ALBAhlY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, mi. '' PAG It THRER Now, when you want to enjoy the line weather, you need hati more then any other time. We are ehowing Chic, Ffew That are especially clever. 7hafs5hnnmq. ffane! A neat close-fitting little hat, that you can wear every day, light weight and good looking, la juat the thing. We have them. Alao many other ahapee that are esclusive models. A god atock ol Tem-o-8han. tera la ready. The Tama are cer tainly sensille head covering. They look neat, are comfortable, and offer a good protection from the clementa at a minimum coat. Juat about two momhe now un 1 Chriatmaa hard to realize. Isn't it, but it is true. Left's SHarft Cifoirktaim Guifits AND BE READY ON TIME. Here are aome good auggeationa: Stamped night gowns, ready made, white nainaook, apecially priced at 69c Stamped bath towel-, baby towela '.mi dry bags, pillowa, table scarfs, center pieces and other i n red pieces, made in ecru and oyster colore. Priced fron 25c to $1.25 Broc4ded Turkish face cloths, ata i.ed, price each .... 15c Brocaded Bath Towels, stamped, each . $175 U.undry B. gs, ready to cmbroide-, each -. $1.50 We have a full line of crochet and tatting thread, in all colored sires, price per ball 10c All sires In bone and atcel crochet hooka and knitting needles are here. Priced at Jc and 10c Tatting shuttles in two different kii-j, price each 10c Ctochet and tatting books illustrat'ng and describing the newest stitches and styles, will be a help to you, price per book 10 to - 25c .na9s Shoes Baoft We make a specialty of men's footwesr. Work shoes in low, me dium and high tops, dress shoes and rubber boots. We can please and satisfy you men in quality, assortments and price. Hamiltons' Values for Cash Worth While lkJ.ll . . - - J - Boxers and Wrestlers. Portland, Oct. 22 The boxers mid wrestlers of tlie Senile Aihlrtic club will try conclusions with ntlitctrs from the Multnomah club here today. Two boxing nml two wrestling bouts are scheduled as the inlercluli events, while a number of exhibitions will fill nut the card. Dobie'a Weaklings. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 22 The Uni versity of WashingtoUi football squad w ill leave tonight for Spokane where a game will he played with the Gon zaga University Saturday. Dohic expect his players to win, itlthnugh he admits that they are not fnst in former years. t This Trip to the Panama Expos ition a Lifetime livent Oregon Electric Ry., "North Bank Road," and the Palatial STEAMSHIPS "Northern Pacific" "Great Northern" Every Tues day, Thursday, Saturday. BEST OF THE TRIP IN DAYLIGHT 26 GLORIOUS HOURS ON THE OCEAN Fare includes mesls and bertha and free extras Numerous brilliant attractions during October. Forest industries conventions. Daily stock shows till Dec. 3 Peace congress The Farmers' month Loggers' congress Oct. 30 Oregon day "Zone of rienty Week" Drainage conference Something doing every minute and nt a hundred dilfcrent places in the Jewelled City. ROUND-TRIP from Albany $30 II. S. LOGAN, Afent, Albany N. W. SLATES 10 HAVE ZONE OF PLENTY DAY CITY NEWS. I Nov. 5 Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, N. Dakota and; Minnesota Will Celebrate. Oregon Building, P. P. I. I'.., Oct. 22 Six Northwestern slates Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota com prising that section known a the "one of Plenty," have orgauiied at the exposition and will celebrate their day on November 5th, litis being known as "Zone of Plenty" Day. During that week, the special expo sition exercises honoring Governor Jamn Withycomhe and the state of Oregon, will be on, Agricultural Week will be furnishing unusual activity, the Stock Show will he at its height, and San Francisco Day ' (probably the l;rr itct of all days) is scheduled for the early part of Ihe week. For Zom of Plenty Day an elaborate program has been arranged for presentation in the "State's Circle." the first lime an exposition occasion has been hch! within Ihe stales section of the grounds, and after this formal affair thrsix slates named will keep open house and give away products grown within the Zone of Plenty. lion. M. II. De Young, vice presi dentof the P. P. I. exposition will ad dress the representatives of these northwestern states, who will be ac companied by six young ladies, ap propriately gowned, representing the different stales, and Vice-President De Young will present a commemo rative medal to the N'orthwettern States Association, for their success ful participation at the exposition. This association was organized for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the six slates constituting the font of plenty and to continue the good work that has been done by t! cm at the expoiition this year. Owjng to the fact that a great many eastern and southern farmers will visit Ihe exposition during the first week of November, this week being sei aside as Agricultural week, special ar rangements have been made by thit association to impress all visitors with Ihe great agricultural and industrial opportunities awaiting them in the Zone of Plenty states. Minpesota will jgive away amall sacks of Minnesota flour; North Da kota, big Larimore potatoes; Montana, cereals and cereal products; Idaho, small cans of preserved prunes: Washington. Big Washington apples. Tillamook chece sandwiches and lo ganberry juice, and the Great North ern ' Railway company, whose lines traverse the Zone of Plenty states, will give appropriate Zone of Plenty souvenirs and a moving picture enter tainment will be given in their build ing on the Zone of Plenty states. Suitable literature dealing with the resources of the Zone of Plenty states, will he handed to each visitor at each of the state buildings, and beautifully colored programs have been printed for this occasion. Front the present outlook it is ex pected that Zone of Plenty Day will lie one of Ihe greatest featured days given at the exposition during the year. Salloon'a Last Effort. Olympia, Wn.. Oct. 22. The su preme court sitting today heard argu mcnts in the test case, filed by the opponents of statewide prohibition which will go into effect January 1 in an endeavor to have it declared un constitutional. It seems probable that the arguments will consume the bet ter part of two days. Treated Better'n We'una. The Tribune acknowledges the re ceipt of a bunch of free tickets to the Arnold shows at Albany, also to visit the fair on "Scio day" Friday. Scic Trihune. Treated better than the Democrat. No free tickets here. itda)5i!ea:il2S3i)4 Reached 33rd Degree In the session of the Supreme Coun cil of the Scotti h Kite at Wathinglotn yesterday three Oregonians had con ferred upon them the highest of all degrees, the 33rd. They were Col. R. A. Miller and J. F. Drake, of Port- land, and Fldredge II. Thompson, of Bridal Veil. Col. Miller is the hus band of a former Albany young wo man, Mrs. Daisy Dannala Miller. Will Go to War Leonard Hooper, a well known commercial traveller, who has residei here fur three years, has decided to join the armies of the Allies, and will leave in a short time for New Zealand, his native home, and go from there to the front. He is already an officer of the New Zealand Guards. B. M. B. Class This evening at 6:15 the members of the Business Men's Bible Class of the Methodist church will hold their annual dinner and meeting for elec tion of officers and other organiza tion matters. All members arc urged to be present and may bring a friend Committee. Steadily Improving Mr. Wilford, of Knox's Butte, who has been in the hospital for several days, the result of an accident, is re ported greatly improved, a fact hi friends will be glad to learn. Caught a cave-in, it was at first thought to he of a very serious character, but he is in better shape than was thought. Being Repaired After several months the house near Fourth and Main streets, partly burned, is being repaired, and will again be occupied. City Recorder Petition A petition for the nomination of J Van Winkle for city recorder, was being circulated today. Lowe greatly improved H. E. Hector, manager of the Home Telephone Co., at this city. was in lorvallis yesterday, while there visiting'. C. Lowe, the Corval lis manager, who has been in bed fol lowing an operation for appendicitis. for several weeks. He is now much better, and this week sat up for the first time. Portland Mrs. Harvey Pershing and daugh ter, Mrs. Hugh name, of Portland, are visiting with Mrs. C. R. Lamb and family. A Jitney Bout. Two jilney loads of men and wo men were taken to Lorvallis this morning, nine passengers in all. The parties did not want to wait for the trains. The rate is 50 cents and con siderable business is said to be done. Albany Democrat But it is Cor- allis that is gaining popularity, and notthe jilney bus. Corvallis G. T. The people had stayed here as long as possible, enjoying our superior ho tel facilities, and most of them came luck on the first train. LIBRARY RUMMAGE SALE. W. C. T. U. Hall Friday, p. m, Oct 29 Saturday, Oct. 30. Have you anything which is of no use to you but which some ore else could use? It may be clothing, fur niture, pictures, carpets, rugs, dishes. stores, kitchen utensils, trunks, eat ables, in short, anything used by the civilized man, woman or child. Send or bring it to the W. C. T. U. hall Wednesday, afternoon, Nov. 27 or any time Thursday, Nov. 28, so it can be marked and r.old Friday afternoon Oct. 29 or Sal., Oct. 30 to some one who needs it. All money goes to buy new books for the library: Clean out that attic and let someone who needs it use the things you are not using. If it is not possible to. bring the things, phone 384J Bell, or 160 Home, and a dray will call for the things Wednesday af ternoon or Thursday forenoon. DUOGER CONTINUES TO FEAR ALBANY'S EXPOSITION See Race Tracks, Etc, Albany has Not Thought of Including in ' Their Program. Scio Tribune: Of course Albany's first fair closed in a blaze of glory. last Saturday evening This was to be expected and we congratulate our friends over there on the success of their endeavor. Hut the implied leas ing of ground and a race track for next year, simply evidences the truth fulness of the forecast of the Tribune a few weeks ago. It is the design of the people who are behind the Albany fair, to absorb or tke over the Unn County Fair. Play fair, boys, if you will have the county fair at ony or all costs, have the courteiy to buy the I. inn County Fair at Scio, bag and baggage. Defended the Men. The parent-teachers' congress be gan in Lorvallis yesterday, and the girls are having a big session. The Gazette-Times says there has been no session yet without thrills. One of them consisted of a defense of men by Mrs. Millie Trumbull. She also said that half of the shiftless homes are due to bad wives. "Better a divorce,' be said, "than scrapping parents." Then others defended the men when they saw it was popular. FOR RENT Small place 20 minutes walk from Albany, good house and barn. Chicken parks and plenty of fruit. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. ol9 nl ART and VOICE HOSE interested in the 1 organization of a class in Oil Painting should report to Misses Canfield & Jones, at the Art Craft. Those interested in voice culture please consult W. C. Burkhart, at Burkhart & Lee's. In both at as early a date as possible W. W. Davis Teacher of Art and Voice Remember the sale opens Friday at 2 p. m., Oct. 29 and continues all day Saturday. Be sure and have your cast off articles at the W. C. T. U. hall Wednesday or Thursday. ADVERTISING COMMITTEE OF MODERN TRAVELERS' CLUB. o21-30 o ' WHEN answering classified ads, please mention the Democrat. Good Sunday Chicken Dinner at the COTTAGE 25c First Call for Christmas Come before the rush it on and get Christmas present wor ries off your mind. SPECIAL For a short ..time only we will give one 'argc photo with every $3 order or over. - REMEMBER Twelve pres ents for the price of one. If so desired orders taken now need not be called Tor until Christ mas. The Clifford Studio "The Photographer in Your Town" Tamales and Oysters First of The Season at POTTS CONFECTIONERY 316 W. 2nd St. Home Phone 1113 Our Tamales are home made, fresh and unex celled any place. Best oyster cocktails in the city. WAR SERIES OF THE New York Times MID-WEEK PICTORIAL Ten earliest available num bers, N'os. 3 to 12, (1 and 2 being out of print.) bound in book form. Interesting rotogravure re productions of the European war scenes from actual photo graphs make this book a valu able acquisition at the moderate price of ONE DOLLAR Sent by mail to any addresa on receipt of price. THE NEW YORK TIMRS Timea Square New York t A line of men's and boys' Macki naw coats, alt wool and good weight, made right, not the very cheapest, but reasonably priced and unques tionable quality. Boys' Mackinavrs $3.50 -$4.75 Men's Mackinaws . . $5 to $10 Why Do People Come Back? For one of two reasons: They are either satisfied with the store and its merchandise or they are not. We like to sec both classes come back. If they return completely sat isfied, we want to know about it. We'll lose no time in rectifying the error or complaint and we'll leave no stone unturned in order to make the cutomer feel that he has had the big gest square deal he ever got. We want to make this store a de pository for your good will will you give us a trial? Blain Clothing Company pfhe Qothcraf jtortT 'Quality First" The History of the World From the Dawn of Creation until The Great War Is depicted in a:t. science and indus try and prcsentc I in wonderful colors PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION' Sa'.i Francisco This wonderful Exposition closes Decmher 4th Dor.t Miss It Lest you always loo!: b?.ck lo 1913 with regret Scenic Shasta Route Through the wcnJerful Valley of the Willamette, (lie Sacramento, the Ur.ip qua and the Rouse offers exceptional diversion. Low Round-Trip Fares Full particulars villi sopy of booklet "Wayside Notes, Shasta Route' 'or "California :nd Its Two World Ex positions" on application to nearest agent. - SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ALBANY FUEL CO. BOTH PHONES 277 Having decided to run a transfer and storage business in connec tion with our fuel business, we will atore your gooda and do your team work. We have reliable men and our service is In ail ways guaranteed satisfactory. ,' Team work, per hour Slabwood, green, per cord Slabwood, dry, per cora Second growth fir, per cord Old growth fir, per cord .. Ah, per cord . Oak. per cord , . ,,, , .. OUR PRICES: ... 50c $2.25 S3 00 . 13.50 $4.00 14.25 I4.7S We are agents for Castle Gate,' Clear Creek and Mendota coal ADVERTISE IN THE DEMOC RT IT PAY8