Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 30, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    ablUI1e.l07.wjr -Wy i t!ie week
except Sunday. lBW9e
TI'MkSHTHIB," Editor. and pWp
Or.gon, . weo.,,1 d., mrmitiSJ. '
A. . , ' PA8SED--T1'e SfatMinan sets
tho foJowinir irniin of comfort out of the
Albany & Aston,, Railroad: On Tu,lav
last Senator Itolph hiul passnl throng the
tipper branch of .nncrw, a hill irranTine a
nttht-of-way to the Alhany & Astoria U K
Co. through the (irand ltdo Indian rei
eryution. WB 10ll(l not Mlr iseil ;f
this had Homo connection with a recent
statement of Indent C 1' Hnntinuton
hat the feoiitliorn IVific would not ,on
liuild any moro main lines, but fiat tliev
would put out some fnedpra-aiiinnir them
a railroad from Sheritlan to Astoria. With
tho buildinjr of thi lino Salem will hava
a railroad to the sea bv bniMinir a motor
tuiiiiirprniience, twelve mile
I terry, mno miles.
or to
Ci iiiols Discovkrv.-a li Owen, of
Koseburc, made a curious discovery tho
other day in an oak tree which proreil'to n
a smal leather jwuch which had evidently
been jilaced there a long time a'o and was
almost concealed by a new growth about it.
Within this pouch were several stock cer
tificates in the "Thirty-one Union (iold,
Silver and (iold Mining Co.." an incorpor
ation owning; property in the (iarden Bar
district in Placer county, California. This
stock aggregated 1 l(i shares of $100 each,
the capital stock of tho romjiany being
8--'0,(io0 anil were issued to J A Mantor on
tho date of Nov. .1, lHG.'l-over thirty years
ago. Each certilicate has attached to it a
'-' cent revenue stamp. The cpiestion is
who placed thopapers in tho treo.and when,
and for what purpose?
A Cask of Modkkn Si iioeiiy. A del.
icate and successful surgical operation was
performed on the person of Sir C .1 Hard-
man, residing a lew miles from Albany.
Thursday of last week bv lira tm's.
1 i , 1,0 er''lio" consisted in opening
the abdominal cavity and removing adhe
sions that had formed between the omentum
and intestines and removing a portion of
omentum and stmiirhteninir tlm ;,,i,..i ;.,.,
that had lioen bound down by adhesions
and had become knotted. The operation
has proven to be entirely successful as Mr
Hardman is taking nourishment and feel
ing quite welt on this the ninth day after
uie operation. 00 umea tor the success ot
modern surpr3r.
An Old Pai-ei:. Last evening Mr Frank
Cundiff showed tho Pkmocbat a paper
owned by his mother, residing near this
city, which is a curiosity. Old nnd worn
it boars the name. Washington Federalist.
It is dated November, 1800 nnd nub'ished
m ashtngton. Amonjr its contents is a
proclamation by the President John Adams
and an obituary on Pincknev. Such papers
aro always interesting. jir UuniliU ot
fcrou the paper for Bale.
Fell Ttowx Stairs. Prince ?dorpun
while delirious witii fever at the home
of Ilia parents in the Third Ward, tell
down stairs, receiving injurious that
caused a concussion ot t lie brain, cans
ins him to lie in an unconscious condi
tion for several hours. Dr Mmtnn was
caned ami attended linn, lie is now
considerably improved.
(aiidf.x Sheds. Every body bhoald
have a garden. Are you ono who will.
Then go to Stewart A: Sox Hardware Co
and make your selection fiom a fresh supply
of nil the seeds in the market, the largest
stock in the city.
C E Biownellg grocery store is Increas
ng in popularity. lie carries a fine stock
in a light room, easily accecsible and
gives bargains. Xext door to the P O.
Biths at Vierecks shaving and hair
cutticg parlors.
THERE- is vast diflerence in the styles- and the prices of the clothing and men's wear
ing u-parel this year from that of "93"'
1 Has to he better for the same money.
Has to look neater and fit as i it was made for you.
It has heen a hip problemthe rolving cl these two knotty points but it has been
The last few days we've unpacked thousands of dollars worth of new suits- the best
value we have ever seen. The time to get youi choice of a lot of fir.e patterns, at
There are 650 physician In Oregon,
Mr A M Rrevei, a popular school
u 1 " h" bw;n ''"'nied poaimater at
Hawejr. A Crx-clau aop liniment.
Ball's healtn rrctervlng corli 'Need
no oreaklng In." Yield to every move
ment of tne wearer. If ou value vour
health and comfort try llem. SEYoiso,
Mr Belknap died at CorvallU on March
Thnee cribs glide under the bed nicely
when not in use. Call at the A V CVs
and nee them.
Bring vour cut oil cans and have them
relilud with 5 gallons best Pearl oil for
75 cents at A B Mcllwalns.
The Easter Bazaar netted the ladle of
the Episcopal church aSout $65, much
more than was anticipated.
Young Americans love independence,
hence lei them sleep independently- in
one of those woven wire cribs for sale by
the Albany Furniture Co.
When you want anything In the gro
cery line do not forget that B Mcll
walns Is the place to get it. See hU price
list in this paper.
A B Mcllwaln Is receiving his new
goods; new ginghams, s.itteen, prints,
and teasel downs. Call and get prices
before jou purchase, as you can save
money on all dry goods yuu buy from
CorvallU has a voung ladies democratic
club. Miss Eda Jacobs is president; Mrs
B P Irvine, vice president: Helen Ilotgate,
sec, and Vatife Avery, treasurer.
The fancy articles left over from the
Bazaar nave been removed To Mrs Bakes
cor ferry and 7th si. The crane leaf
center piece and doylies have been reduced
to 84, 00.
A Umpliroy Is circulating a petition
asking that Mrs F M Miller be appointed
posimisi-es. ine pennon is receiving
a large number of signatures. Lebanon
Prof G II Wilkes li a candidate for the
democratic nomination for county school
superintendent, 1'iof C H Hart will
probably be tne republican nominee.
Lebanon Advance,
The kindergarten Is no longer a device
to kill time for the babies until they shall
nave "sense" ennugi to leave the nurse
ry and go Into the regular school.
X Z X X.
The Kindergarten Association will hold
an open meeting at the Kindergarten
rooms on 5th street onTuesda evening of
next wees., when a good program will be
presented, to which all will be Invited.
Large numbers of tramps ai e now go
ing northward. On account of the effi
ciency of our police Albany is troubled
less by tramps than probably any city
on the east side.
Tarker Bros have remodeled their
bakery so ss to give them many improve.
ments. lhey have secured tne services
of a nrw and expert baker, and are better
prepared than ever to serve the public
with hne baked goods.
An Albany man received a letter from
a neighbor of Nathan Pierce, nominee
for governor on the populist ticket, criti
cising that gentleman in a very live man
ner. Indicating that he is entirely until
for the exal:ed position he Is seeking.
Toe Lebanon Advance has the follow
Ing senslbl Item: An orange dealeropen
ed up In Kirkpftlrick'a building the first
of the week. He did not do a very rush
ing business. Our citizens prefer to pat-,
ronize resident dealers, which is emhl ent
ly proper.
E R Skipworth, of Eugene is mention
ed as the possible nominee for secretary
of state on the democratic ticket Ad
vance. Mi Skipworth Informed a Demo
crat man that he was not a caodUatte for
any oilier, and that he would attend
sTictly to his Increasing legal business
the coming year.
Attention Sin Knights. All Sir
Knights are hereby requested to be pres
ent at the next regular review of this
tent March ::iet 7 30 p m to assist in In
itiatory work.
L Lamb.
Comander Albany Tent 5 K OT M.
Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so
displeasing to many people as matksof
age, may be averted for a long lime by
uing Hall's Ralr Ranewer.
Dr. Price's Cream Bakrng Powder
Porty Veara 'ie Stm'sn).
PRICES fully
Mrs Henry Williams and daughter re
turned this morning from a visit of a
mouth or two with relatives in San
J W Senft and Ed Huston, the insurance
men went to Portland this noon,
MrT H Wallace is lying dangerously
ill of consumption at his home in this city.
H II Hewitt and J It Wyatt went to
McMinnville to lay on legal business, cir
cuit court being in session there.
Will II Parry's energies have been un
tiringly for the success of the republican
ticket and Hon byron Phelps. Mr Parry
has displayed great generalship and execut
ed rare ability as a politician and organixer
in ttiis campaign. The older heads had
lietter look to their laurels. Seattle Argus.
Mr Parry was at ono time editor of the
Corvallis Gazette, and is known by quite a
number of Albany people
Mr H J Peterson nnd son Henry, arrived
in Albany this morning from l.os Angeles,
Culif., where -they have been for a couple
years. The former is seriously ill. lie
went there on account -of rheumatic
troubles. While he became improved some
what in this respect, other things affected
his system, nnd he is now in a worn out
condition. They report the weather there
no Isitter than herc,and coasider this much
the better country.
The Albany Social club gave a pound
party last evening that proved conclusively
their ability to entertain their friends, The
O A H hall was well tilied with the mem
bers nnd invited gtiesta of the club, about
one-hundred seventy-live being pres
ent. The club appreciates tho taste for
good things by giving something for not
only the social nature, and the inner man;
but as well for the eves nnd ears and brain.
A pleasing program was presented. The
opening wedge was driven by tho orchestra .
airs frank Lraw recited "the Vagabond
with elocutionary effect, (ieorgiaand I,ottie
Custer were heard in a duet, Watcumg
the Children Phiv, restioniling to an encore
lth a comic song, .'lliev are becoming
quite popular in their songs. The Merry
tour. Will Hawkins, E Pentz, Leo Powers
and r. red rsruckman, were heard in several
selections, receiving the ajtplause their skill
on musical instruments entitled them to.
Lillie Crawford recited "Lochnivar with
excellent effect, displaying a promising
bdent. Mike tlill sang a comic song, that
received a live encore, liose Mesiwlt re
cited "Kate Skelly" in a pleasing manner.
A duet by Maggie and Mollie Hunter,
Why Hid I Iloubt It." was good. Martha
Risley recited 'Tlie Hunisellers Sign
Board" in 1111 impressive manner. The
program closed with a comic Irish dialect
reading by Allen Uhamucrlin. (iames
followed for an hour, when a palatable re-
jtast was served. Partners were selected by
the drawing ot the ladies names trom a
hat, nnd the supper paid for at the rate of
one-fitth of a cent for every pound of weight
of ones partner. As 40 cents was the highest
it cost any one this was not a calamity.
Much sjiort was occasioned by this mode of
paying for ones supper. More games fol
lowed nnd it was a lato hour when tha
happy company disjwrsotl.
1st Annivkiisaiiy. Following is the
program for the 1st anniversary exercises
of the Y M 0 A in their new hall, to occur
111 the hall tonight.
Music by orchestra.
Prayer by J T Abbett
Hesitation by Lizzie Sedgwich.
Pa)ier by Prof W II Lee.
Song by quartet.
Pajier by Collins Elkiiu.
Retitation by Hose Mespelt.
Music by instrumental quartet.
"Reports of Association and nuxiliary,
fac-sts by Mrs T J Wilson, on "Our
' .-ial work;'1 O M McFarland on "Our
physical work;" F P Nutting on "Our
luxiliary;" Miss Mary Cundiff on "Our
orchestra;" Prof W J Crawford on "Our
ijture work;" Mrs W A Trow on "The
Boys:" Hen C F Wolrertsn on "The
Ladies," nnd Prof C F Howlandon "The
Clean towels to everv customer at Viereck
ibaviug parlors.
French has the largest nnd finest stock
of spectacles and eye glasses in Linn
County. Prices to suit the times.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fal.-Hlg-he-t Medal and Dlylom -
25 per cent cheaper than
The receipts vesterdnv wero 81 147 94.
making $.IU4 90 for the four days of the
week. Of this nmouiit SW2.22 goes to Al
bany and f.10.79 to dist. 5. Following
were the payments:
Amanda Long 8
Peter Ing
u ilendrix
S Harnish
Jos Harrison
N L (laroute
C E Rockwell 10.50
t' Webber 8.74
John Slack 92.90
ALShick 1.00
WmCames C9.9X
G W fames 1.00
Daniel Moore 4.00
S M Pennington 144.95
Mrs A E Pennington 50.90
U V doff 15.-J5
M J Caldwell 19.2
John J Salinger 91.32
Martha Mcllrido 9.53
R A Carothers 4 13
Heirs Jane Bingham 41.23
J L Vinevard 4-'.:
II D Haight .!
WS Thompson 37.25
Will Leonard 35.75
OB Thompson 1.00
as Uarothers 72.75
W H Thompson 1011.04
Win M Downing 8.7s
1 U Fisher 1.25
W 11 Hnwley 22.50
w It llawley 21.00
W F Osborn 21.00
Henrv Kmliart ... 1.Y3H
J W Kiphart 5.6S
Selh Rochwell 14.2:
J T Nave 3.K5
John Bachman 8.00
Gilbert McElroy 9.70
SiMtiNQ Miixineuy. Mrs W R Hilyeu
has purchased the millinery store of Mrs
Ida Buell, and proposes to give the citizens
of Albany a first-clasB stock of goods in tne
mihinerv line to select trom. this week
she will receive from New York an elegant
line of pattern hats, for the inspection of
ine iames or Aiuany and viciniiv. jn ex
iert milliner has been engaged, 1 nose desir
ing ine micsi styles ui- reasonable price
will da well to call on Mrs Bilyeu.
Gkhmax Lessons. Those wishing to
to study Oerman should call on -Mrs C Coh
en at the corner of Third and Culapooia
streets Albany. Will teach writing and
speaking Oeriuan. i lease call betore
April 1st. AIki C Cohen.
Another Invoice of ladies capes received.
Seeourcirner window for novelties in
capes and jackets. More to come.
S E Young.
Kabo Corset. A perfect dress form.
Presses fit perfectly over tnem. Appro
ve 1 by all dressmakers. S E Young.
Ladies, try the Eelantfne Massage Cream
the beat preparation ever made for the
complection, to he had of Mrs Rowell, at
Rubs House Albany Ore. Machines neatly repaired and
warranted by a thoroughly competent work
oin, at F M Krench'a jewotrysore, Albany
New Lumber Yahd. The undersigned
is prepared to supply all customers with
all kinds of lumlier, drain tiling, cedar
posts, flour and feed on the inoBt favor
able terms.;
F G Poweb Shedd.
Don't Put II OiT.
The necessity of a spring medicine
universally admitted. This is the bes
time of year in which to purify the blood,
to restore the lost a petite, and to build up
the entire system, as the body is now pe
culiarly susceptible to benefit fro in med
icine. The great popularity attained by
Hood's Sarsaparille., owing 10 its real merit
and Its remarkable success, nan established
It as the very best medicine to take in the
spring. It cures scrofula, stH rhei'm, and
all humors, biliousness, dyspepsia, head
ache, kidney and livar complaintf, citarrli,
and all affectians caused or promoted by
low state of the system or Impure blood.
Don't put it off, but take Hood's Sarsapa
rilla now. it will do you good.
Ry uslntr Hall's Hair Renewer, gray,
faded or discolored h?lr assumes the natu
ral color of youth, r.nd gicvrc luxuriant
and strong, pleasing everybody.
A man in a neighboring town says that
when ho meets a hog now in the road he
feels like taking off his hat to it. Because,
he savs. the American hog is tho salvation
of this country. When everything else
fails, when wheat is low, ami horses won t
sell, when the farmer is at his wit's end to
know where to get tho money to pay his
taxes and interest, the hog comes to his
rescue and helps him out. Iinng live the
American bog. the ruiles limes Moun
A nractice common at county postotllces.
is for persons who have locked boxes to try
their keys in other person's boxes to see if
it will hi or if the box is locked, very few
know that they lay themselves liable to
jirosecution and fine. This act is a viola
tion of "Uncle Sam's" postal law, and is
punishable as such. A case occurred re
cently where valuable mail was taken from
a box in a postotlice by parties unknown.
A young man was arrested for the theft,
and although the crime could not be proven,
it was shown that he was in the habit of
opening boxes without permission, nnd he
was fined $300 and given one year in the
1'UF.t'lll'T !M D Will:.
Begin center of Willamette river, oppo
site the center of the north end of Broadal
bin at, and running thence south S 15
minutes east to the center of 4th st, thence
westerly ulong the center of 4th st to a
point opposite the center of the Court
House, theuco south - 13 minutes east
through the center of the Court House to
the center of 5th st, 11161110 westerly to the
center of Ferry st, thence south S 15 min
utes east along the center of Ferry st.nnd
continuing said course to the south line of
sec 7 in Jp 11 It 3 west, thence west
along tno soul 11 ine ot said sec 1 to tna s
W corner thereof, thence south 2 miles.
thence east )a mile, thence northerly to the
south west comer of Viereek's addition to
Albany, tbenco south 1" 30 nun west to the
center of a county road at the N W corner
of tioltra Park addition to Albany, thence
north westerly along the center ot said
county ro?d to a point S 8 15 min east
from the center of Baker st in tho city of
Albany, tl.ence north 8 degrees 15 min west
through the center of Baker st to the center
of 4th at, thence easterly along tho center of
4in st to the center ot Montgomery 8t.
thence north 8 degrees 15 min west alonw
the center ot Montgomery st to the renter
of the Willamette river, thence to said
river to the place of beginning.
Wist Albany.
Beginning in the center of the Will
amette river opposite the North end of
Broadalbin Bt and running; thence south
8 15' east along the center of said street
to the center of Fourth st, thence west
erly along the center' of Fourth st to a
point opposite the center of the court
houBe, thence Bouili 8 15 min east
through the center of said court house
to the center ol b ittli st, tr-euce westerly
along the center of Filth st, to the center
of Ferry st, thence south b 15 min east
along the center of Ferry st and continu
ing on said course to the south line ot
sec 7 Tp 1 1 8 R 3 W thence west along
the Houih line cf said section 7 to the
sou'h west corner thereof, thence south
2 miles, thence west to the center of the
Willamette, river thence down said
survey to the place of beginning.
The best mutual insurance policy
against attacks of sickness U to be found
taking Hood's Sarsapariila, If you are
weak it will make you strong.
Hood's ptlls are the best after dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try
a box. 25c.
Beware of C.nfnionts for Catarrh that
con (n in Mercury,
as mercury will srtrHy destroy the Ltnse of
smell and compltte'.y ceranc tho whole system
when entering it through ilio mucous surfaces.
Such articles should oerrr bo uncd except on
prescriptions from repuUiMc physicians, as the
damflfte they will do ft; ten fold to the pood too.
can posr.ilily tl rivo Trom tlnm. IIuI.'b Catarrh
Cure, nmnufncturtKl hy K.J.Cheney Co..
Toledo, (),, contain! no mercury, ami is taken
internally, act in directly uikh tho hlood and
mucous surfaces of t liu system. In luiyinjr Hall's
Catarrh Cure be Purcyo"u fist tho ecriulne. It is
taken internally ami is niRdo In Toledo, Ohio,
bv F. J. 1 'honey K o. TevLimonials fref.
JW Hold, by Drutfgiuts, pric" iir buttle
Best Pat Uoller flour per eack $ .6S
5 gall, pearl oil 75
3 cane be't tomatoes 25
2 cans beBt table peaches 30
Best Iowa curn, per can 10
25 pounds rolled aats 1.00
17 pounds granulated sugar 1.00
1(1 pounds Extra C sugar 1.0f
1 pound Japan tea 25
1 pound Gunpowder tea .
Arbuckle eolfee per pound 25
4 pounds green coffee 1.0l
All soods warranted as represented! anil
full weight guaranteed.
A. B. McIlwain.
OS Tlir SIll'ARE.
The difference between
Living well and living
Poorly is very small
It yon buy light- even.
In hard tipies. Trade
With those who do
business on the square,
(living quality as well
As quantity. Parker
Bros, are such a firm.
Their groceries are always
Fiist class and their 0
baked goods are 111:
fturpaB?ed any where.
An Albax
.Ikwelky Stork
M e-rih patfiMz'ttv t that
of Will A-Stark . They Cltry t lie finest
llneof silverware, walclies, c o;ks and
jewelry j-,nera'ly in Ine vallev, and sat
Ishctoi v prices are always given for the
sune'io'r q-ia iw of gooyb 1'iey keep fni
slock. Ni-v t" buy wltho'ii calltng- crt'
The place !o get your quinine i as Fred.
Dawsous cor 2nd and Bioadilbbi streets;
Albany (Ir.
Dr. Price' Cream tia'tlng Powder
Most, Perfect Made:
Well and Happy
Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla-Dul)
Headaches-That Tired Feeling.
" One of the greatest mistakes people make Is
to lock the door after the horse Is stolon, or in
other words, to wait until they are sick in bed
before they do anything for tlie poor body.
Neither my wife nor myself were real sick; I
attended to my business, and my wife to her
household duties dally. But we ifad dull, heavy
headaches, and a little over-cxertlon would tirst
us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. Ho
we took three hottles of Hood's Kars.ipar.lla
and the result was ierfectly satisfactory. I be
lieve Hood's Bar sapar ilia
Saved Us a Severe Sickness
And a big doctor's bill. If people would only
rememher that ' an ounce of prevention i worth
a pound of cure.' thero would lie lens suffcrlne
In tlio world. My advice to all who do not feel
well Is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla according te
directions, and you will bo well nnd happy.
W. H. Toles, 1 12th St., San Francisco, CaL
Hood's PIII8 euro all liver ills, constipation
biliousness, jaundice, slek headache, Indtgestloq.
Qyr Ori1'" WKEK 'wing anJ
O .)" Hl-wlllng Iyt'amos forplU'
intr, whU;hm. jeei-iry anil taol 3varo.
Flate icoMt ailvpr.' nickel tts,arrr
fl n-v (jooil. Dlflrent slzei for ngents,
la millet and Atiojw. Kany operated; Ot
exponencf; big prril p. W P Harriso:.
fc Co Clerk No, 14, Columbus, ',Uilo.
Mr. IT. IT. Tolea
I Ban Francisco, Cat ,
last year.
The L, E. BUI
PI Clothing Go,