JAPE TWO Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. liii.cicd at the poaloffice al Albany, Drcuon. as second-class mailer. luhlislicd every evening cwept Sun day. Semi-weekly published lues ,Un and Friday KUSINKSS MATTER aUHisl KICTHIN KATES Daily Delivered by carrier, S400 per year in advance, ottaertriae 40c per ! Jail, at end of year l. mail in advance, oer year JAW Semi-Weakly A I end of year .I1.50 When paid in advanceJoneyr..-j.j5 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word lor iirst publication; Wi per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minnniiin chapac of 25c Eatabliahed in 186. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 17. 1915 WHAT WE THINK. An Albany woman thinks the fol lowing deserves a place in the column of the Democrat: Learn wl.at to think and think it As St. Paul put it. "Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, of good report think on these things." Hold them in the mind until they permeate life and become a permanent habit. As you think, so you are. A man who thinks and talks war. who wants all the paraphernalia trt make war, is the man who leads the way to conflict. The folks w ho :re peacemakers, who year after year are actively at work laying the foundations for peace in justice, in truth, in universal brother hood with all ih-t that involves, they make peace. Thoughts are seeds which develop in your life and produce things like themselves. Hate seed in the heErt cannot pro duce a love flower in the life. The sooner everybody at war changes their minds from. hate to love, the sooner war will end. The Lord is good to all. and his tender mercies are over all his works "God hath made of one blood atl the nations of men that dvrell upon the earth. Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. If one member suffer, all the member suf fer with him. If one member honored all the members rejoice with him. We. are members of one another. Sometimes people say, "It doesn't make much difference what you be lieve, or think so long as yon do right' But it does make all the difference in the world what you think, what you believe. If yew harbor low, mtfn thoughts, if yon are selfish, if you plan shacks, you will build hovels If you think and plan noble struc tures, you will build more stately mansions." BIG DECREASE IN IN AS SESSMENTS. The total assessment of Oregon just reported, shows a decrease of over $10,000,000 from the assessment of the previous year. In Linn coun ty there was an increase of over $130,000. which means that the state tax of this county is greatly in creased. An examination of the list shows that it is Portland that is play ing the hog; the decrease there be ing more than the decrease of the entire state. Jackson courity de creased over $4,000,00. Most of the counties increased some. , o- LIVES OF TROUBLE. Jas. N. Sutton, a prominent pioneer died in a jitney, from hardened ar teries and a general breakdown from The Albany Bakery V't Deliver to Any Part of tbe Cltjr 115-119 E. 3rd 8treet Hell Vf Par'v R Home 419 H. . FIRCHAU CO. Christmas Please your friends this year by giving them a nice photo 12 Presents for the price of one. Till Nov. 20 only we will give a nice large pic ture FREE with every $300 order or over. Clifford Studio "The Photographer In Your Town" a series of troubles too much, he de clared beforehand. He knew he was going to die, and had a Mack suit ready. A special request wan that he he not cremated. The record of his family has been a striking one. Oct 1.1, IW his son kiltt-d himself after a dance and quarrel. Keh. II. 1915 Mrs. Sutton was aranted a divorce from him. Aug. 12. 115 his son Lieut. R. B. Sutton was injured in a fiill from an aeroplane at Kort Sill Oklahoma. The olj saying that it never rains hut it pours is sometimes verified in a striking manner. Generally thouiih, there i a cood caue for it. MISFITS The supreme court of Minn, has .U-cided that pouring alcohol on a man's foot and setting fire to it. is not a joke. Oweu W. Owen is the name of a Ricine. Wis., bankrupt. An Idaho Falls merchant has nude hit with his lady clerks by taking I em home at the close of business ii his aula Too high taxes, you bet and Fri day oi next week we'll lei the world l.now what we thing about it, and then wait till the next election and 1 tit peanut politicians into ottice. A real estate man this week re ceived a latter from another r. e r.-an named Short. "Good name for a real estate man there days," he re marked. "We're all sjvort." Never Rust Moore is writing some mighty good letters for his former Corvallis paper, the G. T. Having seen the real Tom Thumb i: will be a pleasure to see one of his little imitators. Nothing is more humorous than fcr a woman to tell what she would do if a man. A poet it Ashlanl says the land '. wn thai way is so productive ti.a: after a wa-m winter rain the rcnce : i-ts take to sprouting. If true it u -mid be a mighty poor place to live 'or il i rc wouldn't b; anything but s:cuti tin re. Oil Paintings for Christmas What is more beautiful for s pre sent than an Oil Painting? Come up to oar Studio and make selec tions. Prices reasonable. If you enjoy Fine Art you are welcome whether you buy or not. If you are. intesttd in Art why not jola a class? A 3-hoar lesson for $1. Will also instruct a limited num ber in voice culture. W. W. Davis Teacher of Art and Voice Schmitt-Hunt Bids'. Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir ... SUb Wood $3.25 $2.40 All the facilities of this institution are open to you and you are invited to share in the Bank's prosperity. Even though you do your banking business elsewhere run in and see us. Bank with us. tMIU US FCOCUAl BrSfWVl CSTf ill I IJM WHERE SAVINGS ARC Si A F E I ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER a. Fiurin4 Firestone Euilt-tip-in-Ccnter a" lr j I jm si ; i r sue ? 'J( fU' Llli " iLislusI l. -yt-ry 77 nj'Lifj.7J V l.w us "' I H )". J.WI 4.4U i vtr- M'rri v. 4m s. V W lasss J m.n s . V'"''- irj" IsivT ' C't3 w.sTi-4v"f 5i v. law Firestono superior quality in every ounce of materials Firestona scientifia construction hy the) greatest orcaniza tton of tire specialists theso r.v.J a score of other reasons score victory for the Firestono user in the long tour daily service and pocketbook economy test. Automobile nml motorcycle tire-, tube nnl rii-crssoHe. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company "nnea'l LmrmU Cntluti Tire W Him Uahit" Akron, Ohio Branches ALBANY FUEL CO. BOTH PHONES 277 Having decided to run a transfer and storage business in connec tion with our fuel .lusiness, we will store your goods and do your team work. We have reliable men and our aervice it in all wayi guaranteed satisfactory. OUR PRICES: Team work, per hour Slabwood, green, per cord Slabwood, dry, per cord .. Second growth fir, per cord Old growth l-r. per cord .. Ash, per cord Oak, per cord We are agents for Castle Gate. Clear Creek and Hendota coaL FOR THE BATH Bath Mats .- - - Crash Bath Towels Extra Long Bath Towels Bath Soap, Violet Floating bath soap Crown Crabapple bath powder Luxor bath powder YOU GET THE BEST FROM US Burkhart & Lee, Druggists y oat x. outm HAM MY CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL "Go Oregon Electric" EUGENE Llniversity of Oregon vs. Oregon Agricultural College 2 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 20 Oregon Electric SPECIAL TRAIN leave Albany 10:40 a. m.; arrives Eugene 12 noon; returning after the game $1.75 Round-trip U. of O. Homecoming Reunions and ralliat of alumni. atudanU, and othora. Parad bonfires, and a jubiU tima Frieaf avaning FAST, FREQUENT TRAIN SERVICE R. H. Crozier, A. G. P. A. Portland ' lite Cost Tread. and Dealers Everywhere,1 . 50c $2.25 $3.00 . $3.50 $4.00 $4.25 $4.75 $1.00 75c and $1.25 65c, 75c, $1, $2 - 3 for 25c 5 25c 50c Friday and Saturday. Good on rog ular or speeial trains. Tickots good until Monday H. S. Logan, Agent Albany 17, in J. Apples Vest quality apple produced in the valley at $1 00 boa. Cook, inga ai ple 50c and up. New walnuts, citron, lemon and or ange peel, rsisins and currants for that holiday cake. Wo have the beat and the beat ii the chearen. TRY US. Both Phonea 5S Ideal Grocery- H. A. STEARNS. Prop. DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE FURNISHERS New and aecond hand goods. Have moved to 2nd and Baker. Wc arc at your service for Meats and Fish I). E. NEHERttALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STORE W. mII tb boil .1 lowest pries Watch Repairing F. G. Will Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Idy Assistant (I VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth StnoU No Time Like Today for starting a bank account at Our Saving! Department if you haven't one and no time like today for adding to your account If you have one. The once in a while depositor seldom gcta rich the steady week by week depositor does. 3 Per Cent interest allowed. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190.000.00 J. W. CUSICK tc CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER, BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and 'Broadalbin. rr LADY ATTENDANT Both Phon.s Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily D.llv.rLs. Both phon.s H. M. PALMER, Prop. Seed-Wheat-Seed Oats-Vetch-Cheat M. SENDERS A CO. llQPlt j M7 Ij When ordering glasses try our rimless kind mad. to correct the errors of refraction of your eyes. K. C, MEADE, Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC IIKAI.KK 734 Lyoa SU STETTEirS FOR (.KOCKKIIS AM) CROCKER V BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE ' Chiropractor. Kooins 5, 7. 9, Id, (usk Hank Bldg. Natuie car..iot cure a disease unless i lie cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remo.-e the cause. CEO. J. KENAGY Chiropractor National Bank HI. Ik. Rooms 401-402. Office phone 131 Heme: residence phone 4J57. DR. S. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor 12-3 Schmiit Hid. I'lioues Bell lx-K: Home 14ol. 1-ady attendant. I-xaininations free. DENTISTS DR. W. R. B1LVEU Dentist. First Nationil Bank buiMing, Albany. LAWYERS 1. C. BRYANT Atlornev at I .w 1-2 New l i'S'. Nan -ml Kink build- i 4. 'I'llilv. I IrrK'in. DAS' JOHNSTON. Attorney at I aw Room 205 I'irst Nati in.il Hank Bldg. I. G I.KWELI.ING Atl'-rrtey at law Notary public Ht.my. I )retfin. If. P. MERRILL Insurance and Loans C ily wa:iaiiis bouxht and sold. Room No. I, second floor, I'irst Savings Uink btiildiair, Albany. Oregon B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans fir insurance. Surety . Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. VVEATH EK KORD 4 WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore , OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS.- A. P. HOVVKLLS O. O, Holh phones SaviitKs Uask Bldg. MARY S. HOWF.l.l.S. I). (J. I'o'li iihoncs Savings Hank Hldg. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Rank Hiiildins FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143 f!6if FOR SALE Light roadslor automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" rare Oemorrat sStf FOIl SALE Fifteen White Orping ton hens and pullets, 70 cts each. Home phone 3451 or see J. A. Humphreys at P. O. nll-18 FOR SALE A red fox skin, from Alaska, good for muff. See Walter N. Patterson, at pop corn wagon, or telephone 32ftR Home. nlS-17 "OR SALE Dairy nncl stock farm equipped with buildings, stock am tools, good mail and school. 3 mllcr from town. Write J. L. Whiteis, To ledo, Ore. n9-li TUB UKST IIAKI.I) (iOOI)S (IKOCI.RIKS. PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "Hie Sign ul Uualily" . 1.16 I yon St. Bulb Phone ; ' i V CD W 4) (J) s DINNER SERVED J Every Sunday for 50c. at SI'. FRANCIS HOTEL l.uii.lu.m II . HI lo i; dinner S lu R p. in 2if 0$S(B?8taGBa)S's)4)3 .NWICI LIDI.K Will nuke cider mid apple butler lor the public ev ery Tuesday, coniiiieiiciiig (K't. 5lh. not i I further notice, at my place I mile north of Albany. Home phone 2.i.W C K SVi.linur s-'tftf lly w Real Estate for Sale Bargaina in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan, insurance written in ih. strongest old Una companies. Call on J. V. Pip., 203 W. 2nd St. A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Also treats rye, ear, nose and lliroit, and fits glasses Roth phones o0 JJrt W First St. Albany. Ore. WANT ADS FOR RENT IKK KKN 1 A Large riHittii on pav ed street, newly papered, paiiile-l. with bath. 1-arite brick pantry on fronm floor. V per month with i.mr furnislird. (all 6IM has: 2nd or Hums, Shoe Doctor, 227 West -'"d nl2.ll3 FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms. 4 blocks cast of Lyon St. Near High school. Reasonable if taken mi mediaiely. Call 2251 Home phone. s2 tl FOR RENT Furnished rooms wilh or without board. Furnace heat. 115 West 5th St., Albany, Ore. n!5 17 FOR PENT First class alore room. First street. Call on Or. A. Stark. . rauUtl FOR R F.N T Kigluy acre farm for near r.iilro.iil, good house and barn, chance to cut ) corda ol wood. Josie llolith, Scio, Oregon. nl 1-17 MHfKLLANKOU& Wil l. SAVE YOU MONEY on your bro.iius. Cooperative Broom Factor)', 311 I'ine St. Home phone 43.12 5 CKNERAI. REPAIR SHOP I re pair bicyilrs, nuitiircycles, trims, plioncigraplis, sewing macliiiies lurks, ins krvs, do light soldering, saw filing. 2nd dour south of drug store, Main St, W. T. Pockiiis. n 11-17 I.O.ST Crescent of pearls on streets of Albany. Return lo Democrat of (ice, or phone 416-1.. WANTF.D A woman to do laundry work, apply St. Mary's hospital. , nlltf Jewelry repairing of alt kinds at Kreamer's new store. o25tf sdv Daily Democrat hr C.Tler. 14 Yssr $3 WOOD FOR $2.50 Dry Mill Ends, the best eookstove wood on market HAMMOND ' LUMBER CO. 1st and Reslroad Ph.nta 351 Real Estate Loans & Insure nee Collins & Taylor Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag aiinet and periodicals. 333 West First St., Albany, Otr.in. Hamme! Hotel Building