Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 02, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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MUs Mm C. Tillman
8ocicty Editor.
Belt Hi one 515 R
Horn 2154
An rrtcpt'cn wui tender
el Kev. mid Mr. D. II. l.cevh 01
Thurnl.ty in 1 lie parlor of the Mvliu
uilikt rluiu h, uflrr prayer nu-.-iiiu
Mr. A. M. Il.iiiinirr wa ctutritun and
thort ail'lrrir wrr.' ifivrn ly Kfv
W. I'. While. Kev l'raer( Kev. ra
il .t 11. Kev, Yuiinu utid Hrv. (inrl
lrai lit, followed hy rmpoiiftci by Kev
:ml Mm. I. mil tiihl ;i rr.oliim liy Mi
r.t IUimicm 1 he l.reth l.uiul)
left All.uiy today fur i'mvattte to re
side, wht-re Mr. I.rcili will he
tor of the Mi'iliutlii.1 ilntrcli Tltry
ni.ole nt.iiiy IihimU duiiiix the p;iit
thrfi' r.u lit ,1 liia t'tly, who wil
thrill iiu ici in llir 11 ihun h
it) H (a)
A iurprir p.irty w.11 uiven Mi
lluxrl 1 1. ill uml Mr AiMtin Hall a
the home of Mdward C. Virreck on
Wednrkd.ty, the tvetvion leiti tlti'ir
hirtlnl;in. (iantr. iirtjjret rIkm 11
hy a tti.iific Unlrru and music mad
up the rvrftititf't dtvrraioii, alter
rhdr refrciliiiii-nM were nerved. The
litt nf. invited (ueU indndi'd M:e
l;aye Kinif. IvaiiiiU Krichell, Ruth
KawliMK., 1 cilia Ctiniimnn. t ei'ia
Stewart, Kale Murphy. Myrtle Civil
field. Helen and Mddred irii--v.
Mciiri, Vert ItriuK. Koy Karri,
l .rrrt Wire, Royal Ar. hihaH, lr
nel Dohttert. 1'r.ton Slewart. tcra I
William ton, Raymond Murphy, (!ci
Hrrry and Ralph Heck.
A very pretty luncheon id the week,
wa the one presided over hy Mr C
V. I.tttler tin Wednesday nt the Ho
tel Allnuy. comphmentiiu Mr. Hcn
drrihott of Portland, l.aendcr wa
the color ftihcme. a lare howl of
ateri centering the Uhle. Covr
were laid for Med.ime Hendenhmt
Joteph Raltton, Ian Johntoii, C. (
Winn, Km-key iK. 'MaMtn, Owen
Iteani. Charlei Ctuick", W. A. Harm:,
l:. 1). Ciuick. Charlet II. Stewart. I
roy Wood, Littler, Mie Ora Hark-iu-t.
Hall and Mora Mavnt.
A iurprie dinner party wa iven
hy Mr ("harlri Kronchrl on Thurs
day, for her daughter Klla, the oc
rasnn hein her twelfth bi-thbv
Lucille l.onhiitoin pt Viola Vroii
chel aittrd Mrt. Knxchel in ierv
inn the dinner to the following tirt:
Miei Marion White, Arleua Proch
now, Salome Cuiik. Jticnita Krn
rhel. Thelma !.cadletter, I'loreiuc
l:ort miller. Pauline Ddinrrt. Muriel
r-ihert, Dorothy NickeUoi, MelUt
N'eelv. Viola KdwanU, l.oiiic Kver
ton, Helen N'eherjiall and Llla Krn
thel. (iameii and niuiic made up ttc
evening! ple.iure.
Mr. C. R. Hoeet entertained for
the mrmher of the Jolly Twrl.-r
club on Friday, nt her home KV Ka tt
Third Mreet. FaiKV-work wa t!r
Leon E. Rennels' Garage
Th Hand? Pines la Buy Caaollna
212 E. FiritSt.
Puritan MoUr
FORD OWNERS: We are agents for the Hauler
Shock Absorber. Makes your car ride like a Pack
ard. It's different. Come in and see it
Our money-saving Repair Dep't gives you
l satisfaction
King of Sports
Look over our stock of Winchester and Remington
repenting shotguns, and Ithice and Parker
double-barreled pieces
Exclusive agents for Peters' Famous Shells,
also a full stock of all other lines
We Issue HimtiiiK Lioeimrs
Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co.
"The Hardware Men"
Third and Lyon Streets
p.utiuie of the uftettioon, after whh h
a dainty repatt wjs terved. The
lio li i complimented oil thii oct.l
ion Mei.ime l'raer, A. flower.
M. II. Craft, W. O. Simon, Writtht
( Momow, Idaho), Schnuritein, and
Hoy iriitry.
D Ct)
Mr. I.. V.. Hamilton entertained
for the Modern Travelers today at
her home on South Kerry trrc
Noll call wa reponded to with "cur
rent event 1." An liitereMtiiiK pap!
on "Scottish CotHpieiti" wa read
hy Mr Henrietta Hruwn. followed
hy a aplendid paper on "Bird and
Animal Life" hy Mi Kancy Gard
A Rocial hour followed and choice
nfrcthment were terved.
4 9) 9
In coiiiplinieut to her iter, Mr.
Harry Hohh of !''ui(rne, Mr, II. It
Ctuick eiilrj-tiiiued at e:id on Tues
day. The uitet ma le up nine 11
hlr at hride and at a I-tl? hour,
dainty refreshment roundru out thr
rveninu'i pleasure.
Mr. Clinton Straney wa a dt!ijlit.
ful hotlei for the memher of th
'cellctraft club, at her home on
fieary street and the Sniitiam Roar
The ladte aed the af'rru-Mn, in
fancy-work, conversation and muiic
after which refrethmrmi wer served
The Monday llridtfe club menher
met with Mr W. I.. Mark thu wrrk
The ladie pasted a few hour to
, rilier in playing card. a'arr whit h
dainty refreshment were served
Mr. I'ranci Arnold utiilituted.
Mi Lottie Morn. in will he .host
es for the memher of the Twilight
cluh this evening at her home 'on
Ninth and Ca I a pooia it re e t . After
supper, fancy work will he the di
version of the evening.
9 -
Mrt. Rose F.. Palmer of Baker.
Oregon, president of the Rehekah
aemhly paid her official visit to the
hcal lodue on Monday evening.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Duiinlttoti on WeM Lie vent h street
wai the tcene of a seven oVio.k
cafeteria supper Kven hy the mem
her of the Thursday Tattiu.c cl ih in
honor of Mr. and Mr. Clyde Wil
liamson, who arc K"i"K to move soon
to their country home. The rjouit
wettr ('ecoratrd in red dahlia and au
tumn tr.ive. Game furni!ird the
amurmrut of the latter p. rt tf the
eveninn. Those bo enjoyed the ev
rniti( we- .11. ! Mr rin rp 'i
ind Mrs. V Ku!ter, Mr. and Ir M.
lioflich. Mr Mrv Frc1 Hoflkh.
Mi. and Mr Melvin Haltituore, M rs.
Alexander, lr. and Mrs. Clyde Wil
liamson, and Mr. and Mr I. M.
Hon jf h ton.
Miss Mora Mason was a delightful
hostess on Wednesday, when she en
tertained the you UK ladies of her Sun
day school class of the First Presby
terian church nt dinner. At 7 o'clock
Rad Crown
L -I Li..
llit guru, t it down at y mull tulilci
where diiirr wa, terved, niter each
rourfcr the yuunK lucjiea
The latter part uf the evening w.n
aiiteil in u social hour arcl election
of oflicert, which rciulted at followa:
I'rraiilrnl, Mill MaiK:ret McDonald;
vice prvtident, Miaa (jeorijia Thomn
loti; tccretary, Miaa Helen and
treaaurvr, Miaa Ruth Kddy.
9 9 9
On Tueiday evening u eii;ht o'clock
a very pretty wedding took :.ct at
home of Mr. and Mrt. M. P. Itriggt,
when their daughter Kuth Alia wa
united ill marriage to Mr. Waller II
I'lagniaun , aon of Mr. and Mrt. Ilant
IMaguiann, ill tlx pretence of ahout
twenty-one rclativea. Kev Iliatline,
lia.tor of the Lutheran church offi
ciating. The groom waa attended hy
hit brother liana and the hride hy her
titter, Clara Cadwell. The hride wai
drctied in a dark brown tint Mid car
ried a liouiiicl of white carnationt
and maiden hair fern. A wedding
upper rat aerved after the ceremony
Out of the fcaturca of the wedding,
w.11 the aiinivertary of the parent! of
lie hridr. Mr. and Mrt. I'laginanu
left on the evening train for Vreka,
California l vitit the groom'a broth-i-ri.
(In returning they will rctide on
a farm near Albany, '
9 9
Mitt Ilculah Hinckley waa the mnrtf
for a farewell aurprtae party latt nighl
it her home on I.yon and Si nth ttreet.
A crowd of young folkt met at the
Gilbert home on Wett I'ourth, then
proceeded trf the Hinckley home
(iainet and niuiic made up the even
ing1! pleasure and at a late hour, re
freshment! were arrved. Thote pres
ent were Mittet Dale Willi, daily,
ind Hazel Gilbert. Eather McChetney,
I'Mna Ciilri. Mettra. Victor Olliver.
Hiram Torbel. Raymond Tomlinton.
Carl Volta (Portland). Ralph Lamb.
Cleo Jenkint and Mr. and Mrt. Glen
9 9 9
The Women'a Mimionary Society
of the United Pretbyterian church met
in the chuivh parlora on Wednesday.
The devotional excrciaet weYe led by
Mrt. S. E. Young. Roll call wai re
ipincled to with current mtiaionary
eventt. Mrt. Drown read an excellent
paper on the "American Negro." fol
lowed by a tplendid review on the
"Mittionary Work for the Month," by
Mrt. S. X. Hraden. Thii tntereiting
meeting waa followed by a locial hour
and dainty refrethmcnti terved by the
hotteitet. Meidainet Hoevet, F. P.
Nutting, Mac Monteith and Mita Pat
terton. a a
The lleia Gamma girtt, Mite Faye
King. Kuth I.othner, I.etha Cum
mingt. F.Ida Pettibone and LaVernc
lioflich were hotteties at a delightful
dinner party in honor of Mittet Hazel
Hall, (Camilla Kroichell and Ruth
Rawtinga, the occasion heine their
birthdayi, at the Hall home latt night
Pink -roses and grenery decked the
prettily decorated table. The com
plimented, gucstt were Misse,t I.ethc
Stewart, Calherin, Murphy and Helen
l.ivingood. The latter part of the ev
ening was pasted in games and music. I
9 9 9
I-ait Sunday afternoon at the Hor
tky home on Hast Fifth alreet, Miss
Mary Horsky was united in marriagc
10 Mr. Otto C; Karstens of Benton
county. Father I.ane officiating, in the
lresence of relatives and a few friends.
Miss Louise Svoboda was maid of
honor and Mr. Elmer Williamson was
best man. Mr. and Mrs. Karstena left
Sunday night for Portland, where they
will reside.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Christian church gave a social in
the church parlors last night. Games
and music were the diversions of the
evening, followed by refreshments.
Mrs. Grant Stone, of Denver, Colo
rado, is visiting Miss Josephine Hall
of 306 Ellsworth street.
Mrs. Geselbracht entertained the
Maracca class of the First Presbyter
ian church last night The young men
passed the evening in a social hour
followed by refreshments.
Male Help Wanted.
Managers Capable, ambition
young men wanted ns traveling and
state managers; $1AU yearly salary
and expenses, or cash and commis
sion. Also local representattvesa
wanted; S12.00 weekly salary and
and commission. ' Goodyear Hos
iery Mills, Dept. 5, Irenton. New
Jersey. 27-o2
"The Sign ol Quality"
136 Lyon St. Both Phones
it nj f J
9 e
Baptist Chufcbv Rev. Geo. 11.
Young, pastor. Regular services at
the usual hpura. S.hbath achool at
Id a. l.l. th; rp. Claiics for all urades.
Preaching by the piilor, Rev. Geo
II. Young, at 11 :. r.i. and 7.30 p. m.
II. Y. V. V. at 6:30 p. it. A cordii l
relcome to all attending these servic
es. At tl e evening lervice the pJitor
will deliver the second of bis present
series of sermons, "Man." Come and
hear him.
St Mary's Church. Sunday servic
ciat 8 and 1U:3U a. m. Rev. Jamei
Carrico of Lebanon will officiate and
preach at both acrvices. 'I he evening
service will be at .31). The Rosaiy
devotion will be held followed by a
sermon and benediction. Sunday
ichool will follow the lale matt. Fa
ther Lane will have charge of the
devotion at Lebanon.
a a a
United Presbyterian. W. P. White,
paitor. The mon cun sermon is ,.t
10:30 a. m. The subject is:: "Pleas
ing Christ." The evening sermon is
at 7:30 p. m. The subject it "The
Testimony of Prophecy to the Au
thority of the Mil Ic. This is the sec
ond of a series on the
of Our Faith. Hear them all. The
liiblc ichool meeti at 11.45. The C.
E. at 6:30 p. m.
a a a
Church of Chriat (Christian church)
M. Howard Fagan. pastor. 10:30 Com
munion and sermon. "Behold the
Man." 11:30 Rally Day services dur
ing the Bible school hours. 6:30
Christian Endeavor. "What will Make
Our Society a Greater Success." 7:00
Evangclif-lk service, "No Room for
Jems. Inmnn listen will sing durini;
the evening services. Every mcmbe
of the church is expected to ; ttend
tomorrow, as it is recognized as a
"home coming d: y." Special services
will be held during the week conduct
el by visitirg miristcrs from neigh
boring towns. Everybody welcome,
a a a
Grace Presbyterian. F. L. Fraser.
minister. 10 a. in. Bible school. 11 s.
m. Morning worship conducted by the
pastor. In the evening at 7:30 there
will be -a rally by the Young People's
Siiciety of C. E. The president. Mr.
Deo McClain will preside. Several
young people will take, part in the
service and the pastor will give an ad
dress on "New Life in the C. E. So
ciety." Young people and parents es
pecially invited.
a a a
First Presbyterian church. Rev. F.
II. Geselbracht. minister. Rally Day
in all departments 10:15 prayer cir
cle. 10:30 Morning service. Theme:
A Good Rally Day Motto. To my
junior congregation: Empty Seats
11:45 Rally Day in the S. S. orcl estra.
5 Vesper service. Theme: The pur
chase of Opportunity. Special music.
7iXt C. Dr. W. H. Lee will speak
on The Personal Value, of Young
People's Society." "Come thou with
rs and we will do thee good."
a a a
Evangelical Church E. Radehaugh.
pastor. Corner E. First and Pine Sts
S. school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
1 1 a. nt. Young People's Alliance
o:.r) p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
a a '
Church of the Brethren. 412 Geary
St. Hiram Smith pastor. Sunday
school 2:30 p. m. Preaching 3:30 p; m.
Subject, "Man in the Beginning and in
Sin." Preaching 7:30 p. in. Subject:
"God's Gracious Proposal to His En
emies." Sunday afternoon Oct. 3, the
pastor will commence a series of ser
mon on Man. Oct. 3 Man in the Be
ginning and in Sin. Oct. 10 Man's
Relationship to God in the Partiarch
al Age. Oct. 17 Man Under the Law.
Oct. 24 The Establishment of the
Church of Christ. Oct 31 The Jew-
ih Law and Gospel of -Christ. All arc
welcome to these aervices.
Tamales and
First of The Season at
316 W. 2nd St
Home Phone 1113
Our Tamalea are home
made, fresh and unex
celled any place.
Best oyster cocktails in
- the city.
t9 999999Gtotot
9 m a '4 r4 t
Mrt. S. S. Train it home after a with friends in Portland.
Mrs. Alice Snyder and child went to
Mill City for the day, returning this
Mita Eileen Baldwin went to Salem
this morning to vitit her titter and at
tend the state fair.
A. M Scott left this morning for
Chchalis. Wn.
E. L. Wilion went to Mill City tint
morning to attend to hit muiic claiiet.
Frank O'Neill returned to Niagara
this morning after a buiiueis vitit in
this city.
"Spec" Thomas returned to Albany
thii morning after playing in an or-
chettra at Lebanon lat night.
Mils Jeisie Reed, who is teaching
ichool in Lebanon, was in the city
this morning en route to the home of
her parents near Buisard.
Lyle Bain went to Portland this
morning to visit his sitter, Elsie, who
leavet Monday for the east to remain
indefinitely. She will spend the win
ter in Toronto, Canada.
Mrs. Rufus Thompson and daugh
ter Casiie, went to Salem this morin
ing to attend the fair and spend a
week at the home of their son and
brother. Dr. F. H. Thompson.
Dist. Atty. Gale S. Hill went to
Portland this morning on a visit and
business trip.
Wm Petty left yesterday for Peoria.
III., where he will visit for a few
A. C." Schmitt returned to the city
thii morning after a trip to Eugene.
Tom Alexander, who is a. member
of the mechanical staff of the Gpzette
Times, returned from Corvatlis this
A. E. Wood, of Tangent, is in the
city today.
T. H. Goddard. of Mill City, came
down on business and is registered at
the Hotel Albany.
Female Help Wanted.
Women, young or middle aged.
danted as special representatives in
home town; $12.00 weekly salary and
commission. Also state and travel
ing managers wanted: $13.0.00 yearly
salary and expenses, or cash and
commission. Goodyear Ho'iery Mills,
Ucpt. a, lreuton. acw jersey.
i s27-o2
FOUND A woman's coat, black.
Can be had by calling at Democrat
LOST Pointer bird dog. with laven
der spots. Chain attached to neck.
Reward. Report at Hornback's
lunch counter.
FOR REN'T N'cw modern bungalow.'
every convenience, corner Cala-j
pooia and 10th St Xo. 540. Call'
V21 W. 10th St. Bell phone 467-Y.I
WHEN answering classified ads,
please mention the Democrat. I
Thursday, Oct. 14th
Willamette Valley
Oct. 14-15-16
Big Bargains Big Show
The advance agents of the iron-1
wrll K-hool of Memory Training are
'i the r'y arranKing pit.!'; lftii"u-1
tral.1 Hi lil'c the varioui LuvrK
ciga iisti'.ic. a The achool '.ill r- !
j-.-.n'v in memory ir.i r.fg
among the leading busint aid pro
feional men of Albany, Juru ihc
next week. ,
Demonstrations have been trrancd
'cfore the Round TaMe cluh for l?n
j noon at th Hotel AIi.:i and
for the members of the KcUi! Mer
chants Credit Association at ihcir re- j
ular monthly meeting next Tuesd.iy
evening. Similar demonstrations wit
also b- held before the members of,
the .'on'r"cr;-Ni, club and the c aity ,
court houe employers, (ici C'
Blower will arrive on Monday from'
Kugcne where the school u jtM rom-j
pitting classes among the -business
and professional men. ami wiU ion
duct the demonstration;.
Palmer's "Golden Rule Dairy' j&
ttepared to furnish a few more custo
mers with pu.-e. rich milk and cream
Leave orders now for your Fall and
Winter, jO-n
I'fll '.Mi II
: .idiL lib-:
6-Deck, triple-crew, 24-Knot Steamships.
dlQA ROUND Meals and Berths and
DOv TRIP Extras Included
Sail irom San Francisco and Portland. via Astoria
Only 26 hours at Sea
Best of the trip in daylight. Orchestra. Dancing and
Deck Games. Unexcelled service and cuisine
Exposition Now at Its liest.
I fA
H. S. Logan. Agent Oregon ElectHc Rv- Albany.
On Oct. 14th the merchants of Albany will give the
biggest bargains ever known in Linn County
Plan to attend the fair and take advantage of this
big sales event
Rally Week
Ilvginning Sunday, IKt. 3
(Christian Church)
Special program Sunday
morning. Our aim 4U) in Hj
ble school. Sermon by pastor:
"Hehold the Man.''rlitic service at 7:M) p.
m. Special music. Sermon; "So
Room f(ir Jesus." Services each
evening next week, with ser
mons by visiting pastors.
Good Sunday
Chicken Dinner
at the
Nev Way I
r- i 1