PAOE TVYfl ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6, 131V Daily Democrat '""fT p. nutting" Lessee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Orriton. at serond-cu;s matter. I'ublished every vrniii except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues u-ys ana rnaays. business matter .in ordering changes of addreaa, sub scriber should alwaya give old at nrll n new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 per ya in advance, otherwise 40e per month. By ..nil. at end of year S 50 "v mail in advance, per vear 3.10 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for firat publication; Vic per word thereatter, payable in ad ran;c, Mipimuin chaise of Eaubliahed in 186S, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1911 U. S. AND GERMANY. The ups and downs of the contro versy over the Arabic have been very interesting. Sometimes it looked serious and the next minute the sun was shining gloriously. One day it looked like the edge of a war cloud. and the next day the dove of peace was cooing loud enough to be heard across the continent. Now the dove is looking serenely at things so far as Germany and the U. S. is concerned: but very umbrageously at Europe. PROSPERITY ENTERPRISES. A city back East is having a whole "prosperity week." A special effort is to be made for a week to make things hum, and there are to be all manner of things doing during the six days. That in a way is somewhat of a spasm. It may help, being a stim nlus to better things afterwards; but what really counts is prosperity year. twelve months of continuous hustling for better things. First instil into people the spirit of confidence and . there can be no question as to the result A HOOKER EDITORIAL. Another editor has an opinion on the Hooker matter, the genius at the head of the Corrallis Gazette-Times, an original kind of a fellow who puts things his own way: There is in the universe a law of compensation, or retributive justice, or Nemesis, quite outside the mind, beyond the workings of conscience that seems to preserve the moral equilibrium. Shakespeare recognized this fancy deeply, and many of his tragedies are simply studies in poetic justice. The common criminal that shakes the delicate balance scale of right often meets the same poetic fate. In man; cases it seems to take two wrongs to make a right Convict Otto Hooker, while ex piating one crime, committed anoth er, by taking the life of Warden Min to. The balance of justice was se verely shaken. A whole state was thrown into commotion. This was beyond and outside the conflict that must have raged in Hooker's own mind. Retributive justice, however, soon restored the poetic equilibrium when . Hooker's life was forfeited for his crime yet perfect accord in the uni verse of Nemesis demanded a, little more than Hooker's worthless life, and the mantel of Minto's old posi tion fell upon his brother. If we weigh a contemplated action, detrimental to a fellow man and stop to think of its reaction upon our selves, selfishness and fair for the re sult may stay our hand and avert our own ruin. Wicked men may triumph for a time, but in the end poetic justice will have its way and the punishment that may have evaded human agencies is sure to be meted out by Nemesis. Tamales and Oysters , First of The Season at POTT'S CONFECTIONERY 316 W. 2nd St Home Phone 1113 Our Tamales are home made, fresh and unex celled any place. Beat oyster cocktails in the city. A IISFITS A man at the reform school boot al the state fair stated the other day that parents were often to blame for tl.eir children being in the industrial school, formerly called reform school. Parents need to put that in their noodle. After all we don't have so very much influence in this forld. The more Misfits yelled against the hai billion dollar loan the more was the de mand for the bonds. A little encouragement at the right time often goes an immense ways in one's life Here's ( guess on the world's ser ies: Boston. Which probably means that Phila. will win. Pat Mc Arthur has been a congress man since March 4. but has not yet officiated as such, except among the people. Wait till Pat gets up and orates, and perhaps they will think another Nesmith has come out of Polk county. Some dollars don't go very far. hut on the 14th watch and see what can be done with ten dimes. Please. Mr. Austria, don't send any more Dumhas over the riffles. Seems almost lonesome without those sub. stories every day; but it is a delightful lonesomeness. Nothing is more golden than si lence. and many a man gets rich by not talking too much. Prof. E. L. Wilson aad Frances M. Wilson have reopened their music stu dio opposite the city library for the coming year. Alt who de sire to avail themselves of aa earnest and thorough education in piano, violin and orchestral work, remember that our estab lishment has developed many 1 student into a successful teacher of that fascinating art, the best proof of skillful instructions. For arrangements call 323 Ferry St Home 11-12 a. m. 4-5 p. m. The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of tit City 115-119 E. 3rd Street Bell 560 Party R Home 419 H. J. FIRCHAU CO. PIANO TUNING, action regulat ing and voicing. First class work guaranteed. Leave orders at Da venport's Music Store. 409 West First street J. R. CHAMBERS, Tuner. Phones, Bell 312-Y; Home 1187. THE BEST ' . BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality" 136 Lyon St Both Phones Your house is an unsafe place to keep your valu able papers, jewelry, etc. You may be visited by burglars er fire most any time. Be on the SAFE side rent a bok today in our Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Deposit Vault. And every Sunday SCHEDULE Going: Leave Albany 7:30 p. m. Arrive Newport 12:10 p. tu. Returning: Leave Newport 6.-00 p. m. Arrive Albany 10:45 p. m. Nepwort is a beauty spot of the Ore gon Sescoast. It is situated on the Yaquina Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Many amusements offered. Weather is delightful at this season and sal mon fishing is good in Yaquina Bay. Ask local agents for illustrated fold er "Newport" and tickets. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, eneral Passenger Agent. Portland, Orego LOST Small roll of money, in city. probably on Sunday. Liberal re ward. Return to Democrat office. FLAT . FOR KENT Wood apart ment.. Call at 22 E. 3rd St s22tf Uau Democrat ay Carrier. 14 Year Aato Robot Jones Speedometers If anarch Oil Lamps Whig Valve Grinding potto . Shaltr VuUrit Ford Lighting Outfits Spark Plugs Lined Brake Bands Thermos Bottles Ralston Electric Supply Co. 310 We- SM-i Street Peroxide of Hydrogen Bay-i cheap peroxide af hydrogen to save money, is like stepping a olook to save time. A IS cent bottle f pare peresd. f hydrogen is cheaper to. buy than a full pint of the department store kind at 9 cents. Ton got the beat that money can buy from us. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists CLOVER-VETCH w - of too largest and most aMejeat cleaning plants la the valUy. Oar mats are stattwaats, aad we clean seed to bring the highest price so tfca taarket. Storage FRBI vntU toed is sold. WE PAY TOP PMC FOR SEEDS. Waldo Anderson & Son ALBANY FUEL CO. BOTH PHONES 277 Having decided to run a transfer and storage business in connec tion with our fuel business, we will store your goods and do your team work. . . We have reliable men and our service is in all ways guaranteed satisfactory. flTTD ODrnxro. Team work, per hour Slabwood, green, per cord Slabwood, dry, per cord Second growth fir, per cord " Old growth fir, per cord Ash. Mr conf Oak, per cord J Ws are agents for Castle Gate, Clear Creek and Mendota coal Newport and back during October. Albany Transfer Co. ' Both phones WOOD FOR SALE Little Fir Slab Wood . $3.25 S2.40 . 17.00 $12.00 . $1.50 70c . $2.00 to' $3.50 $3.50 50c , tl JO . $li to $2.25 , - 50c $2-5 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.25 $4.75 If QOK 0Cr th red-and-white label Doo't wait too loaa (or too too (or canning. Nice il a now In. Peaaut butter for school loaches. Fresh country . honey. Fine cantaloupes STEARNS Ideal Grocery Both Phones SS ' We are at your service for Meats and Fish D. E. N3BERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. A QUALITY STORE Wo soli the best at lowest price Watch Repairing F.G.WU1 ' Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. lady Assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-cUt Workmen Only Car. First aod Ella worth Street A Man or Woman ' will obligate themselves to pay rent or board, and because they HAVE TO, will meet the obligation faithfully. Why not put an obligation on yourself, to pay into Our Sav ings Department to your credit at least a dollar weekly? . With interest added, you'll soon be glad you did so. CAPITAL AND ' SURPLUS $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK A CO- Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER. BRADEN A CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin. LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliver!. Both phones H, M. PALMER, Prop. DUGAN & DENNY 231 Lyon St THE HOUSE FURNISHERS New and Second Hand Good. DALLAS DIAMOND Hard Wheat Flour Sack $140 Bbl. $0.00 Stare open Saturdays until 9 P. M. M. 8ENDERS ft CO. L (IT; TBI Myopia, or nearsightedness in children's eyes should be cor rected at once. I overcome it with glasses. E, C. MEADE, Optometrist P. B. Phipps MAGNETIC HEALER 734 Lyea St, STETTEIVS FOR GROCERUS AND CROCKERY . I L...I JL ! .... ' - II.- !-umxi u. a BUSINESS HI I P Q I T I T n WANT DIRECTORY ,ULftuuiriLaJ ADS BUSINESS OIRECTOBT CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7, 9, 10, CuihfW liank Bldg Nature cannot cur a disease unless the csuso is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. OEO. J. KENAOY Chiropractor National Bank Bldg. Rooms 401-402. Office phone 13)) i Ionic i residence phone 4J57. DENTISTS DR. W. R. BILYEU Dentist, First National Bank building, Albany. LAWYERS. C C UK YAM Attorney at Law J'l-2 New First National I:uk build' n. Mlnny. Oregon. J. II. CHRISTY Attorney-at-Law Room No. 3, -JO West lit St. o2lf DAN JOHNSTON. Attorney at Law K.iom JiS First National Hank Blrlt L. G I DWELLING Attorney at law Notary publit Albany. Oregon H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants liouuht and sold R., No. 1, second, floor. First Savings nan miimtBg. .Tinapy. urcgon B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for tale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. WEATIIERFORD & WEATHER- - FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A. P. HOWELLS D O Both phones Savings Bank Bids MARY S. HOWELLS n. O Both phones Savings Hank Bldg REAL ESTATE INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Hank Building FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143 fl6tf WOOD FOR SALE Big fir, $400 per cord, delivered. Also ash and I some vine maple. II. Struckmcier. 213 Baker St. Home phone 32U5. InolS FOR SALE Light roadstut imniim. bile. First class condition. Rcrent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" rare Democrat fl5ff F)R SALE Fine four acre tract, neatest in Sunrise, natural drainage lays weH. Call at Democrat office. FOR SALE High grade p'iano at t Wgain, Phone .1ftl-R. mIK'f Palmer's "Golden Rule Dairy" is prepared to furnish s few more custo mers with pure, rich milk and cream Leave orders now for your Fall and Winter supply. ,29-03 Drain Tiles at Cost a long at they last ALBANY COMMISSION CO. ' al ' ' '' v K a V 1 1 DINNER SERVED Every Sunday for 50c. at ST. P KAN CIS HOTEL Luncheon 11:30 lo 2; -dinner 5 lo H p. in. l29if FARMERS' ATTENTION GRAIN INSUKANCE-VVt art prepared lo insure yuur grain or rioter seed, in the strongest old line I'iie Insurance Companies. J. V. PIPS 2nJ W. Second St Albany FOR ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK Both phones Foot Ferry St. A. STARK. Physician and 8urgoa Also treats eye, ear, note and throat, and lits glasses Both phones 60 326 W. First St. Albany, Or. FOR RENT FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms. 4 blocks east of Lyon St. Near High school. Keaiunible if taken im mediately. Call 2251 Home phone. s20 if 1 UK RENT First class store room. First street. Call on Dr. A. Stark. nZM FOR KENT First class store build ing, good location, 2nd and Ferry Streets. Enquire of Harry Scblot r. a2tt FOR SALE OR TRADE To the blithest bidder up In six o'clock S4turd.iv night, a $172 eiiuity in a good $250 piano. Chance to gel MkIi grade piano cheap. Make an oflrr. Driving or saddle, horse, cox, anything reasonable. Must . sell. Call ai 6.W E 4th St. s27-o2 WHEN answering classified ads, please mention the Democrat. wn t AwoTiTin SWEET CIDEK-Will make cider and apple butter for the public ev ery Tuesday, commencing Oct. 5th, until further notice, at my place I mde imrlh of Albany. Home phone 25JK. C. K. Widmer. s2-tf dly w WANTED School girl to work for iouih aim ooaru. o-K tsell s27-o2 FOR.. SALE Six., room.... moderu house, every convenience, two lota, mall barn. I'.irl rash, balance terms. Bargain. Home phone , ; Of enquire First National - s!7-ol7 SPECIAL RATES by week or month ii ol. rranan Motel. ajt FOR KENT-I-. II. K. ,m. up stairs. 404 Ca annnii i r,n .. between 2 and 5 p m. 2Stf i-or sale-two a. j. c c h..u WANTED 4 or 5 room modern bua- giiiow. furnished man and wife, boy 4 years old. Reference r fl'iirrd Call from 4 to & E l Kirkard. .142 E. 2nd. MONEY TO LOAN. r V - ood. in,. ,''ne. 20.1 Wev IrA Sf t2,i RfAL ES,TATE fOR SA LE Farm t7 property, limber hnds, collections, money to ,. Jn,-r. ance written in the tirorue.i -II line companies. J. V. Piw w. 2nA Sl AU v .f KKAt) OUR WANT Af1 Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamme! Hotel Building Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Msg Minei and ptrlodlcalt. 333 West Firat St., Albany, Oregon.