AGE POUR ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19, MS New Spring Dress Materials Now on display Gabardines, Serges, poplins, .stripes and checks in wool goods All wool challies in new patterns and colorings 50c yd. March Designers now ready FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First Street The new arrivals, Suits, Coats, Dresses, and Waists are the season's best styles. The fastest express service brings these new creations almost daily. Visit the Suit Dept. often One rack of Suits that are wonderful values at the reduced price of $5 per garment Middy Blouses, all sizes, white galatea with navy flannel cuffs and collars, special at $1.25 CUT NEWS Goes East (or BurUl John H. Mulligan of Dever, leftf early this morning for Madison, Wis consin, taking with him the body ot his little son, Richard, who died night before ?ast of pneumonia. Interment will take place in one of the Madison cemeteries. Special Trails ' A special two coach Oregon Elec trie train will leave Salem at seven o'clock, bringing a bunch of Salem Elks for the triple celebration to be held here Thursday night. The train will return at midnight. Estate Appraised - In the nutter of the estate of Hen ry Shank, deceased, John Sandner, John Huber, and Pat Lamert. appiaU ers, have filed a report with the coun ty court, showing the value of the es tate to be $17,213. Asks for Administrator In the matter of the estate of Wil bur J. Smith, who died "intestate, his brother-in'law. J. F. Smith, has filed a petition with the county court, ask ing that A. F. Hawkins be named as administrator. . Temperature Low Temperature variatioin for the 24 hours ending this morning at V o'clock, was from 28 to 48 degrees During the same period, tl.e rainfall totalled .14 inches. The river now stands at 3.6 inches. Attends Bankers Convention William Bain left this morning for Portland where he will attend a meet ing of the executive board of the state Bunkers' association. Judge is Grandfather Word was received here this morn ir.rr tint Judge Galloway is now a trrrrtdfmher. Hic- son Charles Gallo way, of Salem, is the father of a boy who was brought to Salem early this morning. Leave Reform School The local authorities are on the lookout here for two boys who es caped last night from the state reform school. According to the description which was phoned here, the boys are 16 and 17 years of age respectively. Telephone Team Wins The Pacific Telephone team won from the Hauser Bros, bowlers in the chy league last nighb taking two games out of the three played. The telephone men made scores of 871. 836., and 839. while their opponents rolled 86J. 788, and 866. J. L. Irvin has Son Sunday the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irvin of this city, leaving a baby boy. Both moth er and child are reported to be doing nicely. Prepare for Visitors A full attendance is desired at the meeting of St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. 'M. tonight, as at this time, ar rangements will be made for the en tertainment of Washington Lodge of Portland which will be on hand Satur day as the guests of the Albany lodge. Y. M. C. A. Board Meets The Y. M. C. A. bo:.rd of directors met this noon at the Palm Cafeteria to discuss matters connected with the association budget. It is believed that this will soon be finished. Ladies of the G. A. R. Society The Ladies of the Albany G. R. will hold a social and bazaar on Feb ruary 22. Washington's hinliHnv ' Those who attend will be sent tinv i socks, in which they will place their ! contributions to be left at th dnnr 1 These will entitle the giver to lunch eon which will be served from twelve until two. All are cordially invited. LOST A straight stem. French bri ar pipe, hinder please return to the Democrat office af CORSET Specials We have a large number of extra special corset values LOT 1 This assortment .con tains high-grade cor sets now reduced in price to 98c i vMSlJO sale Zl'y wrmmT"'. rV vyiuy union suits and T s? "?v small size vests. ?--A$kC . . w- --"-JJ wOllr I - AT U I'll yV( . lh,s assortment con- NSjUgSJl IQc N Regular '0;t2' II V lamt high-grade ccr- (y""! '"tea, 'O s 1 llin r set. now reduced in KIM Si'MS Price ' M Nftty 4ac. Coffee y , Si -W' to I'il H : lift, LOT 2 45c. Quality jT;r4?L . ? Teh' o V i M llll (ft I. composed of excep- JlSA . 2 V'. D'HSl tional,y good corsets L "--V to 20th per Garment 11 Uj on ..le .t WE REDEEM THEM ' Now Half 7 $1.98 ) Price - W Wee Special ; . l! A XIZ Remnants Are UNDERWEAR PINEAPPLE GROWERS SEEK MARKET FOR FRESH FRUIT Washington, Feb. 16. A marketing nient along these lines are very great in these islands. Sudan grass, sor ghum, legumes and other forage plan:-- have already teen planted by the detriment's experiment station in cooperation with the miliiaiv nost ! fin or.Icr to furnish green feed for the I E. A II. J. HAMILTON I horses. t- Notice! TIiosc wishing to settle their ac count with ti e Hamilton store can do so by calling at Room 401 First ior.a! Bank l.fildit: division to assist pineapple grower ! horses. has been organized by the U. S. de- Rc'' a,,1 wl,il Bermuda onion seed The Last Touch yet one that is indispensable to the proper costuming of the dainty re fined woman is fashionable footwear But fashion in itself is insufficient; to be desirable shoes must be perfect fitting and comfortable They must also have the much sought and sel dom found quality of making the feet appear smaller. You are sure to find such shoes here The McDowell Shoe Co, 236 West First St. partmcnt of agriculture's experiment station in the Hawaiian Islands. Pric es which canners have been offering for pineapples are less than the cost of production. The Hawaiian pine apple grower today has to expend from $12 to $15 per ton- to produce his fruit, whereas the price offered by I the canners ranges from $3 to $11 are i!ing well in Hau ;ii. X:': -i of c Ions yielded 32 Z'.? pounds last year, t.ot co,:i-;i:.g s.nall onions of pickling size. Sugar cane and sweet corn have also made good yields. Okra Crows High in Guam. An American variety of okra which has attained a height of from 7 to 8 feet has been grown on heavv elnv per ton for first-grade pineapples and 1 "" '" "r l,,Uc possession of Guam one-half these prices for second-grade fnr 01" on he 1acific- This variety products. As a result the small grow-1 18 'ite velvet, and the depart- er is now seeking a market for his men, exP"ent station in Guam ' fresh fruit in the United States. How , ever, the business of shipping can hardly be carried on satisfactorily ( without organization and it is to help out in this connection that the new division has been organized, record ing to the latest report of the Hawaii Experiment Station. It is also suggested in the report that better arrangements could be made if there were a branch of the marketing division in San Francisco, which should act as a central office for fresh pinerpple shipments. This office could undoubtedly prevent the succession of bare and flooded mar kets which has characterized the pre vious condition of pinoapple ship ments. The same office could also do val uable service in handling other Ha waiian products, such as sweet po tatoes, onions, bananas, beans, coffee, cocoanuts, and ktikui nuts. The last mentioned product is particularly val uable on recount of its large oil con tent. Aids Diversified Farming. The army is a most important fac tor in the development of diversified farming jn H.ivHii. This branch of our government uses large quantities of corn, eggn, potatoes, poultry and other products, and the authorities are desirous of i.avirg the territory develop an independent source of food supply, it s the possibilities of develop expects much of this variety. A great number of American vege tables have been found to grow easily in Guam, including cucumbers, let tuce, radishes and beans. Eggplant produces heavy yields of excellent quality. One variety introduced with success has been the New York im proved spineless. The pepper is also produced with the greatest ease and is much relished by the natives. For five years speri.-'l attention has 1ieen given to growing the tomato in Guam, but until this year all efforts have failed. During the past season, how ever, a number of tomatoes were pro duced, which, although very small, were mild and savory and should prove prolific. Insect enemies have so far been very easily controlled in the case of practically all these vegetables. Stated Communicatioin of St. John's Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M., this evening, Tuesday, at 7:30 p. m. A full attendance is desired in order to complete arrange ments for entertaining Wash ington Lodge No. 46. DAN JOHNSTON, Dever vi. Flynn. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 16 Rim Dc vcre of Kansas City, who recently ad ministered the ICayo to Sailor Grande, will m?ct Jim Flynn, the fireman, here tonight for n fifteen round go. We have The Time, The Place, and "The Tailoring You Need" by A.E.ANDERSON & CO. Chicago Com in and sea oar new diiplay Minton-Fouts Company 132 West Fir.t Stmt Cleaning and Tailoring FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber ciaim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1I4J IIAtf LOST Watch and chain with an Elk's tooth charm. Finder please return to Democrat office. flJ-16 FOR SALE An old team, suitable for light work cheap. Call Red 116 Hume phone. f 13-16 FOR RENT Reasonable. I 3-4 acres in North Albany. Good home and barn. M acre strawberries. Lots of other berries. W. I. Green, sec ond place east of North Albany School House. Home phone I4'J F I. !-!(, NOTICE. All persons having any bills a gainst Wm. H. llomibrook or th Albany Daily Democrat are requested to pre sent the same for payment at the Democrat office on or before Thurs day of th present week. All persons owing advertising accounts to th Democrat which became due and pay able prior to the first day of Febru ary are also urgently requested to settle such accounts before Thursday. FI6-I8 FOR RENT Four room cottage in Wrights addition. Hume iduiiir f I t. R. CUMMINGS WOOD YARD ASH. OAK, MAPLE, FIR, SLAB and BLOCK WOOD on hand at all 'times. AH sawed wood under shed. Prices right, prompt delivery, exact measure. OFFICE WITH VIERECK'S BATHS 144 West First Street Office phones: Bell, 143J, Home 178. Residence phones, Bell 350, Horn 146. Try This Way to Do Your Sewing, Madam "I find that with a little Electric Motor on my old sewing machine I can do bet ter work without any of the backaches I used to experience. "My husband says he believes in modern methods in the home just as much as in his factory. "Why don't you 'phone the electrio light company right now and ask them to tell you all about this little labor saver?" See your electrical dealer or call Oregon Power Co. Telephones 15 306 West Second St. ..J. J'lUJi.... Amateur Night Tonight at the Globe Theater -10c