LBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TUE8DAY. MARCH 2. 19U. PACETMPrif i . .. -i Now for the "Feast" of Bargains That Thousands Have Been Waiting for HAMILTON'S GREAT FIRE SALE ! Everybody in the Willamette Valley knows of the great fire that left this store homeless a few days ago and destroyed a large part of our immense stock of merchandise. Thousands of dollars worth of goods were recovered. Lots of it is practically undamagedsome is smoked some of it damaged by fire! We moved it into the Rhodes building, where our clerks have been working all last week. Every- ' II it: 1 i i. j r . u l : TU greatest crowds that have ever attended a sale in Albany, are bound to come to this FIRE SALE ! Former Values Entirely Disregarded Come and Buy at Practically Your Own Price ! Among the goods recovered were several thousand dollars worth of new Spring merchandise which had been in the store only a few days before the fire. Plenty of clerks will be on hand. Come early for the first choice of these sen sational Fire Sale bargains. Everything will be sold exactly as it is. It is im possible to state prices here. Thousands of yards of Domestics, Sheetings, Towelings, Ginghams, Percales, Outings, etc. undamagedY Thousands of yards of Wool Dress Goods, Silks, and Velvets ! h II 2,000 pairs Women's and Children's Shoes, practically undamaged, at Fire Sale prices ! Hosiery, practically undamaged, at Fire Sale prices ! 150 Women s and Misses Suits and Coats, about half new 1915 Spring garments, at Fire Sale prices ! Corsets, Umbrellas, Silk and Kid Gloves, Laces and Embroideries, Muslin Underwear, Outing Gowns, Ribbons, Notions, Table Linens and Napkins, Yams, Sweaters, Curtain Goods; New Spring Millinery, arrived since the fire, will be sold at Fire Sale prices ! 2,000 Spools Corticelli's Sewing Silks, 5c spools 3c; 10c Spools 7c Absolutely Nothing Withheld Everything Recovered From the Fire Will Be Included ! Sale Starts 9 A. Thursday, March 4th SALE at 410 West First St., next to St. Francis Hotel HAMILTON S SALE at 410 West First St., next to St. Francis Hotel