F .'. C ITiNb. Kd. and Prop. tnor.d ttbe MUUcttt Albany sooop, -..-.. aaoond olas. mill muter, Albany Market. It U to b hop ib.t no ghoul, .ppe.r arouud 111. grave ot tbe lata President. A elory wai sterisd that ooe had. The ghoul is.s evidently in the dleeeeed brain of (oms newspsper man wishing to mak a snoop. Tnere was uollilug ' " ' log then days tb.re .ems to be a detirs runn tome tuluaute a tausaimn regain I of truth or coosqienie. Wheat 48 lente, OaU27. Eggs 24 nents. Butter 16 to 20 tenia. Potatoee 60 cent.. flame 15 Sides 15 cenU ShonlderalO ante Hope 8 cen J Pork, gross, 6 cents. Hay, $ loone, ti bale 1. Flour 70o per Beef, gross steers cow 2o. Mutton, gros, 2Jic. Veal, gross 4o. wool llloi:i:. Mill (eid. orsu 117, shorts $21- Poullrv, 8 cents live weight. Lnrd 14-. Prunes, dried, 4o. Apple, dried, f-c. Apptee, green, 6'Jc. Penra, green, 50c. Notice to the Public. You ata reqveeted to srttle your ac count with lbs Albany furniture to. on or Mora October 18, 11)01. All bills not paid by !htdte aill be placed in the hands oi an attorney lor collection. This is neceseary in order to cioee up me com' pany's nueinees. Very truly youre. Tin Albany Fobshusi Co. Albany, August 20, ltHll.- There Is a good deal of uicleernets in (bis long investigation ol Adtnirel Schley's Saolisgorecord. bat in military circles it Is considered ner.-sa.ry on ac cojolofto. manner in which things bare been coniueed since the Brest event. Whatever the decision ol the board b.v ing tbe matter in charge there is little doubt that tbe public bas lully decided the ease in lavor of Admiral Schley. In doing thi' they do oto ecesjnly declare that Mr. Schley conducted bimaell per- lecily in every detail, but that altogether taking everything into consideration, bis coudoct was admirable.'. Buy and Try a Box Tonight While you think of it, go buy and trr a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. ARMOKY HALL. -ONENiaHrOOMMENOlNQ Friday, Oct. 4th. Tbe Latest Musical Comedy The Queen ot Hayti . . 48-STAR PERFOBMERS-48 Pretty Oirls, Fuuny Comedians, "jeor gous Costumes, Special Sconery, He witching Music, Grand Choruses. lo-uin vaudeville At:rs-io Hee Kratou, Marvelous Hoop Roller. PRICKS 50o and 755. ' Ho lar tbe showiog belween'.the Amer ican and English yachts in the great In ternational yacht race bas been decided ly in lavor ol the Yankee, and it is the opinion of the Democrat that this will continue so. Some thinx tbat tbe Col umbia bas obiained tbe advantage be cause ol the lighter winds, and tbat when a slid breeze comes up the Eng lishman will eait away Iron, tbe Yank, but tbe career ol tbe Columbia indicates tbat she is just as good in in bigb wind as in a low wind, and when tbe proper time comee and the winds bio w ft the Colombia will be In her elements. Monte Carlo' Debit Side. The University of Oregon Highest standard in . .e elate-two hundred course in Literature, Science and the 4rts, Hcience and Engineering and Music New buildings and equip' ment. seven new Instructors; nearly eOOO vols, added to library in IBUl Sum. saer School with University credit special rnorsei lor teachers, for Law and Medical students, irep.rtmeni or rel ocation for teachers, principals end so pari .lnte. Tuition free, coat ol liv ing low three students granted schol arships in large eastsrn nniveeeitles In seat. Hsnd same to President or rVeglslrar or elrenlars end celaloguee, fcugene. Oregon. The New York World. Time has demonstrated that the Thrlce-a-Wevk World stands alone in its class. Other papers have iniilated its form but not its encces). This is be cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether thai news he political or otherwise. It Is. in tact, alni'ist a daily at the price of a weekly end you cannot atlord to ire uu not u lUiinhlir.n and democrat alike can read the Tbrice-a-1'eek World with ab solute coniHIence in its trtuir In addition to news, it publishes first' lam serial stories anil otlnr feature" suited to the borne aud ltresde. Fiom London Tit Bits. To tbose who imigine tbat at Monte Carlo tbe gambling always goes syste matically against tbe players and that their cold flows unceasingly into tbe cof fers ol tbe bank It would eeem difficult to elieve tbat sometimes tbe bank's ac counts show a deficiency for months to gether. Only two years ago at tbe end of ten months of tbe financial year tbe bank's books showed a loss ol over 200,000 (e90,000), an average deficit of 20,000 ($90,1)00) a month whicb tortuoate gamb lers had,' put into tbelr pockets. This, of course, was exceptional, and the spell ol bad luck was lollowed by sucb a tide ol prosperitr tbat in tbe two succeed. ng mouths ol tbe year tbe deficit was com pletely wiped out aud a prolit ol 1.000, 000 ($4,8OO,000( was made in its place. As the bank s profits auiouot only to 3 per cent ontbe sums staked at tire tables, it is clear tbat during these two mnntha no less than 3.1,'j millions or pounds (1U0 million dollars) rnuil have changed hands, and that every day the stakes most have amounted to over )4fj,000 (2,012.000). But, of course, money is not always changing hands at Mo Pte Carlo attus appalling rate. This only happens dur-na- the heixbt ol the season, when tbe tables are crowded by neb and fashion able gamblers, whose play Is as reckless as It is unscientific. Tbijlslhe bank's harvest time, and during tbe remainder of the r ear, when the eyitem player bas his innings, tbe flow ol gold into the bank's exchequer is comparatively triv ial and olten ceases altogether. Some of tbe eccentricities of roulette and trente-et-quarante are so remarkable as almo t to appear incredible. On oneday at roulette tbe cumber 33 made its appearance seven times in sun esssioo, an svent against which the bet ting Is 95,000 millions to one. In trent- et'q'iarante on one occasion there was a aeriee of seventeen blacks in succession and thirteen times colour occurrences against which tbe odds are almost Incal culable. Ol the bank's profit's, roughly 40 fer cent goes to the maintenance ol the Ca sino and ol ths princs and principality ol Monaco. Tbe prince tskes 1 30,000 (1240,' 000) a ) ear for brmssll and X'-'O.OOO (tWO,- 00)) for bis army, police, law courts aud expenses ol goverumene; X0.C00 (rM3, U00) goes, strangsly enough, in grants to bishop, clsrgy, convents and schools; 11.000 ((28,800) to charities, and 11,000 $3-.20it) in prises for carnivals, regattas, pigeon-shooting, etc. The" Pr. uldentfc Church. Tbe Reformed Dnteb Cbnrcb In Amer ica, ol wh'.cb Theodore Roosevelt. Presi dent ol tbe United States, is member, dates from Hie earlier! suleuient in New Amsterdam, but it was not until 1028 tbat tbe Brat omanisation was form ed. Its raok.werejconslauily replenish ed by immigrsnts Irom, Hol'and, wbo settled along ibt-JHudeon and Mohawk rivers. Hi New Yorx, and the Passaic, Hackensack and Hiritan r'veri, in New Jersey. Poring tbe remainder of that century tbe growth was rapid aad perm aoeot, and it was out hinderei even by the conquest ol tbe English in 1660. Tbe eburcb originally sprang Irom the teach ing of Zwingli. But in tbe opening of the next century a change took place. The elder Fretlng- buyren, wbo began bia labors in New Jersey in 1719, and wbo wa an earnest and spiritual man, met with great sue cess, he and those of Ilka spirit felt tbat It was neceseary tbat the colonial charch should educate its own ministers Instead ol sending tutm back to Holland for tbat purpose. Application was made to tbe mother eburcb ror permission and after waiting lor a long time the American branch was authorised to bold a subordinate assembly. But to tbie tbose wbo preferied ibe old ways demur red, and even wltbd e , thus forming two distinct orgsn:2 nun., between wbicb there waestri:efir almost belt a century. But in 1S70, throug the iUT tie ot Dr. John 11. Liviogrtoo, a beets ol ublun was adopted, and with slight modifications bas continued lo tbe present day. Prior to 1807, the corporate name of tbig ohutcb was tbe "Reformed Protestant Dutch Cburob in North America," which at tbat lime;wsa changed to the "Re formed Church lo America." In He earlier history this eburcb was limited to the states of New York and Kew Jersey, but has now expanded westward and congregations have been established in many ol tbe Middle and Western States. Tb form of government in the Re formed Church is essentially preiby terial, each congregation being managed bv a consistory, composed of elera and deacons cboeen for two years and in such a way tbat only ball can go out ol office at tbe same time. 1'he elders, with the pastor, receive and dismiss , members and exercise discipline; the j deacons have charge of the alma. Both j together are ex -officio trustees of tbe ' church property and call its minister. Ex elders and ex deacons constitute what is called "tbe Ureal Consistory, " who may bn summoned to give advice in im- f portent matters. The minister and one ' elder from each congregation in a given district tonstilute a "cleesis" or presby tery, wnich supervises tbe spiritual j intereets ol said district. Four niiniiters aud lour eiders from each district lorm a synod, with similar powers, al Synod is formed by a similar grouping of all the synods. "SPECIAL SALE." KODAKS 1.00 Biownie Kodak hpeclal 80c. 20 percent diccount Ln every Kodak lu It house. Complete Stock of hotographio Supplies. WOODORTH DRUG COMPANY. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Crew fold Block, - Albany, Ore HAHlODMtflSIi ttfltlPIOENf ThU reUVMaUblf 1 VltsaUMr,Ulv-crip 1 "", U! '!tm&EX!Z "ejvoas BeelUbr. jmiilfc,amuniJJJlto Dni Varicocele aijl imeoiciaiITxw' JSaree, , which II Ml cMM lewoi N. E. WINNARD M. D. OFFIOE: Tweedale block, Residence corners' St and Broaaalbin, Albany, I Ireg n. xerpnooe, rearoence, ilea 42, otB Red 246. ' omo DR. J. L. HILL, Physician snd Burgeon Hill Block - - - Albany, o, . DR.(!YLTHIEJ. RAMSEY osruoPATHisr. Specialist in chronic and nervous dir. eases, and deformities. Broadalbin St. bet. Jod and 3rd. Monday and Friday inCorvallis, Hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 tod p. m. Foahay 4 Mruon, Agents Try Parker Bros, For the best Groceries, i Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. J. O. Little O. V. Itrru. LITTLER & LITTLER Dentists. Browo Block. Albany, Oregos Your Teeth can be ailed or u traded without l ain by DR. ADAMS Heo. Collins DDB A. Jack Bodges D 0 f COLLINS & HODGES Dentists, odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or. H. A.LELN1NGER, Dentist . Crawford Block, Albany, Or, CLUBBING TERMS. ' lkanf Haiti rwr.L n0 Ei aminer 12.60. Albany Democrat anc. i'brice-a-week me ueoer- .mn-, ndOrerronian 12.25. Albany Democrat and Republic 1.75. Albany Democrat and Commoner lb. Reformed church ba. no less than m D.mocr.t and Homestead five creedc the Apos'lee. the Nicene, the Atban.sran, tbe Bel.io Coufe-sion Subscriptions ordered lor Daily lob- (I56I) aid ths Canons of DordrecbtflBlo- acribers in gooa sianaiux i .-.... 9). It require, that tbe Heideloerg Catechism (luM) be taught in the lainil les and schools and alio to be regularly explained from the pulpit on tbe Lord'e Day, aud in such a way that the entire document shall be cover' once lu four Treasurer' None. TOBACCO SPIT and 5 MO KB Yourufeawayl DON'T Toe can tieenredof aov form ol K.hacco tulns taxlT, t ma.le well, elrong. ni tnrltc. lull nl new Trie and vltor liy UWux HO-TO-BAO. V w..lr n,-n atronv. M.H1T tt tia Uo round In ten dare, over MOO,OOQ cored. All unimr". vr t.iuict,i. felt and a,tTlc FKltR. AiCheaa aTH UtllililV KU, Chicago oc rlw Votk. Albany, Oregon, Sept. t, 1901. H. B. Ccbice, City Treasurer. Call No. 8 Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to pay City Warrants 11M-1 jears 04il tn.ln.i nl the iesne ot 1901. A short compendium ol the Catecbittn jr. ...inat the bridge fund. Interest is used as basis for leceielng members, on tbese warrants will ceaee with Ibis bat the ministers are required to sub scribe to the entire Confession snd Ctccbreh, and to pledge themselves to lailblnlly leach tbe same. Parent, prt senting their cbddrea for baptism most reaffirm their faith as tauatbt in tire srandards of Ibe church, and agree to in struct all who arrive at tbe arte ot ma turity in raid andards. This cbaicb, while etrongly attached to its own doc'.rines. Is, at the same time, exceed ingly charitable toward all other Christ ians. The Reformed church began Its oreign miseion work in 1832, and now has sta tions in Japan, in China and in the Madura District, India. ens nai.R cHtAP. Cne back, one buggy, both in good condition; one Oliver Chilled plow, on uey mro 1 veers old, weight 11C0 lbs, one norrel :j ... 11.. korx,. .see 10 years. weight l.uOOlbs piece( .11 will woik single or double, must sell by b'ept. 16tb. Call at tbe Bteiwer farm loor miles north ol JeHereon along Ine tel ephone lino or address, A. B Casto. JetTerron, Or. FOSUAY & MASO Wholesale Retail DEDBBISTS 1HD BOOmiLtt- VLB.VNT. OBIOOII. PafDruftBdth flnt and Lrgwt block 01 btMonry idd jwh ua the Market Sealed Proposals. RIVERSIDE POULTRY YARD. Purebred R. 0. and B. O. White Leg boms, 8. 8. Hsm burgs, White Plimoalk Rocks, M. B. turkeys, Pekin ducks sod O. I. C. bogs, for sale. Eggs for chickens and ducts $1.23, for turtreye $2.00. Ed. Scuosr., Prop. At yards, or ad dress at Albany. H. F. Herrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AHENT, i.ol lections promplly attended to, cor spondence solicited. Ofbce in Dsho bat building. M. WYGANT, SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN "Terms reasonable. Albany, Or. THEK.O. T. M. very Saturday evening at K, O. T, If ball. Visiting Knights invited. JOHN 1ALT, Commander. Clvrote Tone bbt-ii w..n tttcarfcta. OAVIO F. YOUSO, pa"' hanger entl paiuler. Allranv, Or. l'hooe3t2, black. UIINH Will TON $:).. feeond St, near Lyon treet. Albany, Sells Chi nese medicine, Ckinese rice, Chinese tea and nut oil. A 'i'yplcnl South African Store. O. L. Lareon.of Bay Yilla.Sundaye Riv er, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical ot Soutn arnea, at wnica can oe pur 0 retted smtbieg from the proverbial "needle to ao anchor " Ihis store is att ested ia a valley sine miles from tbe nearest railway station and about twenty tive ukllee from tbe nearest town. Mr. lAieon aays: "I am favored with tbe ' ouetom ci farmers witbin a radiue of ! thirty nillee, to many of whom I have 1 .upp ied I'namberlain'e reneJiee. All tetify to their valne in aboubold where ' . doctor's advice Is alruoat out of the question. Witbin one mite of my store 1 ihe populatfon is perhaps sisly III tiee, within the pest twelve months, no lers Iban fourteen have beea abrmlntely eured hv Ubamberlain'a Cough Remedy. flii. mu.l eurely by a record." for sale by ail druggiete. FRUIT BOXES For sale. Call at 8. N. Steele 4 Co'.. ALBANY FARMERS SHEDS D. Iteri, Proprietor No loeated I In anarlers only ( hall blcwk orth of (tor olS.B.Touaj aVSon, iir u. R.il N. dnots. Teams csrefaliy stteode to. SUMMONS I THR ClBCCIT t'OUBT 0 Tit StaII cf Omoos for Lish Cocktv . ' Cecil R Rcbntr... plaintiff, vs Lfaietle Y Wilton and Inn 1 VV.Ieou, defendants. ' To Lafayette Y Wilson, defendant : In the name ol ibe stale ot Oregon, -u are hereby required to appear and anewer the complaint bled egaintl yen in the bnve entitled snil Wltnin BIX ees rrom mis anth fir want' thereof, the plaintiff will take indirmcnt agrinst yen for $260, with interest at the rale ol ten per cent per an nm trom the l?th dav of November. IbV8, and f 10 atltornejs' frra and tbe rntta ot this sell. 1 be olaintitl will also INSURANCE AND MONEY BKOKER a der ree frrecloaina' the mortgsse on Kirs fneurenc, Wriliesr, City, Conn-' the premises described in the complaint try and tfchooi. Warrant bouthl. Col. ! and an orcer of sale of the said mcilgaed Noti' is hereby given that np the hour ot 7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday the 24th day of September 1901 sealed pro posal. will be received by tbe City Oouncil of the City of Albany, Oregon, for constructing a lateral sewer across block No. S3 in uacwemao s una Aaai inn to said Citv from the east line of said block to tbe weit line thereof. Said sewer to be constraiceo ot me best quality ol vitrified terra cotta pipe, 8 incbee inside diameter, and according to tbe plans and specifications on file in the City Recorders office. Detailed estimates and npecification. for such eewer having been prepared and filed by tbe City Engineer. Proposal, must state tbe price per foot for the work eomplele, including all material and labor. The contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder, but tbe Council re serve, the rigttl 10 reject any anu an bids. i 1 All bids must be filed in the City Re corder's office on or before 7 o clock p. in., of the above mentioned dav. Bv order of the City' Council made September lOtb, 1WJ1. Alhany.uregon, oeuiemoer loin, ivui. J. 8. Vak Winelx, Recorder of tho City of Albany, MODEBN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Willamette Camp No. M65 meet every second and fourth Wsdnedsys of eacl month in the LO T M ball. Visiting members are invited. C.Q.BoaKHABT, V.C. E R HrjSTox clerk. COURT LIBERTY, No. 26, Foresters America, meets at Mecca bee hall eve Tneeday eveniorrat 8 o'clock. Visit brothers cordially invited to attend. Faro DiweoK, Chief Ranger. A. PsrrpgRS. Financial Secretary. WOODMEN OF TBS WORLD.-litany Cnmp No. 1U1 P. J. W. W. meets in Msccsbee Hall every Thirsdsf evening. Manzaoit Circle 'meets 1st and 3rd Monda)s. . Visiting neighbors wetamed E. E. KixosLgr, C. C. L. L. Ewm, Clrrk. When )OU are billons, ll.e lbm f.mor. V'S ll? lZi,u n, little pilli known as liw itt'e Utile Earl "e date of tbe first public.tit.n of Rl.er.to cle..a tb. Iir and bowel., summons upon you, snd lljou fail o Tbey never giipe. i osbay A Mason. J. M. Ralston, lection, ni.de. Note bousht. Sm.ll loans mad. on perooal or cb.ttel se- enrity. i Have pleosr ot Money to I.naa on good l.rm. .t e) per cent Interest Wh yon w.ke np wllh bad teat. i. Albany, - - Oregon rear rnootb, g at c nee to any drug etore and t a free sample of Cbaraberlai 4rAu.Ah and Liver tablet.. On. r two We will make yoo well. Tbej .leo core I Tk. II.. i.. binoueaeee, elck ksadach. and co..tip- r s"l llealcr. toi- ieslnlly rte bh ebroaie aaala dlaaawa. Wwm rw,..li.,,. I'M BR ELLA Or re .ad Traalina- Ron ae... at rre.cn . J.wr, c.c. ,1(J Mn WHITE AKER nrODcrt v to sstiifv tb. above, aio demands. And will also use judgment sgsio.t you 'or any deficiency that may appear oa said demanoa .Iter tbe proceeds of tbe sal. of said mortgaged premises have been applied on Ibe peymenl of tbe same. Tbe Drat nublicatio of this summon is i lb A LSiKT Dbmouut of In ises of Aa gnet 30tb, 1901. This summons is published I the Als awt Ubmocbat bv order of fJoa U M P. ee. I nnate Jad.e el Lira Gouty, Ore oa. mad. ia chamber, tb 26XB of Aa- gwet, 101. P B ctirrwoam, . Atteiaay. Notice to Stockholders. Notice i. hereby given tb.t pursuant to .n order duly made ftt n regnlar meet ing ol tb Ladies Aid Society of A'beny, Oregon, on September 6th, .1901, direct ing snch notice lo be given, tbat there will b a meeting of tbe members and stockholders of the Lsdies Aid Society, of Albeny, Oregon, to be held in the W. O 1. U. bsll on Ferry street in Albany, Oregon, on Thursday, tbe 3rd day of Uctoter A. D., 1901, at tbe benr ol S o'clock p. m. ot said day, for the pur pose oi receiving proposals sna Olds lor ibe disposition and eale of tbe real nrOD- erty and bnitding together or sepsretely, oi wnai is snown .. in. urpn.n Home property ,doecriDeo: .s being block No 70 in Goitre's Park addition to the city of Albeny, Oregon. And .1 said meeting to authorise end direct lb. officers ol said socisly lo convey tbe Mm., .od lo trans act any other bneinees necessary for tb aisposuion ana sale ol said property. ireioo. inie win nay ot September A D. 101. Attest M. M. Bum, AiaiaA Vims, Prr4at. beeveury. aaaTbeiTTla. Bar- CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice Is he.ebv given tbat funds sre on hsnd tcrpay city warrants Nos. 1 to 70 inclusive of the Issue of 1S00. Inter est on said warrant, will cease with tt date of this notice. Albeny, Or., Sept. 3, 1901. B. B. Gcsinc. Olty Tressnrsr ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE 18 DEKEBY GIVEN THAT the Hon. H.M. I'a.'mer as Cocsty County Judge cf Lien Coonly, Oregna, has duly appointed Mrs. Minnie FromD, aossiaistrauix ol me (stale or " Froir.rs.dece.fed. and tbat ibe it cur cnaliffed as euch . .. . , : Ik- All persons osving citinii irim est.fe of said deceeed sre hereby nqoirel to present tbem doly verified ss by Is re quired, to rail administratrix, at ter rre luence in Aioany, uregoe, cr to t - torney, Geo. W. Wrigh. st bitlsw-offi in Albany, Oregon, within sn oiop". from this dale. Uatsd, July 12,1901. Minsis Fbo. Administratrix. Gao. W. WtioHT, Att'y for Admrz. Parm for Sale. A fin farm: v( thre hondret' end thirty-eighl arv, two hundred trai la nUvkwii, tbe reel ia pasture and o.. d. All kind of fmil, food bom, ara. I we mile, above Peoria, end. Price, $ ea Mre. T. f 0 l sta n te