Aden ts W a ntko on .Salary- and Com mission orTHE ONLY AUTHOhlZED Biflrt! of JAMES G. BLAME, By Gail Hamilton hi- liifrwr t-xecutor, with lt.t c t'liw ol , k fn.i y. nd for Mr, KiMimV Cuaipl-i Woil. t Twestk YKAtta Or ' ONUKBlM,' d ti " e I.O-K, "Foi.mcAL Dirtct ssioNs ' One iir"p-eiu for tiler 3 CR-'T SKLLINO to iky I thfl ihar et. A K ! nUu ill Viviro' 1 l2orW. from Ht 110ci.!l ; i'.ii'i'T' .t.H- $1CS 50 Mr (V ItmI t f O. lutik .r) o -lev- l.i -eaj KukHiM. I fi ; prnht $2J.W. E N Rice of Mm. iMU I7 rml-o in 2 rl.-n; protit ?47.rf J l..-... r ( W i. 43 rUr from 06 ci' I it ; i r.ti'. $.;.. 2o K A V mt of K. ii.'! -u 3i i I'roril $9S.2.r. Kxi'U'-kvk Trirutmy ivn. If I k ( Mt- V writ miait(iiuK fur .n:it i Iicli(!ii?' Hill Pub. Co...onviiii.Co:in feaaSSioaaw an maws FOR Mads fo tty too cloae Bppltciai-ja to business so Tero ueutal strain, Hcxua! :?tc?ace la mid dle lifo, or vii.-lt.iis hnl-its contracted In youth. VI3AXi lViEJIU" fire vi rt 1 111 n to X' voua ltflilllty or Kxhuiotlon, Wuatlntr M'chIo tir. li.70lD-.tury l.ukei viift Eurly ! ctir to Youi,uiu3f Atrvd. lack of vigor and ctrf nU, with sviiuj organs lni paired and werx&L'nedprtTUalurvIr In OPl'roaAiiiR old nee. WHKN 11E 11 A V Cl'U wo niienk fruru knuTtcde ol result In tuur.f tho;iMii.d casvs treated ai:dci!r.J la tho pmt !meci yars. (v.!rtn!;!,iv'of hitHKlucirtr . KRIS boi.lihl;: .vi.imot;.!! r isiiLLn treatment In 0!io Ti liiob eoni.'uoid.i luol' to all kcniL!o persona for tl:c rcaft a supply it upon tliuir Judgment ot iu vidua. UUiliirfin tn wayot cximmipu beyond . ixtil ciij and a- two cent postage atntup la asked. The (Ktital - ird for uo In pending us their full nddrusj u:a tho Utfektumplnrtlio Mut rclumlnc ha statement ol tiHrciscfcr which wo nupplr them with qtict ti' in bin nli, to bo HI led oui,nnu a oclt-aildreaaod cnt-oiOtJoJuruactnrcturuliiBitwhen lii' . wimoq blank wo urrpnro eiubt dtiya. 1 I W'Ali ori'ti:iiii2 uostaifO. AJuntt with ilia trtMta'!iit vurnd full ditvctiuiiL for uttlntr. Tho trvaiiuent anises no ptiin or InconrotucQCO ud tioB9 not pravfciit jitcntlon to biiMucsa. c leave tiio matter of scndliiK ordemcntlrplf vkb thoBii usuiK iha freo trUd trcUnieat. lluv tna tollaf'Jd tliafo sondlns for trinl ipckauea of cur abuity to twriotlt them we feel that ibuy are more Innjely lutorcsted tlmn ourselves la contiotiinfT tho u0cf rtio I'asUilt-a. Wo tnnko the price s loT. onpohihlo.Cba the aamotosll. 'l'hff are a Ullox:t f-t.tA) for one month; toJM lyrttro month; C7.O0 for hree months. Wc o."lt till perbons neodlna trcitcient it send their ftJdrpjm on ikjhioI or by letter. All comrm nl"atloiiHcntiiltleiitlal and should bo eddressert to THfc HARRIS REMERVCO,, Mfn.ChaE-lstS ARE YOU J IsyourrrlnPlliirk, low fpirilril Sroiv.clou'lv,orhi::h- ar.l sutiVrinj from tlio cx- CPSR03 of youth '.' If so, Sulphur ltit- rnlorod? )on!t wjiit! Your KIDNEYS bfhiff ruined. L'so Sulphur JJiUen. One bottle of .Sui ters will cure B plmr Uittcrs will do you, I you more pood tlmn all tlio J-ntm prs- criptionfi of drus nnd liiineml j,ui sous Avbl-h will ' renin hi in your fys tfiu, dt-atroy your bonca, nnd mako von a poo i, weak, and bro'ion dov. n, fnv.ili't. Mo person can rrinuin long sick v ho uses Sulphur Ult tcrj. 1 1' YOU 71 DP. UGHTE RT3 FACE M is cove ; i l wiili uyly sores, and it St cring ri-.nplc-s givo hrr iSulpbur Sj Biiturj. J.adUMin delieato lu-hh, who am nil nm down, should use m Sulphur liitieis. Hone better. K Try Sulrbur Tut-prrm inr nami tors TO-NICHT,! and you will slwpj well and feel bettor , for it. f!u1piiv.r Bitters! will make your blow! : purr, rich and strong I ana your uesn juira. Get a bottle now. Hend i. B-ti-nt Mumps to A. I. Onlwnv Co., Botou.ii. a., lor boat muiUcalwot;ubiiLed Exrcurrns hotice. TV T 01 l'.'K IS HK'dEKY OIVKN th .1 Ih 1 onder, iired x r.t'ir of Iha last will And testnmott-' n r tji,k Shedd, dectntl, has Med wi h . ry f ho r-n nty ('i r? f-r , O . ,.o-, hi H i ! . i-cnuut, atid ? ' 'hf firh -v f iarch. 1 f 1 fi'cli'C!- it m, fof he-r- 4ceMiiitt if ny, anil to I.inn I'l tin the court li JS1H P.t th. nK fd'ji'ftn ttie iid 1'hia Jai'U 13 ISM. I Mi el J K W iut:ii;;:i nn BILIOUSNESS Whoi:n not snlTcrcu taii misery can.' i 1 " l'i!e in tlio stomach which mi inactivo or sluggish livor fuiiol to carry oir. THE PRCNTI0 AND CURE 13 liquid cr powder, which give3 quick neticn to tho livor and carries oll'the bile y n mild move ment of the bowels. It is r.o pur gative or (rriping medicine, but purely vt iretuwe. Many jigople tako pills more tako isimaiona ulV .-r ! iiLitor. Are You K Iiet'otU Ui:d fretty, cr in V DELICATE hoaltli ? .Sn!- &a plmr Bitters will wake a E new iterson P a of you. pi I hn--r ! .rn n Tlrtim tn PUinnneM ffr fi ur., nu t r trviiiii nrUtu rt'iueilii, liy I'nly ivu y t!i Him lions l.ixr Hi ifiiiii'or. whit-h never fulled ik'Ut', Inn v. v whole luiiI!) .' J. M. i'lu KAt, ! Am. 4-Cr:BV l'ACK U.E-, ffn out 7 SlHinp In ml on rifppr, 'i. ittu.i:; co, viubiieiriiu, SHERIFFS SALE. (A? Circu Court 0 (A S(a( y OrgoA or i' t'o:i of Lutn. D M Usborn & Co, FiaintlK vs S P Barker And nd Sarah E Bareerhts wife. OetenJanU Notice Is hereby riven that by virtue o an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the above namtd court In the above entitled su.i to me directed and de livered, 1 will on Saturday the 7th day of April, 1094, at the ftont uoor of the court house in the city of Albany. Ilnn County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty described In aid execution order of alc 10-wit; Beginning at the north west corner of li L Brown's donation land claim notification number 2028 In tp 14. South Kanue 3. west of the Willam ette meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, thence east 35 chains, thence south 9 chains, thence north 50 wat 7 chains, thence Kouth bo, nest JO 50 chains, thence north 66 west $u chains to the place of beginning, except 3 dry acres on the east side r.f I he tract, deeded to W R Kirk No vember 0:h. lisSo. recorded In volume 30 on page 29: of Ih; records of deeds for ai.J. Linn 1 onntv. The proceeds arising from said f ale to be applied first to the payment of the costs 01 and uon said exe cution ami the original costs nf said suit tPxed at $23 Sr. Second, to the payment to the plaintiff 1) M Osborn & Co, the sum of 61S8.S6 with interest thereon at ths rate of 10 per cent per annum f om the 23d day of October, 1S93, and the fur ther .turn of 250 attorneys fee ard the overplus if any to be paid to the said defendant S P Barker. Dated this 7th day of M.iri'h, 1S94. . C C Jackson. hei iff of Linn County Ore gnn Gladstone has A dear Head WHY? Because he fellows ihese rules: "Keipth; head cool, the feet v. arm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live lo be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels f.iil to move dur ing the day take or. retiring two Smith's Smalt Bilo Beans. Their cction is so mild that you me not aware of it. AM d:.y your mind will be clear and cool. "Not a gripe it a barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Beans 1 A m JHJLR B tn COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For Sromrrt answer and an honest opinion, write to IU1SN ac CO., who havo bad nearly flftv yonrat experience tn tho patent business. Com . tunica tioiiB strictly cnnhdentlal. A Handbook at la formation concorntna Patent and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of TntyriHJV' lcal and sclontlflo books Bent free I'atnnt taken tbrouch Munn ft Co. T&eolv pociai nutlcolntho Hrientlllc Amcrirnn, and tlius are broiiKht widely before tho public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, la.-ued weekly, uloRantly illustrated, has by far t ha largest eirculation of any scientific work in tba world. 9il year. Saniplo coptta sout free. Buildi ng Kdltlon.rnontlily, fi.M a year. Hlwrlt copies, 'J.I cents. Every number contains beau-' titul plates, in colors, md photovruphs of naif bouses, with plans, enabling-butldors to show th latest deKlBon and secure coatratis. Address MUNN & CV, NLW Youk. atil BUOAUWA' rif.-cer Caia'-ojut of VtjtUMtt and riowtrs. ronta.nlitarHxIO 1-2 Inrhm. wltli dfwrip I'oas tliat C-tr::ie, not mMfad; itloktratlons tli at tn-tlrurt, not rxacerate. ' Tip rovir ij clmrTnlnif In ham.onlftUS bjradlnt of wal-r ': . j-rin:.. i,i r-cn mid wliite, with n gnld bwk-Bi.njti-1.-a d.-tui r.f bc;mty. S2 javt of KotpIiIc pr'.ii:: d in .li'i'-nt AU the Iffttlina; nnvltlot aiul riflH-it of tleild vnrlctks. lliwe lnrd !lmr"' c-innot nT'rrl ta mil nnv rk. Huv HONEST OO0D8 m, irv yon will n-c Irn ULL UrJUUKS. It is nnt nec tirv i..!..lvcrtl! Hint Virk's prow, tills Is known t!. -..:ii l ttvrr, an 1 al.xo th fir hnrvt-it pnr. A Tcry ii::lf n; nt f'r prujH-r awl will nav (rnx-rr's and'-l u'la. Van viin.lVlrk Floral (i tilde t lie hand- Kuirt eatal .ru f r 1?.M. If yn le A fine prnn p"i 1 -!! tr" nnw.ri'h i-ent, whl-'t m:ij"1 delucte from f iipIit. JCff Caih rrli for Fotatoes. ( BortT. ter. X. I. JftKlti V 11 IV O OUHO, r"OH HENO-TM i,prn Ihhi more, 4 splvnrlld liK-ntlon. Ca I on Ilia oeretury k( the 1:fjii.c at i lllct. lor pal ticulara. IMHNt' II WH. 1 , ' F ALBAHT. OKKtlo". iwirient I.FLINN 8, K.OUSO .E. W. LANUUO.N Vic PrwHiient :wAlcr ....... TRASAiTJ A UtSfc.tvA!.h".''i"ourto. .. . .11 HT-WUP-I ..tht.Lt tO dl.Ck. tlOWT tx I1ANHB "il r.hlc trnl r,Klt A r, au CblciO and P-itluid Bl&lCTOIlfc C Vonw , Xlm K'..H. I. sol. Those Pimples Art IcVt-tnle pimptomi that your blncrlt a fhiggifk nnd iin(fft; cmiii.tjri'.n. ( . rf,7,. .i . trill rrnrJlY, all foreign and impure milter, clcantc the l:kod thoroughly, ami gire a ekar ana tos'I comptrxmn. v m;-." ual, onil entirely harmhff. Cl,i. Hetton. 73 Lanrtl Stwrt, rH!a.. mc "I have hid lor ttarsa humor In niyblood ... j i ... .mill hral. nt E ironic, would be cut, thus cuinn ;hin to , a great announce. Alter UkmEthreebottl irXK.! ,ierp well and feel like running a foot race all for th uM of S. S- S. Treat! on blood and ldn dia mailed free. sniri, Oregon Pacific Bailiodi CBtl CLARK, Beeelv'- Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates, n..nn.ntnvw:th .tenner Homer between lt- raoM ks rKAitcmco Hemei ullt (Mb, SI .rch i. 1 SI, nd l$t. FROU TieH. namtrnl.1 Fib !5tb, Mircli 7, 17, '' S7tb. ,h. rt-nt L XuO VO"ip -di"di to" - i' 0sngo milling datsu thn'U notlne. For freight and pw I r'tee pp'y lo any agent. ChirloiJ llimlrn. Sn Co. No 4 lo Uiirlui si tisti rrtuicievo CHI. Call CUrk rojclvor, Corrl il Orjgon. MIT LUKE, OMAHA. KANSAS CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, k OYd TO HOURS tWlST HOURS BUM1 PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. OININC CARS. S II II Clnrk, Oliver W Mink, K Eller Anderson, Receivers. For riues and ireneral Inloi matlon coll on or address Curran & Monteith, Albany, Oregon, or V H IIURLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, 24 WashIn;;lort St., Portland, OKnooN ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue Addrps., REV. E. V.. COSDIT, Albany, Oregon I had for dinner was the beat I ever ate. Thank to COTTOLENE, tho now and auccessful tborteniiig. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE All SUBSTITUTES. Genuiot aude only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS anil CHICA.0, Hr1" vOHRi iOtTOII. That Pie 1 nritTiKKrKi Bti ,h. R BlU'TEtr "nVnS. on .11 polnu. Lo... n.,olUd on Ura. Alb.iijr, Oregon EO. W. WRIHT, G Atlomev at law. and Motor, WPJ1 !" II the oouru ol ui'a opre'' ext r.Ueion.iKi nutter. In lrlt Olllee.-" n ..Ml Alhntnv. Opil . r. " ' ; H ierit.i niuun win won. yr .1. Attorney at Law, Albany Or. OJJI AN'VK tc llACKLeSAM, M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. r. riiimiKKLin, ra. n niraeonathist. TSpccUIt In Ji..oa of thj Eye. Olflce hour. 7 to 8 a in. Itol in, and 7 to 8 at A . ureaon. EC. J. I.. H I M.. Phyclciin and Surifoon, OFFICE Corner fc'wy atreet. Albany, Oreiron, D its, nt.vrov a uiri.n Plivslciaman Surireons. OFKIOK -Corner . econd and Bicclalbin strouM. Albany, Or, Calls prompt.? Atta'iucdl cttf auicwuniry; J OF ALBANY, OKKOON. TRASSACTaeoneral Bauklnif nslncu. DKAW'SIOUT DKAFM on Now York, 8an Fr a tco and Portland, Oreynn; LOAN MONKY on ajuirovod security. KKCKIVK tlenosihi Hulijoel to chock. COLLECTIONS made ou tarorablfl tenon. 1KTKKKST paid en Urns deooslt ANK OF Mt'lO, J acio, OH ROOM, ..... J Ml'NK ...A J Jon EAST AND-SOUTH. THE SHASTA ROUTE Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains Uave Portland Dally South I 7H0H JftbT 1, ISM, North ArT8:20 A h' Lv 4: -23 A Lv 7,00 r h lb, at. I Lv Portland 10:23 r M I Lv Albi.ny WUiA H i Ar Sau Franolaco x ovs trtlns Ht p a- all aUtlo-ra from nd to A-lbiny (nolnilve, also Tan hwl i.HAlnfty.Harrisburg, Junction Irving, tCufran) nnd all station oioburg to Atilan it lnoliMt-e OSIBCM MAIL, DAILY 8-3 OA m Lv Portland ' Ar ' 4'S)r 17:45 ra Lv Albany Lv 1 13;Sd :50im Ar Boaoborar JL 7jOC IK AJICIa ? - :10A Lv , llTf Ar 1 1071 A tf 9:00 A Ar Lebanon Lv 80 a l-2r.fM Lv Albany Ar I :2fip 09 A a Ar Lebanon Lv 1 -Sir PULLMAr" BUFFFT SLEEPERS. Dininsr Cars on Oirden Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Atlalbed l.all TBrjli Train. BETWrES roUTLAND A COBTA11I Hail raaiaDatiT(Eacept8anoa7t T:t a I l.r Portland Oorrallia Ar I C S r a avl:co litis r u I Ar urtin raita aaav lExcjpl :(nr I Lv Portland McMinnvll:a Arl:ia TiUral Ar Lv I &' a Tbronp-h Ttclietia M all point In the Eutern 8ttes Cund. and Euro, can be obtained at WMI ra't from C rmk,Aml Aibuir. It. KOEHLER r. ItwiSKV Mananr ' O r. aj iort'ud Orseoia ILFMII C0LLE8UTB IHSTITUT ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 182 Ir.t terra peaed aepleaabee lib i f I eorna of Inatrndora CLASSICAL, SCIEKTIFIC, LITER APf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSLS. (soraca ot atnily mninawd n all graJea of student. Sffdai nuimcemcntt tftrti t Mludt: frtm abroad. riT. tlSEBT acaaDiT - PA'BCHIZEi HOM 61 - litany, rlKAi), rrealdL J h COWAN, Trewniror. -niREOTOFJB ' I Oow.n, Ueo F eimpaon, V K Rd, J K Wemiiorturd. OJ -ALSO DISTRICT several Sol Eastern HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAUX , TO FIND A CCKB FOB . RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER CO M PL A f NTS, DYSPiEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &o. .'.tlf''i '.ioh.;"eftorl'houw,"!!;io shown hy liundredit of aiaaiM t!.r-.i;:ii'-;i " in,.ii vt wUoai n tuvo strojig cttc'i.h.M.:!at m' we kavsiTkeL" Dr. A. T.flandan. br-r Kir -.-lie o.-c : i-.! r..-t?. .' n. trnnhl H with 't vi -nr. V -nh bBi r.. a "1 Olmoit a comi'lto loannl powir. J. WTild ' u Tith ir .ma IWimz, mine-, ncim k,"j ufim; r bait I h .t hud n nm immo of n . I m cni 11 iilm batter th m 1 liavs for u y- Lu.t. 1 have Hm ottuoit ounQdative In your tri-atn -iit. Vou can tub Ji.ih this btatement. altto hava othnrs writ i or c.ill oi. ics. ami j pun, H. A. BOiKN - 26 JtiddWTuikSt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMEWESS CURED. l'r laa'i.on.fii.AiTM If Wfl. Tt. A. T. Randra. ltarRir-l koLoi.h- t vou'lxiitit two wfscki dro for rffJUHtim, from w!ii'h 1 rufferud forauvaral yxara. For ilia pus nix 'norths I hud rot LSo ahltto w rk Vnur bflt ha placed moinolmoat perfnst heal:b in th two wei ka I hava us. d it. 1 ran Walk cumioitnijly. iind feol liko a new man i enrrail. M. t. uiiuiir.M, rr.jpricior internutionai iiuicj. I.ERVOU8 DEP1LITY-LOSS OF VICOfT. 'lucum . .;i:.h., O-tobi-r 4, lfv2. Tin A.T flnnitdtn. 1).i.p Sif f ..l Iiuva h rm tialnir rmir Klectric belt, for jtrinernl nt-rvoua tebilltr. ft nil to-d.-t1, feel bettor than I buve for live 7efirs. 1 have galiibd In vlaor (lallj, and un ttronR in OTerr pnrt. " V...... ,.in..ll. IfASi T TTTTC 4 THE DR. SANDEZriS l&fftV'G en niiT".ia rirnnia nnv "&4!-i i t.rcr; siire.wiilllDdrolieIar.ilpn.rij I . , KUr La SiriS"-'! 3 tLfuli! 3 ufLT 'A kh or nirrcli.u. InvontloB, , l ClCSSV'ii'''. .,lii;i'.. .Vf C-I.'M tlii'mo.takep'lc;.!. lnlmsorrjiceorj .. t ITvrj-r1v'''-'y; . " i r 5 , .7 l-iu y.,a umy lia-0 uu.iulr dral.TM ' vwiSw'!!-'3i.'': r.ii.'it:-.',;.i; v..iirMenioInerveffrconiii1vltallr, i. L V'3?i',?WfJ,.ye- I'jrnu rrmukneaa'. rlaekot tuirr C SSaS'if Kir''.' ! r icp'aco Into voor .yttcni V V. .Jhv, . i.t.i'oiAu. -; woiri"i,tstl.o. aialnid, which arV.' I -i 2,-.i- VilreJ lor vltorouauenirta. jot , . I OCil Y .Tir r''Uiivo:li'rmi.enridliea!lb.8tre - x !, r.: ' I ''i'-' ana viir.-r wi.l lullow at oiice. . f tuaeoinptetocalvnnio battery, nude Into a belt so m to be easily worn durlnjr w elves fxiothinn, prulunircd currents which are Instant I v lelt tnroutrhuur, all weak . B1tUUO. It bos on lmproTPd Klectric Haoprjnrioryt the createat boon over lv wo wirrnni ihm euro any ot inoaooTo weaEn esses, anc toeniarKeflnriiDKennmns, or pi. Rrfumlrd They aro graded In strenirth to moctallataKeaof weaknean in younir. mtdo. men, and will cure thg worat cases in two or three moat-iu. Address for iulUuforinalioo. SANDEN ELECTRl5Ct?a-' 3RD MANHOOD aruiiU'ud tocurv n.i UUUHKtMi ArikUl3i.u In plalu wnipir. AU Jr oraalntn Albany ,Ure.. by J. A. CUMJ.iaNtl FromTerminal or Interior Puii.t3 ih Is ih Hue to take To all Points EAST ant SOUTH (la Hie OIliIMO TAK IITK. It ran Thrnngli VKVI'U'.IM KlrTltAIN KVKlt. IMl In Ibe Vear to SIPAULandCHIOiGO 'NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compose J of DiniM Cars l'nsurp3ss?u Pullman Drawin? Ttcora Slwprs At i i n " a vi uicsi tquiomeni TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Ritttu enbi o 1 tin J la wttifl'i ii'.n at I ut'i i ir hth free 41 1 far tub nl fir b 1 I rn of First or ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 Bmi nm L'.ai oonnjaliitt itli al linw, affording Direct as & Uninterrupted. Sarvica. Pollmft Hleepr reaervwtlons can b enrel In advance through any agent of the roaul. IH ROUGH TICKETS to and from a!'. Eilnm in America, England an.1 urope can t purchaMl at rvj tlcketoflace of thla oonrpanj; Fall Information conoornlnu rate, time bt train, routaa an I other Jnt-ul. furn lahnd on application tu any Renl, or A D CHARLTOV, Aa?ltant floraral Pawengtr Agent, Mo !21 f ir .t Hi, cor, Waaliiugton, Porlland. mezon. 3 0 Hirkiir:. loiai ajnt. " 7 A'NTKD Pa.hirij 1'anvi.Bvr of giiotl Y V arna. funeral .aaiy and miin. paid; Permanent eo.i-.ion. BilUWN Br.0i.fO., furerj!n-n.l'ortlan I' Ore gon iiSTa IMSTITUTI0H3. INSUF Oregon, Jf O WRrmMAir. 8citrv Geo F SIMPSON. Vlco Preoi.lsnt I) B MontaHLH stornn.rit. S W Pu.ic Stumi i D WrlUman. AOBNTS rCR- and Foreign Compaiieb tiV. HANDEN'S F.l.r.CTTTC IJTil.T II lllO WIMlOUl ni.-u n iua ia.,niv.. n rura fir rclund moi in no renii vj .mi Mctds.'i-hTwoiild tilaOlr testify, and ixta liia; reua-rj iutct mu um vein ..-.;.' iAC:t AND RHEUMATISM. PurtUnd O-minit. Renters ber 26 Tie- A T ftarntp Sir s-Vnn af fitotiar an. hard nark, oumbiia' d vil li .he ;triin com t ok from the :ar oi a entitle, 'W f n:a a Severe cane ol lame bark, iron, which 1 BiifT-rfHi for flr-vjn years. 1 won to baa in nt i ou-l not ntna rr.y dhcj. uui aoinura u with it. 1 boi'iiht enn of your belts. It Le.yrd tnw in uleoftr' ditja, and I continue i to wrnr it lor fitoi taoutt.M, bwincc perfect' v cured. That was two ywt a o.aDilIiiaia-nU to-duy I Ter wiu in my life. I ki.owjour L't well, a ud I km w lo'sof m-fiplewho h-ne b ."n cti'od by i filnni o thorn need it,HDqli theywoit'dt-.y n tboy wimld a'lod it the same as I tia tlie bt:at ruun .'yin tb wu'ld. I nm Idoated b."TS p. rrafnt.ntli',nil vri'lbt gluii to talk with oili ouo WA9 waut'Jtn innn ru tit-.n- i-( : HOI'KIM H Lit It EL, Enrfneer Hotel Parllaatt LOST VITALITY AND STnWCTiij. . Jnvi rett, w ah, June - Dr. A. T. Fandfl-. Pe;ir iir: Since wea' b It I hftTetwcn prco 'y befielited. I fe rnonti bus r using the belt. 1'juib trul) ELECTRIC E WA5111J1JT3 I, PJHTLAND, b JACOBS' OIL Hnd nil ttoa Would Knoma tb cotUa la BWjW. RESTORED! i Tlila wonflfirfiil nmimll tiPrvnudlncaBes.sucti us Weak Mcmnrr.Loaaof llraln 1'itwer. ueaciaciie.Maaeininuoa, i.ostManiiiitu,N!Rbtly Kmlrlona, Nervous liedn.nlldralnsnndlofsi.f Duwor'iGenerativuOruaiiB of cither soxcauned) by OTorexi'rtlnn.youthral errnra, exceislie use of tobaco.uplum orstlm u I ants, which lead uIiiilrniltr.i-nsnniptlnnor Insanity, din ho carried In vrwt niirttet. SI Dor bin. 1 for MS. bv mall vnii k.t nnixr w lvfa wrltfriiiriarnlelararertvru(i( tho monrv. pold by cl; 'druititmt!. A!k lot It. tako in) ntlirr. Wrlto tnr free Modlcn.1 Itortk acnt noani trcsKEUV3KtlCO.,AlaoulcTomolo.CUIcjoO and by UulXlltS A MuKAUlANO, lirairirlats. 25 GENTS Prove 3 tho efficacy of CUTiCURA Since a cake of Cuticura Soap costing 25 cents is suffi cient to test the virtues of there great curatives there is now r.o reason why thousands ihould go through life Tortured Disfigured Humiliated by skin, scalp and blood diseases which are speedily a;'.d perma nently cured by the CuTicupJrtaaC'. Remedies at a triflinr cost I Cuticura Works Wonders and its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin remedy of mod ern times. Bold thmnahmitfhewnrM. roTranTtaco i!,.D..C " Cap., I Tnpr Wm, tan. All about Uw Kltln, help and," fr Complexion. n!i.. and hiiir pnMwfre purlnnl and tntuUllod by Uukun rjonp 1 Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Planter Is the first and only paln-k'.llinz piaster. ocat. AND tSMTRtMESrAL V . ,.C. Ml.a liattle Warner a graduate i thi comervatory connected wltli Gatei Col lege, fieb, la prenar.1 to give leoontln; vocai ana tn.trumrn'al music to lng. ptiii! nr claea. at rea.onable lerma Mlm arnr ha had a thorough rduca lion ana la an experienced teacher. Ke ' refeiencea are. Prol H A Shorey, William " 1 Trow and Mra Icnr.le Lee, i I' 4 i a 1 1 I .