1: a. SI!- 13; ! - 1 J!' H; iv -J I 2 i"f' 5 - It - -V "J1 - r3t POTTEliV, COLLARS AND CITFS. la the contests of tbe fifty-third congress between parties there is no sew issue to perplex the voter. ' People have struggled against their governments because govern ments have been the instruments by which taiation of the many for the few has been enforced. Monopoly, privilege and aris tocracy have not been chosen by tbe people, but have always been loa-kd upon the bouldere of the people by cunning minor ities in control of armies and laws. Democrats in congress are now fighting over the old bailie against monopoly and prerogative that the Knglisb of other genera tions fought against the Stuarts and the Georges. They contend against the squan dering of public revenues on favorites and against a trade restricted by and for special beneficiaries. It is that fact which aggravates the of fense of the senatorial combine which has on the democratic side shaken the threat of revolt in the face of the parly majority. Nothing but federalism and republicanism cculd act the part that Brice, Gorman, Camden, Smith and Hill have acted. It Is republicanism over again to make conces sions to glass, iron ore, co"ilr9 lid cuffs and poitery tiie price of senatorial voles. These gentlemen have placed a few private beneficiaries above the general pledge of the party, abovo the principle of tax reform and above the will of the majorlty'of democrats in their own sta'es. Henceforth tbe .democratic party cm owe tbemoo consideration. Henceforth they cannot justly assume to exert an influence on the course of the'party. Their view of the tariff is the republican view. The Wilson bill has been doctored by these senators. If they bad wrought their entire will it would have corns from the committee just as bad as to the schedules in which they were interested as any re publican bill. The purity of democratic principle and the integrity of democratic policy must be preserved by the West and South or must fail altogether. Tbe past month has put beyond a com promlsejthe nomination of a Western nun in 180C. West and south control the dem ocratic caucus and must control the demo cratic patronage and veto. The party can not fulfill the expectations of the people unless tbe real; democrats formulate and control the important measures of the party policy. II II 1IEKMANVS I'AMl'AIUK. As Hermann Is booming himself fur con gross nnd sending men all over the district, begging for hit nomination, and endeavor ing to set up county conventions in tils in terest, the following letter written by hlra to It B Miller, four years ago, shows how honorably he kept his promise, an! Iiow much his wird Is worth. COMMITTEE ON INDIAN DEI-UK-DATION CLAIMS. House of Renresentutivts U S: Washington D C. March std I'iSoo. Hon II 1) Miller, My esteemed File-nd: Your kind and welcome favor is just at hand, I be to express to you my earnest appeciation for the generous words you rile as to my prubahle lenomlnation. I need not conceal from you mv great t'esire to he honored once again with the voleoljosepbine County in State convention. Should I he honored with another term. I shall step down and out and give way, I hope, to some Mend, earnest and energetic as yourself. Sincere ly yours, - Uixct'K IIkrmann Don't the people of Orcgcn want a change? ! they think a man occupying he pohltton tlmt Mr Hermann docs, who will deliberately hctrny tits wiltten contrail and agreement, and rcupdiatc his most sol emn promi'e, u a lit man to represent them in congre-s? Koseburg Review. When a man who has left the demo cratic party and juitted the populUU offers us n reason for his course that he is still a democrat in prituip'e, nnd that ho still stands on the platform of democratic prin ciples, let him tie asked when was it that the subireamiry scheme now advocated by populists was a part of tho democratic creed ? Pr when was it that it was demo cratic doctrine to iue millions upon mill ions of fiat pa vr money to loan to men who have landed csta'es? When was it tlemocralie diictrine that the government should issue fiat paper mciiey !o buy the railroads, telegraphic nnd telephone line of the country V l'tidge: Any man who half way understands lumselt would know at the very suggestion that no uch schemes cculd ever find a place In a democratic platform. 'I he leader of the April Forum will be a candid, and Impartial, though frank ncd sharp, review of the first year of Mr Cleve land's Administration, and of Democrat!0 control of the Government. The writer iinonymou, but is so platnspoken that the article will doubtless provoke widespread discussion and comment. tlrrur? c? xi.t.imeril for t i.tarrli that ci1," i 1 HVrrurj, I. r , '". s v d tr.-v i,ne p , , w. t!-." wli.c,,. syHtcin ' th.Vl.l.'.l tllv' UHlliMlS Rtirfii.vt. . Iji Pi vi he used -.-, jt on -. ! ; l.liy.i, .!.!:., gAtlie I i ; r. f. ;.! 1 th no.! Ten Uti I 111:. .1 m t n --t' . - n r , ir. -;i r!i.m. II..,, 'i, (Ml.irtli ,'iir., l-..:il,ufv Inn d !'V K. .1 . In lo'V Ai t 'fill, !, (I. . cc 'i'n ns in' nu ri iiri . anil is tjikt a inli rmillr, si t'liff iliro, t!y ti'ill 111, t'it,il at,d ni'IC'tiis -iirtst cscf 1 ,i -t mi. Ill lil viok 11:1' I 's I'jl.irrh 'lire ie siit mi rr-'t the s rrn ino. It is tnki n itjl' rtiitl'r :.iii! It n Me In T-'i ti, Ohio, rv I'. .1,1 i!,'l,t A I '-.. '!', .KmoiiilN tre.'. 4tjr Boid by irujlsts. rmis 1. Jir bvttt;. KREEUOM Of TR.VUE A KIQUT. Unwittingly the New York Ttlbune has started out among tesdi.ig votes a free trade message from Benjamin Franklin which, lile each of I'oor Kichsrd's proverbs, is better than a sermon. The Tribune named Franklin in its list of protectionist!, Horace Kenney of Ameri can Industries immediately pointed to Franklin's pamphlet on trs'e, and to one of his letters, written in 1787, in which the sage said: "Freedom of commerce Is the right of ail manktned" t-othe Tribune has fired a shot which strikes protection in a vital spot on the re bound. Freedom of commerce Is a right. It is a possession of the citizen, born with him, and not to be taken away without his consent. Oaly by a subterfuge has the right been taken away. Only by calling the bills revenue measures have the prottc ion- Ists ever brought their schemes within the permission of the Constitution. The Tribune has helped to brush away the cobwebs. When tbe peopl: understand tbat freedom o buy and sell is not only a profit, but a light, Ue tberight to select an employment and seek a home, they will feel the Indignity put upon them by legislators who become the agents of monopoly Inter ests seeking to restrict and control trade I.OCIIKPN AMI) IllS CRITICS . Pension Commissioner Lochrca has once more unhorsed the rattle-pated demagogue from Massachusetts. His replies to his critics are always skilful and convincing, while they often place his assailant in the embarraselngtpositlon that come from be ing exposed In falsehood. Judge Lochren, however, Is not called upon to make these replies. He should not permit himself to be placsd on the do fense. His record is known, and It Is worthy of respect and'even of admiration. The countryknows that he ia devoting his ttrne, his energies, and his abilities to its ser vice. Ills assailants are either pension harks or demagogues who seek the votes of the fraud! who are robbing the soldier whom Commissioner Lochren is protecting, or of the thoughtless whom they can dupe- It the Commissioner attends to his task of weeding out of the pension list the kind of mon whom Congressman Morso, of Mas sachusetts, champions, he will grow in pop ularity with toe veterans who want their pension-roll to be a real roll of honor. VTKTII COFISlDERIXa Will Si Stark, IK leweler- If yon want a fine smoke call for Joseph.s white labor oigara, The bestjroast oofloe in the mty at Com ad rtfuyer Hodges & Mef'anana, :h leading drufc tore, Albany, d. Will & Stark's large line of stiver war has created a great deal of talk. JV.ronize home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by lu'ius Joreph. See the New Improved Singer sewing m chine. The belt is always the chpopest. W Sawdcn, agent , OlIicatKM French ewelry storo J13 OIH B the hills." and never cxcell ctl. " Trial anil proven" in tho verdict o f million?. Simmotu Liver llogu l.vtor is th 'only Liver anl Kidury lncilieino to which you can i!;i your (With for a euro. A mi Kl Lan tivc, n n il I'Uivlv vci; ct.iblc, act in;; ilh'iviiy on tho Liver y 11 d Kiii- ban Pills iioy.-s. Try it. Soil ly nil Pi iic-t-ists in Liijttiiljorin ro'wilov t' 1 e t;.l; n ,lry urmnJo inton tc.v. The King f .rrr Mc.llt Inrs. "I ici' it-i'd v.nirsiriirii.'tisl.lvcr It, '-tt-lulu-mi l en -ci,'titi,niiv ,v It iMthe Kllitnf li,T liictii in, I ,-,,111,1, .r I) u Jiltllicni'i-lli'-l 111 llM'If. ciKm S". JACH' eo-(, i'atimia, Vusliiu,;tt,ii. i-KVr.ItS PACKAOi;- Hie B 8tm- In Kd at Wrnpia, u. 11. hvuk. w. H.mNmxcER. n.11. jamf.i ALBANY FORNIW CO., INCOPORATBTJ fialtiinore r.Iwk. . . Albany, Ore. Furniture coui'!i't.'liin of UMEKTAKISG in nil iU lT.imli,s, EMBALMING niaiiy. Ciim i.cc u ri tr ;'ril bJ CaLipooU AV3TITIV1.S11.-A Bettet HIGH LIVING, if you keep at it, is apt to tell upon the liver. The things to prevent this are Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Take one of these little Pellets for a correc tive or gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic. They're the smallest, easiest to take, pleasantest and most natural in the way they act. They do permanent good. Constipation, Indigestion. Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Head ache, and all derangements of tne liver, stomach, and bowels, are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or your money is returned. The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, So certain is it that its mak- ers offer $500 reward for an incurable case. Star Bakerj rorRroadsslbln and Firm HI CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, sued Frails, Cannes Men' . V.tusjstare,' Queens wart "rled Fruit. Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars NfiKar, Npices, t'oflec. Tea, Et Cte., tac ver)-thia; that is kept in a grener virility and pocery storo, llighest markot price paid for KINDS OP PRODUCE WANTED At the store formerly" owned Allen Bros.. BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash pnw 0 F RAMP ! WaliVPaper, Jrii(jt-i, JLaint, OUn 1 , ICtc .1. A. Ciiiiiining ALBIKY, CEEGO I)r II E nccrs. Or O K Bcc Physician sand burgeons Special ottcntitn given to diseases o women, lion's 10 to 1 2 A M, 1 to 4 and 7 10 S P M. Olllccs and residence Hlum- bcri! Hulldlng, First Street, between Lvon and Klswcrtli, rn. Dr. l nMemcu-W nllnr Tb N-IM CUInoTatit rrl Life UrtsttT. Ifl now heir, nil ran f-unl at her riiMiVm-, ve -t Ami u l.mkMli . Mie iciu alosiit all nMwtn. rag rrcwnt ainl fiitarr; love tnQtU, alciit (t.lti'ajil DUinjf. lou otn hear Ironi four tltad iteLJl. Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of First anJ asiilr gton treet I followr : 7:40 a m for i-euanon train, S:U " " Orphan' Home. 11:5a " ' iSoo.i train poni north. u:i5 p m for n.xin train truing ; south, 1 ' ' Lebanon train. 1.30 " 'Jipl'-ins Home, i 0:55 ' ' Overland train froing south. Kot Orphan' Home on Sunday car will It'-ive at 2 : j 3 :,i j and 4 .30 p m The car will also meet all Incoming 'rainion Hie Oregon Vacirlc railroad. C G HlRKHART FOMILLER S IRVING Undertakers nnd - Embnliiiers. r c TV KJ, EP crnslntl5 on hand a full line of metallc, cloth and wood caskets u W coffin. AUo buii?rob.s and suits, in hrc.dclolh. ...ir.,c,l nr,..r which will be old at Tbe Lowest Using Profit. EMBALMING nd the p"percre ' lhe de,d ,rtclaltJ'- NO EXTRA CKARCt FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crcckerv ware and holiday goods al COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00. cupsnd Eaucers 'o to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. 'Everything else ia proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl, NEW : FURNITURE, M Y STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST of bed room'sets. chsirs, lounges, etc., BOTTOM The Oregon JLand Co Vltn its home office al SA.0.E3n- - - - OE.liiC-0. T uie Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch effice In PorUano 'C M"A.KES a specialty of Sunnyside'ruit tracts near Salem, "JL Will sell 5, 10 or 20 ere small cash payment or particulas. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSKIPII, , (7?) . I.K lIS rifOTOGUAPIIEUS, Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, Masioi Instruments, Etc. Hodps k McFailai, The" Cornet Drugstore,". Aib.my,Qt NOTICE! OF FINAL SETTLEMENT -vroncE is 11F.RBBY r.ivrx that the t x. . . ."Ui. .r."T'k.. i..i il muntr t)r bcr nl Monnt n.l that Hi. I court has . . is ..i.i.,t.nr.si If .nr. tt uul DiiAl ssii?ount mt!orthe stttlf me nt ot ! .id . Atumr 1 Admx. Atlnnnisftatrl NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. TVTOTICE IS IIKRKBT CIIVF.S THAT THE fS Pi dtmikiicd Exriiltor t lhe l 'i I t,' mnt M An,lr, It ,l,l. Jf.'i'J. ''V1 !"r "I .unt in th elte of Aii.lrtw KM'. dmSKj llh the cuntT iltrk ol I-inn r..in.ly. Ore-fn tndthat Iheciiunty cvurt ol i I tann cjnMr, Mi ,i th. vnh .iy il , h..ur ot IntiVlock In th. !-. "I tal.l lv, siiA th. cnittT court h..ii ti e Pl--. , ' .. . v-.pin of .,t.iti, i IfatiT I- fMd flntl t- eoam sflil lli tettlmnl ot il ot.tt. Pated r.hroaal S.h, n 11 ll,m J, mi R tt. n. Altj l-T twtulfii. Thin ur unv hair srul b.llJ ti'au. o (llpletlni! to mnr pocple s rr.atk.ot age, tnav be nvertrd lor a long time bv ui:ig Hill's nir"Renewer. HEARSE OR SERVICER TEMPLE, - - OREGO, - CLASS FURKli'URE.tCONSISTINO which I will sell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. acre lots at $50 to ?6Q per long timo on .balance Cabinet photos from $1.50104.00 per dozen. EnlatuinK pictures a )1 specialty . irx3o crayon: framed ot sxS and fc'.ercscopln views ot Or egon. FOR EXCHANGE. We have ."0 acres if vtry choice surLur- unn land, suital le for pUtinr, ad j lining the city limits of TurtlaDil which we are offer ing at the low pr.'co of one thousind (InDnra per acre, subject to an inciimnraqce of $1':,- (KH). modt all of whielilhaa two years to run, lhe equity of VX), we will exchange for improved farm land in the Vt ilUmette val ley . ve will also exchange equity in some very central prospective butinesa property, laying good rental, for unincumbered farm and. If you re on the trade write for full particulars tn Loni it Ci'RRiK, 31 3i street t'ortland Oregon. c,)iAt Hi:r, n.n., Physician sml Surgeon, Office Vpsialrs nrcr Uie Uank ot ilr, win. Uciiil;iire. comer lOlh snd CalirooU St. A RENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS .-, dar selling the greatest kitchen uten sil ever Invented. Retails fer thirty-rlve cents. Two to six can be sold In everjr house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easily and qulcklv. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakis & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. CTfl IH1 A wH,-rv paid to latiie. F4 tl'XrVt snd Knt to sell t'te Rapid ulsii aalior. W!hps and dries th.m In two mintilea without welting th. hands. No experience necessary : kpiI nt iiht, reniKiicTit rrsition. AdiliM W V Harrison A Lo., Clerk N"o. 14, Co.uin ros, ubio. 1 1 Th ISH to HtnploT P frw ood 1 n.en to nalte f :.o to fioo a wntk soli, inn our Uome Klwtric Motor ltun .w. ins mae!iins. priming pressed, pu.iip, etc. Evers-body buys them, Stea ly em! plovment. Ksy nit nation ant ka wae,-. Address W P Harris-.n Jt Co Clerk So 14. Columbm, Ohio. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES MADE l!Y SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR RODMD TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Francisco a JSVTD BETTJEN $,2G,90 Inciuding FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAIR EXCUBSIOS TRIPS. From San Kranc.Bco lo other points In jalifomia will be allowed purchaser! of special Midwinter Fair ticket" at the fol lowthg round trip rateg To stations under 150 miles from San Francisco, one and one-third one way fare. To stations 150 miles or more from Han Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full particulars, in quire of C K Fronk, Agent at Albany, Or, or address the undesigned. Ricii'd Gray, T II Goodman. Gen Traffic Man. Gen Passenger Agt. San Frarrisco. Cal. E P Rogers, Asm G F & 1 agent, port land Or. BEST WACHETI3 IMPROVEMENTS, Jg? SUSPENSORV Will cure Wl'Iioot Mi!lfit'ifl all Hlw nn1f!ni trti on rtantl.in o I ri, inrr frfe,ciipnf ( ot (D-'ifrrtlcn, ! ii'tu; el.i-tnl.iHD. iT fi.lOs. lusti-a, litf.nn rJt-ti.litT, 1f. f,. It-ioii", Imsiur, 1 1 eiirn:.tf-m. fclrltip, liter aai Mnddtr foCicUlcli. .j- hficli. luml.iFo. ari:L'i, itfDtral ill lirilth, tl?, T !i'i:p L"it eoiitilix V7iiiIi rial irai n.iraiault n r ail -ilhcrt, itttj (fivoti n nir,vutlUI U latUntlr Itlt tir Hit Kfirtr or rr forfi-lt io.lltil). ar.-l will Cnn alt of IFrV'.otl rly,.- cr n TLt.'Ku.i.U '.tivo tiern curpj hj tl tt .jir- rt..t.rl. utiil rr.t.tw..n tff7r- .1 mr.ii,m n: t n it ai.i. hki.i'h iifai'ii n:i.i vnuroui trr-tmt'-.t.t 4HN i kkMinGtitobil Itttt. Keuil for HLuitia:;.l I'anii lilut. n.aileJ, Maitd, frtft i I !ru IJL1ICTKIO CO., g'-'- . PORTLAND. 0DE. cissoiuncH KrncE, Tire prtnrnhip hreMoro ctihtlri a. doin, a liUckj-inTtiiing hufineH under . name ofC.amcr fe Uo vmnn in ilialvni ? mutual coofnt Miin day. Al! claims Ouo the firm or nwini; ly it will l e sttthd by tno uiu nrni a: tuo shop on Second strpot between F,,rrv iind WBtI.ii...tn Ufr Cramer retire ai.d Mr IVvtrnn nil! con- tin.l(ri,uiitier!, t.Vliruary lf 1S'.)4, CkamkrA: Howman. aKQar, An airrcettble Laxative and Kebti ToNirt i'Si?.1!'''11'1'1"3 or wt by mail. 20.,(W finCI tl-OOpcr packngo. Pnmples free, ITft Wni The Tavorlto tTB MOTH JKaVV iortbo'i'ccthaadiircath,si9 -F?rS:,.'?,S?:'jn PlW.Cai" ,t,?,!Ji-ll.".oh Catarrh Jlemctly Is thij first xnetliflne I have ever an mid that would do rfib oysood." 1'ricofOcts. SoldbyCruggittl, tm SHILOH'S cure: LJ 5R,!.AT Cpvanjymt pronptlyetrsl yhcroallotliers fail. For Consumption It has 5'V1; has cured thcu-aocla, ami will crna sorj.lf taken Is Umo. frlUcti.9cUtl.0 5 DOLLARS to ppp rAV Easily Made. VTe want many ran, w. mn, br.TH, and plrli,)'' work ros a fewliours d.1Uy, rjvlit innndftPS' ttit-irown hoiae. Tho tunv'.s raty.iln't' strirtlyhotirablc, nnj pays Itotlt-r tlina aryoi!i-T oilVreJ ntrcntri. You have i clr.ir UciJ a"t.J " comiw i.'.ion. ETFtt-rimce u-l fccfal attlity m nci-Mry. Xo cspltal r-iuim1. We eqrlp wi:h evrrtliiiic that too need, Wat yon ami Mp yea to earn trn tiov erwtafy w.ifc Women ilo ai will a men, airf boyt and git m:ike gon, ps.y. Any on, anywhwe. ean do t -rk. A 11 aucza tl wl-.o foUmr our nlala and in I'le direjtion. irnfrt nor will nrtlf tli? TH a pivat dfii ct runner. Kverythn(j H w-v ami in great drmauJ. Write for our iBmr?.V rireular, and irrpivr fult iLVurmatloc rn ELEOIp0 BELT W HSU. FOB A C&M- it WILL-fJOT-cun. SU dn if jq9 toDclude no t o a Vitb tl ' Georce Stinsom&Co Box 453, PORTLAND, MA!ME