PAOE POOR New Goods for Your Spring Sewing New Dcvonshires, 20c yd. New Amoskeag Dress Ginghams 10c yd. New Percales, best quality, 15c yd. Wool Cliallies SOc A beautiful assortment of New Spring Styles Chiffon Taffeta 1.35 36 inches wide. Shown ' in all new shades. 33-inch Imported Pongee, 33c yd. 32-inch Striped Crepe Waisting at $1.35 to $1.50 yd. Black and white check Wool Goods 50c to $2 yd. FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First St. HEAVY DOWNPOUR BRINGS (Continued from Page I). Eugene, Feb. 7. The ri.-er rose eight feet the past twenty-four hours, reaching seven feet above the flood stage and is still rising. ' Portland, Feb. 7. The weather bu reau has warned against high water in the Willamette, the river rising rap idly at Albany, Salem, McMinnville, and Jefferson. Shippers are moving goods from loner docks. Rain and colder is predicted in western Oregon. Portland, Feb. 7. A chinook wind has swept away, the snow and the Willametc river is rising at an unpre cedented rate. It already has over flowed the banks in some places. Damage is feared throughout the val ley. It rose six inches an hour at some points. Calling His Bluff. "I'm awfully sorry that my engage ments prevent my attending your char It' concert, but t shall be with yon In spirit" "fc-plendid. -And where would you like your spirit to sit? I have tickets here for mark. 4 marks and 10 marks." Fllcgende Blaetter. FORMER TEXAS MAN MAKES SOME COMMENTS A former Texas man has shown the Democrat the following with si comments of his own: Sulphur Springs, Texas, Jan. 24. Six out of the seven Texas breweries against which Attorney General Ii. Looncy filed an ouster suit here agreed today to plead guilty. They will pay $276,000 in penalties and $10,- rOOO as the state's costs, ami will have their charters forfeited. They will ac cept an injunction restriining them from making any contribution here after to political funds. The breweries were accused of con spiring to violate the anti-trust laws. and of collecting $1,200,000 a year to fight prohibition. The money was spent to promote anti-prohibition leg islation, it was alleged. A few months ago at San Antonio. Tex., six breweries outside of Texas were fined a similar sum by the fed eral court for contributing SI. 000.000 to aid in defeating prohibition at a state-wide election held in Texas three years ago. One man in San Antonio fwas sentenced 'to serve two years in the state penitentiary for buying 100 ! Mexican voters at $1.00 each, to vote against prohibition. One of the -breweries wr.s the famous Milwaukee brew i ery. One was the famous St. Louis ' brewer-. The others were Ohio. Illi inois. and Indiana breweries. Two million dollars bought negro, Mexi can, tramp and bum votes, enough combined with a small luimber of re spectable people to defeat state-wide prohibition in Texas by about 5.000 majority. Wm. M. OLMSTEAD. Weather at Tacoma. Tacoma, Feb. 7. Danger of serious floods is imminent unless the temper ature cools gradually, from the deep snow which is melting. No damage has resulted thus far since the chinook wind started to thaw. Freight trains moved today for the first time in more than a week.- Transcontinental rail roads are all operating. Elks' Dance. An informal dance will be given by the lady Elks at the temple Tuesday evening. All Elks are cordially invit ed.' f7-9 WANTED A good work horse, at Tlie Farmers' Feed table. W. L. Halloway. f7-9 LOST Opal brooch, 6 opals; in city. Return to office L. M. Curl. f5-8 HUB Theatre "GRAFT" Big Serial Picture with Harry D. Carey and Jane Novak Starting Sat urday, Feb. 12 BABY CONTEST Suicide at Eugene. Scott Inman. of Eugene, committed suicide yesterday-evening at 5 o'clock, by jumping into the Willamette from the bridge. He had gone to the bridge ; with his brother-in-law, H. L. Burt and was watching tic water when he suddenly jumped headfirst into the stream. His body could, not be found. He was despondent, being out of work. He had been working in Port land as a steward on a river steamer. 3 9 PERSONAL MENTION '- so W. B. Chance went to Salem today. Miss Gladys Davis returned to the Mty from Faycttevillc this morning. V. J. Drinkard, of Halsey, was an Albany visitor Saturday and Sunday. A. C. Brandes and G. E. Ganett, of Corvallis were in the city yesterday. Geo. S. Sardain, of McMinnville, was an Albany visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw, of Mill City, spent yesterday in the city. J. A. Gerwick, of Crabtree, regis tered at the Hotel Albr-ny yesterday. $sssssssssti)s$ s . ) FOOLED THE INSPECTOR. . , 5 But East End Butcher Is Made to Purchase a New Set of $ " Scales. . IS (S "So that's tl'.e reason you : n sell meat so cheap is it?" remarked a man to John Grcenmau, who owns a small butcher shop in the Eisi End of the city, Saturday afternoon. "What do you mean?" querried Greenmnn. "1 mean that you are giving your custom ers short weight." retorted t!ie strang er. "I'd like to know what that) has to do with you," came from Green- man. "I'll show you what it has to do with me," replied the other men acingly. "1 am from the state depart ment of weights and measures." With tl:at the gentleman pulled out pound weight from his pocket and threw it on the scales. It failed to pull the scales down and showed that Grcenman had been selling two ounc es of meat too much to his customers. on every pound. But this is as much of a violation of" the law . as if he were selling meat two ounces short on the pound, so Grcenman was ordered to buy a new cct of scales. It was his first offense, the scales were borrowed and Grcenman was ignorant 'of their shortcoming. This morning he went to Portland to buy a correct set and will not be caught over or under selling again. "He made me a lot of work," said Grcenman. "It took me two hours to unwrap, re-weigh and tic up the or ders that were ready to go out. And he laved there and saw that I did it, The Old Calendar MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK. 9 8 v Subscribers. & If the boys fail to deliver the d paper each evening kindly phone 9 to the office. The management invites complaints trom its pa- trons and will do 'its best to S A correct faulty service. ft ) m 08 S w S w (?) S) S) G Km Come Here Without Fail! Come and Share in These Daily Bargain Events Rousing Sales Every Day This Week in -r LCEStr, , r- BATH TOWELS LADIES' SHOES Val. and lorchon Edgings and Extra large and heavy, a 50c Grey top. button, patent leather Insertions. Values to 15c Yd. value. Shoes $3.50 value. Our Price, yard Our 'Price, each . TUESDAY ONLY, pair 5c 29c $2.85 SERGE SUITINGS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS KNIT WAISTS Red, brown, navy, wine, black . . ... . .. serges, and black and white 1 ancy slr'les and plains. Children's ISc Knit Under check. 36-inch Wool Suitings Laundered cuffs. All sizes to waists. Sines 2 to 13 years. YARD b'i $1.25 to $1.50 values, each Special each . 39c I 98c I 11c MAIL ORDERS FILLED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHERE YOU SPEND the LEAST and GET the MOST FOR IT Worth's Dept. Store BOTH PHONES 80 Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods NEW WALLACE BLDG. Mid the Lesson the Small Investor Needs ta Learn. The advice of one ot the larce bunks of the country Is that every imeshmikl Invest bis surplus, whether large or mall, in dlvldeud Keeu.-ltles of the best lass, whether rullroad. real estate or farm inortgaia-s or public mill lies, for "To keep money Idle Is a costly oper ation" Let every reader at this nnlclo re member i bat with nx utile as 5 or $10 he cub muke ttrsl payment ou the pur- of u first class $100 bond. Let every reader. who has a few hundred dollars to spare put It In a good JoOO ur $1,000 bond ou the partial payment plan, uuil let It earn something. Five hundred dullurs Invested lu a U per cut bond (with the income deHlted lu a savings bunk ill 4 per ecuti will double Itself In twelve years that Is, the &CO Will have become 1.000 In that time. ' Till Jl.issi at U per cent will earu f!0 a year ur over SI a week for lis Hriesor. Even ut 5 tier cent It will double In fifteen yearn and at 4 per ceut In eighteen year. The Icmhoii the small Investor wants to lenrn Is that his money Is Just as good us chut of the lurger Investor. The former has greater need of being careful because be has less to spare. Lenrn ty be a careful Investor. The flrst thing the careful buyer does If he wants to buy a burse, a cow. a bouse or a farm, a bond or a share of slock la to make a careful Investigation Schoolboys muy swap the Jackkulves they hold lu their closed hands, but grownup men ought to know lietter. The humblest Investor can buy with us great safety ns I be proudest, for both can deal with the same bankers or brokers In these days when small lots are popular with Arms uf established character. Leslie's Weekly. A, sheaf ot days this ribbon li.U. A wliule Ions year Of ihnu sad litno and snow and bloom Was irathoriHl On this old calondnr. It dwliullad slowly, loaf by Isaf. Just mm s roM Whoso full blown petals seek the sod Was each iluy's class On tuts old cslonosr. And now the end. and thsre art loft For wltnsfl brief Tho imlnliHl scroll and sllkon band Tint held tho shout On this eld ctilsndsr. Hut somewhere, soma time, wo will and Tho Knthditri lenves llmntl In rocord of our Itvos VI. t elmir nn-.l .hosvos On lltln old cslondsr. M.mphls Coinmorolal Appeal. SURFACE CAR LOSSES NOT DUE TO EXODUS TO WAR. Head of Bureau of Immigration Thinks Taxlcabs and Jitneys Ara Cause. T. V. Powderly of the bureau of lui migration In discussing the statement by the public service commission that the fulling off of street cur truffle In Now York aud other Inrgo cities during the past your was due to tho exodus uf uieu who went to Kuropo on account of the war said that no stntlstics compiled by the government wul throw any light cn this matter. Mr. Powderly tioliitcd out that tilt total number who left tho country last year was only UUUtll, a number e i tlrely too small when distributed through the country, even If It all came from tho largo clt'os. to have any ap preciable effect on street car trnlllc. "The fact Is," said Mr. Powderly, 'that the movement of Immigrants and emigrants since the war began has been tremendously reduced, in the year ended June. 11)14, we received Into the United States l.LM!MNO. Pol the year ended June 30, 11113, the mini bor of luitulgrauU was only 320.700. tho smallest number slnco IS'. The only large movement, cum parntlvely, durlug the past few months has Ihx-u tho return af Itams reserr Ixts. There has been a, net gain of III) migration from Prance and Knglaiid none whatever from Austria and Hun- nary and only a very slight gulu from Uormany. There, was a net loss of Itnlliiu pupulatlon in this country since July 1 of uver 0..ooa Their going wuuld hardly afford a reaaob for less street car truffle. "I am Inclined to think the slow, hesitating character of the service on the street curs uf most of the largo eltles has more to do with reduced truffle. The luxlrnb aud thedltuey can account fur sumo fulling off tio doflbL' BIRD ROOSTS. Safety First as It Is Practiced by the Feathered Tribes. One of the best ways to prepare for a long Journey Is to make a short one. So we find that many birds, before they emlmrk on their great ulr voyuge which Is to take them from their sum mer to their winter borne, first make dully trips between their sleeping qunr. ters and their feeding grounds. This Is the habit of our robin. Rob ins raise two and sometimes three fam ilies In one season. When the flrst family leaves the nest early lu June It Is taken by the father -robin to some dense, leafy growth of young trees to puss the night. To this place they re turn .every night. Many other robins, sometimes thousands of them, come lo the sstnt woods. Such resorts ure known as robin roosts. In flying to il nil from them the young birds lenrn how to find their woy. Meanwhile mother robin Is patiently sitting on her blue eggs, from which In about two weeks' time another little family will appear. In two weeks more they also will be lurge enough to leave the nest and can Join their broth ers and slstors In the roost. , Oraekles. or crow blackbirds, have the suiue habit. But since they have only one family or brood both the par ent birds go to the roost with their young. Sometime the robins ure joined by the gracklcs and both by the European starlings, which, brought to this coun try and released In Central park. New York. In 18U0, have since liccomo one of the most abundant birds In our mid- die Atlantic states. Much u roost Is i (sited nightly by many thousands of birds. Prank M. Chapman In St. Nleh. olus. ' WHEN please answering classified ads, mention the Democrat. NOW 7.621 NATIONAL BANKS, Charters Issued to 138 In 191B Law Strictly Administered. Tbe anuuul report uf the comptroller of the currency shows that only fifty four entirely new national banks wero organised lu the last cnlendar year. There were 1.18 nntlonnl banks char tered lu that time, however. Of these llfty-four. with an authorized capital ot 4.O32,0t)0. had been state banks und thirty, with an authorized capital of U.SU5.000. were reorganizations of pri vate or state banks. Tbo strictness wltb wblcb tho national banking act bus Ix-en administered during the yenr Is Indicated by the fact that, while 13S charters wero grunted, 101 applications fulled of approval, charters liclng de nied. On Dec. 31. 1015, the total number uf nntlonnl banks organized was 10.810, of which 3,180 had discontinued busi ness, leaving In existence 7.0'JI banks, with an authorized capital of $1,077, 301.375 and circulation outstanding se cured by United States bonds of $710, 571.758. Circulation to the amount of $51. 7113.450. , covered by lawful money deposited with tho treasurer nf the Unit ed States on account uf liquidating and Insolvent national banks and associa tions wblcb bud reduced their circula tion. Is also outstanding, making tho to tal nmount uf national bank circulation outstanding t77l.337.208. Of the 138 banks authorized to begin business, wltb a total capital uf JS.3i!'.'.000. ninety-nine, with a capital of $2,007,000, bad Individual cnpltul of less than $30, 000 and thirty-nine, wltb a capital of $3,005,000, had individual capital of $50,000 or over. UNION R. W. OF NATIONS SEEN. Babson Presides at Anti-war Meeting In Boston. Members of the Society to Hllmlnulo economic Causes of War met In rnneull ball, lu Boston, and listened to several addresses on how war can be avoided. Roger V. Ilahsou presided and read a number uf telegrams from different sections of tho country on the business outlook after tho war. Roger 8. Hour, discussing 111 need of an International ling, declared' a union of tuitions was coming. "Lot prevention be our watchword." be said. "The conviction Is steadily growing In this country that It Is relatively unim portant whether the knlscr's militarism or England's niivalism Is responsible for the war. ' "Tbo real guilt Is for the one who left the matches around for tho boys to play with. Ho Is the evil genius or our civilization, whose gnrx! nnme Is patriotism and whoso bntl name Is nationalism." Other speakers were '.Va.'ler Wood of Philadelphia. II. T.. Ilildgmuii and Ed ward S. PaysonVf Boston, who talked on Inlcriuitluniillsiu. You'll Always get 100 cents worth for every dollar you spend at THE GOLDEN RULE We do not ad high rent, delivery, bookecpern, credits. Interest on borrowed money, this means a saving to you, Mr. Man, better think It over. House dresses ;.. Wc Bimgulow uproot '... 4!)c Ladies' kid gloves ... $1.00 Corsets $1.50 Corsets $2.00 Corsets Silk bot hose ,. Ladies' black hose .... Ladies' black bote .... Children's hose Children's lisle hose Wm lc 98c $1.49 2Jc 10c . 2 for 25c Ilk 2 fur 25c $J.50 and $1 Men's pants $2.9H $15.00 Men's suits $".90 $20.00 Men's suits $12.50 $25 Men's suits $16.50 Crossctt $5.00 shoes $J.9H Crossett shoes $4.98 Hoys' ovetalls 3Jc, 49c Men's oahkosh 75c Men's underbill 75c Roxford sox .. 5c Whit leather sox 10c PRICES THE SAME EVERY DAY THE GOLDEN RULE 83 BUSY STORKS TWELVE EHINGS IN MAIL. A Sample of What Comes to a News paper Office By Post Office Continually. Health iicw4 articlc-i on pnciiuuMiia by the U. S. public health service. Notice of sale of timl er by national forestry service. Three pages of industrial news sent out from Portland, said to be edited by Col. Hoier. Report bv drnartuicut ui coiniuercc of import!, and exports, showing enor mous increase in exports. Article by tiie department n( labor. U, 5., on weight and weighing babies Avcr.-.gc weight, girl 7 Iba. buys 7'i pounds. A clubbing olfcr for Today's .Mag azine, Canton. Ohio, r.irc opportunity to make money. A page of clippiucs from tlie Peo ple's Home Juir:',l, with invitation to c them. Another article tin the Avori:t base, "Criminal Negligence of Unpre pared slate." Aiiiiouiifruiriil of the offer by S, 1', of a valuable watch Job to employee to six men lu each distiK l shupinind ing hiitlic-il on s.ifely fir-,1 wok. Census reports by department of eiiiiiineree on -tcuui l.iuudi ics and manufacture of .iiitniuobilcs, covering 1014, nearly two years late. A scoop proposition for Scoop. A copy of the Phoenix, a 7 by S m.iM.iinc. a uiiiiie production, but fttll tl tt .till! v.')l- "lV-r. greed and f.iUc p.-.triotisiti ate playing H.r nitiicliiel willi the .nil American tradition." A bulletin from the Wasiiiiuttnu state experiment lalion; but we li' ve our hands full keeping track of our own O ,A. C, experiments, not surpassed. LOST Small :ilk hnndb.ig on l-'irst street cast nf Jelicrson. Finder please cull llell phone .VI J. (4-7 COOK WITH GAS A Time, worry and labor saved by cooking with the Home Gas Maker. Light and cooking gas at cort of 3c an hour. Whiter and brighter light than electricity. Can be Installed in any stove or range. .Clean, safc.economical. Call 325 W. first St. WEST COAST GAS CO. m : 3S HPHE scientific shap- mg of the Firestone Non-Skid tread insures you get all your money - out in actual service. Right-angled against skid in any direction, this massive good measure tread affords maximum safety as well as multiplied mileage. And only the powerful Firestone body could sustaiiv the bulk and holding strain of the Firestone Non-Skid tread. All this good-measure build ing is part of the Universal Service of Firestone Tira for any demand of road or season. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company "AmtHca't Largut Exclutlut ( 1 7ir and Kim Makm" Akron, Ohio Branches and Dealers Everywhere 1 U Firestone Nel f rices to Car 0wn:r 303 t nVsiojiWjnp.n 3 11.00 Vol t.ttl 32a!-j 13.73 13.40 T7TnT 34 4 W.K 21 M T.tnlAa 34S4K 1730 J0JJ 4;'oj SAi 3x4M M.7n 33.13 Slxl 3.03 37x5 33 M 89.811 J.Ojl S.70 a8x3,' 4MH 31 JO !' 7.SS II 1 37x5 I 35 Jsl SO.aij IM 8.70 I PfJi s3J; HOjOo 81 jnj e3.7 7.i5