y democrat every .Uy in the week pt Sunday. HTMG, Bdito:i and Proj'r Id Mine Pert Ofto at Albany . a second olata ruallmatter. JOB HVBKTIIffO vmtitsARY Exercises. Tlie first an- y exercises of the Y M C A in the !, were held lost evening, before a '. house of our citizens, displaying i interest in the good work of this . ProfW J Crawford, presided. MCA orchestra furnished noire I music. A song was followed by Rev W A Trow; Miss Lizzie ij-ecitecl well. 1'rof hee road a restive and to the point, oi the en ami me 1 m u A. Jiiss fit was heard in a well rendered An instrumental trio. Messrs rs ami Strahan. were e"ncored ically. Secretary McCullasr'u read n the VMCA and Mrs 'J' J secretary on the auxiliary. Tons! called for, and responded to bv. farland, onourphysic.il wor';F U uu uur xuAiuury; Jliss man on ur orcee3tra; Prof t'rawforif, lure work; Mrs W A Trow, the S Wolverton, the ladies, and Prof , the secretary. The latter was a te to the hard and untiring work iCullagh in the interests of the Y M meeting was a success and con I warm feeling of the public to I Y M C A. Si I feel ia f tthe Would, The London Journal says: "The Dock now usiuif a plank of sawn broucht over bv the stiilinir ick, or oiuer ot the neglected amiinst tho miuv-siile tomething to 'turn up,' The uon is tour teet wide and oner, without a single knot. in tho top of tho new ' board at tho Dock office, and is car ol the finest pieces of Oreiron docks. These regions yield any tucu diiuen.sionn, and will, bv w a more important part in our oen means are iu'iiiU ot reducing l enarges. fc Mux Mkn It tiikes nerve to institutions just at the present i'jfi following is from the hu -Messrs Wm Lever and wife, srton and .wife, of Dcs d here kit niirht and country. Mr Lever 'len Company is his second egon. A few lrchaiing wool .a is loud in his grown in Western .denien intend building .arge woolen mill at some ..'estern portion of the state. King over tne he u. are more oresscl with Kuirene ihan anv nteil. In fact, thev are so well Fill make our citizens a propo- f m l x l jbw (lays, to consider. chest. lne hcio l'ress sa3s I it ( '?) who made the loan a week wo. of 6100. taking a note bearing r e a year hence, ot $loQ tor it k ly forfeit the whole amount to fund. A man who will take I of other poonle a necessities, has Final I that if it were placed in lil ft mustard seed, would have as i n, in comparison, iw would a l 4jane superior. isiox. A dispitch to the Salem Corvallis reads: It is ru- kMrsKenvon. Dr Applewhite's in the nlleged adultery cue to ten court convenes, h.w made a it, telling1 the whole story from ' to end. Her bondsmen say urrendor the prisoner and with 'ir Applewhite is the treasurer V Agricultural Col lego and a ttan. 11 A ' tboF Count. The following from (hat ZofScio indicate? a good deal for lds r on of the county: Farmers in Nef ty ore very sensibly growing a ..crop. Hesides thq usual amount and hay. there will be this year jji 100 and ."lOO a .-res of hops, 50 ' acres fry i large acreage of pataUes, leid's V.' Her is a mock raiser in a small t bit showing should give Scio untile v t fall nevertheless the times are aiT Let. I'lio Soldiers' Horn. Ion met at lioseburff and awarded let fur furnUliinr the Home to (he Woolen mills, of Albany; for mat- ) the Pactiic Mattress Company, of ! for bedsteads, to Lee Itrown, of for water, to the Koscburjr V ater to-. Hie lioseburfr hlectric L.iirht nirnisc poles and nan" the '"-8 ic liL'lithiir for 740. Major ilili, ot X'lalla, Or., was appointed bint. BOIilB AKB Vleilck's shaving and talr cutting parlors. Those cribs slide nnder ilie bed nicety when not in use. Call at the A F Co'a and aee them. The: Modoc went down snean lhi torenoon with a load of CorvallU flour, Albany beer, and other things. Brine your col oil cans and have them refilled with $ gallons best Pearl oil lor 75 cents at A B Mcllwalns. Members of the Y M C A Interested In having a field day are requested to meet tit the hall tonight at 8 o'clock. Democratic primaries were In se&ston today. In Albany as required bv law for cities ol 2500 or over,delegates were being elected by ballot. Ball's health rreservlns corsets. ''Need no breaking in.'1 Yield to every move ment of tne wenrer. If you value vour health and comfort try them. S E Vounq Young Americans lore independence. hence let them sleep independently in one of those woven wire cribs for sale by the Albany Furniture Co- There are no flies on J M Nolan of Corvallis. He offers a reward of 5 for the best written advertisement for Ins spring stock. Mr Nolan believes in advertising and never stops it. When you want ahvthlnir In the ero- cery line do not forget that A B Mcll walns is the place to get it. See hit price 1161 in inis paper, - A B Mcllwaln is receiving his new goods; new ginghams, satteen, prints, and teasel downs. Call and get prices before you purchase, as you can save money on all dry goods yuu buy from him. . , The fancy articles left over from the Bazaar nave been removed to Mrs Bakes cor Ferry and 7th si. The crape leaf center piece and doylies have been reduced to 04, 00. The SFRRCo have a creed to lasu. tickets to persons attending the State frohibitton Convent on at Salem Anrll 4th for one and one-third fare, Pav full tare eolr.e and eet ticket tor nne-lhlrrf fare returning. All prohibitionists are invited to attend as deligates. Mrs J N Hoffman desires to announce that her new millinery goods have arrived ana mat ne is now prepared to supply all customers with the best In her line. Call at her place on Second street between Hill and Maine, Mrs J N Hoffman desires to announce that her new millinery goods have arrived and that she is now prepared to supply all customers with the best in her line. Call at her place on sscond street between rim ana Maine. A republican club was partially organ ized at the city hall last Monday after noon, composed ot voters In dcio and rranKiin liutte precincts. We are in formed that there was as sicnatures on the roll though there was but 14 tha tpar t'.cipated la the organization. Sclo Pi ess. Bradstreet's review of the state of trade pronounces the commercial outlook very cheering. Consumption is stimulated in all staple lines. In the New England, and middle states, where general trade was repotted barely steadv, there ate re ports of Increased tales, and lame dry- goods houses are working nights in Chi' cago, to keep up with orders. Pendleton Tribute says: It Is estimated that by next SatuiddV night nearly ds 000 will have been paid in for taxes at the sherifT's office. Taxes will, become delinquent after that date. The receipts tor th, week are expected to reach 35, 000 To'itl amount to be collected for all purposes I 13,005. 41, Hon Allen Parker, is talked of as joint Senator on tho Deinocratsc ticket for Benton and Lincoln cotntiiS.IAllen Park er is idriititied with us. and made a good repres'ntntive, if a democrat is to till that oflic1?, we would preter him to any that have been mentioned fer the place on the democratic ticket. Newport News Among many devo'-ing time and effort in elocution, we notice with pleas ure Miss Kose Mespelt.Our citizenB have already recognized her gifts as Bltown upon ;era occasions in public. Miss Mf-,pelt is receiving instructions in elocution, believe she has native talent which only req jires discipline and exer cise to place the young lady among lead era in the high art which is rapidly rising to highest rank in general culture. A Tai.ksted I'iANisT.-Mr W Gifford Xash pave a mtnica'e at Corvallis lost even ing. It proved the choicest, event of the kind in the history of Corvallis. The A O U v hall was crowded with tho music Inv infx people of did city. The feature of the program wa. Mr Nash's wonderful execu tion of the most ditlieult classical pieces. His technique is perfect and Leputs an ex pression into his work that displays his geuitis.t A gentleman from Corvttl lis says the audience was delighted with his play ing. Mr Xush has just finished a residence of four jears in '-eipsic. Germany where he received instructions under the c lebrated pianist. Ilerr Kruuser. Corvallis is fortu nate in having a resident possessing such skill. As an instructor a good pianist is worth a great deal to the musical culture of a city. lll.vsB Bali. L eaiu'k. - .V College kll league has been organized to con fines in the 1.1 A c ot Corvallis. rTette of Salem. State I'niversity, of rtoruiai. ot pionmouui, iutuyette and Albany College, schedules arranged nnd some good amateur jrt ;ll be given. As no players out- i some honest XB-EsVSOXSrjsVZ. 8 G Netharlanil has been appointed postmaster at Talent, Ja-'Uton county. Or. Dr W H Dtvis was called to Silvtrton today to attend his father who is seriously ill, Mrs Kcli i 111 Jr and eon arrived from Albany Frida' , and now O'tcupr Mr L E Blain's handsome cottage at Idlewild. Henrport news. Mr A B Huddelson of J.-fferson, the democratic candidate for sheriff in Mar ion was in the city to day. Mr Huddel son is a gentleman of integrity is fully competent to perform the duties of sher iff, and the people of Marion county would be doing right to elect him. Mr J R Sbx'kman who recently returned from a business trip to San Francisco, ro iwrta the Midwinter fair a great success. It is full of attractions worth seeing, from the muscle dancing Tuskish girls to the art gallery, containing some of the finest spec i.nenR in the world. San Francisco seems full of life on account of it. The Era, a Y M C A pajier published cast has the followinir to say nliout a young man of Salem who trained the gyiiiasitiiii class in the Albany Y M C A last year for several weeks: "Mr Will llabcock is a living witness of what the physical depart ment is doing for thousands of young men all over the country. Two years before the Salem association was organized, this young man was nothing but a bundle of skin and hones.und now lie leads the young men of Sabm in clean, manly athletic sport, and has by systematic exercise in the gymnasium, built up a body that any young man might envy, tie began to exercise to regain his health.- He was so successful that he continued his work in the gy masium until he fully recovered. He is now a magnificent specimen of manly vigor.being six feet tall, and weighing '200 pounds. He is but JH years or nge, ills measurements areas follows: Nevk, 14,la' inches; chest, contracted 34; chest extended, 40; waist, 32: riirht forearm. 12: riiiht unarm down. 12; right upurm down, 14; left forearm. 12: left unarm up. 14: riirht tluirh, right calf, 14 3-4; left thigh, 22; left calf, 14 3-4. The Honor degree of the A O U W gave an entertainment in the A O U W rooms last evening before a packed house. The audienco was delighted with the nroirrain. Prof W A Mcflhee, presided in a happy manner. An opening ode was sung by the members of the A O U W. A selection by the Merry Four was loudly nppluuded. Miss liirdie Anslvn delivered the address ot wel come, a briirht effort delivered in a credita ble manner. A diet by the two little daughters of A L Lamb was appreciated ! Lottie and deonria Luster were heard in a vocal duet increasing the good opinion of tlH-ir talent as vocalists, ilrs Craw recited an emotional piece with good effect, nome sound remarks were made by Dr Mackey G H W of the A O U W of Oreiron. Mrs tiallowav anil aliss Aora Aevss were com mended in their presentation of a vocal duet. An instrumental duet by Mr Homer Phillips on a haro and Miss bertha Wallac?, on the organ, was enjoyed. Mies Lena Meyers recited lu ticrrcan and the Apollo club were heard in one of their pop ular songs. A one act drama 'A Precious Pickle," closed the program. The parts were taken by Mrs Lamb, Lerdie Anslyn, Clara Kiefer, Cad Warner, Knima Warner, Mrs ('raw nnd son. nil doilnr the work with excellent dramatic effect. A social followed and much enjoyment rcsulte.1. Rklkiiuuh Skrvices. The services at the Kvanaelical church tomorrow will be as fellows. At 11 nm the subieet of "Chris tian Baptism" will bo considered, to lie followed with baptismal service. In the evening llev L S Fisher will preach in the city and Ktv U M Strottns will continue the revival meetiitir at Cloverdale. Tho young Peoples Alliance meets at (1:30 p 111 in ineciiurcn. au are mwicu. Services at tho M E Church tomorrow will be as follows: preaching at 10:30 a m and 7:30 p in. Subject of morning discourse is "Peep Sea Chsistians. In the evening "Konianism and the Public Schools." Class meeting following the morning service. Sabbath School lit 2::0 p m. Junior League meeting at 3:30 p m. Devotional meeting of the Kpworth League at t:;)0. All ore cordially invited. Preaching service at tho Baptist church tomorrow morning at 10:3O followed by SabbaUi dchool. Young Peoples meeting atC:30pm. All nreinvited. Simii.no Millinekv. -Mrs W It Bilreu has pnn hased tho millinery store of Mrs Ida feuell, and proposes to give the citizens of Albany a first-class stock of goods in tne milJinery line to select from. This week she will receive from New York an elegant line of patijrn hats, for the inspection of the ladies of Albany nnd vicinity. An ex isrt milliner has ieen enguged.Those desir nig the latest styles nt reasonable price will do well to call on Mrs liilyeu. The best mutual Insurance policy against attacks of sickness Is to be found taking Hood's Sarsapariila. if you are weak it will make you rtrong. Hood's piils are tl.e best after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try a box. 25c. DBMOORATIO XB3bXIta-9.!XXIS. The following have been elected so far as heard from at press time: N Brownsville FM Powell Peter Hither. J M V Bilyeu, A A 'fussing, U U Moyer. South Lebr.non S M Garland. P M Smith, J K Charlton, B Burtunshaw, J C liilyeu. Put Kester. Price Mart Miller. Fred Graff. Smith Cox. Charles Luf, " '. Hon McGregor. John Maxwell, A Fi.,. North Lebanou E E Hammock. Wm Rovce. J M Settle. P McKnight. J Kecbler. and Wm Petree. South Harrisburg Geo Alford. J R Cortwriglit, B M Grimes, A Willougliby. Scio J A Bilyeu. Munkers. A R Mc Donald, R D Cufavun. Franklin Unite Lee Bilyeu. L Poiuerov. F Butcher, Frank Yarbrough. Halsey-W O Bond. W R Garrett. Wm McMnhan, T K Fox, S Leeper, James A Smith, A M Reeves. North llarrisburg John George, J G Senders. J A Bilyeu, O Drinkard, Oliver Jlyde, U 5 IJusey. South Brownsville H Blakely, G W Mcllurgue, W C Cooley, Finly Mcllae. Shelburo L E Miller. R S Devaney, Chas Schillings, Sterling Goins. X-A.-SrTXXg-G- TA3ZBB. 411 Js will be allowed 9 ji yT rvhck The milliner lyei f 0 lo the trimming from Tort- 111)11111 fnr Mm V I Hily.trrivetl on Ttiesilav of this wtok. oil s ciMHls have ueen tlehived he I Tier spring opening will not Intil Twsedav. Wetlne4lav anl Thnra f next wtk. The lailiw are cordially 1 1 to call ana examine nor jnxxis. ir.mlon. Are yon one vha will. Ini. a Stewart V Six Ilardwm-t t'o . 5"our '-on ftom a fresh supply stciis in ice niarKei, me largvt , me cuy. LJi iowne!l grocer v More i Increas- 'i larltv. lie carries a fine stock t-'t ro:n, cisllv accessible ant: gains. Neil door to the P O. ' at Vieiecks shaving and riau A Bad rn.tcriCE. Two Albany boys, who should know better have been ston ing the street car evenings along Lyon street. On Thursday evening cne of them broke out the head '.ight of the engine. On anoth-jr occassion the boy was in front of the mtor, remaining ns long as possible, and then jumping oh". He slipped and fell, and succeeded in scrambling off just as the motor passed him. The matter will probably cost the fathers of the boys, who are. known, several dollars. Th republicans elected the following delegates in Price precinct to dav: Jus Churchill. C P (ilover. S A Dawson." A B Morris, M H Wilds. H C Powell, J ' Hunter nnd P B Marshall. A B Seal, er. was in Tidings. the popular commercial travel Ashland Monday. Asliland Gfhman Lesson. Those wishing to to study German should call on Mrs C Coh en at the corner of Third and Calapooiu streets Albany. Will tench writing and speaking German. Pleae call before Apiil 1st. JIkt C Cohen. Another invoke of iadls capes received. See our c -rner wirdow for novelties In capes and jackets. More to come. S E YtllNG. Kao Corset, A prr'ert dress torn. Pves h' retUct'y oer trem. App-o. Tiuxes continue to nrrive at the sheriffs ollicc at about the same daily rate. Yes terday lite rcceints were as follows: ltonnelt liros ? S Bradshaw 6.25 Mrs C B Sk-inworth 6.93 J W Johnson 94.50 t w lames i.vj II r Heed 1.4b Willard U Stlmson 102.23 ATrn W.8i) KstTulton Taylor 19.28 M Gorman 357 Mrs M A Burkhart 2J.4 K Paddock 3.(10 Cora A Garlier 75 SM Harris 5.10 Sarah A Harris M J T Porter 15.00 Wm Purdy 36.CD Mrs E P Davis 13.88 Uzaie 0 llavis 4.50 A&ECWetzell 2.00 W H k 3 T Jackson 51.45 Mary A Roc 5.10 Mary A Mcltttren S2.S S P Barrrer 10.90 Margori't Sweeney 4.80 Elizabeth Hash 75 Elmont S Herrick 11.03 N C Newman LOO D Nash 9.25 Sophira Van Windle 3.88 S M eedham u.- II F Botleker 10.WS Mrs F A Bhu kimrn 27.50 DUN Blnckburn 12.58 HC Watson o4.75 ABlcvins 86.33 Peter. I Jll bus 12.04 Richard Peters 10.03 M St German 2.M Wm Obcrnieyer 04.1J United Pmsbvterian: Services conducted bv Rev Rilev Little, 11 am sermon for new Converts; HJtipOl --r,lljllll ilimer me Innincr Tree. S S at 2:30. YPSCE 0:30. Strangers welcome. SKWisa Machines neatly repaired and A-Hrrnnted by a thoroughly competent work aiAO, at F M Kruch's jewelryjsore, Albany gon. Saw LiMitKR Yard The undersigned is nrenared to 8'innly all customers with a'l kinds of lumlier, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on the most favor able terms. FG Power Sliedd. moii.wain"b NEW PRIOB UST Best Pat Roller flour per sack $ .05 5 gall, pearl oil 3 cans Wt tomatoes ,2b 2 cans best table pearlies So Best Iowa corn, per can 10 25 pounds rolled DatB 1.C0 17 pound j granulated sugar 1.00 lo pounds Extra C sugar 1.00 1 pound Japan tea 25 I pound (junnowder tea 35 Arbuckle cotfee per pound 25 4 pounds green coffee ,00 All goods warranted aa renresented and full weight guaranteed. A. IS. .YlClLW.MX. VTOBVH CUXSIDCBIMU Will tl 8tatk, (V leweler. If von want a tine smokr call f.ir Joaepbj) whito labor cigars, The bestjrnaat ooUt'e in the city at Coniad Moyer a. llodtfes Si MoKartana, ithe leading dru tore, Albany, Ol. Will & Stark's large line of tilver war has crtated a great deal of talk. Pa', ronize home industry bv sinokinc the celebrated white labor cigars, manafaetured by Julias Joreph. ON Tlir Syl'ABE. The difference between Living to eil and living Poorly ia very small It you buy light even In hard times. Trade With those who do Business on the square, Giving quality as ' well An quantity. Parker Bros, are such a -firm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are un surpassed any where. Well and Happy Thank to Hood's Sarsaparllla-Dull Headaches-That Tired Feeling. ax a loan v Jewelry Stork Worth patron izine Is that of Will & Stark. They carry the finest Uneof silverware, watches c ocks and jewelry general lv in the valley, and sat Isfactoiy price are always given for the superior quality of good3 they keep In stock. Never buy without calling cn them . Mr. W. H. Tolea ban Francisco. Cat "One of the greatest mistakes people make Is to lock the door alter the horse Is stolen, or In other words, to wait until they are sick in bed before they do anything (or tha poor body. Neither my wife nor myself were real sick; I attended to my business, and my wife to her household duties daily. Hut we had dull, heavy headaches, and a little over-exertion would tiro us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. 80 we took three buttles of flood's harsaporiKa, and the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 be Jicve Hood's Sarsapurilla 8aved Us a Severe Sickness And a big doctor's bill. If people would only remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure there would be less sufferitiK In the world. My advice to all who do not let I Hood'sCures well Is to take Ilood's Sarsaparilla according to directions, and yoa will be well and happy." W. II. Tolks, 16 12th St, Ban Francisco, cat. Hood's Pilla cure alt liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jauudlce, sick headache, tudlgestion. The place to get your quinine is at Fred Dawsons cor 2nd and lirondalbln streets A lbany Or, Dr. Price'! Croim Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. 1-lea.n towels tn everv caimer at Vmrerk thtving parlors. t French has the lamest and finest tock ol sreciacles and eye irlaa?s In Linn County. Prices to ull the times. Lai!ie.rr the Eglantine Mace Cream the btt preparation ever made for the complectlon. to be had ot Mrs Rowell, at Rum IIouk Albany Ore. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fal.-HlrfitMedai and Dlylom- AlbanylDSuraice Agency We have had over seven years exper ience In the Home office and local Insur ance Dullness, and can guarantee Insurance written by us to be properly looked af:er. The following Is a partial lis of comptnie represented by ut: ForH,in No'th RritHh & Mercantile, Norwich Union, Vhrenji, London, Man- hester, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon- on A Lar.cathlre, American Continental of New York Westche'r of w York. The Contl nen'al of New York and Manchester o Knglaofl, write farm business, taking nctev for the premium, with ample time for payment. We respectfully solicit any gvd business. Ofli.-e opposite old post ctti ce. Tliln or gray hair and bald Seaus, so ilisnleosliic to "many people as maths of age, mnv be averted for a long time by UMng Hall' Hair Kenewer. Rv uslntr Hall's llnir Renewcr, crav faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of voulli, and glows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. Or. Price's Cream Raxsns Powder Forty Year the Stacdcrt. New Advertisements. Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR- IV fHtlllMW VLOUK BprERlOR TOk trAUT'lS AKD BAKERS USI, REST STORAGE "AOIUfJES Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS WANTED Girl wantcil immediately odle Call at tliis r.llice. TAN TKl). .Woman house work. C to tin eeiieral at IIimocbit T RF.NT.- Two -oms, newly flu HLeil one suitable fir small More or oiliee, one for More, IWxiiO feet, W 111 be ready by Mieh 2'. U on Pr G V Maston for particulars. t fANTKD. A young larty delre a f y p'ae to tio general houte work. Atldrei Clara M He nold, Albany Ore. PURK liliKI) Silver Lacecl Wyandotte vggi for sale by 1) O Wooilwortli. IJIOB BARGAINS m real estaie aildresi 5 or o ill on 'auies W Card we II A Co., .ulTeraon. Eoos, fiio Knns. Pare brtd Silver Lace l Wvaodntts. Egu lor settln2,at the A!Van7 Pnnilry Yarda. From pen Ho. I and 2, 1.25 per 1 3; pea No. 3 $1 per 13 B Flvmonth JUocks, 75 eta per i3. Jonn Braa'b, Albinv, Or. Cor 4th and R R sts CODNTY WAUHAVT3 Bounht and sold by II F Merrill. n. n. iivrm. w. n. oindinoer. d. h. james ALBANY FOIIMTDRB CO, INCOPORAXBD Ralliniore RIock, Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING aciaity. Call On READ. PEACOCK & GO. AN-J See Their Nice and Trimmings, dies Fine Shoes. Dress Patterns .Also Their La- At Perry Conn's ; Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chowt Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds Always keep on handa choice lino of all staple groceries as well as a superior slock of crockery. G.CMOON. Ku:cesor to I A Vorr's Flour and Feed Store Oppoil'.e ;Rui Houe. Has on hand a fill stock of Chcrp?d Ft!, CeiTallis Flcur, B:ap, Shorts Graham, Bet k hea', Ej e I mr, Pay, Oa-, S tit, Po'.aio! Appl s Germ Ma p'. ve 1 tv all drtsEn.akers. at itiso, SENDERS SENFT.