Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 31, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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    . . .
f-- ft "'
vol :vi
NO 27
. ... t .... , , , ...
A 1 if tin noimhlPi
i ja n Mctv wuuijiiivi
Of n Clmrch of England minister
1 cured of n distressing rash, by
Ayw's Siirsaparilla. Mr. KiciiAJtD
HmKL, the well-known Druggist, 207
I have sold Aycr's Family MudielneB
for 40 years, and have heard nothing hut
good Bald o( theiu. I know ot many
Wonderful Cures
performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, on
In particular being that of ft little
daughter of a Church ot England minis
ter. The child wan literr.lly covered
from head to foot with a red and ex
ceedingly troublesome rash, from which
she iiad suffered for two or three years,
in spite of the best medical treatment
avallablo,' Hor father was In great
distress about tho case, and, at my
recommendation, at last begun to ad
' minister Ayer's Snrsaparilla, two bot
tles of which effected a complete curt,
much to her relief and her fathef
delight. I am sure, were ho here to-day.
he would testify In the strongest terms
'lie merits w -
vii cure you
Oregon has never had a cyclone; but if
Ignatius Donnelly, Mrs Lease and
ley all come here in May there will be a
The Salem Independent says that on the
demecrntic ticket J H Kuley will b nomi
nated tor congress in the 1st district and C
A Coggswell in the second; Gen Compson,
tor governor, i-has racket tor secretary of
state; W F Matiock for treasurer; W M
namsey tor supreme judge, and J ii Utxl
frey tir state printer. . . '
Bbitt the Method oni arooult?' when
Syrup of Figs'U taken; U is pleasant
and refreshing to tha jate, find acts
gently yoi promptly on the Kidneys;
iiver and Dowels, raeoT'ses tne sys
tem effectually UispVlf'cjlds, head-?
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation, fe'vrup of Firjs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pre
auceu, pleasing to w tasto ana ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared oulr from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and haro math it the moat
popular reingdy known. ...
Kynip of Figs . fcr sale in 50c
and $1 .bottle by all leatKap drug-
may not nave it on nana will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
SAD Fi'tailKO, CAU
lovismit.'. rce. .r.
i-Turn that wnpivW Datier tlie oiherwila
out," said a lady in a dry oods store which
never advertised, a a clerk was putting up
her purchase in a wrapper: "I dan" Ytant
to-be o. walking advertisement, Ibfonr
store tread tbe paoers as all iatcfliirent
people ought to do.and I thinkinthein is xHsS
place to advertise, your bosuicss . i. Instead
of asking your customers to carry a sign
arouaa wnn cucii purchase, tell the people
through the papers what you have to.,sell
and how you sell it.''
4 if ,111 lllllll 'VIS
OB t
The county convention of the demo
cratic party of Linn county, Oregon,
witi be neiit at tne court nous in Al
bany: on Wednesday. April 4tli. J894.
at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates
for county ofHcers ; to elect delegates to
the democratic state convention, and to
transact such other busiuess as may
properly come belore the convention -Primary
meetings will be held at the
usual place of voting in the several vot
insi precincts of said county on Saturday
March siBt, ioD4, at two o clock p m. tfy
a unanimous vote of the county central
committee it was recommended that the
viva voce syBtem of voting'be adopted by
the next convention so tar as it may ap:
piy to the nomination or candidates
The several precincts are , entitled to
delegates as follows: '
Center, .v . . .i ..............
(Jrawfordsville . . .. . .. .....
Easi Albany ..............
r ran Mm liutte. . ......... .
Cox alley ,
Norib Brownsville. ...i...,
North IlarriBburg
North lbanon:
Kock Creek )......
Hantiam .
' A Fatal Avataache.
WxiiiAcE, Idaho. March 30. The
namei of the persons killed in the snow
slide in Canyon creek yesterday were Stef
ons Deiro, aged 2!); bis wife, aged 25; their
daughter Victoria, aged 5; Martino
Michel, aged 24, all Italians, and Mrs
Nellie Bowe. The bodies of ihe two men
have not yet been found. Arthur Swayne
was so terribly injured that his recovery is
uncertain. Fully 200 miners are at work
shoveling the enow and searching for the
KawfrouK. March 31. The Herald's
rnlumhin. S (!. savs: In a field to-
dav beta een the militia and the whiskey
eonstabl-s on one side and citizens on the
other, hires nernoLs were killed. The citi-
DStuflji got the upper hand and drove
the stirlt police. 22 men. into the swamp
1-4'he first Koriom trouble took place at the
tahonlf the Columbia. Sumter A: North
ern railroad, and this is where the slaugh
ler tooK place.
f UrrrklnridKC t ouiliiunf d
Lr-fKiTOX. March :10 The move which
hm ,,nltiot nm3nf the women to iret up
netilinrl condemninir Colonel Ureckinridg
has been stopped by ihe publication of the
movement, letters were written to Colonel
lireckiAriiWs fricndi and counsel, in
which Uiey say action should not be taken
on the tsiimonv of Mils 1'ollard. They
deny they have sigced a peution to
congress, but donouneo Colonel lireckln-
V 1 A Cbluaiuan tlobbed
TacJma, March 30. Late last night
ChinasVian from Walla Walla, who was
bound ior China, was sand bagged ar.a
robberf of nearly S70O. 1 le was on the way
in t in Jinmn of a friend, when tour men set
upon iiira. He was found by the police and
removed to a hospital in an unconsious
condition. There is no clue to his assai
' t Damage tho Wheal Crop
i Arrarisnx. March 30. The superintend
ent i.f Ihn Missouri 1'acific has received re
ports concerning tho wheat crop Irorn all
stitions in Kastern Kansas and Nebraska.
They indicate that the wheat is being In
jured in Kansas, although it is too early to
tell deliniteiy. in .Keorasua me replies
indicate slight damage.
. . . .i
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest (J. S. Gov't Report
Notice Is hereby given that on the Slst
day of March, 1894, between the hours
f 1 AlAlnnb n m an1 7 n'pnflr n m nt
said day, a primary election will be held
in Wett AIDany, Aiuany, anu Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the Dem
ocratic County convention, to be held at
Albany.Uregon, April 4, low, ine poll
ing place in West Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
house in said West Albany precinct and
(j W Cline, J P Ualraith,and Win Earn-
oaugn are me tuoges 01 sutiieieuviuu.
The Dollincr place in Albany precint will
be the treasurers othce at tne court nouse
in said Albany precinct and the judges
nf such election will be Mnee Sternburg,
Oliver Bushnell and L U Montany. The
nollimr. place in tast Albany precinct
will be at the office of the Farmers ware
house in paid Kast Albany precinct and
R L Burkbart. 1 U Dickey and jonn
bom Rr will be the iudnes of such elec
tion. The number of delegates to be
elected at such primary eleciion is SB
follows: In West Albany rrecinct 6, in
Albany precinct 0, and in East Albany
precinct U,
Dated the 22nd day ot March, 1S94.
Geo. W. Wrioiit. Chairman Demo-
Secretary, cratic County uenirai
see Hxar
Paikcr Bros, groceri.
F. M.French keeps railroad tiino.
Buy your grooeris of Parker Bros
Fiae groOHries at Conn's.
New eream cheese just received at Conrad
Meyers, -
P J Smilev job printer, Flion Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oent
cigar at Julias Joseph's.
Dr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon
Albany, Ora.rii. CIU m-tls li oitor
J Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat-
a ent business conaucicu iw moc.hatk r, ,
J inil we can secure patent in less Ua.e Uiaa lootl ;
2 icmote from WastnnRlon. I
5 Send model, drawing; or photo., WHS desCTlp
Stion. We advise, II patentable or not, tree oi;
i charee. Our lee not due till patent is secured. ,
. "(IowtoOblain l'ateols," with
J co of itie in the U. S. and foreign countries;
t ni frM- Address.
On, partNT orree, wminotoii. C 1
-:- is -:
Harness -and -Saddlery
Display in the Dooi
W TIic Best Shoes nDsf 9
It: )n
I .aa. . a a a n . ..ti.t. aic fittlni. And trive better
nu DC con-
SO, 34 ond $3.50 Dress Shoo.
$3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Sole,
$2.50. 32 for Worklngmel
$2 and $1.75 for Boys.
S3, 82.50 $2, $I.7V
CAHTlOX.lf any pili
AlTcr. Ton W. L.. IoukIU
shop, ill rritiirru ri-u
ti Iim hiilhetn wUh
out ins nnnm n umi'iu
I bottom, pat nun
down m a fraud
.iT7.i.T" T.TT:...- ,i. ,c,.,i thm nnv nthrr mnkf. Trf one naif a:
vinced. The stamping o W. L. Uouslas name and price on the bottom, hi.h
cuarantrcs their value, savea thousands of dollars ant.i:ally to those who -car thcni.
Dealers who push tho sale of V. L. Ioii:,:.i Shoes g-iin customers, which tc the snlcs on t!iclr full line ot rem:-,. T-T tun to ? T"' "
and wo Mi-re- r-" t.lJS'S i.'J: ?Z u aii
t-t-OKuw imw " -
Shuld i
Sodavitle 3
Boutr. llrownsvH'e 4
eolith Hnrnsburg 4
8outli Lebanon
Sweet Home 5
Syracuse 3
Tangent s
West Albany
Total 123
All voters in saii Linn county with
out .egard to former political alhliations.
who favor an honest economical, admin
istration of county, state and national
governments, so as to conserve the in-
trpata nf the masses as acainst trusts
and monopolies, are cordially Invited to
ioin in facing part in these conventions.
(Jeo W Wright, Maut Muxkr.
Secretary. unairman rro lem
Used baloff,
For sale by Ihe
for Infants ond Children.
m CMteISBDTrcaialr.ptecltoeW1lrcn,hilt
I recommend It as mperiortoaay prescription
inown to me." H. A. Ancnxa, 11
JU Co. CriorJ Ct, Erooklrn, ... T.
"The jot of Castor!! Il cn mItctsJ and
it. merits so well known that It seems a work
3f siiperwopttlon to endorae It. Tew are the
ntellleent families rrho do not tocp Castorla
tdthin eafj rrftch."
Cxsum :imrrs, I. r.,
rastnrls cnn Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gires sleep, and promotes ct
TTItliout Injurions modleatlon.
"Foe Berersl yrzn I haTO recommend.-
tout 'Castorla.' ond shall alwaya continue U
do so as it has Inrariablj produced bcacflcla.
tDwra F.-PiUDCi M. n
lBtli Street and Tth Ant, Kew York nty
t Coitpaxt. TT Jiraa'T
Stuzst, Sew Yobs Cttt.
?Jf '. THE )l01ll:Hf WA
Commendi itself to the well formed, to do
p-'easantly and effjctually what was foim
tr'.y done in the crudest manner and dis
agreeably as well. To cleanse the system
anu OfeaK upcoiu?, Iicauaiicu mi,, v-i.
.1iH-,i, ,mnl!i4nnr after eff.'cts. use the
f,X.-4j;a,iift,,1iii liquli laxa'lve remedy, riyrup cf
United a!n:es Lind O.R:i Oreoi C:ty
Oregon, March loth, 1804.
Aotlce Is hereoy given tnai ine aprovcu,
plat of survey ol township, 13 south,
range 10 west, has been received from
the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on
April 23. 1891, at 2 otiock a m 01 saiu
dar said plat will be filed in this ontce
and the land therein embraced will be
ubiect to entry on and alter said date.
R-.-hrrt A Miller Peter Paukt.
K'gis'er. receiver.
Tbe llr efReasena.
The reason whv Allcock's Porous Plas
ters arc popular is that they may bcTellcd
on to cure.
1. Lame back, sciatica, stninss 01
twitching of the muscles.
3. Chest troubles, such a pleur - pneu
monia, consumption.
1. Initiuestion, oysrepsio, .i-ness.
kldnev comnlaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
tbe genuineness of Ihe plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Porous PIssK-r lias
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on every nanu. 1 mij
sure cure is to eel the genuine Allcock's
Porous rirs'.ers.
Hr.ndreih's Pills ImDrove the dleestlon
Pnrtlnml. Sci-amenlo. Los Angt-ks
Slccaton and Salem have Ihe same Insur.
r.ce rales. Alhanv. Or. But'e and flelena
Montana. Salt Lake Cliv. laco ns, ana
tV al la Wi la. Wash, and Spokane, nave
the same rates.
Fresh CabDage.
& Tarnipt.
AlC K nrowrulle
ei.iloh's Cure, tne rt oooah and crimp
v, is f ir ssl" by ns. Pocket sue enntain
m; -'! -I nes.'iiy 25a. CniHroo Ut il
oshay A Mas ft.
See tb Kew Improved SI ,er sowing at
chine. The. l-.t l always . cneape.i
W S .wden, ai-ont. uttioe at r si rrenun
ewelry store
Albany Barker
s. Ii .'I).-.'
Cet, t5
four, 13 .90.
1 utler. WO
Ktign 1R.
1 .,,1 1 In
Porn-ham. 12 to l5l oaltera,ft.ime.
a , . 11 to 13c
hay. h -vl 17
"o atnes, 4C.
Arple . 4
slops1 Itt-i.
(riet f. nil plu hi", e, app, o
fbtckena. 0o pr dncen. t
wr. sdK -1. ixc..
Hng dre i e.l. 6H'e. '
ptitTV i-iuNrv cow
The Countv Ocnvention of the Prohi
bition party for Linn county will convene
at the Court House on Saturday, April
14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur
nose of nominating a county ticket and
transaction of such other business as may
ierly be brought before the convention.
prohibitionists"" of tlnf!' CBunly'wliU'
STitttTLT In It. When it conies
washing the Albany Stenm Laundry is
strictly in it. It is doing the business of
the city: the Celestials are going to the
wall, xu cents a tiozen ror puun wiwiunir
is cheap enough for anybody in any kind
of times. Richards & Philips do lir.,t tljss
work ana spend their money at home.
Patronize the Albany Steiia Laundry.
voted the prohibition parly ticket In 1891
and who intend 1 1 sup,xirt the same In
the ensuing election will be entitled to
seals as delegates in the convention.
Everv nrohibitionist In Linn rounly 1
earnestlv and cordiallv invited to attend.
T r hacklkmax, chairman 01 L,inn
County Cer.tral Committee.
ia the Early Days
cf cod-liver
oil Us use 't
was limited
to easjintr-
those far
advanced in consumption.
Science soon discovered in '
it the prevention and cure of
Ssotfs Emulsion;-
f cod-liver oil with Hypo-'
; h;sphites of lime and soda
i . rendered the oil more
c f!, ctive, easy of digestion
i .. ! pleasant to. the taste.
1- (.,irv.l trr iteott ' Dawns. . Y. All dntsHs.
"FORD, Evangelist,
Of DesjMo!nes. Iowa, writes understate of
;March S3, 1893:
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Goldei.v
Common everv day.
Ther is" no"c!alm liisde for Aver's
Sarssparida which cannot be endorsed by
scores of testimonial". This fact plainly
proves that the blood is the source cit most
(iisorJers and that A)ers Sarsapaiill.i Is
the best of blood purifiers. Try K this
When Baby waa sick, we gate her Castor!.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she bocame Miss, she clung to Castor: -
Wben she hau Children, ahe gao them Castor
WlA .
r.i : -vtr 1 1 1 it n t '!! r ir wis
ng to ths Chinam sn. Ilyjjwant yo
work w:M d.n- a llvlni pricss 'ak! It
Ricntrd Ai ?iMliy S-ean blind
Tny kmv 11 1 wlthoj'. bnlnj in
Some people begrudne Ihe tittle money
that an Allcock's Porcus Plasier coste, ai d
then when thev f re racked with pain ftom
tiesorenss arising from a cold, they will
spend anv amount cf money to relieve the
naln. If thev nnlv had one of these wrrld
renowned oldsters on hand they would be
saved a vast amount of suffering and be
considerably richer. At the flrst sign of
stiffnesi of ihe jolntt applv one af these
plasters witi.out any delav. Th soreness
will be greatly relle"td tt ones and soon
-disappear enlheiy. It will Le money
saved 10 have them on hand, to sa noth
ing of the ciinfjrt they bring.
3. B
Med. Mfo Co..
Dufnr, OregoD
1).N'T Of course vou fee
I like It s'me ilmrs; but there Is nothing In
It. Slmplv 'fari a lesson, and tne next
lln-e go to Par' rr llros for your uroier
lis, produce and baked goods. No one
ever ejaculates profanely after leaving
their store, for n, - only are the best gro
ceries In the .narket sold; but everybody
from a child to a.' old gentleman. Is treat
ed courlrnuslv. Tl.elr baked goods. In
large varietv, an- superior and popular.
If ou wonld keeoln Kood humor with
he world alwavstrv Parker U'os.
On arrivins homo last week. 1 fooDdall
well and anxiously avaitina. Our little
girl, etaht and otie-hslf yeara old, who bad
wa ted away to 30 pounds, is now well.
strong and vig. rou, aud well Heahed op.
S. D. CriUffh .'ure has d :na its work well.
tkith of the ohlldien like it. Yoar S B.
Cough Care has cured and kept away all
hoarseness from me. sitr give it to every
oue, with gre-iiuks for all. Wishing you
prostieti y, we are
Your., Mn ft Mas J F FORD.
If vnu with to ft.,,1 limn and chuerfol. and veadv
tor ths Hphntf ' w.ira, itlr4iiM yoursjHi.'in with tbs
Uwlache ami l.iv r t'.nv. by taking- lu or thrao
fill cents pir botll;. hy all dnimnsta.
S SO.l amlara poritlvsliruarmnlec br
For all deranurments of the throat and
lunii Avei'sCb rry Pectral l the speed
leal anti mii.i rellih's remedr. F.ven in
the advanced stacs of Consumption, this
Mimdrrfiil prepsi.ttlon aifords great relief,
checks coughing, mil Induces sleep.
Tnnreservea iuthful appearanc-
long as poslble. t s indispensable thai the
hair should retail' ! natural color and
"f-"'', - There no preparation so
.rt'.ctive as Ay re's flair la'ir
it pi events baldn- i, and keeps the Kca p
clean, cool, and ne .Ithv.
as ai'
ShiL.h's Vitahs-. :s what you nt li r
dyspsiisia. tcrpid -f. yellow skin or kld
nty trnniilo. It l- lannWd t4,'gi ym
ati,!of.loii. Prie.- "So. Hlldjhy Fosray A
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
Tbe only 1'urc Cream orT.-.rt-r Powder. y.o Amiaonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
fif2 m Q H mm aW I
1 i Ni nromiiii
5 1.00 per UottkC
Trm One AT Cofoh
whore ail others faiL Couh, Croup,
1. wnooaiinz uouco una
A thru a. For Contumption It has no rfral:
Throat, Hoancneas,
A atn ma. f or onunipTion n obs nu mnij
has cured thoutanda, end Will CURB TOO if
takn in time PM by IiTiiKfff9 on ft guar
Haveymil'aurrli 1 This reincly Is nisran
teodtoeureyou. frlcctocts, lnjwtortnsa.
tmtt arra,,
M,is;sr.i ltifik'!If i
'or John It. . h't
t. s, f 1 Dnl'-x'!
II. i I', u
) iies, wl'
'i - i