A CONVERSATION, Two men meet on the street In Albiny. One, an elderly map and the other, a young man. Elderly man observes the young rnan ha a large, green, beef Udp In Ms WflSon, Wlien the following cunversEiJon Occurs: Old man: "That U a very large Uideyou have in your wagon." Young man: "Yei it weight eighty pounds and told lor only seventy five cents." 6id man: "Thai's cheap isn't It? What is the came of its being so cheap?" Young man: "Oh, its the threatened tarlS reduction. Thafs what." OUl man: "Did hidei ever sell for any fcet'or price, and if so, hen?" Young man: "Yes, dght or ten years ago a hMe like this would ell for $5.00. I am not a high tariff man tut I am In favor of "protection," Old man: ''Young ir.nn, soma Strt has been deceiving vou. There has been n duty on hides for the last tvrtfily two years, and at tile very time when you say that hides brought such a good price, they -were then on the free list. Another fact It would be well for you to bear in mind, and that is that hides were put on the fret 11 st in 1872, and by a congress that was republi' can in both branches, and the bill approved ' by a republican president. If hides are now low In price because they are on the free list then republicans only are to blame for that party put them on the free list. The young man frankly admitted his ignor ance In the matter but said he was glad he had spoken of the matter for he gained light by so doing. TIIEBOATKEKS RESOLUTION. Mr Boatnsr's resolution as to the Union Padflo Railroad suits looks to action that Is Imperative'? necessary. It abould be passed promptly. The Union Pauifio Railroad baa owed large aunts to the Guv erntuevt lor a generation past. It bat not tried to pay. On the contrary. It baa tried In every possible way to avoid payment. Its directors and stockholders have la the mean tiwe r-ivided (27.000,000 of the Government's money among (hemelye and spent otber large sums contrary to law in buying and building otber road. It is the duty of the Attorney-General to bring suits for the recovery of this moiey. But the Attorney-General Is not disposed to do his duty in any such cast, Mr Boatner proposes that spclal counsel shall be engaged to attend to the matter. Pit retortion will pretty certainly past the Hoiiii, But when it guei over to the Senate It probably fall into the . unfriendly hands of Calvin L Brice. It is not for nothing and it Is not by accident that that gambler In railroad projects is at the bead of tbe Com' mlltce on Pacific Railroads. Farther, it Is not In the smallest degree likely that a man like Brice wjll let slip such an opportunity to protect railroad combinations in which he Is reported to hold very Urge speculative Interests. So long sa plutocrats are permitted to buy their way o power, so long will plutoc racy overrled every popular interest in leg. islatlon. TUE OJ1N1VOHOIS WEST. Thomas B Keed of Maine has said one t hing on the Issue of the day to which The Republic can point wi'h pride. Whether Mr Reed got hit idea from The Republic we cannot bo sure. At any rate it was The Republic which first cliimed that the effect of free trade would be to distrib ute manufacturers more evenly and to transplant many great industries to the South and West under the governing in fluences of markets and raw material sup piles. In a speech delivered not long ago a' Boston, our obese fiiend the enemy from Maine, eaid: When Massachusetts sits around to mourn her destroyed Industries, her ruined machine shops, her ruined in bustries, she sits around to mourn for eter nity; for if they arc once destroyed the omnivorous West will do the manuf tcturlng for the country. Vou have the start, you have the power, you have the prestice. You can keep it or you can throw it away." Observe the se:tlonalln of this resi dential candiaate'a protective tariff creed. "The omnivorous West.' The Wett has not devoured much of New England yet and Tom Utcu would keep It from anything tu'. rnliinc staple exuoit products as lcne as! possible. Free trade markets lor Western products and monopoly markets for New E lglamt factories. That is what ne R?es I t the McKlnley syste.n. It It not the low wages of Europe he points to, hut the hlh wacs and natural advantages of the West. "Vou have the start." Under lree trade the West will manufacture for the country. Why? Because when ninnn'ac'.uring Is put on the normal basis of competition the con solidation cf capital cannot keep tl.o start" of natural advantages. If Thomas B Reed gets the Republican nomination In tS!)6 It will le interesting to see what Western Republicans say ahout h!s reasons for being a protectionist. St Lewis Republic. The teeretnrv of the interior has lMiie,l a rcirulvition on the secretory for 810,000, coo, to bo used in the iprarterlv payment of pensions on April 2. The amount will l,e distrihutcd among the oncncU. as follows: Chicago, $,650,000; Pes Moines, $1, 900,000; Milwaukee, $1, 700,000; Buffalo, Si.tco.ooo: PlttisMinr, $1,450,000; Con cord, N II 8ojo,noo; lijston, $JJ5,ooo; and Iietrolt, $20,000. A New VorK paper says: '('.torge J Gould, the young .-Millionaire, has announc ed to the ameasor of I-akcood. N J, Ihat he Intends hei caller to vote and be asscv.ied there for Hia personal property, which a mounts, according to his statement lu that official, to $4,000,000. Mr Gould hat leased a coitiprt there for tlir.-e years, but one of his Intimate friends is authority for the statement that he inten-Js soon to build a residence lliere In some degree commctmr. rate with hia means." T he mean annual tempet ature uf the glo'je is c.o K The average rainfall i tl.lrty six inche. Tlti mean annual precipitation, rain and snow in BoVon, i; fcrty-sl indies; In New York city fortv-live Inches. The positron of tire centre of populalion In the I'nired Slates is now twenty miles cast of Columbus, Jml. In iSjo It was eighteen milts net of l!a!tln.ore, Md. A river is turd to be sluggish lvhen It lljws at the rate of ahout one mile an hour; ordinarily swift. to miles an hour; very rapid, live miles an hour; a torrent, ri miles an 1 our. Suli-nartne masonry Is now mide imper vious to water by coating It with coal tr, a ptoreM that Is ijuite etliescijus, even at a depth of filly feet. It has been found by Savilte-Kent that the pear oyster reaches maturity In a short er time than formerly supposed. lie thinks that under favorable conditions a period not exceeding three years suffices for it to at tain to the marketable size of eight or nine inches in diameter, and that heavy shel's of five pounds or six pounds weight per pair may be the product of five years growth STOKTts COSJ3IDEKING Will 4t Stark, (If yewclen If you want a fine smoke call for Joseph. white labor eigars, Tho bestjxoast ootfee in the nity at Oomad Mover a. Hodges & MoKariand, 'she leading drut. tore, Albany, Ci. Will & Stark's large line of silver war has created a great deal of talk. Patronise home industry by smokinfi tha celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by fu'ius Joreph. Beware of Oinlracnu for Catarrh that contain Mercury, aa mercury will surely destroy the cento of smell and completely uerango tho wholo system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damaffo tlify will do I t 11 fold to the pood you can posHibly derive from thoiii. Hal.'s Catarrh Toledo, O. , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acrmKOirceriy uk,ii ine moon and mucous surfaces of tho Kysfr-in, In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you net the Pennine. It is taken internally ami is niaile In Toledo, Ohio, bv F. .1. Vlienev ,V Co. Testimonials free. bolcV b JJrUKKists, priirn 76c. pur bottle- See the Hew Imoro ved SI ncer st-winc m china. The hlt is always tbe chestiest. W S awden. azont. Otlice at P M Freneh ewelry atoro i- "As olrl tu the hills" aud never cxcell e.l. " Tried and proven" is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Ivepu l:ttor iti the only Liver and Kidney medieino to which you can pin your fiith li'if ft c u re. A m i 1 d laxa tive, a n d 1'iuvly veg etable, act- .luvoiiy er a n d Kid ney. Trv it. Sold byr.U Pr;is;:sis in Li.juiil, or in 1W-W to be taken dry or made in '.on terv. The Kinjr of Liver M: ,llene. ' ! lutvi' it m .1 ytmrSliiui:,Ms l.lver l!e::n li.io ,.'1,1 , i,n e,,t,, irnimniv snv t: i.t'.iv kin,, ot .ill liver llletli, iti,-. I eui!--M, r it u nictlleitte ebel 'u ll.-lr. eiLo. W. J ,ow sun, ineoriiiv, WusbiiiKt.iii, ti-KVKHT r.VCKAOK- tl: ftlurai In rrd on nmiipff. Better Than JT 7 7 in:; du'ecii -C mi tho Live JL & O ,1 Kir TAKE HEART, It ..rr A JVU ID U SUUVIllig woman. Ibo enroa ' io weaknesses, pain ful disorders, and delioate derange ments that come to woman only have a positive remedy in Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. If you will . faithfully use it, every disturb ance and irregular ity can bo perma nently cured. IYh a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapted to her delicate organi zation. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regu lates and promotes all the proper func tions, nr.d restores health and strength. " Favorite Prescription " 13 th? only remedy fur woman's ills that's guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you havo your money back. ... c: I ill.. r A 1 n J Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrh a medi cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you? The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfectly and per manently, or they'll pay you $500 in cash. Star Bakerj orltrnnrlalttln a 11 (I First St CONRAD iVEYFR, PRCPRIETCR, nued Frailsi, laaued Me.s U'Hssware, laeenH wan tried Frail. Vegetables, Tobiieco, Cigars NaKar, MpiceH. t'odect Tea, E( Etc., fac sverythmff that Is kept In a gestr variety and jesocery store-, Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the store formerly! owned Allen Eros.,1 BUTTER, EGGS, liARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash pne possible. e f mtm 11. it. iivnK. w. 11. mmmm;i:ii. i. n. jamks AlBM FDMNITDRE CO, INCOFOIlATim Callimore Hlock. Albany, Ore. Furniture compiWliue of in nil it' Irani Ikw. EMBALMING rialh. 1 liii'iiu u:: it I'nl tu Cal.ipr e ia Stationery, Toilet Articles, .Musua Instruments, Etc. Hofefis k Ittrlai, The" CorruM Store,'. Albany, Q' Wall Paper I triii, i'aintsx. Oil ,1. A. riuiimiP; AL3AP-1Y, GREGD FORTHILLER fi IRVING ....i..ii.f..k . iiiKl - Kinbalniers. elaiic, clclh and word caskets ai Ullll. t " li" 'GllEATLiY DEDUCED PUICKS MADE BY WE- KtEP copstiintlj on hand a lull line ol 'Uc coflin.7 Also buiialrobe. and sisils, In Hcsdc a hlch will oe m" The f.owet Living Irolltn. EMBALMING nd F0Perc"re ' tl,e i'"s "l'etlally- NO EXTRA CKARCl FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOI SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER iFAIR I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crcrkerv ware and liolutay goous w TOST. Here are some prices: Lamps, worth fi0fifor 25ceDts; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00. cups and saucers V.5 to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everj'Uiing else in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. GradwohL M NEW : FURNITURE, Y STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE.SCONSISTING of bed room'sets. 'chairs, lounges, ntc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Francisco JI 3D EETTJBN $20.90 Including FIVE Gate tickets To THE FAIR The Oregon JLand Co Wltn its home office al ! A 1 ."FITVT- - - - OHKG O. 5" tut Gray Blocl;, corner Liberty and State street, branch rffice In Portlano A.KES a specialty of Sunnyside'ruit tracts near SalemJ r;il er.ll K 1ft nr 90 or-rfl lnta nt, S15P) In S60 r,er 14 , 1 I. ..1 cre small casu paymeni lorp urn? on umancu or particulae. ALBANY CIGaR FACTORY .2. .SOSKl'BI, irprieto3'. 'ablnet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen. EniaiK'ng pictures a fj jspecialty . 16x20 crayon; framed of 5x and slerescopic ytews 01 ur fISK laKMWXU PHOTOCIItAPflEKS. CKn EXDUBSIOfl TRIPS. From San Francisco to othr poinu In California will be allowed purchasers o special Midwinter Fair ticket flt the fol lowing round trip rates 1 To B'alionft under 150 mile from San Francisco, one and one-third one way fare. Toi'u'ion.- 150 miles or more from San Francisco, one and one-fifih one way lare. For exact dates and full particulars, In quire cf C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undei tinned. Rich'd Gray,- T H Goodman. Gen Traffic Man. Gen Passenger Agt. San Frarciscn, Cal. E P RotiKits, Asst G F & P agent, Port land Or. ELESI1IS BELT IA7EST PATENTS ISRiW'TH ElECTnO BEST 2vS.fe5? MACNETIS IHPna'EKENTS. TW'' EUSPENSOnY orrttinc of I ria n-rv fre,-Jpr or Ini' Uerci Ion. t tiiiuI cihfi iatic.il, tmi-, Iwarro, terii us lrl lilt;, alu -I,-sb--. laofi'or. rtiiuir. .ila, lit Jncy, lntr Ktid li'sidilr 11.1, fff.t, uiinriair;, itimu'i, RFafrai 111 t.eiiia, electric I'fll eontJhn '..imierful Iniririnats, orrr t, sn.IVI.c m eufrculthat is I n ta it 1 1 J ftll 'jr Itt, r e forlrlt j.iti.K. kd1 wilt eorp all tT ihcSvt dWan-a t Iouaa.'tlf :.nve lii-Mi rurnl Iit tliia .jar- ojn IP c i,t.,n ft. r kit ether n-nn-di-a InUeA, and hourlro iB i.r tvuliii-iiilnlj In (M- slid rvrtj othfmlnta 4lirtM,i.rrfi.l IM-flOW II r'l.lllltlf SI Sl ffUHlV. thfc irrntFUbootifrf-oITi w-V ror-ii,l HY.l. ;T1I Al.l.'iLIlS Irallh vlarorcna itrTirtim lHi tl.Ht ; n i.H tntli.' l)'a Send for ill'Jat rated t . naitvl, taW, frra. A 1-1 ret y ii GENTS MAKE FIVE HOLLARS a ,i.day selling the grtatt-HT. kiichcn uler.- sil ever invented. Retail for tliirty-nve cents, i wo io mx can oe nolo in every home. Million o)d in tills country alone. known to make money, rasi'v and quicklv. Satr pie sent, postage pre pa 'd for five cents. wcuakix cc o., .incinnaii, unio. NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT, N'OTH'K IS tlKRKDY C.IVN THAT TIIR VS ttertuTi'tl K(iUtor of the lt wll ant t cf a liu-nt vA Amlr.'W K hh. loi.'x.sl. ht flloJ hr fin a'tvUTt In the eattte of An.lrtw R-ihb, iImcmcJ niti tli riiiitjr flerk ol linn tmnty, Orcii-m a".l that the countv cotirt 4 mitl l.inn ci'Untv, ha rt..l the lHh Uv of Urxh. iM, 1 th li.'ir of IP iiVlrwV in the firrnnn f vail -lav, ih! tho ci'Uiilv OfHirt h.Hi the :.-c. fi t..e hcuHnff of ohteoti.-m if ry (o a;a fhil jw vvunt anil the ettivmrtit of wul ctte. Ptto.1 K.tmuJ.) Sth, IS.il, 1! II H'wtrr J 5 R Ron Attj lor Ettt'ittriT. k.utri. Is not complete without an ideal R POWDER. POZZOM'S Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when J delicate and desirable protection to tne lace in this climate, j I?irt opea taring tba goaaias. I IT IS FOR SAIE EVERYWHERE, Ior Ssle or Tnule, a lionsteaml lot in coot! location in AU.aiiT wni cheap for rash or iil t ratio for Iund part ly or wholly Ituprore l not very fpr from town. .auor write to tnia otlice. p rjii(Hi;v,M.D., r'n'iclTi Suiijoon, Off ce l'rlA:n i JtT tlw i;cf;:.ii,v. r:iff lClh and CJroot tt. ANNUAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby given Hut the anniisl meeting of the stockholders rt the Wll:. amelte I.anJ (Vmnanv will m. n, ,I.A cilice of Curran and Monteiih. In Al'.ianv. Ureifon, on r-atunlar the 2Sth day of April i"i4, ai j ociock i m iot me election ot directors and smli other business as mar come before said nirctioj. Dated March i6lh loi. 'A II.ckai.MAN. tlr.j W Wruiiit l'resUlant. Secreiarr, DrllE Beers. Or 1) K Bee Physiciausanc? &urgecns ujn-t-iui ni-.tiuiuii ii ill iti vj l v vi r v. rs w womrn. Hoys io to 1 2 A M, 2 to 4 osd 7 to S P M, Olllces and rceldencc Illum berg Uullding, Kjrst Street, between Lyon rwl 1,'L..tl, T. Dr. l-aUerin 11 allaee The Noted Clairvnvnnt xrt LWo Renler, ! rn here, mid can be found at her residence, next u J B Couirill'd. Hhe tells alnrnt nil ffaMictft. prcM-nt ami future; lore tnmhlon, alwent frlemli and huatnen. luu caiibcu- irom vi'iirUead riet.Jf. Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner ot First an Washington streets follows: 7:40 a m for Lebanon train. b: 5 " " Orphan's Home. 1 1 :5o ' " N00.1 train go'ig north. 12:15 P m 'or uon train ijoing south, I ' ' Lebanon train. 1.30" " Orphans Home, tt tt i it 9:55 " If Overland train going south. For Orphan's Home on bunuay car wili loive at 2:30, 3:;'o and 4 .31 p m 'Ihecar wiil ao meet all incoming trains on the Oregon Tactile railroid. C Ci Bl RKHART An afrreeaWe Illative and Nebte ToNta Cold by Dnireists or sent by mall. 2jo-, Wo, tju $1.00 per pickngp. Fnmplcs lree. TkFI TJ Tbe Farorlto I50TH JR&.W BlXJ forthoToethand llreat!l.io fJnftnln Sweeney, C.S.A.,Bnn DlerrrxCalM er.-si "Btillcih'ft C'aUn-h Itcmcdy Is the flrsF medldnc 1 have ever found thnt would do Wo amvgood." 1'HfeWrts. Sold by Cruggiata. shTloh-s cure; r Tim CnEAT Couon Cttre promptly furss where all ot hers fail. For Coasun.ptioa it baa SO rival; haacured tnoutsods, and will crml you. If token in time. frtijiic'.uCOtUtLO notice: cf final settlement "Votre is iiF.iuiiiv r.ivrv TtiAr Tun r- J.1 dersimeil ailtniti''ntriT ,4 llie o1it( of J.hli Grihm. (ltt-cn-fd, biM fil(v( n the isflU-e (.f the ilerk ! ttt i.unv ('nrt 1 .nn Mnnty. lr,hoT fnnl .t?iuiit nl tht 11.1m hu :MHiinlcd the Uth d.-y -f Mirth, 1-M, .it the h.Mir "f 10iY1orl( tii fi taui Hit. m (h. titif .r h-nrin M ohjft-ti.ma, if ny, to nid fiiiI ai-fiu-it and f'r trio cttleniftit f nil em t.. ' Im.M ttii lhd-i' ol Kthnurv. 11 11 H:'.tTT. E'.j.ABurM flr'n, At;rn.r f..r V!m. Atininitr-n PER DAN dQ Easily tVSadfe, We wnr.t mnny rocn, wem-n, boy?, sVid plrJf i. work foru a frwbour dally, T'thi itnnvAnrrr4 tlieirown homof. The bunes i$ A-.iwytj-vatFtA strictly b9nrab!i. ani juyn bttf if lima anvothf om-rr.! a;nti. Von I1.1v ck-'r fleli ai.J i comrK'.Iti.jn. F.7p- rirne au1 pec!l ability ai noc.'Marx. Xo caj.it. il rytxlftA. Weeqalpyr with eriTrtliltifc; tint ynu nced, trtat yoa tclj .-.mi help yei to earn ten t'.kno erwjnair "nc Women do as will n men, and boys acd git m:ikcg(K-l psy, Aht om wnywtiir, can do work. All iuc;H who follow our piala and ! I'le direcUon. Kirnet rork will rerelT yoi a prvat d-il of mony. F.rerjttiii If wJ iimI In irrfat drmnnl. Write Set OCT pemp"l,; clre-jiir, and roi-ire full iLormatlon o J'trr 1 ne if jui SDUcluJe ny i 40 a Watli h:ii-c. George Gtinsom&Co. Box 438, PORTLAND. MAIMS;