"ubtisliei every iUy in the week exeept Sunday. .TI'MtflCTflM, Editon and Prop'r J-nmred at Ui Post OfUc at Albany Oregon, as second nlaia mail mattor. CfrOOXS HVBIffllffG- PEKSOKAI, Mr Frank Wheeler ent to Independ ence tliia noon. J Fred Yates deputy prosecuting at torney ol Henton couaty, is in the city to-day on business. Mr Georue H.implirey Mm up from Portland lust niglit to recuperate for eevernl days. The funsral ot F M Miller will occur at Lebanon lo morrow morning at lo o'clock. Mr Miller was a member of the GAR, Maccabees and A F and A M, several members of each of which lodfes will attend from Albany Mr J It Long has retired from the editor ship of the Populist, and E C Ncal, of the Upper Santiuin, will succeed him. There are said lo be (our or live men wl-o think they know so much more about running the paper than the editor himself that the man really ut the head doesn't know where he is at. Mr Long is to bo congratulated upon his escape. Last ovening at the residence of Mr Tim Witndel, a farewell party was tuidered Miss Hcrtha Swart previous to her depar ture with her parents for Nebraska. The evening was one of much enjoyment. Miss Swart has made many warm friends here and general regrets are expressed at the loss of one from our midst so accom plished and possessing so many excellent traits of character. Mr Swart and family will leave tomorrow for the other sido of the Uockies. ToNioht Hear it. WHAT? Lecture-Life of Abraham Lincoln. WHO By Rev Grannis. WHERE At the Methodist church. HOMH AND ABXtOAJJ Bring j our coil oil cans and have them ' relived with 5 gallons best Pearl oil fur ic cent, at A U Mcllwalns. " The press is a unit in denouncing Breckeuridge regardless of politics. That the way the press does when it conies to a great matter of morals. When you want anything In the gro cery line do not forget that A 11 Mcll wains It the place to get It. See his pilce Hut in this paper. .. 'J he Salem Journal published a picture of the new soldiers home at Koteburg. It l a line looking structure. The frame is up and Is about ready for the plaster. The Mines Ball will have an opening of spring and summer millinery, on Fri. day and Saturday March 30th and 31st. All the ladies are cordially Invited to at tend, A B Mcllwain Is receiving his new goo Is; new ginghams, satieens, prints, and teasel downs. Call and get prices before you purchase, as yuu can save money on all dry goods you buy from him. Attorney E R Sklpworth, Is making preparations to build a handsome resi dence on the corner of Sixth and Wash ington streets. He has already ordered the necessary lumber. Eugene Guard. "For a lone time I suffered with stom ach and liver troubles and could find on relief until 1 began to use Ayer's Piils. I too them legularly tor a tew months, and my health was completely restored." 1) W Balne, New Berne, N C. There Is no reason why children should be allowed to suffer from loathsome scrof ulous sores ana granular swellings when such a pleasant, effective, and economi cal medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparllla ray ue procured 01 the nearest druggist, lie sure you get Ayer's. The Corvallls Gazette says: The larg est prune orchard In the state is located in uenton county. It comprises 200 acres, on which Is planted 22.000 trees. and is known as the Excelsior Fruit Farm. George K and G A Waggoner, who are Interested In the enterprise, returned from the place last Wednesday, and say the trees are all looking splendid. A man by the name of RItter was dis charged from the -Insane asylum today as Incurable. He Is at the point of death and his wife came down to taite him to his home at Lebanon. A litter carried by three men contained the unfortunate man and he was put aboard ot this morn ing's local train. His complaint Is kid ney trouble and paralysis. He will last out a lew days. Salem Independent. ooTmoxih Tuesday evening, March 27. Present Mayor, Itecorder, Chief of Po lice nml t'ouucilinen Whitney, Schell, I'feiffer, Ilurkhart, Marshall auu Walters. Th following tills were ordered paid: CW Watts. .,3.20: I J Smiley, i.2". ; Pete lliley, I0.50; N .1 Henton, 8s7.i; Henlly k Miller, 87.S0; Chris Bender, $ii.O.-.; W E tiillett: eUOO; Jas Laurent. 1.50i Matthews k Washburn, 87.50; (J 0 Lee. $-17.50; Susan Purrion, G.25; S Conn, Jli.-W; Suirar Pine k Fixture Co., 15.00; U W Willis, $2.00; F T Blount, $1.00; trunk Purdoin, l."5. Cost bills, City act Chris King, 8.2!; It L Beedle, $2.95 F M Pool, J.00; Ira Morris. 85.45; Felix Ham-1 ilton, 83.45; Carl Wymun, $7.00: Lung Chung, $4.20. 1 Tlisallowed bill of Linn Engine Co. No. 2, $20.25. Committee reported that coke had beeu. transferred from No. I's to No. 2's house. Committee reported on tax receipts by sheriff as heretofore published. License was granted John Schinoer to sell iiipior and bond approved. A resolution was pased that I Steiuhart be allowed $1500, one years interest on city bonds, and CM interest on $2250 for six months, which became due on Oct 1, 1893, and shut warrants be drawn for said amounts, four in sums of $1000 each, one for $500 and one for $00. Councilman Schell moved that the com mittee prepare nn ordinance embodying the state'law on the subject of the sale of tobac co, cigars and cigarettes to minors. The matter of payment of city taxes, ns remont and dateof receipts was informally discussed. W'arranU were ordered drawn on April 1st for payment of city policemen, to wit: C t) Lee for $70.00; U U Hale, 50.00; W A McClain, $50,00; John Jones, $20.00. KE.IL ESTATE SALES. Ci z 200 EBB. The receipts at the sheriff's office yertcr day were about $1500 as follows: !oho Beattie $ 1.00 Hi mm llumuhrev 4. nil J M Clinton 4. ho Mary E lice 4 xn J W Gee 1.00 Heed Walter 2.40 W W liichaedson n:i.r,2 Jonathan Wassoin 200.56 hstjos Wassoin 4.32 H and E W Trvon 68.58 Wm Miller. 16.50 Wm C liner H9.06 M C Chambers 174 20 Wm S Foster 47.50 Margaret Mady 16:1.25 B F Munkers 45.71 J P Munkers 2. Taylor Evans 23.71 W S Walker 5.04 PetreeHros 7.03 AT Smith 1.45 llnnry I Hodley 75 John Nelson 51.12 George Buyno 35.4s ft r. Liordan. BXOIX.WAIIl-'B Best Pat Roller flour per tack $ .s gall, pearl oil 75 cane best tomatoes. . . cans best table pearlies. . . Best Iowa corn, per can. . . . 25 pounds rolled Data 17 pounds granulated euiur i!) pounds fcntra C sugar. . . 1 pound Japan tea 1 pound Gunpowder tea. . . Arbuckle coffee Der pound pounus green coiice 1.00 All soods warranted as represented and full weigiit guaranteed. A. is. .McIlwais. Mrs C J Luper John Luper....... Mrs Lucy Wright. V H Caldwell nWRumbauch... Albert Robertson. . Susie E Adams.... (1 li Hartmus D&helton E 1) Ingram Killey Alley 19.6S 15.11 64.55 64.47 233.10 50.10 1.00 1.42 17.88 1.25 1.00 2.07 11.38 .85 9.60 1.80 A New Book just published contains the following on the first page: "The Ore gon Pacific Kailroad Company. Some ob servations on a pamphlet, entitled "The Urcc'on Pacific Kailroad. its inception, and neeth, with some suggestions as to its future development by E W Hartley, Re ceiver," by Wallis Nash, and The Oregon Pacific Railroad, it inception, present con dition and needs, with some suggestions as to future development, by E W Hartley Receiver. San 1 rancisco. Bacon Printing Co. 1894." The book contains 107 pages, is an elaborate history of the road, beirin' ning with the inception of the old wagon road in 1864, and tlicnco forward to the present tune, giving a detailed statement of tho present condition of the property Thoie interested may see the book at this office- MISFITS If members of Congress were paid for the actual time they are present und ans wer to the roll call, their pay would be small under their present conduct. Were the law that way. us it ought to IK, mere would be less hliuustenng. The corpse of nn unknown man recently found in the outskirts of a Kansas town, was searched and 100 in cash and a re volver was found upon the lwrson. J he coroner held an inquest and it too'c $75 to uetray ine expenses and uury tne nouy. The police iudiro lined the corpso $25 for carrying concealed weapons and confiscated the gun. All ot which go to show that cy- loues rre not the worst evils in Kansas. mce Stockton to Luella Adams. 6 acres, 12 w 4 $ G W Younir to Emma J Littler. 1 lot. hi 14, H's 2nd ud 1500 C T Crumcto W W Richardson. 100 acres, 10 wl 1000 W W Richardson to C T Crume, 40 acres, 10 wl 1000 Eliza Warren to Wm H and Mary Kirk, 20 acres, 13 w z iou U S to Napolean B Pendleton, 159.19 acres, 12 E 1 Patent C 0 Gentry to W L Wallace 25 acres, 11 w 2 Isaac Hymon to Amelia May, lot 1, bl 8, Harrisburg W H Goltra to Pres B Marshall, lots land 2. bl 3. ti'sPad Jos Lehn to Samuel Nelson, 18 acres, 13 w4 Samuel Nelson to Josiah Lehn, 19 acres, 13 w 4 II Brviuit to H K Tritcs, 20 a:res, 11 w 4 William C Weeks to Ellen C Coons, 5 lots, bl 3, lichanon A P Flory to W H Pecry, 70.06 acres 12 and 13 w land 2 J J Rosell 10.50 J K tieddes II P Walter Liston D'Carey O&CRR At the last term of the county court upon application of Sheriff Jackson that pay ment of taxes be extended to May 1st, be fore being declared delinquent, the county court made an order settintr April 16 as the time for their being delinquent. This should be extended to ut least the time asked for by the Sheriff. Tried and true is the verdict of people who take Hood's Sarsaparllla. The good ttects 01 this medicine are soon xeitin nerve strength restored, appetite created ana health given. Hood's Pills do not weaken, but aid In digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. 14C0 1 500 10 10 1000 890 .DEUOCTATIC 81'F.AKIM;. The Ba;:aar. The easter baxiar given by the ladles of the Episcopal church has proven quite a snccess. A large number attended last evening and today. The talesof fancy articles was flittering, well as the sale of supper tickets. The booth with the fancy article! was partic ularly admired on account of the elegint dlsnlnv o' art. in oil and needle work. Several pieces by Mrs II C Watson and Miss Morgan attracted attentlon.and with otner articles elicited much uvoiauieco'n merit. The bazaar will be kept open to- r.ieht. when lunch can be had att o'clock for onlv I cents. Among those assisting In the bazair are l)r Piummer and daughter 01 warrants. KvtKiMHit aiirkstei). Several days ngo .Inlm 7ivt.!in!r. n very tali trenllenian work ing for Veal k Son bought several bills of goods along First street, and paid for them with an order 011 Veal fc Son. and then suddenly disappeared. Vevl A- Son not ow- ing him anything, a warrant was issued for his arrest for obtaininir property under false pretences. A dispatch from Uoseburg received this forenoon announced that he had been arrested at Comestock. Consta ble C W Watts will leave after him tonight. Pl.Ksrv or ltiPDK.ns Twenty-six bids wero opened at Woodliurn for erecting new bricks at that city in place of the frames burned several months ngo. The lowest bid was that of Piummer k Ault, of Salem. 5.197. Mr .1 M McChesney, of Albany, bid $6,485. The highest bid was 8-V223. . Contractors are watching eyery point for work. Sriiixo Mii.LixKitY Mrs W R Bilyeu has purchased the millinery store of Mrs bin knell, and nronoses to irive the citizens , of Albany n fir.-t-clas stock of goods in tne miuinerv 11110 10 sce-ci, m she willrercive from New York an elegant line of pattern hats, for the inspection of tho ladies of Albany ond vicinity. An ex pert milliner has been engagcd.Thoso desir ing the latest stvles at rensonablo price will do well to cull on Mrs Bilyeu. An Albany man was recently in a Cali fomi.t city talking with n resident there w ho owned a 40 acre prune orchard which ho wished to sell in order to go into an other business. Ho told tho Albany man that the trees had lioca paying ten dollars apie'.c, which would make about 850,000 a year for the orchard. After he had gor,e an Irishman who had been working on the street near by remarked : "Faith, and what a liar, I worked a whole year for hii, and he only made enough to pay me for a month, sure's I'm alive." Tint Albany man came to the conclusion that Californium arc the bigge-t liars in the U S. The democratic club at Tangent will hold nmnetinc on Friday ovcmne. April 6th. at 7:30 o'clock. Mr ii W Wright and other gentlemen will address the meeting. Ar rangements are being made to have a large crowd out. lxleirations will be in attend ance from Shedd. Orleans, Center and other precincts. Mr Wright will mark out the linn of destitution betC3n tho democrats and populists on tho one hand, and the democrats ami repuoncans oa 1110 oincr. I'oitnhsts and republicans as well ns all democrats are invited to attend. Ladies arc also invited to be present. The place lo get your quinine Is at Fred I lliw.-uns cor 2'H1 ana Dr(j.iii.nuni i Albany Or. Cai-ks asd Jackets.-I have received my sprii.g nnd summer jackets direct from New York manufacturers. Capes are the thing this year and I have a fin; line of novelties in them. I carry also a nice line of material and trimmings for making capes. Shi orrso. An Alban Jewelry Stork WV.rth patronizing Is that of Will 4 Stark. They catry the finest lineof silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry gtneia'ly In the valley, and sat isfactory price are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep in stock. Never buy without calling tn them. C F. Bione1! zt-ccery store is Increa n; in popularity." lie carries a fine sloct In a lluht room, easily accersibte and gives Largalns. Sett door lo the P O. V Oil 111 VOKSHIEIIISU Will it Stark, (V icwel"''- if vou want a tine smokf coll for Joseph, white lubor cigars. The liost'.romt oollre in the city at Com a I .vfoyer a. Hoilces & Mcrarianrt, "the !dlnj drufc tore, Albany, Ci . Will & Stark's large line of ti'.ver war has crtated a great deal of talk. pVroniza home industry by smoking the ,-eb'hrated white labor cigars, mauafaetared by Ju'ius Joseph. t in t rut it on. The necessity of a sprlne medicine universally admitted. This is the bes time ol year in which to purify the blood, to restore the lost apetlte, and to build up the entire system, as the boily is now pe- cul ar v susceptible to beneiit Irom mca irlne. "The iireat popularity attained by Hood's Sarsaparllla, ow'r.g 10 Its real merit and Its remarkable success, has established It ns the very best medicine to take in the spring. It cures scrot lia, sal rneum, ana all hnmors. biliousness, dyspepsia, head. ache, kidney and iivsr complaint-, catarrh, and all affections caused or promoted by low state of the system or Impure moot', Uon't put it off, but taKe Hood'! Sarsana rilla now. It will do you goou. Ladies. irv the Eglantine Massage Cream he hst orenitation ever made for the complectlen. lo he had of Mrs Rowell, at Russ House Aibsny Ore. Letter Mt. Following is the list of letters ran.ainine in the post office at Albany, l.inn county Oregon, March 20, 1S94. Persons calling for these letters must give she date on which they were advertised. Fisher E M. Fulton Judue, McWaughton T, Newman C E Robertson E JI , Seehele .Miller, Simmons F, Ta; lor Charlottie, Tay'er Lottie, Titos. .MonTirra, P; M. Or. Price's "Creain"Baiaz Powder Fort Years fie Stansarf. Biths at Vierecks shaving ett:ting parlors. and hair Dr. Prlce'f- Cream Baking PcrWder A Far Orape Cream c Tartar PewJer. New Advertisements. .25 .so .10 1.00 1.00 1.00 .25 .35 .25 OX TUT SQI'ABE. The difference between Living well and living Poorly is very small li you buy tight even In hard times. Trade With those who do Business on the square, tiiving quality as well As quantity. Parker Bros, are such a lirm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are un surpassed any where. Stiiicti.t Ix It. When it comes to washing the Albany Steam Laundry is strictly in it. It is doing the business of the city: the Celestials are eoinir to the wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain washinir is cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times. Richards k Philips do first class worn una spomi their money at home, Patronize the Albany Meant Laundry. Fresh Cabbage. Cauliflower. Celery. Onions. & Turnips. AtC E Biownells Invalid 3 Years, s Cured by Hoods Gahuen Seeds. Every body should have a Burden. Aro vou one who will. Then co to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply of till the seeds in tho market, tho largest siock in xne city. MC. I. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! "Gentlemen: I am glad to tell you that 1 have been given Rood health by Rood's Sarsaparilla. For three years I was an In valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. 1 "Ivas so nervous tl could not bear the least noise, and 1 had to walk with crutches for six months, as I could not put one of my feet to the floor, physicians did not do me any good, so a friend told me to get Hood's Sar saparllla, but ' I Said There Was No Use. "However, alter thinking the matter over, I de cided to give It a trial, and have taken six bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparllla, and the re sult Is that I am welt as any one could wish to be, and can do any kind ot work. I ad- X vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa- jf rtlla for I believe It will do them good." ' 1 Miss Scsik Itoosox, Colton, California, f Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indiftestion, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Kol'ce Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for the erection and compietion of our eight room two story school buildinn to be erec ted In Albany Oregon according to the plans and specifications proposed by D C Schell architect. Bids will be received for the whole and for the several parts of said building up to the ioth. day of April iboiat noon. The noht to reject any and all bids ic reserved. Plans and spec ification can be seen at the office of D G Schell architect, Albany Oregon. By order ot tne board ot directors. Attest, F E Allen, clerk. Kkw.no Machines neatly repaired and WMrranted hy thornu&hly competent work man, at F M French's jewe.rv.snre, Albany gon. French has i he largest and finest tock of spectacles and eye glassts in Linn County. Prices to suit the limes. ftedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. W mOCEHS rLOUR SUPERIOR FOk '-MI IB AMD BAR IRS TJ8F, RESTST0RA0P fAH I.! fl PS ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot the Will am cite Land Company will je held at the office of Curran and Monteith, in Albany. Oregon, on Saturday the 2Sth day of April 1S94, at 2 o'clock P M for the election of directors and such other business as m:iy come before said mcctlog. Dated March 26th 1H94. A II ACKKLMAN, G V VR IOHT, President, Secretary. ft r ANTED V T house work. Jewel Stoves and Ranges Best On The Woman to tin Sonera) Dbmo.-r t Clean towels to every customer at Viereck .tming parlor?. SHERIFFS SALE; ?a tht Circuit Cnit t of the State of Oregon Jot the county it Imn. J K W R'.herfbn! ns arimini ttiitor with tho will annexed of Hobprt John?, doceisa l. Plaintiff Marv lljffxan and Fred Holl'man. Defendants, cilice. .lor Sale or Trade, a liouae and lot in 1 icooil location in Albanv- Will well cheap for cash or wiil tiade Tor land part ly or wholly iiuprove l not very far irom town. Call or write to tnis oflne. Notice is uerebv civaa that bv i irtue of an execution and order of aleduly homed out of th above named court In the above entitled suit! tome directed and delivered. 1 will on Saturday the itSth day of April, IK0I; at the front door of the court ouo a ins cuy 01 AUny, ijinn County, Orei on, at the Itonr of 1 o'clock p m ol sat J day, sen at public auction, for cash in t ami to the highest bidder Hi real property dosriOrXi in bhi.i execution and order of ve as follows, towit: kinuinir 3 Sl W 132 feet rtnunt from the southwest earner of Lot No. i ia Block n, 3 in ths western addition to tbecity j ofAlLny, Linn County, Orejpn. run ning thence Hniiih ti we(, zi ieei thbiiceNonh 9J West 301 feet; thpnee north i(5 30 Kit 1 3D '4 feet, ther.ce north 88 dfprefs, Ka.t 200 fot feet; thence South degrees KasI 5)0 let to the place of beginning, containing Z. ib acres more or loss. The proceeds arising from aunh aVet be applied, Firt( to the costs of and up on sttid execution, the remainder . to tio paid bi uieto the clerk of the adove named court, to be dihuned by him ao cording to the term of the decrees of raid court. l'a-.ed this 27tb day of March, 1891. CCJarKso Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. rpJ KKNT Two lojins, newiy fin .1 isLwd one Kuitabla for small htore or ollloe. one for store. 20xHU feet. ill be ready by Mtuh 2. Call on Or O W Riaston t jr pi.-.u r.ars. lrANTED.-A younn Kdy deirea a II n! ace to do ire no ml bouse work. Address Clara M Kg nolo, Albany Ore. T)L"KK IlHi:i Silver Lacwl Wynndotte X eyg"3 '!" sn'e by I O" Woodworth. BAK1 INS in real esUto addren I1 orctll on James W Card we II A Co, Jefferson, TOK RKNT. - The roim recentlv onu 1 pied by J W Uenrlv as a boot and (shoe shop. C'a I o-i L Viereck. MANAGER WANTED to appoint salesmen to sell the Rapid DUS Wash er. Washes and dries the dishes in two mlnutea nithout wetting the fingers. $75 a week and .l expenses. F.ay position, no capila! : no hard work ; can make $roo a week, Addren W P !Iarrion Co, No 14 CUrribu, Ohio. Albanylnsuraice Agency We have had over seven years einer. Icnce In the Home office and local Insur ance business,and can guarantee Insurance written by us to be properly looked afier. The following Is a partial Hsvol compknies represented bjr ui: Foreign Ko-th British Sc Mercantile, Norwich Union, Phanis, London, Man chcster, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon. on & Lancashire. American Continental ol New York, Westchester ol New York. The Conti nental ol New York and Manchester ol England, write farm buines, taking notes lor the premium, with ample time for payment. We repecllulljr solicit any good bubfr.e's. Offije opposite old post otr.ee. SENDERS SF.NFT. J7 ir.r.i, i-.(j(is. 1 ure breil silver Jicc.l Wvacdotts. Kkb lor "ttlnr.at tluj Alhanv rnuitry 1 arils, irnm pen In 1 and 2, 81.25 per l.l; p. No. Sniper 13 II Flymonth Rucks, f5otper 13. Ion Brnsh, Albany, Or. CVr 4th and II I sts "10UNTY WARHANTS-Buirht and J sold by II F Merrill. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will ply bptween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Sonthern l'acifc railroads sailing with freight and pas sencer3 on or about tho fol lowinp;dat(is:From San Fran cisoo on Monday, March 20 at 0 p m. From Yarjuina: on Saturday March 31, at 0 a m. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco Cabin, 12; Steerage, S9, Round trip ticket, includ ing meais ana berths, goot lor Uday.-j 18. I'mi 1 Hf-cdrv, fox ft C.. Annta. No 2 to 8 Market street, ,Sjq Fraiictrcai Earth Matthews Washburn SOLE AGENTS Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. AND See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's, Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chowv Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Always keep on handja choice line of all staple groceries as, well as a superior stock of crockery. G.CMOON. Successor to I A Vorr n Flour and Feed Store Opposite Run Home. Has to hand a (all stock of Cbc.pel rM,Co!Ya 1 Flour, Bran, Shorts, Germ Mca Gfat.am, Bnekwhfat, Ite 'lour, Hay, Oi t, S.rar, Po Itw, Ap(l, ate.