yo iMl)" gcmocvat. Agents Wanted on Saluxy and Commission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bios of JAMES &. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, his Hterry eiecu'or, with the c-tii rtl' f.l l l4'i,i'y. snd ... Mr. Hl.iue'. found " Wn , ' tvusn Ykaks or t'osumw," and ni ' ' ,JO "Pol-ITKAL I'l.sCtlvtlO.VII " One Mr.i.peCtU- for these 3 be-t skllinu bol m Ih mar liet. A K I' .1 irilau "f Me.. took 1 12 order from lirt 110 onll-; Bent'i. eolii SlCSoO Mr ll.llald f 0. look 15 ordrr., IS Jci Kui, iii I iLm miit 2H.2S. E N R of Mask. 27 mrl- IB 2 il'-! lrotil 847.33 .1 IMudie . ' M ' l'll finiii'sG c.lh; i rolit $75.SJ K A f'a mer olN. Dili. fi3 "-i-' ,,r"HI tOS.25. Kxi l lli'VK TkI.HITOHV liven, ll you ih tiiii.ik.. l.Aia.c an. j- i wrii t lv fur ii n I' Iidlcnf Dill Piih. Co..'iiniii h.Coiin WEAK MEN FOR Made bo by too clooo aiiin.a:nin to buhimjad se vere menial lrnin. 8rxuU :xwmi In niitl rtly tiro, t.r vki'ina batuLs cnninicU'U In youth, WliAK. MHW aro rfiiiiiiisloNt" vu lie Hit y or :)utullun, Vutlic WeU aru, Involu-liiry l.ucs wutl tUtrly 1 cny tn Vftuuirii'td Ml'.tlie A ami. liuaof vigor ana Btrtv iti, Willi m;u:il cininm lnimlrMl and m-;.ki'iitd iiri'tijiiiiirt ly In niiuiinl..ii old aue. VJ1E. i OA Tt iCKH wo hili from knowleiiKO o( itiulli In mnuf t)iotiiuitl curvus tro-itcd yiifleiirt-0 In tho .fist Ulltv. yitrn. Ourttii Hi'-'.ot InlitHtiifn.i? l'i . ll A KRIS HVI.VHL.K MKIMC'ATi.U 1'ANTII-L.B trt-atmcnt Is ono wliltti eimjiinw.s luolf to all (HMHlbloin'rwin for tl-oron-a i Ibul w inipiily it upon tlilr jti'ltfriH'iitot itn v.iluo. fJthhiK In Ine w:iy of t'XK.'iiMi buyout) . pjot:il CfiU anil a two cent posTuyKiriiiii tHuWed. 'j'lio jUil inl lr wo in tiulinu lit their full nflcJrcnajmu the po-i nuv blniii for tho i tier rutnrnliu: ho et..tenjMiL ot ihplrensclnr which woaupi'lr thorn with ques tion blank, to Ik) tilled oi.aiid ft flclf-tuldroauxl ortWiiiui tor iuu) In rt-Lnniinir ItWUCll f"''(L vv Win n wo rocclvo tho oment ' LkKod blnnlt wo nn-imro clubt d:iys, P T7a iretituumtand lnrwiird It, i. f 1 HI At. pn.imyinKiKtstiik'P-AlonifwiLbtliB trcuti'tiit woM'nd rulldirm-Uoiit for ui-lnif. Th treiiinieiit chiim no iwio or Inconvouieuos and dues uut pn'vent atientloo to biiHlnoHs. o lea vo the imilturuf send Ink onlern entirety with those uBinir the frrotrhU tre..tmuot. ilav Jn Bntisll'id thuso netidlnir fur trhil pnck:ii?fl vt our abnity t benefit tliem wo leel that they oro ronrO Inrcely IntcrPBted It mn ourrelvos In contliiiiliifT thu ii.o tiT tlie I'lifltWcH. Wo make tha pi'k'ert n Ioi.-hh possil,:etuiia the nrtiotuail. 'i'hey aro hh fnllyv-: f.r.00 tor ono mouth j (jJJ lurtwo iuontliH $7.03 for three nionlha. Wo (ink nil erNna necdinu treatment to send their Bditre-tM on Hita)or by letter. Alt com nm tileatl'tnKeonddrntinl nnd nhnuld hoartilreiwed to THt HARRIS REME&V CO., Mffi.ChfiMiOt fi) BTTHTfMAV BTRrTT, WF.y TOBK. im7xrr.n.wriJ.i:iJiiiT-'gf:wjH-rT71 3 Are You low spirited and sun'eriux Isyour Frinf tltU'k, Don't wail! Your KIDNEYS iiro lii'lnr ruiuetl. Uso .Sulphur JHtttT. One liotilo of Sul phur IJitU'rs will iio you more pood tlutn ill! tho Latin vrvs- iroui iuu CCS8C8 Of VOUlll? If K(l. :M ISiilplntr VAt- .:n i yoiL criptitms of dr ills ami niinvnil Bons which will remain in your sys tem, destroy your bones, mul mako you a poor, weak, ami broken down invalid. Ho person can remain long sick who uses .Sulphur Hittera. Jf YOUU DAUGHTER'S FACE la miviinul l ltl Itirlc Rnrnl. RTlll ti'ltm rrimr rimplr. civo her .Sitlt-lmr h Itittern. I.nilii'a in delieatn lii-iiltt who nro nil run down, should two E Bulpnur liilters. JNone lelt Try Sulphur Hit ters TO-NIGHT, and you will (deep well aud feel better for it. Sulphur Hitters Will make your blood pure, rieh and strong aud your tlc.tlt bard. Get a bottle now. sw-nil 3 2vnt .tumns In A. I1. Or'lwav P: v llostuQ.Ma..lur best mvdieal Wutk I'UblialieU EXECUrr.RS kotice. NOI lt'K IS lll'.UEBY (.1VKX th.t th lllldL'rlfcHf.l .xecntor nf Ihe la-.t will .nd Ii '.'.amen: n Ki.nk Sli.-.i.l '1'M.J. h filed . h f l.itn ui' the . "ii ti 1 s.i t !) ing j-e ... ettl O Ii Tlua I 11 r f d t. 111 tl J K V KATIIKIfr'oWH yon Kx. BILIOUSNESS Wliolia.i not stilTcr.'il tliis mUorv causal Ly liilo in tin) Ftoimu li wliith I'll "iiiiu-tivo ;r Kluisli .HvcrfaiU'il tn t un y nil'. IHE PRCVENTIOn AND CURE IS liquiil or owdt r, wliuh givo3 tlio livor nnd l'V.t mililmow quu'k net ion to can u's oil t no tMii niciit tiftht'liowel: g:itivo or :i i'in iViiv!y Vi ;''t:il'K'. ::.l.o 'i!'.- more .ivfi- i;.".:ulitor. . It is r.o l'tir- liviiifinc, Lilt Many t'j'lo tako iiii.noiu) "1 1.. Ili;innnr for ritt: rt-ni iln lit' il-s' f m ti n.-vt-r f.u It tl lls.t f llltll, . "-.I. M. i'l'.U HlTsT tr l!'v i vt ta i a k .: . f?M. n.ir 7 Innip In red on Trn.per. I. Kil l:. A I'U, Vbi Adcfiiu, 1' I ft Rare You K fflmrvoLS ui..l JL l ifn-tty, or i:i V J my DELICATE h l-W 1v 11 1 lii.iko a K new portion P of you. b SHERIFF'S SALE. In tl Circuit Court of tlu State oj Orffi for Ike Count) oj Li. 1 M O.boni & Co. PiaintIB vt S P Barucr and and Sarah E BariierM wife, Helen Janta N-,ilce it hereby civen that by virtue o an etcuiion and order ol aali duly Uauerl out ot the above named cnuri in ine above emliled u t to me directed ana oe livereH, 1 will on Sal j"tay ihe 71b day o Anrl 1. IM. al Ihe tioiu door 01 ine court houe in me city of Albanv, I.lnn County, (Jiegoii, at the hour of I o'clock p m of salJ day sell at public auction for caih In hind to the htjiheit bidder, the real prop erty ilecribed In .aid execution and order of ale io-wii ; Beginning at the north west corner if 11 u Brown-a unnation land cl.t-n no ificstlun number jojS in ip a. South Ranue 3. wt rf the Wlllain- clie meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, thence east 3; chaim, ihence south 9 chains, lhei.ee north so" wrest 7 chains, ther.es south SC, west 16 5. chflns, tience nordiCO9 west 50 chain 10 the p ace of beginLing, exe. pt 3 6 acres on the east side id the tract, deeded to w K rvirx .a vembtr 6th. I6S(, recurded (n volume 30 on pat;e i'll ol tui ivcordi of deeds tor sai.'. Linu' onnty. The proceeds arising from said sale to be app lea nrsl 10 ine payment of ihe costs 01 and uon said exe cution ami toe original costs of Slid suit taxed at $ J3 8 . Second, to tl" payment to the plaintiff 1) M Osborn & Co, the sum i.f !iiS SCi hli Interest thereon at . li rate of 10 p-r centner annum f otn ihe 23d day 1 f (ktoher, 1S93, and the fur lliersuinof $.'5 O) attorneys fees ard 'he iiv.-rples if any lo be paid to the said defei d tut S l1 Harder Dated this 7'h day of March, lSJ. C C Jackson. .Sheriff of Linn Coutny Oregon Gladstone has A clear Mead WHY ? Dceause he fellows ihese rules: "Ke.-pche head cool, the feet v arm, and the bowels open.' You can have a clear head and live to be ninecy if you do the same Uiing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Eear.5. Their ection is so nnld that you are not aware of it. AM day your mind will Toe clew and cool. "Not a gripe ip larrclcfthem." Ask for small sure. Tako no substitute for SMITH'S CGPYFUGHTS. CAHT I OBTAIN A PATENT For a Rrompt answer rand an honest opinion, write to IIINNA: CO. who hare had nearly Hf ty yenra' experience In the patent business. Com. lunloaa ttoim strictly confidential. A Handbook ut In formation concemiiia Vatenta and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Oi rntwhiin loal and aclentltlo books noot free. Patents taken tbrouifh Munn ft Co. TOCetw apeelal notice in the Helrntlfic Amcrlrnn, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cont to the In rent or. This eptendld paper. pa pei farth nnutru weercir, uieRani ij innmrmeu. Das oj laryeat circulation ot any scientific work IpK Tear. Hlnsta contnlna beau- tin or ner now ui. -h. r.aceor CaUlotat cf VstUbI and Tlowera. ( .niltiIn-.H3p.iifSxt 1-2 lnrlira, with drwrtp- l..iiHt:.at flt-H-r::. not riN!rad UIitralioB that IntrurL rot rx iir-'rrate. T!i onriT Is rhurtnnf In harnionhMW blendtnit of ri,'r iir'.ti'i v n nnnd wnlw, ith ft (T-'hl hae k- Rrmri l,-a .' hiti-l In n iin of tn-nuty. 91 wn ef NoTrlUM . n ut etil.ink All Hie leatllnn ncrvetllei .,.,.1.1 nrlilli!i. TliW linr.1 lime it nlT.nl 1 run in rhk. Bur HOKEST GOODS ,. rnu will receive FUiL KEASURB. It Is tmt nee . . . '....ri..i!i:1tvi.k'ar.-e.ljirr.w.t1ils tkmn ..vt r.nu't nlol!i Utheh:rvett inv!. Arrry -.rtit f-rpn'iT ri'ilwill "v frosemanuuix--llil-. V mvoi.wMe Vifk'iiri.iral -JiiiMe the hand--.1 e- ! '. - ' f'T K y "l I-1' a fine pint, n : ' Irr i.nW."ti I ''it, M h timv t e 'IMmcM . ' er-l.T 83(0 CA Pnie 'or Potto. A a an rs firtt'O DAUC Si. Hkv ' tlll'VI'ltl'' .Hi nt i I'l v . '-ruiM. torn, t'.i I on Mm vt i lllce lor pal Hi'iotarv I tl ularH ..S" ALU ANT, ortKHi'1 .. .l.tLtvN K. VOl NO . LASO'.KS lc.Pi. K. ' .W.ur. u,. i levniAM.K ai.it i "i.luo f.r' N.wl .rk. n Franoitwo, Chwo ! Pxtland Jo'S-rrtOS HAl'K n !orM arm. Btnarrowi. t. Voiaa L. Fun a I . SOI. Those . ... ..!.,.., ,.fvm rtrrt tmir ir-"v? is no' l-i,i,t-i'H' f imiiri:i-- onifj'l j the li. nl ''Mr "i;v;, "'".!' i.f mei r'lii.'.'.jii'i'. " mil. (i,iiifii;.i-.i';"ii-'"! n... MI amel St.eet.tl :Vi I hive (.-r ,.v a hn.lHT in P .'1 M. h n,..le i. r dre..d t.v .ive.a.r il. .- use , p,e.....ni .., ...... ,:.h .3P:?I it shool.1 'be-n'.H"rte -I ' r'-"''- ,11 .T il. "1 l.kc luorang a ifoet race all lor tbe ue i - Ttritle.w h.v1 andVlieasesntv.l.'tli ' Stt ift MWI If t tUntA.l.a. r foot race all lor Ibe e , I .-. Oregon Pacific RailioaJ, rnaa. ciabis, .Ueeiver. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. .'...nnactinir with sw.ra.r Homer btw.ca Ya- quins ul SUI rraicisoo. raoa ssa rsAH Cisco U.met sails F.lij 10, M .rch i, P. tl, .nd 8l.t, PH0M TAQl'l. Homer sai:s Fib SSlh, Mirch7, 17, and 27th. The Companv rawyw i "at 1 nge iwllinR datna wUbout notloe. For freight and pas-en ;er r'tos app'y o any agent. Ch.rlosJ Iln.lrv.. 8-n C. N.. ! in Sia'kjt S: Jn.ii rrsitciC' Cslll. C ui Clrlc roiciver, Circal ii Or.-r'n. SUIT LftKE. OMAHA. KAHSiS CITY ST. LOUIS, TO f)2 HOURS QUIaCndtVeeastAG0 HOURS !!d kansas cmr"A PULIMAN AND T0URI3T SLEEPERS, FREE PECLIN1MC CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. S II II Clark, Oliver W Mink, E Ellei Anderson, Receivers. For raies and general Infoi matlon call on or address Curran & Monlelth.AlDan; , Oregon, or W H HURLBURT.Asst.ucn i. ra. 2(4 Washington .-i., Portland, Orioon ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue .Ur... RKV. E. X. CO.NDIT, Albny, Oregon I had for dinner ni the bet I ever ate. Thank to COTTOLENE, the new aad tucccsaful thortcnlog. ASK VOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE All SUBSTITUTES. Cenoioa maie only by N. K. FAIRBANK 4 CO., ST. I.OUIS and CHICAGO, HI'" RH 9T0IV DENVER. i That IDSaO II UWav V V t'HAM Wli4TI.ERFOB hVblaim. courts ( th. Atv.ru.ys .1 L... y'KS MU. lticlal ltij;,?;l!"iih. Flian blee Liu.. lUous. orri-"- K BIILVEU j e .uAu,, in Chsncery. Anniy .tl''.,,u. M,ii.tl on 'n . pEO. W. WBICHT, S1KSS11? KEWbU Ome.:-N.x. S.rio.wfflC..Alb.i,y.ou. - ('lirfl"t5l 1 1 r i II t - J .Uitter. ltl wc.lv. P""? .ttenU. J. UlIITXEt .1. Attorney at Law, Albany fSTASVE A IfACliLE'laN, I1 . r Attarneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. Hom.ptld.t. SrJl.t ladto.oMI,. Eye. 0fflcelwur.-7lol, ml ll m, sua 7 to . PhydcUn .nd 3iireon. OFKICE-Corner ir-J street Allan)'. Oregon. KM. t Bit I. D D...ii.n. - Q..r.,n.. OFKICB-Uorner . eiM .11,1 llraeislbin streols. AHiaay, Or, Calls pnijipl.y atntmleu I cttv sni cuntry: it w.eUjH:tt'll..BiSH.KRH J OF AI.BANT, OKKOO.N. TRANSACTS eener.1 IbnUntr u"'"- URAW'SIOHTDIt.tFM on So lork, Sn it a sco sn.t Portland, Cretan. LOAN MONEY on amiroved security. KECEIVE deposit, subject to check, COLLECTIONS made- oil uvvnruble .terms. INTEREST nsid on time deposits B OIO, OKKOOM. . .. 1 Ml's A J Jou EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTE Ob lllr- 1 Southern Pacific Co. Esprcss Trains laav. Portland Dsllj North I South C:isr. a. l L io j6ut 1, Hi Pirtlsnd Alb.ny 8su Frsnnisco Ar 8:21) L 4:-iS a M nv 7;00 r v W& r M LV I lOa u I Ar tc:)DV8 tritn slip a. all statloia irom nd ti vlbiny inotusive, amu hid i.Halaey.tiarrisourg, jinirauu Irving, tS'ignna nod all atatlona oiebuigto iaiilanil inolual'0 aoaaseae mail, daily UrS'Jia lit Portt.nd Albsny Roaeburir Ar' SOr I.T 1 12;Sl ;Lv ! 7 0 lr:45r I Lv :6Urk Ar :10A lliy Lebanon Albany Lebanon 10 71 A 80 A :r ar 9:00 A M l:"r Ka 11 PULLMA' BUH SLEEPERS. DininvT Cars on ugaen n.utc. 8EC0ND-CU3S SLEtPlNa CARS AltntUc.l usiii"'"." ..-.- JTe.t aide islvlslon. Br.Tv.F.r. t-OBTLAJIU 4S 101IIAII.IS MAIL njAiBDAILT (Except aunasy. Ar I E t r I 7.50 a a I Portland Cortsllls litis r I trsissmis .ailt (Escr:pt8niidr. I : a. S.'t) A t:nra Portland tMionrtl.. J:44 ra Tlironprh. TicUetc to .11 poin.m """" : . lrom C II I BWfi can oa "'""" 1 rrowk, iuwij. lanr.lll.KR r. nwa-av-. Unairr Port'v.4 Oracora, Vn'tO r. I HP Hill 00LLEBUT8 IHSTITUT. ALBANY, OREGON tr.l Term ope. en wr A f 1 enrpa of Instructor., ClAiSiCAL, SCIEKTIFIC, LITERAPf COMMERCIAL AK3 MORMAl CLASSES. t junM ol tudy irrarmed n n all" grades of students NWmi iirr!tf eftni l from ab-oad. f . KLBF.KT 1 rOXDIT 7. ' The Best She rUnlaslJaeT' I $3 SB, W. L. DOUCLAS . -"L .r."..:.l,T7, l 1 1..- ni kes a.lvertlftu tnui ji.i ... I),,,,., ,s- inceJ Si C3rC, 1113 BU...."..t . . f i ,, , their value, wves thm.sjml. of d1!.ir ho push the 6:.le of V. L. Jou!u Sin iruarantecs unit v ih-ii"" T " ?" J i.nlUaSci U"d Torloby ,.,e L E BLAIN for (nfants Ca.torla Is so we'J adapted to children that ( recommend it osBuperiortoony nrwcriptlen inown to me." 1L A. Aarnra, 1L 1., Jll So. Oxford U, lirootlyn, S.I. "Tho uro of 'Castoria Ii no universal anil Its merits so ivcll known that It enema n wort 5f supcrorORatinn to endorse It. l'Vw am tho Intelllsent familiefi tvlio do nut keep Castoria dthln cay mach." Caolos Mxr.TY, T. P., New York City. The Ckntaih - PO0NIZEi HOM mt t n-T-r-..-nCTTrrras:-7 MmaWn m fmkers k mmm -Albany, w P KKAi, rnvildenL i li COWAN, Treaanrer, cjnn F Simpaon, W F Read, J K Weatherlord. O J alo niftTRicx i CftVflral Sftlifl FaRfP.m I OU 1 Ui UI WW. IV. unu.v.u l . EiiiiruiiU'fiJ tot tirc u.i ner v It if v' flif V!: Jiifs lyov..re...rllj.n fr..utns,j' rpn . 1 ...nriiiib wnuthriiltTi'virn. excensivountioi ninacei,uiin.m .w . . K-tet. Ilm 1 v . iVi i vVI-'Ik ,iMriiU'iiffi.nr UWiilW-ii'ia"r.ii:'-'..l. A-K roril.l: uuuUKANU.l.Liit .IN". ui.mHrnpir. A'-.n For ll.'' A"-nv Ore .'.yl. A ' ' FromTerminal or Iirarlar Poltts th lit the line to lnk To all Points MST anl SOUTH t n lite. IMr l ruins ! K ' I I it r i k I !' . mi V - V V.- r ST.PAUL aai CHI8.W0 T;0 CHANGE OF CAS' ) (mm f Dining fill's rusurjtvss tl Pullman Wrawins liciia SIccps 0 Latml Equinmrnt I TOURIST SLEEPING Cft' S. B.s'. ' t .'ii l iijs'rr. t nl 411.I in arm 1 . . . a .1 1 1 1 1 14 1 re h i'h fioe 1 1 1 f 1- I'll t r"nill''"! nri or J .0 11 I 1 ti' ELEGANT DAY COACHES, AUii-jiimi fj u innutiiUHli al linss. affordin? Direct an i TJniiit,ari,upt9il S.jrvi03. Pullman .lev. per rexrvatnn. can weure.1 In advnueo throlliril a.ijr aKe?H of the n,l. run rifKF.rM to and from no n' ... ins li" ...iK't.'i Kimm' mn t iorchH..'l m ticket. ifflw of ihi lo'i'i any. Villi mf rina'i ' .mnfr-i ntf rato.tl.ni afir.in. "I. n I 1 r m;iii ihl O'. aopti- t 'V .i'Hf or1 H Utl.TOI. -.' r t'"lt . .-'.- nutoii, Un.i ' -:e o No IS w . l i'.UWN sn.t' () - pant ' i liMl-. I -. L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOR 6ENTLEUEH. 84 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 8ole( 83.60, 32 for Worklngmei 82 and 61.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 83, 82.50 82, $1.71 CACTIONlf u; deal. ofr.T. yon W. L. Doukisv .lioea us m reuueru prji. .ay. lie ua mem Willi- in. nnino ai.nipuil i Ui. bottom, put Mul uotvu u. isrrauti Z.J nv" Fr id he r yu.ii -j - i -; ,: name mul price on me naium which rs annually to those what venr them. iocs cam customers, wmcu Helps to .- in nr.tr;! to rrTl nt ft 1.. prolU, U.'U iKJ.,c:.."-a, tsrocutaa. luu. CLOTHING CP and Children Castorla cures C..11 ', Cowtlnallon. Hour Stomach, HUurh en, Kruetation, KilU V.-onus, given sloe;'. " rmmoU Ci Kostion, Withtiut lajuriouuracllcation. "Fur Beveral yeam 1 havo recommended your 'Ourtorla,' and shall nln-aya eontlnuo U do . as It has Invariably produced bencflcla rcyuita." i:r.Kl!l F. riiiuirx, "I. D., 1CT.IU Street and 7th Ave, New York City Coapaxv, 57 Hi'Eluv Streit, Kcir Yoaa ClTT. IKST'.TUIION. Oregom - J O WRririMAW. Seotetary Geo F SIMPSON, Vico President! n B MotiWlt'i.M sturnnorg Htmit. ' Wrltaman. 'J W OUwtC Ep aoestb ron- 311(1 TOin MM IJ .M&rMamMK:itVK RRRDI." MANHOOD KESTOKbUi ni,i.oUdcn,.i remedf SUfrfSu.?. .iTirTuTnc?,,, STli.i "Tincli l. Weak Memory. Irfisjot Urslq iiiUiitmor InnnUy. t'an 1 in i.i- enmcu in b..x.lor. - ., li ly nt.ul prt'idiid. Mlift i a 9.1 order wfl ry. ol4 br '1 KCUVJSaKkut'l'.i MaaoiilcTciuiile.l'UlCAUO. , . . Mfitu ; i. - ' i ' ltrl:.umlH. 25 CENT5 Proves the efficacy of CUTICURA Since a cake of CUTli Soap r dent ; tinjr 2S ce- ' ! vftilwviil. hvs ''-lert : i v. hy UuiUiar'.Js givai c 1.0 shou'J reason CO t;-.!'Ui li life Tortured Disfigured Hu;Ta!iiated by skin, sca'p a:.d Hood dir s which are r-rceuily nj rvvii'.a- nenlly cuied by the Cuticl'RA Works Wonders and its ci.v-'S are the mo:t rt- mavkdWe performed by a:iy blood and skin remedy of mod em times. Poid tl:-oneli.iittlieworld. PoTTxnInrO asn 1'liE.i.CoK!... ImjU' rropricto'.., H...ton. " All about tbe lkiit, Mcalp Mia Uatr," free. o a' Completion. h-m.J. .n lialr p-e'r -ved, puillieU iuui beautillt'd by CutleurA H...p. ' nr y Pain Is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster Is the first and oniy paiti-killins planter. iirH asp iNHTRCMKsrAt V'- ''c'r" Mi.t llallie V i.rner a (rrndua!" ' ' ' , O nscrtatorv ennected with t," C" X;h, .ar-d to give men'al music to alnIe at reasoniH-. ten . had a thc.rot.uh ...irleiice.l teac I" I'rol ii A Shore , Vi I '1m vo. .1 and ti pt: i'j. -r c'a. Mi-- tVa'n. r 'l I- . tl'' is ni -ef.. . v.- I . . . ' : s Icnr.le l.te. JO.