f- PAGE THREE Roll the Dollars Our Way and They Will Roll Back to You Businessmen of Albany, who have what you want, and when you want it ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, JULY 23, U. J. K. DAVIS & SON Groceries and Confectionery Cigars, Milk. Fruits, Etc. Highest prices paid for eggs Cuh or Trad Cor. Fourth ind Lyon streets CIIRISTrS STOKE W. I. Christy, Prop Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour and Feed 1043 East 2nd St., Cor. Main Both Street Phones 73 C 0. BUDLONG Cor. Lyon and 9th Groceries Fruit, and Baked Goods City News Muoni at Corvallia Th Corvallia Gaaete-Times tella ol a vitil by Albany Maauna at follows; Grand Mailer Frank J. Miller ol the Grand Lodge o( Mawni ol Oregon paid hit firat official vim to Corvallit Lodge No. M. laal night, and the meet ing wit the mott largely attended ttated cotimtunication aince the dedi cation ol the new temple. The grand matter conducted the meeting ol tna lodge and following the routine butl ne delivered a beautiful lecture ou "duty, service and aacrilice. J he meeting, which waa followed by a banquet in the lodge dining room, waa one of the moat enjoyable ever held by the local order. Among thou who came with the grand matter wat VVorthipliil Matter Johntton of lit Albany lodge, who announced that all precedent! have been laid atide and the grand lodge next year will he held in Albany inmead of Portland. Prom North Yakima Mrs. V. A. King and little ton, wno had apent tevcral weekt here aa gum. of Mr. and Mra. W. K. linen and other relative! and frirndt, lelt today for Albany to attend a short time with rclativea in the Hub City enroute to their new home at North Yakima, Wath. Corvallia U.-l. Mr. Ceo. Taylor Here Kir. f.-n N Tavlor. of Portland. wat in Corvallit today on a brief vitil to friendt, leaving tint afternoon tin Albany, where ahe it tpcmling the week. Mra. Taylor waa Mitt Char lotte Huff, and graduated from (). A. C. in the clata ot mi. t-orvsine u. T. VIS In Stamp Revenue atampa to the amount of $215 are plaalered over two legal doc. iimenlt. which were filed with the county clerk yettcrday, purporting to convey the propertiet of the Port land, F.ugene and KaMcrit and the VVillameiet Pacific railroada to the pnrrnt company, the Southern Pacific. The consideration for the aale of the Portland, Eugene and Kattern to the . ......... . aivttn in thm iiiircni vi.iiii.uii7 - - ..." - - drrd aa $1 15.50b.4J. while that of the Willamete Pacific propertiet waa plac nret are merely nominal and do not ed at 1!,. r.ugene negmer. Between Albany and Corvallia I- - .1.1. ...v-tlll. lll.t tllltll in a (Hit n - , . between 9 and 10 o'clock eiithdc'i nniomnbilea. witn ngnit ncrcciy it. 1- .Urtr wr, met. At, bary people had been taking pleanuc lupt lo Corvallit, mid probablv at ninny Corvallit people ileaiure trips U Albany. A good road between the place it what doet It. On (hit da 't u lm an..l.,il it m tliirt! lit -n-nnv would be met. A dra-vbf.-k to meeting people at night it me i,w thai vnn ennnot tell who it who. I cr- hapt tome gcnlut will invent n light that will not blind. ' Returned from California Mrt. Henrietta Brown returned yettcrday from a month's vitil in Cal ifornia, where the taw the two fairs and vititcd friendt. Kan tat People Geo. W. Thatcher and wife and Mr. and Mra. W. T. Blackman and daughter, of Great Bend. Kan., were in the cily thia week. Some of the party were tchool day friendt of Ihu Schuliiei, now in F.aatern Oregon. We want at all times to serve the interests of our customers, and are now giving SPECIAL PRICES. Come and investigate our stock, purchased especially for this sec tion of the valley. Blain Clothing Co. Albany Oregon Hauser Bros. Bioyolei, Bioyclc Tire. Guni. Ammunition and Sporting Good, Rifles and Fishing1 Tackle ' Our lino ia always complete. Our Price Are Right Albany Gun Store Albany - - . Salem FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO. Our stock of all kinds oF floor coverings better than ever. Come to us for extra size rugs, special sizes made to order We can please you. Best selection of colors and patterns in Linoleum we ever had. Our men are experts in laying carpets and linoleum. Orders taken for city or country. WE ARE NEVER SATISFIED UNLESS OUR CUSTOMERS ARE Every lady who sees "Ready to Hang:" lace curtains, buys if in need. Prices from $1.75 to $4.75 per pair Investigate the "Free" sewing machine. Best high grade machine made. Price only $37.50. FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. Merchant Millers and Grain Dealers Aa for OLYMPIC FLOUR SNOW FLAKE FLOUR . (hard wheat) (soft wheat) at your Grocer Highest in Quality Lowest In Pries . Grain liana. Sack Twine, and all Mill Feed kept conttantly on hand We solicit the pun-hate or storage of your Wheat, Oats, or JBarley. Your inlcrett to trade with us. Ours to please you. Call at our office , RED CROWN MILL A. W. BOWERSOX, Agt ' ALBANY. OREGON FOR REASONABLE PRICES AND QUALITY OF GOODS, WE ARE RIGHT. OUR MOTTO IS; "GIVE A SQUARE VALUE FOR THE PRICE ASKED." . BARKER HARDWARE CO. ALDAfJY IRON WORKS Founders, Machinists and Blacksmiths, Structural Iron and Steel. Oxy-Accetylene Welding. WHAT A DOLLAR WILL DO! FIRST STORY My brother and 1 were lordlier for a long time, but I'll never tee b:m again, I guest," said ihe Big Silver Dollar to th Kive Dollar bink Note lie wat taken ovri to Mottdale with a lot of shiny quarters, while 1 came on here to Cenlerville, where I've certainly spent busy tin montht 1 beard he was sent out ofMott dalc to a Chicago mail order boute to pay for four pounds of tea the kind tbal doesn't tatte so good somehow as you thought it would when you read about it in the catalog "And how I've worked since we separated! This is a live little city as you'll soon learn for yourself I've moved about ao much I call myaelf The Rolling Dollar.' "Ever stop to think how many bills a dollar can roll out flat, all ready for the 'Bills Paid' file that it, if the people will only keep track of him and hold him wilhin reach in their own com. munily? "Why, dozent of timet I've been in the same pocket twice in the same week. You see, Cenlerville oiks spend their money here ill town. Perhaps that is one reason why it has doubled in eight years. "lust the other day I was paid out by a farmer on a grocery bilL I didn't stay in that till very long, for it was payday and the delivery got me. The next morning I went into a clothing stpre. The clothing store man took me home and I bad almost a day's rett. Then hit wife bought two teltingt of fancy eggt from that same farmer, and I went back to that house. The farmer's wife spent me for some dry goods right away, and the next day I went to a carpenter who was putting a new partition in the store. The carpenter used me for a part of his rent money, and I laid in the bank for an hour. Then the minister drew me out when he cashed a small check, and in his home I rubbed up against a shiny S5 gold piece a bridegroom gave him. "The minister's wife took the two of ns to the furniture store, snd bought a new rocking chair. The same day I went into the butcher's till, back into the bank, and the next day into a jewelry store. The jeweler bought tome new lighting fixturet from the man in the next block, to I moved down there, and then out into the country again when the fixture man bought a new horse. No, I couldn't pay for that horse all by myself, the othert were new billt, fresh and crisp. ' "The man who sold the horse took me to the planing mill, and I heard him say that he could square up now that he had told the horse. I went out of the mill Saturday afternoon as wages, and on Monday I landed in a shoe store. The man who carried me there said Ihe boss had given bim the raise he had been promised, be cause business was looking up now. At any rate, the shoe man had a new show window put in his store, and I helped pay for that. Right away I waa dropped in the cash register of a res taurant, and then back here to the grocery store. Well, we'll set one another often I guess, you're bound to move around in Cen lerville. "How do I know I'll never see my brother again? Why, did you ever see sny of the money that is is sent to Chicago or Buffalo or St. Louis or New York coming back thia way? The mail order houses don't buy anything from this district their business is to sell to the folks here and then let them rustle around as best they can to sell what they grow or make. The mail order house doesn't help you any to get the money, but it will help you to get rid of it by buying in larger quantities than you need and sometimes bu)ing things you cau't afford just because the picture in the cat alog looks to nice. "Brother probably went to pay for a atreet improvement in Buffalo or he helped just a little bit to pay for a dinner in some Chicago grill. It's good-bye when you go there." Copyright, 1914. The Sample Store Offera the buying public the moat for your money. If you stop to realize the size and atrength of this concern, you will understand why we can give you the best merchandise st such low prices. Buy ing direct from mills and manufactories for 21 busy stores enables us to get tne price. uxn, compare prices ana quality, you u mae ai the store that makes the prices lower. MEN Work Shoes .IM to $3.48 Dress shoes 12.45, $3.85 Black and tan oxford ..$2.85 Blue bib overalls 69c Work shirts 35c, 45e Work sox 5 Whipcord pants c Boys' shoes .-.$1.19. $1.60, $2.45 Boys' overalls .39c. 49e WOMEN Pumps, pat leather $1.95, $2.95 White canvas shoes, blucher, $1 Whit Nubuck, button $1.85 CHILDREN B. F. Ssndals 89c, 98c, $1.25 M. J. Canvas pumps, 5-8 65c C. J. BREIER CO. VOU DO BETTER HERE FOR LESS Whose Space Is This ? One Dollar paid to correct guesser, first into the Democrat office. First ad to appear on this page next week. COOK WITH ELECTRICITY "THE MODERN WAY" No coal, wood, or dustno heat so clean no servant so reliable always ready Ibt tif IS Our Low Cooking Ratet Jut Etabliihcd OREGON POWER CO "Reliable Service" Telephone IS 306 West Second St. FRED DAWSON PILL AUTOCRAT Kodak finishing done RIGHT at the Pill Autocrat's FRED DAWSON We Sell Hardware Diamond Tires Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Company "The Hardware Men" Third and Lyon Streets Albany, Oregon SCOTT & CONN - Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Great saving on dry goods may be secured here. The store of quality. Everything for everybody TYLER & GEORGE GARAGE GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING AND STORAGE 134 West Second Street Bell 168-R; Home 1335 Albany, Oregon Clover Seed Growers : You are invited to call and inspect our new system of Clover Seed Cleaning. The finest equipment in the Willamette Valley Murphy's Seed Store LEON E. RENNEL'S GARAGE Expert repairing. Supplies snd -Accessories Both phones: Horn. 1303; Bell 72R 212 E. First Street Albany Oregon