Bally democrat "iiblislied every May In the week except Sunday. BOMB 4 NO '17n mma, Editor, and rmp'r F'tcrfrt Mijie Boat Office at Albany utvpiiu, ma mw.wm wasa man mailer Zt0.aJX OOOD BVBNIITO- Ne.u. Dow's 90th Bihtiiday willjbe honored in tins city on next Mnndny even Mfr in tne t 1 u null by an entertain-1 mentat wliich the following program will bepresented: DovotiomU exercises Mm D H McCul laith. A Memory of Neal Dow Mrs Kieuia Tathain Solo. selected lliss'Warner. ItcciUtion, After Many Iuys Miss Eva Simpson. Neal Dow; His Opportunity and How lie Improved It Mrs 1 J Wilson. Solo, A Song for the New Hevolution Carter Lee. Our Opportunity; How Shall We Im provo It? Her J T Abbott: Hev Riley Little. The "Grand old Man'1 of the prontbl tlon movement Is worthy of honor; let us add our mite lo the general greeting, snd ce what Impulse we mav receive from hit life. Bask Ball. Die Gay-ctto of CorvalU contains the following base ball item: While in Albany Messra Holgnto and Obercr talked with Mr Hums, Albany 'a league pitcher of last yenr, regarding baseball matters. Bums thinks that a successful amateur league could bo organ ized to include Corvallis, Albany, Indepon ,lnncA. Kilvnrton. Eucrcne. lebanon and Scio. He has alremly received letters from some of these towns regarding tne propos ed lemma. Hia idea is to have a orofes- sional battery, or at least pitcher, and rely upon amuteursj'or the rest of them. If the tliincr mature satisfactorily ho will soon call a meeting of the several Ijcal mana gers and take steps toward the necessary organization. Corvallis should mako a move in this direction. 4,4'i8.:o was the amount of the Febru ary pay roll on the O P. Frank Davey writes a letter to the Salem Jou'nal lhat he is still in the race for State Printer. The Third Ward man who whipped his wife was placed In ilia ciUbio.e las night to sober up. This It Oregon weather, not Callfornl a weather, nor Italian weather, nor Haw Han weather;but Oregon weather straight. A bill providing, among other things, $6oofor lighting the entrance to Ya quina Bay, wat passed at the last session of congress. An Easter entertainment will be held at the WCTU hall to . night. A program will be presented, and there will ne taster eggs tor sale, An Athletic Asaoclalllon It being organized In this city, for amateur atn letlcs. Boxing and out door sports will De me order. A game of basket ball will be played this evening In the gymnasium. Everv body come. The room has been consid erably improved in its arrangements, The Scio Press says that the name of A J Johnson of tnatcitv will be presen ted for the office of Senator, oi Dr J W Cole for county clerk and R Shclton on ine democratic ticnei icr county recor der. A Chinaman counts his birth from the fiist day cf the year In which he was born. The child lhat Is born the day be fore New Year's Is two years old on lhat day. New Year s day is a national birth day, and it It the only popular holiday In fjnina. In consequence of other intertainments Interfering, the kindergarten entertain ment wbich was to have been next wed nesday evening, will be postponed, IZIKSOWAIs Win Burbeo, of Salein, is assisting in building the new telephone line. Hev J R Baldwin, of Indopendence.will preach in the Baptist church in the fore noon tomorrow. W C Hurkhnrt luu returned from Port land, where he has jnt graduated from the l'ortland llusiiiess College, Mrs C C Kelly, mother of Mrs C C Hogue, of this city, returned to her homo in Albany today, alter a visit ot several days in tiiis city. Corvallis News. Prof C H Hart, principal of the Browns ville schools, was in the city this forenoon. Mr Hart is a candidate before the repub - lican county convention for school superintendent. DrT C Mackey, of Albany, is in the city. He is (irand M abler Workman of the A 0 U W and addressed an immense XsIISFIVB D P Thompson. Judge Denny. Ex-Oov Moody. D V Fultton and Til Ford are in the middle of the candidates stream on the republican ticket, with about even chances at the present writing. General Compson and Judge McArthur, are the leading candidates on the democratic ticket, A man and his wife, mining on Yreka Flats, found 8'00 in gold under some boulders last week, a rich spot not dis turbed during flush times ot the ou period, when the flata yielded rich returns without much labor or coat, as the diggings were shallow. On March 26. LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN; IL LUSTRATED BY HIS OWN STORIES" is the topic of the second of the series of "Popular Lectures by Popular Speakers" a the First M E church, Wednes-lay even ing March 28. The speaker Rev G W Grannis is terse and magnetic in his ad dresses und those who have heard him enthusiastically recommend him to those wno appreciate entertaining ana instruc tive lectures. Admission 25 cents. Children IS cents. 1 ,mivaKnl!nn llMwOPTI t0 Well TlOsted politicians on the silver question was over- strictly in it. It is dpi heard on our streets the other day. "I'm the city; the Celestials In for 16 to 1." said one. "Well, I am .- - i . ... i.i i, Unn but Knv what does that mean? meeting' ui iimi, uiucr iu mucL-emujiivw i - :. . ... , i- lt nkVht. Journal. "Why, it means that we will have Sib to Hov S ft In- ne wim down street vestor- """J "u" " .1.... x ii.n : a i wni it.AD..n. Hume ui inrj uaj uueiiutr a koou u twiii; I y - rr - . , 1 ity tor bun to sea the outside world, nis cemiy ubi uiuiito .......... i II.-.. n: I,,,:, wi Pnnn t (iov Waite. of Colorado, Fiubic auu,- mo .UTOi 111 o I.MIUB '" i"-t , Pi" ..." . .1.. I:' 1 f , .((. wiih slow on account nf the iminv wno were nasieneu w buiuuiu.. uk v.. lad uomc. Stmctly In It. When it comes to washing the Albany Steam Laundry is it is doing tne business ot elestiids are coini? to the wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain washini is cheaD enouirh for anybody in anv kin of times. Richards & Philips do first class work and spend their money at boms. Patronize ins Albany Biearo. iaunury. Irani n roKMiDEBixo Will & Stark, 1 ewein If you want a tine imukr call for Joseph white labor cigars, Thr bestWtt ooffee in tbe mty at Uoaiad Moyer a Hodges & Mofariaud, t'n loading drat tore, Alliapy, Oi, Will & Stark'a large line of tdver war has crtatcd a great deal of talk. Pa roniza home Indnstrv bv smokinft the elebrated white labor oigars, manafactarad by lu'ius Joreph. Baths at Tierecka ahsriog and .hair cutting parlors. See the New Imp rued Singer sewing m ctrne. The boit is alwsyt the cheapest. W Sawden, agent. (Juice, at V al rrrnon ewelry store l. . : - 1. la I t itimA hia rlnnncA OI ine courts. Uliu w greet uiui again uuisiuu ui motw - - ,:-.,i n l m i -e ii I Uuard io eniorce nis uenaiicu 01 me wu.w, last steamer from tho midwinter fair and! Journal win remain in town a raw weoKs. inuring . . ,, his stay he will assist in the presentation Many persons wuo uae "", """" ot a drama to ue given aoout me mraaio - : ,t a :it i c f..:- i.,l I nnnniv m of the omnion that DOPUUSU .. .'. . ....i .- ll I .a! Mll naa.10 on inrna u v.ttn till tllOV Kurt a nn nemr nr nn innnti n niirv null i wu uw uuiiuwum w . rf will leave in about 4 iveeks for Portland, did two years ago. Several reasons are where he will play a comedy role in Cor- pven, the principal one of which is the i.inn cnuntv also thiMr strenirtli has oeen XA3CBB. exaggeiateil, it would not be jusiio juuge their stengiu by uie amount oi uww make. Gahdek Seeds. Every body should have a irarden. Are you one who will Then fro to Stewart & box Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the largest stock in the city. Sewsso Machines nestly repaired and warranted by a thorouahly competent work nan, at F M French's jewolry.snip, Albany igon. French has thr largest and finest stock of spectacles and eye glasses In llnn County. Prices to tub the limes , dray's theater. Corvallis Gazette. M0G8.37 had been taken in this week i ;a u: I 1 l-i -..: I'Ua I .. i nsme snenu s oince ciuseu mvriiiiiM.itD , opeaaing oi 1001 ban ine uazeiie oi .- -, . , -n iq tr. i i . !.;. iv Corvallis say.: Albany is organizing an M t ,-; u from oUtgidc the city. The roll of papr in his hand, to an ec eleven from the two teams to meet Cor- ... ,M,,, W- ..wi,,.S hm.t.V "It. is a rep v to valll. nn lh orldlron a n, from to- I l"- J J " " ".: T ... V . . . .1.. .. a ,a oo 1 HUX1CV. 1NOI mucu you ctlll b, morrow, this will be the last game o. George cpagnt ' editor and the man went away. Pretty the season. E H Duckett. -10 -,br man came in with a roll of The Democrat a few davs ago gave a reo noizappie Can l thi ;nj- he enquired ipnlpnr .-nnlalnlniF Ihe letters oi the al- I J r Cheshire XI ., iV,ol !. itV" '-U'u nn item about phsbet and declared it to be the shortest J U sm,u" Q;-2' preacher and a deacon's wife." "You just known. An Albany man nanus in me '"..?""- - QA following shorter one said a man wuh a editor. Prof said the A Bio Loss. The original cost of the rnrrintrn factorv nropertv bought at Cor vallis at auction by Mr Brace, was about .-n AAn . .1 ?i Dlt 1. H'lin vu,uw. ne paiu ?w,wi i Timos says the loss fell upon the creditors who were not in the pool with Mr Brace, and upon the stockholders, whose entire paid up capital of 47,000, together with the earnings of one year's business done by thn concern, said to have been $13,000, were swept away. The Ions tears a great hole in the earthly belongings ot some ot is vprv much to be retrret- 4.1 TKo am fini thntthft nrnnertv bromrht wa just $1 more than enough to pay 5 the mortgage held on the property by the Portland bank. fox jumps over the lazy dog, The Portland Dispatch says: L F Guthrie, formerly a conductor on Ihe Southern Pacific railroad, and a rerr pop ular gentleman, nas announced mined. as a candidate for the republican nomi nation for clerk of the circuit court It Is requested that all members who formerly belongad to the Willamette Bate be the shortest J " ui. preacher and a deacon 8 wite. "i.ou jusi n hands in the Mary Maxwell bet your life you can get it in," said the Quick brown P E Wyatt. '' editor. And so it is, some men succeed lO." UW.y.a" while others fail. Jas McBride 41.04 A Fnrlnur fl A Smith 90.18 I . ti:- r-, iLn iwrvntinn droprjed 1 J W Geary 31-?? into a certain Klamath county town last J J crown Weeg and proceeded to an unueriaaing e- V li Dove tnVilishment and ordered a cotnn lor a reia- Frederick Hoffman i'-'Mti. The Indian handed the dealer a I ft W GrAv 81 Oo ..: . ;,i;.to the lpncrth of the desired Damon Smith ca.ket. and the latter not having one long Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Ball team will meet Wednesday eve Mar Smith & Holt M.60 enouah slyly cut the string to fit the short 38th at No. a's engine hall. The follow- Henry Albers 2.50 x TheJinaian paid his money and tak ing are requested to be present: Messers AlfredSnell ing'string aad coffin, hastened back to the A Gocd Ixdustiiy. Mr J 11 Brown, representing the Linseed Oil Works.wasin town this week- He is engaged in making contracta tor the raising of llax tor on pnr and fumishintr seed to the farmers W nrn informed that he effected contracts in this vicinity amounting to about 000 acres. Ho guarantees to pay tne tanner the Chicago price less tne ireigiit to ion land and the bags. The f urnier will be able to realize from $1.15 to SI. 25 per bushel. In thesedays of 40 cent wheat this is nn op portunity not to be neglected. Scio Press Thomnson. Chambers. Westbrook, Bow en, Willis. Benny, uorris, ruuer, anu McFarland. The Shelh-jrn affair was nretented to the consideration of the grand jury, last week, resulting In ineir nnuing a iruc bill against F P Montgomery. Deputy Sheriff Bilyeu, of this cltv, went to Shel burn Tuesday to arrest Montgomery, but he had changed nit quarters io pasture. new. Scio Press. The Colleze foot ball team went to Fuireue last night ard were to play the University teim there at J o'clock. The Guard elves ihe average weight of Ihe Var6lty eleven at 167 lbs and that of the Albany Colleen eleven at 147. a differ ence of 20 las. It is Ihe Man about Town's nnlnlnn that the Albanv team will win A telephone mesiage will be received at 7-3, The nlace lo Bet vour quinine Is at Fred Dnwtons cor and and Broadalbln streets Albany Or. A E Ansorge 19-4 reservation. A large crowd of sympathiz- fteo BUaff 4.BU , -:i: natives were on hand when Chas E Wheeler 38-40 M wm put , u,8 coffin, but what G W Young 30. Id wa9 the conjternntion of U19 Indians when thev discovered that that the deau injun ulTK i. I moca in aim nparlv a foot Since hl8 demise. The Indians were overcome with MiHettieDrais. of Albanv. is visiting euperstnution anu wu , Wends and relatives at GateS1uidsurrounJ- hnally knockea out om es : r: land proceeaeu wuu nw uuiwi. - lng country. . ,i -.u-a,., hn Indian a head or C D Bevier made atrip to Albany ,on . . . sticking out in the cold, cold Satimlay returning luesuay wim a team 01 gjound.Klamath Falls Express. Srmsa M11.LINEHV. Mrs W U Bilyeu lms purchased the millinery store of Mrs lila feuell, and proposes to give tho citizens of Albany a first-clam stock of goods in tne millinery line to select from. Next week ctio &-;ii rtwnivn frnm Kpw York an elegant line of pattern hats, for the inspection of Hie Indies of Albany and vicinity. An ex wrt milliner has been encraircd in Portland, and will arrive on Monday. Those desir ing the latest styles at reasonable rnces will do well to call on Mrs Bilyeu. As Easteb Window. Mr J A dim ming, the druggist, has nn faster window tbnt lm.l,n..n attention, which proved one of the attractions on First street during the day. It consists of a hen and brood of chickens, colored with Dia mond dye. in fantastic colors, sporting on a grassy lawn, ucauiitui wuu ujmun ',' English primroses. A coop covered with pretty moss is in the rear for the proud mother. ' A Fink Tiiino Mr C L Buck, of this ritv. hnti l,wn mnniifiictiirincf vitriticd brick this side of Portland. A sample inspected by ihe Democrat man shows the product tn lm n vara autwinr nnO. This IS d03- lined tn hn thn nnnnlar pavement and it is to be hoped Albany will he able to secure n lew blocks 01 it. It Was is Vain. A former ichool mate of Ihe Man a boot Town died a few davs aar, In a nrivate insane asylum at Stockton, Calif. He made money hia God.and a, one time was worth The Reed hotel block in Ogden is left aa a monument to hia name. He died poor, under the collapseof the last year or two Kklioious Services. At the morning service at the Congregational church, Miss W arner will sing Manuel s aria 1 i Hint mv limleemnr Liveth." Sunday school exercise in the evening, with solo by Mrs Lee. Other sen-ices as usual, ah are welcome. TliA mvlvnl nipr-timr at Cloverdale on ac count ot the Fourth quarterly meeting will be continued this evening at the r.vangei- c.i church. Kev I 11 tislier. 1' . ot the district will be present to conduct the meet ing this evening, and tomorrow morning. Communion services at 10:30 a m. All ore invited to attend and enjoy these services. A union Sunrise Easter son-ice will be held in tho First M E chnrch tomorrow morning at Go clock, by the young peonies societies of the city. All ar" cordially invited. Aiwavh IxiFnr.sTiNO. The gospel strvices in the Y M C A will be held at 4pm tomorrow. Kev W A Trow will speak. These meedngs are growing in members who attend and in the Interest manifested, lie present 11 poasiuio. . m ; Cates and Jackets. I have received my sprii.g and summer jackets direct from New York manufacturers. Capes ore the thing this year and 1 have annenne of novelties in t'liein, . 1 carry also a nico line of mateual and trimmings for making capos. SEorxo. We are having exceptionally good ironthpr for March. Tho fanners have afnrtn,i tlmir ttlnws find hrrow8 and evcrv- bodv is confident of good farming weather tor a week anyway. Thn romiblicans of Marion county he'd their primaries last Tuesday. Delegates to the county convention : Charles Thompson, W T Foster. I L Head. John Hentim and John Shaw. The republicans will cast about 40 votes in Horcb precinct, demo cmts 16 and populists 65. At last the republicans have scraped sand enough together to f uniish a speaker In. n im,,f .liw-iiotinn with the populists, but even now they will tale with only a backwoods school teacher, ine republicans on 7 p m Fridav, March IWth nt Mill City, ... .r , 1 1 r,l rl, ll.A K.n..l will be represented ujn uwr. nn i--' can who wants to be governor, the populist by T J McClary, the crankiest crank of the Lppcr Santiaui. The question for discussion nt the Gates Literary society nt their last meeting was, Hesolved that the democratic victory m mii ; lm nio nf the present hard tunes. The affirmative was led by Ed Davis, the negative by F I IJevier. After a tnorough .i;...,,..;. Incline iini two hours in which it was plainly shown that Cleveland nor the democrats navo nouiing 10 -hard times, the judges declared in favor of the negative. Ti, u .nmo tnlk of pleasures for the r.mir future. The Ladies Christian En deavor society is talking of giving a picnic .in.. -1 ittt avh an vnmiir men aic talkiiii of pulling off the Fourth of July celebration at this place n v. Hi nni-li "rocerv store is Increas. ... ;n nnnniarltv. 1I carries a fine stock in Hohi room, eisilv accestlble and girat bargulna, Sext door to Ihe P O. Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. AND Nice Dress See Their and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. Patterns Also Their La- New Advertisements. $5 OOlo'5ooPEC DAY,t home selling Lightning Pla'erand plating jew .r nhn tableware, etc. Every house has goods needing plating. No ox- I perlence;no capital; no taming. t ..n or. n-.nk'ns 2S adav. Permanent I position Address ti n. imw lumbus. Onio. BARGAINS in ral asUio address nr n ill ou James W Cardwetl Co., I Jeffaraon. Kor Sale or Trade, a iiouse an.i . j 1 z.,tnn In Albanv Will sell .i,..n rr nr wiil liade'for land part I . ' . , . , I - .... f r frnm I iv nr wno iv iwiM",1:l' -J 1 town. US" or wrno w " rTia RENT .1. Two Tojmn. newly flu 1-1 -a A. .a .i,ni,ia for small store or nlfio. nna for tints. !i0x0 feet, ill be r..rl bv Much 2'. Call on Dr G W Maslon nr particulars. YtTANTKn.-A young lady desires a 1 V nacn to do irnneral bouts work. AildroM Clara M Us nold, Albany Ore. W W Rnwell returned this noon from trip to Elk . City where he was the gueat of L W Deyoe. He brought back a large amount of tan. An Easter Baza ab. The la-lies of St Peters Episcopal Church will open an Kaster Bazaar in the IV C T lAaH on Tuesdnv aftpmonn March 27" and continue until W ednesdny noon. They will have for sale nmnr useful and ornamental arti cles, also a l-Tee assortment of Japanese iroods from A uTrew Kans of Portland. Snp- tr will a serveil after' 5 o'clock. Price cts. All are cordially invited. Take Notice. Do not ride your bi cycle on the sidewalk on First street, Baker 'o Calaimoin. or on Second. Lynn to tain pooia. A vijlation of this order will re mit in the arrest of the offenders. By r.lcr of the Chief of Police. Lidic. trv the Eclantine Mac.e Cream he Ivit cierma'.ion ever made for tlie complectlon. to re hsd of Mrs Rowell Ruts Home Ailnny Ore. (. leio towel j l,t rerr cuttnmer at V shaving rarltrs. ereck Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. ON TUT aqi'ARK. The difference between Living w ell and living Poorly ia very small It you buy light even In hard times. Trade With tboie who do Business on the square, Giving quality as well As quantity. Parker Bros, are such a firm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are nn nurpasted any where. rn of tho most foolish things in the fT :. iA... nrmv flmt. is to march to Wnttliinfrton. It should disband. In the moon time rnmrross should liquidate in the interest of tlie masses. m m TeniL'.e Commandry No 3, Knights Tmnlr. elected the following oiucers last avonlnir : V. W Lanndon, E C: J tialbraith, generalissimo; A B Matthews, CaptGen;D P Mason, preiaie; Hawkins, anjllli ncnen, t " , Cusick, Treae; C B Winn, recorder. Mr Harry gimare ol Independence, a msrnher oi AluanvS laawas nu mam ia in the city. Cal F J Parker, of Wa'.la Walla, went to tne Bay this noon. Milunirt OrasiNO, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week, the I.., lies I(t7jiar will nave ineir grano opening of spring and summer ruill'- nprv. The display of trimmed hats and bonnets, together with all the latest novelties will surpass all former effort. All ladies are cordially inv.ted to attend PIRS 11 4 COWER, SnniNO Wraps. The Ladies Bazaar desires to announce that they have just re ;to1 an eletrant lineof Indies and niises ennes end jackets for string wear. Tbve nrmpnli comprise all Ihe latnst. Parisian et le nd are tailor mode. The prices suit the times. Call and inspect them. Success to both, Altoanylnsarai ce Agency Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WctM'i Fair HIjheTt Medai an J Dlploat- We have had over seven years exper ience in the Home office and local Insur ance bujlness.and can guarantee Insurance written bv us to be properly looked after. The following Is a partial list ol companies represented by ut: Foreign So'th British & Mercantil v..irk ITnlnn. Phrenii. London, Mar ches'er, Guardlsn, bun, Caledonian, Lon don & Lsr.csihirc. American Continental of New York. trntrhrster of New York. The Contl nental of New York and Manchester of England, write farm business, taking notes rn ihm nMmium. with amnle time for payment. We respectfully solicit any for () dayt", 18 food buslneis. Office oppol:e old post-1 ' office, I .... l Chas 1 llrswiv.l-'ox ft f-F.NDEf.S 4 SHNFT. V-No 2 toS Mar..i; tre. At Perry Conn's, Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Always keep on handja choice line of all staple groceries. a well as a superior stock of crockery. -DIRK 1 HRK1) Silver .Laced Wyandotte eggs for sale by U O ooilwortn. YinH MtfNT.-T in rn:im rooontiv oertu I' niH litf J W aa boot and slioe shop. Ca I on L Yiereck. UUS, rcOS, l-.OOS. I U1B orru iiuvur lceit Wvandntta. Kans the AlHan7 Poultry anis. rrnm pen Jn. mi 2. si.x., nsr i;i: n.. no. per . B Plymouth Rookt, 75otlier 1.1. Jonn Rm.h. Albinv. Or. Cor 4th and K K tts G.CMOON. Su:ceor to I A Morr's. Flour and Feed Store ARUS M B jught and sold by Ii; F Merrill. Oppcil'.e Ruts House. Has ou hand a lull stock of Chiipcd F,Coivallia Flour, Bnn, Skorla, Oraham, Buckwheat, P.)e H- ui. Haj, Ost,8.raw, Potatoes, Appl.a, no. Ceim Mea The Best Sh?e FOR SAD FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will tjIv bptween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley rjoints via the Oregon and Sonthern I'acifc railroads, sal'infi with freight and pas- sen cers on or about tho fol- lowin 2 dates: From San Fran cisco on Monday, March 20, at G p m. t rom 1 equina: on Saturday March 31, at 0 a m. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, 12; Steerage, 89. Hound trip tickets, includ- inrr meals and berths, good C, Agents. Stn Fra.ici;cv. V. L. DOUGLAS I S3 SHOE & 85, 84 and 83.60 Dress Shos. 83.60 Police Shoo, 3 8crO( 82.69, 82 for Worklngmef 82 and 81.76 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSE . S3, 82.S0 82, $1.71 CATJTIOjr. If any ea1 ofTrra yon W. I.. Onnalaw - ahoee at ai rwltiwi ,rire. or sar ne nmm i win w OHI in. namo .1 m i-i j-i-i. Uia nounm.i-ni mm oowa Maisniua. W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are atvltsh, easy fittinfr, and glre better satisfaction at llic pricct advertised than anr other make. Try one pair and te con Tinccd. The atamping of W. L. Douslas name and price on the bottom, wt.ich ptiar-. ntrcs their ralue, savea thousands of dollars annually to those who wer.r llicm. Ucalera who push the enle of W. L. IHuKlaa Shoca Rain customers, which helps to Increase the s.ilcs on their full line of poods. Tto'T nn aftorit t lt nt l'.s I t-It, iUc4 TbatSw TcataIoua I. upon apillcatl-. W. a- IMJUUIMS. Ilrucktia, A,mm For sale byil, L !E BLAINICLOl HIN'Q CO I HIS li I HU KEcn. Aias Lf - -sai-