JAOH TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER V. I9H i"ly Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered il the pustoffice at Albiny, llrct.m. at ri'nd-cla mailer. I'nblished every e veniug except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues-...y- and Fiiilays. ' business matter .. ...iihrinK cnangi- ot address, tub .iiUrs should always civ old at i-ll tn new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES' Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 per yeat in advance, otherwise 40c . per mnnlh. t; ..tail, at end of year J 50 t mail in adv.tn.-c. per year 3.10 rmi-Weeklv At end of year .$1.50 Whm mid 'in advance, oi yr.. I.2o CLASSIFIED RATES tc per word for first publication; 54 per morel thereafter, payable in ad anrc Mninnmn chjr-'c of 25c Established in 1S6S. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1915 WAR PROBLEMS. Those war problems are excruciat- innly tr.terestinp. Irr iiistmcc, it is said that ikc wa; i- costing I'tla'tit $!.,"'. i.X) plus a i.'r doll i-s .laily In a year tit.it would he over $." Si'i. 0 apu if you an- . .)ni-':.o.i jiw n.-i le years jut d : liut. . pie multiplying. A greater problem is how long can a natiod stand that kind of a drainage. Recently it was thought tome American financiers were' doing quite a stunt when they loaned half a billion dollars to the Allies: but that sum would last "England only about twenty-five days, less time than it took to raise the money. It looks like a mad rush inter bankruptcy and ruin. If the Allies win, the reccftnpense will be a mere pittance compared with the damage done. The same will be true if the German-Austro-Bulgarian coun tries win. Have the European ruler? gone stark mad? BENTON'S REPRESENTATIVES Bentfln county has surely come to the front in the matter of being repre sented at the big fair at San Francis co, perhaps more so than any county in the state. Last week at one time there were at the Oregon building J. R. N. Bell, with his wonderful per sonality that made even the sphynx take notice; A. J. Johnson, formerly of Forx; J. Frederick Yates, born in Linn, and Lawyer E. E. Wilosn, be sides numerous others, all yelling un til hoarse for the whole Willamettt 'valley. That is said to have been the program faithfully observed. Oregon bns at the fair have been first of all Oregonians regardless of their home county, and the result is apparent all over the state in the interest that if being taken in the state. SUBMARINES AGAIN RAMPANT. While the return of the submarine into the activities of the war are to be regretted from an American stand point, the fact is plain the submarine is bound to play a big part in the great struggle, and this country shottlt' realize that it must keep cool and not get nervous over every submarine ca tastrophe. There are hound to be com plications that will have to he disposed of. Great confidence is expressed that the president and his cabinet will be able to handle all the cases that come up with judgment- Save by buying a ticket. $1.50 ticket for $1.25. New Elite. - o25tf adv WANTED Place to do general ho-sework. Phone Winnie Vaughn. W9 Home, Albany, or write at Scio. n8-12 The Albany Bakery V.'e Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 E. 3rd 8treet Pell Vi-'r P Homr 419 ' H. . FIRCHAU CO. Christmas Please your friends this year by giving them k nice photo 12 Presents or the price of one. Till Nov. 20 only we will give nice large pic ture FREE with every $300 order or over. The Clifford . Studio "The Photographer in Your Town" MISFITS So many things to attend and look after it makes one'i head swim, says an Albany woman. Whether sub. or something else it is brutality. The columns of the Democrat are alwaya open for news. The things that go to build up ehar- cter, among all ki.uli of news, is al ways good news. - Ore. brat them all down at the fair even in goats. Something new in Japan, an em- leror. ' Evidences of returning prosperity are multiplying continues to declare Dun, the great prosperity authority The cartoonists are cutting old Mars to pieces to the limit, and some days he looks like a man who -has lust passed through a Kansas cyclone r a foot ball game. Albany is getting to he some town hen it can make a big showing at a revival. Y. M. C. A. concert, three -novies. a minstrel show and numerous ithcr things, all on the same night Some men are never quite as hap py as when they are hitting Bryan, who will be remembered years after :hey have been forgotten. It would be a tiresome old world if - e had smooth sailing all the time. text to living in Los Angeles. Nothing like a rep. An old friend of Dr. Bell, of Corvallis, calls him Jolly-em-up Roll-em-AIong Never quit Bell. WHY NOT take lessons in Oil Painting and learn to enjoy the beauties of Nature? Those who have joined classes are enthusiastic about the fascinating lessons. - Those makinf tpplicatioa at an early date be given a special rate of SI for 3-hour lessoa. Will also instruct a limited num ber in voice culture. W. W. Dayis Teacher of Art and Voice Schmitt-Huot Bldf. $3 WOOD FOR $2.50 Dry Mill Ends, the bait cookatove wood on market HAMMOND LUMBER CO. 1st and Realroad Phones 358 Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir Ekb Wood $3.21 $2.4 All the facilities of this institution are open to you and you are invited to share in the Bank's ' prosperity. Even though you do your banking business elsewhere run in and see us. , Bank with us. Efficiency and Economy I isslJ The Laurel Way YOU BUY Six hot lida without heating the oven. Scientific construction throughout. LISTEN Owing to the Seat tle warehouse moving to larger quarters we secured a carload at a rate that allow us to give you a special discount We have the biggest variety ol ranges in the city. I Also headquarters for Heaters. FISHER-BRADEN CO. THE HOME FURNISHERS' FOR THE BATH Bath Mata .... Crash Bath Towels Extra Long Bath Towela Bath Soap, Violet Floating bath swap Crown Crabapple bath powder Luxor bath powder - YOU GET THE BEST FROM US Burkhart & Lee, Druggists Oregon Electric Ry. on and after Sunday, November 7th NEW DAILY LOCAL TRAINS No. 65. Leave Salem 7:10 a. m., Albany 8:00, arrive Corvallis 8:24, Eugene 9:30. making local stops. No. 14. Leaves Eugene 11:15 a. m. Corvallis 12:12 noon. Albany 12:50, arrive Salem 1:45, Woodburn 2:38, Portland 4:00, making lo cal stops. CHANCES IN SCHEDULE Northbound . Limited No. 10, Leave Albany 8:52 a. m. instead of 8:55. Time at other stations unchanged. Stops discontinued at Potter and Verdure. Limited No. 16. Leave Albany 3:05 p. m. as now; Local stops be tween Eugene and Salem discontinued. Southbound. Limited No. 5. Leaves Albany 11:05 a. m; as at present; local stops discontinued between Salem and Eugene. Local Ko. 7. Leaves Albany 1:50 p. m. instead of 2:05. Arrive Corvallis 2:20 instead of 2:32. Local No. 9. Leave Albany 5:20 p. m. instead of 5:35 , arrive Eu gene 6:45 instead of 7.05. The Owl. Leave Albany 5:20 a. m. instead of 6.-00, arrive Eiticene 6:50 instead of 7:50. New folders will be available Saturday. H. S. LOGAN, Agent, .. Albany, Oregon. Trees, Shrubs Roses PLANTING time is on again. Call ui on either phone or tend . a card for a catalogue. Why not plant a few Walnutt in the curb.tbis fall ? Our collection of Rose !a complete. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBANY, OREGON First National Bank Building ' are the two principles you want combined when you buy a range You want a range that will heat quickly heat Just the part you want heated give moat heat with the least fuel. That's what you get when a A LAUREL Art Th othtr stove oven bottom $1.00 75c and $1.25 65c, 75c, $1, $2 3 for 25c . 5 25c 50c NEW TRAINS and important Schedule Changes on the -' Apples Best quality arplea produced In the valley at $1.00 Vox. Cook, ings apples S0c and up. New walnuts, citron, lemon and or ange peel, raiaina and currants for that holiday cake. We have the beat and the best is the cheapen. TRY US. Both Phones 58 Ideal Grocery II. A. STEARNS. Prop. .' 'wg n.m iwawu DUGAN & DENNY HOUSE FURNISHERS New and second hand goods. Have moved to 2nd and Baker. We are at your service for Meats and Fish 1). E. NEUERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STORE We sail the best at lowest prices Watch Rvpau-ing F. G. Will Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albiny. Or. Both phones. IjJy Assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-clai Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Sir. No Time Like Today for starting bank account at Our Savings Department if you haven't one and no time like today for adding to your account If you have one. The once In a while depositor seldom get rich the steady week by week depositor does. 3 Per Cent interest allowed. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190.000.00 J. W. CU8ICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER. BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin. J3. LADY ATTENDANT Beth Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Seed-Wheat-Seed Oats-Vetch-Cheat M. 8ENDERS ft CO. I OOll WJi When orJerlng glasses try our rimless kind made to correct the errois ol retraction ol your eyes. E. C. MEADB. Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC HEALER 734 Lyo St. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AM) CROCKER V BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED BUSINESS OiBECTORT CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7. 9, 10. CusiAc Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unlets the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remote the cause. CEO. J. KENACY Chiropractor National Hank BMg. Rooms 401-402. Office phone 13!) Homer residence phone 4J57. DR. S. II. RUSSELL " Chiropractor 12-3 S.'hmitt 111.1. Phones Dell IX6-R; Home 14(.l. Laily attendant. Kximinatiuns tree. DENTISTS DR. W. R. BILYEU Dentist, First National Bank building, Albany. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A P HOWKLI.S ! O. Both phones Shviiiks Bjnk Blilg VARY S. HOWKLI.S. D. O. Beth phones Savings Hank Mldg REL ESTATE A INSURANCE F-. F. SOX Real Estate, Leans, Fire Insurance. I'irsi National flunk Building . FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber ciaim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Rome 1143 II fit f l-'OR SALE High grade pisno at " barg.iin. Phnne 361-R. mlHtl FOR SALE Light roadstut automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" rare Democrat s5tf J. A. WOOD 1141 E. First St. Candidate for Chief of Police. If elected I will give the office my entire attention, and will not ask the assistance of a deputy, ex cept on special occasions, to be left to the direction of the city council. Am a taxpayer. Yours for votes. J. A. WOOD. The Beat Way TO SAVE if by Systematic Saving One Dollar Opens An Account In 5 years with Interest, f 1 de posited weekly amounts to $280.65. $5 deposited, weekly amounts to $1,399.38. ALBANY STATE BANK "Safety Plus Service" THK II Kill l(AKKI) GOODS GROCERIES, I'KODUCE and Fill) ITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" M Lyon Si. Both Phones a DINNER SERVED & Every Sunday for 50c. t I at ol. I KA.Ni.li HUltL I ntu I'.t-Mii It . tn dinner 5 A in It . in i?f . j j as ' r m 4i it) S'.Vl l T CIDI.K-Will nuke ciiht mil apple muter lor the public r rty I nesl ly, cmiiuiencmg Ovl. Si It. mini flintier notue, at my pla t I mile north of Albany. Home ptienf SM C. K Wi.lnwr si?ll illy w Real Eatate for Sale Bargains In farm landa, city prop erty; money to loan, inautance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St A. STARK. Physidan and Surgeon Also treats eye, ear, note and throat, ami Ills glasses Doth phones 00 3.6 W. First St. Albany, Ore. WANT AOS FOR SALE Fine four acre tract, neatest iu Sunrise, natural drainage, lata ell. Csll at Democrat ollice. Buy a ticket $1.50 worth of goods for $125. New Elite. o 25tf-adv. FOR SA I. E Canary birds, singers, cheep. Call Home phone M5JV. nS-10 FOR RENT FOR RENT llarn at 6.W West 7llt itrrrt. city n 5-1 1 FOK H ENT First class siere ream. First street. Call oa Dr. A. Stark. . miltl FOR RENT 0 furnished rooms. 4 blocks east of Lyon St. Near' High school. Reasonable if taken im mediately. Call 2251 Hume phone. s20 tf FOR RENT First class store build ing, good location. 2nd aad Fury Streets. F.uuuire ef Harry Svlilos- 5r, ;2J to.r-?i NH)i.l VANTF.I Buildings to wreck for the lumber. Call Hell phone 456-Y; . Home 544-K nS-14 FOUND A black leather bag con taining numerous articles, on road to Tangent Phone 5F2 Hell. n9-ll NO RUIIHIKG LAUNDRY HELP is now sold by Pearce & Co. Ken ton's Cash Store, and the Busy Cor nrr Grocery. Mrs. Ilaiel A. Vehrs. Lebanon. Co. aurnt, n9-1 1 Careful attention given to all jew elry repairing at KtetmerVnew store. o25lf-edv Expert watch and clock repairiug at Kreamert Jewelry store. o25tf adv LOST Crescent of pearls on streets of Albany. Return to Democrat of- nc, or pnone in-i. SPECIAL RATES by week er menlb at St. Fraucis Hotel. alf WANTED 4 or 5 room modera bun galow, furninhed maa and wife boy 4 ytars o! Refereace If re (tuired. Call freua 4 te e. E B Pick-are1, 342 E. 2nd. ' Gasoline 15c Albany Elchanf Station f . r Prett-'o-Ltte Tanks ALBANY GARAGE Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Tr.ylor Hntntne! Hotel Building Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodical' .1.13 West First St., whsny, O'egnn 1 I a t T