I MIBFITB I gaily gcmootti "uulu-w I tfi-ry day in the wxek except Sunday, '.ft'lS .HUTTHM, Bditon aud Prun'j Krwci) MtUo Ri.t Oflbe m Albany Otegon, u neonii nla uiaiTiiialler. GOOD Xl'VBOTXXiTGt- Got Exuuqii. Tlie Guard eayii: The footlni'l team of the Albany Collegiate Institute, ader Arriving home Monday, telephoned back to the U. of O. mana ger! au invitation tn play a return game at Albany ne.tt Saturday. They ottered to pay the expenses of the team and Rive one-half of the Kate receipts besides. The U. O'a, who obtained bo easy a vic tory lust Satimlav.liave gallantly decided to play no imre football names this year. It has been KURirested that the reason for tiiia discourtesy, ie a misapprehension. They fear upon goins to Albany and playim? the other team on their own ground, they might possibly get beaten by a score oM2to2,aud then their victors would gather together a nrncension nf friendly college students, secure the loan ot a uozen or so auk tiles Irom some en terprising Albany merchant, and lead iheir vanquished visitors about the city with a great hurrah of victory. lirave boys. Tun Second Lkcturk. A long lank boy will) lig hands and feet lying on a bed of leaves in a log cabin would not suggest a future president of the United States; yet en familiar is the Btory that you already know who is meant. At the SI K church last evening ltev Grannis told about the development of this boy into the president who was closest to the heartB of the American people. The speaker gave many incidents in the life of Abe Lincoln showing his great heart and wonderful honesty. They were well presented and held the closest attention of the small audience for an hour and a half. This was the second lecture of the course. The third lecture wi'lbe given on Wednesday evening of next week by Kev Edward Locke, of Portland, oil r-very inch a Man." County Clerk B F Mulkey, of Dallas, was in the city yesterday Yesterday wheat took a jump of three cents in Chicago. The cold map did It. A dispatch received at noon announ ced the fact that the l'reslJcnt had ve toed the scliiiurage sliver Did. Mall's healtn preserving corsets, "Need no oreaking In.1' Yield to every move ment of the wearer. If you value vour health and comfort try them. S E Younq. The Oregon Pacific will give excursion ratea to parilei of five ar.d over. The road will push the excursion business this year. It Is to be hoped there Is none of Mul cahey'a foolishness, though. The Roseburg Review says: It is now reported that the S P Co will pui on the freight trains laid off some time ago, on the first of next month. The business Is already too heavy for their present train a times, ana is .apiuiy increasing. Many of the boys have beer, out of work for several weeks past and are very anxious u gci oacx on ine road again. Orezon's climate la more appreciated by persons who have resided In the east,than by native Oregonians. A lady who re cently arrived froi the blizzard country where the thermometer has been ranging about 3 degrees below zjro, wrote to her husband that she could not walk alow enough here to keep cool. Her husband A'ho is In the cast replied, by stating that he could not walk fast enough to keep warm. Whit a contrast. Why do peo ple live in a cold country whiie there is room in Oregon for thousands of families. Three Sisters. Rev 1 R N Hell recently delivered In Baker City a lecture entitled "Hamlet," with such success that his auditors begged for another, with a change of subject, and In response Bro Bell delivered on the 13th Inst a second lecture entitled A Glance at the American Poets," and an analysis of Poe's Raven and how he came to write it." Ladies Auxiliary will meet in the V M C A room, Friday March, 30th, at 3 o'clock The following program will be given. Devotional exercises. Study for the month, Nathaniel Hawthorn: Biog raphy Mrs Abbett. Questions on per sonality of Hawthorn. Solo, Mrs Nutting. Poem written by Hawthorn before enter ing college, by Mrs 'J'row. His College Life Mrs Golf. Selection from the Scar let Lefer, Mrs Littler. Questions on Works of Hawthorn. Quotations. Mr J M Ridston went to Portland this noon. Uuu Jeff Meyers was in the cilv this noon. J O Writsinan went to Salem this noon on hushics. Mrs Mntildn Pol laid, a pioneer of 1847, died in Prineville last week. Mr C P Kurkhart returned several duy ago from a trip to California. Mr Ed Fronk, who has been attending a businesBcollege in Portnd for several wees, mis rwurneu lioiUg fiieit witn idea about business. Hon Cha Nickel of Jacksonville, prom inently mentioned for Congress on the democratic ticket, passed through Albany this noon for home after a trip to Portland. The Prinevillo ' News nava a former Albany man the following compliment: Prof Liggett, the worthy principal of our public schools, is the biggest man in town He weighs '244 pounds. Mr Liggett's intellectual weight is about as heavy as ins corporeal pouuerouaiiess. lie is one ot the best educators in our county. PAYING TAXES. Tack my box with five dozen liciuor jugs" and "Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" each coutains thirty-two letters and are the shortest sentences known Unit coutain the entire alphabet. It is In order for some one to invent a untence containing only 'JO. After the ball Is over. After the game is done, Alter the actors leaving. Then it's not quite so much fun. Hobbling on canes and crutches, With plasters on your nose, Thus it i ever with football, After its close. A great many tax payers are holding on in the hopes that the time lor declar ing taxes delinquent will be extended but there is no probability of that, unless the sheriff decides to keep the books open a few weeks to make payment easier. The court has been petitioned to have the nine extended, but tney nave no more power to do that than to declare that horse stealing is not a crime. Eugene Kegisler. 9 Ahtistic Wonc. Tho Man about Town to-day saw at FortmillerA Irving's four faces in water colors painted by Mrs (i W Simpson, which display a talent probably not surpassed anywhere, being perfect in execution. This is saying a good deal ; but even a connoisseur could hardly come to any other conclusion so sWg is the merit of the work. Mr and ilia Simpson will leave to-morrow for San Francisco to spend several months and will take the pictures with them. aS Baku Ball. There will be plenty of base ball in Albany this summer, among the amateurs The ball was sent in t'ie air last evening by the reorganization of the willameiles. r red WesturooK was elec ted cantain 1 Dorris, secretary : Itoy Bent. ley, treasurer. Green and purple waB selected as the club colors, and the suits will be those of last year. The club will meet every second Wednesnay of each month fjr business. As soon as the wea ther permits they will be ready to play anv amateur club In the valley of their age. Ixto Tun Willamette. This after noon uuitfi an excitinir tceno occurred at the wharf while the cargo on the l'.lwood waa heimr unloaded. A deck hand was wheeling a box containing about 900 pounds of plow shares and a aai K or wiieiu on me boat, when ho accidentally hit a board .and tipped the load off into the river, proing with it. He sank out of sight, but quickly got out of the water by assistance of the crew. Of course the-plow shares tank, nnd the wheat went down stream. The (ruck caught on the gang plank where it iiniig. m AssivisnsAUY. The program to be given at the celebration tomorrow even ing of the first years history of the Y C A ir. their new building will be an at tractive or.c, consisting of vocal and in strumental music, followed by brief re ports ot the association and auxiliary. The evenincs enjoyment will be closed by toasts by Mrs W A Trow, Mrs I J Wilson, Mits Mary Cumliil, Mr L, c wot J Crawford, Mr ii u :.lc utting and Prof C T How land. Cobvallis The lo'.lowing Items are from the Corvallis Times: '' John Crawford, one of Albany's solid est citizens was in town Monday and Tuesday. Miss Carl Kitchens, who recently en gaged in the millinery business in Al bany, returned to corvallis Monday 10 reside permanently. She has disposed oi her half interest in the Albany busi ness to JlrB W K Bilyeu, formerly Mary Goldson. P Brvant, well known in the old days of staging between Corvallis and Yaquina bay when he kept the midway stage sta tion, is in town to day, and will soon leave for Huiilington his home. Popular catarers Mr and Mrs Brvant were, and those who remember them regret mat a sad chanter of separation and estrange ment lias come ueiween me cuupiu iu their old age. In a few days Woods Jackson leaves lor Salem, Marion county, Illinois, and the home he left behind when 41 years ago he turned Ins face westw ard and started wilh an ox team across the plains bound for California and the gold mines. A lew years later he landed in Benton comity without any gold, and here he has raided ever since, respected anu respectable. Yeoren'.nv Rev P A Moses was busily im'iwl in rakine tin the dead leaves and putting tilings in snape around the old Methodist college grounds. and teemed to be in an unusual jolly rrood. On inquiry it was learned that h's happy frame of mind was caused by the visit of a donation party Saturday evening, who surprised Mr Moses and his family with a generous supply of pro visions and a liberal allowance of silver. Following ere the receipts yesterday: AanaCrouch 43.50 Chas H Kverett. 24.98 PerryEConn 62 88 MrsDelila Hand 7.50 Andred Hall 72.01 G W Garland 21.04 Jacob Schilling H3.47 11 O Schilling '. 0.98 H H and M J King 10.03 M Croieant 15 02 P P Crabtree 4-J.78 Wash Crabtree 29.09 Wm Crabtree 6.63 K Musselman 21.00 Kliza Arn 27.72 M Bland 2.08 Wesley Bland 83 C Gerne 18.60 Hiram Skinner 10.80 A Gottsche 12.60 Nathan Berber 2.32 GWAIphine . 13.45 John ratbast l.uu Emily Powers 4-80 ThosFroman 97.04 Robert FoBter 236.08 John Bat man 207.08 Jacob Sanders, ir 20.25 John Sanders 40.62 Mrs AM Whitney 2.31 David Torbett 4.15 John Shulta 4.08 FredDevitv 250 John Fessman 9.60 H Metzgar & b Wasserman 9.60 Martha smith ls.uu 1 Bercaw 9.63 T .V Palmer 39.64 F S Powell 35.39 3VHW PBIOZI I.IBT Beet Pat Roller flour per sack S ,S't 5 sail, nearl oil 75 3 cans best tomatoes 25 2 cans best table pearlies 30 Best Iowa corn, per can 1U 1.00 1.00 1.00 25 nounds rolled oats. . . 1 pounds granuiaieu sugar lfl pounds Extra C eugar 1 pound Japan tea 1 pound Gunpowder tea Arbuckle coffee per pound 4 pounds green coffee All goods warranted as represented and tun weight guaranteed. A. is. JUC1LWA1N. .8! .25 1. 00 ,lv Wilson, Mits Man verton, Prof W J 1 Y Fa.laiul, F P Nutt Total Total for week $3957 34. linquent April 16. OS Tlir SQUARE. The difference between Living well and living Poorly is very small Ii you buy tight even In hard times. Trade With those who do Business on the square, Giving quality as well Ae quantity. Parker Bros, are such a firm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are un surpassed any where. CO! TY DCMOTBtTIC t'GSIESTIOS The county convention of the demo cratic party of Linn county, Oregon, win be held at the Court House in Al bany, on Wednesday, April 4th. 1894. at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates for county officers; to elect delegates to the democratic state convention, and to transact such other business as may propeny come oeioro ine convention. Primary meetings will be held at the usual place of voting in the several vot ing precincts of said countv on Saturday, March 31st, 1804, at two o'clock p 111. By a unanimobs vote of the countv central committee it was recommended that the viva voce system of voting.be adopted by the next convention so far as it may ap- jr iu mi., uwuiiutiuuu ui rttimiuaies . he several precincts are entitled to delegates as follows : Albany 9 Center 3 rawfordsville 4 East Albany t; Franklin Butte 4 Vox alley 2 liaise 7 Jordan 3 .North Krownsville 5 North Harrisburg 6 North Lebanon 6 Orleans 2 Price Rock Creek . 3 Santiam Scio 4 Shedd 4 Shelburn 4 Sodaville 3 South Brownsville 4 South Harrisburg South Lebanon Sweet Homo Syracuse Tangent Waterloo West Albany 6 Total 123 All voters in said Linn county with out legard to former political affiliations. who !avor an honest economical, admin istration of county, state and national governments, so as to conserve the teiests ol the masses as aeainst trusts and monopolies, are cordially Invited to join in taxing part in these conventions. Geo V Wright, Makt Millkk. secretary. Chairman l'ro leni Jfr Judge reck Mrs. Dyspepsia Judge Peck Tells How. She Was Cured Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read the lot lowing letter from Mrs. II. M. Peck, wife -of Judge Peck, a Justice at Tracy, Cal., and a writer coQtiectcd. with the Associated Press : "By a deep sense ol gratitude for the great benefit I have recelred from the use of Hood't flarsaparilla, I have been led to write the follow ing siateinrm ior ine iwoem oi suuorcn iw may be similarly afflicted. For 15 year I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia aud Heart Trouble. ' Almost everything I ate would distress tried different treatments and medicines, but failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upon mu u iry nuuu oiisijii ma. The first bottle 1 noticed helped me, su I con tinued tuklug it. It did me so much good that my friends spoke of the Improvement. I have received such great benefit from It that Gladly Recommend lt.v ' I now have an excellent appetite nnd nothing! eat ever distresses uie. it also keep up my Hood'sCures' flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's darsapurllla too uracil." Mm. 11. M. l'lca, Tracy, California. Oct UOOD'B Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box. Red CrownMill Am Albany Jewelry Store Worth patronizing Is that of Will Stark. They carry the finest line of silverware, watches,' cocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep In stock. Never buy without calling cn them. Sewing Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thorrothly competent vorfc man, at F M French's jeweUv.'nre, Albany 9 son. JOliti ISCM, PRjPRIETOR. BV VKOSHJ M.OOIl SCT7EK.OR rOK 'AMI' 1ft AVD oakrrs vht, RESTSWI.'AI.T '''ACII.lflF.S liKltst.tS Leskons. Those wishing to to study (loriuun flioulil call on JIr C Coh en at tj'ie corner f Third and t'nlapooia street Allnny. Will teach writinu and spoaliin? Udiiuan. Plisue call More April M. Jin-: C Conr.N. Another lnvojcTol i.nlles capes received. Sec our cirner window for novelties in capes and jackets. More to come. SK Young. Kabo Corset. Alcr!ect dress form. Tlresfes lit perlectly over them. Appro- ve- by nil dreesmokcrs. a l iol.. Lulie'.'ry ihe Eplanthie JIaMj;e Cicam :lie ust piepaiation ever made for ihe compaction, to 1 r of Mrs Koxcll, at Russ lloiibe Albany Ore. Stiiictlt In It. When it conies to washing the Albany Steam Laundry is strictly in it. It it doing the biisinoa of the city; the Celestials are proing to the wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain waxhinir is cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times, liiihanlx fc Philips do first class work nn.I spend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Frcsli Cabbage. Canlillower. Celery. Onions. & Turnips. AlC E Brownslle Prevention is belier lhan cure, and vou may rievent that Hied feeling by taking Hood's Sirsaparilla, which will kee- your blood pure and free from acid taint and germs of disease. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and effectually. 5C . Si'inxo Mii.i.iskhy. Mrs W R Bilyeu has pnn hnsed the millinery store of Mrs ii'a nuell, and proposes to give the citizens of Albany a lir.st-cluss stock of goods in tnc millinery line to select from. This week she will receive from New York an elegant line of pattern bats, for the inspection of tho ladies of Albany and vieiuitv. An ex pert milliner has been eng.iged.Thnse desir ing the latest styles at reasonable price will do well to call on Mrs Hilt en. A Joke. An Oregon City gentleman and his wife visited the fair a few daya ago. They "done' tlie arcnitecturai mansions and all the other buildings, in vestigated most of the concessions in Bliort, caine uay alter uay 10 see an mat was to be 0een. However, one startling feature the cautious husband avoultu tn'iing his better half to see. That waB the 'rau8cie"-dancing lurKiBii gins in the street of Cairo. One day the. husband announced to his wife that he thought llu-v had better rest that dav. as they were both pretty well tired out with the fair. ''Besides," tlie gentleman said, "1 have some business to do down town, and you might as well take advantage of my absence and do a little shopping today." The dutiful wife agreed to tlie proposi tion verv cheerfully so rheerfully that the husband felt uueasy. But be thought no more about it, and a couple ol Hours later tie found lumseii in tlie company oi iwn iollv aentiaintances. Of course it had been previously arrange'.', and the trio immediately set out ior the exposi tion- The lirst place tney eniereu was the theater in the Turkish vil'age. In the midst of tlie entertainment anl the boisterous glee the Oregon City man hea'd a familiar laugh in a rear row;, lie turned nlmnt onlv to meet the astonished stare of his wife. Then his two friends looked there were their respective wives. As they nil passed oui me ursi wife, very red In the lace, said : " ny, Jan es i inougni And tlie embarrassed husband said 'I thought bo, too." Telegram. Gaudes Skew. Eery body khouhl Imvn it tnmlen. Are vou ono who will Then go to Stewart k Sox Hardware Co and nnike your selection iioni a rrcsu supply of nil Ihe seeds in tlie innriiei, mo nirges sloe in tho city. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fp'- Hlffhe-t Mcdsiand niolom- The rilace to get your quinine Is at Fred Dnwsons cor 2.id and broadalbin streets Albany Or. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Ketchum Olbh. On Wednesday evening, March aSth, 1S94, at the M C parsonage, by Kev J l ADDetl, oir arnesi 1' Ketchum ot Albany, ana miss ueorgia R Olds, recently from California, iioih are popularyoung people, having many trlends who will wisn inem an me nappi- ness to be obtained in life. f: E Bionnells srocerv store is Increas. n jin popularity. He carries a fine slock In a lluht rcom. eJslly accessible and gives hargaini. Next door to the P O. P.. tin at Viere-.lts cuttieff parlors. shaving and l.air tlnlnh's Cure, tro srent conch nd croop nr is for tile by u. l'ojket sirs onuo reatr-flVe d.isss.naly tio. Children lr it oshay Mason Or. Price's Cf eauTRarftag Powder Forty Years i'is StezMr. WLen Bal y was tick, m gave her Castorls. When she was a ChllJ, sbo cried tor CastorU. When she brcame 51 i. she cluns to Castor: VTLen she hal Children, she gave Uieai Castor! C lean towuls totjvorv cua'.uwsr at Vlercck thtvipg parlors. French has the largest and finest lock nf srectaclcs and eve irlasss In Linn County. Prices to suit ihe times. Thin or nrav hair aed bnld "leads, so displeasing to "many people as mail's of age. mnv be averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Renener. Sriiixo Wbai'9. The Ladies Dazaur desires to announce that they have ju.-t re ceived an elegant line of Indies and mi-ses capes Pnil jackets for siring wear. The irarments comprise all the latest Parisian st les and are tailor marie. The prices to suit the times. Call and inspect them. Xiw Li mber Yard. The undersigned 1. nrennred to siddIv all customers with all kinds of lumltr, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on Hie niost lavor nhln terms. F O Powra Fhtdd. By using Hall's Hair Renetcer, gray, fjidfd or discolored hair asumes ine nalu ra' rj.nr of outh, and glows lu.:r!art and strong, plcaticg ever; bidr. AlbanylnsoraEce Agency We have had over seven lrnra cup lence In the Home cITice rnd IochI inmir ancc business. and can guarantee insurance written by us to be property looked al er The following U a partial list of compi-nie represented by us: Foreign No-th British & Mercantile, Norwich Union. Phrenii, London, Man hester. Guardian. Sun, Caledonian, Lor. jon & Lancashire. American Continental of New York, Westchester of New York. The ContI nenal of New ork and Mancheuter England, write farm business, taking notes lor ine premium, wnn ample iime 101 pavment. We retpectiuiiy solicit Rood business. Office opposite old posi olhcc, RENDERS SEN FT. Jewel Stoves and Ranges est HO UN. PROPST. On March 23, to Mr and Mrs (j Propst a boy. New Advertisemems. UTANTED W'oman to hous9 work. C'tll a! rin general Drmoorit TO KKNT. - Two Tom, newly flu iahed ono suitable for small afore or office, one for store, !iOxG0 feet. IIMe reany Dy :.i ircri v '. van on ur w w aiaaiou ror pirtmtiiara. A young lady desiron a Aiidreii Clara f K nold, Albany Ore. 1TS7"ANTEn. T T p!aee to do eeneral hnnto work, T3URK IHiK!) Silver Wed Wyandotte x eggs ior sale oy 11 u Hoonwortli. 7OR BARGA INS in rial ostilo aihlroK I; or c all on Jaciind YV Card well & (Jo. tlTerson. Th On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Gall On READ.PEACOCK&CO. I.'tlK RK.N1 I pied by J The roim rooerttiv ocu W Hpnr.lv ms b'Kit and shoe hop. t'a 1 on L Vioreck. I'JVr:, Trcn. lCr.r:s. Tare bred Silver . Laced Wvaodotts. Eiji for settln.nt the Alhanv l'oultry Yards. From pn No. 1 ami , 81.2,1 p-r 1:1; pj No. 3 51 per 13 R Plymonth Rocks, 75 ct per 13. Jonn flrush, Albany, Or. Cor 4th and R H sts COUNTY WARRANTS Rmrjht and sold by II F Merrill. NOTICE T3 CONTRACTORS. No'.'ce is hereby given that scaled bid will be received by the undersigned for the erection and completion of our eight room two story srhowi bulldin? to he erec ted in Albany Oi.'gon accord. Pfj to the plant; and specifications proposed by D (.' cheil arcMtect. BiJs wl 1 be received for the whole and for the several parts of mid building up to the iolh day of April ifc94 at noon. The right to reject a ny and all bids ie reserved. Flans and spec ification can be aeen at the office of 1 C sehell architect, Aloany Oregon. Jly order of the board of directors. A"e. F E Allen, crk FOR SAM FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will jily bf-tween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via tlie Oregon and Sonthern Pacific railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about tho fol lowingdatesiFrom San Fran cisco on Monday, March 20, at it p m. From Yaquina: on Saturday March 31, at 0 a in. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, $12; Steerage, SO. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good for SOclays, 818. Chas 1 Hf.-i.av, fos ft Co, Agents. ."o a to S Market street. Sin Frarciiro Dress See Their Nice and Trimmings. JUso dies Fine Shoes. Patterns Their La- At Perry Conn's. Barrel of Pickels, Chow Ghow, Fine California Honey, . Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds Always keep on hand'a choice line of all staple groceries a. well as a superior stock of crockery. M OON. Successor to I A Vorr'a. Flour and Feed Store Opposite Russ House. Has on hanrl fill stick tf Ch'fp:d I e r", Co T.illis Fltnr, Brrn, Shorts CeimMia finliam, Bn- knhrn', R; e ' I o-, I'a; , Oj(', S raw, Potatoes, Apples, i ! ;i t iii i li 1 U .r. i. , V i.