Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 30, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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To the House of Kepresentatives: 1 re-
tarn without my approval, house bill No
4596,entitled "An act directing the coinage
of the silver bullion held in the treasury,
and for other purposes." My strong desire
to avoid a disagreement with those in both
houses of congress who have supported
this bill, would lead me to approve it if I
could beliove the public good would not be
endangered, and that such action on my
part would be a proper discharge of my
official du'y. Inasmuch, however, as 1
am unable to satisfy myself that the pro
posed legis'ation vas either wise or oppor
tune, my conception of the obligations and
responsibilities attached to the grea'
office I hold, forbids thejndulgence of my
personal desire, and inexorably confines me
to that course which i dictated by my
reason and judgment and pointed out by a
sincere purpose to protect and promote the
general interests of our people.
The financial disturbwee which swept
over the country durin? last year was un
paralleled In its severity and disastrous
consequences. There seemrd to be an al
most entire displacement of faith in our
financial ability, nnd a loss of confidence
in our fiscal policy. Among those who at'
tempted to assign the causes for our dis
tress it was very generally conceded that
the operation of the provision of the law
then in force which required the govern
ment to purchase monthly a large amount
of silver bullion, and to issue its notes
payment therefor, was either entirely or to
a large extent responsible for our condi-
tion, This led to the repeal on the first day
c! November, 1893, of this statutory pro
vision. We had, however, fallen so lov
in the depths of depression, and timidity
and apprehension had so completely gained
control in financial circles, that our rapid
recuperation could not be reasonably ex
pected. Our recovery has, nevertheless, steadily
progressed, and though less than five
months have elapsed since the repeal of
the mischievous silver purchase require
ment,' a wholesome improvement is un
imstakauiy apparent. Jon!idenco In our
absolute solvency is to such an extent re
instated and faith in our disposition to
adhere to sound financial methods so far
restored, as to produce the most encourag
ing results, both at home and abroad. The
wheels of domestic industry havo been
slowly set in motion and the tide of foreign
investment is again started in our direc
tion. Our recovery being so well under
way, nothing should be done to check our
convalescence, nor should we forget that a
Tclapsc at this time would almost surely
reduco us to a lower stage of financial dis
tress than that from which we are just
emerging. I believe that if the bill under
consiihmtion should become a law, it
would be regarded as a retrogression from
the financial Intcnlicns indulged by our
recent rapeal of tho provision forcing
liver-bullion purchases; that it would
weaken, If it did not destroy, the returning
faith and confidence in our sound financial
tendencies; and that, in consequence, our
progress to renewed business health would
be unfortunately checked and a return to
our recent distressing plight seriously
This proposed legis'ation is so rc'altd to
the currency conditions growing out of the
law compelling tho purchase of silver by
the government, that a glance at such con
ditions and a partial review of the law
referred to may not be unprofitable Be.
Iween the 14th day of August, lS'JO, when
tho law became operative, and the 1st day
of November, 1KM, when Hie clauso it
contained directing the purchase of silver
was repealed, there were purchased by the
secretary of the treasury more than
030,000 ounces ot silver bullion. In pay
ment for this bullion the government issued
trensury notes of various denominations
amounting to nearly Sl.'iC.OOO.OOO, which
notes were immediately uuded to the cur
rency in circulation among our people.
Sich note wore by law made b'gal tender
ia payment of all debts, public and private,
etcept v. lien otherwise expressly stipulated,
and were made receivable for customs,
tixes and all public dues, and when so re
ceived might be reissued.
They were also permitted to be held by
banking associations as a part of their luw
fjl reserves. On demand of holders, those
treasury notes were to bo redeemed In
geld or silver coin in the discretion of 'lie
ecrctary of the treasury, but it was de
clared as a part of this redemption prov'a
Ion that it was the established pulley of the
United States to maintain the two tnetale
on a parity with each otlirr,upon the present
legal ratio or inch ratio as m.iy be provid
ed by law, money coined from such bullion
to the standaul silver dollait; ;and, niter
direction the immediate coinage ol a little
less than sS 000,000 ounces, the law piovld
cd as much of :heremainlng bullion should
be thereafter coined a iiiicht be necessary
to provide Icr the redemption of tacasury Issued on its purchase, and that any
gain or st-igiuorage arising from such coin
age shall be accounted for and pa!.! into the
treasury; Hint this Rain vr seigniorage
evidently indicates so much of the tuition
owned by the Government as remains afte:
using a Sdflicient amount to cuin n many
etanJard silver dollars as slioiilj rq-aal in
numberof dolla's represented by tit treas
ury notes issued in payment of the entire
quantity of bullion.
These tre;iury notes are now outstanding
and in circulation and nmountVec'l5J,n5l,2So
tn.l although there, thes far, has brcn but
a CPOl-uratlvcly small ol this buillion coined,
yet the o-ca'!ed pain or seliTiiora, t s
above defined, which woull auc fio n the
coinage of the entire irast, bat been easily
ascertained to be a quantity 01 bullion tut
ficentto make, when coined, 55,156,681,'
standard silver dollars.
Considering the present intrinsic relation
between co-d and silver, the maintenance
of a parity between the two metals, as mt.i
tioned In this law, can me in nothingness
than a maintenance of such parity in the
estimation aad confidence of the people who
use our money In daily transactions. Mani
festly a maintenance of this parity can
only be accomplished, so far as It Is afiect-
ed by ihese treasury notes and in the es-
tirostion of the holders ol the same, by giv
ing such tolders, on their rcdempticn In
coin, either goldtor silver, which they pre
fer, It follows that while in terms the law
leaves the choice of coin to be paid on such
redemption to the discretion of ihe secretary
of the treasury, the exerci-e uf this discret
ion, If opposed to the demands of the bolder.
Il entirely inconsistent with the elT.ctive
beneficial maintenance of a parity between
the two metals. If both gob and silver
are to serve us as money, and if they to
gether are to supply to our p;o;l: a safe
stable currency, the necessity of pies erving
parity is obvious, tiuch necessity has been
repeatedly conceded In the platforms 0! both
political parties and in our federal statutes.
It Is how here more emphatically reccgnlz
ed than in the recen1 law which repealed tbt
provision under which the bullion now on
hand was purchased.
This law Insists on the maintenanc: cf
a parity in the value of the coins of the two
metals and the equal power of every dollar
at all times in the markets ind in the pay
ment of debts. Toe sec rc tary of the secre
tary of the treasury bos therefore, for the
best of reasons, no, only complied with
every demand fer the reiemption of these
treasury nctes in gold; but the present sit well as the letter and spirit ol '.he
law, appear plainly to justify, if they do
not enpia upon him, the continuation of
such redemption. The conditions I have
endeavored ta present may be thus sum
First The povernmer.t has purchased and
now has on hand sufficient silver, bullion to
permit the coinage of all of the silver dol
lars necessary to redeom in such dollars the
treasury notes issued for the purchase of.said
silver bullion, and enough besides to coin, as
gain or seigniorage, 55156,681 additional
standard silver dollars.
Second There are outstanding and now in
circulation treasury notes issued in pay
ment of the b-.dlloa purchased amounting
to 8152,951,230. 'These notes are legal
tend-r In payment of all debts, ptibl'c and
private, except when otherwise expressly
tlpulated; they ore receivable for customs
taxes and all public dues; when held by
banking associations they may be counted
as part of tneir lawful reserve, and are re
deemed by t'ne governmental gold at the
option of the holders
These advantageous attributes were de
liberately attached to these nctes at the
the time they were Issued; they are fully
understood by our people to whom sucti
notes havo been distributed as currency,
and have Inspired confidence in their safety
at-d value, and have undoubtedly thus in
duced their continued and contented use as
money, instead of an anxiety for ilieir re
demption. "As old tu
tho lulls" nnd
never exceil-
c.l. "Tried
.i-w rvmcr wv-r rKJt uA imtvlirl
is tho verdict
o f millions.
Liver Kepu
. Litor is the
tPTiY' V o n I y Liver
,r u 1 . t, mm . m -.
V mV V V J n ti
aii.l Kiducy
mcilicino to
which yon
can pin you?
faith for a
euro. A
m i 1 d kxu
tivo, fi n il
juirolr ves
otull,', art
ing dirci'liy
on tho I.iver
n a J Kid-
ncv.-i. Try it.
Sold hy nil
iViiirjJuts in Liijuid, or in Tuwiloi"
to 'no i:ikondry ormadohiloii wa.
The King of Mm SI: ,llr'nr.
i liiiv.. n il it!ylmTimtlK Liver It.-cil
tl!l'- lltLlt l-illt .iii..-lt !iitiulv siiv II N Iho
Si Iiik ir all tivi-r iu iti. lin.. i cuii1.Iit II a
'"il Ii.-i H"i If liKo. V. Jack-
SUS, Tui'iilim, VlUlllli4;ti)i,
-kvi:kv r.vcKAOKa
' lh S Rlnip In rra on srrappMs
U. II. 1IV11E. W. II. niXlUXOKK. 11. II. JAMS
Callimore Blotk. Alliany, Ore.
compK'to line of
in all its
of improvements Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. To begin with,
they're the smallest, and the easiest
to take, lliey ro tiny, suear-coated
anti-bilious granules, scarcely larger
in.-.n mustard seeds. livery cnna
is reaiiy ior tnem.
Then, after thoy'ro taken, instead
of disturbing and shocking tho sys
tem, they act in a mild, easy and
natural way. There's no chance for
any reaction afterward. Their help
lasts. Constipation, Indigestion,
Bilious Attacks. Sick or Bilious
Headaches, and all derangements
of the liver, stomach, and bowels
are promptly relieved and perma
nently cureu.
They're put up in class vials.
which keeps them always fresh and
reliable, unlike tho ordinary pills in
wooacn or paste board boxes.
And tliov're tho cheancst nills vou
can buy, for they're guaranteed to
give satistaotion, or your money is
returned. 1011 pay only for the
gooa you get.
Star Bakerj
CorltrnHilalbin and First HI'
lillrfl VrUltH,
U'tvsii ware,
Oried Froif,
Canned .lies:
fac evorythmir that is kept In a irener
variety and usocery store, Highest
niarktil price paid for
At the store
formerly owned
Allen Bros.
for which
I will pay li.e best cash pnci-
Staticnery, Toilet Artistes, Mu siea
Instruments, Etc.
Bote k MtFaiM
The" Cornet 13iugStore,". Albanv.QtJ
Wall Paper,
Orufzw, PaintH, Ci1m
(lilnNls, ICtc
J. A. fll HI 111 H!
iiirtit t An.lrt'W K hl, itx-i-!. hi !ril h'f fln
ivount In (ho estate ot Andrew H 'i, apxl
itt the cs'uiitT i-lerk of Linn omnty, lrcirn
that the wuntr court of Mitl I, inn cstintv. tn
rt. d the t'th iUr of Mrih, t th
h.iur of lOnVlotk In the forenoon of n'ul lav mhI
the nmtitT court hoUM as the vhve, fiv
t.. hoarinj of tt-lions It ant to naij final ac
count ami the rttlriKnt of tuiii mtate.
tite.t IVhniaay Sth, 1.'4,
II II Mfwitt Jisi R
Any lor KkCntHt. Ejutrix.
n u kKv, 51. u.,
rhvuU-tan ar.t Sa-Lt-.-n, Ptfi-e-Batik
! r
Hoislj r. o rrr 101 h ' nit Cal
I" l ft j l r ot Hie
irorh it.
Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
The Best On
Ui.der.afrers - and - - liuibalmcrs.
WE Kk EH constantly cn J ol d a full line of rrrlnllc, cloili and v.ccd caskets at
coffins. Alto bui'ial robes olid suits, in luaciclnlli, atin.rnsl iriie.Hr
which will be "Id at
The lowest Living Trorlts.
EMBALMING anl ,,,e proper care of the dead a specialty.
Will sell all err vkerv ware and holiday goods al
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00.
cups and saucers to iO cents
set. -liA'cry'liing else m proportion.
Call on me and you will not be docoived.
J. Gradwohl,
of bed roomBOtn, chairc, lounges, etc..
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every element ot
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
trs tht l.trfi in thia rlimnSo
Il Istlst tm haTins Kit feaalna.
. -
U A it IS
Ilor Sal or Trade, n hnnon mmi lot In
1 good location In Altmny Will
cheap for ruth or will trail e for land part
ly or wholly improved net very fur from
lowa. van or write to una otlice.
Notice U hereby plven that the annual
meeting ol the stock ho! Jers cf the Will
amette I-and Companv will be held at the
ntice ol Curran and Montehh, in Albanv.
Oregon, on Saturday the 2Sth day of April
6 1
114, at 3 ociock r m xor ute election of
director! and uch other business mav
come before said meeting. DateJ March
2(h I'm, 4.
A Kackelman. V PO W Wr h;iiT,
Treidtnt. Secretary.
a set; pla'es, 40 cents pe?
which I will sell at
Cabinet photos from 51.50tol4.oo
per dozen, cniaiging pictures a
specialty . 16x10 cravon: tramtd
'lor $io.oo. Ve car ry a large stock
of xS and ster .scoot': rlews of Or-
Dr HE Beers. DrOKHcc
Physicians and fcurgeons
Special attention irlven lo diseases
women. llou-s 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and
7 to 8 P M. Offices and residence Blum-
berg Building, First Street, between Lyon
and hlswcrlh.
T. Dr. l-ntlcraon nIIor
The Noted Clairrnvntit ard Life Rtmlcr. Is noi
heie, and ran be fount! at her doOt
J H (.'smirlll n. Mlia teim aitoui an ii)tevti. rM
pri?ent and fatnre; love tmuHe. altent uiettds and
biuintw. ou anbw Irom rourdead tit.j.
Street Railway Time Card
The car will leave corner of First and
Washington streets as follows:
7:40 n m for Lebanon train.
b:ls ' " Orphan's Home.
1 1 :5o " ' Noo.l train going north
12:15 P rn for noon train going south.
1 " M Lebanon train.
1 .30 " " Orphans Home.
t i i it
9:55 " " Overland train going south.
For Orphan's Home on Sunriav car wlii
leave at 2:30, 3 u"o and 4 31 p m
The car will alio meet all Incoming
trains on the Oregon I'acilic rallrosd.
Xi dcrjirord ilniinitratrix of
vl.oertstof J..huC.rihim., hu f!M i
Uie .ifl,T of ttie t-lerk ,.f the t'..imtv Omrt of Linn
runtr, Or.hor flnnl accrunt anl tlt nM court ,
rt'l-'intd the 10th day f Mir.h. at th -'f lOoVWk a m ff MiJ dv. th tic
f..r hnrini nil if sny. t ud Eiul uvount
n.l the ttltftiien of at. '
lrl tlii 3thdy of ,VVltmr, ll.
U II Hkvitt, Eioiicrrn :p.titiK
An. m- t r Alir.T. A imu.Uiratn
Will V mark, lewder.
If you want a Hne smoke call for Jottpll
white labor cigara,
The beaijmaat notfue in the city t Of, J
mover a.
Hodites & Mor'iriaoa, :h iri:n jn
torn, Albany, CV
Will & Stark's large Hnr of silver
Has crimcu uvai ui ills.
Ta rnniise home industry by vnAinntl,
celebrated whitn labor cigars, msiiafafttersl
by Itl'llia joresic.
New Advertisemtyts.
7 A N sKO ni oumn to) on gsnent
limine work. Utll t DuMocmt
rim urn 'two w.uni. haw? a.
.1 one aultabl for small Mora or
oiiico, one mr mois, fw it-vr. Mill b,
rxaily by Mioh !i. Call on llr U
Maatoo for pariiauSra. ,
WANTKD.-A youni; lady deslrssi
plnco lo lin iteuernl house Work
Aildrons Clara M He nold, Albany Ors,
PUKK llKKP Silver Wyandj.
f,.- I... It It It' 1.... ,1 1
-1. i KK0 " - "j i' v wmvurui,
IOU BARGAINS in rfal u.e a.ldrwi
1 ore ill on Ihmvh W Card well A Co
Jtllernon. "
Fnit RKNT. Tim ro un ree.iUt
nlml by J W huh hoot aim
hlioe Hhop. Ca .l on L Vierwrk. ,
T nos. Hens, Knt'.s.-
-lure breil SilV
J, LaceJ Wmlotu.
Kirwra t or BettlDrjti 1
the AH any rmniry i ardK, Vrom jwd tin
i and 2, 81.2.5 n?r l.J; pou No. 3 SI per II
B Plymouth Kooki, 75cUjer i3. jntii
Brunh, AHsuvt Or. Cnr 4th and R Kiti
COUNTY WARKA.NTS rtouuht and
sold by It F Merrill.
Albanylnsuraice Agency
We have hod over seven years expu-
lence In the Home olT.ce and local itusiir.
ance bui-inessand can guarantee Insurance
written by us to be properly looked after.
The following U a partial list uf compitiiiet
representea by ue:
FordKn No'th British & Mercantile,
Norwich Union, rhrenm, London, Man
hester, Guardian, bun, Caledonian, Lon
don & Lancashire.
American Continental of Ne ott
Westchesler of New York. The Conti
nental of New York and Manchester o j
Enuland, write farm btiNincts, t .iking notes I
for the premium, with ample lime for I
payment. We respectfully solicit any
good business. Oflke opposite oliyji
The Steamship IIOMEK
will ply botween San Fran
cisco and Willamette Valley
points via the Oregon and 1
Sonthem Pacific railroads,
sailing with freight and pas
sengers on or about tho fol
lowing dates: From San Fran
ciseo on Monday, March 2C,
at 0 p m. From Yaquinaion
Saturday March 31, at a m.
Faro from Albany and
Corvallis to San Francisco:
Cabin. $12; Steerage, $9.
Round trip tickets, includ
ing meals and berths, good
for 30 days 18.
Oiias 1 Huxiikv, Son & Co. Agents.
Z. 2 to 8 Market sli-cet, San Francitca
Noi'ce Is hercbv given thnt s aled bids
will be received by ihe undersiuneJ for
Ihe erection and completion of our eigllfc
room two siory srhool buiklin to lie erec
ted in Albany Oregon according to the
plans and specifications proposed by I) I!
Scliell architect. Bids w. be received
for the whole and for the several purls of
said building up lo the iolh dnv of April
iSo4at noon. The rilit 10 reject any
and al) bids ir reset ved. Plan and spec
ification can be seen at the office of 1) C
Schell architect, ijany Oregon. By
order of the board of directors.
Auest, F E Allen, clerk,
Iday selling the greatest kitchen sites
sil ever Invented. Retails for thirt-fte
cents. Two to six can be sold in every
house. Millions sold in this country aione,
Don't miss the greatest opportunity evei
known to make money.easllv and quickiv.
Sample sent, postage prepa'd for fiveceflts,
McMakin A: Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Easily Made.
W? want many men,, bors, ami pirls 1
work lor as a fewbonrs daily, tM5.1t intnlartlt
tlifirown home. The ba'imis 1j es7,pJf i
ftrlctly hozornblr. nnd i.ivb WHer thnn anretM
oflcred agent. Yon hare a clear ficlf n
competition. Erperlrncc atd ppedal aWlityo
i.pcfBMry. No cfii-.itul rcijuirrd. Weeqa-PT0
with crrrythine that yon wed, treat Toa weJ
anu hrlTM to earn ter times rUnaTy
W.rnen lo as well as men, and boys i'
make pood fr. Anv on, anywhrre. ean do t V
nrk. All sutL-d xrV.o fellow onrplaia and lira-I-le
dirfotkns. Kwnost storlt will mrflT ,ins
a s STrst d. M U m.". ETylHn(t Is
nu In (rcat drmir I. Writs ter OCT raroptl''
circular, and srerlre full iL.brmatioe. JVa l,ar'
dn U J Sonchide KSls(sei With tif
Ceo?ce StinsoMs&Co-
Box SS3,
' l It'i I ( Cill