PAGE TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1915 8 to Daily Democrat WM. II. Editoi IIOKN'IHKOOK. and Publisher. Entered at the postotfice at Albany Oregon, as sccond-ciars matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Iscini-wceKiy punusnca sue day and rrtdays. BUSINESS MATTER Address all communication and make ill remittance payahic to the Uein Publishing'". In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old at well a new address. SUHSCKU'IION KATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week $ .1') Delivered by carrier, per year 4 lit mail, at end of year 3 5 I'v mail in advance, per year 3aJ Semi-Weekly At end of year ... Vt hen paid in advance, one yr.. ..$1-50 - 1 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic oer word lor first uublication; Vi per word thereafter, payable in ad' vanre. Minimum charge ot JN:. Eaublished in 166A. THURSDAY, FEBRUAR 18, 1915 SHOULD PAPERS TELL TRUTH One of the best bills ever presented to the legislature of Oregon was kill ed on Monday. It was introduced by that great orator and grand statesman Senator Dan kellaher, which probab ly accounts for the fact that it was done to death by a vote that was prac tically unanimous. Notwithstanding that Grand ate- nue's most eloquent orator introduced the bill, it deserved a better (ate than indefinite postponement. Its purpose was to make newspa pers tell the truth. It will he readily admitted that a bill with such a noble design should have had a fair show for passage and should not have been handicapped with a sponsor like Sen ator Kellaher. The suggestion that newspapers should be forced to tell the truth even if it requires legislative action to do it is highly meritorious. It proves that our legislators are working for better things striving for loftier ideals. What thing could be better, what ideal loftier than truth, and what more beautiful achievement than introducing the handmaid of virtue to the daily press! The opposition to this splendid bill reflects little credit on those who voted against it Indeed, the argu ments were pitiably weak and uncon vincing. One notable senator arose and declared he was unalterably op- opposed to the measure because in requiring the newspapers to tell the truth it imposed a duty on them that was impossible of performance. An other honorable gentleman urged his colleagues to defeat the bill on the ground th?t if the newspapers were compelled to tell the truth they would cease to be of any interest, and would be no more readable than a court cal endar. A third asserted that since the stage had taken up life problems and movies had abandoned idealism for realism and the novelists were devot ing their talents to the solution of ev-ery-day questions, and alt were using truth as a basis for their productions, relaxation from this deadly monotony of verity could be found in the news and editorial columns of the dailies alone. "Let us," he cried in a fine burst of eloquence, "let us not chain the men tality, shackle the r inds, r.nd enslave the imaginations our great editors by forcing them to tell the truth. Gentlemen, life is sordid enough with out compelling our brilliant journal ists to confine themselves to its ig noble realities. Let us preserve to the press, our safeguard against op pression, or defender in time of need, the pure palladium of our holy liber ties, the people's pulpit, pride, and preserver, its immemorial freedom from whatever would bind, bend, or break it. This infamous bill to ham per the newspapers by compelling them to tell the truth on any subject would be a deadly blow at the God given ritfht of free speech." The oration in defense of the free dom of the press t;s greeted with a tremendous hurst of applause. Sena tor Butler then rose to express his proiouna cmpieasure ot the measure that was designed to force the peo ple's vindicator, the press, to abandon its light and graceful flights of fiction for the cold, bald, uninteresting, and unconvincing facts. And, anyway, he declared with great earnestness and sincerity, even if the splendid body of senators, of w hich he was proud to he a member, thought in its wisdom that it was wise to pass this bill, and compel the editors to tell the truth, the law would be inoperative, "as it is impossible to make peonle moral and truthful by le-jislatinn." And that is how the bill to make papers tell the truth was defeated. Portland Speculator.' SiSSi both chosen the same, not know FOR RF N'T 'Four room cottage in Writrht's addition. Home bl'nne 4055. 115-23 HARRISBURO ITEMS S AND PERSONAL NEWS S S Prof. Gooding, Superintendent ot schools is ficgiiitiing of the erection ot a residence on the lots bought of F. Dempsey north of the school house, llarrisburg's huildjlg activities ore opening early in the season. There are rumors of more homes to be built this year. The lecture by Dr. Bertha Stuart, professor of physical training for girls at the University of Oregon, was at tended by the V. C. T. V. women and others of the town and is highly spok en of. Her subject of "Value of I'lay an! Thysical Training for School Children." being of much interest at he present time to parents and teach ers. Dr. Stuart also gave a short address in connection with a program of lim bic and readings at the reception in the evening tendered the university young people who held meetings Sat urday and Sunday for the purpose of interesting the young people of Har rishurg in church work. As a result a "Young People's Union Society" of the yonng people of the town as or ganized. Members of both university and city Y. V. C A. and Y. M. C. A. of Eugene being in the delegation. Harrisburg people wilt welcome them again in their splendid work. Mrs. George J. Wilhelm entertained the Tuesday club on Tuesday after noon. 1 he members of the club were asked to represent a character in a hook and to tell the story. They were required to guess what ech one rep resented before the story was told. Mrs. E. E. Upmeyer very swectlv :old the "'Exquisite Love Story," and perfectly represented the Little Old Lady in the Ladies Home Journal of December. Mrs. J. B. Littler as Minnehaha told he story of "Hiawath's Wooing." Mrs. Drake and Mrs. R. K. Burton iug what the other had and together told the story ot "Piiscilla" and much similarity of cosliitne. Mrs. Robinson as "Mrs. Wings of the Cabbage Patch" and Mrs. Dr. Clarke as "Miss llary' in "I.ovey Mary" furnished the "con tradiction to the "classy" part of the program. Mrs. Wilhelm in .a bcatiti fully embroidered Japanese robe and so truly representing her character. her guests could scarcely believe she was receiving them in her contradic tory English, was "Cho Clio San" "Madame Butterfly," the Japanese story by John I.uther Long, drama tiled by Bebsvo. and set to opera by Puccini, the first European story any composer ever set to music. Before her reading Baby Wilhelm was brought ill "made up" like a Japaucse baby and performed his part perfect ly. Dr. Clarke had been asked to take a picture of the groupe hut the other husbands could not repress their curiosity and to the surprise of the Drain Tile 3 inch to 12 inch BEST BURNED CLAY. Special prices in carload lots. HAMMOND LUMBER COMPANY Albany, Oregon. The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 E. 3rd Street Bell 560 Partv R Home 419 H. J. FIRCHAU CO. FISHER, BRADEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS. Undertaking Parlors. 3rd and Broa.hlbm LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones 1 VIERECK'S BATHS First-claa Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets Land Plaster We Have It M. SENDERS & CO. Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. J3J West First St, Albany, Oregon. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill READ OUR WANT ADS. In Order to Keep Pace with the modern business meth ods of today Firms. Corpora tions and Individuals alike re quire a banking connectior which affords them safety for funds, every convenience for the transaction of their busi ness, and that personal element in service which makes deposi tors feel their account is ap preciat.J. All (his is offered to. you to day! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000.00 J. W. CUSICK & CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon . 1 New Spring Styles in Wall Paper Now on display at Woodworth Drug Company Albany - Oregon ladies appeared at the front door and constituted theniself self-invited Kiiests. The hostess served the ladies first according to previous plans, the Hcutlciucn amusing themselves in the parlor meantime, In the dining room Japanese deco ration, with lit-hts and candles twinkl ing softly back of parasols and screens. Chinese lilacs and cyclamen flower decorations uilh shells from Japan, a Japanese lunch set and even Japanese cups to sip tea from, with incense slicks burning, the fragrance and refreshments combined required no great stretch of the imagination to make the enjoyment of it all an "Ori ental" treat long to be remembered. The Wilhelm home has nothing of the proverbial "Mother Hubbard" about it and very soon were the uninvited gentlemen guests also served with delectable refreshments :-lthoinli they were seated without the unique place cards the ladies received. Mrs. Hi mond could not be present on account of illness. The club w ill soon take up the Poetry of the Colonial period in American literature. Evangelistic services at the M. FA church South, began Monday evening. Rev. Thomas, state evangelist, will be here next week. NEW YORK MAY GET P. X. WALLOP SOON lly Hal Sheridan (Written for United Press) Keh. a boxing center is going to be handed a O. K., wallop in the near future it the plans iif Havana promoters don't full through. Returning imprcsarirs bring stories of how the natives down there are simply cr.isy ahoiil the glove game anil are willing, yet anxious to throw their stickles through the box office window with astonishing regularity to sec the boys perform. Added to the patronage of the natives, they say is that of a great many American sportsmen who spend ll.cir winters there. Be that as in may, its a cinch it the promoters there keep ottering the kind oLjtionry they have sturled out to. these United St ile ' are going lo be ban-en of pugs us Cleveland is f hall-players. In the Yoiing-Alir.'rn-Witlie Lewis battle a few days i'go, the first fistic struggle staged in the new campaign, each received $-'.'. It the promot ers ca i p;.y this chiss of boxers $JUW per each and get aw.'), what, oh what. wouta tncy pay a pair oi champion or real contenders. 1-stem fighters are already begin ning to prick up their ears. That two thousand noise listens awfully sweet to their battered ears and if the promoters keep it up Cuba is going to be as full of boxers and alleged box ers as It. in Johnson is of expletives against the Feds. II. Connolly Pollack, whose chief aim in life seems to be keeping his champion, Freddie Welsh, from gel ting into a decision fight, is out with S Special Dinner Served f Every Sunday tor 30c, at ST. FRANCIS HOTEL 0 Luncheon II HI to 2; dinner S lo 8 p. m jJVtl ! i) u) i u) v $ li iC i 8 ) m 1 Complete Line of . Salt and Smoked Fish at 1). K. NE1,ER(.ALL MEAT COMPANY Albany State Bank is prcpareil to y,ive you t vcilli iit sciv iff, mid solicits your kitroii;tfi'. 'Safety This Service" New York. FOR ALL KINDS OP MILL WORK Both phones Foot Fenv St. 1915 Indians Are Here Call at store for demonstration BALTIMORE GUN & BICYCLE WORKS 18. Nw York as!'1 "cw "'"""""ment. He sas alter welsh ami Willie Kiuiiie settle their little dispute at Madison Square Oar den March 11. he is going to send Freddie Welsh against all comers in JO-roinid decision billies anywhere rhe promoters will offer enough kale. Promises and ainiiiouncenients to this effect have emanated from Welsh and his manaucr at regular intervals since the Welshman won his crown, hut up to date they have in aiiagcil to side step all encounters where there was a chance (or the Itritisher to drop his title. ALBANY FUEL CO. First and Lafayette Our wood sheds arc Ilia largest In tht vsllsy, and ws hsva on hand all kinds of dry cord wood, as well as a small lot ol dry slab- wood. W can furnish green slabwood In any quantity and deliver at one a. BOTH PHONES 277 ALBANY, OREGON IOK SALE Fresh young cow, good one. Corner 2nd and Chicago St. Sl6!f Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic BuilJinK. Albany. Or. Bulb phones. Ijidy Assistant You Cannot Afford to be Risky in the purchase of drugs and medicines. So much depends on their purity and strength that it is playing with health and even life it self to use those about which you are not absolutely certain. You can be certain if you do your drug buying here. You get exactly what the doctor orders without adulteration, dilution or substitu tion. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists BUSINESS HI AQQirirn WANT DIRECTORY ULnUulrlLU BUSINESS CIRECTCRY 8AKBB.RS. THE WHITE BARBER SHOP C. S. Brace. Pros. A. P. Lacas, Porcasaa Gtubc Taeater Bldg , Alksny, Oregon CHIROPRACTOR KLMIR C. OIPK Chiropractor. Rooms S. 7, 9. 10, Cuskk Bank Bldg. Nature caunot cute a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. DENTISTS OK. W. K. BILYEU Dentist, First National Bank building, Albany. FOR BALK. IOK S I K OK klSr-5 acre, with house and barn. I aire in small fruit bearing i'lcse In Lebanon road lii'iune IViitcr sioie i.'llf FOR tUKN'TORSAI li t acrc.s ot Sauliaill biiltum l.ind with Kond limine and him Call at .111 I.I Nail. Il.uik lll.l. H7-JII I OK SAI.K-Tw.1 of the best build inn h'l. hi the city. Close in Small cash payments. W. Haiti. (I7-.V HOSPITAL Maternity Hospital. lS2 Washington M.. Albany. Or. airs. Llmer Richardson, auprrin tendeal. aJouern equipment.' l'irst ilsss servue Light, checiuil rooms. Reasonable rates. Itoih phones s3tf LAWYERS. Paid $3,483 33 Cash to Samuel May, formerly of May & Senders, Harrisburg, Or. The policy was issued at age 59 a IS year endowment at age 74 it returned the insured all his premiums and more, besides the life insurance. Mr. May, in letter dated Jan. 25, 1915, says: "The settlement waa entirely satisfactory snd I csn cheerfully and conscientiously recommend the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company." H. N. COCKERLINE GENERAL AGENT PHONE 246-J 335 WEST 2ND L. G. I.F.WF.I.LlNf. Attorney at law Notary public Albany, t ircgoii. DAN JOHNSTON', Attorney at Law Room 35 First National Hank l!ldi(. WEA'l'l! Kit FOR I) A WCATIIKR FORI). -Lawyers, Albany, Ore. EYES OF ALL NATIONS ENGLAND s furnishes the greater part of all glass used for spectacles and eyeglasses in this country. 'This great war has turned the attention of American man ufacturers to the problem of manu facturing optical glass in the U. S. A. . Ce Meade, Optometrist C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law l-2 New 'irst National Bank build- lag, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE Al head of 2 and J year old Jersey and llolsieiu heilers. coming fiesll tins spring $H), $5 cash and balance 1 or 2 years lime 7 per cent interest. F. H. I'feiiler, Bell phone No. 441 J. Al bany. Or. ff,i( llejer calves. Jerseys, Guernsey. HoUteii'.s, and Durham., (torn good grado cows in Tillamook county, Lease order with t . M Winn, aneni Wells Faigo A Co , Albany, t trrgoii. ill-mili AT 1 1. M.I f r si il. cic , ',, only kfoiug lo I' J'KICF. 7 loom li c-i'tiiu pa n i. O ' tiood tut-, use iu good I ol CltV. lof keu soon, Nmiiug FOR SAI.i: CHFAP-Foar p.ssen iter sum, in good condition. In Uiiire Democrat oline j5-f FOR R-:T CIIKAI'-Nine room house, hath, liol and cold water, electric lights and well .c.ited See 'ici;.in Inle ft laid Credit Co. FL'lt ' V? S l'"reh Jersey cow Tests s 5 ' L'ir. 2nd and Chicago, dtftf FOR RBNT FOR.. KENT - N.wly furnished housekeeping rooms, or apartments to mil customer, kent reasonable, l ocated on W. First St.. No. 42J Hell phone 45IJ and Hell JIJK. j2!l MAGNETIC HEALING. DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths. Home phona 40J Albany, Orruou F6-20 MEAT MARKET if. I. CRAFT-242 West Second St, Albssy, Ore. First claf.s meats of all kiads from selected stock. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE K)K RENT Housekeeping rooms; convenient to high school; modern rorivenicm-es. l'boiic Black 115. fv v.. 4ih sir. , tf DISCIfl.LAN!- Cascadla Water SI. 5(1 per quart hollies at Murphy's ,'. MONEY TO LOAN. tloca Store. nlMf . F. MERRILL Insurance and Loans City warrants bought and sold. Room No. I, second floor, First Savings Bsakkinlding, Alnnny, Oregon B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fire insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Alhsny, Oregon. KfiAI. ESTATE POR SAI.K-Farm i.inu s, city properly. her lands, vU.,wvi.jM, inoiicr iu loan, insur ance written in the strongest old line companies. J. V. Pipe, 2t)J W l'LSt; jllywk tf FOR BEST and cheapest fire Insur ance see I. R. Schult. aj-tf 3m to loan on good farm security. Collins t Taylor. fltltf MONEY TO LOAN on u-.od im proved farm land. Call on J. V. I'ipe. m West 2nd St. . f MONEY TO LOAN at 7 per cent on farm lands. Plume or urile Ed ward F. tiox, Albany. fllltf dlv wkly M,"rY T IOAN AT 7 '1'" lk.Nl lor choice farm loans. Low expense fees. Write or phone Almgan & Walker, Cntvalln, Or. dly I- 7w qu.ili.y wheat wky lft-')-t.' IOK SALE High seed. Hell UK.M. MONEY TO LOAN Can make choice farm loans at 7 per cent. WM. BAIN. Room 5, Savings link llldg. Tlcll 45