Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 06, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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I. . .
New Fur
in coney, skunk, and
oppossum, black or
1 to 3 inches wide, at 50o to $2 yard
New Corduroys at 85c Yard
28 inch wide welt Corduroy in
the new shades
You usually pay $1 for this
334 West First St.
' Warranty Deeds.
James McCsrt and wife to J. C P.
Vary and wile. May 13, 1911 Lands ir.
Tp. 11. S. R. 1 west. $10.
Arthur I Waters and wife to John
WANTED High school boy wishes
place to work for board and room
Call Bell phone 513-R, or Home
Welcome to
Our City
Welcome to the Rexall
Store v
The place for great bi
honest bargains on
M. Banta, Sept. 25. 1915. Lands
Sec. 3. Tp. 13. S. R. 1 west. $10.
Harry Hall and wife to Elizabeth
M. Morand. Oct. 2. 1915. Lands in
claim 43. Tp. 12. S. R. 2 west, $10.
W. E. Parrish and wife to G. E
Price and wife. April 16. 1915. Lands
in Town of Sodaville, $50.
J. H. Crawford and wife to Arthur
Surabyan et at April 16, 1915. Lands
in town of North Brownsville. $10.
Arhtur Surabyan et al to Ella B.
Norton, May 29, 1915. Lands in town
of North Brownsville, $10.
John J. Cramer and wife to Jesse
Brownfield.-Sept 11. 1915. Lands in
llighview Add. to Harrisburg, $700.
R. Rlann to Cynthia A. Blann. Oct.
2. 1915. Lands in block 20 in Hause
man's 2nd Add N. Brownsville. $1. '
Quit-Claim Deeds.
"Mrs. Mae E. Harris, ' to Samuel
Harris. Oct. 4, 1915. Lands in Tp. 13,
S. R. I west. $10.
Arthur L. Ziesing and wife to Anna
.lesing. Aug. 1W14. Lands in
Win. Ralston's Add. to Lebanon. $10.
Hitch your cayuses and come
in; we are glad to see you and
expect yon to call when you
come to Albany. Everything
is wide open except the jail and
the cemetery, and if any of
your neighbors want to cut up
a little and burn a few Misters
on the track or kick loose a
few blocks of paving and tear
down the court house, take to it.
the going's good, and the Rex
all Drug Store is ri?hi in the
baltiheaded row to encore any
performance yon care to put on.
and if any one gets peevish,
send them around to the Rexall
Hill Shop on First street be
tween the district attorney's of
fice and the earth.
Fred Dawson
Chief Pill Artist
i -
s ... a
Will Go to Utah
H. M. Thompson, a former Linn
county young man, who has been
with the Independent Warehouse and
Milling Co., at Klondike, Or., as ware
house foreman, has accepted a posi
tion with the State Mill and Elevatoi
t-o. of Cache Junction, Utah, where
lie will go at once. .
Christian Church Tonight
J. H. Coatland, pastor of the Al
uany Central church, will be the
speaker at the Rally service tonight.
Mr. Coatland has held important pul
pits in both England and the U. S.
He will bring a great message. Mrs.
C. B. Essex will sing "How Sweet the
Name of Jesus Is." The Inman Sis
ters will also sing. Services begin
promptly at 8 o'clock and close on
or before 9 o'clock.
Funeral of Mrs. Stewart
The funeral of Mrs. S. C. Stewart.
Rolfe Theatre
Big 4 Reel Mutual Masterpiece
"Captain Macklin"
Featuring the beautiful LILLIAN GISH
Intensely interesting war and love drama
"Merely a Married Man?
A Sure Enough Laugh Maker
Coming Friday-BESSiE barriscale
m "The Cup of Life"
who died at Lebanon this week, was
held at Lebanon yesterday afternoon
She leaves a husband and three chil
dren, Stanley, of Stay ton; Max and
Nan Stewart, of Lebanon. She was
resident of Albany for nearly a year,
and leaves many friends here who sin
cerely mourn the death of a good
Soma Baking
During the month of September the
bakery of Andrews & Kerr, of Cor
vallis, baked 50,000 loaves of bread
which it is claimed is a new record
in Oregon. The most baked in any
one ntght was 2eU) loaves.
Returned to Redmond
C. M. Kendall, ex-deputy sheriff,
ho has been in Albany the past few
days, left for Redmond this "morning
He will return ,to Albany with his
Another Homesteader
W. L. Smith left Albany last night
with a car of household goods, farm
implements, etc., for Oswego, Mont,
where he will locate on a homestead.
His family will follow in a few days.
Bought a Maxwell
J. S. Swank, of Tillman, has pur
chased a 1916 Maxwell from the Al
bany Garage.
Went to San Francisco
M. S. Cohen, who has been the
guest of his sister. Mrs. M. Senders.
for the. past two days, left this morn
ing for his home in Vancouver, Wn.
Mr Cohen is on his return from
trip through the east and to the San
Francisco fair.
To Treat Rheumatism
C. S. Turm, and Chas. Metzge. both
farmers residing near this city, left
this morning for St. Martin's Springs.
on the Columbia river Mr. Metgzc
will take hot bath treatments for rheu
After Studebaker "Sis'
Reed Walworth, of the Albany Gar
age, and N. E. Hoover, the contractor
who built the new Junior High school
building, went to Portland this morn
ing to drive up in the new Studebaker
Six" which Mr. Hoover has just pur
Bible Class in Harrisburg
Dr. W, P. White returned from
Harrisburg this morning. Last night
he lectured before the bible class of
that city and reports a very success.
ful meeting. The class has been in
creased to 161 members.
Big Hog Shipment
H. A. Hecker -shipped to Portland
this morning by express- over 4,000
pounds of dressed hogs. This is one of
the largest express shipments of re
cent date.
Happened at Roseburg
A remarkable thing has happened
at Roseburg. A local man has been
awarded the contract for paving 1
street. His bid was nearly $41)0 less
than any other bidder, tl is to be
concrete. '
Saturday Markets to Start '
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold a Saturday market in the
Hamilton store beginning Saturday
and continuing every Saturday there
after until further notice. Adv. 06-8
A Man Who Remembers
Oeo. c. Blower is in the city, and
will organise a class in memory train-1 DCTIIDUCfl TOtlU "liCCO
ing. under the Campbell system. 11, 1 fit I UIiIIlU f II U (Tl Uttll
is a graduate of Ohio State University
and took two years post graduate in
lliriniiighain University, England. He
lias been president and secretary of
one of the largest national educational
fraternities, and spent several years
in .study at the various Ohio State
insane and criminal Institutions,
At Soldiers' Home
A. E. Bending, of Albany, a veteran
soldier, was brought here last evening
and admitted to the Soldiers' Home.
He he been an invalid tor some time
and will be treated at the Home hos
pital. He was accompanied by Mrs.
H. Stillson, who returned to Albany
this morning Roseburg Review.
Monthly Soeial .
The regular monthly review and
business meeting of the Grace Pres
byterian V. P. S. C E. was held
Thursday evening at 818 East Third
street, the home of the pastor. Th
principal business was the election of
officers for the year. The following
were elected: President, Gordon Lit
tle; vice president, Albert Sandstrom
secretary. Miss Mildred Grigsby:
treasurer, Raymond Talbcrt; organist.
.Miss liladys Sharp. A social hour
was spent in games following th
business session, after which refresh
ments were served by the social com-
niiiee. rour new mrnincrs were
voted into the society.
The Avalanche
This is the name of the feature
play at the Globe tonight and tomor
row, a fine thing, with Catherinr
Countiss as the star. It starts on the
stock exchange and follows with i
trigttes and thrilling semes, with
love story all along the way.
Good One at Rolfe
Captain Macklin. a four reel story
is being presented at the Rolfe. one
full of interest, in fact one you cannot
afford to miss.
An Ad. Full of Pep
The Democrat takes off its hat to
Fred Dawson, in an advertisement to
be found elsewhere. It's as readable
as Tom Sawyer and as full of anan
a turtle.
Geo. Vandran and Parly Had
Great Sport and Got the
George Vandran, Jim Curry and son
way, and Lawrence Sweat! return
ed yesterday front a deer hunt in the
hills out of Riddles. They had great
sport and were successful In securing
their limit. In a day and a half one
time they killed seven deer, a picture
of which makes a fine showing for
the hunters. Mr. Vandran brought
back a pair of horns as pretty as any
thing ever seen on the coast. Walter
Patterson has the contract for mount
ing them.
While at Riddles Mr. Vandran met
an old lady who knew Otto Hooker
in Kansas. She declared that instead
of being only 2U years of age he was
28, and had a career of crime. In
Kansas she said he killed a man and
was tried, but was acquitted.
Why Pay $15, $20, $25,
and $30 for Ladies' Suits
When you can buy the same up to dale styles and materials her
for $9.fO. $16.50, 111.50.
You can do it others are every day.
away. .
No use throwing your money
Buying suits for 83 busy stores for cash, no credit, no, delivery, no
' altering, that's why you can save 25 to 31 1-1 per cent.
E. -I.. Wilson went to Sei
WAN l In ( Iran out well.
(. .ill J. F.dward lll.iir, both plumes.
5 K
A suit was filed in the circuit court
today by X. P. Slate vs. his son, Win
The complaint alleges that the plain
tiff loaned his well drilling outfit to
his son. who was to operate the same.
and after deducting $J.I per day for
his services to turn the rest over to
his father. Although the lime for an
accounting nas mug since lapsed, no
settlement has been made, and Ihr
senior Slate stales that over $lli
has been collected for work done
He asks that his son be brought in
court and made to account for the
money collected and make proper
o -
The entire Empress, show from the Empress
Theatre, Portland
Price 15c to 50c. Seat tale opens at Wood worth
Drug Co., Friday ' -"
First Call for
Come before the rush is on
and get Christmas present wor
ries off yonr mind.
SPECIAL For a short ..time
only we will give one 'arge
photo, with every $J order or
REMEMBER Twelve pres
ents for the price of one. If so
desired orders taken now need
not be called for until Christ
mas. The
"The Photographer in Your
- ,. Town"
Governor'a Wife Speaks
Albany. N. Y., Oct. 6.
states first lady" today personally
rntered the campaign for November
votes for women." The Villagers
for Voorheasville. a local suburb,
heard Mrs. Charles Whitman's maid
speech in behalf of "the cause.
Mrs.' Raymond Brown, president of
the NVw York state woman suffrage
ssociation, who Is a guest of the gov
ernor's wife at the executive mansion,
was another speaker. Mrs. Whitman
expected to make several equal
suffrage speeches in the capital dis
trict oetore the November elections
The official Governor Whitman is
strictly neutral." being neither for
nor against "the cause." The plain
Mr. Whitman, however, endorses
"votes for women" movement and
Mrs. Whitman's part in It.
.ew i ork I
One of the greatest of moving pic
lure artists is lltialll Lm-kavr with
the Univrrs.-il Co, who will appear at
the Hub tonight in the Man of Shame.''
This is a worderful nlav. lull of hie
A number of the younger boys and Some ' lhe K",c err ukrn '" "c" j
girls of Grace Presbyterian church met
Poster Contest Cloaca.
Newark. N". J.. Oct. 6. What was
probably the greatest contest in post
el art ever held in this country closed
here yesterday. The committee of
one hundred, which has been arrang
ing the celebration of the city's two
hundred fiftieth anniversary in 1916
offered prizes of $1.01)0 and $500 foi
the most meritorious designs. A dis
play of them will be a featurs of the
exposition and pageant which will
mark the anniversary.
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. L.
Fraser, 818 East Third street last Fri
day evening for the purpose of orga
nizing a Junior C. E. Society.
Mr. Deo McCIain presided as chair
man of the meeting and explained the
work of a Junior Endeavor Society
Mrs. Marina Maine was appointed aa
secretary pro tern on motion by Lloyd
Carter, seconded by Sibyl Fraser
was voted unanimously to proeee-i
to the organization of a Junior C. E
Society in connection with Grace
Presbyterian church. The officers
for the first six months were clccte'l
by ballot as follows:
rresiuent l.loyd carter; vice pres
ident. Harold Watrous; secretary,
Sibyl Fraser; treasurer, I.ola Kodg-
ers: organist, Sibyl Fraser.
The executive met and appointed
Regular meetings of the society to
be held Sunday afternoons in the
church at 3:30 o'clock.
. i ne meeting closed with games
and refreshments served by Mrs
Fraser, assisted by Mrs. McCk-iu.
bee, and for several weeks the streets
of that old French city were eiitiveue I
by the presence of peasants in gay '
garb, gendarmes and fine ladies rid-,
ing in old fashioned venules. Lack-!
aye has bad a remark.iblc professional ,
career. He was born in Virginia in I
studied law, was interested in
amateur dramatic, a.'ed with Lawr-j
emc Harrett. rerfurnieil in the Mer
chant of Venice and oilier big plays, I
later being with a good many nf the !
best actors of the day, and ,-eted Tril
by, The lit. Fine Feathers, etc. I
Weather Report -
Yesterday's temperature ranged be
tween 38 and 75 degrees. The river
stands at 07 feet.
Daughters of Confederacy Meet.
Warrenshurg, Mo., Oct. 6. The an
nual three-day convention of Missou
ri Division, United Daughters of the
Confederacy began here today, with
two presidential tickets in the field.
Suit to Collect .
A suit was filed today by Ann?
Reese vs. Funk M. Wi'lgnmuth. el I
al, to collect $.1268 on a note iriven
March 27, 1911, at 7 per tent interest
Moved to Montana
.Mr. an Mrs. A. J. Baritcll and child
Stock Holders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the to.k-
hnlilers of the Albany C'haiiumitia
Association is hereby called In meet
immediately aftrr llie ailiniiriiiiirnt oi
lhe Albany Com mere i: I club, .murox
imately K JO m. Monday. O. t II,
IV15. in the Commercial club room.
to elect tho new board of directors
for the coming year.
J. L. TOMLINSON, President
Secretary nit II
'A Shoe Store
Shoe Service tis
from Mere
Shoe Selling"
Mi rely to "make a sale" is not
satisfaction for us. Merely to
get "shoes" off your shopping
list is by no means certain to
mean satisfaction for you.
We are able to guarantee
good service in its every sense
and every meaning, because we
aie smc of our intentions and
sure al our tiicri'lundi..
May not we hope that you
will lent the sincerity of our
service the next lime yon pur
chase slioes?
Shoe Co,
"Ouulity for Less"
Iivcrwcnr Ilonicry '
Mrs. Thomas Wood Parry of Kansas left yesterday for Chinook. Mont.
City and Mrs. Charles Rreckenridge
f'aris. of Jefferson City, wife of a
supreme court justice, are the rival
where they will make their home.
Hub Theatre
Today and Thursday
International Day at Denver.
Denver, Colo., Oct. 6. This was in
ternational day at the International
Dry Farming congress in progress
here. The program of addresses was
10c "Always Good Sfcou" JQc
In Five Reels
'The Avalanche"
Unique Labor War in Full Swing.
Chicago, Oct. 6. The American
Federation of Labor will make a las'
ditch fight in behalf of the Chicago
rnion of school teachers. Those in
fluences which oppose the Chicago
Teachers Federation are. today pre
raring their appeal from the tempo-
rary injunction restraining the Board
of Education from carrying out the
now famous Loeb ' rule expelling
teachers who decline to leave the fed
eration, and compelling all applicants
for positions to sign a pledge that
they will not become members of any
similar organization.
ut course, u the higher court up
holds the injunction, making it perma
nent, the matter will drop there, with
a glowing victory for organized labor.
II, however, the higher court decides
in favor of the Loeb rule, the entire
matter will ultimately he decided al
the polls.
devoted to various- foreign represen
tatives, including W. S. White. Oto-
wa, Canada; Dr. Jorge Martinczf Col
umbia; Gen. F.miliana Chamorro.
F.cuador; T. Z. Chang, China, and
Nectof Pasmrzogltt, Greece.