JAOB TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1915 Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Kntrred at the postoffice st Albany Drrnuii, second-cUs matter. I'nliliiliril evcrv evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tuc d.iyi and rriday. BUSINESS MATTER u ..iiitrmy cnanae. ol address. ub- tenners should alwaya give old ai ill at new address. bUHSCKIPTlON RATES Delivered by earner, $400 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per month. u iii at end of vear . ... 3 50 , t..ii in ativance, per year :- 3 CLASSIFIED KATES la per Kurd lor tint publication; yi. per word thereafter, payable in ad yance, ajjninuiin chaigc of 2Se Established in 1866. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1915 ELECTION INDICATES LITTLE The principal feature of the fe election this week was the return oi Bull Moose to the Republican ranks The Bull Moose aa a party is a deaii animal, according to the indications It was game while it lasted, and hat not quit struggling: but it is only : question of time when it will breathe its last. The vote Tuesday was no emphatic enough to indicate much politically. As a matter of fact thi Democrats polled more votes in Mas sachusctls than before, over 18,01V more than in 1"14. The truth is there is practically no Rain when the vote of the Bull Moose is considered. GREAT WALNUT STATE. That Oregon is destined to be a great Walnut state was brought out decidedly at the state convention Prof. Lewis of the O. A. C. among others, declared this at the walnut convention. Already, Oregon has one-fourth o all the young walnut trees in th United States. Professor Lewis said Of the 22,026.524 pounds of walnut produced in the country, 79,00 pound; are produced in Oregon. California leads with 21.432-266 pound. ''Walnut men have comparatively little to fear in the near future so fa as marketing is concerned," said Pro fessor Lewis. "The present corsump tion in the United State is only about 50,000,000 pounds. The consumptior of English walnuts during, the pas 10 year has practically doubled. Mr. Lewis said that the walnut in dustry has passed the boom stage and that the winter of 1908 cleare'' out most of the worthless types. A MODERN WOMAN. A fool dancer back east puts dia monds on her dog. Probably the do? has more sense than she has. Any way the man who would consider a marriage with Jier would be entitled to an old-fashioned cbromo. JONATHAN IS AROUND. Jonathan is making himself prett) conspicuous around town these days Reference is had to the Jonathan ap ple, a fine looking piece of fruit, wit!1 red cheeks, and a delicious taste. The Jonathan has been coming to the front, and the Democrat takes pleas ure in commending .him to people who like good things. Besides we eat nothing healthier than the apple. STRONGEST IN U. S. There isn't a man in the Republican party who can touch Woodrow Wil son in a campaign for president A great many Republicans believe there is something above party, and that conditions call for keeping Mr. Wil son in the office another term. It would be a poor place to change horses. BIGGER DRY VOTE. The trend of sentiment on orohi hition was shown in Ohio, where the dry gain is over twenty-five thous and, mostly in the rural districts. W. J. Bryan gets credit for the bin in crease in the dry vote. All over the United Sln'M the trend is that way. steadily gaining almost everywhere ART and VOICE STUDIO OPENED First class in Oil Painting starts Saturday morning at 9 o'clock; second starts next Wednesday. Those making application at an early date be f iven a special rate of $1 for 3-hour lesson. Will also instruct a limited num ber in voice culture. : W. W. Davis Teacher of Art and Voice Schmitt-Duot Bldf. IISHTS We have received a real letter, which we give it was rit: deer ur i Seen in your miss Fitts turn tim a go a how u sed No body had time too rite reel ole tint frenly letters ithot as how there is still a few folks what has got time to rite leters .it wel as hein able to rite srid wuns. at 1 tint (by hiving relashuns and frcnt) it wut thot as how i wui a reel ex purt at tellin al the noos as wel as nahor hud got-sip when ever I tot out to rite a leter. i thot as how mabe Me the Editcr of the afore Menshuned mis Fits maybe hii hart tut just akin fur .1 reel frenly leter, not a hiine leter, nur lookin fur free add Vertiiin wher they fergit to send the Amount doo fur there prescripshun to the dalic demicrat fur yeers back. Them kind of leters make a feller feel lik fittin or sw;-rin mabe Both, i presoom Edi tcrt gits al kinds of leters what makes em Med. if i Had Axcess too a daily paper the same as u hav, i wood bee glad too git even with a Lot of tliem kinds of Skallok wag, it wood bee the grandest thing i no uv if peepel wood pay there dctts. if every body wood pra at nite "lord hellep us to pa our dctts" as wel as furgiv our dettir an Then git durn bizxy an pay there detts Fur the lord heleps them what helleps them selvies mabe. It woodent bee so hard fur a editer to bee a Christshun as wel as u Comon foke. then agin no doubt u git leters askin al kinds of Favers. sum peepul thinks a editer is public property lik the cheef of Pole ise or cort House neeth nr is rite. a Editor no doubt is humane an lonj sufferin same a comon peepul. i gess he need more simpity then he git. This leter is intended in the kindest spirits, an i hope It wil cheer n Up. and hope u will not think i am buttin in an saying things unbecoming a piece full an law abidin Sitizen shud say to A Editer. With Much luv and kindest Re- guards too your lovin wife and fambly an hopin long may you rite up the Miss fitts with its wurds of cheer an enmfurt to the Siterxens of this fare an Noble Sity. a wel a cir rounding community respectively a Fathful Prescriber uv the daly demicrat. FOR PENT First class store room Firt street. Call on Dr. A. Stark m22tf Trimme.l hats at a ffreat sacrifice at L. Matthew' Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5th and 6th. PIANO FOR SALE Winteroth cab inet grand in perfect condition. Cheap for cash. 206 W. 7th. Phone 248-R or 472-R. o29-nl Good Sunday Chicken Dinner at the COTTAGE 25c All the facilities of this institution are open to you and you are invited to share in the Bank' prosperity. Even though you do your banking business elsewhere run in and tee us. Bank with ut. lfMSilws rcoiuAL Prstnvl 5rvT(M I WaaaaBBBBaMMai! THINKING OF BUYING A RANCH p then consider the best, the MONARCH MALLEABLE The Monarch represents the highest type of what it generally known as "malleable construction." Malleable Iron is used for those parts of the range which can be mde better of this material than of any other. There is a practical reason for its use in every instance. Let us explain why. THERE'S MONARCH SUPERIORITY IN EVERY FEATURE HEATERS Wo carry a complete lino of Heaters in the ROUND OAK AIR TIGHT, MISSION. CARBON, and other good makes. Look over our line before you buy Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co. "The Hardware Men" Third and Lyon Streets FOR THE BATH Bath Mats .... Crash Bath Towels Extra Long Bath Towels Bath Soap, Violet Floating bath soap Crown Crabapple bath powder Luxor bath powder YOU GET THE BEST FROM US Burkhart & Lee, Druggists FOR RENT Modern 5 room cot tage. Inquire 7th and Montgomery. Phone Bell 5K R. nI-3 Special price on all trimmed hat Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5th and 6th at L. Matthew', 117 Ferry St. - First Call for Christmas Come before the rush i on and get Christmas present wor ries oif your mind. SPECIAL For a hort -time only we will give one 'arge photo with every $3 order or over; REMEMBER Twelve pre-' ems (or the price of one. If so desired orders taken now need not be called for until Christ mas. The Clifford Studio The Photographer in Your Town" Albany Transfer Co. Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir 1 Slab Wood $3.5 $2.40 Trees, Shrubs Roses PLANTING time is on again. Call us on either phone or send a card for a catalogue. Why not plant a few Walnuts in the curb this fall ? Our collection of Koses is complete. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBANY. OREGON First National Bank Building $1.00 75c and $1.25 65c, 75c, $1, $2 3 for 25c . 5 - 25c 50c A $1.50 ticket for $1.25. Good for anything at New Elite. o25tf adv Jewelry repairing of all kind at Kreamer' new store. o25tf adv J. A. WOOD 1141 E. First St. Candidate for Chief of Police. If elected I will give the office my entire attention, and will not ask the assistance of a deputy, ex cept on special occasions, to be left to the direction of thocitv council. Am a taxpayer. Yours for votes. J. A. WOOD. The Best Way TO SAVE is by Systematic Saving One Dollar Opens An Account In S yean with interest, $1 de posited weekly amount to $280.65. $5 deposited weekly amounts to $1,399.38. ALBANY STATE BANK "Safety Plus Service" Hallowe'en Specials Pumpkins ' 5c, 10c, 15c Apples 75c to $1 S-jreet Cider 20c per gal. Both Phone SS Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS. Prop. The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part ot the City 115-119 E. 3rd Straw! Bell 560 Party R Home 419 H. ". FIRCHAU CO. We are at your service for Meats and Fish I). E. NEHERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STORE W sell the best at IowmI prices W.lck Repairing F.G.wm Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany, Or. Both phone. Lady Assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First sad Ellsworth Streets No Time Like Today for starting bank account at Our Savings Department if you haven't one end no time like today for adding to your account if you have one. ' The once in while depositor seldom gets rich the steady week by week depositor does. 3 Per Cent interest allowed. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Ores on FISHER, BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDBRTAKERB. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin. Cif LADY ATTENDANT s Both Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phenas ' H. M. PALMER. Prop. The DALLES DIAMOND Hard Wheat Flour Sack $1.50 Bbl.SS.SO Stere open Saturday until P. M. M. 8ENDERS ft CO. 11 ((" Torle Lenses are oval ,1'aprd. They give a wide range of vision. Let u make your glass es Torlc. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC HEALER 734 Lyon St. STETTEK'S FOR GROCERIES AM) . CROCKER V 1 1 CLASSIFIED 1 1 T RUSmiSS DIRFCICRl SWEET C1IER-Will make cider dujimlw uintuum an(l ,li((le bulItr (ur lh( pubk ev. ruionDBirTnB " u-.l.ty. commencing Oct. Stlt. t.niKurKti Ulltj ur,ntr noljce , ly vmct I r i upd f nur m''e "orth of Albany. Home phone C OIPB 2SM. C. R Widmsr. s-'Jll dly w Chiropractor. " Rooms S, 7. 9, 10. CusiA Bsnk Bldg. ,;R SALE A modern seven room Nature cannot cure a disease unles. h"" "".h J,lcc',!n" Kh: ru" , faymrnt down, 10 yrs. on balance, the cause is removed. LbiroprsclK J.vjn(, Alluny. A. A. Mickel. S. adjustments remove the csuse. I' skciu. Home I4J7, -Old Cottane st. GEO. J. KENAGY Chiropractor FOR RENT National Bank llldg. Room 4111-402. ..,. dl vit . , , . . . ii i 'OR Rt NT 6 furnished rooms, 4 Oldce phone IJM) Home; residence . . . . , ... ,, .. . blocks esst of Lyon St. Near High phone 4JV, school. Reasonable if taken iiu- - DR. S H, RUSSELL mediately. Call 2251 Home phone. ' Chiropractor ' s20 tf ; 12-3 Schmitt llldg. I'hoiies Hell " IHo-R; llotiie 1461. Lady' attendant. FR RENT Eight room modern Examination Iree. honse at First and Jefferson streets. nruTitTS lniiire at 1.11 Lyon C. C. Cleek. DENTISTS o2(m2 DR. V. R. B1LYKU Dentist, Fir.t FOR RENT First class store build- National Bank building. Albany. 'n' Rood location. 2nd and Ferry . strrets. bmiutre of Harry Scblos- LAWYERS. ' iMl! " MISCELLANEOUS. ;. C. BRYANT Attorney at La WANTED Experienced woman to Jill-.' New I l ,utnii..l lUuk I'Uild- du housework and care for contine nt. Ml.anv. OrrKun. ml" IM eek. Call al Dem- s i i Herat office. n4-6 J. C. CHRISTY Careful attention -given to all jew- Room No.T'j"?Wc.7l.l St. rlry ,f "''" " K'"'", o2tf o25tf adv U AN JOHNS I ON. Expert watch and clock repairing at ,. A,,."""ffy La.w , , . Kreamer. Jewelry .tore. o2Stf ailv Room .1)5 hirst Naiion.il Hank Bliln L G LKWE1 LING LOST Crescent of pearls on streets , Attorney at law-Notary ptil.lu Albany Return lo Democrat of. lhmy. Oregon nr H F MERRILL SPECIAL RATES by week or month Insurance and Losna at St. Fran.is Hotel. a5tf City warrants bought and sold. Room ... . , No. I, second floor. First Savings ''UT '"JR KENT Wood apart- Bank huililiag. Albany. Oregon nients. Call at 228 E. 3rd 9t 3 8 s22tf B. M. PAYNE Farm land, and city Dllly Dernocr bv Curt u Yw property for sale. Real e.tate loan Fir insurance. Surety Bond. WANTED 4 or 5 room modern bun-' Room 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, galow, furnished man and wife, Oregon. boy 4 y"r oii. Reference if re- quired. Call from 4 to 6 E i. VVEATIIEKFORD A WEATHER- I'ickard. 342 E. 2nd. Kf i h n ----------, LawyerV Albany; Ore. - MONEY TO LOAN. T-EPJ!,!C-!,.Y.8,CI.8: Real Estate for Sale A P HOWF1 LS I O " Bargains in fsrm landa, city prop- Bh phone. SavifK. Ba Dldg LXJJ' MARY S. HO WELLS, D. O. Sr??"',":. cT"" on J' V' PiPe' Both phones Savings Bank llldg lV1 W- Znd St REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE -ZZT!! F-. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire In.ursnce. r II.. First National Bank Building I KC&J i-St&te Loans & Insurance FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 , million timber claim In Douglas ' " county for city property or good . ... farm land. Home 1143 Jifcf CoIIinS & Taylor FOR SALE High grade piano at s harpain. Phone 361-R. mlHrf . , , . t ' Hnmme! Hotel' Building I'OR SALE Light roadstur automo bile. First class condition. Recent- ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat . aStf J , FOR SALE-Pine four acre tract. ,nr Klnr Cfn- neatest in Sunrise, natural drainage, JWIItS IIIIUK OlOlC lays well. Call at Democrat office. Subscription received for Mag. aiinei and periodical. 333 . Buy a ticket. $1.50 worth of goods West First St., Albany. Or.eon for $1.25, New Elite. o 25tf-adv. --- THK HBdT HAKKI) coons CKOCKKIKS. PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Si.rt ol Quality" 1.16 I yon St. . Both Phones Daily Democrat by Crrler. $4 Ysar. , .. ti at v .) w ) v v D DINNER SERVED Every Sunday for 50c st ST. FRANCIS HOTEL S Luncheon 11:30 to 2; dinner 3 8 S to 8 p. m. 29tf $()a)ijBQetaaBi)()9&)9) FOR ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK Both phone Foot Ferry St A. STARK. Physician and Burgeon Also treats eye, ear, nose and throat, and lit glasses Both phone 6U 326 V. Fitst Su Albany, Ore