PAOB FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY. JUNI 4. 191 J. TIMELY OFFERINGS Of Summer Merchandise New Middy Blouses Best Stylet $1.15 each New Neckwear in Collars, fichus, Collar and Cuff sets special 20c and 35c Children's wash dresses, new sum mer styles, 69c -$1.50 Agents (or Standard ' Patterns FLOOD'S STORE FOR SALE Several young pigs. 2 months ol.l. Call Bell 15-FU. j 3-6 SUNDAY ATHLETIC PARK 3.-00 P. M. Albany Athletics Harriman Club at Psrtbusd .- - ;- BIGGEST GAME OF THE SEASON Come Ouj and Boost ADMISSION 25c Grandstand 10c Children under 14 FREE Hub Theatre TONIGHT "Under the Crescent" Episode No. 2 "The Cage of the Golden Bars" Featuring Princess Hassan The life story of an Egyptian Princess, (Ola Humphrey, an American girl) laying bare the untold secrets of the Harem. Wonderful cast and Scenic Effects. The Heart Breaker" A College Comedy in Two Parts. LO-KO COMEDY Big Bill-Six Big Reels ALWAYS 10c The HUB for Good Pictures BASE CALL Do Your Trading Every Day at the Golden Rule day after day week after week, and youH toon realize the big sav ing. Fully 25 to 33 1-3 per cent Our 83 Busy Stores cooperating in every way, always give you the test Merchandise obtainable t a big saving. No unnecessary expense here for you to pay for. Gingham House Dresses ......98c Pretty $1.50 Waists 98c Hope Muslin 6 l-2c Best Calicos 5c Lonsdale Muslin 8 l-3c Heavy House Lining 5c Apron Gingham 5c New Silk Waists $1.98 Ladies' Dusters $1.49 THE GOLDEN RULE 83 BUSY STORES Children's sUk sock, dainty and durable 25c pair New Patterns in wool challies 50c yd. Afents for Kabo Corsets AT THE THEATRES. The photo play change at the GU.bc ;oday is headed by a two act Biograph special. "The Bridge Across." This :s a thrilling drama, full oi action jnd interest from first to last. The lite. ar news is shown in the Hearst-Se ng weekly. Helen Holmes appears on he bill in another of the series in the Hazards of Helen, this week's in bailment being "The Girl at Lost Point." "Burglarious Billie.- a Vila jraph comedy featuring Billie 'Juirlt -'. good. The vaudeville act lor this .veek-end is Huddleson and Black- urn. the popular Xylophone nlayers. vho will be heard in new vlrctxmj on the wood instruments The second adventure of "Under the Crescent" series, the rrincess Hassan in the episode oi "The Age of the Gilded Bars." will be seen at the Hub Theatre tonight and Saturday, Particularly elaborate Ori ental sets were constructed for this episode of the six-installment seres. In one scene a caravan of camels en ters a street in Cairo constructed at rot little expense. The set is nearly 2C0 ft. deep and more than 130 natives ake part in the action. Turkish ba zaars line the roadway and the mina ret of a mosque looms up in the mid dle of the background. The "Under the Crescent" series relates in modi fied form the startling adventure of the Princess Hassan as the wife nf the nephew of the Khedive of Egypt, the Prince Ibrahim Hassan. Miss Ola Humphries, an American actress, married the prince several years ago aad during her stay in the harem took a number of photographs which will he used in the forthcoming serial Each installment is a complete story in itself. In addition lo this interesting play there are three othr interesting pieces, 'ncluding a riproaring Lo-Ko comedy, :.nd a two reel comedy of more than ordinary merit, entitled "The Heart lireaker," a college campus play. We have some very heavy, sterling lounted, belts for gentlemen. We ngrave each one free of charge. F. M. M. French & Son, jewelers and tngravers. mZ7tf Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Underhill Overalls 75c Crown Overalls .. 75c Men's Unions, 49c, 89c, 98c B. V. D 89c Dress Sox 5c Work Sox 5c Work Shirts 45c Dress Shirts 49c Silks Shirts ...... $1.98-$2.93 2-piece Underwear 25c City News Corvallia Woman Here The members of the Priscilla club went to Albany on (lie 12:12 train and this afternoon were entertained al the home of Mrs. Tom Riley, a former Corvallis lady and a member of the club. Mrs. Charles Colbert went to Albany this morning and will assist Mrs Riley in entertaining. Guietc- Timea, " Finished School Y Miss Anna Johnson, who has been teaching in Scio the past year, fin ishes her work there today for the year. She will spend the summer with her folks at this city. Miss John son is an O. A. C. graduate. Woodmen to Initiate The Woodmen of the World will hold their regular Friday meeting this evening at 8 o'clock, at which lime initiation will be held. All members are requested to he present. A Khaki Crowd With fish poles, khaki suits, etc.. a party went up the C. & E., this morning, suggesting that the outing season is approaching. These were both men and women. Returned from the Fair Henry Volstedt reached home last evening after his San Francisco trip, lie had a fine time at the fair, and be sides had some side trips that were enjoyable. Scio's Milk Albany people show good judg ment in buying Country Club con densed milk. This morning one gro wer received twenty cases from Scio. It is probably the best milk pro duced. At least that is what the mak ers declare, with good reason for it. Went to Goods Mrs. Hugh Fisher and children went to Gooch this morning for a tisit at the home of Mrs. Fisher's hrotherin-law. C. W. Mariels. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are bringing up the little girl of Mr. Mariels. Pine Group Photograph- Members of the Grange, who at tended the State Grange at Tillamok. ire showing a picture of the Grangers Liken there that is a credit to the large gathering. Though there are several hundred in the group every face is as plain as if in a single picture. Down to His Salem Office Dr, W. A. Cox went to Salem this morning on his regular trip.. He has gotten a good start in that chy. Be- eving in printer s ink as well as ex pert work, he has a combination thai is a winner. Eig Brother Lyon C. A. Lyon, of Lebanon, of Big Brother fame, went to Salem this morning. He hat just gotten out an other bulletin, or rather issue of his paper, which covers the work being done, a great one for the uplift of the boys of the state.. Cack From Lebanon Walter Patterson, the pop corn and peanut merchant, returned this morn ing from Lebanon, where he has been running a stand during the strawberry fair, doing a fine business. On a Ford Trip A. C. Miller, who resides out on Albany heights, and runs the Ford garage in Corvallis, and his son lAIgie, went to Portland this morning on a Ford trip. Miller reports Fords go ing like hot cakes over al his place, the demand being constant. Swarm of Bees A swarm of bees this forenoon tried :o hive on one of the windows of the public library, perhaps attracted by the neat appearance of the building. Janitor Prescott got busy and suc ceeded in getting rid 01 the busy lit tle fellows.. - The Weather- Fair tonight and Saturday. Yester day's temperature ranged between -74 and 44 degrees. The river fell to 4.1 MacDonald Watering u1 ll'.;,, u f d GREAT men are osually very human, although with soma of them we do not come closely enough In contact with tbem to And this out. A famous baritone who Das pleased thousand of people In hundreds of. cities on both sides of the Atlantic Is here ahown maklna friends with children at a Chautauqua. This man is H. Ituthven MacDonald, Canada's famous baritone. Ba will appear at the Chautauqua here this summer, when be will sing socb oratorios as "The Messiah,'' "Hamsun." "The Creation" and The Redemption." One ne'er forgets hi powerful yet sympathetic voice who baa attended MacDonald's concert This baritone Is equally at borne with humorous and descriptive songs, folk aonsrs and ballad. Coming during Albany feet above low water. Cherries Her Now ' Some fine looking cherries are in the market, timely arrivals, for the strawberries are about gone aheady, though the - present sunshine will probably bring out some later ones. Original Window Display Original windows always nurse t at tention. There is one at Dawson's, a person is hound to sloo and observe From underneath an umbrella there appear the feet of a man. a couple of old shoes representing them, auj the foot and ankle of a young lady. Did you observe that a left Fmmy Lou is on a right foot; but tht Emma l.ous fit almost any old toot. ecial Communication of St. John's Lodge No, 17, A. F & A. M, this evening. Friday, June 4th. at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brothers welcome. DAN" JOHNSTON'. W. M. DINNER SERVED 9 3 Every Sunday for 50c 4 st ST. FRANCIS HOTEL 9 l uncheon 11:30 to 2: dinner 5 $ to 8 p. m. )29tf 9 THE GLOBE TODAY A Biograph Special in Two Acts The BRIDGE ACROSS Latest War Movies, with "Hearst-Selig News" THE HAZARDS OF HtLEN The Girl at Lone Point" A Vitagraph Comedy, featuring Billie Quirk' In "Burglarous Billie," and HUDDELSON & BLACKBURN la m XylopboB Dttsrts, Al bsuiy. Popular , VAUDEVILLE Adults 10c; Children 5c THEATRE CLOSED SUNDAYS EMMA LOU and CINDARELLA Pumps All sizes Mcdowell shoe CO. Chautauqua Lambs Chautauqua la July, A $1.45 HOI TIME IN CITY COUNCIL (Cor tinned from Pa" IV ordinance fur 30 days to show good faith on the part of the council and give time for the grangers and busi ness meu to get together with the council and draft a satisfactory bill. After his talk Count ilmau Twee- dale had left the room, and at this point In the proceedings Miss Ber tha Heck arose and precipitated mat ters more by remarking that when Mr. Tweedalc left the room he made grimaces and winked at City Record er Van Tassel, and was trying to soft soap the delegation. This, however was denied by Mr. Van Tassel. Arch Miller, a prominent granger, was also on hand, and when he arose and urg ed quick action on the part, of the council and mentioned the fact that many farmers were shout to trade al other .towns, Mr. Tweedale put in a few remarks that still further caused Mr. Miller's blood to boil, and Mayor Curl put a stop to the arguments by stating that no one could he heard unless he confined his remarks to a statement of the case without arous ing the animosity of others Other talks were made by Coun cilman Geo Richards. A. L. Fisher. .Mayor Curl. Mrs Allen, L. F Mam-' ilton, Fred Dawson. M. Senders and Councilman Lyons. The mayor put an end lo the discussion by staling that the council was anxious that the matter be settled with satisfaction to all. and that the best way was to lei the committee from the grange, the business men and the council work mailers out in a quiet way and not agitate it in public He was of the opinion that plenty of places could be found and designated where farm ers could hitch without blinking the alleys, that business houses could in stall rings in the sidewalk, and that when everybody understood the or dinance thai it would be found that much talk and excitement had been wasted for nothing. MOVED. C. H. Frochnow, the shoemaker, has moved his shop next door to the i Democrat office. Repairing neatly ; done. J3JyJ Mary Parker Still Leads in Panama Fair Trip Contest Aa June advances interest con tinues to increase in Fred Daw son's Panama Fair trip contest. With nearly 5000 votes Miss Msry Parker continues to lead the list, but there are several other candi dates that are in striking distsnce and could easilv take the lead with a little work. The splendid trip to the greatest fair the world baa ever known is surely worttr tne ef fort. In the Rural Routs contest Row land Parker still leads, but Miss Myrtle Jones is so close that hs lead is little mora than a tie. Mary Parker ..: 4717 Phyllis Goins 3802 Grace Eberting . 3678 Beulah Hinckley - 3178 Dena Fromm . 3062 Irene Snyder : .2976 Violet Slutting 1123 Frances Haas . 888 Merle Nimmo 591 Hszel Smith . 453 Mfles McKey 327 Jessie Anderson . lohn Clelsn "rancis Pettibone .. 648 . 298 . 262 .. 262 Myrtle Byers Mable Blount 174 Ruth McDaniels 144 Neva Githens 132 Edna Taylor ... 289 Johnnie Tata .. . 114 . 84 ,66 . 63 . 55 . 54 . 52 . 49 Clarence Keed Flora 8toaka ,. Mrs. Feebler W. U. Messenger Mrs. Fred Sanders ..., Mrs. R. J. Whitney ... Mary Hall Alice hiuller ... Henry Fish - , 42 Minnie Merril 39 Mrs. C. PhUlips ....... Tbelrra Lawrenson Robert Marks Violet: Painter ........ Flithia Roberts C. H. Redham Mary Cobb Geo. McClaln Crystal Hamlsh R. F. D. 1 Glen Walker , 38 . 35 . 32 . 24 . 16 , 16 . 14 14 16 467 746 Velma Buckner R. P. D. 2 Myrtle Tones Wick Miller .......... L'nnie Conner R. P. D. 3 Rosa Faber Florence Eastman R. F. D. 4 Powland Psrker Fthel Williams . Clsra Qstes Ruth Cooper 1360 661 628 568 601 14.10 990 451 446 425 ... , 1100 734 J. W. Rvder K. F. D. 5 Nina Morsa Golds Combs Ed. Holloway 492 K. V. U. 6 "hee Copeland ..1019 Flla Snyder 547 Velma Kiser 579 Olive Green . 430 Pioneer Picnic at Brownsville June 9. 10 and It 4 . ' FOR RENT House that has been renting at $12.50 lor $7, it taken at once. 6 rooms, new, Hume phone IJ.'I. jj-4 For a summer umbrella, see those new "Hull" detachable handle and suit case umbrellas ill colors, at F, M. French & Sun's Jewelry store. We engrave your monogram on the han dle free ot charge. nu7tf! C. S. Stewart, the Lebanon banker, J was in the city this afternoon. R. V. Kalta, the pinna tuner, went to Jeflcrsoti this morning. He audi his family will go to Portland Monday lo reside. , See the 1916 Overland, at $865 at Irvine Oarage. THE GLOBE Tuesday, June 8 Grand Entertainment kr STUDENTS OF THE SISTERS' ACADEMY Ticket 25c Comiog THE TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY, June 8 & 9-Th. Most Talked of and Greatest Sensation in'Motlon Pictures WITH AN ALISTAR CAST HYPOCRITES ADMISSIONi Adults 20et Children 10c when accom panied by elders. No children adraitfedoinless with ciders. The Rage Our Maple Nut Ice Cream Order it for your Sunday Dinner Whitney's All Essentials for Travel . , are found in a trip Fast from San Francisco, via the OGDEN ROUTE (Southern Pacific-Union Pacific) . COMFORT Three trains with every modern convenience home, hotel or office for the fusiness man or tourist. Srenery unsurpassed on the American continent. SERVICE Mo hrtetr to., be had. Courteous efficient employes, the best dining '. ar service. Trains protected day and night by Auto matic Electric Safely Mock Sig- ' nals. Stop-Overs at San Francisco One way tiikels of 10 days In visit the Panama Pacific International Kx . position, 'Ask for particulars, stopovers and literature via this route from any agent, SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. us. sr JsU I dam The Fashion shp Don't Overlook This CLEARANCE SALE on New Spring Millinery You can save money on new hats by buying here now. One lot that ranges In prices from $3.50 to 15, sells at $2.98. New sailors In Hemp, Milan and Panamas that sell regularly (or $1. special al $5.50. Another lot embraces the latest novelty, bonnet and sailor shapes of mora expensive materials that sell regularly at $7.50. Special at $4.90. And similar reductions on all trimmed and unulmmed hats. ROLFE Coming WITH AN ALI -STAR CAST Sweet Shop