Oak Creek, March 27, 1S94 EJHort Drir-ocrat: Having been invited by republicans to peak at the Oak Creek Republican Club, but denied the privilege after the bouse was called to order, I ask permission to nnBwer tome of the remarks made at their first meeting. The speaker consumed con siderable time in showing that the U S had prospered since the war. We will admit here that the country has prospered in spite of bid legislation, but when we come to consider the advantages the coun try offered at that time we could hardly expect any thing else. There were vast prairies of fertile land awaiting settlement, and rich gold fields turning out their mill ions of wealth, but now that the country has grown cider and falls to produce as it once did, it is only by the most careful and economical legislation that we may expect to prosper. The first speaker that took the floor touched lightly on the tariff ques tion, but mentioned no article except woo! and said that our country would be ruinedJenueoffi:e here are'generally lushed these if wool was put on the free list. I will just say to that gcutleman that if he will investigate he will find that, for the 'ant 70 years, ool has averaged a better price under a low tariff than it has under ahigh tariff. The speaker then branched off on our state legislature and did most unmerci fully score them for their had legislation, and misappropriation of public money, and heaping taxation upon the people, very ably showing that republican legislation is not the thing for Oregon. Now, after 30 years of peace is it necessary to maintain the old war tariff and compel our people to pay extortionate prices for tho necessa ries of life, while, if we had absolute free trada tbere is only 7 per cent of the indus trial part of our population engaged in occupations that would be brought into competition with foreign countries. Now is it justice to the people to tax 93 per cent of the population of the U S to allow 7 per cent to accumulate great wealth to the oppression of the masses of the people, for I want it distinctly understood that the tariff is a tax and that the consumer ptys it, although it was denied by the republi can speakers, yet they produced no argu ment to prove their point. We claim that when goods are imported Into the V S the duty on those goods is added to the price and when the consumer buys those good" he pay. .he tariff, but should we buy of home manufacturers, then In that case the factory has raised the price of their goods as high ns the tariff will allow, and instead of the tariff going into the trensury of the U 8 it goes into the pocket of the manu facturer. In regard to McKinlyism pro tecting the laborer, do my republican friends supposr that our fuctorys can givo employment to tho thousands of foreign laboiers that are flocking to our shores every year, while they depend "alone on our home market for their manufactured goods? For several years we have had n surplus of laborers. Now, so long ns this state of affairs exis's, wages are bound to comedown. If you wou'd do anything for tlio working man, u";ve to our factories k ... . . . I free WW material, ad fnaUIu tueiu to compete with other countries; then with the world for a market they will bo able to give employment to the unerurloyed. but tho wortt feature of this hih tariff al' that we hnvc thrown up arouud us, is the fact that It is injuring our market abroad. rorelgn countries are getting tired of scooping sand from the sea shores (0 ballast their vessels, and sailing over here to buy our wheat ami other produce that the farnior produces. The prosperity ot the countty depends upon our maintaining f'iendly relations of tuule with foreign countries. I,et us buy where we can buy the cheapest, and give in exchange f:ir it that whii h we can produce clh'aio.-t. Hut listen to the im-onibteiu'y'of the howl id the Mrhiuley pels. 1 he Standard) il Co iys if retroleutn is put 0:1 the free list tliey will have to g out of busincM, but do we not know that the Standard Oil Co is slilp lug oil to all foreign countries and smvoss fully competing with Ihom in tlu'ir own countries ' The Pennsylvania coal mines say they cannot compete with the coal mines of Nova Scotia while in t'ue lust year t'.fXX'.0)O worth of Pennsylvania coal wus shipped to Nova Scotia. If they can . ship to foreign countries nnd successful!; complete with tlem in their own countries, c in they not complete with them at home? One of the speakers in trying to defend the extravagance of the Harrison administra tion said that Clcavclan l's first administra tion was more extravint than Harrison's, bi.t be produced no figures to prove his point. When air Cleveland took bis seat there was but a small amount in the treas ury applicable to the payment of the nation al -'elt, Mr Cleveland during bis first ad ministration paid 355 170,260 on the nation, al d.-bt, a-id tuincJ over a treasury contain ing 9 txooo,oco to Mi Itanlson. 1'uiing Mr Harrison's adminis'rationhe managed to pa)' $27.1.0?-', S""- N-'w what is the matter? Mr Harrison raid ?Sj,"7.?Sj le-s on ihj national debt than did Mr Cleveland and tJrneJ over a bankrupt treasury. The present f orgiess lias alrcaoy cut tio n their expense over 20 millions bilow the 52 cor dis". Now where Is the stravagaiir(? The !at speaker drc'aie 1 that JJr Klnler-i-m had Increased waijes in the I S, but old not mention a single instince wlicie wages bad bcei ral.ej. Now ha this in crcae In waei been the cause of ail cl the dissatisfaction among liibcrer., f ir tne last 3 years? Is ihis'he cause cf all the Uuxiv riots led strikes that bare taken place? Was this the cause of the Homestead riot? Ahmy lilend.lt was because Mr Camsgte, the McKinley, pet proposed to reduce wcges from 10 to 20 per cent? Docs this look like increasing wages? The time was taken up at the last meeting: of the club In reading speech that Sjna'or Do'ph once roads In the Senate, and the reading of a good old Republican Taper. Mr Dolph made a very oad speech considering the subject but he was very ably answered in the Senate if you would care to read it. A I)EMOCAT, Unirtd States Internal Revenue Collector Henry. Blackman has msde the following appointment: United Siatesstoiekcepcr at Grant, here the Portland distilling if located, George Herbert, of The Dalles, Mr Herbert has been sheriff of Wasco county two terms. United S'ates gauger it Grant, M A Les lie, of Morrow, Sherman "county, at present a deputy sheriff of that county. Bolh appointees have long reside! in East ern Oregon. The clerks in theChinese registration de partment of the United Statea internal rev days. They are now registering at the rate of 100 Chinamen per May. Since tho be ginning of the current year 650a of the 15, 000 Chinese In Oregon and Washingtin have complied with the Geary law, and the im pression prevails that a very small percent age of the remaning number will refuse to register. Scsndat and corruption have been the constant fruits of protection. When the Government undertook to constitute Itself a partner in business of certain favored in dustries it Invited the money power to come in and tike a hand in the administration of affairs. Under Federal patronage (he greed of ill-gotten gain has become insolent and reckless. It his debauched the franch ise and debased legislation. It has exalted the (rust and festered the lobby. It has dulled the public conscience and been fa ta' to a nice sense of propriety In official stat loa. It has brought business into politics and set up the standard of the dollar to dominate public acts. Beware of Olnimrntsfor Catarrii that coutoiin Mercury, aa mercury will surely destroy Iht Ltnso of smell and completely ilurr.::c the whole system when entering it througa tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never ha used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, aa the damage they will do lt ten fold to tho good you can posnihly derive from them. Hal. 'a Catarrh Cure, ni nn u fact tired by I', j . Clu-m-v A; to., Toltdo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting dlrertiy upon the blood nnd mucniiH mi rfacca of thy system. In buying Hull's Catarrh ("ure he Burayou if ft tlio rciiuino. It is taken iiicrnaliy and u mndo In Toledo, Ohio, by J. vlieney V (', Vi'tinionials fren. sW Bol'si by JJruus'Mth. tiric" "m. per bottle, Simiino Wiiai's. Tho Ladies I3iua.ir desires to ftnnouncfi that they have just re ceived an elefjant line of ladies ai.d misses eaics r.nd jackets for sprint; wear. Th2.se fiinnents rum prise all the latest Parisian etvlea and ore tailor nmile. The price to suit the times. Call nnd inspect them. See the New Improved Slnrer stw ins tn chin. Tho bti alwrystho chenijest. V Sawden, cnt. Otliee at F M Fienyh Cwclry storo "0n : ., II Aa U 41 V' 10 tlieliill3"an.i never csceil o.l. " TrieJ aiil proven" is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver J.ioku- , n- ? - - lator m th itor in the or y medicine! t a which you can j'i;i vour fiith Imi- n c u r c . A m i 1 d laxa tive, a 11 il I'UIv'lV W'i et;iU' act ill;; iliivciiy hi the Liver n 11 d Kid- Than PiA s novs. Try it. Sold by nil nipr't- in L:e,uid, or in 1'owdiV I c t.ikoii dry urnuido iiiton ten. T!p Kims of l.U vr Mpllrlnr. " I I';"1 " "-''''l -Mirsitninons I.lvcr Itfcll-lalii- HtiU . in con-. U-inlnuslv iv it ii. IhO Kincirull h.T ini-ilii hu s. 1 t-uiiui.T It A iniiUfiiH' rlU't 'n tiHt. lito. V. JAL-K usi. I'mimui, WimhliiitUiii. 4i-l:VFJtT PACKAOH-i I lie C Stamp Jn pp rnpmisk 11. it. uvm:. w. 11. ni.MiiMimi. n. 11. james ALBANY FDMTDEE CO., IRTCOPOHATHTJ fialliiiiore I'.loft, . Alliany, Ore. FURNITURE vi.'...'to'JiiiO cf ioi;mA!vio - in all it ranches. EMBALMING acuity. KeeiJcHce cornr r . OJV TniAZ. That g a eootl way to butt a medi cine, but it's a pretty bard condition under which to tell it. Perhaps TOU' bit ou ve noticed that the ordinary or miss medicino doesn't at tempt it. The only medicine of its kind so remarkable in its effects that it can be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's. Golden Medical Discovery. As a blood-cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder, there's nothing like) it known to medical science. In every disease wnero xne lanit is in tne liver or tho blood, as Dyspepsia. In' digestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn fekin, bcalp, and Scrofulous affections, it is guaranteed in every case to benefit or cure, or you have your money uacK. To every sufferer from Catarrh. no matter how bad tlio case or of how long Btanding, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this : " If we can't cure it, perfectly ana permanently, we 11 pay you S500 in aosu. ooiu oy all druggists. Star Bakerj CorBroMslttlbla and Firm U CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, allied rrmtH, W'lwsnare, rled FroilD, Tobitcco, sonar, uflee, Ete Qaecoswstr VKetibles, I'iK a r Nplcc, Tea, Vie., lac everything that la kept In a peser variety and grocery store, Highest market price paid hi ' ALL KINDS Olf' PRODUCE WANTED At the bloie Allen Bros.,' formerly owned BUTTBS, EGGS, IiARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which pofcsihle. I tt pay ttie best each prTct 0 F RAIWP.f Wall Paper, i M-ujjh, La in tx, OiIn (laxi, ICtc ). A. di Milling ALBANY, CT.ECO DrHE ISccr. DrO K Bee Physicians and Surgeons Special attcnllcn plven to diseases o women. Iloti'- to to 1 2 A M. 2 to 4. ami to S p M. Oilices and rctldence Blum- berts Uulldin;, First Street, between Lyon tndKhwcrth. M th. Dr. l'Mtlrrftcn II nllar Th N.-twt Clain.ivmtit rd Ute VAt, ttl now hcie, mul 011 be fount) at her rmUnre.nct dx)i J B r.iiirill. Mie Irlln Nm il p rntrtit ami futnrr; lore IroiiMc. attsrut (tit-r.ili aol biuiiiw. Yiu can hcu from Tcur tifJ twtJ. Street Railway Time Card The c.11 will leave corner of First and Washington street i follows: 7:40 a m for I-ebanon train. 5.:l5 " " Orphan's Home. 1 1 :;o " ' Js'oo.i train going north. 12:15 p m for njon train ijolng south, 1 '' Lebanon train. i."io Orphans Home, 4 ' 0:55 " " Overland train froing south, Kot Orplian" Home on Sundajr car will leave at J 30, $-:,o and 4 t,o p m The car will alto inert all Incoming tiainson the Oregon Taclilc railroad. C G IU rkhart F0RTHLLE8 sLllULl !" W1 "rSHcZ ..uU.:n Hisiiclo,.,, s-.-.r hichwillbe oldst The Lonrsl EMBALMING "d .he proper t.UK I r NO EXTRA CKRCt FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC I MEAN Will sell all crcfikerv ware and holiday gooas tu COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00. cups'and saucers 'o to 40 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. iSveryunng eise in propui nun. Call on me and you will J. NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITUREJCONSISTINO ot bed room 'set.. Ich.ir., lounges, etc., which I will sell t BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. The Oregon Vlt'n it home office al A S-A-XjIrSIM:- - - - OK,3i!C3-0. T me Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, brunch rff.ee In Portlf.nu AKES a specialty of Sur.nyside.fruit tracts near SalemJ Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment long tim? on balance pr particulars. ALBANY O JOSEPH. . UK I.E lUJtG PHOTOGRAPHER. tgon- Stationery, Toilet Artijles, Mus'ui Instruments, Etc. Hodps k Iftlai, The'Cornet Drug'.Store,". Albany ,01 notice: of final settlement -H-'OTICE IS HEREBY CIS KM THAI' llitiA. lV dtrsirnnl .amliil.tr.lnl 01 ihj cltf ..( John Cri-hsm. diwaw.l, ha. fllj.1 In Untr.VlnT final V'' : "J 'h' "iL""1,? K'"" 10..VWV : . .'-I id d.. lh...io. i..r ht.rin all .JHA ". I. i.l Sua! anxniat, r,l l,.r Hit Klllemonl "'r'J " "":i, Aticrnry i" unTir.E CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -N-OTICE 19 HEREr.T GIVEN Til T THE " r-....,.,r rlll.s ! will .'il . tu.ntol An,lr li lh. .l-e?l. In flli-.l h-r Bn with Hi cuiilT i-lrk .'I Linn (-..ttnlv. Or"n inj that lhccuntv loon ol sul Linn cuntr, na nvr,l Ihf l ltli .l.y ol Mirtn. !'. w; h -ur of Ptf iW " I'l I-rn.H.n w. .. ti.. ft.nntv er'UTX li.'UW as l: r'a''. ,,r Lrin ol . l.j ti.n. il any t. Mid onal ac- wunt and th .ttlienwni o. n iuiI IVhrtuaT Sth. lv'l II II Hrirt Js i: r; " Ally I'T L.e.nims. Thin or ray hAlr and UaM 'leau. o ilisple.slng lo irany people as matliaof age. mav be ftvcrtpil for a long time bv using Hail s Hair Kenewer. IRVING a Ask&, rlnth idordc.skelsi ... .,.- s.vinn ere ot ... ded . .peri...,. -,aBS1aasjiisT HEARSE OR SERVICtt, TEMPLE, - - OREGOI BUSINESS. not be deceived Gradwohl. Land Co i'ropi'lctoB Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen. Enlatiilnn pictures a I specialty . 16x20 crayon; trained Jim Slo.oo. We carrv'a large stock ot 5x8 and sterescop'c views of Or- FOR EXCHANGE. We haro ,"0 acres of very cboice enrlur ban land, suitnljl? for plitin, adjoining the city limits of IVrtland nbicn we nre ciFer inft at the low price of one thousand dollars per acre, Kuhject to an incumnrauce of $ It!, (XH), most all of whichjhaa two years to run. The equity of ."3,500, we wi'-l exchange for impioved farm land in the Willamette val ley. We will alsD exchange equity in anme very central prospective burineas property, paying eood rental, for unincumbered farm land. If yen ire on the trade write for full particulara in Loxu & O'RRIE, 131 31 itroet I'nrtland Oregon. rj cji.itKKr, M.Dn Phv.iclan ami Suricenn, Offce Vfatair. nrer tli. Bank ol Ort'tfon. hvudDce. cumer 10th and Clanovl. it; A HENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a X"Vay selling the greatest kitchen titer.. sl evef invented. Ketails for tlilrty-llve cents. Two to six can be sold In every house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easi'.ysnd qulcklv. San-.ple sent, postage p'repa'd for five cents. McMakin A: Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. S7K His A WKhK raid to ladies .. I sndgflnt.tosell fieK.pid uisii alier. Wa.-hes and dries) them in two minute, without wettms; th hands. o exporionee necessart: mi1 at iuht, iermncnt rrsiiion. ArJilrM W P Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Co.um tun, Ohio. rE WISH to emptor t raw pocd J n.en to Make $:.u tn f ioo a wrvk mil itia; our Home Klettrie Motor Knn ; in uiaoliine.. printing presses, r"'l, etc. Kverybody buy. them. Stea Iv em. plovment. Ksy situation anj'sv, wat-w. Addrcs. TV p Harrisin A fo C.erk Ko 14. Coiiunbti. Ohio. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES MADE 11 Y SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTE B iMIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Alliany to San Fratieisco a;--A.JII3 EETTJEN $20.90 Inc'uding FIVE Gate Tickets To the FAIR EXCPSIOfl TRIPS. From San Francisco lo oiher points in California wMl be allowed purchasers of special Midwinter Fair tickets t the f0U lowing round trjp ratfB To Btaitons under $o miles from San Francisco, one and one-third one way lare. To stations 150 miles or more from Han Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full particulars, in quire of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undeisigned. Ricyi'D Gray, T I! Goodman. Gen Traffic Man. Gen Pnsnenger Agt. San Frarciico( Ca. E P Rogers, Asst G F & P agent, Port land Or. ireTiTruTc .witii cirr.T-n. BEST JK2? SKCUtTia IHPROEMENIS, SUSPENSORY trill t:r TTIiimt MI;.sj il Writnni wililnf frc-v Qt.-risLitii'ii u) lria, uvrti? foKM.cK'! or itrlarrt(lou. an lusil phn,(iloa. rtrjlDn. loin-si. iieno't ')-bilitt, sils-t ft' Icsd- .v 1-! mu nr. r1'4uBiitlMn. klrlln i. liver ttci MnJ-kl comi 'tiltitsi, 's! tmek, lumliaifo, tci:sli. tnt-tt 111 iu-ittb, I. T '1 cl-ciri tirlt ccritn(ru "n-Jerlul liii.tirmiil ox t h ot'.fi., nu.t rlvi a curr. il tl.nt It Iniinollv felt l tin. J.irtr i,r wn rurfctt r,,lliii, nit hIII rnr. nit of tlit-g.ol fllcrui'M or tin ), Th(iuauiU .nvo tern surnl Iit U Is ..irir' ftrot.i lt tut, on uftr All oiI., r r. mr.h t f.ii.j',1. iih! t Itc htm lrtiJ- ,f t, tir.i.,i:Hli In tlti- tut.l vrrj cl!tr 1nl Our mei-ful I.M'HnUI Kl.tlllill M l'M,-,l,li V. t'.s (reM. jtt,., r,rr,nt -3 wrnli tn n ,tr.. I IK AM. fiKl.lS H :.:tl i,i .Itiori.;!- -Irrnit-- (.1 All t M till id tilt (o'.li1 1 brtk.l foriilmimiea I'nui.bltti, itt..lrJ, cl.d, f.ip. AJ lrfi fcA.3LVIE;iW ELECTILIO CO., PORT LAINO 015. DISSOLiJriOH KfTICF. aniuiiMiiip u'.ret' icre vxmtln a dom, a black-tnithing l.u.ii c- ur.dir name olC.an'.er & Rumi.iii i drcnlvKl sfy mutual co'is'nt thii day. All c'niuis ,lne the firm or twiug Ij it Ic tittlid hy the old titm at the thop on .Sccoi.d strret between l'eny and YVathingtor). Mr Cramer retires acil Mcllmmsn elllcoo-i tinne.thrrt.utiiicis. Vt,rtiary 1, 1894. CriA.MKK I'OWMAN. Ti 1J An nirrecahlo Laxative end Nr.avit Toina . 'uJ;vJruirKistsorBent by mall, lie, 600, smu tl.00pcr package. Fnmplea tree. JTt Jtn .Tr"' Ivortte TNTS ttffiSS w alw fortbeToethaadiircta,iaa. 5?Ii?L,.",S''J'y' lr'SA-.San PleiresCal! rys: "blnloUs Catarrh ltemedy Is thelrsi medlelne 1 have ever sound that would do me smygoou." Price so eta. Sold by Cruggists. r shiloh's cure; ' Trm Cheat Conon Cms jiromndy eursl yheroallpthcrafall. ForCoo.ui,ptlonltlulS Bo rival; haacured thousands, and will crsl TOD.iltai-cainUmo. frt;sa5rtuM.,ll. ELECTOBELT mi .V A-WKYB dl 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want msny mrn, wcnwi, fcorn, nnd glrlji'. work tru a fewbonM dn.ir, ri?lit in ) airy? tlu-irown hoin-t. The bu.hii'M Is Mtry, jilrBfffci strictly bozoniWc, antl psiyii better than anroil:-: oiTtre.1 ng. nt. You buve fi clear ficU nU t.f comiet::ln. Erpt-rirnce n,-Upcc.l abHlity m necessary, N capital roiii,nl. W ei)jip yt,p with eTt rvtltiiiw that yon need, treat JOB wt awi hflp rci to eira t?n Man orunary ff Women tlo at w JI as men, an1 bo- acd g'& mak gitol pay. Anyone, anyirhtre, can t)u t ' ".rlr AH auc;eel wt-.o follow onr plain and iin pl dlreai.-n.- Kirnen work will tmrcly you a crv.it d'l ot moner. F.Trytb'ng' to r v' anj in great drm.inL Write fcr on fsan.p!.' circuHr, anl rreire fiiil iL.ormntloe hnrr d m U jq toncIuJe iiw t $q m witb l! ' CEORCE STINSOKt& Ct? Box 488, PORTLAND, MAIMS: