Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 24, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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. 1
NO 27'
KacKim.- Gfjuah
w nji
Cured Ijy Ayor's Cl.orry Pectoral.
Mrs. V. 1). Hall, 217 (ieiicasee ot.,
Loclqx.rt, K. Y., nays :
"Orrr thirty yi-nri i-jn, I remember
liearin . my fattier ilv.riit i!m wnndir
ful cimiiirn i-H'cit Ayer's Cherry
I'ectonil. During n ie:,nt mtu'cU of I.a
Grippe whii li nsiiiie.1 tlio f..rin of a
cutim-iifSoi-oiirsbof the loiiKH.uci-om-paniel
liy du ncg.nvuiln;; coiikIi, I
' used ViirimisrcmcdicHand proscriptions.
AAUiilo some of these medicines partially
alleviated the coughing during the duy,
none of them afforded ine any relief from
that spir-lnodie action of the limits which
would seize me (he moment I attempted
toliodnwnat. nisht. After ten or twelve
such nights, 1 vns
Nearly in Despair,
and had ulioitt decided to sit up all nlht
in my easy chair, &m procure what
alccp I could In that way. '"it then oc
curred to mo that I had a bottle of
r Acer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
.r-ffoonful of thin preparation in a little
tvfftc-r, and was able to He down without
coughing. In n few momeuts, 1 fell
asleep, and awoke in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoonful of tin Pec
toral every night for a week, then grad
ually decreased the dose, and In two
weeks my cough' was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Hrpared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Musi.
Promptto act, cure to euro
Sicr.cUio American
Afjcnoy for
TRAie marks,
For1ifriatienil free Hnmlbonk write tn
OUIcpL burr.u for ttueiiiiiiir pateDtA In America.
Kvery imt-nt taken enf tty im is brmiirlit liei'or.
thf puttiic baDut)cesren lreool clu.rgo In tli.
Mcutific tncnnm
TArrert circulation of ny wientlflc piper In tn
world. SplMicltdlr tHastrftMtL Sf tDtelU'rrnl
nan ihotild be wtlhou IU Weekly, I
tew: tl.'JMtx n.unrli". A trtn.'".' M I N ''Ot
Puwas'itUd. at' Uit.1 ksw vorL Oty.
FOR HKM' Th'i oor bou store,
S'wi:(1iI lorniton. Ca 1 on the
ftocretary n' tho Iiuucoat ofllcelorpai
for Infants
THIRTY t? oTnarration ot Ca.torU irith tbo paranarA ot
allUan. ef pr.m., permit n. to .p.alt f It wlthont gnM.L.r.
I 1. mma.iaimi.HT th. Tc.t resady for Infant, and Ch II dreg
4t.f warlJ ha. orer known. It harm!.... CUldr.n I. T
' etT ha n 1th. It will tare tlielr IIto.. In It Mothar. nT
i gnatMaK whl-'i t. -twlMelT f n-l Traetleallr mrtme .
' TJ'. i.dlctmi.
CaaiorU jlrtriT Worm..
Caatarla allay. rTrlanei
Caatarla. pryyent. Temltbiy Son? Cnri.
CnajorU mir TMajTlima nni WlnJ CoUa.
Cajtorla r.Urr.. T thing TronM...
Cartoria cnl'Q. Con.tlpatlon nnd Flatulency.
Oaitrtn a.ntrJlM. erToct- of ortonto oH pofaonan. ato.
Crarl Jo, not contata aurrpM... or'nm. r otn r -areetle prp.rtT,
Cfrtorin ..linilt.. the fooJ. Tgnlt.. ih .tomacl. nnA Wyfo
rlTtn hwalthy nnd natnral ttrp.
Cefl 1. ynt np n-fa tottle. only T "M )n tn"5?
Jf4m- nllew any on. to ..11 yonnnythjntr " " Vrom,iS
patUI.-Jn.f- ff..''ndwlUn.n-r wy pnrpo.."
Bee thnt yen g.t C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Children Cry fcr
Cotlk ilio method trad results n-Ler
Syrup of Figs in taken; It is pleasant
find refreshing to Jie tato, nud acts
Ktnily yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem eflectua'Jy, dispels colds, head
aches ard fevers nnd cures habitual
tJiistipation. Syrup of Fi'trs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
dt'.ced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ccptsilile to tho stomach, prompt in
i'3 action and truly beneficial in its
tlfects, prepared only frcru tha most
licalthy and agreeable substances, its
.umy excellent qunlities commend it
t' till end havo wado it the most
j ..pillar rcmefly known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50c
arid SI bottles by nil lcatlg drug
gists. Any reliable drujnrist who
t .ay j;ot havo it on hand will pro it p.rmiptly for any roe who
iviihes to try it, l)o not arctpt any
san fha:icisco, cal,
wjiaviLt-, nr. roK. .t.
J F "FCBB. Evangelist,
"f D-'l-Mwini. Inw-, urider d..te of
;March 23. 1893:
Mki. Mfts Co.,
Dtifnr, Orecon.
Oi arriviut; himc l;.t wrtA, 1 fnndall
iii, e-ht aud ouc-h-li V'--f oi.i, U tixu
wa tod tKWAY to 38 i;;.I(t in i-W well,
ifiitnn; nn-.l viyriMi-, vutl wi;!t flft-hfed up.
S. IS, Cough I' urn li 'tii-utj its wak well.
1J.M.11 (.1 !o flllaifi lif it. Yodt S B.
v'outjh Caie han cured im! kept awiy U
.i4:iis; n'! fmiu tn-. Si yiv it to every
i'tp, vic -'.i'i i; f.r Wihiug yoa
i t-c ; 1
r. k Mk J F Kobd.
if you wiwh to fee! inurt ami cheerful, anil rerly
Ir ihuSnnn' work, cie.iivw your nyitviu with the
Hc!i.Ju.:lie ami l,i js C'urj, by taking tro or tlire
H cititH fir boHhi by all dnii;,-jit.
4 fyj.l ui.!i:ia jMisitltVj.fjuanujtoe by
and Children.
Pitcher's Casterla.
Tlie county convention of tha demo
cratic party ot Linn county, Oregon,
will be held at the Court House in Al
bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1894,
at 10 o'clock a in to nominate candidates
for county officers; to elect delegates to
the democratic state convention, and to
transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
Primary meetings will be held at the
usual place of voting In the several vot
ing precincts oi said county on Saturday,
March 31st, 1S94, at two o'clock p in. By
a unanimous vote of the county central
committee it wa9 recommended that the
viva voce system of voting!!) adopted by
the next convention so fur , it ,a
ply to the nomination of candidates,
llie several precincts are entitled to
delegates as follows:
Albany ft
Center ""!!!)
t.'rawtordsville .4
Ka9t Albany '...!!!
Franklin Uutte ' 4
f ox alley 2
naisey -
Jordan ;
rorth Itrownsville R
North ilarrisburg 6
. on 11 1 -e oanon f;
Orleans , 2
Price 7
Uoek Creek g
Snnt'mm 5
Scio 4
Shedd 4
Sheluuru 4
Sodaville 3
South Brownsville 4
South Harrieburg 4
South Lebanon 6
Sweet Home 5
Syracuse 3
Tangent 5
Waterloo 3
West Albany G
Total 123
All voters in sail Linn county with
out egard to former political affiliations
who favor an honest economical, admin
istration of county, state and national
governments, so as to conserve the in
terests of the masses as against trusts
and monopolies, are cordially Invited to
join in taking part in these conventions.
Geo W Whigiit, Mart Mh.lkr.
Secretary. Chairman Pro Tern.
The Bent ofKrnvon.
tera are popular
on to cure.
that tliey may be relied
i. Lame back, sciatica,
llffn'ss or
twitching of the muscles.
2. Chest troubles, such a plrurj-j pneu-
3. Indigestion, dyspepsto, jtinesR
kidney compinl'it.
The Hiiccess, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Pornus PlustT has
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on every htnd. The onlj
sure cure is to get the genuine Alicock's
rorout riasters.
Brandreth'a Pills improve the digestion.
Portland, Scramento, Los Antjeles
StocKton and Salem have the came insur
ance rates. Albany, Qr, Butte and Helena.
Montana, Salt Lake Oil v. Taco.n. and
Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have
the same rates.
To prcerve a youthful appearance an
long as possible. It t. InclspensaOle that the
hair should retain P. natural eo?or and
ri'trss". There 1. no preparation fo
sfX;ctive a Ayre' Hair VI nor.
it pieVRnt t baldness, and keep the sca.p
clean, cool, and healthy.
Elderly people rememoer their sprin
bitters with a shudder. The present een-
eratlon have much to be thankful for, not
the least oi thetr niessings Deing hucu a
pleasant nnd thoroughly effective spring
medicine as Avc't Harsparilia. Jtisa
A l.lnl CnJu,
Tu P!?ant ft actinl ami
soothing elf act o 'yru? 't Ki r. when in
need of . iaxit've, rnd if the fa'her or
mother he cstlve or bihoU3, the n.oat
gratifying rcsuUn foilow im use; so that it
Is the'besl f.imllv reinedv knnwn and
rr f t u!lv "hiuld hsvp a bottle.
lyspepti, tcrjj ! ilrjr, Jfllow sklu or kid
ney trouble, it l. uaruntd to.givn yon
sti.!.tion. Price 75i. SiiJby Foshay St
There i no claitn for Aver'.
Sarsapari la whlchcan iot bo endorsed by
scores of testimonials. This fact plainly
prove, that the blood Is the source of mottt
.UorJers and that Aver's Sarsapltilla I.
the best of b:o d purifiers. Try it this
Br using Hall's Hair Renewer, gry.
fadeJ or discolored hair assume, the nau
rl' olor of vouth, and giow. luxuriant
and strong, pleading everybody.
Wooden, Tln,
Silver, Goldet.?
Common every day.
Al'nar ftarhel.
0?l.t 25
1 nn r. '"
'i;i-r. 'i.1;
K.-.r' 1.V
!..l l, "1 l"
Park hi'.v 1
.1 . I' till:
-!t I '
!:. . I
if 1 .. !
.'tried r
I !er,0 tj;if.o( ,
9 s.
Tbcfttadeata Biol. .
Bcdi-PkstiIs March 23. The excite
ment orer lui nihi' riots has noc ytt
subsidtd. The students declare that they
will reiiat any attempt to open places of
amuseuent during the period of mourning
for Kmsuth. The police are preparing to
prevent further disturbance. Tho major
ity of the police svnipathize with the
student, and will make only a nominal
resist a ice. About 20 persons were injured
in last sight's rioting, none seriously.
A Partus Murder.
Sax Fiukcisco, March 23. A man went
into tbi branch bank of the ban Kroncipco
Savini Union, which is situated at the
corner of Market and Polk streets, about
9:30 this morning. He presented n writ
ten demand for monoy to Cashier William
A llerrick. The demand was refused,
whereupon tho desperado murdered the
cashier and fled, but was captured a few
blocks sway.
Gold DUcove y In I'luh.
Salt Lakk. March 23 The excitement
over the new pold discoveries Is running
lI''h In tho little town of Lehi. Utah, about
3u wiles south of this city. The discover
ies ware made a few days ago The ore is
a pink slate and lays In stratified veins.
The belt has been traced for two miles.
It is over 30 feet hi thickness nnd assays
about fe'20 in gold to the ton.
Baker City Itctrrnrhlug
Baker City, March 23 At the citv
council meeting it wug decided to reduce
me expenses of operating all departments
of the city government. Alt salaries must
submit to a cut of 35 per cent. The arc
lights for the streets will bo dispensed with
entirely. This was deemed imnerative. be
cause 'of the large floating debt now hang
ing over the city, to say nothing of 8o0-
uw ot bonded indebtedness, for the pay
ment of which preparations must be- made,
EitMtcrn Weal lie r
Omaha, Neb, March 23 Tho great
B'orm that bag been prevailing over the
Middle West has entirely abated, and the
sun is shining brightly, with no wind. The
Union Pacific and Burlington lines are
now open between Omaha nnd Chpvenne.
Twenty eight carloads of people who have
been snowbound on the Union PuciHc
reached here today. Four train had been
consolidated, ana ne passengers were
Ironi 10 to 3G hours Me.
Oregon Beaten
San FllAxciHCo. March 93.ThA uoo.
ond of the series of liugby football games
was p ayed today at tha fair grounds. The
conteatants were ihe Oregon and British
uoiumbia teams. It resulted in a victory
for the Umish Columbians, who won by
the noi:r way
Cotnmendi Itaelf to the well formed, to do
p'eas.intly nnd ett.ictual'y what was form
er y done in the crudest manner and dis
agreeably as well. To cleanse the system
and breitk upcoui-i, headaches anc fevers
without uiiplranat after effects, use the
delightful llqui.. Ir.xaHve remedy, Kyrup of
United ;ia'eti Land O.fice Orogou CUy,
Ureijon, March loih, 1S94.
Notice Is hereby piven that the aproved
nUt of survey ol to-.vnt.hlp, 13 south,
ranue 10 west, has bten received from
the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on
April 23. 1S91, at 2 oVhiek a m of said
dav said plat will be Hied In this office
and the land therein embraced wil.1 be
subject to entry on and after said date.
R-HEK r A Mii.lrr 1'rthi Paqi:t.
R(ils:e:. Ketetver.
Xkw LuunsR Yard. The undersigned
i prepared to s'ipply all customers with
all kindi ol lumber, drain tiling, cedar
post., flour aud ff'd -m T.he mot favor
bMh terms.
K O rowan Shedd.
tkI (,r ap
o ntuni
,-1 I .'Hife
P-. ':i'-W
.r : ;lit l.o pleancfl tc
;! to cure in ul itJ
itir.i. ll;tllii Cilyrrn
i-tifn koov. n to the iiit-t!-1
li intr actiuntitutional
,r :rn t ti:it tj- r.j i:. ; t W
that cunrj 1 . . I.-- .
8taKi'. Kift t':: H .
di.rnse. rciiufrci a cm. truatmen;.
If tilt's Oat.trrh n-o N t iken InU-rnally, octine
directly upon ti(u bUf ami mucous nurfdcMi of
the yteni, i:ur'.lv (! rovinji the foundstiori
OI me anea-M-, ani Rivinv me patieni. irenu;u
by bulfitinajnp the constitution and assisting
aalure In doinK lt work. The proprietors n.vo
uA much fsilh In Its cnratlve powers, that thef
offer One Hon-trM Dollars for any case that 1.
falls to cure. Bend for list ot testimonials.
(Wrens, F, J. CIIF.NET S CO., Toledo.a
3- Sol ,sr Dross)- ,Se-
The war to Jo it ist'aii; yo ir wash
ing to the Chinamen, lfyoj want you
work ws'l I '!! at llvi.i pric ss ' ike It
Richard , P.illl'p'- Stea-n Liundr
Thry know boat wlthoit banging th;
round irK-'i'.
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
Highest of &H in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Notice Is hereby given that on the 31st
day of -March, 1894, between the hours
of 1 o'clock p m and 7 o'clock p m, of
said day, a primary election will be held
in West Albany, Albany, and East Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, ior the
purpose of electing delegates to the Dem
ocratic County convention, to be held at
Albany .Oregon, April 4, 1894. The poll
ing place in West Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
house in said West Albany precinct and
(i W Cline, I P GalHraith.and Wm Rum-
nauKti are the judges ol eucu election.
The polling place in Albany precint will
be the treasurers omceat tne court house
n said Albanr precinct and the ludges
of such election will be Mose Sternburg,
Uliver uushnell ana l. n Aiontanye. ihe
polling place in .ast Albany precinct
will he at the office ot the Farmere ware
house in said East Albany precinct and
K. lj Burkhart, 1 V Dickey ana John
Isom Sr will be the judges of such elec
tion. . The number of delegates to be
elected at such primary election is as
follows: in west Aioany precinct u, in
Albany precinct 9, and in East Albany
precinct u,
luteu me zzou aay oi aiarcn, isut.
Mart Mii.i.kk.
Gko. W. Wkioiit, Chairman Demo-
Kecretary. cratic County Central
rnouiniTion prtv coixtv
The County Convention of the Prohi
bition party for Linn county will convene
at the Court House on ba'urday, April
14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur
pose of nominating a county ticket and
ftU)SA9 utr 8f J.Vf ?K?iiier bU5lnes8 as may
All prohibitionist of Ilnn county who
voted the prohibition party ticket In 189a
and who intend t support the same In
th. ensuing election will be entitled to
seats as delegates In the convention.
Every prohibitionist In Linn county is
earnestly and cordially invited to attend.
T P Hackleman, chairman of Linn
County Central Committee
Some people begrudge the little money
that an Alicock's Porous Plaster costc, ard
then when they re racked with pain ftom
the soreness arising from a cold, they will
spend any amount cf money to relieve the
pain. If they o'nly had one of these wrrld w net t nlasters on hand thev would be
saved a vast amount of suffering and be
considerably He her. At the limi, lgn of
btlfTnes of the jointt applv one af these
plasters wltt.nut any delay. The soreness
will be greatly relieved U o-ce and soon
-disappear entirely. It will Le money
saved 10 have them on hand, to sax noth
ing uf the comt jrt they bring.
1Kn't Of course you fee
like It some times; but there Is rothlng In
It. Sltnplv 'earn a leson, and the next
tin e go to Pa--1 er IJtoa for your mo.-trio-,
produe (-.'id baked goods No one
ever ejaculmts profanely after leaving
their tore, for no, onlv are the le! gro
ceries In the .ntrket fold; but everybody
from a child )an old gentleman. 1 treat
ed courlenuslv. Tl.elr baked goods In
large variety, fire mp?rior and poputur,
If you wunld keep In good humor
the world alwivstry Parker Bros.
Tldn or grav hair and bald hfnos. so
dinnlc.shig ir many people as maitsnf
aae. riav he vi;rted for a Im4 Mme by
I UKiiu Hall's r. ulr Renewer.
Vol all ileran'temcn's of the throat and
lungs. Ayer'. C'h.-rry Pcci.ral Is the spee.l
test wnd most reliable remedy. Rven in
the advanced s aires of Consumption, this
wonderful prr iratlon afford, great relief
checks coughl,. and Induces sleep.
When Baby was -lea. -n far. her CMtorla.
rvben she wua "MM, she cried for Cautorta.
WUen die becan ' Ml-n, tho clung to Castor! ),
Wbcn die had C . Idrrn, slie aarothera Caatorla
Paiker Kros, grooera.
.M.French kovp. railroad tim.
Buy yoar groceries of Parker Hro.
Fiae ro3ries at Cona's.
Is'dw oroain oheese juat received at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doc.
first class work.
Smoke the oelehrated Havana tilled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph'.,
Dr M H B!Iii, physician and surgeon
Alhany, Ore-ia. Clls ml 1. li oity'tr
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion cf t.'nd
Liver , Oil. The difTci'.i.ce
between the oil, in its j.Jin
state, is very apparent, in
COlt'S EliiSsiO!!
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is r.o after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
Conatl (JuHtt Dromutlv cure.
where all others fail. Couch., Croup, lor.
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooiilnff Cough ana
Asthma. For Consumption Jt has no rival:
ha. cured thousanda, and will CURS TOD If
taken la time. tW'V by DniituH'i on a guar
antee. ior n Jjnino tiara r t,n.-m- uo.
. I
This rrmoilrlflvuaran-
teoU tocuieyou l'ricciJcu. Inioctorfree.
Red CrownMiils
1 I .'. lMM!K tl'?tr.Nriltr IOK s'MIMI
r.s': 'i'
i. r u agists ana bun k diets,
aei Ui for John R. Aldr purl If. lioca
uleh wall at paWfhf r'-i r-rW (t
S.M UKtr-O
I I l IKI t-1 hiil l JMf
M. .rfkFarJiuu!j
-:- ncai tR in -
Harness - and -Saddler y,
in the B331
! '
1 1 illinium .l-iVMlJrl-frr,-nl:a7rg'
. T 1
40 lc-
:s t!ie iiianaara.