ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. IM Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lcuk. F.n'.ered at the posioifice at Albany ( Irroiv, a second-class matter. I'ulihtliril every evening except Sun iUy. Semi-weekly published Tuct ii iy ami Friday. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 P ' in advance, otherwise 4Uc per month. lit Mil, at end of year 3 50 l , null in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weakl At end of year $15'' When paid in advance, one yr 1.25 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word tor first publication; i4c per word thereafter, payable in ad- : it -: i t oc. vanrc auniiim.iu inaim: m j. Ill ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old a well n new address. Established in 1866. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1915. MORE LOBBYING. The Commoner: In 1913soon af ter taking office. President Wilsoi electrified the country and started : stampede out of Washington, when lu charged that the capital was iniestci by an "insidious lobby" which he wa. determined to smoke out. The hegir: which followed this presidential warn ing left Washington hotel men t mourn the god old times. There wa naver before such a hustling to get out of the City of Magnificent Dis tances. But the "insidious lobby" of 191 was a negligible force in comparison with the more insidious lobby which now infests the capital. The lobby which challenged presidential atten tion in 1913 and which fled before thi sconrgc which the White house brought into view was frankly sel fish. It was there merely to get all that was to be had for the railroad; for steel, for sugar, for glass, for shi; yards, for powder mills, for gun fac tories, for lumber and for all other pets of privilege which republicanism had been nurturing for so many years. The hotel business in Washingto: was never so poor as it was in 191.' and 1914. But it must be improvin; now. For there is another and a? infinitely more dangerous lobby in festing the capital of the nation to day. It is a purely "patriotic" lobby a lobby which has wrapped the flaf about it. a lobby profoundly concern ed over the welfare of the nation an the perpetuity of ouY sacred institi: tions, a lobby which is in deadly fea of some imaginary foe. a lobby tha thinks in terms of air ships, subma rines, dreadnaughts, 16-inch guns, tor pedoes, shells, a huge standing arm;, and a navy greater than a Hobso ever dared to propose. Even the railroads when carrying forward their successful campaign to force the government to permit an increase of freight rates, flooded the mails with no such a deluge of liter autre as that which the Preparedness lobby is today disseminating. Never before in the history of the country has an equal activity in any behalf been witnessed. Evidently this lobby is richly endowed. It is magnificently organized. It is splendidly equipped And it is carrying forward its work with a thoroughness and with an in difference to the cost which may wel' challenge the curious interest of the American people who are being asked to approve of vast expenditures on the "national defenses," the implication beinj that our shores are menaced by some powerful oppressor. The ramifications of this lobby ara widespread. Scores of leagues, so cieties, clubs and associations have been formed to push particular phas es of the general campaign. There are national security leagues, national rifle associations, national aereo club and national organizations of various sorts designed to arouse the country to some impending peril and to brinf it to a realizing sense of what is ex pected of it in the way of funds for buying battleships, cruisers, dread noughts, submarines, destroyers, air craft, powder, war material and equip ment and for the increase of army anil navy to a war footing in a time of pro. found peace. Schools, churches, po litical organizations, the magazine and newspaper press, chautauquas. the ly ceum, everything which contributes to the molding of public opinion, being utilized by this lobby as far ns possible in spreading the gospel of preparedness and in dragooning popu lar sentiment into an acceptance of the fantastic notion that preparation for war is a guaranty of peace. The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 E. 3rd Street Bell 560 p,rr R Home 419 H. 7. FIRCHAU CO. MISFITS A' bright man said: If a man kan't laif there is sum mis lake nude in putting him together and if he won't laff he wants as mutch keeping anay iron) as a bear-trap hcn it ii sot. While we have to face facts in this world it is a poor plan lo have a grouch in it. A smile comes as natural as a yell .it a football game, and there's no ex cuse for not giving it. The person who starts out to run everybody else in the world or growl is travelling a mighty thorny path. The biggest life is the one spent for the happiness of others. Wouldn't give .1 jitney for a person who carries a coffin around in the mouth. Nothing like a good movie for re laxation. For ten cents one can see what costs hundreds of dollars, with chunks of fun thrown in. Why arn't you whoopinu up sales- day. Almost Lere again, rain or shine Theoretically water :.eckj its level: Hut practically these days it does not It's everywhere rcguardlcss of level. For real excitement trunl: mysteries beat a convention of gossips. 0 Pendleton Man Here John Leedy, of Pendleton, has been in the city several days on a visit with his two sisters. Mrs. Szrah Baltimore ind Mrs. J. R. Baltimore, also other relatives in the county. Mr. I.eedy 'or many years was a resident of near Brownsville. He and L. E. Blain were schoolmates there during the '50's Mr. Leedy once had a team of horse: that were amost a landmark, so Ion; did they live, one of them being 33 years old w'.en it died. Barbers' Thanksgiving The barber shops of the city wilt be :loscd all day Thanksgiving day, hut will remain open the evening previous until 9 o'clock. n23--4 Do You Admire Pretty Pictures? If you do, why not take lessons in Oil Painting and paint pictures to suit your own tastes? Because you have never done Art Work is no reason why you cannot learn. Three-hour Lesion SI Are yen having a hard time deciding on your Christmas prmnls? Nothing will b more appreciated than a beau tiful Oil Painting. Call at studio and inspect work. If you enjoy Fine Art you are welcome. Prof. W. W. Davis Teacher of Art and Voice Schmitt-Hunt Bid. Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir Slab Wood $3-5 $2.40 ' All the facilities of this institution are open to you and you are invited to share in the Bank's prosperity. Even though you do your banking business elsewhere run in and see us. Bank with us. QQ I WHERE SAVIMGS'AHE IAFE New Vgu &md FISK HATS re here. Tha latest er.'d cleverest stylet. 57 Store will be closed all day tomorrow. Thanksgiving Do You Want to Trade? Small acreage near Albany for de sirably located city lots. Best part of residence district. If you are interest ed call Black 4125. Albany, 507 E. Fourth street. Want rolling land. tl Buy a ticket. $1.50 worth of goo lb for $15. New Elite. o 2. n auv. -o WANTED Position to do general housework, by experienced girl. Home phone 3376. n23-29 READ OUR WANT ADS Advertisement fer Sewer Construction Sealed biiis will be received by the Council of the City of Albany, Ore gon, until 7:00 p. m., November 24, 1Y15, ior tlie construction of the fol lowing lateral sewers tributary to the! Cottage Street trunk sewer, all within I 'he City ot Aibany, Oregon, to-wit: No. 1. Beginning at the Cottage! Street trunk sewer manhole between, Seventh and Eighth Streets and run-1 mng thence easterly through the ccn- tcr oi Block 3 of City V iew Addition ind through the center of Block 1 oi Mountain View Addition, a distance ;f 336 feet. No. 2. Beginning at the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between ..iirnih and Ninth Streets and running tlience easterly through the center of Block 4 of City View Addition and throuxh the center of Block 2 of Alountain View Addition, a distance of 336 feet. No. 3. Beginning at the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between Ninth and tenth streets and running thence easterly through the center oi Block 11 of City- View Addition, through the center of Block 3 of Mountain View Addition, through the Center of Block 6 of Wright's Addi tion, across Willctta Sfert and through tiie center of Block 1 oi Wright's Addition, a distance of 4 ."t-ei. No. 4. Beginning at the Cott;.gr street trunk sewer manhole betwcci Tenth and Eleventh Streets and run nimr thense easterly through the cen ter of Block 12 of City View Addi tion, through the center of Block 4 of .Mountain View Addition, through tne center ol Block s ot Wright s ad dition, across Willctta Street and through the center of Block 2 of Wright's addition, a distance of 804 feet. No. 5. Beginning at the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between Eleventh and Twelfth -Streets and running thence easterly through the center of Block 19 of Cif View Ad dition, through the center of Block 5 of Mountain View Addition .through he cetner of Block 4 of Wright's Ad dition, across Willetta Street and through the center of Block 3 of Wright's Addition, a distance of 804 feet, also beginning at a manhole in said lateral sewer in Willetta Street ind running thence southerly along Willetta Street, across Twelfth Street nd to the center of Block 2 of Men nonite Church Addition, a distance of 270 feet, thence easterly along the .enter line of Blocks 2 and 1 of Men nonite Church Addition, a distance of 267 feet. ' No 6. Beginning at the Cottaire Street trunk sewer manhole between Twelfth and Kalamath Sts. and run ring thence easterly along the north boundary line of Linnmont Addition a distance of 500 feet. No. 7. Beginning at the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between Seventh and Eighth Streets naj run ning thence westerly through the center of Block 2 of City View Addi tion, across Liberty Street and through the center of Block I of City View Addition, a distance of 414 feet. No. 8. Beginning at the Cottaire Street trunk ewer manhole between I hightb and Ninth Streets and running thence westerly along the center line of Block 5, across Liberty Street, through the center of Block 6, across Wrst Street and throtph the center of Block 7, all in City View Addition, a distance of 958 feet. No. 9. Beginning, st the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between 3 mi- IL. J. SU I A - FTTT Ninth and Tenth Streets and running thruce wettcrly through the center o; Block 10 uf City View Addition. .1 distance of 2S2 feet. .So. Id. lirginntiig at the Cottage Street trunk sewer manhole between ieii;h and Eleventh Streets and run thence westerly through the cen ter of Block 13 of City View Addi tion, a distance ut 22 feet. Sjid sewer coustructioiu to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Albany and t!-e plans, specification! and estimates of the City Engineer on file in the office of the Recorder, where plans n-.ay be seen and specification and es timates obtained. Bids will be opened at 7:30 o'clock p. m. November 24, 191s No proposal or bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by a certi fied check payable to the City of Al omiy in an amount equal to five per crnt ot tne aggregate hid to be for felled as iixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and provide n approved bond in a sum equal to fifty per cent of the amount to be paid under such contract for the faithful performance of said contract. All bids must be made with a view of completing the construction of said ewers prior to the 1st day of April 1916. under a liquidated penalty ol $10.00 fur each day of delay beyond that period. Bids will be received for either the whole of said improvements or any of said laterals separately. All bids should be addressed to "Recorder of the City of Albany, Ore gon, marked "Proposals for construc tion! oi Lateral No .. of the Cottage Street sewer system." By order of the Council. V. E. VAN TASSEL. Recorder of the City of Albany, no II 24 Gasoline 15c Albany Exehanfe Station for .Prest-'o-L lie Tanks ALBANY GARAGE The Best Way TO SAVE is by Systematic Saving Ooe Dollar Opens An " . Account In 5 years with interest, $1 de posited weekly amounts to $280.65. $5 deposited weekly amounts to $1,399.38. ALBANY STATE BANK "Safety Plus Service" $3 WOOD FOR $2.50 Dry Mill Ends, the best cookstove wood on market HAMMOND LUMBER CO. 1st and Realroad Phones 358 Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mas;, arinea and periodicals. .333 West First St., Albany, Oregon. Tliunksjiviit Specials TOKAY GRAPHS. 4 lbs. 2Jc CRANBERRIES CASAHAS KKICSII FINKAPPLE S FC MFCKAN IT SWEET POTATOES CELERY 11FAD LETTUCE FIGS. DATES, AND TO IE BEST OF GROCERIES. Both Phones 58 Ideal Grocery II. A. STEARNS, Prop. DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE FURNISHERS New and second hand goods. Have moved to 2nd and Baker. We are at your service for Meats and Fish I). E. NEKERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STOKE We sell the best at lowest prices Watch Renalrinf F. G. Will Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany, Or. Both phones. I ily Assistant j VIERECK'S BATHS First-clas Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets No Time Like Today for starting a bank account at Our Savings Department if you haven't one and no time like today for adding to your account if you have one. The once in a while depositor seldom gets rich the steady week by week depositor does. 3 Per Cent interest allowed. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190,000.00 J. W. CUSICK CO.. Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER, BRADEN & CO. PUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbia ITS LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER; Prop. Seed- Wheat-Seed Oats-Vetch-Cheat M. 8ENDERS ft CO. ll I IQOI 1 When ordering (lasses try our rimless kind made to correct the errors of refraction of your yes. K. C. MEADK, Optometrist P. B. Phippt MAGNETIC IIKAI.hR 734 Lyon Su STEITIiR'S FOR GROCK.RII.S AND CROCKERY BUSINESS Ol I P P I T T n WANT DIRECTORY ULnUUiriLlJ AUS BUSINL3S directory CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. CIPE Chiropractor, kooms 5. 7. 9. Ill, Lu.k1 Hank Illdii. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. . Chiropractic adjilntinrnts rciotc the rause CEO. J. KENACY Chiropractor National Hank 111.1k Kuoiiis 401-402. Office phone 13H lloinrj residence phone 4.157. DR. S. II. RUSSELL Chiropractor 12-3 Schmiti Itldtc I'lionrt bell Home IVil. Lady attendant, t'.xammatiunsltee. DENTISTS UK. W. R. BIl.YfU Dentist. First National bank building, Albany. LAWYERS. 1. C. UKYANT Attorney at Law . I - ' N i i i S in- nal lUuk 1'iiild- li-anv. ' lrnrn. DAN JOHNS ION, Attorney ai Law !Iooin 2"S First N. tii nal Hank Bldg 1.. ;. LKWfcl.l.ING Artorncy at law Notary publii Ail'iny. M'-ici" VtAllll'.UfOI'l) vVKATIIKR FORI). Lawyers, Albany, Ore OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A. P. HOWF.l.l.S : O. Iloih phones Saviiiks baik Kldir MARY S. IIUOT:.I.S. I). (I. Hoth pluiies Savinm Hank Hldg REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. Firt National Hunk Hiilldmn H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants boiiuht and sold. Room No. I, second floor. First Savings Hank litnldiay, Mb.tnv Oreirnn (I. M PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim In Douglas county lor city property or good farm land. Home 1143. f!6tf FOR SALE Light rnadstoi automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat a5tf FOR SALE Hih grade piano at a bargain. Phon 3(11 -R . mlB'f FOR SALE rrrsl: 1 cows on easy trrm II. Hrx-nn t FOR SALE Order yrpir drcifced chickens now for Thanksgiving Fat hens or springs. Home phone 2520. n22-24 FOR SALE or TRADE Launch, on account of the borrowing of hat tries, coil and plug from boat when I was'nt nroiiml, and have no money lo replace arti les, will sell or trade at sacrifice. In. at Democrat office. TDK HKHT IIAKICI) (JOODS CKOCKKIKS.I'HODUCK and fruits PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 1.16 Lyon Si. Both Phones t v . vs to a a is DINNER SERVED 0 Every Sunday for SOc. v at ST. FRANCIS HOTtL l uncheon 11:30 to 2; dinner S In H . III. J9t( w l4fl ) (Dis) A $1 SO ticket for $125. (inod l.i anything at New Elite. o25tl -,! Careful attention given to all jru elry repairing al Kieamer's new sun o-'Sif-nd Real Estate for Sale Rargains In farm lands, city prop erty; money lo loan, Inaursnwe written In the strongest old Una comienlee. Call on J. V. Pipe. 203 W. 2nd St. A. STARK. Physician and Surgeon Also Urals rye, esr. nose ami throat, and fits alassrs Both phones bfl 326 W In. I St. ; Albany, tire FOR KENT It IK KIN' 17 room house. I' or 5t:i and F.llaworth luuuiie ai .'II W . Mh St ti!7 4 FOR RF.NT 4 Lame rooms on pav ed street. nrly papered, panitr I. with bath, Lartfe bruk pamry on fiuiihd floor. W per month witli aiir furnished. Call Old I-as. 2nd o- Huns. Shoe Doctor, 227 r; -'"'I . n 12.1 11 FOR RF.NT 6 furnished rooms, 4 blocks cast of Lyon St. Near II1J1 school. Reasonable if taken im inrdiatcly. Call 2251 Home phuur s20 tf rtlK Pr.NT First class store room, First street. Call on Dr. A. Stark. m22tf MlSCPI.I.ftNKOm FOUND -Two pairs lady gloves. See Griff Kin. nl.-2S I.t)ST I' , I 1 . . .1 . - -, . . of Albany. Ketiirn lo Democrat of lice, or phone 416-L. WANT FD A woman to do laundry work, apply St. Mary's hospital. J nlltf WANTKD Competent ijirl (r gen eral housework. Call 7J2 F.I in Si n2ll.23 WANTKD 4 or S room modern bun galow, furnished man and wife, boy 4 years old. Reference if re quired Call from 4 to 6 F. II Pickard, 342 E. 2nd Jewelry repairing of all kinds at Kreamer's new store. o2Sif sdv MONKY TO I.OAN-ln sums from ") to $50011 on improved farm lands. Phone or call 011 Wriitht ft Minion attorneys at law, Wright block. Albany, Oregon. n!9 dswtf AT TIIE SALE-Saturday there wiU , be some fine male Ancno" . .... r. .-,,-r incite iiirns. tnevsre of the best breeds. W. A. Cn!n "'" n2.t-2rt Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamme! Hotel Hull. ting Notice of Special School Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. S Linn Couiltv, Oregon, that a special meet ing of said voters will be held at the New Central Building of snid district on Tuesday, November 30, 1915 at the hour of 7:30 p. m. This meeting is called for Ihe purpose of votinc a tax for the support of the public schools of Ihe distprt the eniu;,..- year and transacting any other busi ness that may oropcrlv come before said meeting. ALFRED C. SC.IMITT. Tt wmi,- J. L. TOMLINSON, Clerk. nl8 dl Albany, Oregon, Nov. 17, 1915.