PAOE FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY. JUNE S, 191 J. TIMELY OFFERINGS Of Summer Merchandise New Middy Blouses Best Styles $1,15 each Children's silk socks dainty and durable 25c pair New Neckwear in Collars, fichus, Collar and Cuff sets special 20c and 35c Children's wash dresses, new sum mer styles, 69c- $1.50 New Patterns in wool challies 50c yd. Agents for Standard Patlerni FLOOD'S STORE Agents for Kabo Corsets Everything for Everybody to Wear at a saving of from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. Buying (or 83 busy stores, cooperating in every way. paying keeping expenses down that's tne Pretty new Wash Dresses in all s'tes and colors Silk poplin dresses Amoskeog house dresses, 34 to 44 . New waists, $1.50 and $2.00 kind, always Silk crepe waists, flesh and white .. Ladies' and Men's linen dusters. , . $1.98, $2.49. $2.98, $3.96, $4.98 $4.98, $5.90 98c 98c $1.98 $1.49 ALWAYS FOR LESS. THE GOLDEN RULE s - 83 BUSY STORES - Here Today ROLFE Theatre HYPOCRITES cr 66 99 The Naked Truth WHAT NEW YORK PAPFKS SAID ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL ALLEGORICAL PLAY The Evening Sun Thursday, Jan. 21, 1915. "TRUTH STARTLES IN PHOTO PLAY. "The Hypocrites" at the Long acre Bound to Cause a Stir. Cloaked only in art, a woman stepped on the stage no, the screen, of the Longacre Theatre last night in a fashion that will set all Broadway., to Talking. As "Truth" in The Hypo crites, ' she was a figure of beauty in an allegory. The clev er producers, the Bosworths, with Lois Wdier, one of the most artistic of American pho toplay originators, as director, have really added another mys tical cloaking for the near clas sic form of Miss Edwards. The most, of her scenes she passes as an illusionary figure, only partially defined. This is ac complished by double exposure, tuny halt ot the play employing this troublesome method. Lois Weber has overcome all of this difficulty and has .-.chieved a perfection of artistic results that has not been surpassed. Her picture in blue tint of broad sun hlazened river alive with sil ver ripples, and seen from the heights of a towering, pine-clad hank, has not been surpassed bv either salon painters or photo prouueers. The Evening Hail NODE TRUTH IN "HYPO CRITES" IS NEW YORK THRILL U was a notable assemblage of film folk and film personages on Wednesday evening' at the l.ongacre Theatre when Wil liam Sherry presented for the first time the Bosworth Inc. production "Hypocrite." To say that the film went over would be putting it mildly. As a pro duction it not only pleased, but t made them all think, and it made them all talk, and taik seriously. The presentation was oertect tn almost every re -pect. At 1 have told vou be fore, this is surely one of the greatest scenarios ever written from the viewpoint of daring originality and lorcefulness. The ilaring introduction of a beau. t'ful naked girl through many of the scenes, typifying "Truth" in an allegorical working out of 'lie thoughts ot a minister fol lowing his strong sermon, has 'een done most artistically. And the points are made and made with- broad, clean decisive sweeps. They are the truth and onnot be denied and they hit l.ome. 1 he photography and and camera work is most re markable, since a tremendous amount of multiple exposure work was necessary, and techni cally this is very, very difficult The run of this film at Long- acre should be a long one. It win surely thrill Hroadway. ROLFE THEATRE TODAY and WEDNESDAY Admission 20c Children 10 Children under 16 not admitted unless accompanied " by elders "HYPOCRITES" IS AT THE ROLFE TONIGHT Albany Man Approves of Play; Story of the Action Given. I "Hypocrites," Lois Weber's alle ; gorical play, opened here at the Rolie I theatre, and will give Albany people an opportunity to witness this much discussed production until tomorrow night. The fact that the character ot "Truth" is portrayed by the beautiful Miss Marjiarct Edwatds in nude, has caused no end of discussion as to the propriety ol presenting such a char acier on the stage or screen. The majority of people, however, uphold "Hypocrites" from an artistic stand point and from the lessons it teaches. A Portland minister states that "Truth" cannot be veiled, and the play is presented in the only way possi ble. Dr. Wallace Howe Lee. of Alban College, witnessed the production in Portland and states that he sees no reason why "Hypocrites" should not he shown, and that it is a beautiful allegorical slay. However, the play is on and Al bany people will he able to judge for themselves. The story of "Hypo crites" 'is herewith given: Gabriel, an ascetic monk of olden time, labors to perfect an image of Truth, consecrating himself with fast ing and prayer, and keeping his work secret. One monk, bolder than the rest, spies upon him, but is blinded by the light of Truth and can sec nothing. The unveiling of the statue is made Fete Day, and all gather to listen to the address of the Abbot, who him self consents to unveil Gabriel's gift The covering is pulled aside, and there stands the figure of Truth, na I It. I ITn-ikt. . - :.i. ,i r the spirit, the people, with one accord, rush upon Gabriel, and kill him. On ly two can look upon truth unflinch :ngly. a little child, and the woman who loves' Gabriel. A Magdalene 'ooks upon the statue and falls nros- ttale. weeping bitterly. The woman I who loves him covers the dead Ga briel with her veil, which turns from white to black as she bends over him. ! Xearhy the Magdalene crouches. This forms the prologue of the story, which, told in a reverent and j Heeply religious vein, makes an in-1 ; Iclible impression, and prepares the I ipectator tor the modern scenes j which are the main theme. We see Gabriel as the minister of a present day church, frail and ill. int fired with divine inspiration. In ihe congregation are the same people who. in the prologue, stoned the nonle to death. Now they are bored or shocked by his . denunciation of hypocrisy. Only the" woman who lov :d him, now a singer in his choir, snd he Magdalene, who kneels in prayer tfter the others have left, understand. The sovins maak is now a choir-boy. surreptitiously reading a newspaper hiring service. Left alone after service the minis ter finds the newspaper, with its re production of Ferguson's famous painting. "The Truth," and vague nemories stir He sinks into a dream. His body in the form of Gabriel, the ascetic, leaves his present-day body, and accompanied by Truth with her nirror. visits the various scenes of the story, showing him in this wonderous nirror of hers the real actions of the characters. The point is conceded and as the lay really is a beautifully illustrated lesson in straight living there may be force in it. Miss Weber has affected a new rev elation of the artistic possibilities of ne pnoto play and that, and her cour age, must both meet commendation. o Aunt Mandy A well known and well loved char -cter in Albany is lAunt Mandv' Johnson, a colored lady over 80 years of age, who in her youth was a slave NOTICE. If you want fresh Jersey milk and cream, call Bell 607J4 or see our wag on on streets twice daily. Hub City Dairy. J8-15 I.OST Sunday afternooni pair f white kid gloves. Return to W. F. Pfeiffer. J7-10 WANTED Boy over J5 with wheel. to carry papers. Call at Handy Shop after 7 p. m. J710 FOR SALE First class currents at Mrs. Frank Kitchen's. Salem road. Delivered in city. Home phone K-531. FOR SALE 1910, five-passenger Cadillac. In good shape. Call Ir vin's Garage. $350. J7tf FOR RENT New bungalow, five rooms, full cement basement, screen sleeping porch. Phone U7L Bell. to i e i BOARD AND ROOM $20 per month. 527 E. Fifth. Bell phone ! 338. J 8-11 PROGRAM FOR MBS. FLO'S RECITAL THIS EVENING Following is the program (or the recital of Mrs. Adiu Smith Flo this evening at the Prcstyieriau church I. riovciKiii Hong Del a. (t) i lanie with a song. - - . ... l.o rorge W When 1 Bring to You Col ored Toys Carpcntct tc luu lately in iMiii'c . ....... ..... Arucsky (d) , Damon ,,,, Stange 3. v.i) to.i in tur rorc.t, Kouaid (b) Th Blue Bell Mardowcll cj .uormiig anu evening) ...... ........... Spross tui the fairy 1'ipers Ureiver . (e) testacy . .Ruiiiincl 4. fcrlkomg bchubert 3. Cycle 1 Love Garden v - Clotijii-Letghton a (a) lite Lark now Leaves His atcry Nest Parker (bl Long ago Homer (c) Requiem ... Homer (d) A Love Note Rogers lc) Y ar Rogers . tat i itear a inrush at - - ... Cadman (l from the Land ot the Sky Blue Water C.-idinan (c) One Fine Day (Madame Butterfly) Puccini td) At Parting Rogers Kor liltimi.p inthra.ll tkA new "Hull" detachable handle and suit case umhrellaa in colors, at r. M. French & Son's Jewelry store. We engrave your monogram on the han dle free of charge. m27tf Jitney to Brownsville Will run each day of fair, at $1.25 each person. Clark Price, Main street drug store. J7-9 Card of Thanks The undersigned desires to express their thanks for many acts of kindness and sympathy duriiiir the illness and after Ihe death of their husband and lather. Mrs. P. r. Altermatt ana Family. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and floral offerings, shown us in the time of our great loss of our dear bus- hand and father, Mrs. O. P. Dannals and family. Notice of Stock Holders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the 'irst meeting of the subscribers to he capital stock of the Linn-Benton Cooperative Growers' Association will be held at the office of the Al bany Commercial cluh. at Alhanv, Oregon at one o'clock p. m July lb, via, ior tne eiectioo of a board ot directors and for ihe transaction of such other business as may come be- lore tne meeting. U. G. SMITH, Chairman Temporary Organization, dly jg-15 22-29 J6 If Fashion H III shop Sm Millinery Clearance Sale It is neccessary for you to attend this sale to appreciate the opportun ity of buying trimmed hats at practically the price of the frame alone. They are wearable hats in the latest and most becoming shapes in -the large, medium and small styles now in greatest Togue. Alto see our' display of new sport mnd outing bats which have just arrived. ALBANY FUEL CO. BOTH PHONES 277 Having decided to run transfer and storage business fat connec tion with our fuel business, we will store your goods and do your team work. We have reliable men and our service is in all ways guaranteed satisfactory. Team work, per hour OUR PRICES: Slabwood, green, per cord oiaowooa, ary, per Cora Second growth fir, per cord Old growth fir, per cord Ash, per cord Oak, per cord .... 50c $2.40 $3.00 . $3.50 $4.00 $4.25 $4.75 We are agents for Castle Gate, Clear Creek and Mendota coal. CITY NEWS Olive Jackson Stephens. Mrs. Ollie Jackson Stephens, of Portland, has been ill Ihe city on a visit here and also in the country, with her brother Henry Jackson. Mrs. Stephens recently retired as grand secretary 0(1 lie Degree of Honor alter serving the lodge faithfully for ten or intern years At Rest A pretier display of flowers is not often seen than those at Ihe funeral of O. P. Dannals Sunday, many lovel) pieces being offered. Alter the ritu alistic services at the temple, in the presence of a large gathering of friends, with a thoughtful sermon by Dr. Geselbracht, the remains . were Lud to rest at the west end of the city cemetery in a pretty place. ' Faat Freight Tims A car of sugar left San Francisco Sunday morning at II o'clock on the Great Northern steamship company's steamer Northern Pacific, arrived in Astoria the next day and was trans ferred to a freight car and arrived in Albany at 7 o'clock this morning, over the Oregon Electric railroad, making I lie trip in 44 hours. This is pretty fast time for freight between San Francisco and Albany and es tablishes a new record in getting freight over the country. II. S. Lo gan, local freight agent for the Ore Kon Electric is highly elated over the feat. Congressman Hewley Here Congressman Hawley will he in Ihe city this evening and attend the anion l :iuiiiet at the Hotel Albany by spe cial invitation. He is looking after liia I. inn county farm and visiting at the Geisendorfer farm, in the south. Kach decoration day sees "Aunt Mandy" with huge bas kets of beautiful flowers, whuh she raises at her own home decorating the graves of those who have no rel atives to care for them. Met in the Country Several auto loads of Albany wo men went down to Conser this after noon to attend the annual autdoor gathering of the Tuesday cluh, meet ing this afternoon with Mrs. Cook, a member. Mrs. Carrie B. Adams snd a few others went down by ihe F.leo inc. All Invited Albany people generally are invit ed to ihe concert of Mrs. Flo, at the Presbyterian church tonight. It i not an invitation affair, but open to all THE GLOBE Tuesday, June 8 Grand Entertainment STUDENTS OF THE SISTERS' ACADEMY Tickets 25c The GLOBE Wednesday and Thurs. Charlie Chaplin In his latest Comedy in Two Acts "A Jitney Elopement" And Other Features STRAYED Friday, Junt 4th, a six weeks old Shesler white pig. Find er please call Hums) phone 9065. Reward. JS-tf We have soma very heavy, sterling mounted, belts for gentlemen. We engrave each one free ot charge. F. M. M. French St Son, jewelers snd engravers. m27tf I HAVE BEEN appointed agent for the Row lawn mower raior blades. If your mower Is not culling good let me adjust oik to your niuwer. $1 will make it cut as good as new. 1 have some good second hsnd fur- ' niture for sale: one good bed room set. No 9 kitchen rsnge, chairs, etc. J. D, Ellis, VllO hast 4ili Si. Hiith nlinnes. m20lf . -URj Luirrvrmsr . au.j rr NT M To the Business Men of Albany No, 3 Prosperity snd local pride srs twins. They are bom at the same time and grow up together, (enthusiasm (or the home town Is a great thing lot local buaiiuea men. Ones developed, this (eeling shows direct returns in more sales and Mgger pronts. Have vou ever Men a shabby town proud, or prosperousr Oood paint Is powerhil isctot In keeping prosperity after s community has won Ik We sell and recommend Dutch Boy Cpr White Lead as Ihe base of "quality- rw" paint Put some "Uad-end-oU" paint to work tot you and your business. Call as a p. We sail all good painting requisites. FOSHAY & MASON, he. Now Is the Time to Buy If you are in need of anything in man's or boys' clqthing or fur nishings, our . Closing-Out Prices will not disappoint you No better prices can be had than we are offering on dependable merchandise. I ' . Absolutely new spring stock of Styleplus clothes, your choice $I4J5 Other men's' suits as low as , ' ; , ,,',, w. .... $QJS Young men's suits aa low as . Boys' Knickerbocker suits as low as . ; ; . $2.oj Knox $5.00 straw hate at ...j ......1 $2,45 Beacon $3.00 straw hats at ; . .ti Suitcases at .L-.....'-. 1. SSe, 90c. and $1 J5 Good raincoats at $4.50. $7.50. and $10.00 Summer underwear aa low as Summer union Suits as tow as . 21c per garment ....:. , 43c per suit Everything on sal at money saving prices. We invite comparison. Stein & Newman 330 WEST FIRST ST. ALBANY. ORE. Full Plate Upper or Lower $7.50 f?5''''5 ifff m w NOfUTES Crowns and Bridge Teeth $3.50 Dr. W. A. Co FOR A SHORT TIME Take care of your teeth NOW while the special price is on, as it will not last long. All work guaranteed. Phone for a date Examination Frsa LADY ATTENDANT Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. First St., ALBANY, ORE. 1