PAQS POUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. New Goods for Your Spring Sewing New Devonshires, 20c yd. New Amoskeag Dress Ginghams10c yd. New Percales, best quality,15c yd. Wool Chillies 50c A beautiful assortment of New Spring Styles Chiffon Taffeta 1.35 36 inches wide. Shown I in all new shades. 36-inch Fancy White Waistings, 35c yd. 32-inch Striped Crepe Waisting,at $1.35 to $1.50 yd. Black and white check WoofGoods 50c to $2 yd. FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First St. OHIO MAN PLEASED (Continued from Pagr 1). which takes its name trom a tribe of Indians, who during the time, and HUB Theatre BABY CONTEST will start one week from today, but be sure and bring in your pictures so they will be ready to start Saturday night, Feb. 19. ' There is a fine line of prizes nd any of them will come very cceptable to most anyone. Some of the prizes are on display at Woodworth's Drug Store. Get Busy and win the $10.00 prize. Your youngster will have a bank account by the time it .is 10 years old, and n'o expense to' you whatsoever. You can make arrangements with Mr.- Searis at the Hub. ; since our civil war, caused the 'gov ernment much trouble, millions of wild geese were seen upon this stream. j Mpunt Hood was .plainly visible from this point. From a smoll place called Vcllcpit, to Portland, we fol j low the right bank of the Columbia ; river. It was here some sixty mjles ! from Portland, that we were delayed I some three hours on account of a heavy landslide; the S. P. R. R. runs tnrougn a deep cut ot the spurr of a t mountain, consisting of earth and -hale, and this lost time made us too late to go on to our destination- Albany. This trouble required 30 Tien from 1 p. m. id 9 p. m. with some mechanical assistance to clear the irack. As I have already mentioned, his city is situated in the valley from forty to one hundred miles wime with :hc Cascade mountains on ' the one ndc and the Coast Rai:ge on the oili er. Many surprises were in store for us on arriving in this pail of north ern Oregon; hut to sec, is to know. December 24th Christmas Eve, we listened to the singing of some 400 I'tiMIc school children, render, with their sweet youthful voices, patriotic and sentimental melodies; these ex ercises took place on the school cant- pus, in the open air, and a large pine tree was gaily decorated anil illumi nated with many colored electric lights, "and all went merry as mar riage hells. Did I say it rains, yet, it rains, rains, and then rains some more; and then again it doesn't, rain, and the sun shines, and the air is as sweet and balmy as a May or June morning. Do the Orcgontans stay out in the rain- no; men will work out in the rain all day in their shirt sleeves, or thinly clad and stoicly take it as a matter of habit or necessity. Among the surprises awaiting our advent in this part of Oregon, not the least was to find the fields and lawns clothed in such a lucorusly mass of rid; green foliage, cattle, sheep, goats, horses and cows contentedly grazing in rich pacttires: garden truck nf all kinds still in the field and out doors. Englisli ivy is in almost every front yard, and one very noticeable thing is so many beautiful English Daisies, that seem to the "Manor born," Cor they are in evidence every where. The holly, with its bright red berries is a narfVe here. . Roses, of the most fragrant varie ties, are in abundance, and in the op en air. T notice from a private let ter from home, the death of one of Sylvania's most esteemed citizens, W. B. Harris, a man who was trusted, honored and loved by all who knew him; a member of our community whose position in life., but few will be found capable of filling. "INSPIRATION" INSPIRES AT ROLFE LAST VAUDEVILLE at The HUB Theatre Harry Elmore and the Original I'ckinniny Earl Terry Jr., singing, dancing and musical act- The He .si Porter 'and Runner: also five reels 4f pictures. A three reel ar. aal picture. A two hours' show for 10c. VAUDEVILLE ArO PICTURES SUNDAY , COMING Home Tallert Vaudeville .' i . DONT M 3S IT. SUNDAY Official Text Received. (By United Press) Washington, Feb. 12. The state de partment this afternoon received from Ambassador Gerard the official text of the notification that Germany in tends to torpedo armed merchantmen without warning. It contained a thousand words. Though it is not made public, it stated that the press dispatches accurately forecasted. Hog Raisers' Convention. . i For the accommodation of farmers attending the Willamette Valley hog raisers' convention at North Port land LTnion Stock Yards, on Monflay, Feb. 14, a special train will be run to Portland from Eugene, Junction City. Harrisburg, Albany, Salem, and points between, on the Oregon Electric, leaving, Albany Monday morning, al 8 a. m. Special street cars will be wait ing in Portland, at Broadway and Sal mon streets to convey passengers direct to the Union Stock Yards, (adv) Careful attention given to all jew elry repairing at Kreamer's new store. o25tf adv Mens Dress Shoes Just opened up and ready for your selection 400 pairs CROSSETT DRESS SHOES Considered one of the best makes in the country Buy at the Golden Rule and save 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. We buy right so can save you. $3.50 Button or Lace, our price $4.00 and $4.50 Button or lace, our price $5.00 Button or lace, our price 1 '. $6.00 Button or lace, our price . . $2.98 ... $3.50 . $3.98 $4.98 Same prices every day in the year. EVERYTHING ALWAYS FOR LESS THE GOLDEN RULE 83 BUSY STORES Globe Theatre SUNDAY ONLY By special request of many the management is showing the beautiful serial picture "The Goddess" featuring Anita Stewart and Earl Williams Will show the 1st and .2nd epi sode Sunday only THE NIGHT SOPHIA GRAD UATED Roaring Comedy " FOR THE LOVE OF A GIRL" Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew GOME ia EARLY 1UC 11 Audrey Munson, famed as the tiul beautiful artist's model in the world, made her appearance on the screen in the Rolfe Theatre last night in the five act Muttnil Masterpicturr, "In spiration," and captured a crowded house. Nude? Yes, she was nude, in some scenes not having a thread of clothing as she posed for some great work. But not shocking. There was not a suggestive line in the play ami in no case was there an indication of .voluptuousness. The attractive posters used to ad vertise the play miht have Jcid some to look for something bordering on the obscene, and those Who went out of any such curiosity were terribly mistaken. In the first place Miss Mun son does not suggest anything but purity. Her face is called beautiful, as is her body, by artists; but to the uncultured in art it is not a beauty of every day parlance. There is a serenity in her, expressions, a grace in her pose, that bespeaks the ideal, and the whole play is as far from vul gar as could be. i True, there is a glimpse of Bohemia, that elusive land of the artist where joy reigns in good fellowship, but even there there is only a pretty dance scene and nothing out of the ordi nary. , . The picture niuiht aptly be termed a, lesson in art. There is a true dem onstration of the making of a plaster cast on the body of Miss Munson. Sjxty-five minutes arc required to make the impression, and every detail of this trying work is shown. Then the parts of the cast are tied together and a mould taken, reproducing Miss Munson's form identically. Other illus trations are given of the sculptor's work, and his manner of proceeding. As an actress we confess Audrey Munson docs not class with Mary Pickford. for that is not her work. However, she was natural enough in her part and for the main purpose of the play she is a success. Thomas A. Cnrran. the artist, is good in his part'. The play contains but a trace of a tlot: and is not important enough to seriously mention. But it is a work worth seeing, and one ' should attend with the under standing that in some scenes Miss Munson is nude, that there is very lit tle to the nlay is nlot and that there is nothing suggestive or shocking in it. That is nil a question of attitude of the individual mind. ' Mention should also be made of the pictures of the many beantiful statues shown in he picture, noted works. o Special Conclave Temple Command- ery No. 3. Monday evening, Feb 14, 1916. Work in the Red Cross. All members re quested to be present. By order of the E. C. E. WASHBURN, Recorder. Monday Is Valentine's Day Be sure to send a valentine to each little friend, and to each big friend. Remember there are numerous pa rty decorations, favors, etc., that help make a splendid , '. entertainment ... HEARTS, CUPIDS, NUT CUPS, PLACE CARDS, VALENTINE TABLECLOTHS AND NAP KINS ARE PRICED FROM . 10c to 25c v THE ALBANY ART GRAFT FREE LESSON IN EYELET EMBROIDERY TUESDAY AFTERNOON. SQUARE TALKS to YOUNG PEOPLE and MARRIED FOLKS Hear Rev. G. H. Young Sun day night speak on "THE MAN YOU OUGHT TO MARRY" Special music and goodfellow ship for all at the , BAPTIST CHURCH 7:30, Sunday, Feb. 12. FOR SALE Furniture for fou room flat, jncluding new sewing machine, all or part. Cheap. 309 Lyon street. Upstairs. , fl2-lS FOR SALE Fresh cows. Call on A C. Tomlinson, R. D. 4, or phone Home 7215. fI2-19 FOR SALE Second hand Ford tour ing car. Bargain. Would consider trade for good dairy cows. E. L Stiff & Son, 215 Lyon St. fl2-IS WORK WANTED Woman In need of work will do washing or any kind of housework. Call Home phone 1180. Mrs. Jos. Wells. J14tf WANTED To rent furnished house of 4 or 5 rooms. No children. Od dress D. P. T Box 464. J31tf WANTS WORK Woman wants any kind of work. Home phone 6553.. jl7tf WORK WANTED Alone with five children, want work of any kind. Will go out or bring it home. 823 E. First St.'- FOR EXCHANGE 40 acre, ranch near Eddyville, Oregon. Want small home in Albany, or acreage. Fish &Hodgc, agents. fll-17 FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs for setting. M, A. Kccs, Home phone 4530. dly 11-12 wkl4 FOR RENT 2, convenient house keeping rooms on lower floor, one unfurnished room Hp stairs. Reason able rent. Call'430 W, 3rd St, fl 1-14 KKHLr-vfl A Packed House Last Night Saw the Beautiful Artist's Model- Audrey Munson "The Panama-Pacific Girl" : it. II ' w I PrnTi K - in the Wonderful Photoplay 'INSPIRATION' More Darm 6f Hypo crites 99 Not a Suggestive Line Not a Vulgar Scene A Real Lesson in Art A Play You'll Appreciate Last Time Tonight 10c NO CHANGE IN PRICECome Early 10c