Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 26, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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mi oc rat
NO 273
a M sBBBBasaaaaaai
I ' . 1 '" ' 1 a. -ii.i -" 1
A Little Daughter
Of a C'liiircli of KiiKlund minister
curcil of ii distressing rath, liy
.Iyer's Sarsiiparilhi. Mr. Itic-n ai:i
linn;!, the well-known DniKRist, 2u7
.Urtiill st.. Montreal, P. ., says:
I have solil Ayer'a Family MiMliHnes
or 40 years, and havi- liearil nolliin but
good said of tliew. I know of niauy
Wonderful Cures
performed by Aycr's Sursaparilla, one
hi particular buing- that of a lit Mo
daughter of a Chureh of Knplund minis
ter. The cliilil was literally cov.?re.l
from head to foot with n red nnd ex
ceedingly troublesome rash, from which
she Had suffered for two or three yours,
in spire of the best medical treatment
available. 3 1 ex father was in great
distress about tlio ease, ami, at my
retoiumcmlation, nt last began to ad
minister Aycr's Siirsnparilln, two bot
tles of which effected a complete cure,
much to her relief and her father's
. delight. I am sure, were he here to-day,
ho would testify in the strongest terms
as to the merits ot
Aycr's Sarsaparilla
Prepared byPr.tJ.C. Ayrr. o , Lowell, Mars.
Paires others, vill cu re you
! Cnveitt!i. and Trade-Marks obtained, nn-i all Fat-1
jentbusmefis conducted inr Moc:ratc Ftca. v
5O0B ornccis OPPoaiTt u. 8. patent OFrctf
J and we can secure patent in less time uiau IDCrseS
i remote from Washington. ... 4
i Send model, drawing or- photo., witlr descrlp-
Jtlon. We advise, if patentable or not. Iree olS
Scbare. Our lee not due till paten: is secured. I
A Pamphlet, "Flow to Obtain Patents," with f
I cost of or ate in the U. S. and foreign countries S
sent tree. Address,
opp. Patcnt Oftcc, washinoton. IV- C i
Trir tlt Shoe
for the Laum lioney.
This is the BiB
W. L. DOUGLAS Slices ere ttvllfh, easy filtins, nnd give better
ttlisfacllop at tlie prices advertised than aav other make. Try one pair and be cir.
vinccd. 'i'he stamping of W. L. J)oii!'!iu' name nnd price on the bottom, which
Ruarnnbrcs their value, saves thotisand.-i ot d;!tars am. cally to those who vcar tl:c-..
Dealcrt w ho push the sale of V. L. To:: . Shoes pain customers, wMch helps tc
Increase tlie rr.les on their fill' line cf . r'-? n?i -- 1 f r-'lnt n ls rpu'
nil w l-!:v sne nrtTi-.T J r- (". -r- - ir-l,r.
ttseil ImIovv. r tjff-o t--j '-icu
. .'ebyti.e i. E 13 LA IT'.
for Infants
" C astm la Is so wc'.l tuLir'-" ' 'Trri t''t
IrrwTi.nii'ni'. 1: nasirxTrinrtoaiy prscrlpti a
tnonn :.- r-.i" TL A. Aacana. rL I'..
11: T-o. CorJ L't, trool:!;.-. !r. V.
"T!:.. - . f Ci'-.or'.i !.:-. f-v-r.-.: '
'i r it : ; .i Ktll Lti"wn t't i: :.-rii n w :
't rir n-.-r.-.-tiOTI t'l tnl'TI'. 1".'V." ! ?:. l':C
ai-fi.t Iat'1;i.'S vio '-J n t l:.f;. :
llli:a i .i j-r. -h."
C ..-03 "JLT.-T-:. P. I1..
Botli tlio method nnd results Then
Syrup of Figa is taken; it is plcgsnut
aud refreshing to the tato, nut acts
frenlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver mid Bowels, cleavses the sys
tem oflectua'ly, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers find cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Fie is the
only remedy or its kind ever pre
duced, pleasing to liie tasto and ac
ceptable to tbo stoinacli, prompt In
iU action nnd truly beneficial m its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and liavo rnaJi it the most
popular remedy known.
rSvrun of Fica is fcr ealo iu 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist jriio
may not bave it on band trill pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wisues 10 try it. uo not. accept any
Uuisvill', nr. ' tour. w.r.
. I Kril'KI'i' itUi'i:!r'lv
-:- DKAI.K., IS -
Harness -and -Saddler j
Display 1?? in the Dqoi
84 and S3.50 Dress Shoe.
S3.50 Police Shoe, 3 ole
S2.E0, S2 for Workingmel
S2 and SI.75 for Boys.
S3, 82.50 $2, $1.71
CAUTION If -any dwile
oflVrtt you W. L. UoorIhw
Bttaew a m ronurod prit-t.
tr unypj no nisiuem win
out tno nnnie inmpcii
on mo Doiiom, put turn
uowu m a zrmnu-
w. :t . -'
and Children.
Castorla curvs Coll:, Constipation,
Jloiu Btnrmvrli. PlarTliaft, Eructation,
Kills Worms circs sleep, r-id promotes dlr
Vltliout iajurlou-i medication.
"TVr (vrr.l yenm I hare recommend'
yoi:r 'CatorLk' and s'.iall always continue it
do a It b23 invariaWy rmluccl boncflcia,
rmnsi F. PAnrir-r, 5t. P..
k 11" :h Ftn-et and "ti Av- New Vort City
.-..-r ',- rtvr.-.'T PrncLT, Zzf Yoke Crrr.
Tlie county convention of the demo-
cratic party ol Linn countv, Oregon.
will be lield at the Court House in Al
bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, 18'J4,
at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates
lor county omcers ; to elect delegates to
the democratic state convention, and to
transact such other business as may
"uk"nj uciura me convention,
'rlmarv meeting will tu l.ol.l
usual place of voting in the asveral vot
ing precincts 01 said county on Saturday,
March 31st, 1SII4, at two o'clock p in. liy
a unanimous vote of tlio countyrentral
committee it was recommended that the
viva voce system o! votinu;be adopted by
the next convention so far as it may ap
ply to the nomination of candidates.
The several nreeincta arn putitlod in
delegates as follows :
Albany o
Center 3
I'ran (ordsville 4
Kas' Albany fj
Franklin liutlo 4
fox alley 2
Ila'sey 7
Jordan 3
North l!rovnvil!e , ....5
North Ilurrisburg Ii
North Lebanon (!
Orleans 2
Price 7
Hock Creek 3
Santium 5
Podaville :. . .
South Hrownsvil'e..,
South Harrisburg
South Lebanon
Sweet Home
Waterloo - 3
West Albany C
Total 123
All voters in Baid Linn county with
out .egard to former political affiliations
who favor an honest economical, admin
istration of county, state and national
governments, so ns to conserve the in
terests of the masFcs na neaingt trusts
and monopolies, are cordially Invited to
join in talang part 111 tnee conventions.
Uko W Wicuuii", Makt Mii.i.kk.
secretary. Ciiainnaii 1'ro leni.
When Eaby was slclr, wa gave her Castcr'a,
Vhcn sho was a Cbllu she cried for Costorla.
When alio became Mb, she cluns to CostorC
When she had Children, shegavo tbem Castoria
Xtw Ll'sinti: Yarii. The undersigned
ia prepared to buppIv all customers with
all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar
posts, Hour and feed on tue most favor
able terms.
F G Power Shedd.
There is no claim made lor arer'i
Sarsaparilla which cannot be endorsed by
scores of testimonials. This fact plainly
proves that the bliod is the source of most
disorders and that Aycr's Sarsapaiilla Is
tlie best of blood puriliers. Try It this
Bv using Hall's Hair Renewef, gray,
faded or dUcolored hair assumes the natu-
ra1 color of vouth. and glows luxuriant
and strong, pleating everyoooy.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Goldei."
Common every day.
Dr. Price' Cream Powdsr
Mont, Perfect Made.
The Itesl nfltra.nna.
The reason why Al'cock's Porong Tlas
tcra are popular Is that thry may be relied
on to cure.
I. Lame brck, rctatica, sttnnss or
twitching of the muscles.
3. Chest troubles, such a pl?ti':- . pneu
monia, const mptlori.
3. Indigestitin, dyspepsio, .lness,
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's l'or.ius I'lnstT has
been so greot that multitudes of initatlons
have sprung tip on every hrnd. The only
sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock's
foroui rlastera.
Brandreth's Pills Imp'ove the digestion.
Portland, Scramento. Ios Angeles
Stocaton and Salem have the same insur
ance rates. Albany, Or, Butte and Helena.
Montana. Salt Lake CUy. lacuna, and
Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have
the same rales
hi.lloh'a t'nie, tn urat eoauh and crou
ar-, ii for ssle by a, l ocker, size contain
rit.'-h '1' y 2.10. Children lTe it
fiihav ft Alaanu.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair H If best Medai and Dlylom
..ihans flATliet.
to Iff. ltoiioir.
i t i t"
. '. app -
V( f nu f. '
og4 drfiiieJ.5i3
The Mnrck liesaD.
Cxton, 0, March 25. In the face of a
sharp, cold wind, that brought shivers to
the frames of ill-clad peop' j, t'oxey'a army
marched eight miles today on the road to
Washington. There were a few less than
1(K) of them. Kot to esceed n dozen had
overcoats or gloves. They had slept last
nightron pullets of straw In the airy and
chcenjes:i circus tent, and ttey were greeted
this aorning by the disagreeable discovery
that 4a definite arrangements had beeu
niacliifor feeding them.
1 From llarfo I'lraaure.
KiBde Jankiuo, March 2S. Affairs
heroine rapidly resuming their normal
aspecl, and aside from the damage to the
forts ind along the water-front by the fir
ing at the Insurgent, warships, all traces
of warfare bave disappeaied. The past
wcekjias been one of continual festivity,
markid by the constant firing of salute
and tio holding of reviews. The usual re
ligioife processions were held, and the
church tervices were very largely attended
J A Uood Lesson.
llAr I.ETON. Pa. March 2,1. Xnt onn of
the 'Jixl men whom Astor Kvans claimeil
to haji' enrolled in the commonweal army
respoliled today. John Hammond, the
colorekl recruit who arrived yesterday and
was arres'ett tor vagrancy, was sent to the
bospifal today. I lis feet, which have bn
froz-orj. aro decayed for want of medical
attention nnd the whole of one foot nnd
the toes of the other will have to be am
putated. He has furnished a wholesome
lessor! for the followers who micht have
attenaited the march.
!Tlie anurelilhls
rex, March 2.J. The Iloston anar-
cli'stslheld a field day with Johann Most as
duet (marshal. Most was greeted with
tumultuous applause, nnd his rabid re
mark! found favor, if judged by the
amount of applause he received frm the
(WO people present. He maintained that a
social revoiutun was bound to come; tuat
when the tune was ripe it would not break
out in isolated spots, but would be a uni
versal outbreak;.
lr Vanderpoul Irrail
Tbb Dai.i.f.s, Or, March 23. Word has
jusi arr veil here thai l)r W L W ietpjol,
ot 1 ufu-. died last evening. He whs the
propr.etO" ot the patent medicine factory
tittiahd a1, tbat place, and had also gained
a considerable local rcputa'ion as a cancer
f A Tertible F.xpcrlcare
St .ions's, N F. March 25. A larce
body .f ice was driven otf from here last
nigliMcarrying witli it a party ot oU men
whstseo killing eal. It is feared -many
have perished. Two dead bodies have
been brought ashore, and steamers are
searching for the rest of the party.
the ii ii:n way
Commend itoelf to the well formed, to do
p'eaAantly and effectual'y what was fosm
er'y done in the crudest manner and dis
agreeably as well. To cleanse the system
and break t'p colds, headaches and fevers
without unpleasant after efTtfcts, use the
deiightfui HquiU laxatH'e rcmedv, Kvrup of
Figs. ' '
Untied s'a;e Ld OSi:c Oregon City
Oregon, March ioth, I94,
iuiilc in ncrcuy cu i.iai mr Hiiiuvcu,
V- ,t i 1. 1 ... .,. ii.. .
plat of survey ol township, 13 south, 1
range 10 wes, has been received from
the surveyor general of Oregon, and on
April 23. 1894, at 3 o'clock a m of said
dav said plat will be filed In lii rfflcc
and the land therein embrartd will be
subject to entry on and after said date.
R-jbert A Miller Peter IqufcT.
Register. Receiver.
Thnrei'lprroitiii'i Paper will ho pleased to
ifjrn that theru in ;it l.'j l ony dn-adfil (Jil-uho science i".3 been uhle to C:no in all iU
s'.utt'S, end th;it h t'u nrili. l!ul'a Catarrri
Cnn'is!ieo:5!ypo-.itivcci;n:hnowii tuth-'iiiftt-ical'. Caturrn rw-irir a mnstiti;tionrtl
disease. rj)i:ircs a io!.'iiut:oual ti. jtnuttt.
Ii all's Catarrii Cure it Cukcn inter-ully, actinc
ilirectly upon iiie (icr.t! and ir.ncont. norraWs of
the sjstei, thcn-liy riflroylng the fiiumlaticti
of the disease, and Rivine the patient rttr.-ttcth
by building up ttio ctjintit;iticn nnd a?Aio:intc
Dtitnre in doinc it, wnrk. The proprietors have
so much faith in its cuntlvo iKwer, that tlu-y
offer One Hun. !rd Dollflm for any case trails
fails to cure, bead for lint of testfmonlul.
idross, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a
y Bo. v Rrajr?: -
A I.IU1 fcnj'ijv
T'tf p i'it fliviir. gentle ucti'Mi anu
soothing etlict o SyruintFisfs whrrn in
nee1 of a .a native, nd If the f.t'hcr or
mother he cotlve or bihuu. the n.ot
gratifying results follow its me; o that it
Is the best family temedv known anil
every family should f.vp a bottle.
The wav t.od It Is t tak-i yojr wash
ing to the Chinamen. Ifyoj want you
urk well d m a. Hvln prlc;s take it
Richard V i t1pM Steam Liu ndr
Th-y kno-.y how without .banking the
rounds pr'e.
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
The only l'urc Cream uf Tartar P-iwiU r. No Ai:i;nonia; No A'.utd.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
It:rim R41I1- l ltltlAlCY t.lF.ITIOX
Xotit-e Is hereby given that on the 31st
day of March, lSi4. between tlio hours
o( 1 o'clock p m and 7 o'clock p m, of
paid day, a primary election will be held
in Weet AHratiy, Albany, and East Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose ot electing ueiegates totne Dem
ocratic County convention, to be held at
Atbany.urejion, April 4, iei4. me poll
ing place in West Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
house in said Went Albany precinct and
G V Cline, J P (ialraith.and Wm Ram-
.munh are the indues ot such election.
The polling place in Albany precint will
dc tue treasurers omceat tue court nouse
in said Albany precinct and the judgea
nf such election will be Mose Sternbure.
Oliver Uuahnell and L H Montanye. The
polling place in East Albany precinct
will be At the oflice of the Farmer.? ware
house in Baid East Albany precinct and
k. it mirk hart, i v 1'icney ana John
Isom Sr will be the judges of such elec
tion. The number c delegates to be
elected At such primary election is as
follows: In West Albany precinct 0, in
Albany precinct 1, and in Kast Albany
precinct ti,
)ated the 22nd day of March, IS'.U. .
Makt Miller.
Ciko. W. Wriuiit, Chairman Derao-'
Secretary. cratic County Central
iieoiiihitiu.h iiirTv roi tx
The County Convention of the Prohi
bition party for Linn county will convene
at the Court House on Saturday, April
14th. 1S94, at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur
pose of nominating a county ticket and
transaction of Vuch other business as may
properly be brought before the convention.
All prohibitionists of Mnn county who
voted the prohibition party ticket In 1S92
and who intend t support the same in
thenulrg election nil) be- entitled to
seats as delegates In the convention.
Every prohibitionist In Linn county is
earnestly and cordially invited to attend.
T P Hackleman. chairman of Linn
County Central Committee.
Pome people begrudge the little money
that an Allcock's Pori:s Plas'er costi, at d
then when they pre racked with pain from
the soreness arising from cold, they will
spend any aiuouutcf money to relieve the
pain, if they only had one of these wrrld
renowned oldstrri on hand ihev would be
. . ... . . ,
, "J" ., " J." , " .
stlffnesi of the jolntt applv one af these
plasters witt.out nnv de'av. The soreness
will be greatly r-Ht:vid at once and soon
-disappear entirely. It will Le money
saved to have them on hand, to nn not ti
lt, g of the citnf jrt thev bring . ,
1.n't Sw'Rjii. Of course vcu fee
'ike 1' some times ; hut there Is re thing In
it. Nimplv ta- i a leson( and the next
tin e go to Par er ltros for your erocer
l?. pro-Uice an baked gools N one
evtrr tjiculflfes pitifancly after leading
their store, fur rot onlv re the best kio
cetlei In the market tad; but evervb,,iv
from a child to in t!d gentleman, I treat
ed courteously. Tl.elr baked goud-. In n
large varietv, are Mtprr-or and popular.
If you wnnld Ve.'p In tood humor wiih
be world atwatstry Parker ltros.
For all derangements of the and
lun;. Ayeif Cli r.ry Pectoral In Ihe upee.i
tettsni tiiot reliable remed.'. F.ven in
Oie ndvnnced stages of Consumption, this
wonderful prepsiuilon atford great relief,
checkii coughli, and Induces sleep.
To preserve c i
long a vplhle. '
hair ehould retal"
H'renit, There
sC'jiilve as
ouUiful appearat ce as
in lni!isprnrvable that 1 1 e
ls natural co or jrd
no preparation 10
Acre's flair v ir
pievr-ntn ba!d
i, and keep the ca p
clean, cool, and i ilthv.
- - -
Shi'oh' ViU"i :i ya n.-ni dr
dy4ttii, tc-ptif 1 fi'r, yellow skin o' ktl
nny trcia't'!. It iar4nteed to giv yrn
i'ti .U:'t'n. Priti 75j. Siidjhy Frubay &
Paitcer lUos, grocers.
F M. French koupiirilroad time
Buy your groceries of Parker Broi
Fiae gro3frie at Coun'a.
New eream eheoae just teooived at Conra.l
P J Smiley job printer, Fliao Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the celob rated Havana tilled 5 ceot
cigar at JuliutrJoioph's,
Dr M H Elli, uhysienn and aureoo
Albany, Oraj:n, Cills inab hi oit;or
In tha Earin Days
cf cod-liver
oil its use Kf- "' .
was limited "ifc
to carfing-Jg3
those far --- (
advanced in consumption.
Science soon discovered in
it .the prevention and cure of
cf cod-liver oil with Ilypo
f hosphites of lime and soda
I; :; rendered the oil more
cii'cclive, easy of digestion
and pleasant to the taste. v
lV.-.ur.-4 by Ri-nit ' tWnw. N. V. All dnirxi'ta.
J I mi Evangelist.
Of, Iowa, rritKi uoder'date of
' JMarch 23, 1893:
3. B.
Med. Mm Co.,
DuTnr, Oregon
Oo arriving hotna last week, 1 found ajt
well and atnitiUfly a vaiting. Oar little
irl, e;ght aud one-hi lf yeara old, who hid
wa ted away to 3.S pounds, ia nnw well,
strong and vignrou-, sod well tlonhed op.
3. U. Cough urn has d no itf work weij.
Both of the cliildien like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure haa cured and kept away all
hoarseness frim me. Su give it to every
one, with gr- tings for Wishing you
proateii y, h art?
Youth, Mh & M J F Ford.
If you whh t4 tw it an and ctieerf'il, ant tmAy
lorlhe.Siniivf w..rk, t'lwnxe your y .-m it), lbs
lloailache ami Liv .r t'.irv. by ukitnc r thru
C c Mi r bfttta by at) drairxists.
Ho.) ainieija ioi:h"J.irurmjtj Ly
6 1.00 per Dottle;
One cent a due a.
Trrtf OffiAT Cotron
Where ail others faiL Couha, Croup, 5 or
Throat, Hoarseness,
. WhoosjiniT Couf h nnd
Asthma. For Consumption It fans do rival;
has cured thousanis, nnd will Ct nM You 11
taken in tlrno. by JruK;is cn a gunr
anteo. Fur a lame ltn k or t'hs utw
reiDOflr la runran
teed to cure you. l'rloe.K.cU. Injectur tree.
-tswjuvi until
liitiftpisisand iiooksplifrs,
.t In for John B. AldRr'i ptnlV; ''nnii
r-D-'h we U at onb'rir? Mieea ys
VO W av Jm Rl n tm ZD nl
Tlave von ( Httirrli r Thin
'!' !