Just remember That OKI Olory will never be Curled. For our union's cemented forever. Wo have honored tho blue and the amy. Then we ll rlchtooualy follow Old Olory With a power no nntlon can stay. MAY BREAK GREAT ESTATES. The British Government May Adopt Scheme of Land Purchase. One of the results of the war, ac cording to rellulilc Information, will bo the adoption by the government of a big r . home of land purchase for Klur land such as has been so successful In Ireland. Confronted with the twofold proli leni of providing employment for dis charged soldiers both during and after the war mid the desirability of Increas ing home grown food supplies, the lioiue ullice, ilia board of trade and the board of agriculture entered Into con sultation with the war ullice and the ndmlrnlty. and the outcome was the appointment by the hoard of agricul ture of n seclnl committee presided over by Sir Hurry C. W. Verney, The report of the coiuuilttco la said to recommend extensive statu acquisi tions of land by compulsory purchase for the establishment on a Inrgo scale of colonies of small holders and the de velopment of eo-oierntive buying nnd marketing and of agricultural credit banks, together with a provision for a Inrge state grunt to put the proposals into operation DID ROOSTER WALK 88 MILES? Lost In New York, He Turns Up In Port Jervis With Swollen Feet. iviw.iru and Allien Mouroe. who bnve n large poultry farm uear Port Jervis. X. V., recently exhibited some Plymouth Koek fowl at the poultry shjw lu Madison Stiuare (lurdeu. New Suicide at the Hub tonight only. dealer in York city, where ohe of the roosters won llrst prise. When the hints wero crated and reudy to Ih expressed buck to Tort Jet vls I ho prise rooster, valued ntJ'.W. escaped and for four weeks was lost The nlh-r mormtu when tlio Monron brothers went out to feed their feath ered stock they were nuiusixt to llnd the missing prlsu winner lu the yard. Ills feet were swollen and calloused, and lie wus weak from exposure and luck or food. Hut ho crowed lustily. Port Jervis Is clghty-elght miles from New York. Cleveland's Inexpensive Police Foroe. Cleveland has one pnllcemnu for or ery Sol Inhabitants. New York has one for each 4115 Inhabitants, and Chi cago one for each 4.SH cltlieus. St. Louis has one policeman for every 370 .if Its population. These facts will lie rontulnc'd In a report soon to bo Issued by Secretary V. V. Norrls uf tho po lice department. The Hintenient will show that Cleveland's per capita ex peudlture for police Is leas Ulan that of any of the largest llfteeu cities of the country. Chseker Tournament In a Jail liiiiiutcit of the county Jail In Supe rior. Wis., are conducting n checker tournament, mid ninti'lies tire played dally despite the fact Ilia I some of the men are conlltied to their cells. One man holds the hoard on his lap and the other makes IiIm movos by poking a stick through the luira. Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves. Price $1 ; for sale by all drug gists.- a2lf GLOBE . TODAY and TUESDAY Special! Special II The original wonderful ROSE MELVILLE Creator of the famous SIS HOPKINS in the first of the popular Ka lem Sis Hopkins stories to be ceen here, in "When Things Go Wrong" SELIG TRIBUNE The world's best news pictorial showing U. S. soldiers in the Villa chase. "THE RUSE" 3 act Vitagraph Broadway star feature. An unusual drama featuring Hairy Morey and Joseph Kil gour and NAOMI CHILDERS ANY SEAT 10c Beautiful when closed 1 1 yil! I The FREE is for the busy womanIt sews faster THE FREE is for the weak woman It runs lighter, The FREE is for the nervous woman It runs noiseless, The FREE is absolutely guaranteed for life. We know the quality of its construction We know it is built to last a lifetime. It will give you a lifetime of service, and you can hand it down to your children. The FREE is for the poor aa well as the rich, it is as easy to buy aa it is to run. TRADE YOUR OLD MACHINE FOR THE FREE MACHINE f 4 ir 1 for only a few weeks p 1 a W eek w ,h Come and see how much the difference will be as this offer lasts only while the new MODEL Is be ing introduced. Fortmiller Another Big Shipment Men's Trousers in work and dress patterns at your usual saving of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. It's in the buying for our 125 Busy Stores, $1.50 Men's khaki pants 98c $2.00 Meri'c dress pants $1.49 $2.50 Men' Dress pants - $!.' $3.50 and $4.00 Dress pants - $2.98 Blue serge or stripes many patterns. Everything Always lor I. ess Some Queer Ones Michigan college president went blind from answering Iclli-m eiMigi'iituluttiig bliu on his elglit.v-iteveulh lilrtlidiiy. Tlllllieit 1mm. It, 1m. fih, iiisiml to sting left expert's llw so swollen lis bad to end lecture at Ohio university. Rmullpox germs thirteen years old guve malady to .Minnesota man who roiuodt-letl ruoui In which patients bud been kept. Three, pounds shy when be applied for enlistment lu the iiriuy. Cincinnati recruit drank water so that he gained four pounds In thrvo hours. Ilnvo to oil up tho old shotgun and lie your uwn policeman In Teuuerk, X. J as forco of live had to null fur lack of snlsry appropriation. Ily marrying his sou's mother-In law ICust Oniuge (X. J.I couiiclliiiau will becouiu uleprnther In-law to his sou and stepfather to Ids daughtur-lu-luw. 8turk statistics, past and proaiiex-tlva. offered by parents Mouiclulr (X. J.I education hoard (he Walchung school Instead of that In 1-Mgvuionl I'nrk should be enlarged. RE A nOU g W A NT A DS. .) Si til (S S AT THE THEATRES. ..Today. Globe Theatre Mixed bill, in troducing Rose .Melville, the orig inal Sis Hopkins, Hub Theatre fvarl Mctcalf and Orma Itawlcy in the prob lem play, "Rase Suicide," Rolfc Theatre May Allison and Harold ' l.ockwood ' in the drama, "The end of the Road." Come Early and Bring Your Neighbors With You to Sec Sewing Machine (Invented and patented by W. C. FREE) Demonstration Every -Afternoon Convenient whan open We Will Buy Your Old Machine Furniture MASONIC TEMPLE vcrydiMttf Always fur Lest l-UK SALE UK TK.I)K-I.iitc mod el Studcbiikcr auto tvilli self start er, electric lights, demountable rims, full Moating axle and tiuikrn bearings; alio (our choice lots in Nye Uracil, close to Hotel Kelly., What have you? R. Walworth. Al bany. alO-12 TODAY "THE END OF THE ROAD" SCENt FH0M"1HF. t.ND Of THE ROD" riVB-ACT MUTUAL M AJtT"CIUH, KADt STV AMKBlltAfl 5-sct Drama of life among the Carolina Muunlslne, featuring May Alllson and Harold Loekwood Rolfe Peerless Orchestra Vincent C. Knowlee, Director Any Seat 10c ftW.1 The FREE is for the artistic woman It's more beautiful, The FREE is for llic economical woman It will give yon a lifetime of acrvicc. Company