NOT TOO MUCH. I'NITV. When the union ends, republicans anil populists will be under the necessity of banting for ome other fault in the demo cratic majority than subservience to the president. Jv is already apparent mat no man elected as president ever had to meet as much opposition in the legislative branch of parly government. Harrison had cuckoos in nauseating abundance. Cullotn was an g:rtd over a few offices and Blaine smashed his hat in wrath at the foolishness of the Harrison, Reed and McKinley combine. But the White House ruled with patronage and discipline. Western republicans grum bled, but o'jeyed.. Campaign bargains were executed, though som9 congressmen and senators knew that the sentiments of their talcs were being outrageously defied. The protectionist section had Harrison, Harri son had the patronage, and the patronage held tho cuckoos in a mass. Ben Bu' .er worth was silenced by the promise that he would be token care of. He received his pay. John Anderson of Kansas, the real progenitor of populism in that state, swore he would ne'er consent, and consented. He was also provided for after his cuckooism lost him the support of his district. When we talk of cuckoos, He must turn back to the fif ly-first congress to find them In perfection. On the majority side of that congress there was not a Westerner who stood out for his people against the fulfilment of the contract Harrison and his managers had made with the mill own en and subsidy hunters. Colorado and No" vada did beat the force bill, but if their senators had not been extensive owners of silver mines, they would liave been force bill cuckoos as they were tariff cuckoos. It It is the duty of a legislator to do as he pleases, there are wore conscientious men on the democratic side in this con gress than have ever been seen ia Wash ington before at one time. Scarcely a dele" gatlon has followed the president, New York was with him on the silver question and takes another tack on the tariff. Vir ginia is with him on Hawaii and against him on silver. Alabama is against him on nearly everything. Louisiana Is divided in ft different way every time an issue comes up. Patronage never has counted for as little as it does now. There never was as little concession to the office of Chief Executive. And this, when the personal character of the president and his public motives are more generally admitted to be worthy of the highost respect than at any time since Washington retired. Republicans can make nothing but a boomerang of the charge that a democratic (.nMmA 1wtn ltifl"neprl tw wilw.. or obsequiousness. Whether for the better or the worse, democratic legislators have followed their own impulses. It was the fifty-first congress which had no mind but the mind of the cuckoo. 11 is a democrat's strength and tl'e dem ocratic party's only wenkness that there can never bo a master. The democrat will not wear a collar nor will he cut his politi cal clothes Imitatlvoly. Tho democratic party cannot depend upon a habit of obe dience, but must await agreement and ad justment. Nothing enn beat the democracy but it sometimes beats itself. Couldn't Mr Cleveland nnd nil the other democrats come to an understanding, an agreement, an adjustment of differences, without sacrificing too much of personal and local opinions? They have all cleared away most effectively any suspicion of sub serviency, since there has been no complete agreement from the Cleveland term's open ing a year ago until now. After n year's rivalry iu tho democratic virtue of independence, a few months' con tention for honors in solidifying the parly would not be distasteful to tho rank and lite.- St Louis Republic. In Germany they manage wife betters lth an artless severity that seems much more sensible and practicable than the Delaware whipping post fashion. Wnen a man is convicted ol beating bis wife, he Is allowed to continue Ms work, is looked alter by the police and arrested every Sat urday and locked up until Monday morning when he is again delivered to his employer. His wages are given to bis wife. If lie won't work, he is taken to jail, where he lias to work harder than outside. The moie one studies this plan the mote sensi ble it scents. .Senator Hansborough, ol North Dakot i preparing an amendment to tie tariff bll restoring the present a duty ol 6 per cents a valorem on refined sugar. He think he will receive the supportof all the rrpub llcans, ropullsta, and two Louisiana sens, tors, which would carry It in the senate by a majority cl one tote. reran c! inumron .or t atarrh that f sv,it..I:i .'it rcury, h r.i.T.i.rv Vill .ii.--' dcttwvr th. .ana. of srri-:; a:..l iwnplcli-'.'.;. 111? n :i-Ie nynlpm u lu-n rut. rinjE it t'irou;;h tl.o surfaces. fUtrli a.-iirlvn fin'iiiil ncT.T be m.i-d except on preHcrlj urn- uit.i ivpuuhlo plus, 'uns, a the riimaae lliry v.-MI do I t-.-n fnM In t!ie j-ood yon . 411 p.iil.:y .l-nve tri'm tl.elil. Itttt.'a t';il-irrh fiirr, lr tn.if t.-f.ire d by F. .1. I'lienrv A ro.. T'.lr.ln, i '.. i.'iiiairn nn men itv. anil f takca ttilirin!:y. jii lirv.-d-ret-lly upvn t'ii hl.-od m;d nim-nti-. i -f :-. .f t ht'Ttcm. In li'ivinv Kill's t'.tt.rrh t 'in.. ! sure you Ki't tlu- tri-iiuinc. It it t.ik.-n ti r:iTiv ant is r'ulr in 'I ...!.., Ohio, bv y. .1.1 lien, r A- i n, T.'.Iir-inni ii. free. I.1IR Stl.E ,-20 shares or AlhanT rlrr t'ie light atocA 1 lie boat dividend povinir stoos in this cits . Crq'ilre at tiis ollice. Retallition against Canada Is the purpose of a bill Introduced in the house by Chick ering ol New York. II provides that when ever the president shall be satisfied that the Canadians sre discriminating in the use of the Wei land canal or other canals in that country against the United States, be shall suspend by proclamation transportion across the United Srates. m bond and without payment of duties, by merchants importing and eipjrtlnj from any foreign country to Canida. The bill was referred tothe foreign comtrv to Canada. The bill was referred to the foreign affairs committee- There is a good deal of speculation as to the presidents probable action on the sdgn- orage bill. Th e free-coinage members of the home, Including Bland, it Is asserted says the selgnorage bill is merely Incident al to silver legislation, and that a free-coin' age bill will be reported to the house, wheth er the president signs the bill or not. It Is asserted in the treasury department that the president has so far made up his mind on the silver bill that he is disposed to sign it If be can convince himself that no business disturbance will result. g War to the ktlfe is to be declared by the Knights ol Labor against a score of brew eries in St Louis, controlled by an English syndicate, because of the management's re fusal to recognize union labor, A call has been Issued for a convention ol Knights a St Louis, April IS, to decide upon measure, for driving the product of the English syndicate breweries out of the market anj compcllog them to suspend. In a robbery case at Denver, counstl for the defense objected to one of the jury on the ground that he was a merae'er of the A P A. The challenged, and It was found that 11 out ot the is were memders pi that organization . The attorney asked that the coroner summon a now venire on the ground that the sheriff was prejudiced against the defendant because he wis a Catholic. That In a sound proposition in the Marion county Republican platform that two-thirds oi the people snouia not be taxed that one- tntra may ride tree on passes. Capital Journal. But how about your tariff system that taxes ninteen twentieth of the poople for the benefit oi the other twentieth. A FOOTHOLD for Consuuption U what you ire offer ing, if yotr blood is impuro. Con sumption ii simply Lung Scroiula. A scrofulous condi tion, with a slight cough or cold, is all that i; needs to develop it. But just as it depends uon the blood for ii) origin, so it depenls upon the blood for its cure. Th surest remedy foi Scrof ula in every form, tho most effective blood-cleanser, fle6li-ouildcr, and strength restorer that's known to medical science, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis cover?, for consumption in all its earlier stages, and for Weak Lungs, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung affec tions, that is tho only remedy so unfailing that it can be auaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. FORTMILLER S IRVING Undertakers - and - Knibaliners. c 1 TP K tEP ronslrniiy on hand a full line ol metalic. cloth and wood caskets at VV coffinaf Al tail robes and .fits, In broadcloth, ......calf. which will be old at Th .west Living Fronts. EMBALMING! nd the ppercre ' lhe de4d rcl,,tr- An Albany Jewelry Store Worth patronizing Is that ol Will 4 Stark. They carry the finest Uneof silverware, watches, clocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat isfactory prices are alwaya given for the auperlor quality of goods they keep In stock. Never bu' them. Star Baker j CorBrondalbln sod First St CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. Sever buy without calling cn Fresh Cabbage. Canlirlower. Celery. Onions. owsTfi Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Staadart. Th van Vs "As old" ea thchill3"nud never excell ed. " Tried nnd proven" ia tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Eegu . . Litor ia the ' p T fp o n 1 y Liver J-JdlU aIl,' Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and paroly veg ctililo, act ing diiocliy on the Liver n 11 d Kill- Try it. l.v nil i'nij'j'iKis m Li.jniil, or in rowilei1 to lie taken ill')- nnnaJointoa tea. The KIi.; i.r I.lvrr Medicines. "I li:m tii il .vitiirMtnnintiI.lviT Itritil llifn- nn, I ,vu, roiii.irtilloilv wiv It In ll.e liHK ..rail llvi r iiit-iht In.-n. I cun'tlilt-r It a iiutll.-nifcli".! ii llM-lf. Ufcu. V. JACX UN, Tubulin, Wushingum. -KvrjtiT i'ACKAac-a th g Stamp In red m wruppae. U. 11. IIVDE. Vf. II. BISDIXCEH. It. II. JAMES 1LBM FOfflTH CO, IBTCOPOBATBD RaUiniore Block, . Albany, Ore. FURNITURE coinpletelline of Soil sailed rrailai, U'suB ware. Dried Frollsi, Tobssceoi Magar, 'oflee, Eto Canned He, (taeenewstrsf Vegetables, Clgara Spice. Teat. Etc., fac everything that la kept In a gener variety and Ksocery store, Higheab market price paid lor AT. I. gTOTia vei DsriTiiiea WANTED At the store Allen Bros., formerly; owned BUTTER, EGGS, LiARD, BACON, and GHOIOE APPLES, I will pay the best cash pnef for which possible. B F RAMP? Wall Paper, Drugs, rnintu Oilx J. A. Ci' ir.min ALBANY, ORECO KO EXTRA CKARCL FOR HEARSE OR SERVICED, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf I MEAN BUSINESS. 1 j Will sell all crct.ikerv ware and holiday goous ai COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortti 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00. cupsnd saucers Z5 to iO cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything else iu proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl, J GKEATr REDUCE) PRICES MADE II Y SOUTHERN PACIFIC TOPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTEE FAIR NEW : FURNITURE, MY 8 TORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE,CONSISTINO ol bed room'seta. tcbain, lounges, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. The Oregon Jand Co Vlln its home office al SALEM- - - OBEGO...T me Gray Block, corner Liberty and .State street, branch rffice In Portlano A.KES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts near SaleroJ Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment long tims on balance or particulars. & LB ANY CIGAR FACTORY .J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, i IIP I-K - OIXG rilOTOGKAPHEKS, efi0n Cabinet photos from $1.50 to 4.00 per cozen. r.nlaiging pictures a pecialty. if2o crayon: iramed for $10.00. We carrv a large stock of sxS and sterescoplc Tiews of Or- UNDERTAKING in all its branolim. EMBALMING . , , r , 1,1 I in , fitr Dr 1 1 E Beers. Dr O. K Dee Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to dlsrasea women, llou-s 10 to u A M. 2 to a ad 7 to 8 P M. UrTices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Ljon anil r.lswrrtn. M m. Dr, l-nlferaonn allure Tht Noted ClslmtyMit fd Llf Rtmler, h now httr, ml fmn b found at her misirnce, nex dooi J B CouciU'a. tSha Irllt Umi all im'ctp. s prrwnt mk! tuturt: Iot tmuMtt, fttMnt IriciHtosUHl busiiitm. You cao h?r Ironi iuw d?d itokJi. Street Railway Time Card :tli I'latwr.,. I. jaorrt knit-. f,k., poon.' Q , k No wripne. ,,r harj work: a aooi ii ..Minn, 4.M VV V ll,rn" Tl Co I .ork tio to , Olumbus. Ohio. ' The car will leave corner of First and Washington streets as follows: 7:ao a m for Lebanon train. S:l5 " " Orphan's Home, u ;o " " Noo i train going north. 12:15 p m lor noon train going south, I " " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 ' " Orphans Uome. t 9:55 " " Overlar.d train going south. For Orphan's Home on bunuar car will leive at J :3o, 3 .:lj and 4 .31 p m lhe car will alio meet all Incom rre I naid w('!r: Permanent rositwa. FHOWX trains on the Oregon Pacific railroad iIkO"1. I'O.,' Xarserjmen, Tortianil' Ore- V, J Ut RKHART. gon DRUGS Stationery, Toilot Articles, Musica Instruments, Etc. Hodies k McFarlanQ, The; Cornet DrugStorr,". Albany,oi; notice: of final settlement NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CN. dertlrned ulmlniitmrlx of Hi est1 ol JohnOriham, deci4?j( hu fllftl tn th oifice of the clerk of th County Court of Linn count r. Or, her ftnal tccoant and that tald court hM appointed th 10th day tt Marrh, l$SH, at th hour of 10 o'clock a m of nid dar. a th:time lor beftrin all objection, if any, to said flaal aceouat, and for the ettlen)ent of nid e at. DatMthitMhdayof Fbniar. H H Hewitt, Eliuutu OamtAV, Attorney for Adm. Adminutratrl FOR EXCHANGE. We hare 50acresofrery surbtir- ban land, suitable for plating, sdjoiniog the city limits of I'urtland which we ro cirer irjg at the low price of one thousand dollars per sere, sunject to an incumbrance of $1G, 000, most all of whiphlbas two veara to run. The equity of $.13,000, we will exchange for mpiovea iarm jana in me Hlamette val ley. We will also exchsnge equity in tome very central prospective burinesa property, paying cood rental, for ooincumbered farm land. If yon are on the trade write for full particulars tn Long & Ct'RRiK, 131 31 street Portland Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -70TICE IS HEREBY C1IVEN THAT TUB I'M i.1 dcrvikned Executor of the last win an 1 t eta ment of Andrrw Khb, dx'eae-l. h filed her fln suxv unt in th cstat of An-irtw Itohb, deaod with the county clerk ol Linn county, oreiron and that tho countF court of id Unn untv, h flTtHl the l'Hli dar of Urch. 17H,"tth hour of 10 o'clock tn th forenoon of raid -lav, and ths eountr (vurt houae a the plaoe. f.w tis hrirm of objection It any to taid final a-cv-unt and the fettlement of aid eUt. Pited Frhnuay iiht n II ll'wirr Jisp. R Roi Atty hr hktcatnx. tie.-utnx. WANTKD Tiiiirtf Canvaaer of Koo,l drp. Lbral salarv and eTien. T. C.JlAt KKY, n.U., Physician and Surgeon, OWce-Ufstalrs OT.r tlx Batik ot Orrirno. RnidsDre. corntr 10th and Calapoola stj AGENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen ut- -sll ever rnrented. Retails tor thirty-five cents. Two to six can be sold in evert house. Millions sold in this COuntrw 1im. Don-t miss the greatest opportunity ever . "ui.cT.casi.ranaqulclclr. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cents McMakis ii Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 87 Liisn Washer, III I btK raiii to I adieu ir aniiiionisto HAll thtt Hinlil in two minute without welting th. " " xp",nct neeessart: ki1 at JiKht, rnnnent rr.iiion. Adilrs v n.en to n jke i 1 1 no w ek sol I. nit our Home Kl-ttric Motr Kim. Tw. insmaehinw. rrinilng rrewe.. i nmra .-. Everybody b..iy?tl..m. StV.",' watf. Adlrf tv p u i . 'a Clerk So 14, Cnlumbm, Ohio. 1 ' ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS . Albany to San Frcnctseo $20.00 Including FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAIR EXCURSION TRIPS. From San Francisco to ol her points la Ualifornia will be allowed purchasers of special Mid inter Fair tickets at the fol lowing round trip rates To stations under 150 miles from San Francisco, one and one-third one way fare. To stations 150 miles or more from Ran Francisco, one and one-filth one way fare. , For exact dates and full particulars, In quire of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undci signed. Rich'd Gray, T H Goodmak. uen iramc Man. uen rasuenger Agt, San Frarrisco, Cal. E P Rogers. Asst fi F & P aaent. Vort. land Or. X3Ei. SAWDEM'3 ELECTRIC BELT 5 WITH ElECTiiO. MAGNETIC BEST -li v.Ji IMPSOVEMENTS. SUSPENSORY (Till f-nra WlthBt MHktBo all sVmtsxn mnHIae f-v rtftikMnu of bmll, ncrie (ofn,ctrin or lofiisrrtlinu -ciusil exi.s, lit lion, drniBB, lassf, litrioti drhllltr. slon. r, ii.?iiiD.itlra, kMufj, iivrr (inj ll(,ddr s hnrk. lunilnro. iriuLrsi. rmnri III ).ift. li other.1, suil flive. a enrr-nt that U laituDilr fell br tht rcr or o rorlelt sTjjhlf). stmi , fr(l t of the ato iVt mn'1' 1''ll,u,l" ltve Lcin eurrd by lliti r 1t h'JLlrcdt oris(inionic.U In lliU kud 'vtrj of ,, sUla (ur pr;u r.fltmni H.HIKIt KIMfcNflOKY. tht CfM.,ibcoa,TPPoT( ,A wfttmcn lilFntllll 1LL!IKI1 HmJtFt Sllld ViiYirnTi. itrai.rHt.aj 1u.iff.t11.- . .. i 8nd ftjr lllunr.te J I'sinii hlcu, ma.llr-'t, srilrd, ft. AUtlriit) DISSOLUflOH KPTICF. Ti:e partnership h-rrt.ifort) cxistlrg a doing a hlackMnithing hmineKS sinilrr fcs name otLiamer & Ku-vnian i disanlved Jr mutual consent iii day. All ciaima dos th hrm ,r owins ly it win .e sittled by the old tirm at the s.Vp on r-'ecord slreet between F.ny ami VahiiiKtou. Mr Cramer retires and Mr Bowman nlll coo tinnc.ther.iusitets. Kebrnary 1, 1894. Cramkr & toWMAN. saTblo Laxatiro and Nrava T.irra Boid hj vtrni(rristsorent by mall. gjoXi. oS 11.00 per packaeg. Pamplea IrooT TJA WO .ne Favorite. TOWS KW MXyJ for tbe Teeth and ilreaUmtia. Qt'?.??,'?rT- CAA,8an CIe(ro,Qali !5H.!J "Shjloh 's Catarrh Kemedr la th. 33 medicine I have ever Sound that would do m tuvgood." Price BO eta. Sold by CrtiggW. shiloh-s cure; ' OnrAT CotroH ctrn, promptly etssjl Whcreall others fall. For Consumption It hS So rrral; has cured thousands, and wl 11 crnx TOD.lf tatealntlme. rrUaUcts.sga.ll.( 5 TO 20 DOLLARS PER DAY Easily Made. e want many men, wenten, boys, and airls work tv,ra a few boors dalir, rijht Inandarrii tlwirown horcm. XI10 bonnets it easy, plcaifiit "trlcllyhoiorablf. and pnvs better than anyothtf offered agents. You have a clear flejl lid MmnetlMon. Eiperlonee ad special ability or. necessary. No ranlml rerjulred. We eqalp roa with rrrrytliln lliat yon need, treat Too wdi anii help yen to ern ten t!nM erunary war- ""omen do as well . men. atMl htvrm and a;f make good r,r. An, f can do t!r-. ork. A 11 wfco foUow our plain a nd lip ?'e direarteo". E.lrnr,t rrork will rarely kriw. yoa a areat denl of mm. Fvu-rtHM f nev and in treat demand. tVrlt. fcr our pamp-k circular, and receive fall Ic.ormatloe. No harr dne If yoo To&clude no I. 40 oa With tl' hmiseas. CEO'SCE Stinson & Co. Box 488, PORTLAND, MAIMS, i