ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1911 PAOE TKfEE Tht tyw pattern In drta good art fin this s(fton. Th fill colorings md mtttrltlt art 'particularly good. ' W have several thipmentt of Entirely New Dress Goods . Now On Display Not only drcsa goods, but new materials of all kinds ara hara In tha naw fall designs. An enormous slock of fabric! for School Dresses, la now ready. Hara are soma of tha naw things. NEW SILKS PANCY PLAIDS AND 8TKIPE8. 40 INCH SOFT TAFFETAS, new shsdes.'ol gr,.en, blue( gray, wisteria, peach, flesh, black and white, pries per yard . . $2X10 36 INCH TAFFETAS, in tht new ahadca and two tone effects, per yard 98c 40 INCH CKKPK-DE-CSUNK In all colors, per yard - 11.19 56 INCH WHITE COATINGS, corduroy effect, chinchilla, serge and wsfflt. effect, price per yard 12.30 Here Are Some of Our Regular Everyday Prices- work Shirts 4Sc Canvaa Clovaa ! 5c B. V. D. Union Suits 89c Urge straw hate 19e Poroaknlt ...... 69c Mtn., Dr, Bn)rti J Best Overall 7c Parle gartera 18c H()vy ti.tpendert . - - 4Sc All 25c shoe polish 19c " rtr e All 10c Shoe polish . 8c Red nd blue bandana handkerchief 5c W.lch for Our Wednes. Specials VALUES for CASH WORTH WHILE Reeaaa'te Are HALF PRICE Wednaa. Oun Accident Beginning. McMinville, Oregon Augu.t IS. Edward Barry, a ram her, 3J years old, was shot in the head accidentia loduy by John Moulctt while tliry were hunting in llie hills 10 miles west of here. About, two dozen shot truck Mr. Barry. The charge wai fired from a distance of 50 feet. The injured man was brought here and Dr. E. E. Gouchrr removed the hot. The physician said only the fact that the ahot were small saved Mr. Barry from being killed. It it thought he will recover. He is mar ried snd the father of two children. Eberting Great Bowler ! At the opening of the Heaver bit ' liard room and bowling alleys Sat j urday night, the home team defeated j both Albany and Eugene in its epe ; cial three-cornered ten pin match. The j Beavers knocked over a total of 2SM : pins, Eugene 2498 and Albany 2538. Corwin Eberting of the locals was he lar performer of the evening, he having toppled over 621 pint, his high score being 224, with a grand average - of 2M7. The visiting teams were amazed at the speed of the sl leys, and pronounced them the belt they had ever performed on. Corval- lis Gazette-Times. Jarvie a Pin Singer Stanley Jarvis, who has been sing ing at the Globe will begin an en gagement at the Oregon, Salem, to morrow. He is one of the best sing ers who has ever been here, many de I claie the best, presenting a clojiH I repertoire of high-class muic that hat I pleated our people universally. He will be heard again tonight at the Globe before going to Salem. t RIVERSIDE ITEMS AND PERSONALS OK INTEREST 9 It)!" K. Church a in Albany Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C'has I. add and thrir daughter Margaret, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. II. F. They have been living at' Newport, but are looking fur a loo at inn more to their liking. Mrs. Iliirhank. Mrs Miller. Ilrrlha l!ek ami Golden Miller, vi.ilcd I" A. Mili'hcll't clover boiler Monday af- .r..i, wlieie Mr. Miller is working Mrs. A ike on and Mrs. Caldwell hate ben entertaining their coiitins. Mr. and Mrs. Gu Kieke and their two utility came et anil are viiiliiu f!..iii(lilcrs, of Fairfax, Minn. The family tame west to nticnd the fair aT San l-'rant'itco and arc visiting triends on their way home. I Mrs K. Church. wat-Jn Albany Wednesday and Thurday. Ilcike (tilling was looking after lliretltiiig biiincs in Kiirrsidc Wed nesday. Hull was looking after his Positively the Only Big Show Coming This Year ! ALBANY OR THURSDAY, AUG. 506 FIOPLK ACRES OF TENTS 2 BIO SPECIAL TRAINS 100 ANIMAL! TRAINERS Nnr cktii In ::24 -LIONS- IN ONI ACT 24 Mtst Tnrltliag Wit Anlnal t rtast 600 EDUCATED ANIMALS ' ALL ACTOR INCLUOtNC LUaa,TI(e, Bear Leopards, Jaguar, Elephant, Carnal, !, Lion, Z ibua, Mt)nky,lti. SAMSON AVIATION LION Cau. Thrill AMZmnt 65 litatructlv, Amusing, Amailaa Thrilling Act 550 Hor and Ponl All Actor 40 Rlb.Tlehllng Animal Clown BIS 6111, Wrallln( Srlxily, Tan Dancing; Hor, Fare Comatly Elephant, HorRI)lnK Llaf Laopard and Bear. 300 Military Ponla. High Diving antl Jumplaar Dog and lr1onky. - Only Wild Anlrrol Rlrcua en Earth Glittering, New Klle-lcr. 3 ii i:zel Parade at 1 0:30 exhibition Dolly, rtnln or fShHe. 2 cad O P. U. Door Open, 1 and 7 farming interests in this neighbor hood Wednesday. Hi nest Anthony has been hulling clover the pant week. Will begin '.hrcthing spring grain some time next week. Geo. Atkeson was an Albany visit or Thursday. The E. T. C. club was entertained by Misses Bessie and Sadie Belt Thursday afternoon. Kancy work and a jolly time generally made the time past quitkly. A dainty lunch was terved. The following members were pres ent: Misses Bertha Beck, Florence and Olivette Kastman, Margaret and Dora SteWarl, Emma l.aubner. Gold en Milter, Metdanict I-etlie Stell macher and Dent Stewart. Ceo. Anthony, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and their eastern friends motored to Albany and various points of interest Friday. . Mrs. anil Mrs. I-atld were in Albany on their ponies Saturday. Mrs. l.add is an expert horse-woman. Mrs Caldwell, Mrs. Atkeson and their brothers, were called early Sat urday morning to the bedside of their mother. Mrs. Anthony, who it much wurxe than sho lias been at alt, since her illness. Mr. and Mr. Jas. Dyers were in Albany Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Stcllmacher was an Al- FOR SALE First class dry ash wood, $4 per cor delivered. Bell phone l"2L. Home 1126. a!4-l7 bany visitor Saturday. Wm. Laubncr and family were in Albany Saturday. Archie Miller was unfortunate enough to strain hit arm so severely that, he was obliged to quit work for a few days but expects to begin again Monday. F.d Dyer it hauling wood to town thit week. David Davidton spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Smith were vis iting in this neighborhood Sunday. Taking dinner with Mr. and Mri. F E. Church. Albany State Bank "Safety Plus Service" A well-equipped, conserva tive Bank which does a com mercial as well as a savings business. Your business is invited. Old Man Mileage Says For absolute satisfaction in automobile tires, the only make that will fill the bill is the REPUBLIC From the standpoint of economy Republic Tire will win your de cision easily. They cost more to buy than many, because there is more real quality in them but they cost less to use than any, because you get more uninterrupted mileage out of them. Call for "Old Man Mileage Mis Rook," and examine a tire at Tyler & George Garage Second and Ellsworth St. Staggard Treads, guaranteed 5000 miles Gasoline Vecdol Motor Oils Storage Painstaking Repair Work THIS WEEK ONLY Special Sale on Westinghouse six-pound Electric Irons $3.75 regular, to $2.75 R ALSTON'S at 310 West Second St. Albany, Oreg. AN AUTO OUT OF . REPAIR it money uselessly tied up. A car to pay for itself in pleasure or business should always be available. If your auto lies idle tend it here and have ut put It in order. We'll do the work thorough ly, promptly and reasonably. LEON E. RENNELS' GARAGE 212 East First St. Albany, Oregon H0RN1BR0DK WRITES FORMER TWIN FALLS NEIGHBOR Getting Into The Midst of Bang kok Society With Gallon Hat And All. In a letter to Dr. W. F. Pike, of Twin Falls, Idaho, published in the Oregunian this morning. Hon. YV. It llormbrook, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Sum, tells of Bangkok, along the lines already reported in the Democrat, and also says: The Siamese officials and members of the diplomatic corps have been more than cordial, and the members of the American colony have done everything to nuke it agreeable to us. They have tendered us a reccp tioin and shown their good will in countless other ways. We have met some delightful peo ple, and thus far it has been one round of entertainment and social calls. Between you and me, it would be much more agreeable to me if there were a little lens society, but I have adjusted myself to the ways of the Orient and don't find it difficult to smile, even though atitred in a frock coat and a gallon hat on a hot day in June. "Thou shalt not rush the Orient!" This is the first and great command ment of the Far Kan. No one is in a hurry, and none dries today what can he done just as welt tomorrow or next week. I confess it gets on my nerves a little, hut expect that I soon will be able to fall in step Even the moving picture shows have invaded Bangkok, and you might well imagine our surprise when the first night we were there we saw ad vertised in the evening newspapers the same bill which we had seen ad vertised at home. BENSON DAY AT .THE PANAMA PACIFIC FAIR Gov. Withy combe There in Plain Clothes Without a Big Hat to Do Honor to Benson. San Francisco, Aug. 17 Today was Benson day at the Panama I'acific Exposition. ' , Thousands of .Oregonians and for mer residents of the Beaver state, and from every other state in the Union joined with exposition offi cials in paying tribute to S. Benson, millionaire philanthropist of Port land. - The day'a celebration opened with a parade under the joint auspices of the exposition and the Automobile Association of California. The pro cession ended at the Court of Abun dance where Benson was formally welcomed to the exposition by Pres ident Moore and presented with a bronze plaque. Benson responded with a short address in which he ex pressed appreciation for the honor and kindness shown him and praised the loyal spirit of the people of Ore gon. At noon Benson was the guest of President Moore at'a luncheon. Dur ing the afternoon an informal recep tion was tendered him at the Oregon building. A formal reception and ball at the Oregon building tonight wiil close the celebration. - Benson was chosen as one of Ore gon's foremost citizens and one to whom such a signal honor as having a special day at the exposition set aside on which to pay him homage was justly due. by a committee ap pointed by Governor Withycombe. Governor Withycombe aided in the celebration of Benson day as a pri vate citizen. He refused to be the recipient of tionors. claiming that they should all be bestowed on the man of whom Oregon was so proud. The chief executive even refused to come to San Francisco unless he were promised that he would not have to don a silk hat, attend any event that called for white gloves, or participate officially in any parade. He was clad in a quiet business suit and could not be distinguished by strangers from the thousands of oth er men who attended the celebration. M . To the Business No.4' Men of Albany A young doctor, making tun In a small town, decided that to be prosperous he must look pro. parous. Ha bought a naw buggy and two good hoiMa. Although he had only a lew patients he always kept on tha Jump, attending to his patients' emallMt needs. Pnple bagan to nolle, this young doctor driving about town and they called Mm becauae ha looked busy and proeperoue. He got hit start a tun that led to a cotnloruble practice. Our town, like thit doctor, mutt look praeperout to be proeperooe. Clean eueets, attractive ttora windowt, wall-painted builoingt and dwelling give the proeperoue air. Wall-painted buildings are greatest o( these. Big Crop. Lebanon.' Or., Aug. IS. Forty acres of alsike clover grown on the Robert Langmack farm, near Leba non, yielded 38 tacks of seed. On the John Moist farm, north of Lebanon, a banner crop of vetch is reported. Twenty-two acres wielded 207 sacks, averaging about 150 pounds each. Are you going deer hunting? If to you need a good field glass. We have some especially made for deer hunt ing. F. M. French & Son. Dutch Boy CoMr White Lead mnd pure Unseed oil make a moat durable and protective paint that keapa building well painted. That materiale can be mixed to tint condition, and tinted any color desired. We tall theee good-paint ingredient ae well ae other paint necessaries. Better get in touch with ua in the interaeu of proa parity. FOSHAY & MASON, ic. 10 Days Stopover ' at 9AN FRANCISCO and - 10 Day at Lo Anfelet are allowed on all tickets to the East Thit will enable yoa to tee the two wonder ful world Expositions without loss of time or extra expense i Scenery enroute is un urpassed. Every - mile protected by Block Signalt. Four fine trains each way daily Portland to San Francisco making connections for the South and East. Let us send yon our illustrated folders "Way side Notes," and "California and Its Two F-x-positions. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Our local agent will be glad to give yoa full in formation and itinerary of your' trip or you may- address John M. Scott General - Passenger Agent, Portland. Ore. The motor seem like a thing of life. abounding in vitrlity trigger awift -in the gliding get-away, and splendid ly free from the slightest jerk, or jolt. A reflectioin of this is the steadiness . of the car that freedom from trembl- 1 ing and vthration in the tonneati which means so much in case and , comfort. It Speaks for Itself On display at our salesroom. Would be. pleased to give you demonstration, not alone on the pavement but on any hills you might choose. RALSTON MOTOR CO. 121 EAST SEVENTH STREET JoMfNSO Mali. ' J Hw AatMirstiON IVrtitMM UwOlu THE "GREATER OREGON" With new bulMtnra. bttsr qnlpmetit, InfCfd RnmrttK at id mnnr ailtlitioit to It fi.rulty.the I tiivrniltynf OrTn will toxin lu t..rilflh rmr. Turmlnr. MptaNr 14, lttlrt. Hptrlnl training In Commarr. JouriwIUm, Ar hltv turn. Uw, Mrdlcln. Tntrhtnv, Libra ry Worl.MuisIr, fhynlt-nl Tmlnin and Pin Art. L.irvpniidtnnilptirtmiitaof Lllr jtl Kd mutton. ' A. . library of aiort thai RA.OOA voton. thlr tmn biiildinss fully ttaulpMKl. twm -pi ml Id gymnnailiint. Tuition rr. lh-TiltoHi for mn ana fr wuiuen. EtptniM I, w gust Writ for fro mimlo4Tiw)r1rwMlnK Rclftlrr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Kt'OKNK. OKKOWN