Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 30, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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    T. f 1rll
i X
NO 27T
i 1
A L!tt!s Daughter
Of a Church of England minister
cured of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's Sarsnparilla. Jlr. Kit n.i:ti
ISiKK!, tlio well-known Druggist, 207
Jlctiill st., Montreal, I'. (., says:
I have sold Aynr'jj Family Medicines
fur 40 years, nntl have heard nothing but
good said of them. I know uf uiuny
Wonderful Cures
performed ly Ayer's Sarsaiiarilla, one
in particular luin that uf a litle
daughter of a Cliurrli uf Kn-jland millili
ter. Tho cliilil was lUvriilly covered
from head to foot with a red nnd ex
fPoilliiKly troublesome null, from which
sho hud suffered fur two or three years,
in spit of tho best medical treatment
available. Her father was in great
distress about tho case, and, at my
recommendation, nt Inst began tc ad
minister Ayer's Sarsnpnrilln, two bot
tles of which effected a complete cure,
much to her relief and her father's
delight. I am sure, were he here to-day,
he would testify in the strongest terms
as to the merits ol
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
.Prepared by Pr.J.C. Ayer ti Co., Lowell, Man.
rares others, will cure you
nt bakers ssr,
See the lw Impro ved 51 Dger guwiiik m
chme. I lio hti alwuvi thu cheapest.
V Swdeo, EnOnt. Otlice at P M French
, eirelry Ptore
Call On
See Their Nice
and Trimmings,
dies Fine Shoes.
A -tr-n
, Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow,
Fine California Honey,
Horse Radish Roots,
Grass and Garden Seeds.
,A,ways keep on hantl'a choice line of all staple groceries
a well as a superior slosk of crockery.
Su:cenor to I A Morr's.
Flour and Feed Store
Opposite Rust House.
Uu oa h.nd full toek tif Chcj itd Fed, CoithIIU Fkar, Bran, Shoiit
Ormhmf Buckwheat, Rje TIcmT( Haj, O, S ra, Powtrwf, Applet,
Aod u to
a ai
EolL tlie method and results when
Syrup of Figs in taken; 11 ia pleasant
and refreshing to the tato, uud acts
Renily yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho pys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy ot its Kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasta and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
iis action and truly beneficial in its
edicts, prepared only from the most,
healthy and agreeable, substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to ell end liavo mada it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wiio
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it- I)o not accept any
san rmuciaoo, cal.
Lcuisvr.e., ki. v tow. ".r.
Harness - and - Saddlerj
Display t?? in the flooi
Dress Patterns
Also Their La-
aTH 9
Oiidi Mt-a
World lnoui tn CUHH la Blt(m.
Similar figures are employed to describe
lie overthrow of Pharaoh king of Kgvpt
Kzk 31:32. If this is abo iitenil. tlien the
bodyles souls have gone to hell, sheol,
with Hiir weapons of war. What do they
want them for t Do men when they die
have to go to a battlo field in (.Sheol V No.
Iieeniise "there ia no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor arisdom, in hheol, Kale
9:10. I' nder the same heading comes the
next passage referred to 2(t, 22:23. This
is either a literal ease or it ii a parable.
Now if this is a literal luvonnt ot the
downfall of the lews: (has the lich nmnl
and the nplilting.of the gentiles (a the
poor man) it furnishes no proof, of going
to heaven or hell at death. If a literal
narrative of certain events that had taken
place then we miK-t not shrink from what
it will lead tis to. Now u poor man dies,
and is literally carried into literal Abra
ham s literal liosom. (not to heaven as some
say) then the rich man dies, und is buried
not a word said al mut his foul, he must
have been buried niivelforthe Biblo savs
Vsa 14 5:4 in that verv t'.av his thought
perish) (if thu is a literal 'ease). The rich
man is (lead and buried but he cm use his
tongue and his eyes; he calls fer a drop of
water to cool lus tongue. It count not U'
much of a lire if a drop of water could cool
it. Then again if this parable hold up the
ideas of mcdern theoluuv. the lot and
saved must lie in sight and sound of earh
other nnd tlio cries ot the darmed will
ilrown the praises of tlio redeemed. ! ur-
ther comment is unneeesiary. Tlie next
pasdge quoted Rev 6 9:10, herein this
chapter we have six seats soken of, sym-
uo:s or great evenis or epocus. ui tilings
which mu..t shortly come to pass Kev 1:1.
An altar is spoken of, symbol of . sacrifice,
and the revelutor John saw ia a vision,
the blood of those millions of martyrs that
were s'ain for the witness of Jesus liev 2(f:4.
The altar has n'ways been used for sacri
fice':, and this earth was the altar under
which (tin evident allusion to tho place
where the plood was pourwl liev 4:7. The
blood a svmbol of the soul Kev 17:14. Over
fifty million souls suffered martyrdom (lin
ing the papal persecution. They are now
under the altar (the earth.) and the voice
of their blood is crving bv tht same figure
used in lien 4:10. It wu tlie blood of thoso
who had been sai rifi.'ed at (lods altar as
witnesses fur hint, that wa- thence calling
upon (iod as did Abels bluo l. If they are
illseniuouieu sotns, wny no iney cry now
long," etc, and avenge "our blood." Do
these soul (which Alex Scott seems to
think are in heaven) have blood, I Cor
l;i:50. And white robe were given them
(in an accrediting not literal robes,
but the righteousness of saints Kev 19:8,
they were told to rest for a little season,
till toeir bretheren should be killed a3 they
were. Then those souls were killed. They
are now resting in death for a little season.
Heb 11:40. Tho cry of. unjustly shed
blocd could not yet be heeded. Tliougn
recjg:iized as faithful martyrs fiey must
sleen on in death till snonlrt eoine,4(i
10:18. 1 he next passage Rev 14 2:3 is'
also svmbotic of what should come to pass
Kev 4:1 and 22:6 and in Kev 1:16 the
Kev 4:1 and and in liev i :io ine
reveiaior jo in is toiu to wnio uie uiings
which thou hast seen
seen, mo i"i!F -
" Am"i " ""'
14 2:.l the passago re-
ive that these redeemed
are, and the things
alter. In Klv
terred to. to nrove
souls were in heaven singing praises nnd
that they are not resting in death. John
saw in vision millions of unborn souls
even down to the great judgment day Ktv
7 8:1". No one will allow that this event
lias taken place yet: but it follows if those
redeemed ones in Rev 14 2:3:0 were sing
ing praise those in Rev 7 9:17 are doing
the same, nnd that cannot be for the judg
ment has not yet taken place, then what
does this if we look ut verse 4 of
this 14th chapter of Rev (and let me say
riirht here Jewish people would quote all
the scripture attached to a certain
we wl" find the redeemed ones spoken of
as from among men being the first fruits
,,(.. l:n.l .,.! In ll.o t.nml, From Dip Pontn-
unto God and to the Lamb, t rom the 1'entu-
costal sermon Acts 2. right on Cornelius
conversion, when the door f the gospel
was onned to ircntiles. Acts 10 (about 8
curreut vears) this symbolic number was
-..lo-.m'l A.-t r.-7"nnd2l:'2ltond4:4 und
2:41. these were called first fruits, James
1:19. Romsns 8:2.'(. And now from I'enta
cost A ltt till the temple was burned
tlown A D 7i July 17 the Jews became
broken off and hardened to the gosiel,
when the (ientiles were grafted in Horn II.
The langnago used in liev 14 2:8:4 is
proleptic Heb 12 22 to 21, Rom 4:17. A
gor.d s:nv-a- of which may be found in I
Isaiah 21 17 to 2.1. And now as this is tlie j
last of the passages referred to. 1 would :
tliketo i,sk has it licen proved by
hem that the dead gojto heaven nt death.
I fail to sec it if it has. They only go to
show me that men will still follow Plato's j
theory. Josephus says: "For while you j
believe Hie soul is created, and yet is made 1
immortal by Hod (how) iicconltng to Pla
to's doctrine, Josniihus pace 825. sec !. If
these are the only proofs of the natund
immortality of Minn that can lie produced
I would say they would never uphold the
theory in an unprejudiced mind. You nsk
what good does Mr A J Carothers cxjiei t
to accomplish. I will answer for myself I
expect that by the graces of Gi.d some of
those thi't have read the preceding articles,
mar be induced to read this anil be con
strained to rer.d their Ilibles for themselves
and if thsy do net understand to remem
ber the passage in James I :". You ask
what gain would it be to the world or
church. This article is too long now to
answer that question. I might mention
a few things: it would do away with nior-moni.-m.
I'mversalism, Kestorationism.
Purgatorv. Spiritualism. Hut as long as
the immortality of man is ta.ight in the, the forrgjing isms have a right
to their names and believe in lact accord
ing to a llotkford. 111. convention of:
Spiritualists (reported I that spiritualism
according to the modern acceptance of
term, embraces al) those who Mieve in
the immortality of the soul. '
A YmrK kk i iik Tnurii. J
Flesh t atit age.
A Turnip..
AtC r. Broaiwln
!j Appropriations Probable.
Washington, March 29 Tho river
and harbor committee of the hou?o has
practieatly completed the river and harbor
bid for thu congress. Tho bill makes a
total impropriation approximating $!),900,
000. This is $2,000,000 less than tlie ap
propriation for the current fiscal year,
while the estimates before the committee
amounted to W,770,6T1. In addition to
this aujouut, carried by the regular river
and harbor hill, tho sundry civil bill con
tains items aggregating (,300,000 for
contract work on rivers and harbors.
Auionff the Items of appropriation in the
bid art die following:
Knlr.dae and harbor at Coos bay. .$100,000
Yaquiia bay ilo.OuO
Tillamiok bay i:f.5(X
Moutiilf the Columbia So 000
Lowerjviliiiinetto and Columbia be
low Tortland :!D,000
Wi.hiuieite a'wve 1'ortland "Jo.OOO
L picr Lo.niuie a.ouo
Mouth tt Siuslaw 20.000
Upper L'ulu-iibia and Snake 5,000
ttiiluiScilce ut Corvallit 5,0110
Yamhill river 2,000
miiig wa'ers in Columbia 1,000
frlp Appointrtl,
Atlanta. March 29. Governor
Northen has annotnted SDaker Charles A
F Crisp to succeed the late Alfred 11 Col-
auitl as United States senator. Not
word hn passed between the governor anu
the speaker, and his name ha,1 not even
been nrcscmcu tormanv to tlie governor
la a message wirsd the speaker late tonight
the governor asked him to resign his seat
in congress at once and qualify as senator
so that he can take part in the tariff dis'
cussioa which comes up next week.
M'anl Brerklnflilce Anyway.
L,F.xtNfiTON, llarch 29. A petition sign
eu by tsJO nreckinriuge men in Ulunain
Owen and Henry counties was today for-
warded to Colonel Breckinridge demand
ine that he continue to tio-lit his Dcrteru-
tor6 and make the race for congress. The
petition requests him to make his first
speech in Omn county and insists upon
his iuimedinte return t) Kentucky. Ihi.i
is the first public demonstrate the llreck-
inrult;e men have matte in t"e I'istrict.
An Experiment.
London, March 29. William Mather,
M I', of the firm of Mather k l'ratt (san
ford iron works), in a report of the ex
perience of the firm on the first year's trial
of an eight hour day for its employes, in
stead of nine hours, without reduction in
wages, says the trial is a comple'e success.
The output has been greater than ever be
fore, without an increase of expense.
Twelve hundred men are employed in the
'ormed, to do
p'easantly and effectually what was foim-
j er; dons u the crul(est ,, and dis.
; recably a8 welL To cinse the svstcm
, and break up colds, headacheo and fevers
I without unpleasant after efffcts, use the
deiightfui Itquiu laxadve remedv, Hyrap of
j F 1 J
Unl'eJ qia-et I,nd O.R:e Oreoi City
Oregon, March iolh. 1891.
Notice is hereby glven hat thr aproved,
plat of survey ol township, 13 south,
range 10 west, has been received from
the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on
April 23. 1S91, at 2 o'clock a m of said
dav slid plat will he filed In this office
ami ihs land therein embraced will be
; subject to entry on and alter said date,
E.i,ir a Mm.lkr
Petkr Paqukt.
j rWlsie:.
,-,, t It When it pnmm
STitRTI.T in IT. V lion it comes
1 washing the Albany Steam Laundry is
strictly in it. It is doing the business of
Hie city: the' 'elestials are going to the
wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain washing
is cheap enough for anybody in liny ki.iu
of times. Rich mis k Philips do first class
work nn.l simi'l their money at home.
Patronize tlie Albany Steal. 1 Laundry.
VY"hen Dahy t ss sick, gave her Castorta,
TVhen she waa a CbtM, she cried for Castorta.
When she hcamc ?1L, she clung to Castor:
Whoa sho hod Ctdidren, stie gavo them CaatoK.
h..llih's Cttr. too ur.'t oouvn sit.t c-r ia
ai--,, id f , "tin b 'm. Pt.tkft c,mi.aio,
,it W' I mm. 1 11 v Caiidr.iTi j r ii;
ivhif A Mj"t.
I'.i -.vav r j I t it is t ' IS.-S yn ir is
ing to th ; Chinam in. lfyojw.iri' yo
work wj'I done at Uvin prices ak ! It
flicnard M Pvlllo'. S'.ean 1. 1.1 nl
rnMf kni In wlthoj. bnlnr fi
,j" v Tft "' in,iii 'vaV
! Commend) itsell t. the well 1
Awarded Highest Honors at W.'i id's Fair
The on'.-.- l ure Crt it of Ti :'
Used in Millions of ?I-
:r !'-:
Highest of ait in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
l.tlOR ATIC riilUAKV KLEt riOX
Notice Is hereby given that on the Slet
day of March, 1894, between the hours
of 1 o'clock p m and 7 o'clock p m, of
said day, a primary election will be held
in west Albany, Ainany, anu cast Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the Dem
ocratic County convention, to be held at
Albany. Oregon, April 4, 1H1H. Hie Doll
ing place in West Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
house in said West Albany prcinct and
ti V Cline, I P Oal'-raith.and Wm Rum-
baugh are the unices of such election .
The polling place in Albnny precint will
be tlie treasurers omcent tlie court House
in said Albany precinct and the nidges
of such election will be Mose Sternburg,
Oliver litishnell ann L, H .Montnnys. The
polling place in .hast Aihany precinct
will be at the office of the Farmers ware
house in said East Albany precinct and
K li ISurkhart, 1 U Dickey and Jobn
Isoal Sr will be the judges of Bucb elec- !
lion. The number of delegates to be
elected at enrh primary election is as
follows: In West Albany precinct 6, in
Albany precinct 0, and in East Albany
precinct 0,
Dated the 22nd day of March, 1894.
Mabt Mii.lku.
Geo. W. Wright, Chairman Demo
Secretary, cratic County Central
v i:tion.
The County Convention of the Prohi
bition party for Linn county will convene
at the Court House on Saturday, April
14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur
pose of nominating a county ticket and
transaction of such other business as may
properly be brought before the conventiwn.
All prohibitionists of Linn county who
voted the prohibition party tlckot in 1S92
and who intend t support the same in
T tin- uimliiB
f'1"", ,n ill -be niiti.j to
seats as delegates In
ine convention.
Every prohibitionist In Linn rounty
earnestly and cordially invited to attend.
T P Hacklemax, chairman of Linn
County Cer.tral Committee.
Some people begrudge the little money
that an Allcock's Porves Plaster costc. aid
then when they pre racked with pain from
tie soreness arising from a cold, they will
spend anv amount cf money to relieve the
pain. If they only had one of these wrrid
renowned nlaster. on hand they would be
saved a vast amount of suffering and be
consldciably richer. At the first sign of
stiffness of the jolntt applv one af these
plasters witt.out any delay. The soreness
will be greatly rellt-vtd it once and Bonn
disappear entirety. It will be money
saved to have them on hand, to ai noth
ing of the coaif irt they bring.'t .SwEyt Oi course vou fee
like It s'line times; hut there is nothing In
tt. Slmjdv ear-i a le.s-on, and tlie next
tb.-e go i Pa. ' er lin.a for your ttrocer-pro-bi
: lift baWed goods No one
ev.-r rjtcutates profanely after 'caving
ttieir store, fr ri. only arc the be.t gro
cerlei In the murket foI.I; but evtryl.dy
from a child to so old gentlr man, Is treat
ed courteously. TI.eir baked goods. In .
large variety, are superior and popular.
If you wonld keep In good humor with
the world alw:nstrv Parker Bros.
For all r!ernnecrnen?ft of the throiil and
"ung. Ayri's Ch rry Pecoral l tilt- spee.l
test nd most reltahie remedy. Even in
the advanced s'ocs of Consumption, this
onderful prepra'ton a'fords great relief,
checks conghii.c,. and Induces sleep.
To preserve & youthful appearance as
long as possible. 1 Is Indispensable that the
hair should rut I'b natural color and
fc-'lr.i, I tieri- :s no preparation 10
.r'.ctive as Ayre'a Kair vigor.
f pi events bald - -s, and keeps the sca'p
clean, cool, and 1 vdlhy.
Shiloh's Vttms . ;s wrt yoa need for
dyppsi. tr.rfid '7r. yellow skin or kid
ny trou'.ie. It t, iurnteed tojgivw yon
s-,i.tai-,f,. Pri.. . 75e. Sild'hy Foshay &
1 -. No Ai:'::ioniv No Alum.
-40 Yc"3 tlie Standard.
1 Baking
u in
r,r. UY.KF
Talker Bros, grocers.
F. M. French keops railroad tim
Buy yoar groceries of Parker Bro.
Fiae groo?ries at Coan'j.
New cream cheese just mceived kt ConiaA
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, dK
first class work. .
Smoke the celebrated fLvans filled 5 oent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Ellis, tdiysictun and surgeon
Albany, Ore.n. OJU mvlt l.i oit.'or
In k Earijf Days
of cod-liver
oil its use
was limited
to earfing?"
those far "
adyanced in consumption.
Science soon discovered in
it the prevention and cure of
is Emulsion
cod-liver oil with Hypo-t-nosphites
of lime and soda
1 rendered the oil more
e ndive, easy of digestion
i- 1 pleasant to the taste.
.- I""" ' l' tentt nostne, N Y All arag.U,
Of De,Mo:oes, Inwa, writes under'dale of
;Mroh 23, 189.1t "
S. B.
Men. Mro. Co.,
Onfnr, Oregon,
Gmttmen f
On arriving home last week, 1 found all
well and anxiously a-vaiting. Oar little
uirl, e iihl and one-hslf year, old, who had
wa ted away to 38 pounds, is now wall,
strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up.
B. Cough ,'ure has dine its Work well.
Both of the cliildien like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure has cured and kept away all
hoarseness from me. So give it to every
one, with c iiinlr all. Wishing yon
prnseeii y, we ar
Your., Mr k Ma. J F Ford.
Ilyoi'i wish u, fcul m-sn and cheerful, anil rgdf
lortheSiirinir'sW'.rk, cleanse yoursjsum wth th.
tise your sj sum wth ia
by taking ls' ur tlin
'lusoseach week.
... ..vim ni,., I.IV ,r l.:irO.
fillet lis jwr hotll.-, by all (Imviosts.
H so 1 ni.ler roxHlve'.Tuarautce by
ooctat., and
Oiw oout a
Tun Cpkat Corn a
11 hk Dfotiiut v cure
Where all others full. Cough. Croup, Sort
Throat. Hoinentu
Throat. Koiwntii, WhooiJinz wougn ana
Aithmt. For Cansumotioa It naa no rival:
has cured thousand. feiil Will CLRia tod If
tr.kaia timo. Po'1' by DniKgls on a gunr
anteo. For a Lam Hnfk or Ohst, iiita
irmcrtT I rimranw
toed to euro you. rrtoc.Wcta, iiUecturfree.
v 'JMStS iHJ.'l
.t-r ,
llaroviiuc'titui-ihr This
I i
i 1