PAOK FOUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1915 We are Albany agents for BUTTERICK PATI ERNS. Get your Delineator here You can now tee newett and best stylet of the teaton, at we have juit placed in ttock A Splendid Assortment of Warner's, Red Fern, Gonard C6rtett, Sahlin Forms, and Ferris Waistt New Spring Goods in all sections of the store Cheney's shower-proof foulards, distinctive in patterns and colorings, 89c yard All-wool Challies, in the new Spring styles, 50c yard New styles in Neckwear 35c to 65c Suits and Coats in Latest Models Waist Cords, in silk, chenille, and crepe de chine 10c to 25c each Agents for Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE Agents for Kabo Corsets SOCM I (Continued from Page 3.) served. 1 he Rural Ladies Club met wim Mrs. Will Looncy on Friday. The members brought their scwirg anil passed a few pleasant hours together, followed by dainty refreshments. Those present v. ere: Mrs. Asltton and daughter. Mesdames Allen. Lonj; Shirley, McFarl.-.nd. Elrlich and Loo- ney. In honor of Mi. De'os Foster, who left Albory this week to reside in Kellogg, Idaho, the board of direc tors of the Y. M. C. A. grve a fare well luncheon at the Hotel Albany on Tuesd.-y and presented him witii a set of gold cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Foster left Wednesday for ti.eir new home. Miss Volena Smith is pissing sever al days in Jefferson, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R6scoe Thomas. Miss Agnes Arnold entertained last evening at the home of Walter Hoper in Sunrise. Games and a sorir.l time AMATEUR NIGHT TUESDAY At The GLOBE 7 ACTS 7 10c Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamme! Hotel Building DON'T MISS Amateur Night Next Tuesday At The GLOBE 10c E. R. CUMMINGS' WOOD YARD ASH. OAK, MAPLE, FIR, SLAB and BLOCK WOOD on hand at all times. All sawed wood under ehed. Prices right, prompt delivery, exact measure. OFFICE WITH VIERECK'S BATHS 144 Weat First Street Office phonea: Bell, 1 43 J, Home 178. Residence phones. Bell 330, Home 146. I were enjoyed by those, present. At a late hour choice refreshments were served. The guest list included: Misses Rose Cassidy. Xort Whet stone, Anna Dever, Anna Parson, l.e da Harr. Mellia Glover and Agnes Ar nold. Messers. Ernest Eniith. Eugene Homhack. Joe Dever. Waller Har per, George Parker. Pete Miller. Ei ton Gildow, Floyd Holly, and Henry i aucne -The Missionary Society of the I'nit ed rresuytenan church met in ih church parlors Wednesday afternoon .Mcsuamcs Knoaes. main. Gihson an laylor acted as hostesses. Mrs. E. sox read a very interesting paper on ine Kca .Man ot the Land. Mrs. p. P. Nutting also read a good pajier on .Missionary Keview. .uonaay oeing a Holiday, the stu dents of the Albany High School met in me assembly hall for a short pro gram which consisted of selections by the high school orchestra, soprano soios oy .Misses Inez Lemke and Al ice Holbrook, piano selections. Mis .aou Uodine; piano duet. Messrs. Mill tagtes and Kernard Kropp speech, Mr. Dan Ashton, and selec tions on the victrola, consisting John McCormick's and Alma Gluck's records. Miss Frances McCourt entertained a tew iriends at her home Thursday evening. Her guests included Misses ransy toIty. Bertha liraden. Eliza reth Kyan. .Minnie McCourt. Edit!; AlcLonrt. Frances McCourt Messrs. a. a. fuller. Legman. Leve and Wil cox. a Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Ford of Leba non spent Ihursday with Mr. and Jirs. J. J. Limlgren. 9 Mrs. n?s- Cusick entertained a few menus miormaiiy Friday afternoon s a w A farewell party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Beeson. and Mr. ami .Mrs. H. p. Karstens at the home of tu ,sanel.le beeson last Saturday. ...s i.jn.iui guesis were present: Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Mr. arid Mrs. h. A. Leeper, Mr. and Mrs. ;;. xi. neeson, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. is.arstens. .Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Alex- "" -"fa- t. Alexander. Mrs. Isabelle Beeson. Misses Conitance Alexander and Maggie Smith. Messrs. v-nanes Alexander and Henry Ray. Alter an evening spent in social en- jojmeni, a repast was served Mr and Mrs. Beeson and Mr. and Mrs Karstens left this week for Sheridan. iu maitc uicir nome. On Wednesday aft...,.... TT: Oaks circle met at the home of Mrs Isabel Bersnn Wl7 ...... I An agreeable surprise was given to . Mrs. Mamie Karstens. who expects u ,..uc ro aneridan to reside. I "" .was a nappy one. visit. i . n spienoid luncheon was served, I at a late nour good byes were aaid -..iiniir jir. ana .Mrs. Karstens the .iit:si ana nest in their new home IT . ..".'J"" urprised Mr. and ""can on Tuesday. "5W was the game played during the even ing, followed by refreshments. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ifogan .Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Swan. Miss Mae ; ,,"" Gus Abraham, Walter Wood and E. Shunterm.m. WASH GOODS white voile, lace voile, rice cloth, barred dimity, striped dimity, flaxon, lawn, Indianhead, Eng lish suiting, auto cloth, linweave, ottoman cloth, pique, linen suitings, hoi ly batiste, lawns, lace cloth, dimity, lace crepe, in all the dainty figures and colors. Price per. yd. Mot ore y- desire to correct such 9t!i(e3fJ) It has been rumored by ccr- "n parties mat the Albany Gun 2 Store, Mauser Bios., props., rcno Boinf ,0 har.Mc the iia naricy-uavidson w clcs. We d ""tementa. having signed our 1915 contract some time ago. Our ? Salem store li.n some of tiie new moneis on display and we ex- fieet our first machine to arrive ! about March 3rd. same beinf enroiitc from the H.irlev-David- son factory. We that you ' call .it our store for catalogue and we will demonstrate to you !"? Hie many advantages of tin's ma- ! chine. 9 9 9 S99(Ja Two big shipments were received by express Direct From New York and are now on sale paes QiaCfQ Poplins, gabardines and novelty serges in the OUlld new shades: Tipperary green, Belgian blue, battleship gray, sand, putty, and black and white checks, and are also made in the approved styles with semi-tailored, empire and military effects. NJA.r Prt-l- We also have a fine assortment of positively 11 eW lAJaiS the NEWEST COATS. Here are some SPECIALS for Saturday, this week only Men'a and Women'a Umbrellas, regular $1.99, at $1.48 Ginghama, regular Uyjc, Saturday only, at. 9c Percales, regular 15c, Caturday, only,at 1254c Apron ginghams, regular price 8 l-3c,at J 7c Huck towels, regular price ISc, at ne Huck Towels, regular price 10c, at...' 70 Kimona Crepes, regular price 25c, at ... J7c House lining, LL 36 inch . 5c Men'a work shoes, heavy chrome veal tan six inch uppers, full double soles. Lcllowa tongue, a shoe that la just right for plowing an daimilar work, where a good substantial shoe is needed, regular price it 13.50, (or Satur d only 2 js Ladies Rigor kid, button shoes, me Uum low heels, regular price 13.00, for Saturday only , $2.48 Men'a two-piece wool underwear, regular 12.00, $.6J Canvas Cloves, regular price 10c, per pair, at 7C' NEW MATERIALS I.iht and dark percales, 36-inch . . . 15c Dress Ginghams, fast col ors . . 12 l-2c to 15c Romper and Devonshire Cloth, 32-inch . . 20c Playground Cloth, fast colors, 27-inch, price 15c Large assortment of Ever ett chambry skirting, in blue, gray, und tan 12 l-2c Sheeting and Pillow Tub ing, Table Linen. Priced from $1 to $2.50 Watch for our Wed nesday Specials REMNANTS ARE HALF-PRICE WEDNESDAYS mmm Q WE AKE AGENTS I Oil THE FAMOUS MOULTON WIRE LESS UMIJRELMS. ' I. O. O. F. Attention! On account of the lart;e amount ot liusiiie$ to come before the lodc on next Wednesday evening, and tli baiKjuet and entertainment which i to follow, it will be necessary for the subordinate lodge to convene in reg ular session at 0:1 p. m. sharp. VICTOR OI.UVF.R. '27-1112 Xoble Grand. Advertised Letters. Letters uncalled for and advertised on Feb. 25. 1915 at Albany post office: Anderson, Sain Benson, II. SI. Elston. V. I.. Johnson. . S. VAX WIN RLE. P. SI. Lunch tonight at the Bamist church 5:30 and 7 o'clock, only ISc. o ' St Mary's Church. Second Sunday in Lent. The pastor will officiate and preach at the 8 and 10:30 a. m. serv ices, speakini; from the ensue! of the day. S:. .Matthews, ch. 17. Vespers will be sunif at 7:311 p. m. T',.e ser mon will be the 2nd of a course on the 1st commandment. The positive i:de of the commandment will he Mu lied in the thinns thM are to be ful filled. The nczative side or thinn lo lie avoided, will be considered later. Lenten services will be held on Wd- nylay erenmir at 7:30. The subject will be "Christ nourishes the soul w:th hK divine life in. the F.ucharist." The stations of the cross will be held friilay eveninir at 7:30. The nuhlic ;ll he welcome at these services. adjourned to Mrs. Shelby's for the i - .i :r meeting. Miss Esther Bales spent Thursday. Friday. Saturday and Sunday oi this week i.ilii. friendi ill Sodaville. y.r. ii IK.l.s.cin '-ro!:ca ,'round for his new house to lirbuilt across the creek from his present location. His plans arc for a modern story and a hi:nv.dow. Mr. Montgomery is divini; the well. comer Front and Cleveland. Two story hoiKc, nine rooms, corner 8th .inn iieruuii. i.ots are all near public schools. All high, dry. and phones. T. P. veil drained. Both Ilacklemaii. F23May23 a &. & s. i ' 1 Subscribers. ., ' If the Imjvs fail to deliver the ' paper eacn evening kindly phone 4 : to the oflice. The management 5 ' invites complaints from its pa- Irons and will do its best to correct faulty service. V G ? 9 ?)?I(S)S)(S) O. E. Sleei era Suepended. Sleeiin car service on Oregon Electric wl tr.iios will be suspended .e.iiioi.inly uiril about March 1J. I ast trip leaviiii; I'ortlai il Wcd.icsday, . i-.nii.iry 24 a: J ki-ut IZlli a. in. Friday, the 26th, Oregon Electric Ky II. S. l.on m. aitent. f24-26ml City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersinr.l treasurer of the city of Al bany, Orciron. has funds on hand to pay irrncral fund warrants N'os. (Slfi to .'a inc., of the year of 1912. Interest will cease this dale, Feb. -V. 1915. , B CUSICK, 'l''zE City Treasurer. Itrii it your old umbrella handle in and we will ihaiHic it over to lit ruir detachable tops free ol charge I". SI. French ei Soil, Jeweler, and Fnirravers. f2fi mi (9 (9 3) Special Dinner Served Every Sunday for SOc. at ST. FRANCIS HOTEL i Luncheon 11:30 to 2; dinner 5 to 8 p. nt. )29tf 9 Give ua your order for elubvrood now,, to be de livered any time you wiah. Albany Transfer Co. Bell 166-R Home 68 AT THE COURT HOUSE Quit Claim Deed. S. Rojjoway and wife to First Na tional Bank, April 8th, 1913. Lands in Hacklcman's Add. to Albany. $10. Warranty Deed. James F. Young and wife to John June, Nov. 13. 1914. Lands in claim 46. in Tp. 11. S. R. 3 west, J10. A. F-. Ilaatvcdt and wife lo Jesse Urownfiel.I, Feb. 9, 1915. Lands in Highvicw Add. to City of Ilarrisburu. $450. J,5 e OAKVILLE NOTES AND PERSONAL OF INTEREST til )Aa f)akvillc. Feb. 27. (Special to Dem ocrat ) Friday noon the ladies of the Oakvillc Slissionary circle went in a iiody to the home of Sirs. Amanda Storer, the occasion being Mrs. Stor- er's 62nd birthday. It was a surprise party in every sense of the word. The ladies remained with Mrs. Storer until tlie middle of the afternoon when they Stock Yard Report. Portland, Feb. 26. The receipts for the week have been: Cattle, 293; calves, 28; hogs, 3012; sheep, 1905. Cattle Cattle receipts have been only moderate this week and have t ik cn a lower level in price. New prices established arc 15 to 25 cents lower man lormer prices. 1 he market is ' considered steady at $775 for topi steers and other lines in proportion. Hows The receipts of hogs have ! not been as Inrite : ! otr1i: ari!y and consequently prices have advanced ac cordingly. Top prime light liogi bringing $685 at close of week. Sheep The sheep market can best be expemlificd by the one word "ex cellent." Prime lambs are bringing $8.25 and extra good quality would no doubt bring at least a quarter more than this figure. All killers seem short of supplies. Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Blh phunca. Lady Assistant ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED. EGGS FOR SETTING S. C. R. I. R. and Barred Rocks, from blooded stock, 75c per 15. Also some choice cockerels from prize winners. Both phones. B. F. Rozclle. F22Mlpd Kggs for setting. S. C. While Leg horns, from bred to lay stock. $1.50 per 15. $7(X) per 1K). O. G. Gar rett. Home phone 1 120. f26ml FOR SALE House and lot. Mod em, at Tangent, at a I argain. $450 cash. Good location. Owner leav ing account -ill health. J. A. How ard or II. II. Ncwcomb, Tangent. f 26 ml LOTS FOR SALE Aa follows: 'I hree near the corner of 8th and Main, four near corner of 7ili and Sherman, 18 in Harkleman Park addition corner of 8th and Cleve land, 20 in the F.pauline addition corner I3lh and Thurston, half block We have The Time, The Place, and "The Tailoring You Need" by A.E.ANDERSON & CO. Chicago Come in and see our now display Minton-Fouts Company 132 West First Street Cleaning and Tailoring 1915 Indians Are Here Call at More for demonstration BALTIMORE GUN & BICYCLE WORKS . Albany Opera House I. R. SCHULTZ. Manager "A Guaranteed I.autfli Show" ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday, March 5th The U. S. Play Company ofTora -The Musical Farce Comedy Success The Only Way" - By Job. Howard Built for Laughs Only In Th rce Screaming Acts 25,50, 75c Pri ces ROLFE Sunday Only Extra Strong Program All the New and Latest Styles in MILLINERY at L. MATTHEW THE WOMAN'S HAT SHOP