1 tJ.'i 'A Aoexta Wanted on Salary and Commission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BiortJ Of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, hit literary viecotor, with the oo-optrtiou of ftia faatily and fat Mr, blaine's Complc Work, Tweith Yeaks or CoNOBESfl," and his later bo-k, "Political Discissions " Oue proapwcim for tbeso 3 biwt bELLiNO tooki in th mar ket. AKPJ. rriau of Me., took 112 nrAw from tirat 110 call; agent' protit $10$ 50 Mrit Ballanl cf 0. took 15 order. 13 al Ruaiia, in I day; pro tit $26.25. E N Rice of Man, took 27 ordeni io 2 da.; pro tit nf Me. look 4.1'rdera from 3G calli; pri-lic $75.25 K A Pa mer of N. Dak. loo 53 o.der io 3H-a; protil $98.25. Exclusive Tki.iutoky Kiven. If yco with to make LAlCliE MLK Y write immtdiatt.y for tfrmi tt Iiellcnr' Bill Pub. Co..!Vonvi(h.Conn Are You low fpiriu-d and sa::tTin from tiio ex cessos of youth? If so, Sulphur Jii t trr will cure IsyonrFrinetii.rk. l--n'( wail; Your KIDNEYS are iM-hi.af ruined. Vso ftulplmr J titter?'. One botilo of .Sul phur IJitters will do you wore Riod than all tho Latin i (res cript ion- of tlrnjand minora! pol- soiii v inch will remain in your sys tem, destroy your bones, niu - ;.:ke von a poor, weal;, and brokt n down invalid. No jxTion can remain lung sick w ho uses .Sulphur BiiN'rs. Jf YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE isrorercd with U"ly sores, ami fe.st- erin: Pimple, j'ivo her Kulji!.nr hitters. J. .ulics in d-lieitt Iie;.l,h. w ho arc nil run down, should imn ft . i ouiuuur miners, jouc Duller, ka ter TO-NIGHT. H ARE YOU K and you will ilee; Jii'. rmu an-l fretty, or in Bi n auu i-ji'i ulmlt DELICATE g t-"iijni:ti- a , l i urn ji Wil 1 mako your biooil t pure, rich und stroii- !ieiiita:j hui- phur Hitlers L will ,,,!-,. n 1U aim your iiesu Jiard. (jet a bottle nuw. U I1 11 O w lucrum, r OUk M'ni ,i z-fi-ni rU.lllips to A. i'. ItntV'HX'iV Co., IJoatiJii.Ald..fur bjsLliiuiiical wurk;ulir;:tU FOR Mado so by too tludo biiUciaion to busmen bo Tore mental rntn, flrxubl Kicrnwi la mid ala life, or rlchm huhiia enntinctt'd In youth. J-VItJAK, MEirc nrovlcilmatoXe- votta jleblilty or Y'.xhuiiHtlon, WtiMllnir WeuL Inrolnrtiiry l.e tth llnrly lie cay In Youuvand MlUtlle Aevd; Incltof U,r and mrc ;Uh, with eoxutil orKii ttniwlred ur.tl wanfefncd iniuatiiPeIy In nii:rgatilntl old oko. V11KN 'Mt liATf cniK wo iink fmiri knowlotlK ol rfsnlta tn tunnr thousand cuava trentcd nnd curcnl In tho piua li ft ecu yum. imrmutlHMl0f lntnlucuB HARRIS BU1.UJL,B M K ll I CA T K It lsrn,Ll' trpiitniont Is Oiiu nliirli ODniinvmla tLHlf to all eeiislble pcreon lur tho ruaM.ai Unit wo nupply if. oitn tholr JuriKniciitor lu vnluo. Nothinu la th. uruy tt cxpcoMs tuyond putnt cnul nnd a two cent itoMUitfoctanip tsaskud. The iwtBl - ml for Mo In eeiiUhiKtis their full nddruwjtinu tho im.it atioftfiaipforthu lct(9r rvtiirulmt tio Btutemtint cif thflrcaau for which wo supply tbom with quiv tlon bin n It, to bo II II I'd m.ctind a Bolf-iuldrcatvd CiiTolopo far mo In rbtiinilnft it when All- d. lit YA f nmn wo roceivo too etntemena on oirtns wo prepare eiuut diiyit. Tp I a trrntmi'ntnnd lonrnrd ll tunll lwuu! prfpnylnuiMMtnHO.AIonRWiUi tho trciUn-nit wuoend lull d I recUoni for ukImk. Tim trontnient cnufea no pitln or hicnnvoulouce and Com not provptit attpntltm to huMurss. vo loavo tho lunttcrof aendlnK ordera entlirlr wltb thncuslra tLo freo trial trctmuut. llnv Milt aaUstted thuoo aondliif for triul fACkniire of oitr ability to bcm'iit ttieni wo feul tbitt they are more larRi-ly lnuroted thnn uurxoire in coiittnulnfr tho uetf tho lnntUlrn. o mnko thopricoaaa lorrmpossihlo.Wiar the laniofi nil. Tlicy are b folio t l-T.OU for ono tnimibi KxQ for two nunthi: f 7.00 for'iireo njonths. We ak all k'ixm8 neodlnu treatment to send their addn'MA on iMnlor by letter. Alleomm iilcationroiiiuipntlnl nndBhould bo addreaM-d to THB HARRIS REMEDJfCO,, Mffc.ChnwIeta fin .UFFKVftW PrHFTT. WFV YDRTC. EXcG j rnns kotice N01 1'K IS m-'HEKY CIVKN th ! th. eii t'-ini-.l txicii'itr o the litut will and t'K.-in- it' Km til; Si.tJ.t. 'h'vif.l, h. h '..'.. .f , .,r f t , I) , 'i t ( 1. l. H. .11(1 . ! ; h .! ,v f .r;i . f ( ! p hi, r,i t i- 1MM Kritl llil.- . J K i' .1 MIKIt1 Mil .iK k;i Ex. iSNESS Vii'.iliiu notiuilT.-ivil tliij misery 0". -". .I l.y I'ii'J in t!w Ptomacli wlr'i .i i':;i.-tiv or Fliijriri.-'li livi l i..i'l t i;;i ry oil". 1K F.'.LVC.-iT'ON AND CURE IS .ill'.l-.l .liii !; i-.in i . c r iwiliT, v.liieh givea ; ) tho livor and t!i. l;lo 1-ya ir.iidinovr i d .- l"v.(.!.--. It i. ik jur w.-licim, lni ' i -''aiiy K.v!a I IV.Mti.ru for : a i . hi ii tn .In :t vf il iin n rnpjir?. SHERIFFS SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stat oj Oregon for th County of Linn. D M Oiborn Sc Co, va S P Barger and and Sarah E BarKcrl.it wife, Plaintiff DetenJanta t Notice Is hereby given that by virtue o an execution and order of sale duly Uiuerl out ot the above named court In the above entitled uit to me directed and de livered, 1 will o.t Saturday the 7th day of April, 1S94, at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour cf 1 o'clock p m of aid day sell at public auction for cash tn hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty described in said execution and order of kale 10-wit; Beginning at the north west corner of H L Brown's donation land claim notification numb-r 2028 In tp 14, South Range 3. west of the Willam ette meridian. In Linn County, Oregon, thence ea&i 35 chains, thence south 9 chains, thence north 50 west 7 chains, ther.es south 6, west 16 50 chslns, thence north 66 rat 50 chains to the p ace of beginoing, except 3 Co acres on the eat side of the tract, deeded to W it Kirk No vember 6Lh. ibS6, recorded hi volume 30 on page 292 of ths recordi of deeds for Sdi Linn t onnty. The proceeds arising from said f-ale to be app led first to the payment "f the costs 01 and upon said exe cution and tne original cots of said sulr taxed at $23 So. Second, to th payment to tiie plaintiff P M Osborn & Co, the turn of S6 with interest thereon at 1 he rate of 10 per cent per a-intim f: om the 23d day o October, 1S93, and th fur ther sum of $25 00 attorpt ys fees anil the overplus if uny to be paid to the said defendant S P Barger Dated thi 7'h day of M-irch, 1S94. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn County Oregon Gladstone has , A clear Head f WHY? Because he follows these rules: "Kecpthcheadcool.thefeet vrarm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to bo ninety if you do the same tiling. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are not aware of it. All day your mind will be cler and coot. "Not a gripe ic a barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S IIPHHI COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAPJY, OREGON lSSl, 1BS13 trt Tpf. vpvoeJ riepiembrr 9th A f I corps of instructor i. CU-JSiCAL, SCIEKTIFIC, LITER.Ai'.' COWWEKCIAL AND NORMAL I'jurMiw or Ntudy urrantrcf? t n . alf rKilos of Htu.leotft sviV.i tutiuccmtnis cfttrti to mU- from abroad. wyv. klktrt n roNinr ;iltT NATION! I. Itl.VK, or ALBANY, OKKOON rpflldent VU-a l-'rvtiUciit . tau,r.....m..i I.PLIN.V S, K.YOL'XQ E. W. LA.NUUON rRANriACT9 A ORNKUALbAiiklniibtulnea ALCOl': VS KKt'l vubjevt to vhecK. blUHT K( IIANWK Ainltfl r,.i,io trancf r.sold New Vork, Sa Frsncltico, Cklca(u ftud FitUnd iifon COJLECTIONf dADEoa (atorab.e erma. aiaaoToaa. J. E. Tooaa K, .Liftaaoa L K Uiji.i, L. Flimm Kdvaho I. 80s. 1 J J is essential to Gcocj in pastry yon cannot hnve i cither without a pood short- cning. Lard hiWBlwn-9had very ohjcctionable features, 1 causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou- ! blcs. Science has come to 1 the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomacus.with the new shortening,, Cottolcpe It In composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, hi many respects tu gooti as Ihc finest imported! olive oil. Physicians endorse it, caking experu recom mend it, nud thousands crc now using it in prefer nice to any other shorten ing. Refuse allsubslitutcs. ttiire nts in n'-.mr'1 to N K. rirta'i .t '-. I'lii.iW'. rr li.4ii.l M:i.t .:tnl-mM'.' lU.W . c.'rt... i I 'S it liun 'rr 1 nv:it- pn jn'il I jr fcirii:it i'-tit R!itiorr--i'n-IViiv.tuc is soli I y mil j'wxis. 1Mi!a only ly : ( ) N. H. rAIK3ASX CO ( t I TV. LCUi3 and 1 i Chicago, htw vonr., boston.' Q Oiegofi Pacific Railrodd, CIU tlAKlt, Breclirer. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Hmtr betwaca Ta- q:iina aiul 9m FratCHco. tKOU MM rA CISCO TJemei sal's Fby 50tb, M rch t, l, U, and 3lst, raoH T4ttiA. Humersai.s T- h S5th. Mireh T, 17, a d 37th. For freifsht ad piener r ies app y o any agent. t'htr MJ (I ti lr.. s-n h C N.. 2 to a 4kvt 9'. Sn Francisco CaIf. ChM Clrk reKivijr, OorrllU 0-(pn. 74 SJITLffi. OMAHA, KANSiS CITY ST.L J D&Xi TO f)2 CHICAGO nUUfiO ANO THE EAST QIMCKE9 T3 OMAHA AnD KAliSAS ClTy- PULLMAN AND TO'JST KEEPERS, FilfE CLIKUG CHAIR CAR i. DINING CARS. SHU C'.trk. Uilrer W Mi.ik, E Eliir Aliderton, Reclver. For fai-tti and genera! Infot tnation ca' on or address Curran Montlth, Albany, Orcyon, or W H Hl'KMiURT.A.sl.Gcn l. Pa.s. ASt v Hsniiiion St., i'oil l'LA Vl. OHt.coN Those. .Pimples ylw teTl-Me rymptomn thnt ymtr U.wl is no! Tiyht full nf impurities, duninij $ a tluggtrfi and vrufgntl'l complain::. A few botthiof H. 8. ii. Kill rer.iorrJ. all foreign and impure matter, e'enwx the blood thoroughly, and glee a dear and rosy complexion, it is most eject !, and entirely harmless. Chji. Ileaton, 73 Laurel Sheet, Phlla., sav: 1 have had for earsa humor in niy blood which made mo dread to shave, as small boils or Eimplea would be cut, thus causing sliavine to ! agrcatannoTance. Alter takini three bottles WB .- ny'aceis.llcluand smooth as sVftVK9 It Should be antwtito ml.-Hirl " " " ' sleep well and leel like rimnioi; a I foot rao all for the use of S. S. S. I Trea'l5?," n.d dlases mailed free. 1 w,,,s-a Atiaota, ua. ALU ANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue A.lttress, RKV, E. COSDIT, Alb.vny, Uregon r.,trlll TDinr i, . ? l CAV CH 1 0,1 fWUL MAHKS COHYFUGHTS. r5i i oiiTww a pTETt tfMl VTff J "T"'" oMnion, write t. ?lll A( 0.,who hevi'hiilnrarlTtlhv'eaxa' f xprniinoptnthe patent bunm. r.imniniriw tiiiiwmlrtlFrrmiMentl.il. A tlandhook at In. ,'T."SlV""a Pa lent, ami linw tr. ot lain ihemaetit rrce. AIki a ratahva. of aMMbAa tcal and rdentltlc tm,,fc, .cat fni?. 1 " t'atonti taken thrminh Muiin ft (vl rerlr. K a1, V,"' -''l"- ArrTetlrJiTJnd i?V if yVyi". bet-re lb.. ruMlrwttb. rut r--t to the t;ii,.i;t..r. i t,.- -ri-nilt1 rarrr Waerteetly.eleMitiy,iB.,r.trt.b.MArtha ""i''tV"- '"'d' e.ie-e.tentfre5! nolldlrur K.1ition,Bli'nthly,fi..V).r.1r. jimr. I. i I t-'-ry nttnor co;itn ns lir:i,w tltul flatri. in ml-ni, ar.i p,,i,h, ot n th etui Imit V.ni.tcr;, , AT! NN A l l ;ui oiL'i n:.i-er bitUe, cT i . u I r l (BAH- I V BtBLtli . AM.ra.yf U U. W P1" " ';rt, ?.'k'.JJ Elt. l&H Tom'-!. th. ra.. kiw nbteunu. Albuir, Oregon EO. W. WRIGHT, G Attorney t U. .wi Hour? Pub.le. Will P'',J iitho;aruolthi,.t.l. SoUl !? ' cUectionsawl mMterelo prebU OiMce. !" doer to PoetolSee, Aibeny. Oiu . ' II milter, wi.l recelv. jiroaip tttep.tlon. ffl;e i. OH e"llJ' ro-.u;iln. Albviy, O VII1TSEV Altorncy at Law, Albany. Or. jOSTANVli A. HACKLKMAM, Alt :rney3 at Law. Albany; Oregon. C.lT' HomeoathUU rTSpedJiat la diiiasoiof the F.yo. Oillce tjours 7 to 9 m: 1 to 3 ro, and 7 to 6 m . A Oregon. JJi:. J. I.. HILL, Phyddan end Surirean, OFFICE Corner Fer7 stroute, Albany, Oregon. D Physicians an S'ir'im. OFFICE C-rnor ecund aiiti Buflalbin Lrons, A I ban r, Or, Calls pj.,t.y Atteudoli citraudcuntry; J or ALBANY, OHKOOHi, TltAX.SACTa 7nerl RuiVin' u?ineae. U;tAW SIGHT umra ouHow York, San Ft n ecoand Portland, Orejrnn. LOAN MO.VKY on apiirovod recurlty. Ki:c'E!Vt' doiioslta subject to olicck. COLmcTluNS made on Liroihle torme: INTEItEjT paid en time deooulu BASIL OP HVIO, OIO, 0HK( .. 1 Mt'II .A J Jull EAST. AfD-SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTE Oil Tilt Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portlund Djvllf Sjc'h C-.lbv. M. Lr Id 2.1 r a j Lv VJ A a ) Ar TILOlt JCLT 1, 1P92, Portland Alb-.ny Sau Francisco North Ar a M Lv 4: J 3 a M Lv 7;00 r u e nvM .rtlns atina. all stitlma from n't r- Aluinv tiioimive, mIso Tan hml '.IlAUey.Hrrlsburtr, Juurtion Irving, KugAn? an'l all stations llTEtTfiERFORD aOSSBL-RO MAIL, DAILT 8:3 'jM I l.t Portland" Ar" iraVr l.' 4&ra Lv Albiny Lr 15;3ii :Wpm I Ar Roscb'tr Lr 7 JC siuart. :10s a I 9:00 A H Lebmnoa Albany L.'bftDon I 30 a FULLMA? BUFF FT SLEEPERS AND Ditiine Cars on Ogden Route- SECOND-CUSS SLEtPI?43 CARS Att.ebeil to alt Tliraaah Train. fTeel !. Iklvlelon. ' BITnir roUILAMI A.tD 0KIAILIK Halt, ilAIDAItT(Czcopt8unaay, 7:." a a I Portland Corrailis Ar 1 1 js r Ui' 5 1 a I iraias raam .atLT 'Eao3p'.8anday. tnr a I L Portland McUionviL. Ar I : a. lv I .' a Mil TtronR-h TicUetrs V .11 point In tn. Elttere atitee, Canada ard Eampe can tie ot.inel at owmi ra'.ee from C V Frank, Areas Aibanj. . KOKHLIR K P. noriERa Manarer Vea't Q t. Dj lrt' led Oreron. ...':nt;:pi?ixt( . larlif,wlili drtp. :..rm t fcat eritw. aot nil?ad t lltaMrat toaa tltat lntri-l, not riinrate. ' e , r.r In f'-irnilnff In h-"mmrintw tlvntllnc rf m ith a p"ltl bfu-le i ol t "r. All r'i I'S'lrjT TKTf'ti.i .tt'.li . TMr.T.lVTMi-, -. r -:. T-v C00L3 rn. KtAEras. ii i- n.t r- 1. i i I Irr... . JAMS VICS'S SONS, PA-RONIZEj HOM m FABMERS i tlby, V itK.M), Prenlde.L J L COWAN, Treuurar. 1 rn.iD, tieo FBImpnon, iV F rUatl, D B Montaltii.H swrnt)r.,J u JC J K WtMiUsflord. O J Stutil Wrltsmftti. ALSO DISTRICT AOHT rOS Several Solid Eastern and Foreign te HAVE YOU TESSEO TO FIND RHEUMATISM, L19EV.BACO, KID'iEV, LtVETS End ESLADSE.? COMPLAIflTe, DY8PKPS!Af LAMS-BACK, BBi ,v:-' .'r.Tr- i- t!ii. ; Oiir SAO pno beek "TIS KB c-;. liilddlo-nueil r.nr! W1 nmi:. sett f i.. 1 - . aa wo havn i ti.if on d HiOiisartbi di r-CVi!, i' 'i Shown l;7 hnndrwlii tit ijafS''Kt!ri mh- h. .' n i j(vV ,' ..VT W.' V.'HU l-il-rirr ;-iituti.iticr.uwp,.n, jgPkMm'-Aij tf' t 'ivies'- '"''rr """' l.-lillltr. &lWtB -i J0-.'-f w - 'C.H - 4 , .'.. ' .Ueumry. a.. ) tiiti:il.,l'ntn. j?i:o 'Cue CCfiERAL C'f.e.'LIVV C'l t f-l I Flf. A. T. Rnnif.in. t.uf.'r H I &. troubl (I with lout vj.-or, Til tl wn'i-..' . , Imoit a comiilrtO loiri cl poucr. X i'T nid iiivu! a vrf tiril tWhnu, tra)4 uciiinr, fc.i f"P"' irJiu'; our blt lb i hud b n.?tf lanta ci i't . I'.iti:,-. if bmrtli m 1 l.e furte.. r tr-pn-.i, IravtiiU fitnoat OLtifltifcitct in jour tract rt !(.. y,j r-,.n i uv iU thi eljUunent, al ro hnvjc' r-; writ.- or v :. D. 1'rolj joum, 11. A. UOl"Kf. -XuisTi.ikS'.. RHEUMATISM AMD tJ.Mt.KES3 UURD. . . .i'jr.iaiii,Urt.f.iii1jrnUK iri2. Dr. A. T. Hsnfli. WurSlr? rot on . fjum-lHtit two wtwksaco for rbfuniftifia, fr m whi.-b 1 mfTcrtxl farveral yuam. l-'onboii'ts- nix n oi il Ihnti.ot ten tablato w rfc. V-ur blt his i IftCfl raciln a! moat pert tt hoaltb tn the two wet Its 1 iilti us d ii. 1 ciii. waill oomlortnblT.imd fetl like a nn.V tiiin rvnrrallr. M. K. Hi; OllCS. Pr iirktor Internal! jiii.1 lluttjl, hERVOU6 DiIPILITV-LOS3 OF V1COR. 'lt.oai7.Fi Wi.r.m.. Ottclnr SI, 191 Dr. A.T Pftna'jn, Jjnnr bit I fcavu b -en utiim jour Eiootrio belt for Rennrl Derrourj (.ooility, ami to-lu fttfll b9t','ir tliun 1 hiire fur ijrs rears. 1 buTO ouLued lu vigor dbily, arA i m itrooz in ertitpari. THE QTt. SANDEKC ELEGTKSG BELT O tsaeonpTrtejTalvanlobaMrry.marto Inoabpltito R3 ?o bo oar.ily worn darlnv wt-rk or atti-r.ar.il li S'J tb'ntf.pr..loiired currtint.i wiiirh am iriBtantly te.t throuln)ut nil weak parts, or w fojel H,uun. It bus an Improved Klrclric HUrpcnory, tn-) icre.it tint baon over fftvn weak mon.and , ve w.-irrnnt it to euro imy of the auove wcakucisea, anC t.t ciilamo jlirunlc?n limbs, or parts, or Montr Refundi'ii. 'J iwy are ci-jided In errenpth to meet all ptaicea of nenknea In vuiia middlaiaajndoroldl men. and will cure tlto worst casesla twoorttutsooioutli.-Adurcsa lor XuU l format hm, v ELECTRlfi C? " - 3RD Rod all tha yj j-ower. lif.iilacL'1'. Wnkcluliics. Lost Manhood. Mrhtly hiu I fci-inn, Ncrvous t'vl l'.esa.nUUrnln9nnrthsor powt-r! iGent'rnHvrOrani of clitipr aoxean-tPil ASS1 1 sffi) b7 over exoriloii, youthful errors, excessive uoof t"bacc opium or Slim TajgT'rgs. ul:ints.wblchl'iiu t.)lntlrniliy,f'iiuumptlutior Jtinnnlty. Can bo carried In . . pocki-t. 1 ptrbnx.iforw., by nmll prfi.Hid. witti n .' order wn jri Rivet wrllt-n Biiurnntre l cure or ivf.md money. Hold by 11 L-rVC'rVr. tlriiiftriai. Ak fur It. tnkc tin nt Whip i.ir i rnn u,iim,i v u.r.t nntVr ttfciUitaA.u AtiAitibi-M. lup.ulo wrapper. AddruwlCUVa:r.ilCU.,:aauidcTemple,CHiC'AUO. For an'" '- A1hn"-.Qr..hy J. A. ri'W' v: - tmi it; l-:s .y Vet-' ;t . v. iini-IMa. FromTerminal or Int3rior Poii.ts th N Is th Hue to tnlie To all Points EAST aid SOUTH :i Is the IIIVINO ( Alt KOI TK, It rails 'IliroiiRli V K VI' I BUI.. Kt l'ltlJt KVKKi UU I Ve .p Io ST. PAUL anj CHICAGO 'P:0 OHa COF oa. Compose! of Dining furs ITnsur 'ssjd hilliiian Uraniii!; Itoom Wwp-rs Of Latest E(uiDia. iit TOURIST SLEEPiSG CMS. 4i;:t". on i.i mi,i:r,;,m in I li-iQnili hi -t r ; h ill, 1 1 f.iM -tn l Tor h Mrs of Firs, or i e :i 1 o. tidiest. tvM ELEGANT DAY COACHES. AflniiiimlVii 30inc.ldli!i al linis, affordiafi Direct an I Unmtarruptai Sarvtca. Pullmai aleeper ressrvAtlons can b ocured In ailrnnca thronjli aoy anent of the roail. I'HROITOH rtcKETS to ami from al: points l A merle Knjtland nn.i Kuropo ctn l pnrcli.sMil at art ticket i ifllce of this coiri'auyi Full iuf irinatl in mnniinfnu m... t...- oftrAhia. MH'nt nnd of iff 'or via t'nrn ih.l on ariplkitr'iiii to any n-enc or A r CJARI.TOV. .atSt.n: (iH,-ur, pw.,r .nt. v.. l-i: t r.. . r .... .-.in i , , cor. a V r i.. i " i INSTITUTIONS. OreOB J O WRI'i.iMAR. hm-. Quo P H1MPSON, Vlo Prwl lant DHUGS FAILED A CUItB FOB SCIATICA, v ill i.ii'nrr :-i itifit.it ir v,a. J i.,-cvm'!, v.-lllLiidrcliufancltiriitiiW 9 '.'i -i 111 ciur ninrvet'iu. invtntl in. u: re j but trial to coavinci t i -id MiUf ba-e un niir draltM 1 ..iir.-i Hiwuuf nitrvefiir'-pancl vitmilj Ini-U ft rtfcrrii:i:y r.ttd thtii o lin.-.l Jinirwt'iil'ncsa'.rlackul fofr. It vn,i r'iii.ce into your ayiitpmtbff tl'-rii nls ibiu dmlnPd, wlilcb are ra (luirt .i f'ir vivorms strcnstli, you will iv i n vi. iberamnrjiifl hPfUli.atrenetli JtTnl "'C'T Wlil lullOW HtO.lt. 'i'lllt ''ur iuin and ircatrrxdit. anl wi ki.t.i.iii'u a fiuro or iGiiitid mhney. ' nS ii'il bu mill by every young, V.ic.'lrip ilflt Is r' fcAponnietn ull o'J:t'.r l:.tl'(rnsfrttulu3canb ii v. ..til.l s. toitld- Jiiul In u niwi ;-i4V3 ect. Ara m!Eu..ATiM r.i' W"d c Sii r g rfrnf ij-ii'-urei ir.rj uiiii '.' w.t li :'it ."trnta cnirlmz f.'om iho t--. A.I i. of i .. ii'Biv stere casoof I tna barlL r whi.-ii 1 i.int. r. it for t"rii jaar. 1 witi m batl i ' it J .t?. t rv. t 6t-iid mr l ack, M us alt do ibled uf ub i'. lb-, -slit c.i uf jo r bc.ta. It d mj in id(,f (w rt'ijf. rind I c.rtinLt 1 tow r it for tout mouit)", Iiei'ig i.4-...'t v cured. That waatww 7aan a o, ittrl 1 am n wel to-,l:i ui I ever wdi in ray ma. I KiiovMrwr D."i. fti.d l tn-w lor koi futpiewno I.uto I'ffn cv.-i hy t Mmi other b o9c1 it, nnd it tti'.-.y wou'd ti u thety would .'lud it thttcamn ns I id li, a Liio rfmf in ihii uml.l. 1 itti lnputrl h.4 -ini:innt 'y. ami l lin fclaa to ttii wta aa on it wba U tf jji jU IJl.lr.1' i . -P HoKr l.T m.l.HKL.Fm'oMr Holel Poriland, LOST VITALITY AND 8TRENCT.H. ' . . l-.i rdtt, Ma-b, Jatitt lUlBa T)-. A. T. F.-WKifi-, Vftir Bin Siooo wp-irlnu yodl h It i lnwcbfoii pron 'y Imiiflitcd. 1 incl my obi (u. rizy .'(t rularnitiit; and attrn tnouth'a nin ot tha bvlt I 11 U J P.ytnif tvit O v Korcus na bu.oit. Uf ni airy is lot nearly irfoct. ai.il oucu day jhotrt, for th bfttrr. 1 f 1 much atrontTfr tliai rfora t -ins ih& jlt. Yours trijiy( LLSh? tCUULIl AM J W KH1H2T0SI, PORTLAND, OR World iaouis tha CU11B is C'JRa. ATdHOOD RESTORED! MRfSSaj BUiintiiU-fil locuriy u.i iiPrvnusUii'l.ie!-.Bucii u Wfai M.'ni-trv. lossof Itraln BabyRawasBeefsteak Baby very slrk with cc7fii.awlien three pionihuold. Had heme doc tors and specialists. iot worse all the time. Whole bodv raw as leef ,atf.nk. Hairone. Kxiirrtcilhiin to .tio. Hick six icon ( hit IvTorewa trild rrrnriMu V,. r.tu I- thrmbnt in two mo.it l;s he wr.a emirclv cured. INot a mot on him now ; mil. h:a.vk j:akiu:it, v, iim-jiu, .Mich. BabySadwith Eczema Pej Onrlinli.v l.oy, four rtiiiitlhii old, Iflia in 1114 Ti;imK to iii.mc. i liU BTratcTilnT. f: ri. t v Hi: icr.ir.i-uix-i! ttiji, aUUWO It-rOltl'.!.'. 1 til. MM tMThiT- O. li. oi J. IIAWil.-, cl.-.i;r, I ,.. Baby Itchsil Tcrrit.'y V I';liy tline tii'i-nli. Out w ith vhif.1 Miuj n a rur.'.ici'. itchiii;: ie,. c:i l;.,tl ami f-.:. I .-th:.:- f.,r rlvp mm;;!;. V 'M-'-. I'llTi h.-..nl I -. : n-d cir nw It A 1 lu 5 , 1;"?ii ;if.i. ic.l 'I n .. three tret ts tluuc .-..im no: a ton cr j Wiw. OSCAR JA-Vns, Vootl.r,. Baby Sufing :..ony i.H'T ,13 I PC7CIi.-l, PI'IJI. Jitileit the b'-st oot'i'is here. w in ai:oiiv rM-bt i-in'h'. He- 1 pan wHilf'tTiri H. l; two months thvnwTi cra-iod ita venriMiiiv !i;MK. I" iMt-; .r had trace crtiiblbp aoon.mv t)alfn'l tv was J.A.MCOLKS.Hmiii l.!i. iud. CUTICURA WORKS WCKBERS Anfl In cures ore the r.iovt nv ttiarkaMc rerirrnied tv a: t lood and akin remedy ot" Kioiiern tinifs. Parents ?ni-n:i lhaS cures made In in farcy ar?icdyf pcrniancDt and econbiAiicjJ. 8oM throughout the world. Price. fi Tirrtu, we. M;ap,;. KEnot.rcjfT. ?!. I -n and Che a. Corp.. Sole I'roj., Bur: W'ti.'W to Cure Skin ltinraM r.lled ura. it U uru Soap. A I f ik. i i i.,- i.i.i rjMi oi oozt-nin. lu-au ft I waa a anli.l snic 1 am an I 'Kjcly H fr L'.' ;!' ",i-'l. Itclsi.it n-riil !e. 'X n!i'-e tlM'fors iH.I noi J li. h n. NVJll;iiiila ti.-.l siti-.-n v,, ;. .. .vir. 'Oi 1 N'D iNSTRVNKMAl IC !t.w ? V.'arr.(.r a vrr,r the cmtt.. ,rv canntv'cd with ' Ci;- j x prcD.ii. .1 . tf," . c if lv 5 ' viunetri nin-i .1:5 j f " T- " iji-.es, hi n-i c. r'n- -r i.rd j nr- -sc . ;. rwri.-r t( fi f-' re. VtM ii 'irn . a,r:;.r.i a..ii . -MTr.tA -iT.i 'ls-t let 1-1 '4