J AGE TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1915. Daily Democrat " prpTNU TT I N G Lessee. Entered at the pnstoifice at Albany. Oregon, a second-clas mailer. I'uhlislied rvcry evening except Sun- lay. Semi-wrcUy published Tues day and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER t oiucrnig ch.iiig.s of address, sub- enhers should always Hive old is .H n new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 per yeat in advance, otherwise 40c per mnnth. It) iail, at end of year 3 50 V mail in advance, per year J.00 Seini-weekl At end of year $1 SO When paid in advance, ore yr.. 1.2a CLASSIFIED RATES Ic ner word for first implication; Yt per word thereafter, payable in ad- . vanre. Minimum cnarcc ot isc Established in 1S64. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1915. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. An American ho has just returned from Europe Mys Russia is in the throes of a revolution. Germany badly in need of more men. Ftr.tish af fairs are in a shockine condition and France hardly knows where it is It means that affairs are gradually work ing towards a crisis that is bound to cause some kind of a settlement of the turmoil. No one can figure out the .-hape of it though. Little Greece this week has been in the frying pan. It is afflicted with a pro-war element, and also has an ele ment ' "w mo. t of the jey.-'.e of this cnt'y, i'i jidedly agai. t war T ki k en that fide and i ft inj his ic.r leep his people oat ot the mu--derfest. There were some off year electien this week, not attracting very much attention politically, though consid erably from a woman's suffrage stand point. The defeat of suffrage was very emphatic. According to a striking car toon in the Oregonian those who will rejoice the most over this are saloon men. political bosses, bums, grafters and henpecked husbands. As a matter of fact though, there is an organiza tion of women, with headquarters at Boston, that have kept op a campaiagn for years against suffrage. Eventu ally probably in every state in the Union women will vote the same as men. A revival is in progress in this city this week. People do well to stop and take an inventory of their character in its relationship to its Maker. In the great struggles of the world after busi ness, social preference and political aggrandizement men easily get side tracked and need to be set on the right track again. . It doesn't take much to discourage cne if one looks at the lives of others professing to be Christians, as they go wobbling along, half the time on the side of the devil. Each person, though, must stand on his own pedestal, look ing in his own mirror. The football has some use after all. It has boosted Oregon into promi- THE GLOBE NEXT THURSDAY The Famous HERMAN THE GREAT World's Greatest MAGICIAN assisted by LA PETITE GLADYS AND CO. BEST SEATS 25c Hnr w nence for awhile at lean, and placed cine uf it college teams hili up on the mountain ide of fame. Heretofore llie east haa looked upon the coast a inferior in matter of athletic, hut we are not. V have the men and Ihe training, the pep that make the wheeli vihrate. MISFITS "Kaithful arc the word of a frtcml. I tit the kisses of an enemy arc !r ciifnl" is as true now as when writ ten several thousand ye.irj ago, as a :;om1 many people can testify. Not words, but deeds are what tes tify to true friendship. No honeyed words and palaver, but :ms full of meat. Experience is a ripe old teacher. Orcgonians returning from the East II declare things are picking up. not :ust the chickens, hut times. Ex-Sheriff Bob Stevens of Portland .iys the manufacturing plants arc run ling overtime. Whoopla. Now stop our growls and proceed forward. The boy or girl who can say the 'ollowing ten times without getting liis or her tongue twisted into a snake .ill please call on Misfits and get a litney package of gum: Strictly strong Stephen Stringer snared six Sickly silky snakes. If old Mars himself should happen 0 light down somewhere around Ser- 1 ia his blood would boil at the sights. If you want to get a rep, just call eople the warmest names you can in 'cnt. Kipling is considered ijreat be- ause he wrote the Vampire and one t two other live poems. Id that poem ' e called woman "a mg, bone and hank of hair. The anti-hyphenitcs have gotten in o the middle of the line. Remember We Close. On Sunday hereafter. Get that box f candy for her Saturday, or send :t that order for Sunday ice cream arly. Whitney's Sweet Shop. adv. n5-6 o .OST Boys' coaster wagon Hal lowe'en night. Notify Democrat il extra wagon is around. n3-5 "OR RENT First cTass store room First street Call on Dr. A. Stark m22tf aily Democrat by C-Tler. 14 Year Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir $3.25 Slab Wood .. $2.40 Good Sunday . Chicken Dinner at the COTTAGE 25c All the facilities of this institution are open to you and you are invited to share in the Bank's prosi rrity. Even though you do your hanking business elsewhere run in and see us. Bank with us. THINKING OF HtlYING A ANGJK p then consider the best, the MONARCH MALLEABLE The Monarch represents the highest type of what is generally known as "malleable construction." Malleable Iron is used for those parts of the range which can be made better of this material than of any other. There is a practical reason for its use in every instance. Let us explain why. THERE'S MONARCH SUPERIORITY IN EVERY FEATURE HEATERS We carry complete line of Heaters in the ROUND OAK AIR TIGHT, MISSION. CARBON, and other good makes. Look over our line before you buy Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co. "The Hardware Men" Third and Lyon Streets FOR THE BATH Bath Mat - Crash Bath Towels - Extra Long Bath Towels Bath Soap, Violet Floating bath soap Crown Crabapple bath powder Luxor bath powder - YOU GET THE BEST FROM US Burkhart & Lee, Druggists Save by buying a ticket. $1.50 ticket for $1.25. New Klite. o25tf adv PEERLESS LIFTER Win. Gav ins. Lebanon, now has county agency. See him if interested. n5-8 WAR SERIES OF THE New York Times MID-WEEK PICTORIAL Ten earliest available num bers. Nos. 3 to 12, (1 and 2 being out of print.) bound in book form. ' Interesting rotogravure re productions ot the European war scenes from actual photo graphs make this book a valu able acquisition 'at the moderate price of ONE DOLLAR Sent by mail to any address on receipt ot price. THE NEW YORK TIMES Times Square New Yirk Trees, Shrubs Roses PLANTING time is on again. Call us on either phone or send a card for a catalogue. Why not plant a few Walnuts in the curb this fall? Our collection of Rosea is complete. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBANY, OREGON First National Bank Building $1.00 75c and $1.25 65c, 75c, $1, $2 3 for 25c 5 - 25c 50c A $1.50 ticket for $125. Good for anything at New Elite. o25tf adv Jewelry repairing of all kinds at Kreamer's new store. o25tf a!v J. A. WOOD 1141 .E. First St. Candidate for Chief of Police. If elected ! will give the office my entire attention, and will not ask the assistance of a deputy, ex cept on special occasions, to be left to the direction of the city council. Am a taxpav". Yours for votes. J. A. WOOD. The Best Wjr TO SAVE is by Systematic Saving - One Dollar Opens An Account In S years with interest, $1 de posited weekly amounts to $280.65. $5 deposited weekly amounts to $1,399.38. ALBANY STATE BANK "Safety Plus Service" Apples Pest quality apples produced in the valley at $1 00 box. Cook inns apples 30c and up. New walnuts, citron, lemon snd or ange peel, raisins and currants for that holiday cake. We have th best and tha best it tht cheapest. TRY US. Bo, Phones 58 Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS. Prop. The Albany Bakery We Deliver to An Part oi the City 115-114 E. 3rd Street Bell 5m) Party k Home 414 H. ;. URCIIAU CO. Wc arc ut your service for Meats and Fish I). E. NEHERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STORE We sell the best at lowest prices Watch Repairing F. G. Will Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Buildinf. Albany. Or. Both phones. jjy Assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. Firs! and Ellsworth Streets No Time Like Today for starting a bank account at Our Savings Department if you haven't one and no time like today for adding to your account if you have one. The once In a while depositor seldom gets rich the steady week by week depositor does. 3 Per Cent interest allowed. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK ft CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER. BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin JTS LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. The DALLES DIAMOND Hard Wheat Flour Sack $1.50 Bbl. $5.80 Stare open Saturdays until 9 P. M. M. 8ENDERS ft CO. loo When ordering glasses try our rimless kind made to correct the errors of refraction of yout eyes. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC IIKAI.KR 734 Lyon St. STETTEU'S FOR GKOCKRM S AM) CROCKKRV CLASSIFIED BUSINESS. DIRECTORY 8USINES3 01RECI0RT CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. GIPE Chiropractor, kooms S, 7, 9, 10. luiA Bank Bldn Saturc cannot cure a disease unless the cause ia removed. Chiropractic adjustments rrir ve the cause- CEO. J. KENACY Chiropractor National Hank IIIJ. Koums 4U1-402. Office phone 1JHU Home; residence phone 4J57. DR. S. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor I 2 .1 S. huiili llldx I'Im.hc, llrll lrftK: Home I4rl. l-aily attcndiiil. Kx:imin:tions Iree. DENTISTS i)k W. R. BILYEU Dentist, First National Bank building. Albany. LAWYERS. :. c. hkyant Attorney tt l.a l x rm I'i: si .Nalllilul It. Ilk I'llilil- IK. .V .jimv. OrrKf.il J. C. CHRISTY Attorney-at-Law Kouiu No. J. JJO Wot 1st St. HAN JOHNS 1(N, Attorney at Law Room Jti5 l irst National I'.ank Milit U G l.fcWKI.l.lNG Attorney at law Notary pulilu -U'ljn-y. Oregon If. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans l ity warrants bouKht and sold. Kimui No. I, srroud Moor, First S.iviiiks Hank hnililisg,, Alhanv Oregon !!. M PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fire insurance. Surety Bonds Kooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. 'A'KATIIKRFORD A WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A. P.. HOWF.l.I.S 'J O. Ilolh phones Saviiiks I!. "J. IIIiIk MARY S. HOWF.l.I.S. I). O. Ilolh phones Saving Ha nk Hblg REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE F.. P. SOX Real Estate. Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Il.ink- Building FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 minion limner claim in Douglas ! County for city property or good farm land. Home 1143 f6lf FOR SALE High grade piano ft s bargain. Phone 3M-R. mIKi ?? SAJ'K-'-ih roadstor automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Rnadsier" care Democrat a5f (OR SALE Fine four acre tract, neatest in Sunrise, natural drainage, laya well. Call at Democrat office. Buy a ticket. $1.50 worth of goods (or $1.25. New Elite. o 25tf adv. TIIK IIKdT IIAKKD GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign uf Qualily" I ,lh I von Si. B(b Phones I Dally Democrat by Crrler. $4 Year. ,.,... ..i V A iS '. DINNER SERVED Every Sunday for SOc. ' at ST. FRANCIS HOTEL I. mi. lie. ii II . to l dinner S to 8 p. tn. l2"tf .)i,DCCJeiiaiji FOR ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK Until phones Hoot Perry St A. STARK. Physician and Surgeon Also treats eye, esr, nose and throat, and Ills glasses Hoth phones bt) 326 W. First St. Albsny, Ore. WANT ADS SWKKT CIKHR-Will nuke cider and apple butter lor the public ev riy lurs'liy. comment inn Oil. Sib. until lurthri notu'c, at my place I mile north of Albany. Home phone -.-'i K Wtdmer. 21i illy w lt)R SALE A modern seven room house with slrrpuiH porch, small payment down, II) yrs on b. blue. Lcivintf Albany. A. A. Mirkrl. S. I'. JUcnt. Home I4J7, 1116 Coiukc ' n--9 FOR RENT FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms. 4 ' blocks earn of Lyon St. Near lliuh school. Reasonable if lakeu im mediately. Call 2251 Home phone. s20 tf FOR RF.NT Eight room modern house at First and Jefferson streets Imiuire at 1.11 l.yona. C. C. Clerk n.'on 2 FOR RENT First class store build ing, iiood location. 2nd and Ferry Streets. Etiouire of Harry Schlus " s2if MISCELLANEOUS. ANTI.D Experienced woman to do homework and care for confine ment case. $1(1 week. Call at Dem- iei.it uf i ii e. n4. Careful attention given to all jew elry rrpairinn at Kreamer's new store. o-'Mf-adv Expert watch and clock rrpairiuic at Krramcrs Jewrlry store. o25tf adv LOST Crescent of pearls on streets of Albany. Return to Democrat of- '' or fhnpr 4lfVT.. SPECIAL RATES by week or month at Si. Francis Hotel. ' s5tf FLAT FOR KFNT-W..,.I apart menu. Call .t 228 E, 3rd St . a?2tf Daily Democrat by Carrier. $4 Year. WANTED 4 or 5 room modern bun galow, furnished man and wife, boy 4 years old. Reference if rf. quired, fall from 4 to i E B I'irkaril. .142 K. 2nd MONEY TO LOAN. Real Estate for Sale Bargains In farm lands, city prop, erty: money to loan, u: ui.-rce written in the strongest old 1'ie companies. Call on I. V. Pine 203 W. 2nd St. P Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Haninte! Hotel Btiilcliiiu Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for 4ag. aainei and periodicals 3.13 West First St., Albany, O-rgon