ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 191. PAGE Till' EE 6000 ROADS DAY AT LINN HAS BEST EXHIBIT 1 VILLA PROTRAYED IN FOR SALE Two Jersey : heifer calves, one 3 months obi, one i months old. Will Spratt. 9ih and Geary streets. s H .'I THE FAIR SEPT. 28. AT OREGON BUILDING PLAY AT ROLFE THEATRE READ OUR WANT ADS AvII II .nil - ir 1 OK TK AUK M acres 10 milra from Kotrhura;- Good gravel road run nearly to place; all stork and feed included.. Will trade for Alluuy property tip to $3xn). Balance, tome cash and tome time. If intrrefttcd address Jack Uaviim, Mclrosc.O rc a-M-22 FDR SALK Cheap, or will trale fur wood or produce. I liitht de livery watfun and I heavy single harness, 'ijiiipiire at h'ortmillrr Pur. Co. s!7J Small, Close-fitting Toques, big flop-brim picture huts, small, medium, and large sailors. All trimmed in the approved styles of the sea son, with fancy ostrich head ornaments, clever yam trimmings, and smart rib bon and velvet bows. Our models are sure to sat isfy any woman who wants style, comfort, and rare values . t i f. Fashion M fm Shop mi Fountain , Pen Special This Week $2.50 guaranteed Fountain Pent, special ... $1.69 1.50 guaranteed Fountain Pens special . . 98c Fountain pen pencils . . . . . $1 10 days' FREE trial on fountain pent, if bought from ut Woodworth Drug Co. Albany, Ore. iira Exclesnv Models The showing ol clever new hata is particularly good now. The iiimo'i bt styles are her In good assortments. Small hat art very popular, and large shapes are fast com ing In rt thia lima. Many of our hata ara created In our own workrooms, and ara axclueive, one-of-a-kind designs. We ara conauntly receiving, direct Iron) New York, poal tively the naweat vogue eaciuaive hata. and fr..m Chicago the popular Kick hata. These hata ara too well known to need descriptions. Viait tl'e millinery department, on aacond floor, at once. You will enjoy the exhibit ol new hata. HAMILTON. VALUES FOR CASH WORTH ! 3 3 9i8 s t PERSONAL MENTION J FROM FAYETTE VILLE W 9 Thuac alien. ling W. C. T. U. from I'aycticville at Shedd on Friday were .Mcsdamcs I. XI. Saxton. S. E. Mc Mriile, F.. F..' Gordon. C. J. Lawaon. K. M. Miller, VI. I.. ('rove. I.ouia Scliulli had business calling liim to Portland Wednesday after noon returning Friday morning. J. M. Dirk son of Shedd. hoarded the Friday morning train for Albany on lilt way to attend the county fair at Scio. Mm. I. M. Saxton was an Albany tisitor on Tueiday. , I.ouia Scliulu had business callhiK liim to Albany on Tueaday. O. M. Th-mpon and D;ve Hayes of the Motion Holler M ill near Shcd'l were Fayctteville visitors early Tues t'ay ntorninir. Mr. Ilnyca boarded the train for Corvallit on imporlant busi nc. A. I). Abler of Shedd, came over and took the early Wctlueiday n:orninK train for Monmouth to look :.ftcr busi ness matters. John Barrett of Albany had biixi i nets calling htm to the local ware house Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F.. E. Gordon departed Wednesday afternoon for Albany on their way lo San Francisco to visit the fair. Al G. Senders of Alb.-.ny, was a business visitor in Fayctteville Thurs day morning. I. M. Saxton just completed the basement for his new house Thurs day. N 750.000 Brick Thia Season C. G. Rawliniis reports the last kiin of brick for the season now in the kiln being burned. The rest is already for business. This will make 750.000 i liric!; for the season. There will be plenty for the trade during the winter I whether in small or big quantities. .1 .'r'i.Vlv i WHILE Tnini numnpoiDUV m "I iniun Niuiuannnii in n LITTLE BROTHER OF THE RICH" Roarimr along at sixty miles an hour, a powerful engine of the mogul type strikes an automobile containing Muriel Evers (Maude George), the faithless wife who hat ruined a score of lives in her basely selfish career. and instantly "kills" her. "A Little Brother of the Rich the Universale five-act film version of Joseph Medill Patterson's celebrated novel and play, contains many thrill ing scenes, but none which equal the one in which an engine runt down an automobile and smashes it into junk. With the car going at terrific speed, Griffith drove close to the rail road train and then swerved the ma chine to one tide to it would receive the full force of the enirine't impact." There was no need for Miss George s anxiety, but she had not been initiated into a hit of trick photography which was to follow, and her fear was only natural. Just as the engine bore down on the auto. Griffith but why reveal to rival directors a secret which the Universal values so highly? Suffice it to say that Griffith executed just at neat a trick in photography as la ever been "pulled" by any direc tor. Thra thrilling scene will be shown at the .Hub theatre tomorrow. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED. FOR RENT Two suites of house keeping rooms. Inquire at Burk- hart & Lees, s20-27 WANTF.D Second hand saddle; also horse to keep for board and ride to school. Jessie Todd. Shedds. Kelt phone 21 F2. 33-22 WANTED Woman for general housework in the country. Phone Home W35 or write box 129 R. IX .1 s20-22 WANTED Position to work for board and attend school. Phone 825.1 Home. . s20-22 LOST Small roll of money, in city, probably on Sunday. Liberal re ward. Return to Democrat office. FOR RF.NT Modern house with all conveniences, slccpinff porch. Call T. P. Hackleman, Hell phone 504-Y. Home 1107 tlS-21 FOR RF.NT IS acres garden and fruit land. Good residence and buildings. $2tXI per year if taken at once. A. It. Simpson, X. Albany. Phone Home 7J52. al7-20 WOOD FOR SALE Big fir, $4.00 per cord, delivered. Also ash and some vine maple. IT. Struckmcicr, 213 Baker St. Home phone 3205. alSoln Two Thousand Autos Expected on the Grounds TUt Day With Roads Boosters. Julius I.. Meier, of Cortland, will be h.iirinan of the day at the Oregon State Fair Tuesday, Sri.t 2X, on the occasion of Good Roads ly. He has made out a program that will assemblr expert roadmakcrv paving rontsactorv dralert ill automobiles, county com iiiii'ioucrs, county judges, agents for road building , in;. chines and c.'irnt'.i workers for the hi-ttt-riiirnt of I'll pub lic highways. Too thousand automo biles are expected on the fair grounds that day and the occupant of every car will be a talking advertisement in behalf of bctcring the condition of all toads. Mr. Meier is sending personal letters lo personal friends to attend on that day and aid in making the day a memorable one in Marion county history. The Southern Pacific wiil run a good road, special from all points in Oregon. Jihn M. Scott, gen eral passenger agent of the lines in Oregon, has given the day special rec ognition and will call attention lo Good Koails Day in literature to he sent out later as well as in advertising I'laccd in the newspapers of the Wil lamette valley section. FOR SAI-K Limited number of choice White J.enlmrn cockerels raised from baby chicks direct from Walter lioirrn vards. I'etaliima. Cat., same at he sells at $50 to $llou each. Order early. Address Mrs I- B. l.uper. Tangent. Ore. slS-23 dly wk' Tomorrow at the Hub Theatre HOBART BOSWORTH the emminent star in Jas. Medill Patterson's celebrated play of society and the tage A Little Brother of the Rich supported by JANE NOVAK and a brilliant cast One of the season's greatest 10c The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 K. 3rd Street Bell SCO Party R Home 419 H. J. FIRCHAU CO. RAILWAYS and steamship lines, hotels and the best stores all over the country, know "A.B.A." Cheque and are glad to accept them. We Issue them In S10, $20, $50 and $100, and bind them in a book In any amour, t cuited to your needs. Self-Identifying. ISSUED sr Albany State Bank "Safety Plus Service" F. M. Sherman's Ideal Garden Ranch Attracts Most Atten tion of Anything There. I San Francisco, Sept. 19. One of the j rr'illy interesting an'l effective exhib its offered by the state of Oregon is that ten-acre showing of F. M. Sher man, of Lebanon, just now rebuilt with fresh products. This is located in the Palace of Agriculture, occupy ing 25x50 feet, and ft inspected by hundreds of visitors each week. This exhibit shows 80 varieties oi potatoes, .18 of wheal, 23 of barley, 36 of oatt. 5 kinds of clover, and all kinds of grasses, plus the bamboo. There are dried and. canned fruits, fresh and canned vegetables, several varieties of corn, as well as innumerable varieties: of seeds, also XThina pheasants. There are many pictures showing the pro-' ducts growing on this Lebanon farm. ' and topping the exhibit it a fine spec!-1 men of the Barred Rock hen, by which : Mr. Sherman swears. New products! just placed show oatt almost eight j feet tall, and vetch with a 25 foot ' spread, common vetch eight feet in length. Soudan grass. 72 days from! seed, measures 6'A feet, and the ex hibitor says that neighboring farm ers. Clem Rrnthrr. are showing Sou dan grass measuring nine feet in height. He believes this grass, in troduced into the United States from F.gypt about four years ago, it going to prove a very superior hay grass for the- Willamette Valley. Besides all ! of this, the exhibit shows many varie- I ties of more or less important pro ducts and the statement is that "Ideal Gardens Ranch. the somewhat ambi-! tious name Mr. Sherman's Willam-; ette valley farm, w ill grow this year more than 500 varieties of all kinds ; of produce. It it not intended to con vey the idea that thete 500 varieties ; are grown by him for commercial pur-' pose or that Mr. Sherman specializes ' in any considerable number of them Neither is it the purpose of the exhib its to induce anyone to take up farm ing on a ten-acre tract in Will.-.mette valley or anywhere else. Mr. Sher man specializes in ttrawberrict, can- teloupes and year-round-garden pro ducts, with a few chicken and minor side lines thrown in for good mea sure, and while the Lebanon man has done almost phenomenally well on ten acres (or 8 acres nntil a year ago laM February, when he added two more at $325 an acre), he happens to he a happy eomhinatiotn of butinest man and farmer. He is a man of meth od, of abounding energy, faith in him self, and a determination that is ap parent in every move. And he has a wife who has always had flowers on the table perhaps his greatest asset Others who lack any part of the com bination that has entered into the suc cess of Mr. Sherman might well hesi tate about confining themselves to ten acres, evenin the Willamette valley The exhibit, however, together with Mr. Sherman's story, tells what one man has done for himself, shows the rrolific production of countless varie ties of products that will grow on Wil lamette Valley soil (of which that at Lebanon is typical, and offers to oth ers the encouragement there thould be in the splendid performance of a man of ordinary intelligence, dead broke ten years ago. a stranger in a strange land and in ill health a man now ris j en to comparatiee affluence, restored, to health and to social position hap-, py in the possession of independence and a hriuht outlook for the future. Pheasant Season Opens October 1st Be prepared. Winchester Lefever Iver-Johnson BLACK SHELLS ALWAYS FRESH "W ALBANY GUN STORE In that startling and thrilling four- reel Mutual Masterpk ture, "The Out law's Revenge in the Dawn of a New ! kepubli,-," R. A. Walsh in his inter- pretation of the part of the outlaw, General Francis.o Villa, l as m:'de n bid for a hig'.cf po.ition in ! e wo'M of film portrayal than he has aip:red 'o This forir:-)! is a mas terpiece deserving of its permanent place in a M;.sterpicture. It i. as if Mr. Walsh carefully ttindied all the original's surface characteristics, m.ulc up to represent them and then sin!- denly informed his whole creation j with the vivid action for which l.e is . justly celebrated as an actor. "The ! Outlaw'a Revenge" will be shown at he Rolfe tomorrow. Pendleton (Sept. 23 Features of Early Western Days Reproduced Low Round-trip Fares from all stations on SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Age-t, Tortl. ..d. Oregon TONIGHT COTTON TABERNACLE Corner 7th and Ferry Su. SUBJECT TONIGHT: CHURCH FAIRS AND BAZAARS Special Music by Gospel Soloists Lecture Every Evening 7:45 Seats Free GLOBE THEATRE MONDAY and TUESDAY, October 4-5 Auspice of Albany Exposition Board N THE WORLD FAMOUS Madame Jeanne Jomelli la Concert Program announced Later Prices Boxes $1.00, center seats on main floor 75c, - side seats on main floor 50c, Balcony 35c SEAT SALE OPENS September 27 SPECIAL RATES O.N ALL RAILROADS Look over your old gun. We'll make Remington Stevens Hunler MrTrapshocter , come In and see Dafnlndtnn SHOTGUNS Clothing for Hunting, Ammunition, Supplies, Accessories. OUTFITTERS FOR SPORTSMEN Round-Up - 24 - 25) you a trade on a L. C. Smith Martin Ithica BLACK SHELLS AMY AYS FRESH idea Hauser Bros. Props, i 81