FA08 TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1911 JIIT.'I' Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the poitoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. I'ublithed every evening except Sun day, bemi-weekly publisned lut day and rridays. . BUSINESS MATTER Address all commuricaiioi. and make all remittances payable to the Dem ocrat Publishing lv iu ordering changes of address, sub- Kribcra snoutu always give oiq well a new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $400 per year in advance, otherwise Jc per month. Br Mil. at end of year , 3 X Hy mail in advance, per year 3.01 Semi-Wee kl At end of year , $1.5 When paid in advance, one yr.. 12.' CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; 'J4i per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established in 186S. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1915. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. This week has seen the blowing away of the clouds that showed up strongly on the horizon in the trou blc between the -United States and Germany over the sinking of the Arabic. Regardless of the jingo press and jingoists of the country the Unit ed States continues to sMl screncl) along in neutral waters, and if it ends the war this way it will be the great est victory for righteousness in the history of nations. The Corvallis Gazette-Times says there is nothing to show for the watchful waiting of the president and his cabinet That is as Use a state ment as was ever made, mere politics of the worst order. On the contrary there is much to show for it. The United States is at peace with the na tions of the world, her sons are not lying on battlefields full of bullets, and our country stands out as pre mier in the nations of the world. Not a single honor has been lost; but .greater is the honor. Our self re spect remains. The conduct of the ' Mexicans is not pleasing to us, nor is that of t!e countries of Europe. It b not our business to rush in like a mastiff and stop the growls of all the smaller dogs of creation. It is our business to watch and wait, using our ' best influence for peace and harmony among the nations of the world, and their inhabitants. That a man with a big reputation can make himself a mcn.ee to a country is becoming evident in the case of Mr. Roosevelt. With some sterling traits of character altogether he is of such a pugilistic nature tha; he keeps his wheels turning regard less of judgment or consequences, do ing the country harm where he should seek to do it good. Bryan offers a wonderful contrast. However much we may disagree with the course he took in resigning at a critical time, it is a fact that his in fluence all the time is for peace and civic righteousness, and, it is evi 'dent now, that the course he has pur sued has helped rather than retarded the cause of peace. The organized effort throughout tie country in reference to safety first matters is resulting in big things for people who travel and work. Per haps more than sny other great con cern the S. P. has accomplished most, the result being wonderful in its ex- RAILWAYS and steamship lines, hotels and the best tore all over 4he country, know "A.B.A." Cheques and are glad to accept them. We issue them In $11, $2t, $5 end $IH, and bind them In a book In any amount suited to your needs. Self-Identifying. Albany State Bank "Safety Plus Service" Another salesday here. Getting a little tired but still in the ring. These flo.ys have proven a good thing and should be kept going. Plenty of elec tricity left. Circus this week, with animr.l per formers, one worth seeing. Nothing has yet been discovered that can ef face the desire to attend a circus. whose great point is the circus spirit. the slap-bang way of doing things, with a blare and a rare, a snort and a jump. MISFITS Oregonians want good roads; but not bonds. The jeople will stick their stillet :oes into bonds as a rule. Give Mrs. Taft a good drink of lo ranberry and let her yell. Keep these new drinks going. About all this new industrial com nissioti amounts to is the personal opinions of members, and they ougiit o have been secured for nothing. By the way. Uncle Sam is as easy is Happy Hooligan; bites at every- :hing. The Petrograds had better tak to their cellars. Bill's nearly there. Napoleon is liable to have to take i back seat in history. Those Eugene movie (actors are not in the Albany class. Billy Woods ind Everett Cummings can give hem a block and beat them there. Just now Lillian. Walker is the novie girt that's gotten down into the bottom of Misfit's heart. Never gets too warm for a swim. What's become of the boy that used to sneak home with his shirt wrong side out Long time since we have beard of sleeves being tied into solid knots. And yet some people say we arc not jetting more civilized. ... - . . . v. Mr. Weather has certainly been ?ood to the crop raiser this year. Don't swelter in a hot kitchen this summer. Come in and see our full line of t FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lever1 The finest oil stoves nude. FuOy guaranteed. Whether you have decided to buy an oil stove or not, let us show you this line. Absolutely reliable simplest to operate. Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co. The Hardware Mas" Albany uccessfol in banking give assur ance of safety to depos itors of THE PIRST NATIONAL BANK Savings department maintained by THE FIRST 8AVING3 BANK Where savings are safe. III Iff "Til Qualities Which the Eye Cannot See Fine workmanship, fine adjustment of parts and fine balance reveal them selves in the way the car sticks to the road at high speed. The car wcitihs only -J pounds, but that wciKht is so pcriectly distributed that it holds ste.ulily to a straight ahead course. The passengers feel scarcely a particle of vibration even when the euxinc is exerting its full uota of power. The wheel base it 110 inches. The price of the car complete is $S(il, Albany, Oregon. , It Speaks for Itself RALSTON MOTOR CO. 121 EAST SEVENTH STREET Don't Waste Another Vacation without an EASTMAN KODAK You Can't Afford It A collection of good pictures will carry the joys of your vacation thru the entire year. We can supply you with any kodak you want at prices ranging from $1.25 to $65, and we will teach you how to use it; how to develop your films and make prints FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU. BUY NOW AND LEARN BEFORE YOU START ON YOUR VACATION Woodworth Drug Co. Albany, Oregon Expert Developing and Printing Peroxide of Hydrogen Buying cheap peroxide of hydrogen to save money, is like stopping a clock to save time. A 15 cent bottle of pure peroxide of hydrogen is cheaper to buy than a full pint of the department store' kind at 9 cents. You get the best that money can buy from us. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists CLOVER-rVETCH Wm "P"1 on ol lh largest and most efficient cleaning plants in the valley. Our rates arc reasonable, and we clean seed to bring the i8FpKczISSrz5Fm FREE amU ,Md old- WE Waldo Anderson & Son ALBANY FUEL CO. BOTH PHONES 277 Having decided to run a transfer and storage business in connec tion with our fuel business, ws will store your goods and do your team work. We have reliable men and our service is in all wsys guaranteed satisfactory. OUR PRICES: Team work. nr hmir Slabwood, green, per cord Slabwood, dry, per cord Second growth fir, per cord !L. Old growth fir, per cord Ash, per cord . Oak, per cord We are agents for Castle Gate, Clear Creek and MendoU coal. "SERVICE" is a much-used and abused little word. But "Service" and no other word will adequately describe the seal help I can be to the wearer of glasses. Scientific and courteous service is our motto . C. Meade, .. 50c 2.25 13.00 .$3.50 $4.00 14.25 14.75 Optometrist THE DEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE oil FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Roth Phones Good Groceries At Right Prices ME FINE PEACHES and PEARS for Canning and Table Uae. Ideal Grocery II. A. Stearns, Prop. Phonci 58 A QUALITY STORE We sell the best at lowest price Watch Rap-ring F.G.W.U . Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First aad Ellsworth Streets This Bank is a home bank, catering to the needs and conditions of home people, most of whom are known personally to our Offi cers and Directors! " v - If we haven't your acquaint ance, we'll be pleased to know you today and also handle your banking. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190,000.00 J. W. CUSICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon FISHER, BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin. trS LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Al M. Stringer House and sign painter. Glazing, Tinting, Paper Hanging. Estimates furnished. 229 Broadalbin St., Albany, Or. Rell phone 134-R. Home phone 506. m29a29 DUGAN & DENNY 231 Lyon 8t THE. HOUSE FURNISHERS New and Second Hand Goods. DALLAS DIAMOND Hard Wheat Flour Sack 11.00 Bbl. 14.00 Store open Saturdays until P. M. M. SENDERS ft CO. Farmers -Clover Growers We are prepared to give your clover and vetch our attention under competent and skilled workmen, where you will find a market at all times for your seed. We have also leased the Simpson warehouse, corner 1st and Calapooia street in addi tion lo our other houses, which will enable Us to care for your oats, barley and wheat. Honest and fair treatment will be accorded you as In the past Lowest Insurance rates. M. SENDERS & CO. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY We are tit your service for Meats and Fish D. E. NEHERGALL MEAT COMPANY 8ECOND AND LYON STS. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTOR! CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C OIPB Chiropractor. Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, CusiA Bank Bldg Nature cannot cure a disease unless the csuse is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. DENTISTS DR. W. R. BILYEU Dentist, First National Bank building, Albany. LAWYERS. L. G. LF.WELLING Attorney at law Notary publit Albany, Oregon. DAN JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law Room 205 First National Bank Bldg C. C BRYANT Attorney at Lair .11-2 New First National 8411k build mil. Mhany. Oregon. WEAT1IERFORD ft WEATHER- FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore H. F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants bought and sold. Room No. I, second floor. First Savings Bank huililiag. Albany. Oregon B. M PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. A. P. HOWELLS T. O. Ilolh phones SavinKs Bank Bldg MARY S. HOWELLS. D. O. Both pliones ' Savings Bank Plilg. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building REAL ESTATE POR SALE Farm lands, city property, timber lands, collections,' money to loan. Insur ance written in the strongest old line companies. J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St. dly wk tf FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber clsim in Douglss county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143. f!6tf FOR SALE One new home on easy terms. Five rooms and nice big screened ill sleeping porch. All tlie latest modern conveniences I built in. Deal with owner. Geo. C. Richards, contractor & builder, 309 W. 12 St., Bell phone 4I3K. n23-28 WHEN ' answering classified ads, please mention the Democrat FOR SALE Light roadstur automo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat 5tf Daily Democrat by Carrier. $4 Year. FOR SALE Fine four sere tract. neatest in Sunrise, natural drainage, lays well. Call at Democrat office. FOR SALE High grade piano st s bargain. Phone 361-R. , ml8i( Drain Tiles at Cost at long a they last ALBANY COMMISSION CO. DINNER SERVED Every Sunday for 50c at 8T. FRANCIS HOTEL 9 Luncheon 11:30 lo 2; dinner S lo 8 p. m. 29tf FOR ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK Both phones Pool Ferry St The State Veterinarian approves and guarantees the health of our Dairy Herd Hygeia Dairy MILK and CREAM Bell 310 L Home 249 WANT ADS POR RENT FOR RENT A modern 4-roomcd apartment; also a fire proof store room. Faquirs of Burggraf, IIS Srrnnd Si mjif FOR RENT First class store room. First street. Call on Dr. A. Stark. mif FOR SALF.-J6 acres of good, rich land. 4 1-2 miles south of Albany, on Calapooia river. Small Improve ment Will t.ike some livestock as part payment Owner V. C. Jones, Tangent. Or si si FOR RENT First class store build ing, good locstion, 2nd and Ferry Streets,, jjinquirt of Harry Sfhlos- . "j s.'if MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL RATES by week or month at St. Francis Hotel. aStf IJU to 35 per month extra money . ijr npiuyru person without inter fering with their regular work. Nr. selling, no canvassing. IV.tivcIv no invr.tinrni. Unemployed r,t.-4 not apply. Address the SiUe' Mir. ror to.. Inc., 123 W. Madison St. thicaxn. III. a2lJ I'F.ACIfF.S Delivered at my orch ard. Early Crawford. $1 a bushel. North Albsny. Home phone 4540. E. Hartsock. FOR S.M.K-Sweet corn and Ken tucky Wonder beans, bct for all purposes; in large or small quanti ties. Bell phone 5I0L; Home phone M"' ' al7l WA.VTED-Paatry cook al once, call I-.. Iliiriihack restaurant, near S P gfl" f FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, 2 lots, F.lkins addition, 11000. Bar gain. John Shaffer, s20s20 CUCUMBERS-Fdr pickling, deliv ered anywhere in the city. Phone, call or address T. E. Proctor, 6503 l.on.e rhr.ie. Route 4. a3s3 FOR SALE Young matched gentle driving tram at a bargain at Albany Barn, 2nd and Ellsworth. 26-28 TO TRADE-WIII trade second hand ,..wo ,,e,,el b"y for aaddle. See Kawlings, 121 Broad iIMn St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on good lm proved farm land. Call on 1 V Pipe. 203 West 2rd St ' 12,j Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamrne! Hotel Buililiug Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Msg aiines and periodicals. 333 Wtit First St., Albany, Oregon.