ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, MAY IS, 1915. FAOB THUS I OCIETY MIm Mm C. TUlnuui 8odety Editor. Ball Phone SM-R. Horn 21M ' At llie Pailsh Halt on Ninth and Ellsworth Iht Viailaliun Sot let x held their regular nicetinu recently. The iiiciiihris have commented Ilia lluily ol Catholic Arl. and the research lor nolet it proving t gratifying occupa tion. Mrs. Price hat read a prelimi nary sketch lur the study, the capable handling of which won fur her much (.raise. If all lha papers how at much familiarity and thoroughness as the (iral paper I lie members will br quite well informed on Catholic art hi he end of the season. Mm Kath trine" llarrett read a second paper which hat kept up the record and consequently the nicmhert are very anxious for the monthly meetinnt. m m The T. E. U. E. nave a "pot luck upper" at the home of Mist Claire Morgan on Tuesday, at her home on West Sixth ttreet. Sewing and music furnished the latter part of the even' lug's diversion. The hottet comnli tuented on this ocration Misses I'era Wilkins and Velma Dunlap. The club mcmhert present were Misset Helen Essex. Grace hberting. Kdna l-aub-nrr, l.ila McCoy, Claire Morgan, Vcr tnla Kroman, Pauline illrch and Claire Morgan. 9 9 The Catholic Social circle held their regular monthly meeting with Mrs. J. 1. I.indgren, Mrs. Conrad Jfleyer and Mrs. A. A. Mickle at hotteitet for the day. A lunch was served. At a previous gathering of the Circle Mrs. John Dorgan. Mrs. Win. Eagles and Mrs. Frank Eyrond were hostess es. They terved a delicious repast. The Circle hat been holding monthly nicetingt during the last year and hat been a source of much pleasure and sociability to all the members. A committee it now planning an elab orate evening affair in the near fu ture for the membera and their friends. 9 9 The Albany Park Picnic club gave their first annual picnic last Sunday at the Albany Park; amid the rain and tiorm. . There were about twenty-live persons present and they all agreed to having had a jolly time. Any persons of good character are fltu'ihlr, nn admission fee being chnrg- ed. but they mutt partake of fresh nir nd out-of-door tportt In general. The lunch wat served by the amateur eookt of the club. The promoters trr Norman Howard, Henry Taucher and Henry I'irchau. Mr. Eirchau will give hie content to any club or society by applying to him in person at the Al bany Hakery. 9 t 9 On Wednesday afternoon, the In dustrial Society of the United Presby terian church gave a "ten cent lea," in the church. There were also a few booths, where dainty sprout, candy and bakery goodt were told, A short musical program wat given and re frcshmeiiti were served. tl 4) Mrs. Walton Worrell extended the hospitality of her home on Monday lo the members of the Monday Undue club and a number of addi tional guests. Ilriilgr v. at the game played during the afternoon and at the close, a dainty collation was serv ed The hostess complimented on this occasion Ealk, (Taco ma), William llain, . I). Austin, J. I llarrett. W. M. Parker. Charles Monson. K. M. Pugh. I.. II. Fish, Y. C. Pale. S. E. Wuison, I- E. Tracy. K. A. II. Veal. Byert and Mist Kath erine llarrett. On Thursday rvening the Corvallit lodge of the Pythian Sittert invited the members of the local lodge over to Corvallit lo past the evening with l hem. The Albany delegation were diiven over in the aulo Iruek, the A uttin. Frank Skioion, John Uryant, llertyl Chance and N. 3. Conn cart. A short program was given, followed by refreshments and the visiting mem bers report a mighty fine time, also saying the Corvallit Indict proved theititclvct to be charming hostesses. B This afternoon Miss Marion While, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. While, wat hottest to a few of her girl friendt. the occasion being her birth day. The girlt, chaperoned by Mrs. While, attended' the Rolfe Theatre titer which a dainty lunch wat terved at the White home on Well Third ttreet. The hottest had the pleasure of rutting a large birthday cake, on which were nine candles, for Iter guests. Thote present were Joseph ine Ralston Mary. Henrietta and Jane Davit, Anna Katherine llarrett, Ella Kroschcl. Louise Mason, Thel ma l.edhcttcr. Helen Pugh, Helen and Ruth Nebergall, Edith Duncan and Marion White. 9 9 " Mistet Mary Bryant. Dana Cush m.m. Kuth Knnwles nnd M:trvnrr McDonald were hoateatei to the young ladlrt of Albany College and a few additional guests on last Sat urday a'lernoon, in Trcmont Hall. A social hu' I w.'t pleat, 'i'v pa.ied 'y ibc u its and al the .-l a dainv l.;. a '.I wat trrved, a', wlicii line cardt were found announcing the en gagement of Mitt l-aura Anderson tod Mr. Johnson E. Wett of W ous ter, Ohio. 9 9 Mittrt Bernice llackleman and Anne Eddy will be presented by Mrt. I' lo, in voice, next Wednesday even ing at eight o'clock in the I'irtl Pres byterian church. Mitt Hazel Hoard man, a pupil of Mitt Waggener, wiil be heard in a piano recital. No in vitations have been issued but a cor dial invitation it extended to ulL &$ Mitt Beatrice Hanke wat hostess at a delightful luncheon on Thurs day, in the dining room of the Albany high tchool. Pink tweet peat cen tered ilie table, around which were seated Mitses Helen Myert, Mae Lewis, Phillyi Goiut, Harriet Van Tassel, Stella Hoover and Beatrice Hanke. 9 9 9 The Talent club of the Pint Bap tist church were pleasantly enter tained on Wednetday, at the home of Mrt. R. A. Marth at her home 925 Writ Fifth street. The guetta patt ed a few hourt together in tewing -nd music, followed by choice re freshments. Complimenting Mist Mae Wilcox, of Eugene, Mrt. J C. Way enter tained at dinner on Monday evening a, her home on Wett F'ourth ttreet Covert were laid for Mr. and Mrt. Benjamin Bartcher. Mr. and Mrt. Morgan, Rev. Mr. Young, Mitt Wil cox and the hottest. ls IS) The Home Missionary Society ol the First Methodist Episcopal church met with Mrt. G. T. Hockentmith on Wednesday. Mrt. Colet had charge of he program and the tub iect wat "Alatkan Indians." A thorl butinett session was held followed by several impromptu tpecchet and choice refreshments. rJ Mrt. U. C. Smith wat hottett to the Entre Nous dub on Tuesday at the Hotel Albany. The parlor were prettily decorated for lhe occation with rotet. "Bridge" wat the game played at three tables. In the late afternoon, -delicious refreshments were served. Mrt. (Albert Sender! entertained a few friendt on Tuetday. complimenting Mrs. Faulk of Alaska. "StXr wat the game played, Mrt. Charles Monton securing high. A dainty collation rounded out the evening! pleasure. 9 . Mr. and Mrt. J. L. White were hostt to the membert of the Lafolot club on Monday. "5J" wat the game t.hved and nt the cloe of the even- ing a dainty repast wat terved. Mitt Katherine Barrett wat an honored guett. 9 9 9 Mrt. Freil Newton returned lo Portland yesterday after a few dayi' vinii with her parent!, Mr. and Mrt. E, F. Sox. 9 9 9 The young men of Mr. Hammer't clu'.t of the Methodist Sunday tchool entertained the young ladiet of Mrs. Mttler'i clatt on Friday. They at tended the Globe Theatre, after which a delightful four-courte supper wat enjoyed in the banquet room of the Elite. Those present were Mrs. Lit tler, Mr, and Mrt. Kollin llackleman, Mrs. Myert (Lebanon, Mrt. Penland, Mitset Clara Miller, Isabelle Taylor, Beulah Hinckley, Mae and Claire Till man, Pera Wilkins, Grace rJcrting, Edna l.aubner, Lucy Ashtun, Clare Milker. Clare Morgan, Messrs. Glen Wiliard, Hiram Torbet, Roy Kimaey, Victor Oliver, Ralph Uinli, Earl Van Aiken and Dan Athlon. The Priscilla club met with Mrt. W. L. Markt on Thursday. The la dies brought their tewing and patted a few hourt together, in a social way, after which refreshments were serv ed. The hostess complimented, on this occation, Mesdamet J. M. Markt (California), Francit Arnold, Mark Weatherford and Mitt Weatherford. e On latt Tuetday, the golden wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Illain was celebrated, at their home on Broadalbin street. The guettt present at Ibis happy event included the relatives, the guettt at the wed ding, fifty yean ago and the mem bers of the Mr. Blain't Sabbath school class. On May II. 1865. Mist Mary Millrr wat united in marriage to Mr. Lrighton Blain by the Rev. S. G. Ir vine, their pastor of the L'nited Prea hytcrian church. A muiicat program and readings, furnished the evening! amusement and at a late hour dainty refreshments were served. 9 9 9 Mrt. Mark Weatherford entertained the Tuetday club members this week. Sewing was the pastime of the after roon at the close of which refresh ment! were terved. The 9 9 9 'covered dish club" mrt with Mr. and Mrt. F. M. French on Friday for topper. The latter part of the ev ening was passed in playing "S(Ki." .Mr. and Mrt. Williams (Portland), and Mrs. French (Minnesota), were guests. 9 9 Mrt G. W. Wright wat a delightful hottest on Friday when the Twenti eth Century Club membert were her guettt. The afternoon wat pleasant ly patted in tewing and music, after which a dainty repast wat terved by the Mittet Willetta and Carolyn Wright, Mae Tillman and Mabel Schultz. Warranty Deeds. Idaho F. Campbell to Sarah E. Van Aken, May 11. 1915. Lands in Sec. 33. Tp. 14, S. R. 3 wett and Sec. 32 Tp. 14, R. 3 wett, $1. W. D. Brown et ox to P. V. Mc Queen, May 10, 1915. Lands in Fruit date Addition to Lebanon, $10. E. L. Turner et ux to C. S. Wiley, April 22, 1915. Lands in lott Z', 28, 29 in Scio, Or., $10. Patents United Stales to Nathan W. Bond and wife, Dae. 14, WA Lands in Sec. 19 and 30, Tp. 10 S R. 2 wett, 362.00 Miss Lenore Patton, instructor in music in the public schools, went to Salem llils morning. The Best Bit; fir WOOD $4.25 per cord. Come and see for yourself. Foot of Broadalbin street. ALBANY TRANSFER CO, Wood Dealers. j. w. Dur Eucalyptus Ointment ' Sold by East Albany Pharmacy, Mitts ft Calaran, Props, 203 East Main St PRICE 50c Clark Woodard Drug Co, Port land, Oregon Beware of Imitations. Get Your Breakfast at the Handy Shop Before learinf for that long trip you can telephone your order in and we will have it ready for you the time you say. HANDY SHOP W. H. DuBeau 417 Lyon Street Electric Cooking 1 fliR e 1: I I I I I I I I I LJ I The greatest single ad vance ever made in do mestic economy. YOU ARE INTERESTED You (hold know more about it. Give us an opportunity to tell you. OREGON POWER CO. Both Phones 306 West Second St. WE WILL HAVE FOR NEXT MONDAY, MAY 17, SOME SPECIALS THAT WILL BE WORTH COMING MANY MILES TO GET. NOT ORDINARY BARGAINS, BUT PRICES THAT ARE ACTUAL MONEY SAVERS. A Sale of Manufacturers9 Sample Suits THERE ARE 83 SUITS IN THIS ASSORTMENT. CHECKS, TWEEDS, POPLINS, GABORDINES, PLAIN AND NOVELTY MATERIALS, AND THEY ARE IN THE NEWEST SHADES OF SAND, PUTTY, BELGIAN BLUE, GREEN AND NAVY. THE STYLES ARE FINE AS EVERY ONE IS THIS SEASON'S MOST APPROVED MODEL. THEEE IS MOT AM OLD SUIT IM THE LOT ' EVERY ONE-. IS A NEW, SPLENDID THIS-SPRING'S GARMENT THESE SUITS ARE MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. THEY ARE MADE FROM MATERIALS THAT WERE RIGIDLY INSPECTED TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY WERE FREE FROM FLAWS. THE WORKMEN WHO TAILORED THEM WERE THE FACTORIES' MOST SKILLED. TO INJURE PERFECT WORK, THE COLORINGS ARE THE SEASON'S BEST SHADES. - WE ARE FORTUNATE IN BEING ABLE TO PURCHASE THIS LOT OF HIGH GRADE SUITS. YOU WILL BE EQUALLY AS FORTUNATE IF YOU PURCHASE ONE, BECAUSE THEY ARE PRICED ABOUT THE SAME AS MEDIUM QUALITY GARMENTS, WHEN THEY ARE EVEN BETTER THAN ORDINARY FIRST CLASS. SIZE 34 14 New Suits in this size, priced from $20.65 to $7.50 SIZE 36 45 New Suits in this size, priced from $25.50 to $6.25 SIZE 38 15 New Suits in this size! priced from $23.15 to $7.95 SIZE 39 Just 2 Suits in this size, priced at $14.50 to . $13.75 SIZE 40 Just 3 Suits in this size, priced at $22.15 to $11.85 SIZE 42 Only one Suit in this size, 42, price Suits in this si ze $24.35 SIZE 43 There are two suits this size, $17.25 $14.50 SIZE 47 Only one Suit, a big bargain at $13.75 Be here bright and early Monday Morning. Most everyone can be fitted from this big range of sizes REMEMBER THAT THESE SUITS ARE NOT SOILED, SHOP WORN, OR OUT OF DATE, i THEY ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD, NEW GARMENTS THAT WE BOUGHT AT A BARGAIN, AND WE ARE GOING TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GOOD BUY. See displays of Suits in the windows. Each one is marked Monday is usually a busy day Plan for Next Monday So that you can see these suits Our new policy is meeting with satisfaction One Way Only for Cash