PAGE TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT THURSDAY, DECEMBER id, 141! 3ai Daily Demociff t F. P. NWTTINC Leasee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. I'ublished every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues days and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per month. liy .nail, at end of year J. 3.50 Bv mail in advancf. per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year $1.50 when paid in advance, one yr. 1.5 CLASSIFIED RATES 1c uer word for first publication: 54c per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Ai minium charge ot ac. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as yell, as new address. Established in 1865. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915 PREPARATION FOR PEACE. In :n address on the peace ship, just made public, a delegate made some striking statements. Heri arc some: "This is no time to disturb Ameri can traditions and prepare us for war, and that preparation in the mil itary sense is only a century old, but that is not correct. Preparation in the military sense is many centuries old, the ancient histories are full of it; preparation in a peace sense, how ever, preparation in a civil ense is not so old. I call your mention to the preparation for peace, that now exists in the United States and Canada. Whefe there are no forts, where there are no soldiers, where there are no tranches or guns, that is preparation for peace, and that is about a century old. A preparation tor peace exists between Norway and Sweden. There is no fort between their fron tiers, and that is tke kind of prepara tion we need now. America is in dan ger, but of what is she in danger? The president does not say in his message of what America :s in danger. At this time the president docs not mention a single nation that dc dares to saj is an enemy of the United States of America, but the United States is in danger, none the less. It is in danger of enemies from within and tliey are not naturalized enemies either, they are th men, who arc building battle ships at tremendous profits: nun who are trying now, to. add to the bur den of taxation of the United States of America and to mortgage poster ity, for years to come. To fasten this dreadful military burden upon us, they are telling us that we want to cliinafy America, that we are all molly cod dles. It may be true, that every mol ly coddle is a pacifist, it is not true, that every pacifist is a molly coddle. It is not true perhaps, that every one, who -favors preparedness in the United States is a grafter, but noth ing can be truer than, that every graft er in the United States is in favor of preparedness; every corporation law yer in the United States is in favor of preparedness. Joseph H. Choate, the other day, had the superlative Im pertinence to say that he had consid ered this matter, that he had gotten the facts from military auliorities and had found that America was' not pre pared in any single respect or in any particular. Was -ever there a more absurd statement made by any man than this one, from a great interna tional lawyer? America is prepared now if you want a mil-'tary prepared ness; it is very very simple.-These men do not want a military prepared nts, what they want is a great mili tary profit. If we want to prepare ourselves, it is the simplest thing in the -world. Germany has spent a great amount of money upon its fleet, its wonderful navy. Now how does it go about to protect that fleet? By the very simple provision of hav ing mined a harbor; a very simple and inexpensive matter, but mines in the harbor offer very little profit to the steel trust. We arc, "for national ef ficiency and security," but that is not the way to go about to get that by turning our best energies to the mak ing of murderous instruments of de struction; by sending our best men into vile barracks and muddy trenches and by turning over the public treas ury to a lot of profit mongers, who are not actuated by the slightest pat-' riotic impulse whatsoever. "Ap plause." STOP AND REFLECT The Orcgoman, referring to the fact that the repubican national convention next year will be held a week before the national democratic convention next spring, says: "Always in the lead, the republican national convention will be held a week earlier than the democratic af fair." Yes, indeed, the republicans .were In the "lead" at Chic.igo in 1912, but their lead at the election in the fall of that year was a very infinites' imal "affair if you please. MISFITS Thp Hi'nosits in the banks of Kausa last year increased 13 per cent. Not much liquor in that. There used to be a saying: If wishes were fishes we would have some fried If wishes would bring peace thci would be a calm in Europe. The smile that counts is the one that is good in private lite. Some nennle's conscience doesn't go 'any further than the conduct of their neighbors. The hottest day in summer is not as sultry as war news. The steel trust is running over with prosperity, with more in prospect as -militarism becomes dominant. Woe to the men who put this nation in the column of militarism. I.- 1. ... .! -."...1 !, luemous ui military iurupc. .vie v .t i r i . i . now lo jump inio l"C vunc.. Financial patriotism is now ram pant in the world. The country is waiting breathlessly to sec where Col. Roosevelt tights. We think we are some town, and arc; but our deposits in the banks are about $300 per capita, where those of, Backoo, N. D., are $2,436. But who ever heard of Backoo. Probably hasn't any pavement or Fords to spend money on. Save bv buvina- a ticket. SI. 50 ticket ior $1.25. New Elite. o25tf adv ALBANY PEOPLE GET INSTANT ACTION Those who have used it in Albany are astonished at the 1XSTAXT ac tion of simple buckthorn bark, glycer ine, etcas mixed in Adlcr-i-ka. Be cause it acts on BOTH lower and up per bowel,, OXE SPOONFUL Adler-i-ka relieves almost ANY CASE con stipation, sour stomach or gas. It-removes such surprising foul matter that a few doses often relieve or pre vent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. The Woodworth Drug Company. The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 E. 3rd Street Bell 500 Part; rty K Home 419 J. FIRCHAU CO. H. Enlargements Make excellent Christmas presents. Let O. W. Doble, the college photographer, make an enlargement from your best neg ative. Have you an old picture you want copied? Let Doble do it PRICES VERY REASON ABLE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Students' Club 704 Broadalbin St Home phone 4235 " Bell 410-J YU are not immune from loss. Just supposing fire breaks out and your val uables are destroyed or burglars enter your home and steal your jewelry? Get Absolute Protection today. Our Safe Be posit Vault is the place. Boxes to rent as low as $1.00. . There are a number of things here, especially suitable for gifts that arc out of the ordinary, For a small expenditure of money you will get Individuality in Christmas Presents ..Unusual things arc the ones uiost appreciated. This is a specialty store, where high classed goods are moderately priced. Talk to us about the following: Leather purses, card cases, playing card outfits, writing compan ions containing tourist tablets, are all neat and practical, F.ngravcd visiting cards will be appreciated Plate ard HX) cards as low as tl.50. Stationery, including tablets, box and pound papers, in the famous Whiting make. We do embossing oil correspondence cards and sta tionery. One thousand and one dies are here making it possible lor us to make single and companions of two letters while you wait in gold at the low price of thirty-five cents per quire. Loose Leaf Memorandum and price Books, with flexible morrocco leather backs and leather lined, will last a lifetime. A loose leaf book with name printed in gold on cover, makes a handsome gift. The Sheaffer Self Filling Fountain Pen lias no equal. It is perfect in material and workmanship, and is indefinitely guaranteed. Should it ever prove defective in any way no matter how long yon have used it, we will make it good. Prices from $2.50 to $12.00. Individually Engraved ChristmasCards. There is a touch of person ality conveyed through their use that is keenly appreciated. Vc have them engraved with your name and appropriate vcrncs, holly caudle and poinsetta designs. See Dimples. Prices including enve lopes, 20 for $3.00, 25 for $3.50. 40 for $4.50, 50 for $5.00. Larger quantities at a much cheaper rate . Visiting cards may be 'engraved from these plates at any time. Pictures on Sale. We are going to close out our picture depart ment. All pictures are now reduced to one-half of the original price. They will make beautiful presents at bargain prices We take Subscriptions for all Magazines RAWLINGS PRINTER and STATIONER 121 Broadalbin St. a Eugene young lady, who is to be here to attend it. FOR RENT Four housekeeping rooms and barn. Phone 2214. dl3-15 Do You Admire Pretty Pictures? If you io, why not take lessons in Oil Painting and paint pictures to suit your own tastes? Because you hare never done Art Work is no reason why you cannot learn. Three-hour Lesion $1 Are you having a bare tiro deciding an your Chriitmu presents? Nothing will be more appreciated than a beau tiful Oil Painting. Call at studio and impact work. If you enjoy Fine Art you are welcome. Prof. W. W. Davis Teacber of Art and Voice Schmitt-Hunt Bids'. DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE FURNISHERS New and second hand goods. Have moved to 2nd and Baker. Th Best Way TO SAVE is by Systematic Saving One Dollar Opens An Acoount In 5 years with interest, $1 de posited weekly amounts to $280.65. $5 deposited weekly amounts te $1,399.38. . . ALBANY STATE BANK "Safety Plu. Service" Trees, Shrubs Roses PLANTING time is on again.. , Call us on either phone or send . a card for a catalogue. Why not plant a few Walnuts in . . the curb this fall ? Our collection of Roses is complete. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBANY, OREGON First National Bank Building Boys' Printing Outfits at 15c to $1.50 Headouartera Make our store your headquarters for Christ mas shopping our stock of gifts is unusually large. j Self -Filling J ,.rountoinceii) the pen that fills and cUans itsttf, ' makes a splendid Christmas pres enthandsome and in perfect taste useful 365 days in the year. In attractive Christmas boxes, Burkhart & Lee Druggists A QUALITY STORE We sell the best at lowest prices Watch Repairing F.G.W.11 Seed- Wheat-Seed Oats-Vetch-Cheat M. SENDERS CO. r 4 Christmas Specials Hills Bros, best coffee per can , 40c Del Monte pumpkin 2y', lb, can 10c Del Monte tomatoes 2't 11). can n 10c Del Monte corn t cans 25c Del monte apricots 2JJ lb, tins 20c Del Monte Peaches. 2i lb. tins : ,. 20c Best June peas 2 cans 25c Six Pineapple. 2 lb. tins $1.00 Pineapple, small 10c And hundreds of other' Rood buys of quality goods, for cash. Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS. Prop. HURRY! Saturday is the last day in which to get your pic tures for Christmas The Clifford Studio "The Photographer in Your Town" . Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodical. 333 West First St., Albany, Oregon. VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets Why Have a CheckingAccount? Because it brings system to your business, establishes your credit, enables you to keep a record of all payments made by check and lastly proclaims you as a man of business among peo ple and firms with whom you deal. Let us handle your Checking Account. CAPITAL AND SURPLU8 $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK & CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER, BRADEN tc. CO. FUNERUANLD$?&M8 AN Undertaking Pirlori, 3rd and Broadalbin. fljjg- LADY ATTENDANT Beth Phone, Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Let me make your glasses Invl sible Hyfocals, or two pair in one. They'll give you perfect v Ision for both far and near ob jects. E. C. MF.ADE, Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC 11 1 Al l K 734 Home phone 734 Lyon St. S TE 'ITER'S FOR GROCKRII.S AND CROCKER V DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms 5. 7, 9. 10, CutiA Dank Bldg Nature cannot cure a disease unlets the caute it removed. Chiropractic adjustment, remove the caute. GEO. J. KENAGY Chiropractor National Bank lildg. Rooms 41)1-402. Office phone I38U Home; residence phone 4J57. DR. S, H. RUSSELL Chiropractor 1-2-3 Schmitt Hl.lg l'lionet Hell 186-K; Home 14dl. I.aijy uttcml.itll. F.x:nninaiioni Irce. DENTISTS DR. W. R. BILYEU-Dcntitt. First National Bank building, Albany. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A. P. HOWKI.I.S D. O. Ii:ii m ik- b.v.uikt Bjnk Midi; MARY S. HOWEI.LS. D. O. Boih iihon.rt Saving, Hank HMg REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE K. I7. SOX " Real Fsiate. Lonns, Fire Insurance, hirji National Hank lluilding H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants bought and oold. Room No. 1, second floor, First Saving, Dank buildiag, Albany. Oregon I. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for tale. Real etlate loans Fir- inturance. Surety Bonds. Roomt 19-21. Cutick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143. H6tf OR SALE Light roadatvr automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat. aSt( FOR SALE High grade piano at t hnrirain. Phnne 361-R mlStl FOR SALE Fresh cowl on easy terms. II. Hryant. FOR RENT FOR RENT First ctasi itore room. First street. Call on Dr. A. Stark m2Z( Leon E. Rennells' Garage The Handy place to buy Gasoline 212 E. First Street. Phone., Bell 72-Ri Home I30S AH Repair Work 50c Per Hour DURING WINTER TUB IIEUT HA K F.I) GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE nd FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign l Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both I'hunes I' A V 41 IS 1)1 ' S DINNER 8ERVKD 9 Every Sunday for 50c. S hi s ST. FRANCIS HOTEL it Luncheon 11:30 to 2; dinner 5 iS lo 8 p. m. ' 29if S f) (J) (B ) (4 S S- W S ( t fi . A $1.50 ticket fur $1.25. Good (or anything at New Klile. o25tf silv Careful attention given to all jew elry repairing nt Krcamcr's new store. o25if adv Real Estate for Sale Bargains u farm lands, city prop erty: money to loan, uiaurante written In the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V, Pips, 203 W. 2nd 8t. A. STARK. Physician and Surgeon Alto treats eye, ear, note and throat, and fits glasses Both phones 60 326 W. Fint St. Albany, Ore. WANTED WANTFJ)-Wailrci at the Carlton dHtf WANT I-OSITION-lly experienced girl, lo do homework. Good refer ences. Call lOJ.j Hell. WANTED A FAIR TRIAL We will thow our tkill on all repair work chain, cumliet. woven wire bed springs made at new, stoves, mil- lrrsr. All work guaranteed. Call Hell 72-J and lave money. 317 E. . 2nd. rfjjj WANTS WORK I.ady wants work by d.iy or hour. Home phone, 34W. iiJVif WANTED 4or5 room modern bun galow, furnished man and wife, boy 4 years old. Reference if re 'lilired. Call from 4 to 6. E. II Pickard. 342 E 2nd Miscm.1 ANRcms TO SF.I.L OK EXCIIANfiK Farm near Cottage Crove lor Albany or Corvallis property. What have you? Slate price. Address llox 145 Cottage Grove, Oregon. . dly wk n26d26 LOST Crescent of ptarlt on streets of Albany. Return lo Democrat o( liee, or phone 416-L. S,'V-,i,'""x ricr pup, male. Hell phone 252. dl.1-15 Expert wtich and clock repairing it Kreamert Jewelry More. . o2Stl tdv Buy a ticket. $1.50 worth of foods for $1.25. New F.lite. 25tf sdv. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hnmme! Hotel Building f $3 WOOD F8R $2.50 Dry Mill. Ends, tbe best cookstove wood on market ; HAMMOND LUMBER CO. 1st end Realresd Phones 35S Oregon Junk Shop Pays highest price for hides, pelts and furs, rubber, metals snd sicks and rsgs. 315 li. 2nd Street. Phone 72-J Albany, Oregon Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Llttl. Fir IJ.2S Slsb Wood $2.40