PAGE FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY, APRIL 12. 1915. New Coating ' In White Chinchilla The most popular material for Spring Coats 54 Inch white chinchilla, new weave, exception al value $2.50 54 inch white chinchilla, heavy weight, $3. 50yd D M C Crochet Cotton Just received another big shipment of D M C crochet cotton. All sizes inwhite from 2 to 100 Agents for Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE Agent for Kabo Corsets 4 9 S 9 $ 9 AT THE THEATERS and Char- Mr. ly invitrd to attend. a!2-13 Musical Recital at the Academy. The annual musical recital by the r... ..:tr f . U .. A . I l L I I i ' o . r FOR SALE-House and lot close in. Tuesday, April 13, at 8 o clock p. m. . ... D , . ., , , ',, , , , at a sacrifice. Parties leaving town. in the Academy hall. All are cordial-1 ,st ci See Vm. R.-iin altf 25 Ladies' White Chinchilla Coats in today by express direct from the fashion center, New York. The Price is $9.90 Same as before Other stores ask $15 to $18 ALWAYS FOR LESS The Golden Rule 83 Busy Stores J. C. Penney Co. Always Something New Woodworth's Poison Oak Remedy For the relief and cure of Poison Oak, and other skin diseases. An application of Woodwork's Poison Oak Remedy will positively prevent Poison Oak. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded Woodworth Drug Co. Rolfe "The Idler 4 lie Chaplin. Hub "The Hlaok Box." Globe "The Misjuditrd Hartley." 0 Coming; " Opera Home Tuesday, "The J Christian." in Motion pictures (."' Wednesday "A Modern live" ' Musical comedv. y Si? The Rolfe theatre presents an un usual hill tonight and tomorrow Willi Catherine Couniiss headim: ihe cast in "The Idlers." Miss Coumii-t is well known to Oregon theatre itoers, for she was leading lady with the ltaker Mock company in 1'ortland tor several seasons. She i an acires. oi unusual ability and the past two years has been a favorite in met ropolitan centers. She is a co-star in "The Idlers" with Charles Kich iiian. is supported by such axccllcnt players as Claire Whitney and Stuart Holmes. "The Idlers' is a Chaa. Kroinan production, which is enough of an endorsement in iiself. The author. C. Madden Chambers, a well known dramatist, places this play as one of his greatest pieces, and it had a long run in New York beiore beimj pre sented moving pictures. It is a strong play and has drawn big hous es everywhere. Mcsidcs "The Idler" the Kolfe is of fering the inimitable Charlies tin ' in a screaming comedy men of Nerve. The second episode of the "Black Box." E. Phillips Openheim's great story, is the main feature at the Huh tonight. The first installment of this niyserious deective story was well received here "The Hearts of the Bradys." a story of friendship in the ol, fields, written and played by Sydney Ayres. and a Sterling Com edy, "The Butler's Rusted Romance" make up the balance of a good bill. The Globe tonight presents "Senti mental Sophie." with Mareirrt loslvn and Victor Poppel. "A Night's Ad venture" "The Misjudged .Mr. Hart ley" and "Further Adventures oi Sammv Orpheus" fill out a big nights hill. Wednesday and Thursday will he seen Chas. Chaplin in his scream ing Kssanay production. "His New-lob." FORECLOSURE SUIT FILED AT COURT HOUSE TODAY To Foreclose Mortgage. A suit to collect $5t.l0 and interest at 0 per cent on a note given Octo her 8, lIJ, by Jerome IVviuc to P. J. McCumbcr, was filed here today through the Litter's attorneys, Thompson St Hardy, of Eugene. I'laintiff also asks to he paid $JWaJ and interest from August. I0IJ. and "fSW attorneys' fees. Certificate of Attachment Filed. Sheritf llodine today filed a certifi. cite of attachment on lots 64 and o5 in the city of Scio, belonging to A M. oung. et al, on writ of attach ment Issui I to John Scott in Wasco county. Administrator Appointed. Judge McKuight today ordered K. F. Fortniiller appointed administra tor of the estate of O. W. Warren, who died June 15. 1"J4. The estate Gentle- XA The M 3 Fashion $f j ShP III MEETING OF VALLEY BALL CLUBS NOT HELD SUNDAY The proposed meeting of the man agers of the six baseball teams that are slated to form the Willame-te Valley League, that was to have been held in Salem yesterday did no; tnke place owing to the fact that but two of the managers were in attendance. C. M. Small went down as tho repre sentative from Albany, and will J. D. Turner, of the Salem team, were the only ons present. It is not decided whether or not there will be ? league, but most of -he valley towns will have teams and some good games will be scheduled. The Salem manager is showing his confidence by proceeding wi li the erection of a grand stand, fence, etc.. on land that he has leased for ten years, and will let the contract f.-r putting th diamond in shape this week. The pl?nt will cost over !.Wj. Mr. Small states that next SjihI.iy a big workout will be held on the field near the depot, and that the week following a benefit game will be played. Tickets will be placed en sale this week and efforts mad to raise money to finance the start of the season. Prospects are bright for I a strong team here, for besides Ihe old players residing here there rre several good men in near iiy towns that have signified their willingness to wear Albany uniforms this year. Sale on Ladies' Waists We have just received a shipment of lovely new biouaes for spring and summer. They are of the daintiest workable materials. To move them quickly they have been marked t under selling prices. Dainty white voils and srepes in low necks and short sleeves and the new collars to be worn high or low. FOR THIS SALE ..... 1.7S Warns $1.00 FOR THIS SALE . $2.50 Waists $1.50 FOR THIS SALE .. .. $4.00 Waists $2.50 lilillinery ' , 1 1 . 1 . 1 " 1 . , i I, (Lit-. sk7 ZzrTTr .Lt . I 'J) I FOR RENT Two or more acres in North Albany. A man with a team could exchange work for part rent. Home phone Black 863, Frank Doo. Icy. al.Mo BIDS WANTED For moving dirt in Riverside Cemetery. Call on B. Rancher, at Fortniiller Furn. Co. al2-15tf is valued at about $otl. Final Account Filed. the final account in the estate of Marion I'ropst, deceased, was. tiled. today, and Rosalia F, Props! "dis charged and released from her dutirs s executrix. The estate was valitcH .it $,H5, and was divided among five heirs. Bond to Qeep Peace. The bond of Clyde Davis (or $SH0 to keep the peace, which was ordered by Justice of the Peace Swan March 27 on complaint of J. T. Pugh, was filed with the county clerk today. Clara E. Davis is named as surely. Warranty Deeds. Samuel Thomas and wife to Ed ward Price. Oct. 9. 1014. Lands in Src. 19 and .1). Tp. 14. S. K. 2 w. $10. Trustees of Presbytery Willam ette to J. W Wilson. April 5. 1915 Lands in Town of Sodavillr, $.111. E. O. Watrous and wife to J. L. WOOD Dry Block and Slab wood Hammond Lumber Co. Both Phones 358 Yocom, April 8. 1915. Lands in Wood les Riverside Add. to Albany, $1(1. John CtnniiiltiKS to Grace II. An derson, .March 31, 1915. ' Lands In claim JH, and 64, Tp. 14, S. R. 4 west, $10 Uarry Wilkins of the Kcxall store, expert camera man, went to Port laud today on a few days' business Hip. Prof. C. K. Bin I'ee returned this noon from a visit with his family In Eugene, spending Sunday there. WHEN answering please mention the classified sds, Democrat. . . .. I FOR. RE N'T rooms, JIM W. 4I.1R. Newly furnished Jril. Hell phone 12-17 Safety First Groceries are the largest item on the family expense account. Ws want to tell you In this ad. that this store gives you Ihe largest possible return for your money. We invite you to trade here. Seldom indeed will you have cause for complaint. When you do you will find us not only ready but an xious to right all wrongs. Ideal Grocery Both Phones 58 212Wet First Street HORSES One team, mare and horse, weigh J000 pounds, six and sev en years old, extra fast walkers, heavy boned, true pullers. Price $250. One sorrel mare, wslght 1300 pounds, chunky build, age B years, sound anJ true. Price $100. One team of mares, weight 2200, gentle, single snd double, for lady or child to han dle. 8 years old. Price $125. One dapple gray horse, 6 years old. weight 1100. Price $75. One pony gentle for anyone to handle. Price $20. These horses will be guaranteed and trial will be given before you buy. Right out of work, end are fat end grain fed. Must be sold at once to stop feed bill. Also one rubber tired top bug gy. Price $15. Call at the WIGWAM STABLES Automobile Needs Gloves $2 to $2.50 per pair Tire Tale 20c tube Cctneotless Patches 45o dos. Fire Eztinuishert$2 per tube Brake Lined Shoes, (or Ford ears $1.50 pr. Flashlights 75oeach Shaler Vulkits. No. Jl,$2ech. Prcsto-O-Lite recharges Gasoline at the Curb Free Air RALSTON'S 310 WEST SECOND ST. ALBANY Today Special at the HUB The second episode of the "Black Box" The most thrilling serial of all serials also a one reel Sterling Comedy The Butlers Bust ed Romance and "The Heart of the Bradys" by Sydney Ayres. One of the principal feat ures at the HUB is the Orchestra, which is the best we can obtain. The home of good music and pictures Admission 10c ROLFE TODAY and TUESDAY WILLIAM FOX Presents CHARLES . CATHERINE RICHMAN and COUNTISS in Also Charlie Chaplin in a rip roaring Comedy "The Idler" By C. Haddon Chambers, A PHOTO-PLAY IN 375 SCENES, Directed by Lloyd B. Carleton, As produced at Frohman s Lyceum Theatre, New York City Admission 10c Plan Your Spring and Summer Sewing Now ! For never before have you had the opportunity of buying such beautiful materials at such absurdly low prices I Material for all kinds of dresses Silks, voiles, ginghams, etc, Leces to trim tmew with and calicos for everyday dreaaes and aprons. Your choice of the combined stocks of the Young snd Hamilton stores at deep reductions I Coma In st once before you decide what you're going to have and look them overt PUSSYWILLOW TAFFETA, YARD, $1.48 This popular new material in all desirable new shades. 36 inches wide. Quitting business special, $1.48. $1.50 CREPE DE CHINE,. $1.19 Finest $1.50 Crepe de Chine, 40 inches wide. All new colors in cluded. Quitting business special, $1.19. 25c BURTON'S VOILES, yd. 19c Dainty new flowered effects in aheer, fine voiles, 40 Inches winde. Lovely for summer and dancing frocks. Yad. .'...19c 18c IMPORTED VOILE, yd. 12c Beautiful quality Imported voile. One of the season's most popular fabrics. Quitting business special, yard, 12c 85c ALL WOOL FRENCH SERGE, 69c. Our beat SSc quality of wool serge, 44 Inches wide. A limited quan tity at thia special price, yd. 89c 59c ALL WOOL SERGES. 38c Excellent for separate skirts, dress es and blouses... An unusual value for 59c. Quitting business spc- - - 38c LONG CLOTH, SPECIAL 98c -Good long doth, just the thing for your new sum mer lingerie. An excellent quality in 12 yard lengths. While the lot lasts the piece only 98c, FAMOUS CHENEY FOULARDS. 79c When before could you buy the seaaon'a re vest patterns in thia excellent silk at such a pric Y .u will want a couple of ne little dresses st tl 1 1 ure. Special, yd, 79c. " LACES 85c Lace Flouncing ....63c $1.00 Lace Flouncing 75c $1.25 Lace Flouncing 93c 65c Oriental Flouncing 49c $1.25 Oriental Flouncing 93c 65c Organdie Flouncing .49c $1.00 Organdie flouncing 75c GINGHAMS 12'c to 15c Ginghams, yd. ....9c 15c Manchester Percales :.l2'ie 9-4 Pepperel bleached aheeting 21c 8c Apron ginghams, special Sc 15c Fine Indian Linens, yd lie 10c Good India Linens, yd ....8c 'XTRA SPECIALS New calicos, Xtra special, yd. 3c. Limit, 20 yds. to a customer. 10c Muslins, 'Xtra special, yd 6 l-4c Limit 20 yds. to a customer. Young's Department Store L E. & H. J. HAMILTON, Successors