ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1915. PACK THREE Tha showing now of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments is good. Experienced sales ladies will be glad to show you the season's most approved Neat, Conservative Garments With Winter close at hand, you had better decide to purchase the heavyweight clothes and winter hats at once. We have splendid assortments at economy prices , V "r. tj Ladies' Suits, Approved Styles lln coali anil ftirlriniininut -ire cr .onilar ilr.J season. Wile, llrown, Green mil mixture ire the predominating colurt. Gaber ilinri mill ixipliiii ire very much in favor mil the ierei and broad rluilit are at good at utual. I'ricrt range from $16.50 to $47.50 II II -rfOiTk,. i . R.niMBta" Are Half Price Wednesday! Watch foe Oar ' -Wednesday Speckli Newest Coats for Ladies The coata tire clever. Nut a lot ul noveltiea that will toon cause you lu itrow tired of them, but garment! that are clever in thri' simplicity. I'luth and corduroy are popular material. I'ur trim tniiiKi and belli are good stylet. The coloring! are very pretty, rich tliailei md mixtures. Priced from $9.50 to $50 NEMO Self-Help Exposition Week Thit it Nemo cortet week. We have the new ttytci of thii cortet nd will he glad to explain the good feature to yog. A graduate coractlere it in charge of the cor tet department. Be properly fit ted and you will get more com fort and service. New CORSETS In addition lo the Nemo we have the new Fall itylei in Warners, Costard, Kcrifern and I-aGrecqne cortett. The particular tle that you need It here. Out-of-the-Ordinary MILLINERY The hat offer a variation of drtign that meant tatitfaction from the chic little dote filling ihapri lo the larger, more elaborate one. Ye, it it really. In ililiiin lo ih m:iiiv exclusive delimit that are being cre ated daily in out own workroom!, we have Vogue hat arriving. continually new lot of For days and days one may dig one's head and worry over what one s Autumn Chapeaux . will be; then a little review of Vogue Hats the time it to put on one's stockings and POUFI one sees just the hat one has wanted all the time. I. too wonderful Jo come. TAM-O-SHANTERS, MADE OF CORDUROY IN ALL SHADES a wanted all the time. I Mil ll ll - ll oo. 1.1. Si 2nd 4:30 VALUES for CASH WORTH WHILE Rally Week CHURCH OP CHRIST (Christian Church) Sermon Tonight by J. H. COULTARD Albany C.ntr.1 Solo by Mrs. C. B. Essex 'Haw Sw.. th. Nam. of Jmut It Services from 8 to 9 o'c. M. HOWARD FAOAN .rtor Dally Democrat by .Carrier, 14 Year. WHAT' THE FORESTS ARE DOING IN THE U. S. During the decade ending with the last fiscal year, the Forest Service hat classified and opened to ei:try ov er 15,500 individual scattered tract in the foretlt, covering over 1700,000 acre. Thit clntiification has alto re sulted in elimination, lo date, of ap proximately 15,000,000 acre addition al. Ther. are apuroximatcly 1.200 town and cilie in the United State dependent upon the national foretl for the sourcf of their water aupply. From 10,000.000 to 15,000,000 little pnes, fir and iprucel are planted every year on the national forettt, and also tevcral ton of tree eed are Of the 1913 lumber cut, over thi tv billion feet cf the total were from conifcrout woods, 20 per cent of which was supplied by the State of Oregon and Waahington. Enough paving block were treated by the wood preserving plant in the United State during 1913 and 1914 lo surface a street 36 feet wide and 211 miles long. 11 ill ii invited for the property 4.W Wett Second Street, Albany. Ap ly to J. K. hldridge. 1254 Port St Victoria, B. C. No reasonable offer refuted. s30-aJl FOUND A woman' coat, black Can be had by calling at Democrat office. OREOON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW 4) Salem, Oct. 4. Campaign ii being made for wagon road from Eugene to oatt and half mill tax atked for. J. A. Seavey will erect )() thea tre in Springfield. J. C. Butcher will establish large tpray factory at Hood Kiver and manufacture anenale of lead. The Creiwcll cannery will manu facture (pray in that city. Ilandon New cheete factory to be built at Four Mile. lend Frank Pival expect to erect I house here, work lo begin al once. Kosrburg citizen will .donate ile for the big new mill of Kendall Bros. town which ha huwn the enter prise of Kouburg in going after thit ig industry it dcterving of a bright future. Portland taxei for 1915 estimated al $93,000 more than for 1915, an cf- ort will be made to cut thi amount, owever. Kugene will soon have Coo Bay oaL Value of Oregon hop crop thi year about '000,000 at 10c. Coos county has been experiment ing witn roans piauxca icuginwitc nd retultt are highly talitfaclory. Hood River gel a $7500 concrete movie theatre 50 by lX) feel. S. P. payroll at Eugene (or pal month wa $11,304. Woodliurn want merger of all the elcphone line. Contrructioin i being rushed on the new line of the O. W. R. & f. inlo Harney valley. Central Point Farmers and lax- payers league organized to scruu- ize raiting and disburtement of tax es, etc. Indications are that Hubbard shoe factory will oon begin operations gain. Suiherlin Leona mills operate af ter eight months idleness. Right of way deed are all secured for Sutherlin -railroad and it u an nounced work will atari at once on the grade for the Suiherlin, Coo Bay Eastern. Pendleton Corneralone for new pnstoffke has been laid. Silverlon New dram and tile fac tory has started. It is announced that Redmond will have new fireproof warehouse for handling farm products, size 40 by ISO. . 1. J. Ellinger has cut the fourth crop of alfalfa this season from bis farm near Redmond. The big Rainier mill has been com pletely destroyed by fire, loss $150, 000. It is estimated that the clover seed crop ol Linn county win loiai 000 this year. Pacific Telephone and Telegrapn Co. announce opening of line be ween Eugene and Florence. The general cry from every city. town, and village in wasningion is io reduce taxes. Never before has there been such a determined effort made in thi direction. Get our price. Your dollar will get more here. Some of the beat val- uea ever offered in Albany in men suit, raincoast, macldnawa, hats, and furnishings. Watch our ad for $ day, You will be surprised. Stein ft New man. Adv. The ladie of the UninTd Presbyter ian cnurcn win noia a iar parlors of the church Wednesday af ternoon and evening, November J, 1915. oltf Daily Democrat or Carrier. $4 Year. MADAME JOMELLI TOLO . SOME INTERESTING THINGS One Story Was About a Woman Married 4 Times, Each Hus band Different Nationality. In her round table luncheon at the Hotel Albany yesterday afternoon, with fourteen or fifteen Albany wo men, Madame Jomelll talked very freely about her like! and dislikes. and alto told some interesting things about the war. She knows one wo man in Europe, one of prominence who has been married four times. One husband was a Russian, one a Ger man, one a Frenchman and the other Italian. By each husband the had one ton, and when tne war Drone out the sons entered it with the troops of their nationality, three be ing with the Allies, one with the Ger mans. On one occasion all four vis ited their mother, none at that time being killed. Madame Jomelli hat two titters, and all three mirried men of different nationalities. The Ma dame is now suing for divorce from her husband. She declared that of all countries the likes the United States the best of all, and of the U. S. she likes the west the best, and then she likes the country best of all. She doesn't care for the big cities,, and dislikes San Francisco very" much. She would like to be 30 miles from any railroad, urrounded by cows, horses, pigs and dotrs, amidst the best in nature. When the Madame left Paris, in fashion everything was black and while, even the house furnishings, a pretty effect that was meeting with great favor. Regardless of the war much attention is paid there to dress. Madame Jomelli speaks English well, and proved a very pleasing en tertainer, the visit with her being one that will long be remembered by those present. WHEN please answering mention the classified ads, Democrat in over Sunday with a nice lot of Washington lamb which brought $7. A few ewes were sold at $5 and a couple of cars ol feeder lambs told at $6.25. Outlook good with demand Wern. nr. California Then cast You are offered Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco Acknowledged lo be "The Mott Beautiful The Mott Wonderful The Most Important in history.' at almott no additional expense white enroute lo the east. 10 Days Stopover at San Francisco and 10 Days Stopover at Los Angeles are permitted on all ont way tickets East reading through California THE OGDEN ROUTE offers splendid high class train service and fascinating trenery. Further particulars with copy of fold er "Wayside .Vote-. Otfdrn Route" "Great Salt Lake Primer'' from near est agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC . John M. Scott, General Passenger Afent, Portland, Oregon Portland live Stock Report.. Cattle: With a run of about 650 head of cattle, the market opened up with steady 'to strong price, choice steer going at $6.85 with five cents above last week's top, cows going at $5. A few heifers sold at $6 andcalves brought $7.50. . Hogs: Not many good hogs were on the market this-morning. Buyers seemed inclined to pas up the of fering until late in the afternoon when a couple of loads went at $6.30 for top, market a little unsettled with bulk around the $6.15 to $6.25 mark. Sheep: A fair run of sheep came SHOOT PHEASANTS King of Sports Look over our stock of Winchester and Remington repeating shotguns, and Ithica and Parker double-barreled pieces Exclusive agents for Peters' Famous Shells, also a full stock of all other lines We Issue Hunting Licenses ; Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co. -The Hardware Men" Third and Lyon Streets vfY&i&W. mm RAILWAYS and steamship lines, hotels and the beat stores aU over the country, know "A.B.A." Cheque and are glad to accept them. Wa Issue them In $19, $2. $5 and $1CS, and bind them' In a book In any amount suited to your needs. Self-Identifying. ( ISitTO ST Albany State Bank "Safety Plus Service" Sixteen Years Supremacy More than 1,650,000 men bought a pair of "Headlights" during the past 12 months but We will not be satisfied until we' sell .you a pair. ' If we can induce you to buy one suit of "Head lights," you will never afterwards be satisfied with any other make. L - Wear a Pair 30 Days Your Money Back if Not Satisfactory To all overall wearers we make this offer Come to our store, buy a suit of "Headlight" Overalls (price $1.00 per garment). Wear them 30 days. If you da not find them the most comfortable, convenient and generally satisfactory overalls you have ever had on, bring them back and get your money. The manufacturers stand behind us in this guarantee. lsrprov5 sssfct? I Bn-Dtttri V V M watch and adjatafat tlifaj- 1' fi"" r'"V WcWt, fcraadar. ; jf . UlAM y)T' If A A- 7 r. Vl n pt4 1M SLL XI WT I Mora cloth aW I 1 I I lb. 11,1 1 Jf ma ri MS, Ski, SLltso,!, Strsj.O. The Blain Clothing Company