ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1913 PACE TKPEE Tha optnlng of Khool maan not only school auppliaa, but warm clothing (or tha boy and girls. It it aiao good reminder thai tha ladiea naad Comfortable, Durable Clothes Our fall alocka now offar aacapllonally good aclactlona of avtrythlng narded for ladiei and girls, piaca goods aa wall. Kxperitnced salespeople will be glad lo help you 1 1 making your selections Not only in ready to wear garmenta, but School Dresses and Coats for Girls CIKLS SCHOOL DRESSES made of all wool, in plaida and aolid colore. Clever deaigns that are neat and will wear well. You can aiford to buy ready to wear garments at these price. $1.65 to $5 CHILDREN'S WARM COATS, plain and novelty materials in allwool fabrics that are good. The models are fine and the tailoring first class. They are garments tint will be warm and will give iflcndid utilisation. $2.48 to $12 Suits, Coats, Waists for Ladies New Model Ladles' Suits, are being received by express direct from NewYork almost daily. . We endeavor to give our customers the new styles assoon as they are created. The express service makea this possible. 1 here aia a number of good designs amongst the new styles. Fur trimming is very popular. You will be pleased with the many suits thst are now on display. $16.50 to $37.50 NEWEST PALL COAT8, made of mixtures, tweeda and plain fabrics, also plush, on soma of the new model coats. These garments will give the best of service. Pur trimming is also used $9.75 to $27.50 SILK WAISTS JUST RECEIVED. Crepe de Chine waists, in light snd dark colors including the pastel shades. Deaigns that are clever anl exclusive. $3 to $6.50 DELIVERIES LEAVE STORE: MORNNC. 1ST, 1:30; 2ND 10:30. AFTER NOON: 1ST 2:00; 2nd 4:30. VALUES f or CASHWORTH WHILE REMNANTS ARE HALF PRICE WEDNESDAY'S e WATCH FOR OUR WED NESDAY SPECIALS. I EVANGELIST DICKSON SPOKE ON THE SEAL OF 600 "God i doititf a great closing up work for Hit people in contrast to the opposing work of the power symbol ized by the beast of Kev. 13 snd 14. That work on the pare of God is go ir;g on today as well as the work of the beast, and the retribution which halt be meted out to those who find themselves lined up with the beast ! power at the end, when Christ conies, will receive the "wine of the wrath i of God which is poured out without ; mixture into the cup of His indtgna- tiou, and therefore will be lost for all : eternity. Hut those who are found upon the kide of the Lord at that day will be saved in the company known I as the 144JLKW who will be body guard j oi the Lamb upon Mt. Sion and through all eternity," said Evangelist Dickson in his opening remarks on the subject of "The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast," at the cotton tabernacle last night. The speaker took for his text. Kev. 14:9-11 and after reviewing the facts as brought out in previous studies regarding the beast of Kev. 13 he K';tve another fact which responds to the predictions of the prophecy which says, "Here is wisdom. Let him that haih understanding count the num ber of the beast; for it is the number of -a man; and his number is Six hun dred three score and six (666). "Kev. 13:18. The Uouay or Catholic version of tfii text rend "The numeral let ters of his name shall make up this number. " (Edition of April 17, 1778.) Facts were brought out showing that one of the titles of the pope is in Latin "Vicarius Filii Dei" which means "A substitute for the Son of God." and also that this title was once worn by the pope on the triple crown. Taking the numerals of Ro man notation from this name ( U standing for V in the old Roman way oi counting) it was shown to count up to a total of 666. And it is also a fact that in the Chaldaic and Syriae the words for this title count up the tame way as in other languages aUo, thus showing, said Dickson, that the beast of Kev. 13 ftyniholir I he pap acy and the warning in Kev. 14.9-11, has reference to the worship of this power. After declaring that the image of the beast will be fully formed in this rountry in the very near future and that this country will cause hy its laws all of its people to worship the image of the beast the Kvangelisf brought out from Rev. 7:1-4; Kev. 14-1; Jta. 8:16; Kze. 20.12, 3 and Rom. 4:11 that God will be doing a work for His true followers which will prepare them for heaven and also will prepare them to stand against the work of the enemies of God in the clo-tug days of the earth's history. The subject for tonight was an nounced as the "Unpardonable Sin." o Miss Myrtle Curry returned to Monmouth this week to attend the school. This is her senior year at school. Miss Ads Kacklry, of Lebanon, returned home bst evening after at fendiny teirhrrs institute here o m 4 KNOX BUTTE NEWS 3 AND PERSONALS 3 (a) $ 9 $ $ ft S $ S A Knox Hutte, Sept. 12. Jerome Wil liams returned Friday evening from Groshong's hop yard where he had charge ot the hop dryer. The Knox Butte, East Knox Hutte and Houston schools will each begi t their school work Monday, St,t 2. The tc. lechers- are Miss Mary Lines, Knox Butte; Mrs. Karl Miller. Hous ton; Prof. Arnold, Eat K. ox Hutte. (An important telephone meeting; was held at Knox Butte school house Friday evening. Members of farm ers 8 and line 2 being interested. Mrs. Carl Miller went to Albany Sunday noon to meet her father, F.. L. McKeever of Loma, Montana. Mr. McKeever was going to HaUey on business and it is probable that Mr. McKeever and family will return to igain reside in Linn county. Mr. A. W. Martin complimented her sister, Mrs. Hawthorne, of In diana .and Mr. Martin' niece. Mi er'Mary and Martha Oliver, of Ne braska, who have been visiting at the Martin home, by inviting a number of ladies to spend the afternoon with them on Thursday. Daily Democrat by Carrier, f4 Year. Fisher-Braden Co. We bought a Car Load When Cotton was at lowest notch, and will give - Customer benefit of low price REGULAR $8.50 MATTRESS ONE WEEK AT $5.95 WHILE THEY LAST sm LAST CALL! LAST GALL! OUR DOORS WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE FOREVER. EVERY ARTICLE WILL BE SACRIFICED. WE EXPECT TO CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE AND ARE GOING TO DO SO AT ONCE. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL OFFER BARGAINS THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN THIS SECTION. THIS SALE HAS BEEN VERY SATISFACTORY UP TO THIS TIME AND MANY HAVE AVAILED THEMSELVES OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY. OUR STOCK IS STILL QUITE COMPLETE AND WE INVITE YOU, MR. CONSUMER, TO CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELF. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Suit values to $20.00 $14.45 Suit values to $18.00 : $13.45 Suit values to $15.00 $11 45 Suit values to $13.50 .' . $9.25 Raincoat values to $25.00 . $13.50 Raincoat values to $20.00 .$11.50 Raincoat values to $16.50 $9.50 Raincoat values to $10.00 $7.85 $1.50 Olus Pajamas : $1.25 $2.00 Wool Shirts ...,.$1.39 Only a Few of Our Special Prices : $5.00 Knox hats : $1.95 All $2.00 hats ... . $1.15 One lot $3 hats ...95c Umbrellas 35c and up 35c and 50c ties 23c $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 white shirts' 49c $3.50 Sweater Coats . $2.65 $2.00 Sweater Coats $1.35 75c and $1.00 Caps 49c AH boys knee pants v. 65c $1.50 and $2.00 dress shirts $1.09 $1.00 Soft shirts, collar attached : 45c $1,50 Soft shirts collar attached .$1.09 $1.50 Woolen underwear, garment 95c 50c Cotton ribbed undearwear 38c $1.25 Union suits 85c $3.50 All Wool Union Suits $1.85 $155 and $1.50 Coopers underwear 85o All whipcord pants 95c $3.00 Corduroy pants $2.19 ALL THE ABOVE AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. DON'T TAKE WHAT OTHERS SAY. COME AND ?EE FOR YOURSELF. This Final Closing-Out Sale Will Begin Saturday, September 1 8th Albany, Ore. 330 West First St. STEIN & NEWMAN in " in II Albany, Ore. 330 West First St.