I PAGE FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. OCTOBER J. 1911 . . .. . L i j -i Good Comfort Materials Cotton Challies in new patterns, for comforts at 5c Yard Silkolines, 36 inches wide, in solid colors lOcYard Fancy silkolines, 36 inches wide, fine quality 12 l-2c Yard Cotton batts, in small rolls at 10c to 30c each Large J-Ib. batts, 75c to $1 each 2-lb. wool batts at $2 each FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First St. i CITY NEWS The ladies of the United Presbyter ian church will hold a bazaar in the parlors of the church Wednesday af ternoon and evening, ' November 3. 115. oltf Of Jefferson R. B. Miller, of Jefferson, was in the city today. He may possibly come back to. Alb? ay to reside. Daily Democrat by Carrier. $4 Year. 66 99 THE ESCAPE TO OUR PATRONS:To Accomodate those who desire to see the first evening performance of the wonderful production and who were un able to get a seat at last evenings performance, THE DOORS WILL BE OPEN at 6t45 P. M. First Show Starting Prompt at 7:00 P. M. . GLOBE THEATRE Management If You Have Not. Secured Your Tickets for the Jomelli Concert Better Do So TONIGHT at Woodworth Drug Co. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4-5 Doors open 7:30 Curtain 8:30 Sales Increase With Better Light Modern merchandising methods demand brilliantly light ed store the better the light the bigger the sales. The perfect sunlike brilliance of Mazda lighting displays merchandise to best advantage, and being smokeless and clean it makes customers more comfortable. Type C. Mazda Lamps Give More Light Than Ever You really get more effective lighting for no greater cost with Type C. Mazda lamps. We can demonstrate this . fact to you very quickly without obligating you in any re spect. You are doing yourself an injustice if you do not thoroughly investigate this better way of lighting' right now. See your electrical dealer. Oregon Power Co. "Reliable Service" Telephones 15 306 West Second St. sSii!$(SlS4Ctfifii$ii Reopened Of fee J. C. Christy, the lawyer, who gave up his practice to E. E. Richardson now in Eastern Oregon, has reopened his office, and will be fount) at hi rooms in the Hynn block. Special Scores Does modern science agree with Christian truth? Rev. G. II. Young will discuss this question Sunday night at the Baptist church. The spe- ciIk subjects for discussion are: "How Man Came, WVcn Man Came, ami What Man Is." This is the second sermon iu a series of popular even ing addresses. Monday Night Bible CI Meets every .Monday night fro now to the last of May. This is a good time to start. Ye begin Mon day night with the first chapter of (.encsis. Exactly one hour from 7: to 8: JO p. in. Lou Sanson Here L. R. Stinson, grand keeper of rcc ords and seals of the Knights of Py thias of Oregon was in the city yes terdav. the IFtlcst nf M:iv,ir I l fit! w ho is also prominent in K. IV circles. aionaarairea lourae Mrs, Winnifred Worrell, teacher of piano, has recently adopted the Stan dardued course of music study. A personal explanation of the work will be given on request. Pupils received after October first. Res. studio 63 W. 3rd St. Phone 43SY. Easy Victim Although Mrs. . V. Coney, of the Royal apartments of Portland. claims to have been connected with the Associated Charities in that city, and would naturally be supposed to be conversant with the evil ways of the world, she yielded to the temnta lion to have her fortune told by a gypsy "queen" on the fair grounds yesterday afternoon and was "touch ed" to the tune of $1.50. A gentle man friend, who accompanied her in doing the fair grounds "pike" was also relieved of $5, but he recovered hi money without trouble. Statesman. Auctioneer Sudtell Ben Sudtell, the auctioneer, return ed last night from Harrisburg. where he cried a big sale, with good re sults, and today went down to Con ser to cry another. Hasn't even had time to hunt pheasants. Will Attend Armory Dedication The fine new armory at Eugene will be formally dedicated on October 16, when the Albany company, under t-apt. Powell expects to attend in a large body. Same Old Chaplin It was the same old Charlie Chap lin that opened the laugh throttles at 'e Hub theatre last niifht. This in imitable comedian is always at his est in everything he undertakes. Hi. antics in a French bakery are more than ludicrous and the way he gets iv with his pranks would mike an ignorant Indian laugh. The fin.it scene where he emerges from the de bris after the explosion of the dyna mite is a scream. "Leah, the For saken," ii a splendid three act pic- nre. featuring the strength of love over religious creeds. The leading arts are admirably nhyed bv Vivinr Prescott and Wm. Shay. Same bill tonight Robert Edeaon is Great Robert Edcson, one of the Ic.nlinp American actors on the legitimate law. has proven a strong number in he moving picture world. His pre sentation of the leading part in "Man's Prerogative" is a fine effort and the crowds at the Rolfe last night saw a real show of the master Mutual variety. The play is most interesting throughout and presents a splendid picture of the problem of a single moral standard for men and women. Dot on the Daylight Line" is a com edy of the laugh producing variety. Kay Chapler Here- Ray Chaplcr. of the forestry de partment is in the city again after the summer season spent in the field. He ill make his headquarters in this city with the forestry department dur- the winter. Returned from Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter and HUB Theatre 1 TONIGHT 'Dough and' Dynamite" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in two blasts of side splitting Comedy, ONE BIC LAUGH VIVIAN PRESCOTT and Wm. SHAY In a three rml Mastar place "Leah The Forsaken" Special Orchestra Music . 10 cents . Mrs. E. K. Maiden, accompanied bv Mr. Hunter's sister, Mrs. I. .V. Howe. of Albany, arrived home Wednesday nioriiinif from an auto trip to Rose burg, where they had been on a visit to relatives and friends. The patt left Cofvullis early Saturday evening in the Hunter a'lto and unived hi Rosebur,; 1 1 5 a. in. Sunday C'u the return trip they left Roseburg at i o'clock Tuesday afternoon and reach ed Corvallis at 1 a. in. WedursUay. I hey say the ride by moonlight w a grand, and the trip a a delightful one. Corvallis G. T. Weather Report- Rain is predicted tonight, but Sun day may be fair. Yesterday's rainfall was .16 inches. The river stands at 07 feet. The temperature ranged be tween 47 and 6 degrees. More Vaudeville- Manager Ayres, of the Globe theatre, announces that the full Em press Vaudeville bill will be shown here Monday, October 11th. This will not jut be a portion of the show, but the entire bill of six acts as it is put on in Portland. Seattle, and other places. Albany gets the show Monda and Salem Tuesday. Many See "The Escape" More people tried to see "The Ea cape" at the Globe theatre last night at the first show than there was room for, and many were turned away. "The Escape" is one of the best things brought to Albany of late, and with such stars as Mae Marsh, lllanchc Sweet, Robert llarron. -and Owen Moore in the cast there is no question about the character of the acting. The play was produced under the direction of David W. Griffith, producer of "The Birth of a Nation." At the Baptist Church The Fall season opened up last Sun day in a splendid way at the Baptist church. The Sunday School had a large attendance and a very helpful and interesting program was given at the Rally Service. The vhool n alive RECEPTION TO BE TENDERED MILE. JOMELLI TUESDAY The superintendents of the woman's department of the Willamette Valley I-'xpositiou, the wives of the Hoard of Directors, and the members of the Ladies' Octette will give a reception for Madame Jomelli next Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock in the par tors of the Hotel Albany. A most cordial invitation to attend is ex tended to the people of Albany, and especially to those interested in music 4ttiii$$SS$((S(8ii a Subscribe! s. If the bova tail to deliver the paper each evening kindly phone - to the ornce. The management a) invites complaints from its pa s' lions and will do its best to cotrect fau(ty service. with interest, and great things are the expectations for the near future. 250 attendance is the number at present fjr which the school is striving Classes for all ages and conditions If YOU do not belong to any school. may we not see you at the Baptist school at 10 o'clock Sunday morning A real warm wekome is the kind you will get. Get the habit of coming,' it is a good one to cultivate. (Slogan) The School That Begins on Time." Annual Rally Day The First Methodist rally Sunday school will hold the annual Rally Day and reception to new members tomor row at 11-15. A good program has been prepared and all who are not at tending other Sunday schools are in vited to be present. ROLFE Theatre Tonight Only J'rri I CHARLES CLAKYamd BILLIE WEST iVMAWS PRERCXWVJTvT! y VU-FAHT HUI UAL. MAD I fcL M Kit. TUHt PRODUCED Br RXLIANCI With Robert Edeson, Noted American Star 10c And a Big Cast 10c DINE IN COMFORT Enjoy a real Sunday Dinner amid the pleasant surroundings of a first class diningroom in the HOTEL ALBANY There's such a thing of getting away from every day drudgeries once in a while and nothing ii 10 pleasing to the ladies as a dinner away from home, away from the odors of cooking and the work of preparing the meal ' They'll sure enjoy it here with special Orchestra Music SPECIAL. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER 5:30 to 8:00 p. m: B. R. Westbrook, Prop. The Golden Rule Is Always Ready and Willing to Save You 25 to 33 1-3 per cent, on Your Needs for the Whole Family Men's and boys' suits, matkinaws, shoes, hats, underwear and soa; ladies' and girls' suits, coats, drassea, skirts, shoes, hosiery and under wear and notions of all k nds. Disss goods, silks, sheetings, glng hams, rercales, comfotta and blankets. Huylng for cash for J busy atotea, knowing where and how to buy, no big Intersil for borrowed money, no delivery, no bookkeeper.all this means the above saving to you. Oirla' 75c Tains . 49c Girls' $150 Tama Sc $1.50 Flannelett Krims 98c Duckliti fleece W$c Ladies' $3.50 shoes $2.98 Ladies' $J.00 shoes $2.49 Ladies' $2.75 shoes $2.25 Ladies' $2.50 shoes $1.98 $4.00 Dress skins $2.9S $5.00 Dress skirts ...... $J.9S Men's mackinaws $4.98, $5.90 Hoys macklnawa $J.9S, $4.50 Man's fleeced underwear ... 39c Men's heavy rib underwear 45c John B. Stetson hata $J.45 Boys' fleeced w. wear ... .. 25c Umbrellas, 75c kind 4Vc Umbrellaa. $1 kind 79c Umbrellas, $1.50 kind 98c Wool soa 2 lor 25 Cashmeie sox ..... 25c EVERYTHING ALWAYS FOR LESS THE GOLDEN RULE 83 BUSY STOKES Merrill Ohliiig. Willamette Univer sity's tallest student, is at home for Sunday. Fred Johnson, of Aitlie. is in thr city. R. S. Jillry, of Mat:on, Kansas, is rrgittcre 1 at the Si. l-'r.-im-i W.WTI'D Man and woman Inrlran up buiblinkt fur the coining etp" ' sitiou. t all on .V I.. I lil.rr. J. II. CHRISTY AuomcyatLew Room No. .1. 2. Wet 1st St. 't( THE GLOBE-SUNDAY ONLY LIONEL BARRYMORE and CATHR1N COUNTISS present the remarkable, sensational five-act drama A MODERN MAGDALENE "A wonderful production, holding the audience spellbound from start to finish." Chicago Tribune, May 1 7lh ' NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Mme. Jeanne Jomelli, Who Sings at the Globe Theatre Monday ft.-' . r v '' I i , ' ' "V--. ' i i Next Monday night, the rare oppor tunity will be presented to the Allunv people of hearing one of the world's greatest singers, Madame Jeanne Jo melli. Madame Jomelli is endowed with a dramatic sopranno voice, clear, full and sweet. It has the diilicMoncs of a silver bell and rings splendidly ro bust and true in the heavier passages of grand opera and in the highest notes of all selections. Among all the great artists uf the Metropolitan and Ilammerstcin Opera companies, Mme. Jomelli was accord ed highest honors, Her greatest suc-j cess was probably as the creator of the rule of "(iocwin" in Mr. Ilnlbrook's London masterpiece, "The C hildren of Don." The soprano part in this 's said to be one of the most difficult parts ever written. Among her many other successes is her appearance in the leading role of "Klvira" in "Don Oiov.mni," in this she was supported by the star cast, consisting of Nordi- ca, Semliriih, Mancon. Caruso and Scotti. Hrr program for Monday night rep rcsnnis a stilrndor of rnmnu nml mood, from sparkling, piipimit gayety to the sublime and dramatic.