0. ol O l""' THE WEATHER Toniglil partly cloudy and occasional . . ly threatening. Wcdiictday fair ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT EgUblished in 1865 Baal Advertising MacHuni la Linn Count VOL. XXVllI ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREO ON. TUESDAY, 8EPTEMBER 21. 1 915. No. 117. FAIR WILL BE A BIG SUCCESS Subscription Committee Out Thli Morning Finds Ready Responso From Merchants. NO ADMISSION WILL BE CHARGED BY FAIR OFFICIALS Big List of Exhibits Promised and Showing Will Be Muoh Larger Than Expected. The executive lioard ol lh eom nirrvial club mcl latt night and after id ing through a short amuuiil ol foil line work look up III mailer of boosting the Willamette Valley expo sition lo It beld Oct. 141-6 The mai ler ol financing the enterprise came hi jr the greater p-rl of the d .'. I M- u. and etd,,i! It' 'he'appoin men li rirg ii.niiMeea to ca the buwnesi houses (or the necessary funds. The county court has act aside about e-IKl for Ihe assistance of the board, and it was decided thai litre; o' four hundred dollars additional oil' le needed. The larger amount tub acrilxd, however, the belter ihowin can ae'n de It was also d." I:d lo hold the expenses down f the amount subscribed and the beat entertainment will bt given that the turn will al low. The committee got busy this morning and encountered encourag ' ing success on the firat day. The ,ior.oailim of housing the t k ralilbila is perplexing th.' e m mil lee. The Portland (inn which fur nished Ihe canvaaa foe Ihe Corvallis . fair o((era the' same canvas to the lo cal fair for $91' for 'the three days'. The stock exhibili will be placed in the aircet and a covering will be quite necessary. The agricultural and hor ticultural , exhbita will be displayed in the old Central school building. The art and textile . exhibita will be shown in the Rhode-, building next lo the St. Francis hotel. The school fair will take place in the armory as usual and the Y. M. C. A. will be used for the museum. Dr. Hill and J. G. Crawford have con sented to allow their collections to be used, and an effort is being made to secure lite excellent exhibit of stuffed animala of Mr. Coon, of Shedd. There will also be exhibits of products man ufactured in l.lnn county, and a cred itable display in this line and displays by local merchants ia expected. The amusement feature of the fair will be well cared for and aome fine attrac tions are assured. Some amusement company will be on hand with merry go rounds. "(erris wheel, aide Show, etc., but these will be Ihe only things charged for. The fair will be aa free lo the public as Ihe directors can make il. The purpose ia to boo.il Linn county, get her incomparable re sources before the world and attract aa many eyes this way aa possible. i o Philomath College Fifty Yean Old. Philomath College ia celebrating its golden jubilee, it now being fifty years of age. Only one Oregon college is older, Willamette. It was atarted by a United llrethrcn missionary, T. J. O'Connor, from the east. At one time it could have been made the site of the Oregon Agricultural College, hut the trustees refused lo give up their principles FOOTBALL RALLY HELD AT ALBANY C0LLE6E TODAY A football rally was held at Albany College this morning, in an effort to stir up Interest and enthusiasm in football for Ihe season. Speeches were made hy Coach Edward Bailey, Captain Virgil I'arker and President II. M. Crooks. Considerable interest was nroiiscd nud will result in sever rl new men coining out for practice. One of Coach Bailey'a chief draw backa at the present time ia the lack of material for two teams to use in scrimmage work. Arrangements have been made for games here with the University of Oregon freshmen and the O. A. C. underclassmen in the near future. The game with Willamette University will be- played October 9, or 16. PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE : ATTENDANCE OF 1050 Steadily Gaining; Just Getting Down to Work; Books Secured. The work of the public schools ol the city is Blurting in a very satisfac tory manner. Veslerday was spent mostly in adjustment of nutlets, gel ling new books, located, select stud ies, etc. While no lessons were taught, it waa buay day. This morn ing Ihe real work began. There were more students, though, and plenty of things lo attend lo preliminary lo Ihe big work of the year. The new teach er, are filling in to the work here like tquare blocks in square holes, and the hoard seems to have done good woik in their selection; bill il tiikes lime for a belter judgment in such things. The enrollment increas ed ii this morning over yesterday morning, and for some time there will be a daily increase nhoiil that way. Following is today's enrollment: Maple. loX: Central, Junior high H7. grades 172: standard high. IM; Madison. 2X4; Fast. 4.1. Total loSt). The total for ihe aenior and junior highs ia J7J. The total attendance ia aome larger than last year at the same lime. ALBANY PEOPLE RETURN -FROM TRIP TO THE FAIR Many Things of Interest Find Praise From Travellers From Valley. F, M. Krepch, and wife, and F, M Redficld returned last night at 7 o'clock from San Francisco, where they attended the fair for a week or two, and declared thai it is immense. Mr. French particularly was proud oi the Oregon building, one that ia at tracting wide atention. The J build ings drawing ihe most are those of Oregon, California, and Canada. The latter on account of their big dis plays. The bcsl. individual display of the whole exposition it that of F. M Sherman, of Lebanon, which hat giv en Mr. Sherman uiie a reputation. Mr. French took occasion to make aa many trips to the . country aboul San Francisco at possible and cover ed nearly 700 miles in that way. il ia greatly impressed with the Califor nia roada and says thai they are far ahead of Oregon in that respect. Pave ment runs into Ihe country in every direction. . , Mr. French is strong in his criticism of the various county courtt in th valley of the eight counties that are making the display in the horticul tural palace. The exhibit ia good a far at it goes, but. California it far ahead in furnishing growing products, fresh fruilt. vegetables, etc. And a man should be kept there all the time from each county. "There are not nearly enough men in the exhibit to answer questions and attend to th inquiries about Oregon. - All the val ley countiet are at fault at well at I. inn. This it an opportunity that will not come again in our lifetime when to many people will he gathered together on this coast, and we should lake advantage of every minute o fit. If the members of the court could at tend the fair they ro doubt would recognize the possibilities and furnish money to' carry on this moat essen tial work. There are two and a hali months left, and during that time tome of the most desirable people will vitit the fair the farmert who have waited until after the cropa are harvested. Thit should be taken id vantage of." It ia understood that the govern ment has taken over the Oregon building, which is located on govern ment land, and after the fair it will be converted into a club hottte for Ihe officers stationed at the Presidio. The massive big flag alaff will also remain Villa Defeated (By Untied Press) Wishingtor, cpt 21 iiencr.-i' Pershing wired 'he war department today il.ut Viola armies a'; ,e i?,t ing on th. bc't'ir ofler n t it- feat by I :ii r: inn. Followi.ii' lie re ceipt. the i',i:,iliient orde.-jJ nil'. Ii r-- nents : t to General Pitiu'n It, Ft tno Had Auto Accident. Amsterdam. Sept. 21. Kaiser Wil helm and Prince Joachim were slight ly injured in an automobile accident today, according to Berlin dispatch ca. The imperial automobile wat wrecked. There are no other detaila NO SUCCESSOR TO PRES. CROOKS CHOSEN LAST NIGHT All Efforts Being Bent to Col lect Notes on Endowment Before Oct. 15th, At a meeting of Ihe executive board of Albany College latt night the ret ignation of President Crobkt wat and accepted, but no action wat taken towards appointing his successor. Thai mailer will be left for Ihe con sideration ' of the full board which meets in about two weeks. Inasmuch aa Dr. Crooks will be here until No vember, I, there wat thought to be no hurry about appointing a temporary head, and the regular aession of Ihe board waa given thai duty. The date for paying noiet given on the $-'5l.) endowment fund will end October IS, and all efforla will be de fied to collecting these papers be fore that dale in order to teceive the $5(1.11110 offered by J. J. Hill if $200,- t'sl it pledged in collectable' sccuri- lies before November first. There will be no trouble in this, tayt Wil liam Forimiller. tecrelary of the board, and nearly all will be paid on time. There wat little done at latt night't meeting atide from accepting the president! resignation and consider ing ihe collection of he note on the endowment. Friends of the college are looking forward to the meeting of the full hoard of director! after October firtl. . . Mobilizing for Neutrality. (By United Press) Washington, Sept. 21 Bulgaria has ordered mibilizalion, "in the interet of armed neutrality It it believed the act:ou will ne followed oy mobi luatioin throughout the B4ikan o Conscription Dropped. (By United Press) London. Sept. 2. A caucut of con scription advocates today agreed not lo prett the issue in the present par liament unlets the Jaboriles force the minittry to declare itself againat com pulsory service. CHICA6Q PACKERS COMPLAIN OF ENGLAND'S POLICY Declared That It Is Crippling .American Commerce . Seriously. N (By United Press) Washington. Sept. 21. Representa tives of the Chicago packer! today orally complained to Ihe slate depart ment againtt England's crippling of American commerce. A written com plaint will be submitted later. The le gal aspects of the prize court decision confiscating millions of dollars worth of American meats wat discussed, at well at general remediet. , Billion Dollar Loan Arranged. New York, Sept. 21. Arrangement! for the allies' half billion dollar loan from American bankera ia Hearing consummation today. The final de taila are expected to he cleared up thit afternoon. Foreignert will not insist on using the loan for the purchase of munitions. v FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED ON TO FIGHT NEST OF HORNETS When one of the members of a col ony of home's which had made their, nett under a tidewalk at Ninth and Oak ttreeta flew through a crack in the walk and Hung a lady who reside! in that vicinity, the patience of the neighborhood would endure no more The beet have been pestering the wo men, children, horses and dogt of the neighborhood and it wat decided to put a atop to it. So Street Superin tendent Frank Woods waa called. An effort wat made to tmoke the trouble tome intruders out, but without sue cess. So a call wat tent to the fire department and Assistant Chief Bill Woodt went to the tcene with the fire truck, laid two blocks of hose and washed the pesta out. It it now laid to be perfectly aa'fe to travel over the aformentioned tidewalk. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cyrut left yester day for Opal City in Central Oregon AT WEILERKOPF Progress Being Made By the French, With Grenades and Bombs. THREE WEEKS CAMPAIGN DECLARED EFFECTIVE In West Theatre Claimed That the German Positions Are Badly Damaged. (By United Prett) Parit, Sept. 21. The official Com munique today, j explaining three wcekt of unturpattcd cannonading in Ihe wett lhreatre,.ileclared it had re sulted in the destruction of "divers enemy works." The bombardmert waa intended to destroy the German mitrailleuses and shelters and impede concentration. The efficiency of the hail of shells it proven by reports of aviators. Pris oners alto admit that the German position! are badly damaged. Noteworthy progress was made last night at llartmannsweilerkops by the utc of grenade! and bombs, the state men! laid. rf PREACHER HILLIS HAS SOME REAL FRIENDS They Propose to See Him Through His Present Finan cial Difficulties. (By United Prett) New York, Sept. 21 Offert of aid came today from many tourcet to Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, who dra matically announced from hit pulpit Sunday that worldly ambition had led him from ideals and invoked him financially. Memberi of Plymouth church congregation said today that everything will be cleared up and Hillis continue aa head of the church. LUCIUS PLUNKETTASKS FOR E FROM WIFE Alleging that his wife, during- the last cixht years, has been guilv of associating wiih other men at un seemly hours and placet, lliat she has often gone into a rage and called him vile names and otherwise made life with her unbearable. Luciut Plunkett today commenced suit for divorce Iroin Adeline Plunkett. Thev were married December 4. 1X90. and 5 min or children remain at home from the marriage, whose custodv the father asks. k MAE MARSH m' THEODIUVVSREVtrXf ix THE DAWN OKA NEW REPUBUC 1 01 It- T MUTUAL M,TEflPTVtt PRUVUUB Ml MilAMCS At the Rolft Theatre Wednesday and Thunday. in I s i-jriJ OSCAR LEEPER HAS BAD . WOOD SAW ACCIDENT Loses Two Fingers and May Lose the Whole of His Right Hand. Oscar Lceper, a resident of Albany and of near thit city for many yeart, wat brought to Albany last night from Blodgett, where he met with a serious ccid-ut while Quisling in sawing wood. The engine had been stopped and the taw wat revolving with decreating tpeed, Mr. Leeper not realizing itt force. He took a monkey rench to fix sojnething about the machine when hit right hand struck the taw. Though not going very fast there wat sufficient force lo cut through the two front fingers of the right hand and into Ihe bonei beyond, shattering them tome. He wat hurried to the hotpiial at thit city at rapidly at possible, and Al bany turgeont were called in to look after the badly cut-up hand. It it not certain yet how serious the accident is; but an effort is being made to save the rett of the hand. It it pos sible, though, that it may he neces sary to amputate the whole hand at the wrist. Thit will be known with in a few daya. Bryan to Confer with President. (By United Prett) Washington. Sept. 21. Former Secretary of Slate Bryan will meet Ihe president at noon tomorrow, it was announced today at the White House. It il regarded significant in view of Bryan's plant to go to Europe on hit peace mission toon. . Tax Ridden England. (By United Prett) London. Sept. 21. An increase of 41) per cent in the income tax and oth er drastic levies to meet the greatest deficit England ever faced, il propos ed in a budget introduced in Parlia ment today by Chancellor of the Ex chequer McKenna. It it estimate! the annual revenue at $1.360j000 at againtt expenditure of $7,950,000,000. QUEEN OF HOLLAND HAD A NARROW ESCAPE Her Automobile Collided With Another One Causing a - Serious Wreck. (By United Press) The Hague. Sept. 21. Queen Wil helmina, of Holland, and tix year old Princets Juliana Louise, narrowly es caped death today when their automo bile collided with another car, wreck ing both. The queen and princest were slightly bruised. The occupants of the other car were seriously in jured. Wilhelmina wai returning from opening the parliament, where she made an address Woman Spy Sentenced. (By United Press) ' London. Sept. 21. The British gov eminent hat tenlenced a German wo- man spy to ten yean imprisonment and shot her male companion, it il of' ficially announced today. The names and circumstance!, however, are withheld. SHAKESPEARE CLUB READY , : FOR THE BUSY SEASON The Shakespeare club hat gotten out iti complete program for the coming year, a very neat little book let, with William S. himself on the rover, and numerous ornamentations through Ihe booklet The first meet ing of the club will be on October 7, with the president, Mn. J. K. Wea- therford as hostess. The plays to be reviewed during the year will be Mid Summer Nights Dream. Juliui Caesar and Much Ado About Nothing. There will be three tpecial programs, Hal lowe'en, Mrs. Schmitt. chairman Twelfth Ni'ht, Mrs. Bodine, chair man, and Music, Mra. Logan, chair- man. The annual fete, which the husbands always anticipate, will be in charge of a committee with Mrs. Hoi- man at chairman. The ctub has a membership of 21, with Mrt. Weath crford president: Mrt. Bodine, vice president; Mrt, J. A. McKillop, tec retary and -Mrs. Schmitt, treasurer. Y. M. C. A. H0LDIN6 A COMMITTEE INSTITUTE Will Last Three Days in Inter est of Efficiency In Work to Be Done. In preparation for the leason'i work the Young Men'i Christian Associa tion it holding a teriet of committee intlituiei in which the plant and poli cies for the various department! arc being outlined. The following com mittee! will meet: Educational, mem berihip, finance, social, religiout. boys, and phytical. A final rally of all vol anteer worker! will be held Thunday evening at 6:15. Active memberi of attociationi in other cities will be present to confer with the various committees. Mr. Paul Wallace, vice president of the Salem Water Co.. will meet with the finance committee thit evening. Mr. I. B. Rhodet. the ttate tecretary, ia here and will be present for the three dayt covered by the institute. 6REAT NORTHERN SUBJECT TO $5000 WIRELESS FINE Said to Have Sailed With Only One Operator Where the Law Requires Two. (By United Prett) San Francisco, Sept. 21. Official wireless operators of the union oo a urike againtt the Marconi company atserted today that the iteamer Great Northern had violated the federal statute in putting to sea with only one telegrapher. The union will atk the cuitomi official! to enforce the fine of five thousand dollars. Left for Round-Up A crowd of Albany people in sev eral autoi left thit afternoon for Phil omath to attend the big rouud-up that it in progrett there, with a lis: of livt field attractions. Among tnosc going were Mr. and Mrt. H. B. Cusick. M l E. D Cuik-k, Mist Flora Mason. Mr. P. A. Younar. Mrs. R. E: Ma,cn. Mrs J. H. Ralston and Ed. Shumermar.n. Will Go to Pendleton Mra. Peter Paului and daughter wil leave in the morning for Pendleton. to loin Mr. Paulus. and lee the round up, and also remain two or three weeki longer. I hey expect to oe home about the firtt of November. Mr. Gmlbraith Here Ex-County Clerk J. P. GalVa.th. : R1ain Wn-r, in th fifv He w-l' return to Blaine tomorrow, and Oici go east to the grand encampment o" the G. A. K. at Washington. - Harried Saturday Walter G. Smith and blizaocth Bro die. both of Albany, were united 1i marriage Saturday by Counlv Judj D. B. Mc Knight, GET A TICKET THE Y. M. C. A. COURSE Albany is being canvassed for the sale of ticketi for the lyceum course of the Y. M. C. A., with a good re sponse; but there needt to be more. It it a big thing for the city, not a money maker, and should meet with a hearty lupport by the people of Al bany generally. The following ad dress is issued to our people by the Y .il. C. A.: To Friends and Patrons: A Luceum Courte can appropriate ly be compared to any other public inttitution whole purpose il not to make money, but lo provide that which stimulate! better educational and moral standards. For teveral yean the Young Men'i Christian As tociation has been responsible for the conduct of luch a course. Under its auspices there have been brought to the city many of the very best at traction! in music, entertainment and lecturei that the country affords. Thit has not been done with a view to fi nancial profit, nor with that result We feel that the course hat estab lished a place, for itself in our com munity life, and thank all of its pat ront for the lupport they have given it. We would ask now for the con tinuation of that lupporf, not "hel th Y. M. C. A." for virtually every cent of the money received for ticketi I: pair out for the expense of the course itself, without lurplui; but in order that you yourself may have an op portunity to enjay what the course present!. GOMMITTEE VOTES FOS MILL PROJECT Subscriptions For Timber Stock I. ill Be Taken Over and 0r ganization Effected. THOMAS SAYS IT IS AN ASSURED FACT Upon Organization Bonds Will Be Secured For Pushing Work on Plant. That Albany will have the big paper mill, it an attured fact," laid R. Thomaa, who hat been promoting it for sometime. "Put it in a way at to leave no doubt of the fact that it ia going to go," auggested Mr Thomas thit morning in the Demo crat office He declared that there are no ifi about the matter. Mr. Thorns: hat been buty for sometime securing stock subscriptions by timber holders. meeting with marked success, ai a foundation for the big project, which will demand an enormous emount of timber for paper if made the ircest contemplated. Thit morning the committee ap pointed by the commmercial club. consisting of Senator E. D. Cusick, Hon. J. K. Weatherford. A. C. Schmitt, and P. A. Young, met at the office, of W.-atlurfo.d Weather- ford and vote! la ,ake over the tim ber Itsbtcriptiom and organize the company at once, and thit wilt now. be done. The name of the company will be the Thomas Paper & Pulp Co. Mr. Thomas is the pantentee of the pro- ceta by which paper 4iiay be made at an immense laving i" -ost, which promises to, be a big factor in the success of the enterpriie. Already the lite hat been selected, and from thit time forward Mr. Thomas declares there will be tomethin doing. He -says he has received a large amount of mail matter in connection with the project. If carried out as planned ' it will mean a plant the starting cost of which will be $600,000 or $700,000, and eventually $2,500,000. ' The plan il to sell bonds, with the limber holding! as a basis of security, upon the completion of the organiza tion. . '. . HINDERBERG HAS -CUT RAILROAD COMMUNICATION Has the Russians in a Serious Hole Difficult to Get Out of. Berlin, Sept 21. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg has cut the Vilna Daranovitshi railroad over which the Russians hoped to retreat from Vilna. it is officially announced today. This move leaves the fleeing Slavs in a critical position. Marriage Licenses Issued Licenses to ' wed were issued this afternoon to Robert Schook, of Hal- sey and Agnes Taucher. of this city. rrank bmrdl, 4J, a recent arrival from Austria, and Josie Holub, .16. also a native of Austria. o- FIRE NEAR COPELAND WAS BURNING TODAY The fire on the Santiam in the logged off section near the Copcland saw mill, which started a couple of days -ago, this afternoon was burn ing yet, though pretty well under control. Last night the wind changed and drove the fire back, to that build ing that had been in danger are now safe. At one time the saw mill was threatened and it was necessary lo back-fire. In all about fifty acres have been burned over. The moit damage was to some piles of wood belonging to P. B. Marshall, nearly twenty cordi in all. Fifty to one hundred men hays been working lo keep the fire from spreading into building! adjoining the logged off section.